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SChalice ago

"no one is really innocent"

Nice way to endear your users. downvoted

tehlolman ago

VOATs credibility is already gone. I don't come here to discuss with people. I don't come here to read about people's diverse opinions on multiple subjects. No. This site is good for one thing and one thing only:

Sucking Trumps Dick.

()()::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::D ~ ~ ~

Now go ahead retards! Call me a leftist. Fuckin braindead imbeciles.

JustGuessing ago

Hurting me yo, some subverses work completely off non archiving logics(v/diaries). Love a challenge though, even though this challenge seems Reddity. Step on my toes any harder though you may break them…

Jixijenga ago

You know exactly what I'm referencing.

Then reference it.

You've had conversations with me about it in the past.

Actually I've had to deal with you screaming in an autistic fit and it clogged up my notifications.

nor am I going to autisticly scour your post history just to find out in the end that you deleted the post I'm looking for.

I left it up for a reason, I'm finding it right now but again somebody is screeching at me across the site so I keep getting interrupted. Gee, I wonder who's doing that.

EDIT: I'll reference my other post here where I shut you down.

Not once have I called for his impeachment. I said if it is necessary then it needs to happen, because shitheads like you who can't go five minutes without ardently worshiping somebody would throw a fit.

Key word though. If.



If it's necessary.

Nowhere have I said that it is necessary. This is why you don't deserve respect or an argument, you stupid, shilling faggot.

I'll quote the really relevant part again:

This is why you don't deserve respect or an argument, you stupid, shilling faggot.

Jixijenga ago

You mean your SCP farm?

I could not care less if my points there count elsewhere.

Where you disable people from downvoating you?

I disabled it because I knew you were coming to mass downvoat me. You and people like you are the reason why I bumped the CCP limit up from 0 to 50 to 100. You are literally proving my point right now and demonstrating the reason why I have that limit. Slow clap.

You don't care about free speech, you care about having your safe space.

I have called it a hugbox many times, so no I don't want you downvoating everything so my stories get buried you butthurt ctrl-right SJW. I wouldn't have bothered if I knew you wouldn't angrily screech about the same shit over and over and over and tag me all over the site and send me private messages.

This Jixijenga faggot is a grade A shill who calls for impeaching Trump

No, you're the shill and provide proof that I called for impeaching Trump. Go ahead, bitch. I'll wait.

EDIT: Too late, shit-for-brains. Here's a link to the post where I tracked it all down and prove you wrong. Nice attempt at virtue signalling though, you ctrl-right nancy fuck.

He's just here to stir shit and troll people

You've accused me of this several times but most of my submissions are at my "SCP farm" (whopping twenty points from that by the way) and I routinely focus on just that because it's my primary reason for being here.

of course he would be upset if we actually did something to make this a stronger website.

Hmm. Let's see. Platform for free speech deleting people's posts for arbitrary, bullshit reasons... hmm, sounds like another site we're all familiar with.

Yeah, let's totally be like reddit. Bravo, dumbass. Are you sure you're on the right site?

eu9k ago

If you had banned downvoting like I suggested 2 years ago, that would have solved half your problem in one click.

If you dont like someones comments simply block them. If that poster is that bad them most other people will block them also.

I think some people should be given some sort of protection from brigaders using underhanded ways to mass downvote a users entire post history simply becuase they disagreed with them on one occasion.

As for.the vote farming.. ill.leave that you as I dont have anything more to add to it.

fooobyfeet ago

anyone with five days exprience on voat will the sites motto of "have your say" is like saying Hitler did nothing wrong.

can you imagine a hillary a supporter on here?

lol @ protecting the integrity of voat, did it even ever have it? i think i could sit can coment nigger nigger nigger and get more upvoats than if i said hillar y hillary hillary.....

ignoring the real community, you will fail... the protectvoat crowd are a cancer on to voat, you fail if follow there pseudo intellectualism.

im not in their clique group, cabal per say... there fore im not allowed to a permant username. nor do i want to be....

YOU KNOW what @puttitout .... why ist other can even see others comments.... it would make sense to me to not allow that if you want to get rid of brigading...

oh yeah you want more idea and thought, i charge 100 dollars per word

eu9k ago

What the fuck are you talking about? Did you even read my post?

read the first line again....

"If you had banned downvoting like I suggested 2 years ago"

fooobyfeet ago

i am never incorrect fuckface

eu9k ago

You ARE incorrect fuckface.

fooobyfeet ago

you are INCOREECT fuckface

eu9k ago

fuck off, fuckface.

fooobyfeet ago

finger in the face you are the fuckface, im am perfect ...

im am correct, you are WRONG

eu9k ago


fooobyfeet ago


eu9k ago

Jesus fucking christ dude! WTF?

fooobyfeet ago

WTFBBS why you hate gays and lesbians??? do you have no shame?

eu9k ago

lol, maybe you have mis-interpreted one of my posts or some shit. I don't hate gays or lesbians...

fooobyfeet ago

lol, maybe you have mis-interpreted one of my posts or some shit. I don't hate gays or lesbians..

im pretty sure you do because i identify as a gay lesbian, an your comments offend me therefore you are HATEFUL

fooobyfeet ago

i am always correct, in this case... im correct..... its healthy to admit faults, DO IT

fooobyfeet ago

yup... i purposely tried to get my account brigaded this past week weekend... was up 300 next morning -200

aint that something???? gud job at nothing @puttitout

remove voting from comments now, year + users are in agreement.

n0mar ago

Not a fan of this though:


The number of votes you can place is tied to your comment contribution points.

You are currently limited to 10 votes per 24 hours.

Every time someone upvotes one of your comments, you gain 1 comment contribution point.

You currently have 5 comment contribution points.

Tip: a good way to earn more contribution points is to take part in discussions or say hi in v/introductions.

This requirement was established as a measure to encourage new members to get involved and participate in discussions.

Not all of us can contribute to a conversation, especially if the thread is somewhat old (give this an example, too) and all statements have already been said. Putting a 10 vote limit in 24 hours just makes it discouraging. The only reason I'm commenting this, is this is all I can do. Maybe cut it down to 12 hours, or 20 votes. It's a bit harsh in my opinion.

Scine ago

Fucking love you goat bastards.

TheSwanckConstant ago

Keep up the good work. Reddit has become an astroturf cesspool after the 2016 election. With careful design, hopefully Voat can be more resilient.

wol ago

I think its dumb I can't downvote stuff I don't like because a comment point is low but my points are high or some other nonsense.

InMannyWeTrust ago

Anyone else having issues with Twitter/Reddit? (10:00am est)

n_word ago

Hows about you stop purporting to to be about free-speech, & stop censoring comments that don't agree with your world view. You are not an alternative, just another bunch of money-hungry fucks jumping on an opportunity.

Shame on you.

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BentAxel ago

Thank you @PuttItOut

8047913? ago

Awesome! Seeing some of this stuff over on /v/pizzagate

fuck those moderators on that place, they should be wiped clean and Gracie and Titus Frost should be the mods lol

8047786? ago

You don't get SCP upvoting submissions do you? Because if you do... GUILTY. I upvote a lot of comments in several news subverses and v/museum. (I LOVE THAT SUBVERSE.)

I actually don't do anything for the points except for when I joined and you go to v/welcome. I don't downvote often but when I do... well I do.

So, why are people collecting SCP/CCP? I think I just lost a ton of SCP but I am not even sure because honestly I just don't understand why people want it so bad and don't look at the numbers closely. But I seem to remember my SCP being around 14k and no doubt that came from a lot of posting to v/medicalresearch which I wish others liked enough to post in.

It's true, I barely understand SCP and CCP.

smokratez ago

None of the accounts that brigaded me for 5000 points got banned. I said you are srs. This proves it.

smokenofire ago

You weren't being "brigaded", you were simply gathering well-deserved downvotes for being a stupid prick.

NinjaPoolboy ago

Defined "brigading."

8040949? ago

Would you say that Voat manipulation really grinds your gears?

fphareabunchoffats ago

Look into FPH's brigading tactics if you're serious about stopping the problem. If a subreddit is going to be public and endorsed by the website itself, in the advertising box, at least have the kahunas to stop them from using brigades to prevent people from arguing any sort of point. I don't care if people ban me from that pathetic corner of Voat, but they shouldn't be able to use downvoats to silence me based solely on disagreement.

8054974? ago

They haven't been endorsed, they have simply shelled out the money to buy the ad.

elitesoulja1337 ago

Keep it real my nigga

Sheilaaliens ago

So they take the time to make multiple different voat accounts and then nurture those accounts so that they are at 100+ CCP so they can then downvote 10 at a time per account? Who the fuck has the time for this shit? Then again, it's probably easy to get the comment points in some of the lamer subverses. GET 'EM, SHURRIFF!

DammitMoonMoon ago

Some people seem to work reddit and voat like it's their job and they are getting paid for it. Crazy, right?

Sheilaaliens ago

A pissy user who seemingly hates logical questions, has downvoted my post and comments so that I'm below the 100 comment points threshold and cannot downvote things myself. A thinly veiled attempt at silencing me. A couple of upvotes would help greatly. You can check my comment/submission history to verify what I'm talking about. Thanks, all. P.S. I was above the 100 threshold at 110 or more, for a couple weeks until the past two hours of interacting with said douche. I don't delight in giving downvotes (again, check my profile to verify), but I also do not delight in being silenced and not having the right to downvote, which I've earned over time.

Sheilaaliens ago

My CCP went back up to 110 and now it's back down to 100 ... I haven't been doing anything in that time span but reading this thread. Someone is messing with my points maliciously, please look into it @PuttItOut.. thanks

errihu ago

Is this the reason that some of my upvoats disappeared from my count? I dropped several points for no reason that I can find, today. Since I prefer to lurk often and comment infrequently, this was a bit disconcerting. My CPP is already pretty slim because I prefer to lurk. :(

jerry ago

Your ccp shouldnt drop any lower. This is the reason it did drop though.


Going to a users' history and down voting everything they've ever done.

squataclops ago

"There is a new, old sheriff in town" ftfy. Keep up the good work as usual.

thrus ago

See that is the thing if they don't like him they become SJW's or shills so by not agreeing with him you join the group that doesn't matter to him and he can dismiss you! what wonderful "logic" it lets you just keep going and only pay attention to the support you get.

thrus ago

Probably, if you have a screen cap program that saves each separate it is just a macro to press F5 then the screen cap button and you leave the device alone for a day or two on the page.

BlueDrache ago

I could write one in 20 minutes, easy with AutoIt.

Redditsdead ago

I think Gary the Conqueror has more going on upstairs. Maybe Wendy the Slow Adult too.

thrus ago

The drunk hobo on the corner screaming about the end of the world would talk to people like that, and some of his posts seem to use that as the example how to convince people that he is right. Scream loud, Scream often, Claim anyone disagreeing with him is working for the other side.

thedreammanalishi ago

I hope @sanegoatiswear and all his alts get banned. He is the primary example of this shitty behavior.

Crocolux ago

Well personally I would moderate some of the comment votes, someone asked me "what was tyre" I said it was British spelling and I got downvoted. In what an answer deserves a downvote. Especially if it is responding correctly. I do understand many elements however I think we need to go deeper on some subjects

PsychoDesign ago

But where did my points go? I ain't do nothing wrong. ;(

Lucumon ago

So I lost 600 CCP because I wasn't farming? Fuck you. I left reddit because I was sick of moronic admits monkeying with my shit.

Mick ago

You have failed at reading. We all lost points for a good reason.

READ THIS PART OF OP SPECIFICALLY, YOU IGNORANT FUCK: * Please note that all point values will drop because of this new logic. Prior logic counted up/down totals on submissions and comments instead of the individual votes themselves (it was more performant this way). When a user deletes their account, their votes are removed but the up/down totals are not adjusted. Since new logic uses individual vote counts everyone’s points will be dropping unfortunately. Just heads up. @Atko was hit the worst of all, poor guy.

Now you've read it, how about apologizing to admin and admitting that you are the 'moron'

acheron2012 ago

Donated again. This is AWESOME!

biaxident ago

thank god

madazzahattereboot ago

Another one from the 0 downvotes club, nice!

Thanks! Maybe it's because I'm too old, but basically, when I don't really care for something, I just "change the channel" I don't smash my TV.

Just because I'm not into a submission, maybe someone else digs it, so I don't get the whole "downvoat / dislike" mentality.

Someone took the time to contribute to Voat and that's what this place needs, content!

The only thing I do report is blatant spam.

OhBlindOne ago

Wow, I lost like 15k SCP hahaha

Dangit @Puttitout! First time on the job and you're dropping ym SCP :P

skymod ago

Wow, I lost like 15k SCP hahaha

Same here, bro. ◕︵◕

OhBlindOne ago

I... don't know if we'll be able to recover.

Vladimara ago

Aww, I liked the fact that I could interact with old content.

Voat isn't strictly better than reddit now, that's a shame.

madazzahattereboot ago

I noticed that no one is really innocent


-hatter checks his voting history-

Voting habits

Submissions: This user has upvoted 6548 and downvoted 0 submissions.

Comments: This user has upvoted 6154 and downvoted 0 comments.

GivenUp ago

@PutItOut is the #TrumpOfVoat. Get these #IllegalVoaters out and build a beautiful cyber wall!!

*I'm not being sarcastic, I got so pumped when I read this sticky. These shills should be deported.

VillaLopez ago

Brigading... you guys are pathetic!! PATHETIC!

Choke on spiders while you sleep.

Humanacide ago

I guess I won't be contributing any more $$ for voat.

8025956? ago

You've been here 19 hours and your account lacks a donation badge--which isn't to say you haven't downvoted, but I find it unlikely.

Nonetheless, care to explain why you've made this statement?

AlwaysInService ago

I downvoat only comments that don't contribute to the conversation

Well, that's the right way use the downvoats. That's what they're for

I come to read and learn, that is all

AlwaysInService ago

Well, he said he will say more about the rules before banning anyone else, so I guess we'll just have to wait for those rules to be published

Redditsdead ago

Go home Amalek.

Burningdandelion ago

So much transparency and authority, it's making me hard. Thanks @PuttItOut for being so... strong. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Fred-Stiller-OnAWire ago

Yeah the wording is confusing but I think you no longer get that automatic 1 point for every submission you make, you only get points people have given you. Works a similar way on eddit.

CarbuncleRoy ago

If he puts this much effort in at work, he may eventually become POTUS.

One-Way_Bus ago

Gemme back my internet points!1!!11!!!!!! I can't live without them!!!!!!11!!

No, I don't really care about internet points. I just want that trolls and spammers gone.

Thisismyvoatusername ago

I've never originated a sub. Is that simply one of the options you have as an owner/mod? You can either make it eligible for /v/all or not?

Subtenko ago

We wuz farmers n shiiiiii!!!!

I can proudly say I have not broken any rules. So can we get a voat badge or somethin? :D

lord_nougat ago

No fair, he never shows me his ass!

Voatifier ago

Looks like some people are a bit nervous. Sounds like good rules to me.

Cynabuns ago

Blocking now works for pings and collapses comments - block away!

SaneGoatiSwear ago

so proud of making voat a hugbox! dirty fucking goddamn niggerfaggots

shadowbanthisFux0r ago

"Voat is now archiving old submissions (current set to 3 months)."

I hate that we have to to this I have seen conversations on other sites go in for years in some threads.

Wahaha ago

It's interesting how "you can say anything you want" always quickly turns into "we need to clean this mess up". I prefer the former mindset, even when confronted with a bot army led by trolls.

RamblinRambo ago

To be honest I'd like to see the whole damn "karma" thing removed. It's a recipe for disaster and has always been. Just look at reddit. Karma whoring is sadly a thing. No one should care about imaginary internet points but they do.

Better to just let mods ban obvious shills and spammers. Have a spam subverse where mods can report spammers. The up and down votes should only exist on the thread no the comments. That way the community can still "control" what they want to see and what they don't. But it takes away people's ability to manipulate the discussion by down voting stuff they don't like. Leftists have been using this technique on reddit for ages where they use the hive mind to their advantage. They have bots that will downvote the comments of users they don't like and once a comment starts out in the negative they almost always end up in the negative removing them from sight or creating the sense to others that "this opinion is bad".

dabork ago

User deleted comments have their positive CCP removed (Common farming technique)

That's horse shit. So now if we want to maintain positive CCP we are basically forced to leave a nice long breadcrumb trail that any angry faggot can use to dox us or make our lives miserable just because some crybabies got mad that people were getting too many fake internet points.

Well, I've been looking for a reason to stop using this site anyway. Enjoy your personal data farm.

Redditsdead ago

Don't dox yourself. What do you say that people can figure out who you are? I've made some good enemies here and am pretty open and no one has doxed me.

Wahaha ago

What's the point of manipulating votes anyway? What's in for the guys doing this, Internet points?

Redditsdead ago

Guys like sanegoat would be in the negative ccp without voat farming, restricting their accounts. Look at Henrycorps scp now.

Wahaha ago

They can't just make a new account?

Redditsdead ago

They can but guys like sane would have to change they way they respond or people would figure it out in 2 seconds and destroy their ccp. It's like Amelaks alts. They were painfully obvious that it was Amelak.

JuiceTown ago

Just lost 10k SCP. There goes the Winnebago

llegendary ago

What kind of brigading is going on in Voat?

BARnone ago

I'm totally confused right now. I don't even understand what vote brigading and farming are. And so people are creating fake accounts? Certainly that has To be the minority of people. Who has time to manage several accounts? What would be the advantage?

you-are-me ago

If you need me, I'll be downvoating the blue oyster cult's "don't fear the reaper".

Fucking hate that song. Oh snap, there's a whole sub that posts nothing but that song over and over! But if I downvote the shitty song I genuinely don't like every time I see it, and I just clicked that link -- am I vote manipulating / brigading?

Honestly, I don't think the Gods care... They're just scaring us with the potential for damnation, they don't really do anything when you sin nowadays... it comes much later, after life-b&. And let's face it, future me getting tortured in hell is some other poor sucker that's not me right now. Screw that guy, he was a dick to me.

you-are-me ago

I would never look at your upvote history.

People change all the time, cells divide, brain cells make new connections. When you're a brain, you change your mind. It's what brains do.

Only the present you matters. The past is just a way to penalize you for things the present doesn't like anymore. If this was real life, the present would penalize us for doing dumb shit right then, not wait to find out about it in the future then scold us for doing it in the past. Hell, by that time I could be a whole new changed [wo]man!

lakeyosemit ago

Good to see some active development, keep it up!

you-are-me ago

TIL: "manipulate" means to handle or control (a tool, mechanism, etc.), typically in a skillful manner.

So, just don't vote very skillfully, and we're golden.

you-are-me ago

Scott free, so long as not pissing admin off, I'd wager.

Only thing we could possibly do would be to.... well, I better not say. Something something Turks.

Totenglocke ago

From this point forward, if you brigade another users’ content your account will be banned.

Welcome to reddit 2.0. All of the censorship, with a tenth of the content. I knew the creator of voat selling out was going to ruin things, but I didn't expect them to get ugly this fast.

Thisismyvoatusername ago

We should probably wait to see how he ends up defining what constitutes brigading before jumping to conclusions.

GeneralFucktard ago

I think I accidentally started the deletion process for my account... Can't log in on pc.

Big_Amish ago

This made me exhale strongly out of my nose.

stretched_girl ago

Woohoo!!! And end to the endless amalek/antiracist/jesusofnazareth/lord_spartacus alts!!!

Guide ago


Tzitzimitl ago

Users no longer earn CCP in Private Subverses (Common farming technique)

Users no longer earn CCP in Subverses with Minimum Downvote values greater than zero (Common farming technique)

User deleted comments have their positive CCP removed (Common farming technique)

HeavyBrain ago

Well that should be no problem if the block feature is put in place.

praivo ago

Voat is now archiving old submissions (current set to 3 months).

I hate this on Reddit and hoped it'd never be here. Fuck this. It's super annoying to come across a very good comment worth upvoting, only to see that it's archived. This is now actually worse than on Reddit (which has it set to 6 months).

Troll ago

Oy vey! You filthy Voat admins! Give me back my CCP! I had over 6 million CCP and 69 gorillion SCP! My 6 million! You're ruining my business! It's like another Shoa! Filthy goyim scum! Remember the Holocaust!

SaneGoatiSwear ago

you are conflating post curation with censorship.

try again.

lord_nougat ago

Go easy on him. His life has apparently been "revoked".

SaneGoatiSwear ago

look, a dirty shill with a magikarp-weak

personal attack

@puttitout here's another dirty nigger shill

lord_nougat ago

So you have been so far to has, but it do.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

goal posts

i didn't suggest letting spammers go wild. i heartly repeatedly suggest opening discussion to the community to figure a way to stop spam without censoring the fucking userbase.

no. srs (sbbh) will come right back. they just have to test what causes ban until they figure the ruleset, then they'll just set up around that. both the sjws and srs have open public upvoat brigade farms.

so you're saying

free speech doesn't exist IRL


cause some speech has consequences.

Kal ago

Mass bans and 'new logic.' I feel like I've seen this movie before.

Kal ago

No one is innocent? Go fuck yourself, cunt.

By_The_Water ago

Yeah, I don't see what everyone is talking about. My points didn't even change or if they did, I didn't notice. I mostly lurk, though.

Half the time, I can't be bothered to comment... fuck making an alt. But some folk take this shit super serious.

Ina_Pickle ago

Since you will be banning accounts, you should clarify exactly what you mean by brigading. Your announcement will make people afraid to use the downvoat button.

And since you claim a lot of regulars do it, you need to explain exactly what it is.

I'm sure most regular accounts you think are brigading, don't realize they are doing it. Or maybe they are aware, and Voat is populated with assholes.

skymod ago

This might be silly to ask but in what order are the subvoats now in?

Edit: Never mind. Chronological order for when given mod status... it took me a while.

8007830? ago

Nope, haven't worked anywhere like that.

123_456 ago

This is great news. Thank you very much.

DoomMantia ago

I lost like 400-500 points on each SCP and CCP, but the changes are fine by me.

pitenius ago

Me, too. I used the ratios as a way to judge if I was acting appropriately. Now... I'm not sure what to think.

pangaea ago

We can only enforce this rule to a point. I want to make sure that someone using a computer at a college campus won't be accused of upvote manipulation when upvotes are given by numerous different people on the same pc on the same IP address. Or perhaps family members sharing a tablet. Or even a legitimate post getting a lot of upvotes very fast because they posted very popular content. If an account is blatantly participating in one of those ccp farm subs than by all means ban them but I believe anything less than that will have to be tolerated (e.g. it's hard to tell if someone is upvoting their posts on an alt account or getting legitimate upvotes from another person on the same computer and IP when both accounts have been used to post legitimate content).

Kleyno ago

I think my score went up. Neato.

Wait, no, that was just wishful thinking. It actually went down by a fair amount.

I wonder who was giving me undue upvoats then... oh well.

DoomMantia ago

Only 20-34? I lost like 400-500 on each, lol.

Ina_Pickle ago

Yeah me too. I was so freaking close to that 10,000 mark.

immatureusername ago

Your sheriff is a fucking cat not a goat. Wtf?

mispelledsomething ago

I don't think I've seen putt spamming copypasta all over the place...

heygeorge ago

You and I have very similar stories.

heygeorge ago

lol! The shills have won... Didn't you and he used to get along more or less? Up until recently, I thought Sane and I butted heads a bit, but still got along at times.

heygeorge ago

You're welcome, but please know that I am only speculating based on my reading of the post.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

tone police!



i've proven my case.

-ccp restrictions are user-curated censorship. an account is limited to a post a day and 10 comments.

voat restrictions a plenty so many, if you intend to actually talk i'll list em!

and more!


i'll talk how i please thanks.

Talc ago

i'll lie my ass off how i please thanks.

Porphyrogennetos ago

Sounds very good, thank you for being on top of this, taking the time to research and implementing things to fix these issues.

Very much appreciated!

JoeKerr ago

so we have the implementation of ad hoc law...great

mispelledsomething ago


Big_Amish ago

You need to stop feeding the troll. It's no good arguing with idiots. They will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience. Trying to speak rationally to him will get you nowhere, he will intentionally misconstrue everything you say to make himself out as a victim so he can play the martyr. The best possible course is to simply ignore. Without an audience it will simply fade to nothing.

Chiefpacman ago

Banning users. Scary.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

welcome to neu-voat, run by conde nast.


Always Remember @puttitout you can do whatever you want.

Voat is just a silly internet thing. Not to be taken too seriously.

You have always been awesome.

Big_Amish ago

You need to stop feeding the troll. It's no good arguing with idiots. They will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience. The best possible course is to simply ignore them. Without an audience it will simply fade to nothing.

AlwaysInService ago

As long as he won't ban users from v/TIL for disagreeing with him again...

SaneGoatiSwear ago

i'm well aware this is


let's talk about how this doesn't stop brigading at all.

how about we talk about why the real solution is to remove -ccp restrictions?

how about we talk about whether putt is putt or an sjw cuck, even?

ffs. topic. get on it like ur on ur mum every nite.

Big_Amish ago

Came to thread to see @sanegoatiswear get triggered. Was not disappointed.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

would you prefer a meaningful discussion? that's what i used to enjoy here before posts like this were 9/10ths filled with 100% confirmed shill forum sliding (and downvoat brigading, still!) @puttitout brigading still works just fine. you stopped nothing. you fool.

guinness2 ago

would you prefer a meaningful discussion?

I'd prefer to see you have a "meaningful discussion" with one of your alts.

To use a public discussion forum to talk to and agree with yourself!

That shit is hilarious!

It reminds me of someone having a tea party with their imaginary friends.

Heaps funny.

Moar pls.

MaunaLoona ago

You're like the worst of /r/conspiracy combined into one. You should see a therapist.

Mick ago

Nah, you should be fine :)

middle_path ago

A hard decision to make, but I feel it is necessary. The insane goat was getting a bit out of hand. Time to cull the herd.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

good god man


on the internet


SaneGoatiSwear ago

and buttfuck your mother with a great view?

Voopin__Voopin ago

now THAT was funny, i dont care who you are. :) Upgoated.

HeavyBrain ago

Well its a free country, just make sure to get her enthusiastic consent first.

8006499? ago


8006485? ago

There's already been plenty of discussion in this thread concerning the only issue with this post I see, and I see you've already commented saying you will be releasing more information outlining what constitutes brigading before acting on the change. All of the changes to deal with vote manipulation and archiving make perfect sense to me, and I see no issues with them. I commend you for the solid action plan.

As for the banning of brigaders, even with a clear definition of this, this is the only potential issue with this update. You say that your intention is only to ban people intentionally abusing systems maliciously. But how solid is our definition of what is malicious? This will also depend on how solid our definition of what brigading is. As long as there is some system of checks and balances where the banning of users is concerned, I'll be satisfied. I know this is for the betterment and protection of Voat and freedom of speech, but with changes of this scale we need to be careful is all, as I know you well know.

Thanks for the update.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

he banned 200 accounts with around 10 votes ever given (mostly all upvotes). for "vote manipulation"


no clarification 6 days later.


8096559? ago

One vote used in a vote farming thread is enough to constitute vote manipulation, especially if that account is an obvious alt account (JesusofNazareth, cygnus, etc.) The only non=obvious accounts that were banned for vote manipulation had thousands of votes, not merely 10.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

says who? not the CEO, seeker. you just made that up. what you talkin bout, shillis?

8096646? ago

I made nothing up. If you manipulate votes, you are guilty of vote manipulation. Words have meaning and Putt is working off of those meanings.

Sure he has made executive decisions, but if your username matches a hundred other usernames and your only votes after making your account are in an apparent vote manipulation subverse, you have participated in vote manipulation. This isn't me making things up.

Exactly who do you object to having been banned? I haven't heard anyone who has actually been banned stepping forward and claiming injustice. They know what they've done.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

not a single account that brigaded users into -ccp restrictions was banned.

8096851? ago

Such as?

Tipman79 ago

And how can you tell (with proof) if an account is guilty of downvoat brigading?

mispelledsomething ago

You're welcome you communist cocksucker. I'll withhold my own judgement until putt defines what the definition of brigading is going to be.

SkinnyMagna ago

Fuck the assholes who made this necessary. Thank you @PuttItOut for stepping up to sort the mess.

vandilx ago

I've said it many times and I'll say it again: People are not their Internet Points and should never measure themselves in any capacity in relation to them.

Thank you, PuttItOut, for keeping Voat safe and maintaining its integrity.

I won't lose any sleep over lost Internet Points. I'm just grateful this place exists and that you care about your users.

Have a great weekend.

Techman ago

Users no longer earn CCP in Subverses with Minimum Downvote values greater than zero (Common farming technique)

One of the reasons that these subverses have minimum ratios is to discourage downvote brigading. I don't agree with this policy because it basically castrates those communities and prevents users from getting any increases in user reputation, despite being innocent.

Can you please comment on, and perhaps clarify, this issue? /u/PuttItOut

varialus ago

I'll abide by this, but I just want to give my two cents. I don't have any alts and I haven't automated the ability to voat on lots of stuff efficiently. I don't often go through someone's comments downvoating lots, but when I do, it's painfully boring and only done because the person has expressed their stupidity so profoundly and so annoyingly, without quite crossing the border into mental illness, that one downvoat isn't sufficient feedback for the shit stained refuse that are their comments and it makes me want to reconsider other comments in light of the discovery of their painful inability to correctly interpret and comprehend even the clearest of comments. So what's the harm if I, as an single individual without any support, thoughtfully reconsider a few dozen comments from an individual and downvoat those that are truly horrifically worthy of needing to be burned by fire? My couple dozen downvoats won't make a difference to the goat's CCP, so why do you offer these terrible comments so readily available? If you don't want me providing feedback on a per user basis, why do you display the user's un-archived comments? If you don't want people like me "brigading" a user slowly, by myself, and with great consideration, why don't you only dispray a user's archived comments?

heygeorge ago

I don't know how Voat is going to get by without him. TiL! (Tomorrow I'll Learn)

Does anyone else think it's possible Sane was asked to lift the TiL bans?

@SaneGoatiSwear, were you asked to lift the TiL bans? If not, why did you lift them?

I noticed the Stickied post (part 8[?]) had nearly 300 views, but only 1-2 commenters. Did that have something to do with your decision?

What did @LubeNBlisters do that he is banned? (Did I spell that username right?)

8006242? ago

Oh! Well! Uh. Okay. Half evil and Half good. Uh. I guess that makes you average.

ugh, my black and white mind can't stand these shades of grey!!! @_@

sakuramboo ago

CCP and SCP get affected when accounted get deleted. My SCP dropped by about 1500 and CCP dropped by 800 or so.

8006213? ago

I'm not gonna sit here and listen to you be reasonable, Fuzzy. Please.

MrPim ago

You'll probably miss this comment. But this change seems to have broken my mobile browser. I can no longer copy text to quote someone. I highlight stuff and only get a Paste option. Weird.

8008119? ago

/v/VOATDEV is where you report that i believe

MrPim ago

It's odd. I went to a different thread and I was able. IDK, I'm gonna keep an eye on it. See if there are real problem or not.

8006175? ago

Hua! Thanks for alerting me, cat-shill. Not smart of you to out Puttsy as a pussy-lover, but what could I expect from another pussy-lover? (^: I bet you prefer feet over ass, too, dirty shill.

We'll deal with it with war.

8006340? ago

Excellent work, Rottie! When you find time, please make a post on K9 linking to these tentative signs of horrific pro-cat shilling by PuttitOut and demand an answer from him regarding his stance on cats vs. dogs! Warn our faithful K9rades that we may have a Goat Leader biased towards les cats.

Alerting our other K9 Mods: @Trigglypuff @Slayfire122 @dynamiteVacancy @DerKatalog. Please see the OP's image linked at the end. It's a damn cat.

Rotteuxx ago

Rotteuxx ago

hels ago

He makes accusations and is unable to back them up. Any reasonable post in /v/whatever on why voat is compromised would be listened to and discussed.

What has bothered me on voat as of late is the number of /v/funny posts at the very top. There will be times when 5 (or more) of the first 10 /v/all are /v/funny. They are not the cat falling off a chair posts but they are in a funny subverse instead of a serious subverse. I don't want threads to become laugh lines and I don't think atko and puttitout do either. I honestly think they are genuine and want a place for discussion. It's what chatrooms were back in the 90s and early 00s.

digitalentity1497 ago

Good idea Sane, GTFO.

8006150? ago

So @Puttitout

Does this mean you are retroactively disallowing CCP on private/CCP protected subverses or are you proportionally removing CCP/SCP based on each Voater's individual totals?

I'm just releived its not an outside entity dropping point totals arbitrarily...

PuttItOut ago

No, we did not retroactively remove any points and we will not be. What was earned has been earned, only going forward will these changes come into play.

mispelledsomething ago

This type of argument is sometimes used as a form of fear mongering, in which the probable consequences of a given action are exaggerated in an attempt to scare the audience. The fallacious sense of "slippery slope" is often used synonymously with continuum fallacy, in that it ignores the possibility of middle ground and assumes a discrete transition from category A to category B.

Putt said (in this thread!) that he will clarify the rules regarding brigading before moving forward with banning.

Voopin__Voopin ago

i'm just now getting around to reading all the comments. i see a ghostbin paste from @derram with a SHIT TON of people who have been banned.

....but i dont see the rule clarification. Did i miss it?

AlwaysInService ago

No, you didn't miss it. Putt said he will post a clarification before banning anyone else

Rotteuxx ago

We don't negotiate with cat lovers.

We dominate !

8006122? ago

Looks like the pedophiles want everyone out going back to a certain date so we stay and and keep on calling out bullshit and down voating it.

Edit: by bullshit I mean anything that resembles liberal ideals.

8006100? ago

Tying the negative CCP of deleted comments to accounts is one of the best ways we found to quickly kick spam accounts into the negatives. There is no reason to believe that feature is going anywhere.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

fitting facts to alternate conclusions

i am not a shill, you stupid nigger.

shill shilling

HomerSimpson ago

I search through my comment or submission history looking for keywords. I don't use the actual search engine

parnellsUprising ago

Awesome, I see now what you did with the archiving of data, as I was under the initial impression that the content would no longer be available. You are simply pushing that out of the cache, and partitioning the database to archive the content. Great job! I already see that the site seems to be responding a lot faster. Hopefully this will allow even more goats to chew on the curds of free speech.

SaneGoatiSwear ago


saying your opinion and pasting the user agreement doesn't make your opinion truth


still 100% being brigaded. you are the dumbest nigger on voat, you either fell for the sjw trap or you're in with the sjw or taken over by them and are being forced to do this against your will. either way, dumbest nigger on voat

Maeglor ago

Is it brigading if you're being downvoted regardless of the content of your comments?


Or do a few users see your comments frequently, and they simply disagree everytime?

I haven't been paying much attention, but it seems like you've been getting downvoated pretty hard the last week at least.

Are you some sort of scapegoat? I really don't understand

thrus ago

He is cartman from the fishsticks episode. you are not going to like the logic if you get an explanation from him. Me I just keep downvoating when I see his stuff and it is completely off topic or insults in response to a valid comment though I tend to do that to everyone.

Lord--Gaben ago

There are goats downvoating every comment of his they see, and using the allegation that he brigades as a justification. He may or may not brigade, but I have seen perfectly fine posts of his in the negatives.

AlwaysInService ago

People he banned from v/TIL for disagreeing with him, those who are tired of his non-stop spamming, and those who he's calling shills just for disagreeing with him are retaliating and downvoating him into oblivion

Talc ago

it's mainly people retaliating individually, people he's mass-downvoted with his bots, and he's done it to so many. I see no sign they're working together in a "brigade", certainly nobody's coordinating my efforts to downvote every post where he uses inline quoting to lie about what others have said.

go1dfish ago

Oh, so basically a way for subs to block themselves by default.

@Puttitout if it doesn't already work that way it would be pretty cool if you could unblock a private sub to show up on your /v/all

antiliberalsociety ago

Demand a recount! TRIGGERED!!!! NOTMYVOAT!!!!


Chempergrill ago

Thank you.

AmaleksHairyAss ago

Your ideas and actions are innovative, proactive, and helpful. But your picture wasn't a goat so I don't like you any more.

Optick ago

Good shit m8, keep up the good work. Also #MakeVoatGreatAgain

antiliberalsociety ago

U mad bro?

heygeorge ago

Aaaaannnddd... This comment is already deleted. Why is that?

@puttitout this is some dirty nigger shit

you could just remove the -ccp restrictions, but instead, you'd rather increase the downvoating brigades, and remove a bunch of everyone's ccp

TLDR: everyone just learned how many deleted accounts had upvoated them.


8006247? ago

He seems to like deleting and reposting his spam in reply to the top comment (or the top reply to the top comment), likely because he keeps assuming that if he just holds out near the top long enough with his incessant shouting, he will eventually gain support and acceptance for his views (he won't).

Mathiadon ago

lol wtf

guinness2 ago

I will shortly be banning hundreds of obvious alt accounts

Can these be deleted to save server resource costs?

So_lost ago

My offer of $100 to deepthroat a chainsaw still stands..... @SaneGoatiSwear

Scrapco ago

I like you.

go1dfish ago

TIL Private subverses are a thing.

Cool changes.

kammmmak ago

Said the guy who has lost 5000 ccp in a few days. Honestly you are disturbing InsaneGoat. You need calm down brotha because you're drowning in your own words like a bag lady screaming fuck me!

SaneGoatiSwear ago

@puttitout known shill threatening me. do you not ban for law breaking? do you not ban shills? NO? you just ban at a certain level of voating, which is free speech that's protected, but you just abridged it.


oh i'm sorry was there a shill talking?

NeedleStack ago

Oh, good point! I like that workaround, thanks!

SaneGoatiSwear ago

  • positive ccp

  • still v/til mod

um wat?

factually incorrect shill is silly gay shill

8005594? ago

Sherriff Meowzers

Kielbasa_Sausage ago

Good shit!

NamelessCrewmember ago

I object to the cat picture.

Everything else seems super awesome, thanks!

weezkitty ago

A lot of these feel like Reddit-esque changes. And not in a good way. Especially the archived after 3 months (actually worse than reddit) and the threat to ban users with undisclosed criteria

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

you're just flooding the complaint economy. When you complain about everything complaining means less, you seem to always have a problem with everything he does so why should @puttitout take your opinion into consideration if you're never going to be happy?

SaneGoatiSwear ago


NoBS ago

Your use of the word beta, is this a new grandstanding approach to winning an argument? As long as you don't mind looking like a child, I have no problems with your taunts.

OT, @ PuttItOut, are single word childish taunts no longer considered spam? I feel selling ignorance is worse than Nigerian Prince scams.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago


8006188? ago

I think it was his attempt to insult you (by saying you were a "beta" compared to his self-perception of his self-granted "alpha" status), although the insult failed because it was so out-of-place and he is very clearly much closer to being an "omega" reject than an "alpha" or "beta".

wellendowedduckling ago

Dude I lost CPP and I swear to god I've never farmed. I barely post unless it's something I care about. I don't have the free time to pull that shit.

movebackward ago

If an account was deleted, and it upvoted your comment, then you just lost that upvote in your total. That loss has nothing to do with vote farming, but it was a side effect of the vote farming cleanup that was part of this update.

PuttItOut ago

Correct, this is a majority of the cause of fluctuation.

flyawayhigh ago

I don't recall what my SCP and CCP numbers were, but my best estimate is my SCP dropped about 14,000, while my CCP seems pretty close to where it was. I don't know why my CCP would be about steady with such a big drop (15%) of SCP.

My average SCP dropped from about 13.5 to about 11.5. I have been watching my average SCP over time to assess how things are changing here (since I post pretty much the same kinds of things that I always have--so the dropping average suggests changes in the user base generally). It appears to me that my average SCP has dropped over time, but it moves slowly on such large numbers.

Anyway, here's my question:

That 14,000 drop... Does that represent users who have closed their accounts? Could that be all those earlier high-voted Bernie Sanders posts? THAT MANY of those people left??

movebackward ago

Yes, people who close their accounts have all of their comments deleted for maximum privacy. That way, you do not have to worry about not being able to delete an old comment that you left and no longer want public (unless if you lost access to your account). This process, as a side effect, also deleted the information required to recount the votes that were lost this way. The recount was needed to flush out the vote farming.

Wiseowl623 ago

Go ahead and jump off.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

you want a turn with ur mum's bum? ok ok i'll jump off, you make sure to wear a condom, don't want any downie owls, now do we?

Redditsdead ago

You realize you're gonna have to stop being a dick if you don't want your account hobbled. I doubt anyone is gonna stop doling out the downvoats if you keep acting all autistic.

chmod ago

Thanks Putt.

Don't fuck it up.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

good job :)

MadWorld ago

This is nice, thanks!!

Wiseowl623 ago

:) awesome! I may have lost points but I'm happy.

8005326? ago

But that's stupid. I could make an account and get 100 CCP in about an hour by copying a few posts from reddit. It would be more work for me to do it by setting up private subverses. The more Voat grows the easier and easier it is to earn 100 CCP, it's already no longer much of a hurdle.

snowmelts ago

100 CCP in an hour? Do you mean by creating socks accounts? I have had an account here for almost three weeks. I have spent a lot of time here. I only have 63 CCP. I don't want to comment just for upvotes and try to say something I think contributes. It will be probably another 3 weeks until I can downvote. I am not concerned with that but for the average user 100 CCP isn't possible in an hour.

8006396? ago

But it can be a challenge when you're trying to make an army of bot accounts rise up to 100 CCP at the same time, so one of the "solutions" they came up with was to make private subverses with older accounts, set up some restrictions to only allow the bots, and have the bots regularly post and upvote in the private subverse (even allowing them to start spamming comments in v/all without fear of anything but single subverse bans or temporary restrictions from low CCP {until the other bots can undo the damage}).

Basically, they tried to make "safe space" staging grounds to fuel their assaults on Voat, and Putt just ripped their protection away.

kammmmak ago

Now if it was 1000 CCP..

NeedleStack ago

User deleted comments have their positive CCP removed

Every once in a while I go back and delete older comments of mine (for privacy reasons and to cut my comment page count total down/make my account more manageable). Does this mean if I continue to do so I'll continue to drop CCP? It's not a huge deal overall but I like the option of deleting older comments without incurring 'demerits'. I guess I should say it's a trade-off I am happy to live with.

PuttItOut ago

Yes, currently this will happen. We may have to fine tune these things.

I have always wanted to create a trialing delete like functionality at Voat that will either anonymize or delete your content based on x number of days.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

you fucked voat with this update. luckily many good goats forked it before you borked it. the world will try again, now that voat is dead.

journalistsarelazy ago

Please don't delete content. Historical saved threads and comments do prove to be useful for me as an individual user.

If subverses also lost content, their search functionality would be rendered pretty useless.

Jixijenga ago

I have always wanted to create a trialing delete like functionality at Voat that will either anonymize or delete your content based on x number of days.

If this wasn't able to be customized in subverse or account settings I'm sorry but I wouldn't be able to stick around here. A big part of my reason for being here is I post to a private subverse and if my shit was just randomly deleted or anonymized I'd be pissed.

I thought Voat was about free speech, if I'm being censored because you want to stomp on spammers and brigading then you're no better than reddit. Sorry.

WeekendBaker ago

I like the auto delete after X. By that time, I don't think it holds much Value... say, 6 months.

Jixijenga ago

This would destroy my sub completely. I would be so fucking angry that a "free speech platform" created as an alternative to another free speech platform that went bad just up and deleted what I wrote.

journalistsarelazy ago

No, deleting any content automatically is bad, especially for those building subs with a reference purpose.

weezkitty ago

In niche subs, most of the content might be that old

NeedleStack ago

Thanks! I don't like the idea of automatically anonymizing or deleting older content. Making it optional would be alright if a user wanted that function but I wouldn't want that automated. There are some cool subs out there waiting to be discovered and if the older content got wiped, there would be shell subs all over the place. For example, CANCEL-CAT-FACTS found /v/ceramics and posted in there tonight. The last post before his was published something like 1.3 years ago. If older content was deleted people may not feel inspired to give a formerly dead sub new life. But building on older content would be fun.

Plus, 'legacy' posts and comments are valuable in terms of maintaining a 'museum/history of voat'.

Jixijenga ago

Yeah my subverse is as old as my account, I post my sci-fi writing there. If it's just deleted on a whim I might as well go back to reddit, most of my admittedly small audience doesn't have an account on here while some of them do have accounts over there.

I post my writing elsewhere but I like to also post it on here for quick feedback.

NeedleStack ago

Thanks, this topic has been bothering me all night and I woke up thinking about it. Deleting/anonymizing older content would destroy subs like yours. This is a move I would not support at all.

It takes me several minutes sometimes to find content for my subs (it's not that easy finding decent bookbinding tutorials for example). If all that were to be wiped? What a colossal waste of time and effort to provide content for a site that's built on content!

SaneGoatiSwear ago

needle you don't have a say anymore. pay attention.

NeedleStack ago

Yes, I'm well aware of the ever-tightening restrictions on our 'free' speech here.

Jixijenga ago

Yeah, I'm really reluctant to post more chapters at the moment and certainly to start a repository for my ideas that, hopefully, will someday bear fruit in the form of a video game. (or two)

Like you've said it's a colossal waste of time if I'm going to build up all of that just to have the "new sheriff in town" come by and kick it over. Not accusing @PuttItOut of being Ellen Pao 2.0 because it's clear he's just kicking the idea around but if it goes through I don't see a point in Voat anymore. Fake internet points are irrelevant, I want my content to remain.

HomerSimpson ago

Dropped by 2-3k ccp. Holy crap.

Any news about letting people view old comments /submissions past a certain page? At times I like to go back and re-read drama on my profile and some of it is hard to find.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

you're not allowed to:

see past page 19

ask about seeing past page 19

ask why you can't ask about seeing past page 19

Failure ago

To lessen the server load and prevent people from executing multiple complicated queries en masse in attack against voat. Anymore questions?

Mick ago

I just looked in the Voat codebase and it's only you blocked from that now, mate.

HomerSimpson ago


Time for a site purge

Mick ago

Here you go; from the Archiving data part of the announcement

  • Please note that all point values will drop because of this new logic. Prior logic counted up/down totals on submissions and comments instead of the individual votes themselves (it was more performant this way). When a user deletes their account, their votes are removed but the up/down totals are not adjusted. Since new logic uses individual vote counts everyone’s points will be dropping unfortunately. Just heads up. @Atko was hit the worst of all, poor guy.

AlwaysInService ago

Great update. Idea with archiving old posts is superb and blocking the ability to farm in private subverses or those that require more CCP is also ingenious. Thank you for your work Putt!

Gamio ago

Well, this should be interesting.

8005299? ago

luks gud.

GoogleStoleMyBike ago

I would imagine this means using alts to downvoat someone multiple times.

Sheilaaliens ago

Ya. Just happened to me, and they made sure to put me to below to 100 comment points threshold so I can't downvote anybody. Not that I do it a whole lot anyway, but what a bitchy faggot move.

parnellsUprising ago

Thanks for all the hard work that you and Atko have done! Quick question regarding the Archiving of data, if you save a thread/ comment, is that only saved for as long as the content is actualy available, and not archived? Not that it makes a too much of a difference to me, but I could definitely see that as being useful information as well. @PuttItOut

deanna ago

my hero

8005267? ago

/u/probablynotafaggot described it perfectly. What's not to get?

8005250? ago

Especially since I tag users, and thus I'm more likely to vote on them, as they stand out (both upvotes and downvotes).

heygeorge ago

I would imagine if you're not doing it from someone's comment history page that you'll be fine.

kytha ago

Just curious about other people's thoughts on archiving submissions? It always annoyed me when I couldn't comment or vote on older posts on that other site..Especially three months is not a long period of time at all.

thrus ago

The thing is that most of us are not going to go back and rejoin a discussion from then and most are never even going to see it again, unless some search results bring it up.

8005504? ago

I don't like it, but it's usually the result of technical and costs restraints. Once you put a post in a read-only archived it becomes much cheaper to host.

Plavonica ago

I would rather they get deleted after 3 months. Have exceptions for specially marked posts of course.

AlwaysInService ago

You could be just making the same submissions every three months like a clock and farm point off of that. I think archiving is a better choice since you see it and if you post it again someone will point it out, but you can't vote on it anymore

ChillyHellion ago

I appreciate you keeping us in the loop with the specifics!

SaneGoatiSwear ago

oh that was some good sarcasm!

CRKT_M16Z ago

Change can be good and I like seeing attempts being made to rectify certain problems within Voat. Thanks for the update @PuttItOut.

I'm okay with losing some Internet points.

Everyone else: keep being pretty cool. Except that Sanegoat dude. Like seriously, what is his problem? I've genuinely tried to ignore it, but it's like watching some petulant brat go off the deep end mentally. Then I remember this isn't a child but an actual adult.

Cargo_Cult ago

This is excellent news Putts (despite nothing on the API/token_refresh <3)

8005221? ago

I'm very not happy that my scores were nice and even and now they're all fucked up.

Scrapco ago

What do you want us to do, downvote you, uhh... 121 times?

Owlchemy ago

Fantastic! As a regular contributor, I lost a fair amount of SCP/CCP myself, but what we gain for all in this exchange far outweighs that. They're just non-existent internet points anyway and I don't post for SCP/CCP ... I post because I enjoy the Voat platform and the many great people I've met here. Thanks for all the hard work. I'm happy some of these issues are being actively addressed. It can only make the experience better for all. Kudos to Puttitout, and all the behind the scenes unheralded actors of Voat who helped make all this go smoothly!

Potato_McGingerbeard ago

I'll admit I just shat a brick after voting on a link a few minutes ago, and my points dropped. Thought I was being brigaded lol.

Thank ye Sir Putt. Onward and Upward!

8005162? ago

Users no longer earn CCP in Private Subverses (Common farming technique)

Users no longer earn CCP in Subverses with Minimum Downvote values greater than zero (Common farming technique)

Can you elaborate what this accomplishes? For vote manipulation I'm more concerned about posts being artificially downvoted than someone trying to artificially appear to have a higher CCP.

As far as CCP goes I would much prefer we don't even have a global total. On reddit it leads to people reposting shit constantly. Just show a breakdown of CCP earned in each sub.

8005161? ago

My worthless interpretation would be looking at someone's profile and downvoting everything in sight because you were triggered. (i.e. being a faggot).

Scrapco ago

Ehh, I don't know. I've had comments that people didn't like, and they've downvoted a user page's worth of comments. I don't think that should be bannable though, it's just dumb. There's already a 10 per day restriction, no? Guess not!

So is it brigading if more than one person gets triggered by that comment and downvotes a bunch? That's happened too. Not sure I'm in favor of that either. But how do you tell the difference between that and people communicating to each other, "hey, this guy's a tool, let's wreck his imaginary points?"

Putt knows! :-D Guess we'll find out soon enough.

SaneGoatiSwear ago



greycloud ago

no, there is not a 10 down vote restriction per day. it is dependent on how many ccp you have. i can down vote about 5,000 4000 times a day.

Scrapco ago

Huh, ok, good to know. Thought I read that somewhere, but I must have been mistaken. Thanks!

greycloud ago

ccp/2 after you are over 1000ccp is what i heard for total up and down votes for the day. but then again, they just did an update and that might have changed.

Scrapco ago

Well, it wasn't total - I meant 10/day on one particular victim user. After that they weren't counted or something. No idea where I came up with that though. :)

mispelledsomething ago

From this point forward, if you brigade another users’ content your account will be banned.

Does downvoting a user who spams the same copypasta across different threads when you come across it count as brigading?

josemon ago

I would like to know this as well. I've have downvoated several comments from people I think are spamming or are general assholes. It would be good to know where to draw the line.

oktober ago

That's why there's a report feature. :mindblown:

mispelledsomething ago

That's also why there's a downvote button. :mindblown:

you-are-me ago

The rules are not real. They are merely words with no meaning. Action is real. If you wish to know the limits of the true governing law, then you must push their limit until they break. You must witness the point at which action is taken.

Only at that point will you discover the true laws which govern your individual life. Everyone's life is different. Favoritism and politics exist. Even Plato stated that laws must be applied differently depending on the value of the individual. Equality is a lie. There exists a set of actions you may get away with before retaliation is applied. Most people are sheep, they do not care to find the true limit, they just want to be reassured that one surely exists, you just have to trust us, seriously, that's a rule...

Rules are not made to be broken, they are written down as guide lines, like fences to keep rule following sheep in line. If you want to find out why so many seem to operate well beyond the rules, then you must become a goat rather than a sheep.

Goats are more practical, they realize OP is just posturing BS. OP will do whatever they can get away with doing, i.e., they'll even not enforce shit against powertripping asshat mods that they modded in the 1st place, so long as we let them get away with it. See? That is the true natural law, not some invisible fence. Goats don't give a damn about fences.

SaneGoat got go so far beyond the fence's guideline and didn't face any repercussions, so others will think, "shit, I can do that too. Let's find out if there is any limit at all, and charge off into the screaming sunset." Then when they get b&, for being a goat, we'll know where their limit was. Herding goats is much different than herding sheep.

Such is life. Fuck the police. Rich or poor, there are zero consequences if you do whatever you want skillfully enough.

SaneGoatiSwear ago


DoomMantia ago

a user who spams the same copypasta across different threads

@VoatIsForNiggers comes to mind. Literally the only thing it ever posts is the word "Niggers" everywhere, either as a comment or as a submission title.

Broc_Lia ago

Pretty sure he's a joke account.

DoomMantia ago

Doesn't matter, it's spam regardless.

VoatIsForNiggers ago


Islamiscancer ago

With most of Voats particular flavour contemt, Niggers can simply sum up the issue in a single word.

Riots in DC? Niggers.

European Migfant Crisis? Niggers.

Rape and Murder? Niggers.

Vladimara ago

To pin all of those problems on ethnicity is completely dishonest.

Islamiscancer ago

Niggers is not just ethnicity. Whites can also act like Niggers and be deserving of being called Niggers.

But ultimately actual Niggers are the main source of all the world problems.

Vladimara ago

And being white is not just an ethnicity, males can also have white privileged and be deserving of having that privileged being taken away.

Bu ultimately actual crackers are the main source of all inequality in the world.

They're meaningless words, m8. If the blacks disappear tomorrow without a trace those would still be going on. Categorically blaming blacks for this, is categorically incorrect. While how I twisted your words to categorically blaming all whites for being the source of inequality.

Maeglor ago

And it reminds SJWs what the tone is here.

If a Black invents something beneficial to society, they will be praised.

If blatant coonery is afoot, they're gonna get called niggers.

WeekendBaker ago

Oddly enough, some of his comments have positive CCP. I think it's a a really interesting account as a social experiment... like brojobs... but joke is old by now and needs to go.

DoomMantia ago

Is it really odd, though? Its most upvoated submission is on /v/niggers.

WeekendBaker ago

I did not dig deep yet, but I so, makes sense then. Good catch.

mispelledsomething ago

Basically, yeah. Or someone who posts a mile long about how Voat is dying in unrelated posts or posts that require mental gymnastics to make them related.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

false association

or people who make posts, that's like the thing the person above me said! /s fucking shill.

Talc ago

downvoted for dishonest inline quote, liars contribute nothing to discourse.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

shill shilling

Vladimara ago

I don't think you know what that means.

Either that or you don't give a rats ass that you're using it incorrectly. In either case stop being silly.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

ever hear that joke about women?

Vladimara ago

12 year olds are better trolls than this.

Talc ago

jeez you just dropped 100ccp in 15 minutes. That blatant lying piece of shit attitude of yours is not doing you any favours, keep dropping at that rate you'll be -ve by morning.

mispelledsomething ago

Hey, how did you know I was shilling for CTR? Gotta make my $0.13 a day!

SaneGoatiSwear ago

do you not understand?

he won't tell us. the sjws have fully coded the ability for them to brigade at will without punishment, but any user defending themselves is banned.

this is the death of voat

edit: only shills responded to this comment.

lord_nougat ago

Hi, sane! How's your weekend so far?

Firevine ago


SaneGoatiSwear ago

oh yes.

you shills are done for.

guinness2 ago

you shills are done for.

Why, precisely?

jsac ago

Buh bye nigger ;)

SaneGoatiSwear ago

hi shill alt, nope!

see the difference is now that wave 4 of the shill attacks is complete, and puttitout has finally shown his true sjw colors,

the shills on the sjw side are free to brigade without consequence, but no one else can, including srs, so there's that silver lining, but they'll figure it out with testing and get right back to it

so basically

putt just sanctioned criminal sjw shilling on voat, and the rest will come back soon enough.

he's shown he's incapable of running voat at all

@atko , dis nigger @Puttitout sucks balls. devs can't lead. bring back our fearless atkokin skywalker!

jsac ago

Dont let the door hit u in ur pimpled ass faggot ;)

leaffur ago

Dude you're about to get fucked for all your bullshit. Have fun goat fucker.

mispelledsomething ago

I was talking about you, bub.


SaneGoatiSwear ago

you're missing the problem. if i disappear tomorrow, the sjw cabal can sill downvoat brigade without ever being punished (because they helped code this into voat) and everyone else will get punished.

this is "one rule for them, another rule for the rest of us." cronyism and elitism by @puttitout @kevdude @fuzzywords and the sjw cabal.

fuck me dude you're not paying attention to the problem.

i'm the guy in pompeii yelling VOLCANO and you niggers want to argue over the cart of fucking bread i knocked over.

Firevine ago

the sjw cabal

Yeah nigger, that's you. You're the one banning and censoring while bitching about banning and censoring you fucking SJW insecurity projecting faggot.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

no. i unbanned all the shills

you are out of date shilling

get the script update memo, shill


there are other words there

character attack

bye, shill ROPE DAY!

Talc ago

again with the dishonest quoting, lying your ass off contributes nothing to discourse. Anyone would think you actually want the downvotes!

Voopin__Voopin ago

i understand everyone's shitting on sanegoat these days.

but please do tell how this is dishonest quoting?

sane's quote:

character attack

the ACTUAL quote:

you fucking SJW insecurity projecting faggot

how is that NOT a character attack? Shit on @sanegoatiswear when he's ACTUALLY being fucky with the quotes, but this one was spot on.

Talc ago

Quoting is supposed to be the actual words, not someone else's biased spin on the meaning which may or may not have been intended by those words. If the inline quote contains anything other than a copy-pasted excerpt then it contains a falsehood.

In your example above, the quote "character attack" would only be true if the person was not a fucking SJW insecurity projecting faggot, so the reader now needs to figure out for themselves what part of the previous post is being responded to, requiring them to understand the mindset of the posters in advance rather than being able to simply read the thread. We've gone from an inline quote being an aid to comprehension to it being an impediment to comprehension!

Voopin__Voopin ago

(begrudgingly) OK, i guess.

I do agree on the aid/impediment thingie. However, I personally still see it as a character attack. Whether the attack is true or not is irrelevant IMO.

mispelledsomething ago

You seem more like the boy cried wolf repeatedly. When you're finally right, nobody will pay attention.

TheTrigger ago


While researching this problem, I noticed that no one is really innocent, meaning that we have both obvious farming/brigading going on but we also have this behavior from good solid users too.

Speak for yourself, putt-putt. I dindu nuffin, I's a good boy. I ain't steal no upvoats. Check my downvoats, I ain't doin' drive-bys. I'm just keepin' my head down, goin' to school to turn my life around.

nationinmotion ago

i want points!!

Fullmetal ago

I rarely vote, and only have one account. How the hell can I be accused of brigading?

Did I downvoat somebody the mods like?

Artofchoke ago

I have one account.

CarbuncleRoy ago

Me too. IDGAF. Launch me if I down vote somebody.

8015090? ago

me too.

VieBleu ago

me four. I mean me two. too.

Karbuster ago

Same here

About as close as I get to "brigading" is downvoating any imgur links I see and upvoating derram when he posts non-imgur rehosts

el_em_en_oh ago

I'm not even sure I know what "brigading" is... this PuttItOut guy making a blanket accusation like that, kinda pisses ME off. I'm not THAT active a user, so how can he say that "everyone is guilty of" this bullshit??? Whatever.

Karbuster ago

putt is one of the guys who started this whole thing so while i dont agree with his blanket statement i do agree that brigading is a far bigger problem than people realize

ExpertShitposter ago

Found the nigger.

Karbuster ago

Found the monkey with nothing intelligent to add

Go throw your feces somewhere else, adults are talking here

ExpertShitposter ago

Oh, don't mind me...steeping all over your "culthsa warz" you're fighting over the internet by downvoating imgur links and sucking derrams dick.

The degenerate left and sandniggers are just a few thousand downvotes away from destruction! Keep hitting that button warrior!!!

Karbuster ago

Better than being a mindless ape that just accepts whatever is out in front of him, I don't have much "power" but I can voice my displeasure of garbage sites and the censorship they stand for by downvoating the shills that just grab the images off of (c)eddit and puke them over here for cheap ccp

tippyc ago

@expertshitposter won't have to eat for a week, you feed the trolls so well.

Karbuster ago

I try to open their minds once in a while, they're usually rusted shut though. Doesn't bother me either way, it's honestly kind of fun in a weird way to see how people treat others who just want to have a conversation when there is just pixels in front of them instead of a person

ExpertShitposter ago

I bet you among the idiots that lost 1.5 years of posting history to ;)

turtlesarepureevil ago

I don't think his scp was ever higher than 100 dunno what you were thinking. POS judgemental prick @Karbuster submit more content asshat instead of whining like a little bitch about oo an imgur link that hurts my feelings let me just fire up my downvoat button.

ExpertShitposter ago

@Karbuster will defeat the regressive left by clicking the downvoat button on voat. That will show 'em, filthy imgur leftists.

Funny how he complains about auto-bots being allowed on reddit in his very bio, yet praises derram for auto-culthsa warz.

Karbuster ago

Nope, sorry to see it go but I'm all for new content over old stuff, nothing is ever really gone anyway

SaneGoatiSwear ago

no one pay attention to the fact that anyone not speaking within the sjw narrative is being downvoat brigaded.

Talc ago

People who organised downvote brigades against others are also being downvoted heavily.

Redditsdead ago

I agree. I downvoat anything and everything sane posts. He's a flaming douchebag. He never contributes to voat positively. There is nothing organized about it though. I've never pm'd anyone about it and have never even gone on the voat chat or whatever it is. He's just an asshole that the majority of the community hates.

Talc ago

I'm stopping short of downvoting "everything" he posts and I'll admit I have upvoted him on multiple occasions in the past because what he's had to say has been relevant and even insightful, but any time I see him do that misquoting thing it'll get a downvote no matter what the content. If I see anyone else making a habit of abusing inline quoting in that way I'll start downvoting their lies also.

Dishonesty detracts from discourse, we should not need to scroll back up to check for lies every time we see an inline quote. Perhaps the site needs a change so that the text contained in an inline quote needs to be identical to text in the parent comment.

Of course, the upvotes I've given him in the past will all now be gone because both of those accounts are deleted.

mispelledsomething ago

This is how I feel. Vote based on the content, not the username.

Tipman79 ago

I just downvoated you.

VieBleu ago

Me two. too.

you-are-me ago

If you piss off a community on purpose, and then try to claim its your opinions that are unpopular rather than your shitty actions, and constant off topic whining, then it is you who are the SJW.

It's not a brigade when everyone just naturally doesn't like the crap you spew, even if you think it's an organized shill attack.

When you're a SJW, you dindu nuffin. It's what you dindu.

AlwaysInService ago

If you piss off a community on purpose


It's not a brigade when everyone just naturally doesn't like the crap you spew

SaneGoatiSwear ago

@puttitout check out this

dirty little half-brained shill shilling

you-are-me ago

Heh. You're so silly. Couldn't have asked for more. Have an upgoat for the effort.

Scruffy_Nerfherder ago

Brigading is a social construct.

Thisismyvoatusername ago

That's bullshit. It's biology, bitch. Science!

VieBleu ago

Nurture, not nature.

Islamiscancer ago

Kill all Niggers and Muslims

guinness2 ago

You make a compelling argument. Have an up-vote!

ChillyHellion ago

I'm curious about this too. Especially if no one is innocent, maybe the definition of brigading Voat's using is too general?

Or maybe he's saying that no definition of brigading leaves normal behavior untouched, so he's only going after egregious cases.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

you still oblivious to the obvious brigades going on RIGHT NOW even IN THIS THREAD?!!

@puttitout you failed voat, you failed goats, and you failed the very idea of free speech

and i did it. i got all the shills out in the open, including you.

bitch nigga.

ChillyHellion ago

"If you run into an asshole in the morning, you ran into an asshole. If you run into assholes all day, you’re the asshole."

-Raylan Givens

SaneGoatiSwear ago

agreed. i have lots of good conversations with good goats on voat. i'm having 3 in pm right now.

of course

"ignorance is bliss, but willful ignorance fosters division and death."

help voat, or you're letting it be killed.

it's 100% ruined and run by sjws. and you've done nothing afaik to defend free speech or voat from these srs and sjw cabals destroying and controlling voat (respectively).

you-are-me ago

maybe the definition of brigading Voat's using is too general?

Exactly this.

Using a "commonly understood" but ill defined term to govern is the bane of all free peoples of earth.

Everyone understands what "brigading" means, of course! But, they each have their own definition of what that means in their head.

@puttitout should list specific examples of activities that will count as "vote manipulation" and "brigading" prior to sighting down the barrel of a gun as a "new sheriff in town". Otherwise, we risk a less extreme, but more dangerous version of SaneGoatiSwear cancer.

People will get pissed, say, "Awe come the fuck on, you let that other asshole get away with X and you ban me"? Then they'll lash out against new rules they feel are unfair, purposefully breaking them this time, reinforcing your flawed belief that they were trolls in the first place. Others will take sides and contribute. Troll-spiral is a hell of a drug.

I support putt's actions thus far, proven smart as fuck for not pulling a SaneGoat and sperging out, banning all the minor bullshit no one has a right to be "pissed off" about. We're not guilty of shit, I'm not buying that. You don't label a lawless town "guilty" because people had to defend themselves when there was no sheriff. It's a shitty place to be, but that's just the way it is.

Vigilante justice can be just IRL even if the "law" gets broken to do it. If the Sheriff wants to prevent that then fix this shit:

  1. No well defined explicit rules to break in the first place.
  2. The place became the wild wild west w/o a Sheriff.

For example, and I keep coming back to this, because it's topical and obvious, not because I give a damn: If your moral convictions keep you from demodding or banning the shit out of a troll like SaneGoatiSwear, when there's ample evidence of modabuse, then you have absolutely zero right to get "pissed off" when other people resort to whatever minor means they have available and combat the fuckery, because admins let it continue, and appointed the trouble making reeeeeetard in the first place.

For the sake of argument let's say you pissed off SaneGoat and they went through and downvoated your entire comment history without reading them (hey, if the comments were actually read, then I wouldn't take issue look at the size of this bitch, amirite?) That shit's been going on and it seems like it's not ending soon. So, you create an alt and upvoat your own comment history, a single time on each comment. Is that vote manipulation? Or is that vote correction? Is it a bannable offense?

Is there grievance process to follow so that your extensive staff can handle each little foible prior to the users taking any retaliatory action of their own. Or, is it better to not need that staff, or very strict rules, and let goats handle their biznazz, while your limited staff only handles exceptional cases? Because if you've agreed to the latter, then we're not guilty, we're just on board with your program. Only the exceptional cases are worth being "pissed off" about.

What if you raise awareness about some obvious asshattery going on and that creates public consensus that a user is a shithead and lots of people organically downvoat them. Is that brigading? Calling a town meeting is not illegal even in towns where there are sheriffs, see. And you might not know this, but in the USA citizens can call a Grand Jury all on their own, without using any of the court system, and hold a trial, and carry out sentencing, all without the government getting involved. We don't because there are dedicated courts IRL, but in a strange frontier cyberland, you might want to re-think your conception of what "brigading" means, because there are no courts here.

Besides that, the community doesn't belong to you putt. Without us you are nothing. You may be maintainer, and operator, and for that we're grateful, but the community belongs to us, we created a lot of it somewhere else and took care to bring it here, and we'll take it with us if we leave. So, if the community says, "The gods have forsaken us! Our prayers go unanswered! We must do something ourselves", then that's actually our right to do that. The role of such a cybergod is to respond to the will of the volk, bringing righteous lightning from on high if the people cry out and the need is great enough to summon you. You can be a vengeful god and lay the smack down however you want, or an indifferent god who ignores the community's wishes, but in those cases that just means people will say, "Bad Deity, No Universe," and stop believing in you.

Not adopting "we're all guilty". That's projection. Personally, I think: Talk is cheap, let's see some action. Till then, I don't give a flying fuck if there are over nine thousand Sheriffs in town.

TL;DR: Fuck the police. There are no clearly defined rules to follow. Come at me bro. If we must break the rules to define them, so be it.

bikergang_accountant ago

^This. How can we apply the strictest punishment on the site without clear rules. This actually what happened under Stalin. I'm sure putt didn't mean to produce conditions like Stalism but through good intentions comes tyrany.

It doesn't help that in the past this act was considered virtuous. Amaleks, medical blogs, sanegoatiswears, shills. The hope was that if each user can knock out 1/100th their score and there is uniform consensus that they are abusing the system that we can put a limit on them, if and only if everyone agrees.

What hasn't worked is bots and CCP farming. I would even suggest that with these rules there is no point to CCP. Even among medical spammers, the most hated, their disliked links get -2 at most, and their positive get 20 or 50. Blatantly bad content will always prosper. Then we will have to pursue anti-spam other ways which is subject to mod abuse.

I've said this for a long time. Downvote ration. It solves all your problems. @PuttItOut Max 20 downvotes in a day. Right now it's 1800 (one every 2 seconds). Change it to 20 and you're gold.

My wisdom on this has been before its time many times. Bots, archived, /new trolling to force a conservative opinion which happened before you were in. All of them would have been solved with downvote rationing before the issue came into play.

Edit: If I were you, just because I'm obsessed with "smooth solutions" I would look into upvote and downvote rationing proportional to the log2 or sqrt of their score. Really sqrt(score/c) where c is some constant. 10.

VieBleu ago

I like your lawless western theme. Over at /v/pizzagate we have specialty CTR bots too, so it is more like Westworld, but a lot less pretty.

you-are-me ago

My theme has a bit more subtlety than that. It is a proven methodology discovered in the BBS era which ultimately serves to preserve and protect online communities by illustrating how lawlessness was handled by the pros who built the nation that produced this lawless cyberspace in the first place. The subversive agenda is carried out in hopes that voat may also persevere in the face of great adversity from competing enemies and hostile native savages.

In the real world there are more than just shills pushing ideologies. There are also patriots who band together to defend our valued volk.

VieBleu ago

The real world? with goats that are actually sane and fun to watch? It must be a dream.

you-are-me ago

No one can prove it's not a dream, so.... there's that.

GenghisSean ago

Well putt. The no clear definition is definitely going to cause problems so hopefully Putt putts some objective easy to classify definitions of what constitutes voat manipulation and brigading. While I trust his judgement, I would prefer there are no grey areas for bad actors to lurk in.

you-are-me ago

My primary concern is likewise, however, I realize it doesn't matter much about the rules so long as the dictator doesn't sperg out.

It is sometimes observed by historians that the best form of rule is via truly benevolent dictator... Unfortunately time exists and so benevolence may not be permanent, and offspring may be dipshits.

I would merely like to see the case presented to the public that those banned knew they could get banned for their actions before hand, and evidence of crime commited. I'm willing to wait until voat has grown larger and more profitable before I expect such things as a matter of course, because I trust putt. I may not trust those he delegates authority to later, if the sanegoat fiasco is anything to go by, we know mistakes can be made (and accounts can be bought, so it may be less about putt's decision making that it appears). Planting the seed of this philosophy is essential now.

Mission successful. You don't have to be a shill to have an agenda. In fact, if you don't have an agenda yet, I can sell you mine for the low low cost of 1 Internet point.

SkepticalMartian ago

The place became the wild wild west w/o a Sheriff.

That's because mods have exactly zero power to set a standard. The moment they try kevdude and the local PV goon squad show up to ensure post quality stays shit.

WeekendBaker ago

Agreed. Some sources are just shit. I have been down boating superstation95 or something everytime I see it because it is really poorly written, legitimate fake news, that gets spammed a lot.

Additionally I have been downvoating the SCP trolls ( 8000 SCP, 17 CCP) or copy Reddit's front page and highest rated comments... really blatantly. Example: "look what I got today" in post title and first comment is from same user saying "where did you get that?". I don't mind crosspoats from Reddit but that blatant farming pisses me off.

Hail Putt. Ave Goatimus, Semper Libre Vox.

Thisismyvoatusername ago

I don't know what you mean.

Thisismyvoatusername ago

Yeah, I don't understand, either. Who responds to themselves?

Thisismyvoatusername ago

You got me. I've never seen it. I think he may be exaggerating.

WeekendBaker ago

Oh gods, it's like reading /pol/ when CTR was spamming it up. #triggered

SaneGoatiSwear ago

thank you for actually using votes to intelligently curate voat! that's the fuck what they're for and no one fucking seems to do it!

really. thank you!

now please be informed that voat is 100% sjw owned and operated now, and that voat is dead in the water.

AlwaysInService ago

now please be informed that voat is 100% sjw owned and operated now

Yet another exaggeration and false claim without any actual proof

Islamiscancer ago

Kill all Niggers and Muslims.

pembo210 ago


8005134? ago

Lovin it so far thank you.

VouvrayCabernet ago

Thank's Putt. Glad to see many positive changes since you've been under management. <3

SaneGoatiSwear ago

this is stupid.

you didn't stop the shills you fucking moron.

you just made it worse.





























. . . . . .


.. . ..


~~~~ SANEGOAT THE DARK GOAT IS DEAD. sanegoat the shitlord returns.

you're on your own, voat

ExpertShitposter ago

Good riddance you disgusting faggot. Paid by no other than u/spez. Now that your mission has failed i will be cucking you with your girl Ellen Pao.

No more u/spez shekels for sane goat!!!!!!!!!!!!

NorwegianBlackMetal ago

Make your own site then you autistic faggot.

ginganinja ago


Datawych ago


Mick ago

See you Monday then.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

what's wrong with the restrictions?

AlwaysInService ago

He's afraid that when all this people he made angry (when he banned them or called them shills simply for disagreeing with him) will downvoat him into oblivion and into -CCP he will no longer be able to mod v/TIL and spam like he does now

Rotteuxx ago

Don't fucking troll me you shill ! Are you really out ? :D

8005387? ago

You've dropped below 6,000 CCP already, and none of your upvote alts will work anymore to keep you up against the wishes of the community. Enjoy negative CCP restrictions very soon unless you change your ways.

heygeorge ago

Sane's comment is so stellar that I feel compelled to post it again.

this is stupid.

you didn't stop the shills you fucking moron.

you just made it worse.





























. . . . . .


.. . ..


~~~~ SANEGOAT THE DARK GOAT IS DEAD. sanegoat the shitlord returns.

you're on your own, voat

fagnig ago

negative CCP restrictions

Which include a restriction on the number of posts and comments a day, if i recall correctly talking to someone being mass downvoted.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

post it to imgoat and i may actually look.

SelfReferenceParadox ago

You posted a twitter link not too long ago, use a VPN and noscript and you'll be fine.

Gerrador ago

Noscript is underappreciated by the public.

sapo ago

Amen. Never leave home without it.

AlwaysInService ago

SANEGOAT THE DARK GOAT IS DEAD. sanegoat the shitlord returns. you're on your own, voat

What do you mean? Are you quiting?

heygeorge ago

No... He's just saying that he's getting back to primarily making fun of fat people. Is Sane a verified shitlord? I don't know how he can stay in shape with all that time spent in front of a computer.

oiseaulibre ago

He used to not act like a nut and was fph member. Maybe he'll go back to doing that lol

AlwaysInService ago

I wish he'll just go back to being a normal user and a normal mod

Donbuster ago

If he does that, and relinquishes the TIL position after his abuse, @sanegoatiswear will have won back my respect, and no longer be a downvoat on sight, ping with any tangentially relevant post to piss him off user.

AlwaysInService ago

I fully agree. And fortunately I don't really see him that often anyway

yesyesyesyesyes ago

Iv'e prayed for this.. maybe there is a god.

Lord_of_the_rats ago

All hail Lord Spartacus.

AlwaysInService ago

I don't know about God, but there's for sure new sheriff in town

oiseaulibre ago

You forgot to mention how we can't post images in the chat

VouvrayCabernet ago


Scrapco ago

That's a cat.

WeekendBaker ago


Rotteuxx ago

Welcome aboard !

The357Cure ago

Anonymous users cheating for pretend status? It's like me telling you all I get laid a lot.

People need to go make eye contact and speak to real people more.

CRKT_M16Z ago

Hey man, I'm not here to judge. Maybe you DO get laid a lot.

But yeah, getting outside for real human interaction would do some goats a lot of good.

The357Cure ago

I'm rich too. And, like, everyone is my friend.

And I got that good hair too.

CRKT_M16Z ago

Good hair? Okay, now I think you're bullshitting me.

The357Cure ago


armday2day ago

I kid you guys not, I lost 1000 ccp

greycloud ago

same, but in the last month i have been getting hit by down vote bots. i'll take the hit now if the bots get banned.

Redditsdead ago

Fuck off Hecho. Kill yourself pedophile.

Le_Squish ago

Putt is awesome.

8005107? ago


This is a good point, can we get a clear definition of brigading so people can make sure they don't do it?

SaneGoatiSwear ago

the most important thing to remember, goats:

puttitout asked none of you about any of this. any goat older that 6 months remembers that it used to be the exact opposite.

it used to be voat's major changes were talked about openly. adding blocking, making voat rolling not static (page 19), removing @thc and @innocentbystander, and now these major changes. speech is not free, and brigades are still active, just not free-speech friendly ones.

TLDR: puttitout and the sjws are 100% against free speech, and have just killed voat.

(p.s. putt didn't ban a single sjw nor srs brigade alt. not one).

guinness2 ago

You really, really, really don't like these anti-spamming and anti-brigading measures, hey?

You seem really upset.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

associating opponent with negative concepts

at this point,

shill confirmed archived capped and logged for confirmed shill



guinness2 ago

Have you considered quitting Voat if it makes you so triggered and unhappy?

Being so angry all of the time can't be good for your health.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

@puttitout this is some dirty nigger shit

you could just remove the -ccp restrictions, but instead, you'd rather increase the downvoating brigades, and remove a bunch of everyone's ccp

TLDR: everyone just learned how many deleted accounts had upvoated them.









TLDR: voat is now closed source, and sjw-controlled. defcon 1. abandon ship, voat is for the shills.

creep ago

SJWs are unhinged, but they pale in comparison to you.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

i want people to be able to speak here without fear of downvoat brigades to silence their accounts forcing them to make alts.

i want people to be able to express themselves through voting freely.

sjws want to control the narrative and silence dissent.

they are the fucking opposite of me.

@puttiout @atko @zetareticulan (congrats on the sub sticky!)

creep ago

There are many kinds of unhinged that don't involve the things you hate.

8006866? ago

Hey thanks Sane!

SaneGoatiSwear ago

ignore the death of voat, zeta!

lol not lol

8007194? ago

I'm going to preface this by saying I respect you, and am saying this with love. I completely understand if you call me a shill after this.

I can see your point, CCP can sometimes feel more like a popularity contest than upvoting quality content. Ive seen some of your decent posts get downvoted into oblivion, most likely because your username was attached to it. I have also seen the times where you have been antagonistic, aggressive, and abusive to some users (and our Admin). Voat is an experiment, like Reddit, Gaia online, Tumblr, 4 chan, the likes. How do people behave when masked? I think the Voat experiment is going really well, personally. I am probably nieve.

My friend, I think you have a great message when you argue for free speech, but you have terrible delivery and that's what is giving you trouble. When you lash out at others (even if justified) it gets them off. Stop getting them off, Sane.

Pride is a bitter apple that is hard to swallow. I have been there. But the humility you feel after can be sweeter than honey.

Love you Saney-poo. Please try and be kind.

SaneGoatiSwear ago


8007394? ago

Won't lie though, how controversial you are is pretty awesome sometimes, the triggerings are epic AF. If voat was Liberal, you'd be Milo Yiannopolis. Also see this

SaneGoatiSwear ago

then you get a most wonderful reply:

conde naste most probably tookover voat, and the sjw plants they installed like kevdude and fuzzywords are now running voat, puttitout included.

while they banned goatku amalek and spartacus and the shill army of cygnus, the brigade cabal of the sjws that run voat is going strong, and although the sjws attacked srs (sbbh) and rekt their points (and like fuckin everyone else's for no fucking reason without any warning or explination), srs'll come back, test the boundaries, and brigade again soon. none of this stops brigading, it just hampers it. hardens it. pushes it to dark corners to fester, instead of bringing it into the light.

what has happened is puttitout has shown his alliance with the sjws, and begun the diaspora of the alts. wave 5 of all these shills' attacks on voat begins now.

AlwaysInService ago

abandon ship

After you

PuttItOut ago

Yes, I will provide more info on this before I initiate any further bans for this reason.

It is not my intention to ban anyone but those that are abusing the system for malicious reasons.

did-i-say-that ago

^- this is the kind of post which gives me faith in voat.

Broc_Lia ago

Fair enough. There are some users who I downvote a hell of a lot, so I'd like to see this myself. Whatever rule you make I'll stick to it.

One more possible loophole you may have missed: Old comments can currently be upvoted but not downvoted. It might be better if the moritorium on downvoting affects upvoting too.

Fambida ago

Nah, SpamGoatISwear actually has a point on some of this shit. It's only worth sticking with rules that are GOOD rules. For instance, I will not stop downvoting SpamGoat's spam just because his constant spamming ends up meaning he gets far more of my downvotes than anyone else these days. The rule could quite easily say you can only give 1 given person X% of your downvotes. I will not abide by that. I downvote as I see fit.

And I'll give this thread as an example of times when I don't downvote the SpamGoat, because his comments in this thread are highly relevant (for once).

SaneGoatiSwear ago

and i fight for your right to downvoat me freely, just so you're perfectly clear on that.

voting up and down are self-expression, and are protected in the u.s. the right shall not be abridged. -ccp and now secret vote bans (200 of the 260 banned accounts had given less than 10 votes total ever, each) scream sjw takeover.

Broc_Lia ago

The rule could quite easily say you can only give 1 given person X% of your downvotes. I will not abide by that. I downvote as I see fit.

If he makes a rule like that he should just hard-code it. No point making a difficult to calculate boundary which people have to actively look out for when it could be automatic.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

pointing out this is ALL being done without any community consent. it was done in secret, coded by a group of sjws, and was forced upon voat. we're not even being told the specifics, so the srs cabal the sjws hate don't get to know, they have to test.

oh the war is still on, goatku has just left and i see the writing on the wall "sjw property of conde nast" so i don't give a fuck anymore.

but the war is still on. srs vs sjw.

Broc_Lia ago

Aren't SRS SJWs?

Anyhow, the code is public, so you could just have a look at the rule yourself.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

no, srs want to watch the voat burn and laugh.

sjws want to control voat, the narrative, and silence dissent.

fundamental difference is one wants to turn it to ash, the other wants to sustain it to manipulate us.

ThizzBoss ago

meaning that we have both obvious farming/brigading going on but we also have this behavior from good solid users too.

Can you explain this further? Also, you're a fag and can't ban me. Suckmydick. Thanks

SaneGoatiSwear ago

you just fully sjw cucked voat.

you've made it clear you're an sjw.

you are against free speech

you no longer allow goats to discuss changes, nor even know what they are.

you increase censorship tools on voat (first thing you did as CE0)

you're bad for speech, bad for human rights, and bad for voat

@atko come back nigger, puttitout just killed voat, the stupid fat fuck he is.

Ziekk ago

What the proposed rules have done is prevent newer users like yourself from quickly gathering CCP to appear popular.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

no. not at all. i could give a fuck about ccp

i can just make an alt if -ccp restrictions.

you are pointing out an annoying butterfly and entirely missing the rot breaking the heavy branch above your head.

Ziekk ago

Mostly I'm messing with you. What does farming actually accomplish, though? Or what do the points actually get you? I'm curious about the frustration from you.

guinness2 ago

Farming allows him to perform down-vote attacks on /v/All because each alt needs a minimum of 100 CCP to down-vote.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

then you're a stupid nigger. goatku was to help voat. you killed him.

if you had killed the shill cabals, then goatku would have left of his own volition. but you never trusted those that cared for voat,

you trusted 100% confirmed criminal shills who destroyed reddit, and now have destroyed voat

i hope you're happy you fucking rapey nigger.

enjoy the ad homenim, fat ass hipster faggot.

what you have done is 100% allow the SJW shills and the srs shills (in a slightly longer time frame) to come back from this, and continue manipulating.

your bans will solve nothing. wave after wave will come. you will be banning users instead of coding voat.

i suggest you find a better method

because as it stands

you just killed voat.

so fuck you, fuck yourself, fuck your mother, i hope your kids are all stillborn.

AlwaysInService ago

goatku was to help voat

How so? By upvoating your posts and comments?

100% confirmed criminal shills

Only by your own definition

you just killed voat


kammmmak ago

Are you standing in front a mirror?

8005512? ago

Much appreciated, I think the key difference between us and the people who use and run Reddit/Twitter/FB etc.. is that we will set a rule and follow it. We don't use secret rules, secret judgements and shifting goalposts.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

are you paying attention?

he's giving you lip service.

he has no intention of telling anyone.

only the sjws that coded this coup with him get to know (fuzzy, kev, cynabuns, etc)

we now have secret rules, secret judgements.

are you not paying attention!??!?

thrus ago

If you are so against puttitout why have you stayed? In all honesty if you are unhappy with a site's direction or leadership leave.

Possibly_a_Carrot ago

"are you not paying attention??!?" What a retarded fucking statement.

You spout OBVIOUS propaganda, then we are somehow the idiots for not coming to the same conclusions you have?

No. That's not how the internet works, and anyone that has been using it for as long as you have should fucking know that.

Evidence, please?

thrus ago

at this point he is the reason I'm very curious about this rule it is one of only two accounts I can think of that I tend to downvoat most of the time, the other I know for the copy and paste comment more then by username.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

personal attack

personal attack

loaded question

asking for proof of a negative

shill carrot confirmed. capping logging archiving for shill carrot.

Talc ago

lying your ass off again. downvoted for dishonesty.

Possibly_a_Carrot ago

asking for proof of a negative

Oh, and what happened to all those undelete logs you were citing in other posts in this thread? Surely you're not too fucking stupid to know what the "Print Scr" button does, are you?

E*: All of these replies could have been completely avoided by you providing some sort of evidence of your claims. Also, your screaming about "THINK BACK TO JUST 6 MONTHS AGO WHEN THEY WOULD ASK OUR OPINION ON NEW POLICIES!!!" (paraphrasing you to make it more cohesive as a statement).

Yes. I remember this, and many previous and prior instances.

But those administrative policies were decisions that affected everyone not just blatant vote manipulators. It isn't fucking like they can take an upvoat based popularity poll on what they should do the answer seems REALLY fucking simple to me.

Cut out the fucking cancer.

SaneGoatiSwear ago


Possibly_a_Carrot ago


mispelledsomething ago


Possibly_a_Carrot ago

Ya know what....that's actually better.

but only so long as it's:


Possibly_a_Carrot ago

That's a pretty decent remix of that song for what I could listen to of it (wife is asleep in the next room, so can't get good volume right now).

Thanks for sharing!

Possibly_a_Carrot ago

Also, you take me saying that what you're saying is obvious propaganda as a "personal attack"?

Holy shit, you're either completely insane, or some HORRIBLY run social media manipulation company that doesn't speak good enough english to properly argue with me...

E*: Either come with sources, or shut your bitch-ass mouth(s?).

Possibly_a_Carrot ago

Yup. 100% shill. Check me out, bro!

Nothing points out a shill like a 24hr poster who calls people shills, tho, AMIRITE!?

AmaleksHairyAss ago

I don't trust carrots.

Possibly_a_Carrot ago

We don't blame you.

8005273? ago

It needs to be VERY CLEARLY DEFINED. Reddit uses this as justification to ban anyone they dislike because nobody knows what brigade is.

For example, I lost one reddit account after some dude spammed hundreds of comments to me and I downvoted them from his userpage instead of each thread. I don't think any sane person would consider voting on a reply to your comments to be brigading.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

it's not defined, it's secret, and there are no ban logs for this.

it's entirely closed source, the code is not on git.

this is 100% reddit.

8005104? ago

Can you speak to whether anti-free-speech mod behavior is permissible in very popular but non-system-owned subs? Such as /v/TIL. Mass deletions, mass banning, rules for the users but not for the mod, etc. Similar to what @She was doing.

Also, what constitutes brigading? Subverses targeting another subverse? Alts used for voting? Or what about when someone goes through your comment history and downvotes everything?

SaneGoatiSwear ago

fuck off nigger everyone was unbanned. it was just till the harassment of me died down, shill.

kevdude's on the front page with a v/til post.

mass deletions

of a giant organized harassment campaing INCLUDING BY YOU you fucking dirty nigger shill

nothing like what she did you stupid nigger

dirty nigger criminal shill shilling so hard his shekels fell off his dirty hairy greasy neck


ayy lmao you little nigger so easy.

MaunaLoona ago

There isn't a massive conspiracy against you. It's just that no one likes you or your posts.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

lol you're fucking retarded. this has nothing to do with me. i just threw my username up and watched all the shills jump on it. ayyy lmao. pay attention, voat's run by sjws.

thrus ago

That might be a better argument if you were in that thread that you linked to.

SaltyMango ago

Why haven't you killed yourself yet?

8005899? ago

Now that vote brigading has been fixed, when you're downvoted to negative CCP in a few days you won't be able to effectively moderate TIL. Someone will then take it over.

You're in no position to judge anything, considering the slightest criticism of your spammy, hypocritical, autistic rants sends you into a deletion and banning spree.

SkillYourself ago

Holy shit. SGIS is down to 800 SCP and 5k CCP. How many sockpuppets do you need @SaneGoatiSwear? This only confirmed my theory that everyone on this website is a SGIS alt.

Thisismyvoatusername ago

Regarding your theory that everyone is a SGIS alt. How would I go about testing whether I am or not. Now I am worried. I feel self-aware, but how do I really know?

thrus ago

You are good, you replied to someone without insulting them.

E-werd ago

Shut up shill nigger.

oh god...

SaneGoatiSwear ago

did you read the post?

all of a sudden deleted accounts' votes disappear from other users' scp and ccp counts

ffs atko lost thousands, @highly_paid_orgy_pro lost 5000scp and 3000ccp WAAAAY more than i did

but you hold on to that

confirmation bias

you go right ahead.

SkillYourself ago

The difference being HPOP and Atko are usually upvoted. You however, every thread is generally negative CCP/SCP. How many accounts were you making each day to maintain? 10? 50?

8006589? ago

Oh yes, it's all one big coincidence! You're just like the others!

guinness2 ago

That graph is awesome!

Can you let us know how it was produced and what other charts can be similarly generated?

ExpertShitposter ago

A user was manually monitoring his account to make the graph.

Thisismyvoatusername ago

Jesus, if that is true, some user needs to find a better hobby. Fuck. I cannot imagine devoting myself to tracking someone points to graph it.

ExpertShitposter ago

Well it was just one screen shot per hour for one day. Might have been three 8hour shifts by 3 users.

Fambida ago

Lol, that graph fuckin says it all. general down trend followed by a quick self brigade to raise it. Rinse n repeat.

Volcris ago

At this point, I would say cut him some slack. The guy is clearly unhinged, and the way he posts is not really convincing anyone to take him seriously.

This place doesn't have to be reddit, instead of piling hate on him, I suggest just ignore him.

8006212? ago

I'll ignore him (and block him) once he stops fucking up a subverse I subscribe(d) to. He's a mod that bans people, deletes more content than @She ever did, and then spams his insane rants everywhere.

Thisismyvoatusername ago

I really don't think it is a fair comparison, though. @she was attemtping to steer conversations in a way to ake progressive ideals and positions seem like they had more support than they really did. Sane on the other hand is just kind of insane. Sometimes he seems fine and other times he seems like he is clinically paranoid. He often lets things stay even if he disagrees (he just insults people and rants about criminal shills). Alternatively, he also deletes things for reasons that are hard to understand using normal logic.

So @she was affirmatively harmful to the free speech ideals of Voat. Sane is more like Shia LaBeouf style performance art or something.

Volcris ago

At the rate he is going, and with the reasonable changes that are being made, I'm sure that won't be a problem for too much longer.

He did bring up one point I admit I am too lazy to check, will these new bans appear in the log? I would prefer spam-bams to have their own log for transparency's sake so this doesn't threaten to become another "we only shadow ban bots" situation.

smokratez ago

From this point forward, if you brigade another users’ content your account will be banned.

So if I down vote every submission made by Hpoop I will be banned?

Mick ago

Yeah this needs clarification.

fagnig ago

Ive mass upvoted a user who was being mass downvoted, im also curious if this is bannable.

Tallest_Skil ago


There is one main difference between Reddit and /pol/: equality.

On Reddit, you are forced to make a username to contribute. While you don’t have to connect it to an e-mail, you have to do so to comment more than once per few minutes. So, really, you have to connect it to an e-mail. This creates an identity that a user develops over time and craves to make “important.”

All the individual identities on Reddit crave one thing: Upvotes–for comments and posts. This means that a Reddit user is willing to sell a part of who they really are in the quest for more positive votes. This identity is no longer a true representation of who they really are (were). It is a pseudo-reality that only exists in the world of Reddit. Their ideas, comments, postings, and even language has been influenced and changed all for the sake of the coveted upward pointed arrow.

/pol/ is void of this. I can be who I want to be, post what I want to post, and say what I want to say without having to think about what you fucks think. Your opinions don’t do anything. /pol/ has given other users no way to devalue my identity. Reddit, by its nature, explicitly gives other users a way to devalue who and what you really are, what you really think, and what you really want to say. Reddit, while claiming to be for “content,” is really against it. One poster on Reddit even showed a part in the basic coding of Reddit’s popularity system where votes over time earn the “front page” status quickly. What gets looked at more over a short period of time: the interesting post about something everyone should know, or some stupid fucking cat? The cat, because it’s easier to see, easier to read, and easier to process. It’s a joke.

Sure, Reddit has some positives, but it all boils down to this: Reddit allows other users to have the power to alter your way of thinking for the sake of favor among them. /pol/ does not. Oh, and one more thing. Reddit’s administrators censor and delete anything with which they do not agree. Not only are other users altering your beliefs, the site owners are, as well.

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

This means that a Reddit user is willing to sell a part of who they really are in the quest for more positive votes.


Reddit’s administrators censor and delete anything with which they do not agree.

Clearly true.

"Your account has been permanently suspended from Reddit."

It's a fight. Just fight back.

Tallest_Skil ago


That’s literally exactly what it means.

It's a fight. Just fight back.

Obviously; I’m on my 40th or so account.

8045044? ago

comparing 4chan to voat

Have fun getting your posts removed or receiving a ban for wrongthink or dissent. Sorry to be a dick but 4chan is a joke now.

Tallest_Skil ago

I said nothing about cuckchan. It’s christkiller-owned shit, absolutely, but there are other /pol/s that aren’t. It’s the IDEA that is the point here.

8045153? ago

My mistake/assumption. Sorry. There's talk that 8chan isn't any better. If you know of a pol that isn't like 4chans yeah keep it moving for sure.

gopluckyourself ago

I actually love this idea.

thrus ago

While I can see the perks to not having voats at times it is nice to have the crap hidden away at the bottom so you don't have to see the people just listing insults because they can. or to have a simple correction to the headline drug to the top so you know when people are working off a wrong assumption from the title, especially nice if you haven't read the linked content yet or can't access it behind firewalls.

Vladimara ago

/pol/ and other image boards also make everyone a nameless figure, who you cannot ever possibly connect with, which is great for those without a sense of personhood or the sense of self. They're also inefficient for searching for content, and their content deletes over time when it hasn't been interacted in a while or it hits the post/bump limit making it even more enificent.

Lord--Gaben ago

That's not entirely true. User's on pol have an incentive not to dissent because (You)s feel good. This can also be achieved by bait, but it's not quite the same as dissent.

Tallest_Skil ago

If (you)s feel good to you, you don't belong on /pol/. Anyone who falls for that sort of psychological conditioning is retarded.

Lord--Gaben ago

That doesn't change the fact that there are an abundance of those people on /pol/.

l23r ago

It is unfortunate that not many people will see this since it's buried in the comment section.

Artofchoke ago

I have upvoated sane goat fear nearly a year, for no reason other than to be a contrarian. 🐐

yesyesyesyesyes ago

You da man!


You are like the Trump of voat.

Broc_Lia ago

He's big into domestic spying and civil asset forfeiture? :p

Tallest_Skil ago

Still riding those canards, are you, you fucking shill?

mamwad ago

Who's the shill? Someone who states an obvious truth about Trump's questionable policy opinions or someone who sticks their head in the sand and refuses to acknowledge fair criticism of the God Emperor?

Tallest_Skil ago

who states an obvious truth

Yeah, you’re the shill.

Foralltoosee ago

We really hope he won't fuck it up over the next four years, but we're fairly confident everything will be fine?


And he is a billionaire who wrote 'The Art of the Voat.'

Seriously, the changes he is pushing are like the bullet points in that book.

ohmymy ago

I thought that one already could not voat twice (or more) from alt accounts. Was that not the case?

Germ22 ago

I had no idea how many CCP and SCP i had, so i do not know if i lost any.

Cynabuns ago

Thanks very much for everything, Putts.

Failure ago

Hell yeah!

fagnig ago

I lost some karma it seems, maybe 500 from ccp and scp both. Good to know why this happened, but im not sure i ever engaged in the kind of fuckery which would deserve it.

HarveyKlinger ago

You probably didn't. I know I didn't (at least knowingly). I wouldn't worry about it.

fagnig ago

I read the post, but i dont understand how it affected my scores, im not butthurt about points, but it seems a bit mysterious.

HarveyKlinger ago

Any update on moderation requests? I REALLY want that Chicago Cubs sub.

Mick ago

Meh, they're just points. Congrats on the stable update.

Broc_Lia ago

Yeah, but they affect which comments get seen and which get buried. Users like sanegoatiswear abuse this to push their content to the top and bury what they don't like.

Mick ago

This is talking about losing points because of the update. I don't care about that, I gave up 30 000 points to get Mick back.

vault_boy ago

Thanks for the update @PuttItOut

Happy to see more improvements here :D

Chiefpacman ago

Make sure to leave an apple on his desk next time

georgeorgeg ago

Thank you for the update and action against the issue!

Disappointed ago

Users no longer earn CCP in Subverses with Minimum Downvote values greater than zero (Common farming technique)

Can this still be switched easily? People were abusing how easy it is to switch on and off to get their submissions to the front page and then turning it off again to prevent downvotes. I'm sure they coud do the same here if there's no cooldown to switching.