"first they came for amalek,but i didn't think it was jews so i said nothing;then they came for SaneGoat,but i didn't believe in shills,said nothing;then the shills running voat came for me.." -you (GreatQuotes)
submitted 8 years ago by SaneGoatiSwear
and you let voat fall like you let reddit fall.
fucking pompeiians. you let the few sociopaths ruin shit generation after generation.
you're not goats, you're the trampled grass.
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3nk1 8 years ago
You can still post? Impressive.
SaneGoatiSwear 8 years ago
@lord_of_the_rats check it, found one of the shill downvoat brigade accounts.
Lord_of_the_rats 8 years ago
hm. suspicious.
of course, @puttitout wont do anything about it
because he's an amateur programmer who uses windows
and i bet you the ceo shill is still a fatty
guinness2 8 years ago
I love it when your alts talk to each other.
It reminds me of someone having a tea party with their imaginary friends.
It shows just what a sad loser you are: heaps funny.
Moar pls.
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3nk1 ago
You can still post? Impressive.
SaneGoatiSwear ago
@lord_of_the_rats check it, found one of the shill downvoat brigade accounts.
Lord_of_the_rats ago
hm. suspicious.
of course, @puttitout wont do anything about it
because he's an amateur programmer who uses windows
SaneGoatiSwear ago
and i bet you the ceo shill is still a fatty
guinness2 ago
I love it when your alts talk to each other.
It reminds me of someone having a tea party with their imaginary friends.
It shows just what a sad loser you are: heaps funny.
Moar pls.