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8005107? ago


This is a good point, can we get a clear definition of brigading so people can make sure they don't do it?

PuttItOut ago

Yes, I will provide more info on this before I initiate any further bans for this reason.

It is not my intention to ban anyone but those that are abusing the system for malicious reasons.

did-i-say-that ago

^- this is the kind of post which gives me faith in voat.

Broc_Lia ago

Fair enough. There are some users who I downvote a hell of a lot, so I'd like to see this myself. Whatever rule you make I'll stick to it.

One more possible loophole you may have missed: Old comments can currently be upvoted but not downvoted. It might be better if the moritorium on downvoting affects upvoting too.

Fambida ago

Nah, SpamGoatISwear actually has a point on some of this shit. It's only worth sticking with rules that are GOOD rules. For instance, I will not stop downvoting SpamGoat's spam just because his constant spamming ends up meaning he gets far more of my downvotes than anyone else these days. The rule could quite easily say you can only give 1 given person X% of your downvotes. I will not abide by that. I downvote as I see fit.

And I'll give this thread as an example of times when I don't downvote the SpamGoat, because his comments in this thread are highly relevant (for once).

SaneGoatiSwear ago

and i fight for your right to downvoat me freely, just so you're perfectly clear on that.

voting up and down are self-expression, and are protected in the u.s. the right shall not be abridged. -ccp and now secret vote bans (200 of the 260 banned accounts had given less than 10 votes total ever, each) scream sjw takeover.

Broc_Lia ago

The rule could quite easily say you can only give 1 given person X% of your downvotes. I will not abide by that. I downvote as I see fit.

If he makes a rule like that he should just hard-code it. No point making a difficult to calculate boundary which people have to actively look out for when it could be automatic.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

pointing out this is ALL being done without any community consent. it was done in secret, coded by a group of sjws, and was forced upon voat. we're not even being told the specifics, so the srs cabal the sjws hate don't get to know, they have to test.

oh the war is still on, goatku has just left and i see the writing on the wall "sjw property of conde nast" so i don't give a fuck anymore.

but the war is still on. srs vs sjw.

Broc_Lia ago

Aren't SRS SJWs?

Anyhow, the code is public, so you could just have a look at the rule yourself.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

no, srs want to watch the voat burn and laugh.

sjws want to control voat, the narrative, and silence dissent.

fundamental difference is one wants to turn it to ash, the other wants to sustain it to manipulate us.

ThizzBoss ago

meaning that we have both obvious farming/brigading going on but we also have this behavior from good solid users too.

Can you explain this further? Also, you're a fag and can't ban me. Suckmydick. Thanks

SaneGoatiSwear ago

you just fully sjw cucked voat.

you've made it clear you're an sjw.

you are against free speech

you no longer allow goats to discuss changes, nor even know what they are.

you increase censorship tools on voat (first thing you did as CE0)

you're bad for speech, bad for human rights, and bad for voat

@atko come back nigger, puttitout just killed voat, the stupid fat fuck he is.

Ziekk ago

What the proposed rules have done is prevent newer users like yourself from quickly gathering CCP to appear popular.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

no. not at all. i could give a fuck about ccp

i can just make an alt if -ccp restrictions.

you are pointing out an annoying butterfly and entirely missing the rot breaking the heavy branch above your head.

Ziekk ago

Mostly I'm messing with you. What does farming actually accomplish, though? Or what do the points actually get you? I'm curious about the frustration from you.

guinness2 ago

Farming allows him to perform down-vote attacks on /v/All because each alt needs a minimum of 100 CCP to down-vote.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

then you're a stupid nigger. goatku was to help voat. you killed him.

if you had killed the shill cabals, then goatku would have left of his own volition. but you never trusted those that cared for voat,

you trusted 100% confirmed criminal shills who destroyed reddit, and now have destroyed voat

i hope you're happy you fucking rapey nigger.

enjoy the ad homenim, fat ass hipster faggot.

what you have done is 100% allow the SJW shills and the srs shills (in a slightly longer time frame) to come back from this, and continue manipulating.

your bans will solve nothing. wave after wave will come. you will be banning users instead of coding voat.

i suggest you find a better method

because as it stands

you just killed voat.

so fuck you, fuck yourself, fuck your mother, i hope your kids are all stillborn.

AlwaysInService ago

goatku was to help voat

How so? By upvoating your posts and comments?

100% confirmed criminal shills

Only by your own definition

you just killed voat


kammmmak ago

Are you standing in front a mirror?

8005512? ago

Much appreciated, I think the key difference between us and the people who use and run Reddit/Twitter/FB etc.. is that we will set a rule and follow it. We don't use secret rules, secret judgements and shifting goalposts.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

are you paying attention?

he's giving you lip service.

he has no intention of telling anyone.

only the sjws that coded this coup with him get to know (fuzzy, kev, cynabuns, etc)

we now have secret rules, secret judgements.

are you not paying attention!??!?

thrus ago

If you are so against puttitout why have you stayed? In all honesty if you are unhappy with a site's direction or leadership leave.

Possibly_a_Carrot ago

"are you not paying attention??!?" What a retarded fucking statement.

You spout OBVIOUS propaganda, then we are somehow the idiots for not coming to the same conclusions you have?

No. That's not how the internet works, and anyone that has been using it for as long as you have should fucking know that.

Evidence, please?

thrus ago

at this point he is the reason I'm very curious about this rule it is one of only two accounts I can think of that I tend to downvoat most of the time, the other I know for the copy and paste comment more then by username.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

personal attack

personal attack

loaded question

asking for proof of a negative

shill carrot confirmed. capping logging archiving for shill carrot.

Talc ago

lying your ass off again. downvoted for dishonesty.

Possibly_a_Carrot ago

asking for proof of a negative

Oh, and what happened to all those undelete logs you were citing in other posts in this thread? Surely you're not too fucking stupid to know what the "Print Scr" button does, are you?

E*: All of these replies could have been completely avoided by you providing some sort of evidence of your claims. Also, your screaming about "THINK BACK TO JUST 6 MONTHS AGO WHEN THEY WOULD ASK OUR OPINION ON NEW POLICIES!!!" (paraphrasing you to make it more cohesive as a statement).

Yes. I remember this, and many previous and prior instances.

But those administrative policies were decisions that affected everyone not just blatant vote manipulators. It isn't fucking like they can take an upvoat based popularity poll on what they should do the answer seems REALLY fucking simple to me.

Cut out the fucking cancer.

SaneGoatiSwear ago


Possibly_a_Carrot ago


mispelledsomething ago


Possibly_a_Carrot ago

Ya know what....that's actually better.

but only so long as it's:


Possibly_a_Carrot ago

That's a pretty decent remix of that song for what I could listen to of it (wife is asleep in the next room, so can't get good volume right now).

Thanks for sharing!

Possibly_a_Carrot ago

Also, you take me saying that what you're saying is obvious propaganda as a "personal attack"?

Holy shit, you're either completely insane, or some HORRIBLY run social media manipulation company that doesn't speak good enough english to properly argue with me...

E*: Either come with sources, or shut your bitch-ass mouth(s?).

Possibly_a_Carrot ago

Yup. 100% shill. Check me out, bro!

Nothing points out a shill like a 24hr poster who calls people shills, tho, AMIRITE!?

AmaleksHairyAss ago

I don't trust carrots.

Possibly_a_Carrot ago

We don't blame you.