10315733? ago

All I can say is I genuinley wanted the 100 CCP thing back as it was at the beginning, and I represented the majority of the community who felt the same way.

It took the discussion sticky to really work out to everyone's true understanding what was going on. FuzzyWords explanations were far more detailed than anything I or anyone else had been told about the issue. I highlighted the explanations in posts to the sticky so anyone who reads my comments could see them.

I think it was a good idea to explore the issue so thoroughly which is what putting it up in the sticky is all about. It was not a waste of time. I still think the CCP thing should be implemented, and then it would corral the vote farming accounts and they could be more easily watched.

I don't think the communication about how the site works is strong enough or wasn't on this issue.

The short conversation I had with you KevDude months ago was not of this depth. If you want to debate that, then show the conversation. We did talk about v/all and I started watching it - I literally never saw pizzagate posts on there. For me, our conversation was not convincing.

I don't answer or ping you because everytime I try to speak with you, you insult me. You ask for "open debate" then use it as an opportunity to insult me every single time, no matter what I say. I am in a lot of emotional pain right now already because I have problems in my family. I really am only human and honestly I am crying as I type this because I feel so beat up.

Please stop demonizing me. I try hard to do right and I have worked very hard over the months. I am asking you to please stop calling me cunt and singling me out.

You might notice that the reason we actually have the sticky is because I tried to get some good changes done, I asked Vindicator how to proceed and followed her directions - the pizzagatewhatever post had all the suggestions currently up in this sticky besides the CCP thing, and they were culled from the community. I have been a catalyst for changes and this sticky which hopefully will make the subforum better.

Please don't beat me up again here. Honestly just a friendly word would make a lot of difference. I thought about who I could talk to about feeling harrassed, Vindicator, VictorSteinerD etc, but the reality is the only thing I can do is tell you honestly how I feel and it is really beat up. That's it I guess.

10324689? ago

@FuzzyWords @KevDude @Vindicator @VictorSteinerDavion

@VieBleu the lying psychiatric patient is talking about you in the parent comment. This is the anon thread that they used one of their alternate accounts to make so they could pretend to be a victim.

10332510? ago

More lame ass crap from another fantasy land citizen bent on convincing their particular brand of psychopathy is the best brand.

10325408? ago

Yeah, this talking about people without pinging, making defamatory claims with no evidence, citing anonymous comments as evidence, and turning a conversation about how the community wants a sub run into a personal pity party...lame weasel tactics. Very poor goatsmanship. Glad it on the record, though.

10327057? ago

Fuck @viebleu. More like "Lie-Bleu". INB4 lying liebleu goes and finds more comments made by other users to use as "evidence" against me.
