PizzaGatinOnYa ago

Please please do not let this become a censored place, I understand it is for pizzagate related things but pizzagate encompasses a lot of things. And having people see the bigger picture is really what it's all about. I mean its a world wide pedophile ring, but it has ties with trafficking guns and laundering money as well.

We lose credibility engaging in filtering and anti-shill tactics, but i can see the point how an outside user could see those and have doubts about this community as well. It just gives them validation that paying people to troll the internet is working for their goals.. And sometimes people being censored even in the smallest way is a HUGE turnoff for conspiracy folks.

If requiring upvotes to post a topic is what you are suggesting I think that is okay but perhaps you can give people 1 free post and then they require upvotes. It puts a cog in the shill machine(slightly) and still allows for that 1 post drop from anon's. Being on the front page is important. People are always bored on the internet and being in their face is a big attention grabber.

kingkongwaswrong ago

I don't think it stops people from posting, it just stops them from downvoting unless they have participated meaningfully in the sub

RebelSkum ago

I completely agree with putting restrictions in place. There are a LOT of other places for anons without permissions to contribute in the meantime and it is probably the best way to ensure that our lines of communication aren't getting janked by fucktards.

RainingPiss ago

I live off of new for pizzagate now

RainingPiss ago

Give me upvotes so I can DV these shills. Brrr you can just feel it in the air.

KittyTigerlily ago

Well, I don't know where to write this point. It's just too weird. But maybe this is some kind of warning to what is fixing to happen to us. I was just posting on WND at a poll site.You can go on there now and see it. Anyway, I was going to post something, and when I entered, a huge Discus screen came up and said that it's busy, can't post, period. And I was already signed into WND, not discus. I'm a bit confused.

So I tried again, same message. I got out of there and signed back into WND. After that, it was okay. The stupid Discus was an angry-face type of thing. I'm just warning you guys, something is happening, and I have never ever had this happen before. They are really sensoring us. What is going on that I would get that? It's just a poll, for goodness' sake. Doesn't make sense to me.

kingkongwaswrong ago

whats wnd?

KittyTigerlily ago

World Net Daily, used to be, but now is called WND. And Jerome Corsi is there at times and he does lots of research. Someone on here mentioned Corsi.

Mooncutter ago

My blog about Pizzagate might be of interest? I've been on it hard for a couple days, it's a good place to go for digestable chunks of information.

ploppy ago

Just want to say its easy to be labeled a shill. I just found that out the hard way by making a post that was too preachy and definitive. Stupid of me.

DcFunny ago

Can someone help orient newbs? I'm just coming over from [elsewhere] and this is way different. How do I start a new thread. I have something that needs digging and various eyes.

Phobos_Mothership ago

I personally think this is a bad idea, and this coming from someone who has most of his CCP from /v/pizzagate and /v/conspiracy.

If we could do it and remain on the front page, I'd say go for it, but it seems to be like 'censoring shills at the expense of self-censorship' you know?

ScottKnight ago

I don't really know where else to say this because I didn't want to start a topic just for it. You know how these last few days it seems like this paedophilia shit is out in the open in the west? What about Japan? Could there be a whole different range of symbolism and elite trafficking groups using anime/manga?

0xFFF ago

if it means disappearing from the front page i don't think it's worth it. Also means the bots and shills managed to do some damage.... which gives them confirmation of success and encouragement to intensify operation.

safetythrowaway1234 ago

No matter what system is put in place they will always try to game it. The sub has been active for long enough where new voat users are close to or finally hitting 100 CCP and will be able to help identify and downvoat shill posts/comments. If it is decided to set a minimum subverse CCP, you should wait for a week or two before deciding to implement it to see if it is truly necessary.

kingkongwaswrong ago

waiting sounds good

Whaaaaat ago

I figure the more mainstream pizzagate is, with the most eyeballs on it, the less likely it is to be dismissed as a fringe conspiracy. I'm personally unconvinced by some of this stuff, but you guys occasionally find something that makes my blood run cold, so I figure the same holds true for "normal" folks browsing the front page.

Shills are a problem, but they're always going to be a problem, and so are crazy people spouting totally off the wall nonsense. But even my parents in their 60s have said they believe there is SOMETHING going on, and they realize they need to take the crazy people with a large helping of salt. Based on that, I figure exposure is much more important than content curation.

Royce_of_Veason ago

I'm pretty sure a shill somehow deleted (maybe by reporting as spam?) my cordial and less than harsh response to his comment, then logged in with each of his accounts seperately to downvoat my post. Besides ignore and downvoat, is it appropriate to pity them?

Whaaaaat ago

I agree, I'm trying to save my upvoats for new postings rather than ones that have already gained traction. That said, I'm a somewhat skeptical noob who just reads rather than investigates, so I try to only upvoat things that actually convince me, rather than some of the weaker tinfoil stuff.

Konran ago

Yeah, that's great advice.

I always try to visit 'new' and help seperate the wheat from the chaff.

RainingPiss ago


MeatballPizza ago

The minimum idea is a good one. That'd cut down on some of the shills.

Things I've seen: 1. Totally off topic threads being created (Jews sucking blood from baby penises) that aren't related to Pizzagate. I've had a thread whacked for that reason and was okay with it. We aren't talking about everything here - just Pizzagate topics. 2. People might be posting things to make us seem far out loons for the 'casual visitor.' If they see 10 threads on the front page that are way out and off topic, might drive them out. 3. Trump bashing. If Trump/Epstein have to do with Pizzagate, okay. But it seems like these could be paid CTR shills (and we know that CTR actually paid people to do this) showing up to flame topics, 'bird dog,' etc. I think the corruption in D.C. extends to both parties and if it's evidence, fine. Everyone knows about the Trump lawsuit and showing up to 20 threads derailing the topic seems to be board flaming CTR stufff.

I don't think we need to be on the front page of VOAT. People come here from links to this sub. What they see on the FIRST PAGE when entering is more important.

WellSetTable ago

That CNN thread is a mess.

la Trump wants to start a protest out side of CNN. Have not been on Voat as much these days so I offer to donate or pass out flyers dude calls me a fag.

That's not the concerned actions of some one who cares about this. Like a dumb ass I fell for it . I'm watching the shills when I can. I take screen shots my shill nose is up now. As of now I would like to suggest also not to even acknowledge them no matter how atrocious and annoying they are.

AnonCanuck ago

I dont think its a good idea. People are calling out the shills and most people are getting the idea of what a post should be like. I wouldnt

Poot_McGarvey ago

Also I think the frontpage adds a significant amount more viewers.

ScottKnight ago

I have a nose for a shill. I actually think I just have an intuition on who can be trusted, the biggest giver away for me is someone's eyes.

Melitica ago

Is there a way to recommend combining threads that are started on same topic? Right now, there are three threads on front page covering exact. Same. Thing.

kingkongwaswrong ago

yep this is a great idea. I am bogged down in politics and css/flair issues. If I make you a mod would you be interested in combining threads?

Melitica ago

Yes I would. It would give me somewhere to focus my energy and efforts.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

any sub with a subverse ccp minimum is a sub not bothering going to.

TLDR: fuck that shit. stay open and public.

RainingPiss ago


kingkongwaswrong ago

how does a ccp min mean its not open and public

SaneGoatiSwear ago

what would be more in the moment would be to create

a clintongate

so both efforts could focus on their respective tasks.

i mean yes, they're linked

but in terms of prosecution i think likely successful jail terms will come from separate lines of inquiry, thus investigations should be focused properly. a team for each, as it were. even just getting clinton on RICO would be fucking fantastic at this point. the pizza ring.. you have to understand, touches all corners of the globe, from the trillionaires down to the sex slaves and destitute... this is like... taking down the clintons is taking an apple off the tree....taking down the elite pedo ring is like taking down a nation of apple orchards...

i don't say this because of an issue... i don't see clintongate messing up pizzagate nor vice versa... i DO see a LACK of a clintongate! and there are so many new fucking people here i think there's plenty of elbow grease to go around....

thoughts on a clintongate?

RainingPiss ago

I love it. They definitely tie together

KnowThyself ago

I'm not against the idea, and I think having sub verses with specific focuses that bring their fully formulated ideas here is a good idea. While getting Clinto arrested would be awesome, so would getting any of these fucks arrested. Plus with how interconnected this web is, it can be hard to focus on just one person.

SaneGoatiSwear ago


KnowThyself ago

Actually you just asked for "thoughts on clintongate" which I gave. BTW I support the idea.

SaneGoatiSwear ago


SaneGoatiSwear ago

it still tells you doesn't it?

that ccp minimum removes the sub from v/all....

pizzagate need be in peoples' faces.

one of the weapons used against the population to keep the blackmail child rape system in place (as a system for sociopaths to trust each other and subjugate the weak)

is that it's so horrendous that we won't talk about it.

it needs to be front and center, and if not on voat then where??

pizzagate up front and public,

let all the shilling be downvoated but all the speech remain for all to see.

kingkongwaswrong ago

our user base is so new they dont have downvotes yet =/

SaneGoatiSwear ago

yeah, i'm very much against the voat-for-the-right sjw takeover currently happening on voat.

the amount of voting and behavioral restrictions on this site makes me laugh every time someone says free speech here. and make me cry every time i have to say this is the last basion of free speech on the net, because it's already halfway down the slippery slope with no replacement in sight...

if you would care to read, instead of reposting the comment here: speech is not free on voat.

kingkongwaswrong ago

true but if you think about the very real threat of shill tactics, wheres the balance between absolute free for all and locked down speech?

SaneGoatiSwear ago

let all speech be free. let voats deal with how it's all ordered.

to me voat's no free for all. u.s. law breaking content is a no-no, jailbait was banned, the user agreement gives the admins right to censor you at will, the sjw cabal is given permission to have free reign not only over the community but over voat's code itself...

there already isn't a free for all....

so keep whatever free speech you can

if anything,

on a larger scale

the shills here have shilled for silence

long before you ever showed up.

notice the front page of any given v/all posts page is filled 75% with posts with less than 10 comments. why? because we've all been given a dose of panopticonic effect! and that's just one tidbit of what's being done to the dissidents/political activists here... (there used to be a whole hell of a lot more discussion here)

TLDR: let it ride, free for all as you say!

ByTheBook ago

I think I've been taken in by shill videos.

Videos are excellent time wasters if they contribute nothing of value. I would also be wary of people defensive of being called shills from the start. Watch out for those who doth protest too much. The liar knows they are lying.

ThorTheWonderful ago

What would be nice is if we could make a post restriction filter based on key words. Normally words like "fuck" but in this case "racist" and other libtard words or both. But a filter that prevents the posting and bans them for 5 minutes for 1st offense and 10 for second. But then we would all have to mind our language.

RainingPiss ago

No dice. Bans need legitimacy or we get called out by community members. This action would look as suspicious as some of our previous mods

kingkongwaswrong ago

I don't think I saw those options in the settings, but I'm not really keen to censor words out...

ThorTheWonderful ago

I'm not keen on it either! But I like my idea of 5 min bans with progression to longer times for repeat offenses. The problem is identifying offenses reasonable enough to justify the ban in an automated manner.

Wellwerefucked ago

Do it. We dont need the front page now, this page is linked in quite alot of places & those that want to find us will as easily as most of us have in just the last week or so. Good job as well, it'd be a tough gig modding with how grand the disinfo effort is!

Konran ago

Is it really that bad though?

I have been down-voating shills and trolls that I perceive yet I have contributed very little in the way of comments or submissions. Do you want to lose Voaters like me?

I remained silent about the Eddit-like modding that was brought to this sub. Even though it goes against Voat's general principles I thought it would be good to maintain a form of clarity with more troll/shill/shitposts being removed and the more pertinent posts remaining.

This new minimum CCP idea is different. This means we will limit any new information sources and create more of a clique-type subverse. I'm not sure at all, but if it had to be done I would agree with u/VictorSteinerDavion and keep it at 5 CCP needed to post. Any serious shills would then be more obvious and easier to spot and could then be dealt with by the numerous mods here.

Nicefind ago

Isn't that already in place? I can't downvote until I reach 100. 87 now.

kingkongwaswrong ago

but you can get that 100 from posting anywhere in voat. The sub specific setting would mean you'd have to get at least x from this sub

lockherup ago

Give it time... most of the pizzagate subscribers are just a week old. As these members begin to hit their 100ccp, the community will be able to downvote the shills into oblivion, and the mods will have to do less work. If you raise the ccp threshold then you will just extend the time it takes for this to happen. Keep in mind that shills can be downvoted and lose their ccp once they are exposed.

Nicefind ago

Ah thanks

sleepingbeautycan ago

I guess that would work. They would have to pretend to be one of us for a while before they could show their true colours.

WellSetTable ago

Not really three of them just joined on the last week of November and are "shilling shilling shilling on the river"

VictorSteinerDavion ago

A bare minimum threshold just to make it hard for the 'just passing by' kind of troll/shill is probably worth the pain of backlash that usually follows.

By bare minimum I mean 5 ccp in this subverse should be enough for most purposes.
If a person gets 1 upvote for each of 5 comments they would have shown participation that is net positive, and can also be locked out if they 'turn' by others simply downvoting them.
A 1 step forward, 2 steps back kind of method.

It would require the community to not downvote due to disagreement though.
Keeping downvotes for offtopic/misdirection/rule breaking is essential for this to work.

If this policy is enacted there should be a set peroid of time after which the policy is assessed and removed or reupped if needed.
A sticky thread could be set for a few days a month to discuss the issue

dindonufin ago

I haven't had the ability to downvoat (yet), so I've been reporting them as spam instead.

sleepingbeautycan ago

I've been pretty frickin active and I am holding at 59 CCP. I don't actively try and make it go up I thought it would go up naturally. I would love to downvoat some posts. I am going to try the spam link.

rivercontrol ago

Do it!

Crensch ago

Calling it, ITT: shills going nuts.