gonegoogling1 ago

The first time i saw this when the girl gets scared shitless and distraught I knew it was real. Poor children.

ploppy ago

Feel free to downvote then. People shouting shill because I disagree will not convince me. We need adult debate. Give me some links and I might change my mind.... I open to it. Shouting shill just makes people shut down...

redditsuckz ago

Then are these children lying as well?;

Pedophile Criminal Networks of the World Exposed


Childrens Drawings;


Hampstead: Leaked Medical Reports End All Doubt About Sexual Abuse Claims


llm2016 ago

Just like how you want to shut us down by shouting hoax. It's not, but I am glad you are open to it now.

ploppy ago

Please see my other recent replies in the last 15 mins regarding the post title. I regret it.

justforthissubverse ago

I don't think OP is a shill. His post history seems okay. I'm not sure on Hampstead.
I do agree we should focus more on pizzagate - but knowing the details of the Hampstead case could also be valuable. It does deserve more looking into. It's important to stay impartial though, no matter what you are investigating. This is a basic of investigation. Have to avoid confirmation bias, or else you will see "facts" where there are none, and completely MISS real facts where they are. my 2 cents

ploppy ago

Thank you. I think my post title is too set in stone after some consideration. my mistake.

jimble ago

The Hampstead Case connects directly with Pizzagate through the accused father who worked for Josiah Bruny's orphanage in Haiti: https://steemit.com/pizzagate/@jimble/pizzagate-the-hampstead-connection

How is that for a smoking lead? I don't understand why you would say it's a hoax when I researched it for 6 months and found that it was not?

Sure, it all comes down to the two children's testimonies in the end, but isn't it a little bit strange that these two children would imagine up a cult abusing children in Pizza restaurants and speak about it for hours and hours on end (6.5 hours of it is online) with no hesitation and most of it being interviewed separately?

llm2016 ago

Open a thread. I will pour all my research to that

ploppy ago

Please do this.

llm2016 ago

I just did. Go click on the link I share. Very extensive research has been done.

29328 ago

If someone feels that something doesn't sit right they have a right to voice their concerns and to also investigate for THEMSELVES. If you have proof of this case being a hoax, please provide actual satisfactory evidence of this.

In the meantime, we shall continue to investigate this horrific situation and discuss our findings. I'd be delighted if this is a hoax to be honest as what these children have described is surely the pits of hell, sadly, from the research I have conducted there is more to this case. Please go research for yourselves, don't rely on mine or other people's opinions/interpretations, use your own thoughts and feelings when researching.

ploppy ago

I have already. I guess im not convinced on the cult bit. Im not a newb. I followed this when it broke. I just came to a different conclusion and am expressing it here. Thats all.

29328 ago

that's what truth is about. coming to your own conclusion based on the research conducted. We don't all have to same opinion and thats fine but might be more appropriate to re-word your heading.......it's fine you don't agree with those who believe in the case, you can point out you dont agree and move on, isnt helpful to put other people off from investigating this or anything else for themselves, especially those new to it all!

ploppy ago

How do I change the heading?

anubic ago

Tell this to Chris Everard and you will be destroyed. He's tied Hampstead back to a coven that's been around since the late 60's. Plus no one will tell me that the 20 minute video of those kids reluctantly describing what happened to them is a hoax. I smell shillery...

llm2016 ago

Please downvote this thread to drown it.

anubic ago

Would if I could, need more points :/

I'll get there.

ploppy ago

Feel free to downvote then. People shouting shill because I disagree will not convince me. We need adult debate. Give me some links and I might change my mind.... I open to it. Shouting shill just makes people shut down.

anubic ago

Subscribe to Chris Everard's enigmatv.com and check out that documentary and watch the vid of those 2 kids if you can find it. If I find it later I'll post it for you.

ploppy ago

Thank you. Will check it out. I have seen the videos already but will check the link you gave.

llm2016 ago

We don't care if you disagree, but we do care when all you are trying to do is hiding this case that is almost identical in many ways to pizzagate. That makes us doubt your motive.

ploppy ago

Fair enough. Im not trying to hide anything.

ploppy ago

Even more; Medical evidence supports allegations of neglect, and physical and sexual abuse, but there is nothing to substantiate infanticide, secret rooms in buildings, and some of the other implausible claims. The expert (a former Met police officer), says it would be helpful to exhaustively catalogue and investigate all of these claims as only some of them were focussed on. Man In Videos Implicated

The man heard off camera in the disturbing clips posted on Youtube, who was the mother’s partner at the time, was ultimately implicated by the children in numerous instances of physical abuse. Records show he has previous convictions against his own children.


dindonufin ago

You're trying entirely too hard to convince us. You come of as someone who wants to protect a cult of satanic pedophiles. Why would you want to do that?

llm2016 ago

Again, you cite the exact same source. Can you please at least do your due diligence and look at both sides? Can you explain why the judge of this case purposely avoid checking if there are really tattoos in the private parts of the suspects (which is the most verifiable evidence to the case)? Can you explain why the UK banned all documentaries and related video evidence about the case? Can you explain why the school involved changed ALL of their staff? Can you keep your eyes OPEN?

ploppy ago

All fair points (no I cant explain it) but all I am pointing out is there is more evidence for Pizzagate than for Hamstead. No need to be so hostile. Its not good for the community. They will throw this stuff back in our face to discredit us. Cant you see that? Pizzagate needs more proof. We all know that. Hamstead is weak in comparison.

llm2016 ago

So you can't just say it's hoax. Both Pizzagate and Hampstead share extreme similarities. If we understand how they (MSM and Govt) work around Hampstead, we can avoid making the same mistakes and be smart about it. I will report your thread and sincerely advise you to look into the links I share: (start with this) http://hampsteadcoverup.com/

ploppy ago

OK Thanks. Can you get the title changed to something more appropriate.

ploppy ago

More: The children then retracted all the allegations, stating that Christie had made them say these things, and claiming that he had been physically cruel, pouring cold water over them in their underwear, beating them and ‘asking us questions again, and again, and again’. The children said they did not wish to see their mother or Christie. Hair analysis showed that the children had been given cannabis over a period of months, presumably to obtain their compliance. http://www.spiked-online.com/newsite/article/the-hampstead-cult-that-wasnt-the-satanic-panic-revisited/16802

SpikyAube ago

Watching the interviews with the two children, it seems clear that the first interviews are much more natural, the children don't sound coached, they are very detailed in what they say, the little girl even moves about the room while describing what happened, mapping her memory over the space in front of her - you don't do that when you're lying. The second interviews where they say it was fake are much different, the interviewer is very leading in his questions, and the little boy in particular doesn't even retract all his claims at all, but they ignore that fact.

llm2016 ago

NO. The case has been reopened later in June. The article was in March and thus moot.

ploppy ago

Well. I think the whole thing was fabricated by the parents to hide their own abuse. I see no proof for the satanic stuff.

llm2016 ago

Does not explain all the strange reactions by the judge, the MSM, the school involved with all key suspects no way to be found. That's the story what the MSM want you to believe. To hide it, they need a credible story that sells to people like you. HENCE, the COVER-UP.

ploppy ago

And who did that? A satanic cult? No. Likely the parents: http://bfms.org.uk/hampstead-satanic-cult-hoax/ There was no satanic or other cult at which babies were murdered and children were sexually abused. All of the material promulgated by Ms Draper now published on the internet is nothing other than utter nonsense. The children’s false stories came about as the result of relentless emotional and psychological pressure as well as significant physical abuse. Torture is the most accurate way to describe what was done by Mr Christie in collaboration with Ms Draper. Both children were assaulted by Mr Christie by being hit with a metal spoon on multiple occasions over their head and legs, by being pushed into walls, punched, pinched and kicked. Water was poured over them as they knelt semi-clothed. The long term emotional and psychological harm of what was done to the children is incalculable. The impact of the internet campaign is likely to have the most devastating consequences for P and Q.

llm2016 ago

Answer all of these, and I will take you seriously:

Can you please at least do your due diligence and look at both sides? Can you explain why the judge of this case purposely avoid checking if there are really tattoos in the private parts of the suspects (which is the most verifiable evidence to the case)? Can you explain why the UK banned all documentaries and related video evidence about the case? Can you explain why the school involved changed ALL of their staff? Can you keep your eyes OPEN?

ploppy ago

Found this. How can a victim of a pedo be 20 at the time? The whole case is suspect at best IMO. http://www.heraldscotland.com/news/13062006.One_devastating_fantasy__the_impact_of_an_internet_scandal/ Thats all i am trying to say.

llm2016 ago

Avoid DIRECT evidence again. COMMON SHILL TACTICS.

ploppy ago

Im not a shill. Check my other posts. i just think its a hoax. But whatever dud. Just trying to help.

29328 ago

fair enough, entitled to have your opinion but to say don't promote it is a bit gatekeeperish to be honest. We should be wanting ALL truths to come out. If that means re-investigating cases that the MSM/Elite deemed hoaxes than that's what has to be done. I'm not digging, just think maybe you could have worded the header differently. It's hasn't been 100% confirmed and proved a hoax and it's not very helpful truther advice to tell people not to research something.........................just saying.

ploppy ago

You are right. Maybe it was too gatekeeper like and preachy.

llm2016 ago

Exactly. This person apparently wants to hide it when both cases share extreme similarities.

llm2016 ago

If you want to help, examine both sides first. Your post history does indicate that you may be a shill.

ploppy ago


llm2016 ago

Censoring a relevant lead?

ploppy ago

I already said sorry for that.

cantsleepawink ago

I haven't made up my mind about Hampstead. However, if we assume that it was indeed a hoax can you not see parallels with Pizzagate ? It is clear that there is a massive pedophile ring to be uncovered here but there is also a lot of disinfo being thrown in the way. Also, the way the MSM is handling this is very reminiscent of London. In Hampstead, the key figure in my mind was the banker who was connected to some private banks. However, investigators did not follow the money and that was the main mistake. London and Washington are very much connected.

llm2016 ago

The kids just can't make it up. Not details like that. Listen to the children, then compare to those adults who dismiss them. Any sane mind can tell who's lying and who's telling the truth.

alneuman ago

What a waste of a dozen posts shilliing the same bs info. Shame on you whoever you are. ALL OF THE DISINFO is obvious to anyone with half a freaking brain.




cantsleepawink ago

Yes, I've listened to the kids and I believed them. Very upsetting case.

llm2016 ago

Your only source is wideshut.co.uk.

Educate yourself: http://hampsteadcoverup.com/ https://newsinsideout.com/2015/06/ella-abraham-evidence-trail-from-hampstead-uk-pedophile-network-leads-directly-to-pm-david-cameron/ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9ZMOQNY-yLGGKslgmoGaGw

All the key suspects are no way to be found just like the Podesta's brothers now. Don't be fooled by the Cover-up itself.

Millennial_Falcon ago

Would you mind summarizing the evidence supporting the allegations in this case? Is the testimony the only evidence?

Edit: tone. I think this comment came off sounding crabby.

alneuman ago

Screw that. This is a freaking shill folks. Anyone who has looked into this pedo scandal, and is NOT either retarded or a pedo himself, KNOWS that the 'police investigation' was a freaking non-starter.

And shame on you for starting this thread. DO NOT LISTEN TO THIS TROLL FOLKS. LOOK AT THE EVIDENCE OF THE LACK OF ANY INVESTIGATION AT ALL, LOOK AT THE INTERVIEWS OF THE CHILDREN, and decide for yourself if these kids could have made up the vaginal and anal scarring that was discovered...

For shame.

Millennial_Falcon ago

I am not a shill. Read my comment history. I am simply asking for the evidence. If you accuse me of being a shill for that, maybe YOU are a shill.

vaginal and anal scarring that was discovered...

Can you provide a reliable source for this?

dindonufin ago



If you're not convinced of the authenticity, then call the phone number in the header of the documents.

llm2016 ago

I think he meant the OP (poppy), not you.

I believe you're not a shill, but please listen to the children at least, and decide for yourself. It's worth the time.

Millennial_Falcon ago

I have satellite internet, and it is throttled right now because I'm past the 10 gig monthly data limit. I will watch it when my connection is back to normal.

llm2016 ago

Thanks. History is repeating itself. We need to learn from it and not let this fade away like that.

llm2016 ago

There is real evidence, including the victims' testimonies, which have been heavily suppressed. You don't have time, so we should just brush it off? Then this is by no means a place for you. The source the OP cites, using the same tactic the MSM has been using against #pizzagate, addresses nothing specific/significant and brushes it off.


Millennial_Falcon ago

You don't have time, so we should just brush it off?

Putting words in my mouth. I simply asked the person making the claim to give a simple summary of the evidence. Is that so hard?

llm2016 ago

That's not directed at you specifically, just talking in general.

Most of the related articles, documentaries talking about this and video evidece have been banned in the UK but available for people in the US. There's no explanation to that if it's simply a hoax. The school involved has changed all their staff after this incident, which clearly shows it's more than just a hoax.