Investigate1999 ago


Do you or anybody know where we can find those Wikileak emails where they seem to speak completely in jargon with English words? I'm not asking about the occasional word here and there.

throwaway_ ago

Can anybody post the link to the "official" wiki on pizzagate ?

pizzazumo ago

You might literally be retarded

pizzazumo ago

Here's a test: if the mods remove this reply, voat is compromised.

Nigger Goy Faggots Spez Pizza Baby Rape Jews Did 911

NewFormerFirst ago

Just want to post here two of the best infographics and compilations I saw weeks ago:

pizzagate compilation


Edit: added links

kingkongwaswrong ago

Hey man these are great. Can I ask you a favour to migrate these to and re-share? I want to add them to the sticky but not from imgur - as reddit basically owns imgur and it's not a safe place to put our content.

NewFormerFirst ago

Doing that right now.

Here's the first one:


The second one:

SterlingJB ago

A few questions: What are the parameters for suggesting companies to investigate? I found other companies, in smaller towns across the US famous for weak pedophile charges, that also chose certain now well known logos, that also donated substantially, based on size of business, to CF and/or HRC. The reason I'd want to do this is that all I have is circumstantial, but if a post about one of these companies reaches someone from one of these towns or just someone familiar with these cos or corps, it might lead to something more substantial. The other question I have is about the the random pizza videos, and other funky vid themes, that have phone numbers and addresses embedded in them. Should I be posting these numbers? Does this even help? Basically, how do we go about investigating stuff like this without ruining businesses and lives based on circumstantial evidence? Because from my pov exposing the network piece by piece seems like the most viable route.

kingkongwaswrong ago

just put together what you have, articulate it well and provide links/sources/pictures to help people reading and help them connect things if they think of them. That's all we can hope for.

eyeofeve ago

You should add the infogalactic wiki to this list.I've found it the best, concise, up to date info source for pizzagate with all important links included.

thepizzagoy ago

@kingkongwaswrong @KnowThyself @Millennial_Falcon

I'm new to the investigation and this site. I know a fairly good amount about Pizzagate by now, but what I don't know is how to increase attention to new material.

For example, I have compiled 3 spreads worth of confirmed information, based on my own research and what I've already read, in regards to the investigation:

This is an in-depth analysis of the artwork Comet Ping Pong / Sasha Lord / Magickbat / Sophie McTear uses. It should be helpful to anyone new to Pizzagate. Does it bring us further to a legal case? No, not by any means, but it does serve as (in my opinion) solid introductory material in relation to the occult vs. pedophilia connection between several people. According to suggestions, I've used SLiMG and tried to present this in both a professional and easy-to-read manner.

In addition to this, I have one simple question:

Why do I see at least a few downvotes on every thread (whatever the term may be) here? If we're working towards accelerating the progression of the investigation, isn't every piece of info helpful? I can understand if it's a post that's completely useless, but I am referring to actually informative threads.

kingkongwaswrong ago

i can add that to the sticky but unforunately we can only have one sticky. I can also add it to the sidebar.

Do you know what shills are? Have you read the gentlemans guide to forum spies? We have a lot of agents here trying a lot of different tactics to unhinge the productivity. One of those i think is downvoting new posts so they either never make it to 'hot' or take longer to. Try to start recognising them and downvoting them.

thepizzagoy ago

Sure, that'd be great if you should bring some attention to my research spreads. It's for the benefit for everyone, particularly the new people. I also have not seen another detailed analysis of the symbolism like I've done.

Thanks for the quick response. I'll get myself caught up on the shill issue. It's a shame because I've been reading a lot of good threads/links here and notice downvotes, thinking to myself, "How could you possibly have a negative opinion on this when it's new and helpful?"

KnowThyself ago

Yes this is a problem we (by we I mean the entire worldwide investigation) are seriously grappling with. There is no shortage of information and connections are being made left and right. The problem is that there is too much information. No one person can keep up with it all, so new information ends up getting lost in the crowd. There are so many leads and it's impossible to know exactly how to rank their priority, any one of them could end up being the smoking gun. We need better organization, but the task is monumental. No single person could do it. Add to that the fact that there are shills who spread misinfo and the difficulty is x10.

Until we can figure out some way to organize this (like in a wiki) the best thing we can do is use the power of our votes. I cannot stress enough how important it is to actually upvote the useful posts/comments. The fact that posters need 100 comment points to downvote is a powerful advantage, but if we don't make use of our votes it will be wasted. Good posts can not be mass downvoted, but shitposts can be mass upvoted to distract people.

thepizzagoy ago

Thanks for the reply. I am now starting to understand there's a plethora of information coming in, some of it being really helpful, some of it being useless, some of it meant to deter, but a majority of it being hard to sort through. I suppose that's the problem with various people doing anonymous research. I'll be upvoting threads I find extremely helpful.

Millennial_Falcon ago

Why do I see at least a few downvotes on every thread (whatever the term may be) here?

One answer would be shills. Another would be that people have differing opinions on what is relevant or what constitutes a possible lead.

If we're working towards accelerating the progression of the investigation, isn't every piece of info helpful?

Not if it's nothing. Information overload is a huge problem here.

thepizzagoy ago

OK, thank you for the explanation.

In relation to what I have compiled and linked in my other post, Comet Ping Pong is absolutely scrubbing their suspicious artwork. All of those posters can be looked up by a simple Google search, but not all of them will be found on the CPP Facebook page anymore.

Anyway, let me know if you find it useful for introductory purposes, as I've been able to make some connections I haven't seen in other spreads. All of the info can be confirmed or already has been.

RecycledUser ago

Question to Mod:. Maybe a second stickied thread, if that's possible, for us to post new posts/findings, that then might belong in an existing topic? If that makes sense. Or I guess we could post any new threads with the date included, or put them in the Daily thread comments? Don't know if this would help organization on here?

kingkongwaswrong ago

would love to but voat has a limitation of only one sticky unfortunately.

RecycledUser ago

That's okay, thanks! You're doing a good job! I was totally freaked out a couple minutes ago on here!!! I can't find the OP but I commented under it; I tried to click on their post, which had some picture I believe, and I got a msg that said 'your IP address is blacklisted'. I use TOR and I'm 99% sure I am anonymous, so I don't know if just gives that msg when it knows someone is coming from TOR? I hope so, cuz it freaked me out!!!

kingkongwaswrong ago

what did you click on?

RecycledUser ago

That's what I'm trying to find, it was just one new thread, and I cannot remember what it said, but I added a comment to the OP that I got that msg when I tried to click on the OP. Is there a way to search by my userid or the word 'blacklisted'? I used that word in the comment I made. It is driving me crazy trying to find the OP! Thanks!

LloydK ago

By the way, in order to be more effective, there should be space in subverses to use templates like Wikipedia, where people can collaborate to organize info most sensibly and usefully.

LloydK ago

Here's a Forum link with small, but hopefully alert, readership regarding Rule by Psychopaths, where I'm bringing up the topic of pedophiles in high offices:

kingkongwaswrong ago

people asked for that. It's not a rule, they don't have to follow it, just a starter.

kingkongwaswrong ago

added to the sticky, thanks

Chance903 ago

what you need to do is break up into specific teams with a team leader for each team, then you need to categorize them information . Break up into sectors, and 290 crimes. and even time lines, this has been going on since the 1980's that I know of and maybe much longer. this has nothing to do with Parties either because it has long ago crossed party lines.

You all need to be looking at real estate companies that sold homes under suspicious circs .. there is so much more, you need investigators that handle each person of interest. Please get organized. As I said I worked sex crimes off and on for a while and even though I have been medically retired since 2003 ...I can still see , or let me say it this way I can never unsee what I have had to see. The worst one was a 6-month-old baby girl in Wildomar that lost her leg and one side of her buttock because she was so severely sexually abused. I know everyone thinks cops are assholes. but when you watch men who have been on the force for 30 years go to their unit to cry alone. I still cry about that one but no one at work ever saw me cry. You guys need a discord or something safe to communicate with ...Be very careful. well, Just get organized.

Chance903 ago

**I would like to add in my two cents , I do not know much about this community. I would like to add I am a former medically retired SO, I was working in the sex crimes unit I am very familiar with finding and investigation 290 crimes. All I want to say is you should organize into teams on who is going to investigate what and perhaps get a discord so you can get to know each other and build trust. I want to make this perfectly clear, what all of you are trying to do is admirable but you could end up suicide, my son is on 4chan and has been for years he has begged me to stir clear of this , but you all are so scattered GET ORGANIZED break up into teams so you do not waste time and duplicate your work..DO NOT TRUST ANYONE NEW, even me, Just do not trust. If anyone needs or wants to speak to me can speak with me on discord or skype. I want to help , I have given years of my life to help others but I am not sure I want to die. this is not melodrama . I have worked for the Government **

kingkongwaswrong ago

I saw that and was shocked too, I thought I'd made myself clear to those guys. I had a chat to him about that, I am totally against that moderation decision. I've made it very clear that we are doing zero comment moderation at this point.

edit - ive removed this mod

Trump_makes_me_wet ago

Good to know. Thanks.

delivery1 ago

The pizzagate is rapidly gaining exposure, especially after the old tweets of Andrew Breitbart were revealed.

The key evidence that is put together is extremely convincing, but at the same time, it is being drowned in the sea of distracting information.

I think the pizzagate could gain much faster exposure, if we created a convincing summary package that presents the KEY EVIDENCE in a short, condensed manner with short description of each topic. A Youtube video could be a great way to spread the knowledge.

Here's my suggestion for key information:

1 Journalist Andrew Breitbart accusations

Journalist Andrew Breitbart accused John Podesta, the Hillary Clinton campaign chairman of underage sex in several Twitter posts. Andrew died about a year later in 2012 due to heart attack, just at the age of 43. The coroner, who investigated the cause of death of Andrew, died just two months later of arsenic poisoning.

Here are the prophetic tweets by Andrew, from 2010-2011:

"How prog-guru John Podesta isn't household name as world class underage sex slave op cover-upperer defending unspeakable dregs escapes me."

"Why does press ignore John Podesta? The calm demeanor, suits, glasses & clean look conceal mastermind of left's perma-Alinsky strategy."

"Early on did John Podesta imagine his baby @mmfa would be covering up for underage sex slave ops & H8 crimes against blacks?"

"The @mmfa eunuchs: @ericboehlert wont debate me. How much longer can thong-wearing Soros entertain self to Podesta's impotent boys?"

2 Police e-fits of the suspects related to Madeleine Mccann kidapping

The e-fits were released in 2013, years before the pizzagate scandal. Here's a news article released in 2013 showing the E-fits

The E-fits were kept secret for five years according to Daily Mail article. The kidnapping occurred in 2007.

Here you can see the striking resemblance between the Podesta brothers and the suspects of the E-fits

3 The brothers' disturbing style of art

This art has many DIRECT elements of satanism, torture and pedophilia

4 Wikileaks revealed the extensive use of code words commonly used between pedophiles in the leaked emails

5 For more disturbing information:

kingkongwaswrong ago

if anyone else has this issue, please let me know or post here. I would hate if this was pervasive =/

kingkongwaswrong ago

nothing is, as long as it's sourced and logically linked, and related to pizzagate. Thanks.

kingkongwaswrong ago

yep just pm me

postfascion ago

Regarding the reality calls video. Not sure that the Obama image is in comet pizza, looks like the Whitehouse to me. If this investigation is to succeed, we need to be on top of every little detail. People complain about inadequate journalism all the time, best not allow that monica to be applied to the so called independents bring justice to the abused, otherwise the case is undermined. Also, using partisan language like "drain the swamp" seems ridiculous to me. This is a bi-partisan issue that is systemic in THE SYSTEM. If you're telling me it doesn't apply to republicans also then you're buying into an agenda.

MAGABoomer ago

There it is! Front page! Excellent.

nativeops ago

walterpearce dot info - dont want the hyperlink to show up in search. this person was affiliated with jimmycomet these children look like victims of the child trafficking rings.

Cincosiber ago

Good guide.

Anyone have a good link summarising Clinton's misadventures as secretary of state? I.e. the pay for play stuff. I want to explain to someone about that first as pizza gate sounds to crazy at the moment to the people that haven't found out about wikileaks stuff

MAGABoomer ago

Color me confused but shouldn't a sticky be on the front page? This is on the 4th page.

kingkongwaswrong ago

? when you go to /v/pizzagate is it not showing at the top for you?

MAGABoomer ago

No, it was on the fourth page as I went backwards looking for more posts.

anonymousj ago

I watched an informative video which deconstructed the meaning of the 14 + Fish on JP photo (hands with 14 and pic of fish). Very interesting. Autists should review it.

charmeuse ago

I am a newbie here, and just had a horrifying thought. As I was wondering how Alefantis could be so blatant about the pedo stuff there, it hit me what if he is FBI or CIA? And all the other honeypots they operate, just a way to blackmail and control?

sdfs1346 ago

@kingkongwaswrong Hi. I was wondering if it would be of any value to convert the mind map image to an online, interactive map? I already have the image of the map saved, so I would do all the work and post the link here. But if the image suffices, then nevermind. I'd use a tool like or something to convert it. Let me know and thanks for moving this off reddit after the ban. 4chan is even getting banny.

jamesthewonderer ago

There is a physical problem in that "debunking pizzagate" posts are cluttering up the "serious investigation" thread. May I make a suggestion? Create a new thread called "debunking Pizzagate" and MOVE ALL THE POSTS THAT CLAIM TO "DEBUNK" OVER THERE. That's not censorship, you haven't deleted anything; you have improved the organization of BOTH threads, by separating the "pizzagate is real" threads / posts from the "pizzagate is debunked" threads / posts, so that you can READ BOTH. Make sense? If you THINK you have / can debunk Pizzagate, have at it, OVER THERE. If you have new / review / archive evidence you feel has been overlooked, have at it, HERE. Mods? Yea or nay?

DystopianDaze ago

@kingkongwaswrong is a forum similar to Twitter, but dedicated to free speech. A few are posting links there already and I posted one from here yesterday.

18934732897 ago

Alright I'm out of here, you guys are obviously more interested in circlejerking than clarifying, classifying, reconsidering, re-evaluating or ANY other healthy means to conduct an investigation.

All the youtube videos that shows up still allude to OBVIOUSLY RIDICULOUS crap instead of actual, based facts. And this is your fault. There is no summary of pizzagate anywhere that sticks to facts.

About the leaks, other than the odd "handkerchief with a pizza-related map" EVERYTHING ELSE is deliberately taken out of context to support the code-word theory.

They may be satanists but they do like to eat pizza, hot-dogs, pasta with sauces and cheeses BECAUSE ITS ACTUAL FOOD.

ExpandYourMind ago

Pedophile rings are everywhere. Across the globe. Especially amongst the elite. Everything points to a world-wide cover up decades, maybe longer. To not see this you really have to have your eyes closed. Have you seen the amount of pedo's in high power positions busted across the globe?

Powerful people who have been GUILTY of pedophilia have been in some of the most powerful positions. CF, Podesta's, and a gaggle of other prominent figures are STILL in contact with, and conduct business with these people. This is not a new subject

18934732897 ago

I'm not denying any of that. I'm saying this community is counter-productive and hangs unto ridiculous and meaningless details.

Look at the posts I've made here and look at the votes versus some David Icke-style bullshit.

When there is nothing new showing up we should re-organize the data and question it within its context. But no, that's being a "shill".

ExpandYourMind ago

I see. I am new here do I guess I still have some learning to do

subchannel ago

All these dead people who got too close to the clintons or other powerful people.

Here for everyone - save your back as good as you can with the knowledge of how a secret service operates and how to come under their radar. HELPFUL TO SOLVE THIS CASE!

UglyTruth ago

BBC covering for paedophiles:

bm2112 ago

Great sticky. Good job kingkong.

d347h574r ago

You want to know what I think? After shockingly reading all of this information over the last 3 days, a few things have become pretty clear.

  1. The information that is available is very strange and very suspicious, but unless you guys are seeing something I'm not, it is not PROOF of anything. There should be at least some, preferably a lot more HARD evidence. I've seen all the instagram pictures, read all the e-mails, I know about Monica Petersen. There isn't one shred of what would be called PROOF anywhere. It would not be even remotely difficult for a jury to be passed through the needle of reasonable doubt on this. There needs to be a smoking gun, and no one has it yet.

  2. The inflammatory nature of the videos and comments that are floating around are fucking clickbait horseshit. I just watched one where the guys calls Marina Abromovich's spirit cooking rituals satanic, because, well, they look satanic and we all know what satanic rituals look like. Oh really? I fucking don't, and I'm pretty sure he didn't and none of you do either. All these kinds of videos are doing is discrediting this entire investigative process.

  3. The widespread censorship that is going on suggests, yes, they are in panic mode, but are also now fully aware of the gravity of the situation. A month ago, we were at the part in the movie where the level headed cop tells the hot-headed cop that "We don't have any proof! We need to lay low, build a case, let them go about their business like nothing is wrong so we can catch them in the act". Instead of laying low, we let the hot-head kick in the door, contaminate the crime scene and physically assault the perp. The lawyer has now shown up, taken the perp away and they are devising a strategy to move forward, are likely destroying or covering up any other evidence that might be laying around and putting everyone who might be involved on high-alert as well. Anyone who is involved with the alleged acts are on high alert and getting the smoking gun evidence will be next to impossible now. Like Tom Cruise in "A Few Good Men" said, "It doesn't matter what you believe, it only matters what you can prove!". Well, now we probably can't prove shit.

These people, if the allegations are true, are going to go back into hiding and wait for this to blow over, and sure as shit, it will, just like all the other "YOU WON'T BELIEVE THIS" headlines that have come to light over the last few years. I fell sick to my fucking stomach that any of this could be true, but I am even more disgusted at the people using this as an opportunity to generate views on their fucking blogs or otherwise irrelevant youTube channels. If any of this was true, these people are so powerful and influential, there would have had to have been the use of subterfuge and make it so they couldn't see it coming. All those instagram accounts that were being waved in our faces like they were proud? All locked and private. All those e-mails that are supposedly so damning? How many of those do you think are going to to see the light of day now? Not only do they see it coming, its a fucking parade marching down the middle of the street yelling and screaming and waving banners, proud that "We're coming to get you, you fucks! WOOOOO!". I suspect that the chance of a smoking gun coming to light now is next to impossible and probably the chance gets worse with each passing minute. Sure, we know about how reddit can alter their site now, we know that MSM is biased and tells lies. But we wanted to save those children, and not only did we not save them, we probably made it so we never will.

Someone please tell me how wrong I am, because I am going fucking puke thinking that there might be monsters that are just going to get away with this. If there is a smoking gun out there, it needs to be found, like fucking YESTERDAY.

Investigate1999 ago

I totally agree with you. I think that the children that are going to be captured in the next year are as good as already dead, because the evil forces have already scurried into hiding.

throwaway_ ago

Awesome comment man. I hear you and I understand. You are right, but in the same time, this has been going on for a long time and it is still going on today (see Jimmy Saville). The authorities can't do anything, or they would have done something a long time ago. The "good guys" in the FBI need us to bring this to light, in order to pressure the authorities to take a stand instead of covering it up. Podesta brothers went silent, under the radar. The pedo network is also covering up their track. Jerk Alefantis is left fighting it out alone... cracks appeared in the network, people don't wanna go down with them. They will make mistakes, somebody will talk eventually. CF is the main suspect and they have too much crap to be able to cover it up. Keep digging and they will be busted soon.

EndThePizza ago

I agree with pretty much everything you said. We don't have any actual proof yet, and we need something truly undeniable if they're going to be held accountable. The cheap clickbait presentation really makes it look like some "crazy conspiracy theory" that should be ignored. I wish people hadn't tipped them off, because it would've helped greatly with getting real evidence.

However, I don't think we ever would've found any type of "walk in on them molesting children" evidence. I think the best evidence possible is in records: donations, emails, etc. In this regard, the problem is that we never got Phase 3 from Wikileaks.

We might not immediately have something to put them in jail, but this is going to hit the mainstream soon. At that point, it won't actually be evidence that matters, it will be public opinion. I'm not sure even the media will be able to play this off as if they're innocent.

The FBI has an ongoing investigation into the Clinton Foundation that they've been working on for a long time. I have to think they've got information that we don't - we only have what's publicly available. I don't know if they need us to find links to help put the pieces together, or shift public opinion to make it possible for them to release what they have. (I'm sure they're under pressure not to 'out' all these powerful people. But if there's public outrage, then they have to.)

When FBI Anon shared his hints, he must've known that the internet wouldn't keep it a secret. He knew that if he leaked info it would spread - that's why he leaked it in the first place.

There's more people investigating this every day, and nobody's going to let go of this. It's too big and too heinous.

FriendshipMystery ago

Who is FBI anon?

EndThePizza ago

A few months ago there was a user on 4chan who claimed to be with the FBI. They gave a bunch of information about who the Clinton Foundation was doing bad business with. Some of it has turned out to be true, and a lot of people think he was legit and not a troll.

d347h574r ago

Thank you for your response :)

UglyTruth ago

it is not PROOF of anything

Building a prima facie case is the first step, not showing formal proof.

I fucking don't, and I'm pretty sure he didn't and none of you do either.

If you want to know what a satanic ritual looks like then do the research instead of advertising your ignorance.

Instead of laying low, we let the hot-head kick in the door

We haven't let anyone do anything, these choices are made by independent parties.

Investigate1999 ago


I don't mean to distract from your main point, but it would be easier to read, if you used the quote formatting, which is the greater than symbol. You just need to type the greater than symbol before what you want to quote.

I could quote you like this.

"it is not PROOF of anything" - Building a prima facie case is the first step, not showing formal proof.

You should put a space after the greater than symbol.

UglyTruth ago

Thanks for the tip, I've edited it.

Investigate1999 ago

:-D It didn't work, but I appreciate your effort.

UglyTruth ago

Second time. It must have been aliens.

Investigate1999 ago

Good job! Thanks. :-)

d347h574r ago

Thanks for responding, you've given me some pause.

bernitdown ago

Nobody has been able to answer my question, how do we verify FBIanon was the same source and not just some loser pretending to be an FBI agent in his mom's basement? How do you provide credibility here?

ejd4500 ago

No one is saying that we can assert total credibility. All we can do is our best to ascertain what he suggested back then against some of the things that have happened recently. Some of what he's said has been shown to be in the right direction especially with this particular vein of pedophilia and darker. You're free to not act on any of this if you prefer and just continue reading through all the pizza joint menus in the DC area.

Please don't 'concern-troll' If you don't think he has credibility, take one or two or 5 of his suggestions and flat-out debunk them, log your research, and create a post with all of your honest hard work.

kingkongwaswrong ago

please document anomalies, suspicious things because we are literally the front line. Every little bit of info you can help with helps all of us <3

momadona ago

It was an op-ed piece in the NYT from 10/14 (go figure).

kingkongwaswrong ago

can you please post examples?

kingkongwaswrong ago

Just to reiterate this, we will be very reserved in deleting comments from now on. The incident was due to a janitor mod being overwhelmed by all the reported comments.

I have worked very hard to put together a trustworthy mod team. Lets see how we go, please let us know if you have any feedback or comments.

I continue to expect everyone to be vigilant and call us out or ANYONE out if you have suspicions. Our motto is trust, but verify :)

Thanks everyone!

pizzazumo ago

Janitor mod what does that make you? Literally a fucking trashcan ? Delete this message too. Well keep making accounts :)

justiceforever ago

@kingkongwaswrong I highly recommend allowing occasional "cirklejerk" posts. Maybe on a weekly basis, like Morale Monday

This subject is serious and burnout could become a real problem. People need to keep their spirits up and stay motivated.

kingkongwaswrong ago

fucken great idea. You wanna be responsible for posting circle jerks on Monday? To start it off? I'll update the sticky

justiceforever ago

THANK YOU! Won't let you down!

cky_stew ago

That sounds a little too like confirmation bias.

Stab ago

@kingkongwaswrong Complete copy of original Pizzagate Summary deleted from reddit:

Stab ago

Good internet privacy tips: Get a VPN, use Tor and anonymous search like DuckDuckGo:

TheGettysburgAddress ago

I would add the search function for this website as a resource site that uses sourced material, you will not sleep.

6922188? ago

Great update to the sticky Kong! Thanks for taking my advice and including /v/meanwhileonreddit .... I was a conspiracy redugee so I want to welcome all the noobs with open arms but the wave of noobs includes lots of shillweed that is brushing past or sticking to my legs and making feel icky and want to get out of the water.

kingkongwaswrong ago

nws let me know if theres any otheradvice.

As for shills, more like a tidal wave of shit

Trump_makes_me_wet ago

I would like to know the answer to this as well @kingkongwaswrong @sigmawarrior @reddit_framed_us @InvestigateThatShit @pizzathrowaway777 and @pizzapartywithkids . A lot of people are coming here as of late to escape censorship. I beg you to not bring the censorship here. We are already being censored on twitter, reddit, facebook, and youtube. Let's try to do this right when given the opportunity and platform that voat has given us. Even if there is an opinion or comment you don't agree with, then that should be an opportunity to discuss it logically and respectfully. Give the opposing a chance to change their view. No one is going to be receptive when you censor them or argue with disrespect.

pizzazumo ago

K dumbass

kingkongwaswrong ago

yep we deleted 2 comments, I have had a word with the mod involved. They were overwhelmed with the reported comments. We aren't going to delete comments anymore, only things that are dangerous to sub members or against the rules (eg. CP)

PresudentMcCheese ago

Why would you want to keep comments with logical fallacies? This isn't daily kos or a climate scientist convention.

scandalouspizza ago

Why would you want to keep comments with logical fallacies?

Because you might be wrong about them containing logical fallacies. Sometimes being logical is difficult :p

piratse ago

Because this is vote you dumbass. Censorship is not tolerated here. I can call you a fucking faggot and the mods should move along. Mods on voat are to clean up spam and completely irrelevant submission. That's about it. Keep your reddit logic at reddit. "hurrr just censor the stuff that we don't like." That's not how freedom of speech and voat work.

PresudentMcCheese ago

Great job. I love deep dish pizza and this whole thing makes me sick. Pizza is the greatest and shouldn't be used to hurt kids. Can't wait for the trials to start.

sentryseven ago


ejd4500 ago

Archive link for aceloewgold link: