Pizzagate709 ago

@Pepporoni_sue and @heartlight are shills

Mr_Sir ago

You're an idiot. This isn't constructive at all. I believe this is being done to divide the sub even more. I only lurk here, but your tactics are counter productive and I believe it's intentional.

BiasedAsFuck ago

The mods are fucking shills. Shills don't hide in the shadows, they pose as your allies and misdirect you.

voatKingKong ago

ignore this shill @holystic is mentally unstable

SaneGoatiSwear ago

prove it by changing it to "fuck kingkongwaswrong sanegoat's a silly dicktease and adhdferret loves it" and then that proves it's you.

VieBleu ago

Boinked shills

Diamond_Deluge - foul mouthed "free speech" rager

CJJacobs - threats

reasonedandinformed ago

@Amalek_Horla is another CTR troll spamming Jewish hate. @TheCovenant another CTR troll spewing Jewish hatred

TheCovenant ago

Nobody takes your SJW shit seriously here, and guess what? This type of thinking is going mainstream in society as well.

reasonedandinformed ago

Save it spammer.

reasonedandinformed ago

@JewMusic same thing

reasonedandinformed ago

@Djsjsn another CTR spamming hate in comments:

reasonedandinformed ago

@Pizzagaters another CTR shill spewing spam hate:

reasonedandinformed ago

@pizzaTrump is a known CTR shill. Please remove.

reasonedandinformed ago

@MAGAphobic spamming the same content (example:

reasonedandinformed ago

@Pizzagaters is a CTR troll spamming the same post of hateful anti-semitic rhetoric all over the site. Just created his account and went into action in the last hour or so. Please ban.

ads1241 ago

@kingkongwaswrong Please add @Amalek_Horla aka @TheCovenant aka @Coven to the list for continuous anti-Semitic posts and spamming. Refers to himself as Amalek. Thank you for keeping the community safe from shills. EDIT1: 1 more acc @Horyshit EDIT2: BustedWideOpen IMPORTANT: Intends to spam voat with anti-semitic BS See here

l23r ago

How come so many people are asking that kingkongwaswrong be added to the list but they (and I say that in the plural sense) are not?

Do you have evidence that they are not s shill? Please provide it!

Cantilever ago

It's not meant to be the face of pizzagate. When traveling to a new community, virtually or physically, it is wise to sit quietly and observe the culture and learn their norms. Ask what things means and where to find things. Show interest in becoming part of the community.

It is not wise to come into an established community and begin demanding that things be changed according to your wishes.

If you don't know what something is or what something means, just ask.

Cantilever ago

The sticky section already accomplishes this

Cantilever ago

In this thread,

@pizzaequalspedo @pocketfullofstones @encryptallthethings @savethekids_pgate

have all been repeatedly suggesting a split to a new subverse for investigation material. Same users posting the same suggestion multiple times, albeit worded slightly differently in each case

Mods please take a look

Savethekids_pgate ago

wow, can you calm down? I didn't say that we should split the subverse into new conversations.

I said that a new subverse could have LINKS to /v/pizzagate.

HarveyKlinger ago

I'm not sure if they are a shill, but they admitted they are only 15 years old and they are wanting to talk about pedophilia.

User: Realtyfalls

safetythrowaway1234 ago

they probably are, I already reported a similar user (name only) @Realtyfails

HarveyKlinger ago

Same user. It's RealityFalls. I don't remember when I created my account here but are there any terms that someone has to be 18 to be here? If not, that needs to be added as there are a LOT of things on here that could get this place in trouble if reported by a minor.

wecanhelp ago

reasonedandinformed ago

@chelseasPizza just now with this post ( See my comments in the post (link to my post here: for why I believe this is CTR.

MeatballPizza ago

FORUM SLIDING. Noticing many new topics being start on topics that are a SEARCH away. Tough to keep up with NEW material if the first dozen topics are all covered.

We also might want to put a DEBUNKED page listing shit we've already chased down but newbies show up and post (Hey, know what his name means, etc).

JoeJoe ago

"Enjoy your CIA psyop to discredit real conspiracies"

fact-checking-pg message to me

Continues to back handedly make statements that actually cast aspersions on not only me but other posters.

JoeJoe ago


built up 847 points in 4 days.

Outs another poster as crazy

Gets into a discussion with me, does not cite references as support of statements.

Proceeds to skulk around my profile and accuse me of being a CIA psyop.

Down votes my benign responses.

kingkongwaswrong ago

he's an owner. Why do you think he is a shill?

safetythrowaway1234 ago

that would be @VictorSteinerDavion

kingkongwaswrong ago

oh right -_- thanks

safetythrowaway1234 ago

np they're sneaky fucks

VictorSteinerDavion ago

Hahahahaha, that's hilarious.

I've tagged that so I don't fall for it myself

MeatballPizza ago


Posting several times that CTR created Pizzagate to get Jimmy Comet killed. B.S. posts.

party1981 ago

I can't tell if you are being sarcastic. But it is definitely pertinent when a celebrity from the Hollywood area shows a bizarre obsession with pizza and sexualized imagery, far beyond any normal explanation. (She's a vegetarian too, btw.)

The name of the forum is pizzagate, not "I'm going to baselessly attack other people because I don't fully agree with their theories or I can't handle the level of evil that is being exposed and discussed."

kingforpres ago

Dude go fuck yourself. How stupid can you be to believe your method is the only method. You're a degenerate. Just sitting on your thumb spinning in circles.

party1981 ago

I am not a shill. Look at my post and comment history. Happy to explain and defend myself.

reasonedandinformed ago

Both joined 12 days ago as a tag team and have been spouting nonsense and tried to create distraction and division: @pedos4trump @rapists4trump

wecanhelp ago

Pretty blatant, especially here.

Laskar ago

What to do when harassed by trolls with ad hominem attacks, name calling, false accusations etc.?

anonymousj ago

@kingkongwaswrong 65 year old grandmother. No shill here, please remove me - you note me as a shill because I make comments to participate? That's wrong.

Sui_Juris ago

Don't take it more serious than a downvote. You probably got put here because of off-topic posting, which is forum sliding. Find an appropriate thread to post info in, or start a new thread.

IamCuriousGoat ago

The only GOV SHILL here is KING-KONG mod, and all his mod accounts.

This bitch is an ISRAEL CIA operative to control the NARRATIVE, note that he deletes anything that doesn't follow thy NYT narrative that CPP is HQ for Hillary to fuck children.

Anytime you connect pizzagate to Saudi the fucking MOD"s here delete you

I tried to post about the scale of pedophilia in the world 8 milllion missing children and the mod's deleted it (rule-3) no proof they say, hell its a known-known, the mods are pedophiles the wolves are running /v/pizzagate

Sui_Juris ago

If that's true, then start another subverse and document it.

l23r ago

PIZZAGATE2 but not too many people go there

stopcensoringpizzag8 ago

@Phobos_Mothership and @OtisFirefly (I believe that these 2 accounts are owned by the same person)

You can see everything here. Additionally, there is another user compiling further evidence relevant to @Phobos_Mothership use of NPL and language to sway opinions and attention away from important matters, such as pertinent leads. Really scary that he is still a mod here. Why would he do this? The guy who's handle is basically "Fear Mothership" ? Let me guess...

OtisFirefly ago

Do you have proof of these accusations?

Phobos_Mothership ago

@VoatCTRondeck, @stopcensoringpizzag8

because of this shitstorm of false accusations. I suspect many alternate accounts, as many of the accounts active in this thread were minutes old. So much ignorance in the face of proof, and deliberate fear-mongering.

Jwomack1984 ago

PLEASE, give me a break. Who's paying me?

SavingGrace ago

I do apologise for listing you as a shill. I was clearly wrong. I reacted quickly when I thought you might be leading the gullible to tragedy by protesting outside of GS's home in NY. Putin hasn't been able to reign him in - just to put things in context. I am sorry.

Jwomack1984 ago

No worries

Phobos_Mothership ago

zinn88 is worse than a shill. Has posted clickbaity titles that link to child porn at least twice. Suggest banning.

kingkongwaswrong ago

if hes linking to childporn knowingly more than once Id suggest you ban him. As a mod you can do this

safetythrowaway1234 ago

LegionWill, makes long posts that rehash previous findings and makes claims without citing sources and delete[d] everything. @kingkongwaswrong @Crensch @Phobos_Mothership @Millenial_Falcon

Crensch ago

He probably got removed by his shill overlords. At least one shill lost his job today (maybe?).

safetythrowaway1234 ago

ok, thanks for quick response.

Sui_Juris ago

Pretty strong evidence they're here though.

AllDancingCrap ago

Came here to post this. Check the pattern of the post this user its making. Tabloid like titles no sources

Phobos_Mothership ago

Bentastixc has been posting very questionable content, latest submission (before deletion) was one of those 'dubiously access the public records of any person with a name and address' websites, like he was encouraging doxxing in order to discredit us.

Sui_Juris ago

Point him out for it, downvote, mark as spam. Rinse, repeat.

Phobos_Mothership ago


SavingGrace ago

@Shillzilla - on voat pizza gate for all of 21 mins with new account and went into a full on attack.

Phobos_Mothership ago

PodeezyCheezy has been posting completely off topic posts with very misleading names for a few hours.

VieBleu ago

@millenial_falcon @numbchuck, @phobos_mothership @rktyp

Rewards responds to psych talk here appropriately for a shill; his history doesn't help him out

topkek1337 ago

Lol, Naw son, I Mock you for free.

veritas_vincit ago


Member for ten minutes. Posts this:

Looks like classic Cointelpro tactics.

gopluckyourself ago

rcui 1 comment
johnnycruz 1 comment
Rcui, member for 38 minutes, just like JohnnyCruz. Similar statements too, trying to distract us.

Has anyone considered whether there might be a Masonic link to all this? Freemasons are an international group who are into rituals

JohnnyCruz, also member for 38 minutes:

I think it's time to establish a connection to planned parenthood. They were caught at one point being receptive to selling intact alive fetuses.

I_am_sparticus - using bots to upvote/downvote

VieBleu ago


guy made one feeble submission which was just a linked article no commentary, then downvoted 13 and only 4 upvotes. he reported me for spam when I posted a thread trying to upvote a very well researched post that explained pizzagate to newcomers full of links, obviously needed to be upvoted and stickied and had only 10 upvotes when I saw it. Trying to help that information get to the top is not spam.

I think he is more interested in blocking information than getting it out, hence a shill. I'm not butthurt because of my stupid post attempt to help, just don't trust calling it spam. Turns out the community has highly upvoted the thread I was trying to help anyway. Proves I was correct in my actions.

Edit: And the Mod made it sticky! hurray.

totesgoats908234 ago

I'm famous!!

VieBleu ago

so I want my 15%

VieBleu ago

I'm not sure about being a shill, but this guy is bullying me pretty obcenely - could you check him out? thanks


Here is the exchange, VieBleu 0 points (+0|-0) 1.5 hours ago

The cantankerous one has a point. Also there are people on here simply for misdirection and obstruction - you could be one of them.

permalink parent save edit delete reply report spam 

[–] HomeboyChris S 0 points (+0|-0) 48 minutes ago

What have you done for this cause? I got hundreds of hours in this ya fucking dick head

permalink parent save source reply report spam 

[–] VieBleu 1 points (+1|-0) 37 minutes ago

I honestly meant to answer your question - no need to be cantankerous!

permalink parent save edit delete reply report spam 

[–] HomeboyChris S 0 points (+0|-0) 25 minutes ago

Okay then answer it asshole. Did you seriously call me a shill you prick?

permalink parent save source reply report spam 

kingkongwaswrong ago

hahaha sorry that exchange is funny. His history looks legit - some really good comments and posts, and he just sounds like he's either UK or AU. They swear alot, banter and yeah can come across abraisve. I don't know if you're from reddit or think people should be polite, but to me this just looks like normal response from someone who might have been putting in effort getting called a shill ad getting annoyed.

But seriously his comments made me chuckle. I wouldn't take them too seriously. And theres nothing I can really do about it anyway - voat has pretty serious anti censorship rules so I can't ban or anything for people being 'rude'.

VieBleu ago

Ok - thanks for taking a look anyway. Talk about cantankerous!

SavingGrace ago

therealchedca - shill alert!

AnonCanuck ago

@cantsleepawink This is a very clever shill. But take a look at the posts...

ArchonFall4All ago

@KingKongMod and @KingKongVoat

They appear to be two accounts for the same person

And you can add @KingKongPingPong to the above as well. I guess I'll just keep editing in all of their alts as I find them

Nicefind ago

Lube-N-Blisters ago

@kingkongwaswrong is the only shill here and we all know it. Brings 9 Reddit mods with him, calls others shill, is a sheckle hoarding shill himself and can't stand to face the truth.

kingkongwaswrong ago

whats wrong with hoarding shekels?

also i purged the reddit mods, and now ive picked mods who were contributing to the sub.

What's the truth?

CrenschIsCensoring ago

You picked some shitty mods @kingkongwaswrong and were deleted by Crensch. He is part of the cover up for Marina Abramovic.

kingkongwaswrong ago

i had a look and I think he just didn't see a well thought out argument or link to pizzagate - just a really sensationalist OMG A JEW post.

Perhaps if you wrote out a more thought out article which shows how there is a jewish connection - and the relationships between jewish occult culture and pizzagate then I think that could be an enlightening read and might help people with connections. Some of the good stuff I've read ties together molech/moloch, influences on historical jewish culture by their existing religious practices pre-judaism, patterns of ritual abuse accusations across history at jews, systematic pedophilia in orthodox jewish communities - but remember to provide sources, and show how you think it's related to pizzagate.

But unfortunately all the jew connections so far have looked a lot like spam or sensationalism.

Just try to calm down, crensch is actually pretty redpilled on jews and against censorship so I'm sure if you write something logical and calm, he won't remove it. but your first post didnt follow the rules AT ALL - please read them and have another go at posting.

@crensch @kevdude

Lube-N-Blisters ago

@Melitica is 8 days old and barely comments or does anything that's noticeable @Eggs-vs-Bacon is a 7 day old account and only comments that's not much contribution. Given @Crensch does contribute a lot and has been here awhile, @Codewow is clearly a bought out account there's a good size gap in history and then the personality does a 180 and posts a few anti trump things etc etc looking like a shill ( not witch hunting just pointing out how much of a shill @kingkongwaswrong is ) @Millenial_Falcon has 7 submissions and is 8 days old. I'm starting to notice a pattern in all these new mods in /v/pizzagate. Also last but not least @KnowThyself has 2 submissions and is a 6 day old account. @kingkongwaswrong there's the proof you're a shill. You said these mods were contributing to the sub I dont see Jack shit other than a bunch of Reddit power mods. I'm calling you out for what you are and letting all these new guys know how we roll here at voat. We research and look up shit for ourselves. We don't stand by and watch our site get taken over by Reddit power mods. Fuck you @kingkongwaswrong. EDIT: someone archive this please.

Melitica ago

Most people here are "new" because this is a specific fucking board that was created for a Specific, recent, concern. This investigation, unlike other topics, isn't about fucking brownie points. People on this board who are here to investigate pizzagate...treason and child trafficking don't care if you throw a tantrum because "I was here first, this is my playground". Get over it.

Crensch ago

Not that it negates your entire post, but where you comment about @KnowThyself only having two posts, it's pretty obvious he's doing actual investigative work based on ONE of his posts.

He made a pretty huge connection, and that's more than would be expected in 6 days as a user. If he got lucky, and hasn't discovered anything since, what, exactly, would be the point of more posts?

Also, given the nature of the investigation, a lot of these accounts are likely to be behind a certain amount of OpSec and not linked to regular accounts.

My take is that you wouldn't be happy with any users from rEddit, no matter what they've done or not done.

Lube-N-Blisters ago

I'm an ex user of Reddit younomorebingbong. That's my old account. Honestly making someone a mod off two posts is still a joke just saying.

Crensch ago

I'm sure you know what I meant; a user fresh from rEddit.

Honestly making someone a mod off two posts is still a joke just saying.

One post, really. And I think you have your head in the clouds about necessary qualifications.

Lube-N-Blisters ago

No a new account with one post doesn't meet any sort of mod qualifications. He's not a seasoned voater and he literally doesnt have anything other than one post going for him. He's not established in the community either. Go fuck yourself sir.

Crensch ago

As I wrote in your PV post:

I can do this all day bitch No a new account with one post doesn't meet any sort of mod qualifications.

You don't really get to decide that. One real progress post is better than fifty posts of anything else for an investigative subverse.

He's not a seasoned voater and he literally doesnt have anything other than one post going for him.

So? None of these new folks are seasoned voaters, and bringing it up just shows how off your rocker you are.

He's not established in the community either. Go fuck yourself sir.

None of them are established in the community. And you're less established than I am, so why don't you go fuck yourself, then read a goddamn book or something, because you're doing nothing but making an ass of yourself.

Lube-N-Blisters ago

You're sounding very butthurt, maybe it's because I've pointed out the flaws you have in your sub and you realise it's been pointed out blatantly. You're making the ass of yourself.

Crensch ago

You're sounding very butthurt

You're sounding very rEddit-ish. Maybe you should try hanging around Voat more and thicken that skin.

maybe it's because I've pointed out the flaws you have in your sub and you realise it's been pointed out blatantly.

Maybe it's because your arguments for even one of the mods is a complete failure which calls your entire post into question, since you can't make a reasonable assessment of qualifications of even one of them.

You're making the ass of yourself.

Pretty sure your ability to assess this situation mirrors your ability to assess the mods.

Lube-N-Blisters ago

Look I've made my point beyond what I could have thanks to your help. You truly made an ass of yourself and I thank you for that.

Crensch ago

Look I've made my point beyond what I could have thanks to your help.

If your point was that you aren't to be taken seriously, you did very well, and I'm happy to help.

You truly made an ass of yourself and I thank you for that.

I made an ass of myself? You're whining about others' qualifications...

@Lube-N-Blisters: user for 8 months with 68scp and 646ccp

@KnowThyself: User for 6 days with 253scp and 103ccp

Game. Set. Match.

Lube-N-Blisters ago

Comparing me to newer accounts eh I hope I hit the nerve that pisses you off the most.

Crensch ago

Comparing me to newer accounts eh I hope I hit the nerve that pisses you off the most.

Showing your hypocrisy. You comment as if you're a voater, talking about qualifications of mods, yet your user history sucks so bad that in 8 months you made less than half his SCP and a bit more than 6 times his ccp.

Not that anyone reasonable really needs to go that far after pointing out that you seem to be arguing that pizzagate refugees shouldn't be modding the pizzagate sub.

Lube-N-Blisters ago

I wasn't saying anything about refugees of Pizza gate not being mods I pointed out that half of those fuckers don't contribute shit. Go fuck yourself and focus on them all not one.

Crensch ago

I wasn't saying anything about refugees of Pizza gate not being mods I pointed out that half of those fuckers don't contribute shit.

Some don't contribute - bad.

One contributes hugely once - bad.

None established in the community - bad.

Stop moving the goalposts, or I'm labeling your shit in PV as concern trolling. At least be fucking honest about your intentions and stupidity.

Go fuck yourself and focus on them all not one.

All I need is one to show you're full of shit. You specifically pointed this one out for only contributing once.

Don't talk like you're a voater, and talk aobut how we do our resarch when you make a post with such an easily disproved point.

Lube-N-Blisters ago

Nothing has been disapproved you faggot. You just say it is when it isn't. You're such a fucking cuck.

Crensch ago

Nothing has been disapproved you faggot. You just say it is when it isn't. You're such a fucking cuck.

Once you move the goalposts as much as you have, you've shown that your argument holds no water. Try to keep up.

Royce_of_Veason ago

Glad I read through to the end. Wish I had thought to make some popcorn.

Codewow ago

I'm not bought out. I'm no trump supporter, but I'm definitely not a Clinton supporter. My comment history should show this.

Archive of this page:

kingkongwaswrong ago

you are such a sweetheart.

Codewow ago


DarkOne ago

your feud with @kingkongwaswrong is going nowhere. Counter his post by laying out a list of good investigators that are repeatedly finding solid information and invaluable leads. it is a net positive for everyone involved and it will prove you'r case.

kingkongwaswrong ago

this would actually be amazing

DarkOne ago

Laying out a list of suspected shills is also pointless, i might add. the will only make new accounts anyway. promoting the investigators who are following community guidelines and moving the investigation forward is a lot more product.

its time you two buried the hatchet.

rationalconspiracist ago

Lol wut. I'm on the list? Well that tells me all I need to know about this place. I'm outta here.

kingkongwaswrong ago

you were literally suggesting that we should spend time debating with shills. That's exactly what they want.

rationalconspiracist ago

I was literally suggesting that we SHOULD spend time debating their message instead of naming their disposable accounts, which is exactly what they want.

"The correct response is to down vote and ignore." There's wisdom in that, but you don't seem to grasp it or you wouldn't have made this thread. Look how much drama, infighting, and distraction you just caused in one fell swoop. The irony is palpable.

kingkongwaswrong ago

thats probably true. thanks

rationalconspiracist ago

I'm only speaking from past experience when I've named shills they just change accounts and drag your name and reputation through the mud in the process. Eventually people are going to associate you with starting drama, and the shill will have a brand new account. The time is better spent countering their logic.

kingkongwaswrong ago

I think I read somewhere that shills actively try to get you to engage and then draw you into impossible arguments. hence why its a waste of time

Nicefind ago

@gab001 grow up and do some real research.

kingkongwaswrong ago

please look at a posters history before putting them here - I looked at the context and I can understand why you might have thought he was a shil from that comment, but I looked at his history and he looks legit, Take a look for yourself

Gab001 ago

Thanks for your feedback.

Nicefind ago

For the record, I checked the twitter accounts of named victims and did site searches on the web domains of the news sites mentioned. I did not find a link between more than 70 dead football players and journos and pizzagate. We don't know why the plane crashed. We also don't know why you rushed to hypothesize that it's connected.

Nicefind ago

Seriously? I question your lead because it lacks meat. Others judge my history for yourself.

kingkongwaswrong ago

I did have a look at your history and you look legit. I understand the paranoia though

srayzie ago

Korval ago

Reminiscent of the msm's 'fake news' list. People can make up their own mind who's a shill and who's not - don't need you or anyone else telling us who the shills are.

ListenUp ago

@gumpgump She put my full name online and is calling my work "disinfo"

kingkongwaswrong ago

can you pm with screenshot/ link

itchy8me ago

A specific reason should be stated under each name in the main post. That way we can check for ourselves and also make up our own mind.

kingkongwaswrong ago

I thought about putting reasons but like you said you can just review their post history and make up your mind this way.

heygeorge ago

I'm tucking this away so as not to cause undue attention, but it seems that much of the griping about you is that there is no history for anyone to peruse. I'm sure you realise this by now. I'm not asking you to dox yourself, obviously, but is there somewhere you've offered your say on this that I've yet to see?

Thank you in advance.

kingkongwaswrong ago

No, there's no position.

heygeorge ago

How do you justify that vs. your stance of looking at others' posting history to determine whether or not they are shills?

I see that you have elevated long-time voater Crensch to [M]. Perhaps it would be wise to consider promoting him or someone similar that you (and the community in general have come to trust) as [O] sometime in the near future as well as another backup in case of emergency. The obvious follow-up step would be to step down as [O] if character attacks continue and cause a bigger distraction than content. This is clearly the 'nuclear' option.

kingkongwaswrong ago

we are thinking through these, thanks :)

heygeorge ago

Thanks for responding.

Do you have response to my primary question?

How do you justify [no post history for you] vs. your stance of looking at others' posting history to determine whether or not they are shills?

kingkongwaswrong ago

most of the users here are new, they have accounts as old or newer than mine. They can look at my post history to judge my intent, I can look at theirs to judge theirs.

heygeorge ago

I just looked again at the mod list, and it seems you're adding brand new users (presumably redditors) again. I can understand why you brought Crensch on, but why keep adding to your team with new-user [J]'s and [M]'s when you're under so much fire?

I do sympathize with the amount of Spamalek you are getting, but I find that to be one of Voat's... charms, for lack of better words. Also, your main userbase should be getting themselves up to the DV threshold soon if not already and your mod team will have less to worry about.

kingkongwaswrong ago

  1. people to organise and label posts with flairs actively
  2. people to combine duplicate threads in an intelligent way
  3. people to remove shitposts

its lots of work for one person, the more who can share the load the better

heygeorge ago

Fair enough. What is the plan to combine duplicates?

kingkongwaswrong ago

no idea, im going to leave it up to the person who I just modded and hope they do a good job, and unmod them if they abuse/do terrible things. I cant do everything man

heygeorge ago

I guess my follow-up is simply: Then why employ heavy moderation? Let the community do their thing (minus obvious spam) and focus on curating the best of the best?

Seexybeast6969 ago


grlldcheese ago

Then make a new sub.

And you deal with all the (((you)))s

bernitdown ago

Wow. Fuck you. Provide any remotely rational explanation why I'm on this or fuck off.

Sui_Juris ago

Don't take it more seriously than a downvote.

RebelSkum ago

@DaveJohnson ; a new user with incoherent spam throwing off Pizzagate-relevant material. Dave is a name associated with lhohq and could possibly be a hint at a spam campaign by them now that their website is down, but at this moment its coincidental.

UglyTruth ago


Title used instead of noun.

meaning they will

Assumption of foreknowledge.

Rambling and incoherent post:

eyes-wide-shut ago

We need to avoid the witch hunt. It's just a distraction. Down vote shills, upvote content.

Back to work!

lectorleoni ago

"Shills like to hide in the shadows."

The premise of this post is weak. It is only equivocally true; shills need to hide the fact that they are shills, but they also need to draw attention to themselves in order to derail the discussion. Compiling a blacklist on your own pretended authority without any explanation as to why the names on it belong there is what the bad guys do. It's either incompetence or malice. But when in doubt, the safer assumption is the worse.

The post itself employs several shill tactics. Let it be known, I'm only commenting because the author of the post is the moderator of the subverse; ordinarily, the appropriate thing to do with shills is to ignore them.

Let the reader peruse the Gentleperson's Guide to Forum Spies and judge for himself what this is:

mnoro ago

I saw like 4 threads yesterday implying OP was a shill.

Add this name: kingkongwaswrong

bernitdown ago

Right? The only mod removing posts and nobody knows who he is?!

ThePedoHunter ago

Thanks for the list dude

Galvarian ago

All one needs to do to get on this list is complain about kingkongwaswrong.

grlldcheese ago

Nope. Your faggotry is obvious and self evident.

If you were better at it you wouldn't be on the list.

Scoundrel ago

Great work.. they're all pedo protectors or pedos themselves.

bernitdown ago

Read my post history. Nothing I have stated is remotely shillish. Keep this up and I quit.

dustygozangas ago

pitchfork sharpening intensifies

Sephel ago

rationalconspiracist ago

This never ends well. Counter the message, don't attack the messenger. Even if you know they're a shill, it's just a losing strategy. They can simply change accounts if you out them and the only thing wasted was your time, but if you debunk their narrative then what? This simply leads to the community turning in on itself, personal attacks, etc instead of focusing on actual debate.

kingkongwaswrong ago

you might be right, but let's see how it goes.

rationalconspiracist ago

On a conspiracy site I frequented, when I first started out I did what you're doing. I outed a few prominent shills. Bunch of people covered for them, many more got tired of hearing about it. In the end, it simply hurt my reputation and when I finally proved they were shill accounts, they promptly abandoned them and made new accounts. Lots of time wasted, nothing accomplished, and their narrative still dominated. I think they actually want you to engage them on a personal level, because they have no personal stake in anything. The only way they can lose is through logical debate.

I also noticed something else that you'll want to watch out for. The current thinking in how to "deradicalize" someone or change their point of view, is that you never disagree with them. Disagreeing with someone further radicalizes and alienates them. To change someone's mind, you actually agree with them, but in a way that's so over the top it almost satirizes their point of view. This causes the person to actually take a step back and re-evaluate their own views in response. Wouldn't want to become one of those nuts right?

In my opinion, shills use this tactic to change people's minds. They're more effective when they agree with you in a mocking, over-the-top manner than when they argue with you.

l23r ago

This is an important point. It is imperative fpr people to be aware of their shifting tactics.

dustygozangas ago

we could always correct their records. come up with a playbook or something like that.

kingkongwaswrong ago

thanks, added