reasonedandinformed ago

That's a good point. However, there are some who are incredibly active trying to derail our efforts. It makes sense to call them out and point to their history for people to make up their own minds. The problem in ignoring them is that it allows for them to do their damage without exposure to people who are unaware of the CTR campaign or how to spot it. I was heavy calling it out yesterday as the CTR activity ratcheted up dramatically, but I was a little hasty. I need to always CONFIRM 100% based on their history before using the term.

reasonedandinformed ago

Something appears to be planned in Southern California, Los Angeles. People have seen many flights heading to Mexico. We need a new thread to explore this. I am too tired to dig any further. Good luck.

NeedPolyGF ago

I just saw the video at

It puts together a lot of info that does look like major people in the government don't want Trump to get into office and expose their major corruption.

Since social media helped elect Trump, can social media help again to prevent any false flag event that might keep him from office? If much of the public is warned about such a possible coming event, would that help prevent it? I did my part already by posting at a forum I frequent at

But I can try to do more. What can I do? Post on Facebook?

The video mentioned a very unusually large number of air flights have been leaving southern California for Mexico, I think. What could that mean? Who was on those flights?

reasonedandinformed ago

Can you create a new post about the CA flights with documentation? Post it around 9 am EST for max exposure. Thanks.

pedophobic ago

Its also important to note that tonight is a full moon and tomorrow is a Super Moon. These things are very important in these people ritualistic activities.

reasonedandinformed ago


nobstruthseeker ago

This is brilliant thinking. It's entirely possible that the Evil would commit false flag attacks on themselves (i.e. when the embassy is empty or after hours to minimize real damage but maximize publicity) and frame pizzagate researchers for fueling this "hate" movement. Worst case, someone involved in the pizzagate may be "suicided" (e.g. John P, James A) to have a judge & public condemn and stop this citizen reporter investigation. The great lengths the Evil would go to stop the truth from coming out. Indeed, the Saudis are likely heavily involved in child sex trade as shown in the Twittergate discovery. Murderers and rapists crying wolf when they're the one doing the killings and raping. God help us. Trump save us...

reasonedandinformed ago

It is just a guess, but the patterns seem to make it plausible.

apparatchik1488 ago

Keep being on the defensive your whole life.

VieBleu ago

JohnGalt322 possible shill as refused to modify calls for a "posse" and vigilante justice.

reasonedandinformed ago

I could not find this?

VieBleu ago

It is on this thread JohnGalt322 - uses posse not far down

I don't think he is a shill, I think he is a vulgar bully who hates pedos and uses violent rude language to everyone. NOt a great look but the best that can be done is tell him not to use violent language. I asked nicely and he said f**k **f. So I made fun of his idol Ayn Rand awhile.

reasonedandinformed ago

Where? I am trying to find that. Anyone posting calls for violence just arms our enemies with what they want to try to finger us after the next false flag. It is often a CTR shill tactic but sometimes someone who is over-exuberant because they are disgusted like all of us. They should tone it down due to what we know how the real enemy would use these "vigilante calls" against us.

smokinggunspizza ago

If trump doesn't become president I'm going full Henry VIII.

VieBleu ago

8 wives and a big turkey leg?

darkofthemoon ago

I originally started looking into this Kline thing because of some very suspicious behavior from other posters who were strangely quick and rabid to deny any connection. What I saw didn't check out. Because the surface was wrong, I didn't pay more than cursory attention to the rest. It turns out the printed biographies aren't quite compatible.

I still don't know what's up with the two Andrew J. Klines from Washington D.C. Cousins? There is definitely a very clear resemblance. They can't be some totally unrelated people. Both have lawyer education too, though from different universities... unless it's the same Kline and in one biography he is lying about Harvard to make himself sound better. That's possible too, so maybe they are the same person after all...

I'm tired...

dindonufin ago

Smith Steel, pajama factory

Arun Rao, DoJ


UglyTruth ago

Why this effort to focus on the Arab/Jewish hate?

In 1982, as Israel warmed up its operation to invade multi-sect Lebanon, Israeli foreign ministry strategician Oded Yinon inked a master plan to redraw the Mideast into small warring cantons that would never again be able to threaten the Jewish state’s regional prim

darkofthemoon ago

I think the correct way is to be clear that something is tentative when it's tentative. There have been some good submissions like that.

And it had occurred to me too that many innocents had already had to die because of this investigation. Still, it is the only way any progress can be done, as we don't have the power to do surprise raids to everywhere at once, or in fact anywhere really. Without the awareness nothing would get done.

reasonedandinformed ago

Not a bad theory. They are planning something, so we must be vigilant and try to document real time as they usually make many mistakes that can be proven later.

Dsonophorus ago

There isn't a strong enough connection between Pizzagate and Arabs at this time. That may or may not grow over time, depending on where things lead. It would seem artificial to false flag off that at this juncture. Nice theory though, if the hateful Arab post persist, it makes that connection stronger and it may happen then. I suspect they might tone down their attack on Pizzagate for a while. They pushed it out of the sight of a large demographic of sheep and they seem to be dealing with some internal turmoil with the FBI/NSA right now. That plus their focus against Trump seems to be intensifying.

RecycledUser ago

I don't know if this OP is a shill or not. Regardless, remember all the paid protestors at Trump rallies, and all the Project Veritas proof that it was NOT Trump supporters inciting violence. This is isn't either, and like people stated before, not any political party.

The Left, this administration, and these CTR paid shills on voat would LOVE for others to get fed up enough and go out and cause trouble and violence on the street; playing right into their 'martial law' option. Just sayin.

reasonedandinformed ago

I am not a shill. I am pointing out that CTR continues to make posts that are hate-filled, inciting violence, and doing this relative to the Saudis. My post provides a possible explanation.

e-traiu ago

It has been mentioned that 14 is a important date for the occult stuff they do.

Also winter solistice is coming up... This is a significant date for all the mystics

Good and bad

lawfag123 ago

Temporarily lock membership. Ban known shills.

apparatchik1488 ago

Oi vey? why can't these stupid goyim just keep their mouths shut and not question the 6 gorillion? They must all be shills!

apparatchik1488 ago

Oi vey. anyone who doesn't love the jewish people and the democratic state of israel as their best allies, unquestioningly and subserviently, prostrating before us, is an antisemitic shill trying to get us bad media coverage!

Bug off with this same tired schtick, schlomo. Jew hate is a rational reaction to Jew behavior. You're the shill here.

Corsairhp ago

Was this posted earlier?

tobor ago

Shit, I have been ready for a false flag since Day 1 that pizzagate broke. I've got all the food, water, guns, ammo that a man needs. Lets get it on.

reasonedandinformed ago


contrarianism ago

This guy gives 10 reasons for upcoming false flag .... He notes evidence of mass evacuation from LA over the past few weeks.

heretolearn ago

if i remember correctly, the media can legally air and print propaganda in the u.s.

so how do we combat that?

tamaman ago

I believe both those spam about saudi and the random MKUltra/Monarch posts (Some are not shills but most must be) to be CTR here to make us look like haters and loonies while misdirecting the investigation.

LionParty ago

Monitor /user/chelseasPizza and /user/BlueBerryPie they have been posting all of these Muslim ties and it is all they post. Suspected major shills.

reasonedandinformed ago

Agreed. Both have been reported ( but still not blocked.

SoManyQuestions ago

I still got money on Thursday. Any takers?

reasonedandinformed ago

It's the kind of thing that the Clinton crowd would actually bet money on...put the pieces in motion, know it's going to happen, and create a bettor's market for their game.

ThePuppetShow ago

I'll take tomorrow. It's 12/14/16 and these freaks love weird shit like that.

SoManyQuestions ago

It'd be immoral to bet actual money on a terrorist attack. How about atodaso points?

ThePuppetShow ago

Completly agreed, bragging rights it is.

SoManyQuestions ago

Thankfully we both lost. Honestly with all russian hoopla they may not need a ff now.

darkofthemoon ago

Sorry, but I think this submission is shilling to divert attention away from the most damaging revelations. Saudis owning the whole block is a huge deal. Saudis are also a bigger fish than even Hillary. The submission cleverly tries to create an artificial binary choice between "Muslim-hater" and "Trump-supporter", either of which gives the opposition ammo to paint Pizzagate as alt-right. The submission also tries to conflate Saudi Arabia with Israel so that the powerful anti-Semitism charge could be used.

If you look carefully, you can see that it's the same Andrew J. Kline in both pictures too, only the school picture is much older, probably taken when he first started at the job. There is also a third picture (on Kline's twitter profile here: that goes in the timeline between the two. Seriously, what are the chances that there are two Andrew J. Klines in high positions in Washington D.C. that look so alike that they could be brothers... or one person?

I'm thinking I should do an infographic about Kline. There has been a lot of disinformation on the subject. Aggressive shills appear whenever he is mentioned, claiming that it has all been debunked in hopes that people won't check for themselves.

blind_sypher ago

Artificial binaries are the key to their power in the media, and I have a theory, well its more of a hunch, that thats why the masonic motiff focus's so heavily on the black and white tile. It is its esoteric representation, their bedrock, if you will.

SwansRonson ago

Not just in the power of the media, but all power, at least according to Hegel. You might be interested to read on the Hegelian Dialectic ( The manner in which events manifest is said to follow this path: Thesis, Antithesis, and Synthesis (,_antithesis,_synthesis)). The Thesis and Antithesis represent the artificial binaries of which you speak. The binaries are required to create the tension in the universe through which controlled events manifest. Much of the Free Masonic lore revolves around this concept heavily and is depicted in Masonic lore as Jachin and Boaz, the pillars of Solomon's Temple, as well as a black and white checkered pattern.

Edit: added some links

Makingspace1 ago

Yeah, im with you somewhat....Why does this submission detract from Saudi involvement and marginalize the many suspicious links? Seems like submitter wants v/pizzagate to turn a blind eye to Saudi connection. Huma is a huge Saudi connection with Hillary and by extension CTR. I posted an article this past weekend that brought to light the Saudi "gay boy sex" culture which was downvoated quickly of course. I don't think discussing the Saudi connection suggests a false flag is in operation. If false flag happens, its gonna be something they pin on Russia with the help of the CIA and the Hillary Machine. IMO any orchestration of a coup will happen from with the US and probably at the level of the CIA. Sure the Saudis may finance because of their affinity for CP, but to suggest stories that link the Saudis to pizza gate stuff means a dis info campaign in happening is quite a stretch. BTW, the CP story will not surface in any false flag attempt, that's the whole reason a false flag would distract from the story and change the paradigm and focus away from where the heat is.

reasonedandinformed ago

I and the pizzagate group are open to seeing any connection, but it needs to be documented. Look at the pattern in the Saudi posts.

  • There is no documentation.
  • They use hateful and incendiary language.
  • The posts are literally copy-and-paste efforts of the same thing, posted by accounts that have just been created.
  • The posts immediately rocket to the top in one hour, unlike any other posts. They show tremendous momentum without any documentation.

CTR shill posts always show these patterns.

If you have evidence to link the Saudis in, please post it, with actual documentation. There is no conspiracy to silence, but CTR is clearly posting the hate-filled Saudi link for a reason.

dontsuicidemebro ago

Yeah I've definitely noticed it, not normal. Posts moves off the front page so quick on voat, it catches the eye when something's at the top that was there the day before. Thought maybe I was imagining it. I appreciate that you are not looking to quash the connection, but are raising suspicions of this pattern. With everyone on such high alert for shills, it's hard to know whether attacks on users like yourself who point it out are well-intentioned from people who didn't read clearly/knee-jerk reactions to any criticism, or whether it's more sinister.

reasonedandinformed ago

I think those who react against me pointing out the pattern about Saudi posts are sometimes sincere. Some are shills. The evidence of them being CTR is usually found in looking at their account/posting history. Most of the Saudi posts are done within moments of a new account being created actually.

Mrs_Ogynist01 ago

Something will definitely happen between now and next Monday - the day the Electoral votes are cast.

reasonedandinformed ago


reasonedandinformed ago

They are not trying to post truthful items. They are planting ideas that become part of their narrative to blame pizzagate when a major even happens involving Arabs/Muslims/Saudis. They may even have some truths mixed into it. They would never bring in Arun Rao as part of the story since that looks to be a VERY LEGITIMATE lead.


it was Saudis who had thousands of Twitter accounts hositng CP

they gave the CF millions

you better believe they are not only involved, but finacning a large part of the ring

reasonedandinformed ago

May be true. We just want to see posts that provide actual evidence. Incendiary rants with no substantiation support the MSM narrative depicting us as "hateful bigots inspired by fake news."

reasonedandinformed ago

I am not denying that there may be a connection, but I still have not seen it well documented here. I am just pointing out the pattern of the CTR posts, consistently focused on the Saudis and with hateful and violence-inciting language. There must be a reason for this, which I think relates to their next major event that they want to tie to this.

darkofthemoon ago

Requiring everything to be "well documented" is a fine way to shut down an ongoing investigation. There isn't going to be much progress if no one is going to be able to post a topic unless it has been carefully researched in depth because that undermines the entire idea of this crowd-sourced investigation thing.

I do think several of those other posts probably were shills too, trying to make the other side look stupid while the side focused on political correctness and not hating the Saudis can appear Reasoned and Informed.

reasonedandinformed ago

I am not politically correct. We just want claims to provide some level of support to advance the investigation. A text screed that lacks anything tangible does not move things forward. We know how the MSM wishes to frame things, so hateful rhetoric plays into their narrative and plans on shutting down our investigation.


sorry but they are no longer "The Powers That Be"

they are The Powers That WERE

reasonedandinformed ago

Good point. Change it to TPTW, and maybe there will be a Mandela Effect someday. :)

Baluga ago

They still are. They are senior bureaucrats, long-time republicans, democrats, owners of the megacorporations, owners of the media, key officials in powerful agencies. And Obama for another month.

reasonedandinformed ago

This post ( just rocketed to 50 points in just over an hour, a sign of a CTR post as they can make this happen. The post (blaming the Saudis, incendiary/hateful language) fits exactly with my theory. There is a huge pattern by CTR to frame the Saudis as our targets...because they (Saudis/arab/muslims) are the targets for their planned false flag. They want this post ( to be at the top of our page.

centima ago


reasonedandinformed ago


520patriot ago

this is all a obama race division tactic. probably ever race, ethnicity and all that has a taste for children. any government connected and donating to the clinton foundation. and yes the arabs are strong with the clintons. so yes. there is an arab connection. nothing should be ignored because of race. that is ctr trying to scare us with the racist card. we should all be equal opportunity investigators. investigate ALL races and governments.

terrordactyl ago

Have you contacted mods about this. You should be a mod @reasonedandinformed , you rock!

zoot3d ago

shut your mouth swine

reasonedandinformed ago

Thanks. I did report the CTR post ( that was essentially predicted by my post here.

darkofthemoon ago

50 points in just over an hour is normal. When people complain that some submission rose too fast to be real they're talking about stuff like 50 points in just under 10 minutes. I just saw on the front page a post with those kinds of complaints.

Also: Definitely do not make someone as suspect as @reasonedandinformed into a moderator. Their technique is to jockey for a moderator position so that they can take over and destroy a forum. I am not the first person to notice that that account is fishy. Even the name looks like it has been chosen to argue from authority.

degenerate7 ago

You're completely right he is playing the skeptic angle and the hard core shilled posts are to distract.

RecycledUser ago

Totally agree!

Arrvee ago

My theory is that they are discouraging an investigation of the Saudis by being such assholes that people will think of their behavior whenever a Saudi connection comes up and will immediately dismiss it and think less of those who do raise the issue. It is a behavior modification technique to force an emotional response of disgust that overrides the intellect. Thidran's #burgersandfries group did the same thing to kill off the Gamergate investigation on 8chan, and Amalek and KosherHiveKicker have reduced the amount of nazi posting by others on /v/politics and have suppressed stories by presenting them with nazi propaganda so fewer people will upvote them.

The Yoichi Shimatsu story that they are spamming does not support itself with sources, so we cannot say whether any of it is true or not. If anyone has solid info on a Saudi connection, please clean it up and post it.

degenerate7 ago

Pretty sure reasoned and informed is a shill playing the skeptic angle to temper their hard core shill posts. I saw an interesting comment where someone sarcastically typed a SMOKING GUN!!! comment and he showed up right away with a canned response warning against that language. He is fishy as fuck

justanotherpizza ago

Sorry degenerate7 but pretty sure you come off as the shill here. the theory of planting bullshit narratives that can be used to discredit pizzagate and as a "explanation" for some future planned event seems all too real after that unfortunate event at comet pizza.

RecycledUser ago

I had the same thought.

reasonedandinformed ago

This group will not just ignore evidence when presented. The Saudi-connection push by CTR is very coordinated. The question is why? Your theory may have some merit, but this group will support things that are substantiated. My theory is that they are planting the inflammatory Saudi posts because they plan a false flag event related to this: This particular post has all the markings of a classic CTR post (rocketed to the top rapidly, inflammatory language, no real support of any kind for the claim).


I have studied the elite for 20 years. Pizzagate isn't holly new to me, but the scale took me aback. The elite sacrifice children for a reason.

Here is the whole story of Pizzagate for anyone interested. The truth is stranger than fiction. The Scottish Masonic Order and their affiliates rule our planet. They are a direct continuation of the Brotherhood of Amon Ra that existed in Egypt 3500 years ago. Knights Templar, Medici's, Pheonicians were just a couple of the links in between. Our leaders are obsessed with Egyptian symbolism, specifically the story of Isis and Osiris. It's basically pretty cool math/geometry, but they have perverted it and made it into an esoteric movement.

Here you go (explore the Egyptian/mathematical symbolism through art and architecture of the past 2 thousand years):

This guy is really funny. He sucks as a speaker, and looks insane, but info checks out. It'll make a man go insane.

and here is the mouthpiece for the IMF mentioning it casually:

Please refrain from calling me a shill because that sounds so fucking crazy. I know what it sounds like. Downvote me if you think it is a coincidence the the latitude of the King's Chamber at the pyramids at Giza is the speed of light (in m/s), accurate to at least 6 digits. You would have to think Pizzagate is a coincidence too. Meter was defined in 1800, but it was merely rediscovered. It is a length ingrained into the architecture of our solar system, as any student of Masonry would learn.

Numerology and mythology seem pretty fucking retarded, and they are, but our leaders fucking love it. You have to understand it, in order to understand our current situation, and them. It goes back thousands of years. If there is anything that you guys should be learning through Pizzagate, it is that many of the men and the women with the tin foil hats on, were preaching reality in your face (to a limit- I think that limit is aliens, but I am open minded). I think that it can be easy to try to explain this Egyptian symbolism as artistic influence, but major historic figures have gone out of their fucking way to make a point of it (as you will see in the first video).

Last thing, FUCK THE BROTHERHOOD OF AMON RA. They sacrifice children like sheep.

Just remember that at heart, humans are good. These videos will make you question reality, but we have each others' backs.

You have tippy tip of iceberg. Dive down and see it in all of its horror.

Arrvee ago

Clinton's PR is very tight with the Saudis and actively scrubs away criticism of them in other areas they control. It is very unusual for them to direct suspicion onto the Saudis. I don't know what to say about that. It might bolster the impending false flag theory.

It was in the news today or yesterday that some people got in a fight with Muslims, but it was about race and not religion. The report had only the Muslims' side of the story. A series of reports like this could prime the audience to receive a story about "alt-right racists" attacking Muslims. However, they have no need for that. We have seen several times that they are capable of manufacturing a national outrage over nothing.

The Saudis are up to plenty of bad stuff, but none of it is connected to Pizzagate that I know of. I would like to see someone someone with access to DC business records doublecheck Shimatsu's work to see if there is anything to it.

reasonedandinformed ago

No. They are trying to play it off like we are blocking any evidence of a Saudi connection. We are trying to follow where the evidence takes us. The CTR posts are all angry rants about the Saudis and lack any substantiation. The goal is to put a "smoking gun" on this platform for them to blame us for what they are planning.

Baluga ago

It's simple: downvote and civilly debunk every post whose title is not substantiated. Upvote posts that are substantial. There are Saudi connections, and there are junk posts.

reasonedandinformed ago

You have a valid point. The issue is that CTR is actively pushing the Saudi connection, so there must be a reason. They are trying to set us up for an event. Separately, if there is some sort of Saudi connection, we need to document it to build the case/evidence. We can't just make fantastic/inflammatory statements without any evidence.

betadynamique ago

They'll do whatever it takes to hide the truth about themselves from themselves, it's really quite astonishing the mass Stockholm syndrome gone into programming the rodent brains of the MSM.

reasonedandinformed ago

I may be off on the timing, but I think they want to throw the Electoral College in disarray and jump on the MSM hype about Russian involvement in the election.

tjarco ago


Selnee ago

I read a theory yesterday maybe on here but don't remember where...but that the CIA has taken over wikileaks and will very soon release fake emails proving Trump and Putin worked together to rig the election. Sounds about right at this point.

RecycledUser ago

And Assange told Hannity on his Sept 8th radio show, of just this topic: the Left blaming election issues on the Russians... It's all on YT. I will post the url tonight.

BlueTesla ago

I have been following the Wikileaks situation over the past few weeks. It's unclear exactly what is happening over there but what we do suspect is that Wikileaks has been compromised (their E-mail provider have been served a gag order, we know this because their warrant canary has not been updated) and that Julian Assange is in hiding/dead/captive. He hasn't shown any solid proof of life for over a month and Wikileaks recent behavior is totally out of character.

Julian's internet access has been shut off by Ecuador, yet his cats twitter account who only he has access to has tweeted a couple of times since. He also randomly followed one of our autists on twitter after they sent the cat a cryptic tweet regarding a warrant canary, as if to acknowledge they're under gag order without them explicitly stating it.

Wikileaks under CIA control would be the most effective honeypot for catching whistleblowers. Although I doubt anyone is leaking to them with all the alarm bells ringing. is a treasure trove for this information.

NamelessCrewmember ago

And now is counting down to a big release... That's a convergence of timetables with what is guessed here.

reasonedandinformed ago

Yes. They are in framing mode right now.

  1. They are framing Trump as a Manchurian Candidate placed by Putin. They have zero evidence of Russian interference, but they have the MSM parroting the "fake news" narrative that the Russians hacked and released damaging data on Hillary/DNC because they wanted Trump. They have no support for this. Even if the Russians did some of the hacking, all it did was expose us to some of the truth about Hillary/DNC courrpution. The Russians aren't the ones who rigged the DNC primaries, the people behind the Clinton/CF corruption, or the sick perverts that the hacks uncovered. The MSM claim that they did not do the same to the RNC is laughable as it implies that any such hack would have produced the same damaging results.

  2. They want to frame pizzagate to be a violence-inciting conspiracy as grounds to shut us down under the guise of security/stopping hate crimes. The shill activity supports this idea. They may be lazy and try to tie us to "Russian propoganda" as the source:

  3. They recently started fertilizing the idea that the Russians are planting any CP that will be found on the sickos' computers if they have to actually deal with this at some point: