antipedo ago

Huh? I think logic/truth is always the best way to go.

Are you seventeen?

This whole thing started because of wikileaks.

...which is paid attention to because it's strong. We aren't

"Downplaying the connection" to Russia is best done by using left wing sites that prove that, such as the politifact link from above. Right?

I'd say more efficient would be to keep our mouths shut in this topic. This is #1 way to be labeled "conspiracy theory".

If you care about the cause, don't care about your beliefs. Nobody cares what you or I think. They think we're bunch of geeks looking for attention.

Therefore we need posture and seriousness. Did you notice that shills were posting crazy articles with lots of "!!!" , bad language etc? The intention was to make us look like idiots.

antipedo ago

*Scapegoat Russia?

Immaterial. Right now "Russia" is a bad word, so Pizzagate needs to play down the connection.

For fuck's sake, people... there's nothing wrong in using the enemy's methods. I know I'm being a cynical asshole, but the enemy isn't exactly a holy man.

Glencannon ago

How is it that the powers that be have convinced all of us that they have the formula to define "free speech" as set forth in our very DNA? Free speech is the ability to speak or write without censure; in other words, all speech in America is allowed. What hubris of these dolts to try to "define" what may be said or written in America! What makes them any different from any tyrants we have ever fought against? They are, indeed, totally deranged and mad!

RageGoddess ago

"It has been reported by eyewitness [SIC]..." Sorry, but without more proof or revealing who this eye witness was, this is not credible at all. I'm referring to the Podesta part, of course, not the fact that the bill passed.

Princeofcats ago

All strategies point to censorship.

Gorillion ago

Is "Fake News" part of the wording of the bill? Would explain why they've been pushing that feeble label so much.

gopluckyourself ago

Fuck red boys. We goin back to the cold war.

TheAwakening ago

Marco Rubio would be a great go to as well.

srayzie ago

They are going to blame Russia so that they can justify taking away our free speech!

SlackeryTurnBull ago

"Fake news" would be if someone photo-shopped that cannibalism picture behind him. Or the wikileaks emails were fakes. This is just a push for wholesale censorship of the internet.

cantsleepawink ago

I have been quite concerned about a comment that I read recently which is on a public post on James Alefantis's Facebook page. Maybe I am reading too much into it. But putting it into the context of the timeline of events I'm not sure. Ordinarily, I do not like to drive traffic to someone's personal page, but I believe that people here are responsible and his post is public (for now). If you do go have a look please be courteous and do not leave any messages for him. That only hurts us and we do not know what is going on. I have uploaded a clip from a conversation he posted a few days ago. It's in the thread of his most recent public post. The link to the comment that I think warrants attention is here:

Mrs_Ogynist01 ago

HR6393 was passed in the house and received in the senate on 12/01/2016. Does anyone know when they will vote on this? Here is a link to find out how to contact your senetor:

NeverSober ago

This entire thread is so full of stupid. WTF, people. You need to switch off your televisions and open your minds. Your comments are so idiotic that you make us all look stupid by association. Turn the TV off!

ScottKnight ago

I still think any policy that attacks us will work for us. I sometimes felt this was going to a war like place anyway, it's not like we can live along side paedophiles

Jem777 ago

Let me explain the dangers of this bill. It gives power to congress to counteract "Russian Propaganda" First of all for those who are not clear the Russia excuse was used by Hilary Clinton and Jon Podesta immediately after the first D.C. Leaks prior to any investigation. They then continued the insanity every time they were caught lying or trying to cover their tracks. This alone should have disqualified her for the Presidency. It is dangerous to accuse a country like Russia in this way. We also know that the Clinton Foundation and their cronies made a deal that involved Russians obtaining a large portion of the USA Uris in. The Podestas also have business ties to Russia. Next Wikileaks released information back into thre last administration where was Hilary Clinton screaming Russia as a senator with Security clearance. FinLly there is information from Anonymous that patriots of ours leaked to save the country. If you notice no one ever stated conclusively that Russia was responsible. They made insulation saiid looks like Russia etc. FBI director would not say it. So why would congress put in a bill that specifically talks about Russia at the same time they are screaming "fake news" not one of them who's duty it is to investigate is saying anything. Most wanted Clinton to win we watched the fake investigation of her. The MSM were caught in direct collision and lying so citizens turned to alternative media to find tha truth. As it got exposed they first screamed conspiracy theorists using the term Alt right and associating it with Nazi's and accusing everyone of being xenophobic racist homophobic Islamaphonic I could go on. Next then they tried to discredit citizen journalists as Pizzagate exploded the same time President Obama said on television we have a problem with fake news and within days Mark Zuckerberg said on teleision we have a problem with fake news, A twitter researcher exposed I believe 9000 CP twitter users and twitter responded by suspending the researcher and many users talking about pizzagate and has censored it ever sense. Reddit users came to Voat continued investigating the MSM was a complete blackout except one mention by a Howard Kurtz that said the claims are ridiculous and he ytakes his children there really???? So Fake news has been uparroted like bird across all major networks who also preached everything is Russia ' s fault and Trump had no chance of winning. and the Clinton Foundation was a wonderful charity helping poor children everywhere and if it was stopped they told us people will die. NYT wrote that pizzagate is fake news with no fact checking the Times is owned by Carlos Slim (look him up) and also co operated by the guy who was in charge of the BBC which suppressed hid the story of Jimmy Saville a pedophile of the highest order connected to the elite in the U. K. Now all of this is being shoved down the throats of the American people even CNN told their audience it was illegal for them to read wikileaks...what a joke.. so here is the problem with the bill they are using the Russian propaganda garbage to create a law where the government gets to decide what is real what propanda and as stated can take action against it. It is pretty obvious that the government is not investigating itself and possibly protecting itself or is compromised. Now they get to decide who gets to be a journalist and provide news. They who have already openly accused and censored committed investigative journalist can just decide this is either Russian propaganda or fake news. This is so dangerous our constitution protects free speech and journalist. They are all screaming Russia but that is what happens in Russia state run news favorable to the powerful. Next question with all that has been released about John and Tony Podesta even if you just take in the massive corruption cronyism the Clinton Foundation, the horrible things that are publicly known of pictures of child sexual abuse in his hous (yes that is what they are painted by a survivor of extreme trauma I believe..look where the redness is located on the children's body's it is screaming sexual abuse). So knowing this why in the hell is John Podesta even allowed on capital hill much less with a ranking member of the intelligence community R-Nunes and now a bill is passed with specific language about Russia propaganda and exerting influence to stop it. John Podesta should not be on capital hill we the people should these are our representatives. We have to make stopping HR 6393 a priority they need to explain it to the American people. Let's call our Senators Representatives get it trending on twitter get Trump to see it.

r3dtr1x ago

They can't even effectively stop piracy on the internet. How are they going to stop alternative media?

DarkOne ago

Any chance we can get a list of who voted for the bill? (shot in the dark) we might be able to use it to cross reference the names with other leads, maybe something will stand out.

DarkOne ago

damn, that's crazy! it makes this more difficult but it does give us something (minor data point at best).

G_Gordon_Linguini ago

Most victims of CP and trafficking are minorities. They are black, Hispanic and often times early LGBT leaning children who are most at risk. It's important to emphasize these victims to get those in power within those communities and their power structure involved!

Baconmon ago

How the fuck can that be legal??.. 1st amendment is free speech.. Couldn't this shit go to court all the way up to the supreme court??.. This bill is like literally battling the internet's free flow of information.. Good fucking luck stopping that shit..


If there was any proof Russia was involved we'd be hearing about it ad nauseum. It's just innuendo. The reality is that there was extensive support for Hillary from foreign donors such as Saudi Arabia and Qatar. That is real, the Russian angle isn't.

DarkOne ago

i agree, but Trump is already changing geopolitics by take away China's greatest ally (Russia) and putting a lot of political pressure on them by recognizing Taiwan as a independent nation. he is basically starting to chip away at there pride and standing in the world for a better negotiating position and China has some serious finical troubles coming there way. they are scared of someone messing with the status quo and Trump is demonstrating just that; "do as i say or i will mess with your shit".

quantokitty ago

And yet there wasn't peep out of anyone when the media was fanning the flames of police shooting blacks and causing riots and burnings of communities. This based on FAKE news and propaganda because the stats never proved what the rhetoric was saying. And now? Try to find concise stats. You can't because they have these weird breakdowns that obscure the fact that whites by far have the greater percentage and probability of being shot. So we have a terrorist group springing up and blocking streets, mugging, and looting, but one false flag and that's it? As long as the shut down puts a gag order on MSN, the NYT, Huffington Post, and the usual suspects in the HRC camp, I won't have an objection. But you notice that they wanted to shut down WikiLeaks also when that was only telling the truth so what is it that they want?

chickyrogue ago

we really shouldnt worry about china either

we should be focusing on fixing ourselves to function at some point more reasonably than fubar!

Jem777 ago

Sorry yes it is HR 6393

MeatballPizza ago


Not seeing it:

"It has been reported..." WHERE?

anon123 ago

We need to spread this to Breitbart, Drudge, TheBlaze, InfoWars, r/The_Donald, ect ASAP. Spread the word!

happy_snek ago

The Blaze? That dumpster fire?

Jem777 ago

That is the point there is no clear evidence of Russia. That was Hillary and team trying to distract from the content of emails. Not just Democrats either Director Comey would not say it and another top intelligence said no way to give attribution. Leaks came from inside think about FBIanon. Now they are using "fake news" to censor alternative news because they don't want exposure. MSM is losing ratings which loses money everyone is connecting they are lying. NYT openly covers up blatant truth. Writes bogus stories on pizzagate. Their owner was managing the BBC when it covered up the U.K. Pedophile scandal with Jimmy Seville. The goverment democrat or republican should never be the ones deciding what is fake news. James Alefantis boyfriend DAVID Brock has his own alleged media correct the record specifically to spin stories for the Clinton's, Obama's and George Soros is involved in some organizations that do the same. Media Matters is also a propaganda arm of the Clinton's. Fake news Fake news. I am amazed at how different sites shut down this investigation with all this evidence or NYT would write front page articles on Trump based on hearsay 20 years ago with the person then being discredited. Call your Senators and Congressman

anon123 ago

So 1) What proof do they have what is Russian propaganda and what isn't? Anything right wing and online is Russian propaganda? 2) How do they define what is a "fake news" site and what isn't? Just because a site gets their facts wrong once or twice makes them a fake news site? By that definition that would include a lot of mainstream media...

SavingGrace ago

Podesta outs Nunes...what an idiot Nunes is being caught in the act entertaining #PizzaGate Podesta. Soros/Podesta must have some heavy duty stuff on him...

gosso920 ago

Devin Nunes


Pick one.

lawfag123 ago

My sides

tobor ago

The sky is falling! The sky is falling!

BlackTara108 ago

This report came out right before the election. Iben Thranholm speaks of the 'regime change' ; a virtual flip-flop of former USSR & former USA- An ex Fbi agent boasts of his role(in bringing Christianity to 1970's USSR yet, he neglects to speak of the coinciding social engineering of the USA. Ms Thranholm doesn't mind telling the truth, tho. God bless her integrity & personal ethics. ' On The Brink of World War III | Iben Thranholm and Stefan Molyneux '

DarkOne ago

The Red Scare (part2)

Meta_Self ago

I found the bill, it's HR 6393:

I think this is the relevant part of the bill:

"The bill establishes an executive branch interagency committee to counter active measures by the Russian Federation to exert covert influence over peoples and governments. It places travel restrictions on personnel and consulars of the Russian Federation in the United States."

therealchedca ago

"space-based environmental monitoring missions and acquisition programs to meet national security requirements for cloud characterization and theater weather imagery;"

^ this could mean anything

"The ODNI must implement a uniform policy to ensure the independence of inspectors general of the intelligence community, the ODNI, the CIA, the NSA, the DIA, the NGA, and the NRO. Inspectors general must report directly to Congress when an employee's urgent concern involving classified information or false statements appears credible. "

^ Again so poorly worded, implications could be broad. This appears to indicate tightening of the reigns on their own intelligence people, in cases of "urgent concern" 's made by intelligence staff - such will be reported to congress.

This puts low level intelligence people , who are witness and privy to some really awful information, in a lot of danger in the long run. We can expect them to realize this and as such we should be prepared to vet and handle another Snowden level leak soon.

Gorillion ago

With all that weird throw-back "It was da Russians!" dog-whistling during the election, this feels like a remnant of Hillary's intentions for her expected successful seizure of executive power. Everything counter to her cabal's narrative would instantly be labelled "Russians!!!" and shut down. Now they're trying to bring it in while Barry still has the house keys.

antipedo ago

Suggested path to deal with this situation:

  • in the light of stronger and stronger accusations that Russians messed with the elections, it is absolutely necessary to distance ourselves from them
  • my suggestion is to finally deal with being called "fake news". It doesn't take much. There is a lot of circumstantial, but appealing evidence.
  • This has been compiled into a graphic already, but mixed with ufo/chemtrails level of bullshit, so nobody took it seriously.
  • Hint: take two-three Podesta emails, a few Instagram pics, and present them in a graphic. No sensationalism! Less is more! Let people decide.
  • Then post on a reliable website, e.g. Wikileaks Wiki.
  • when the question of reliability comes up, point to this website.
  • Last but not least, keep psychos on a leash. Our own people can do more damage than shills.

rivalin ago

There's fuck all evidence Russia messed with the election. You need to "disavow" Russia? That's ridiculous.

thatguyiam ago

The government is smearing itself by pushing this 'fake news pizza gate doesn't exist' angle. The world has already woken up and know the MSM is all lies. No one buys their fake news tripe. The harder the government pushes the fake news angle, the quicker their legitimacy and moral authority fails. Even if it keeps on going after trump takes office. Which i think will, because washington DC is not the only place for satanic pedophilia crimes, its also in the vatican with the catholics, and they're all catholic now on trumps team.

ArchonFall4All ago

Less is more! Let people decide.

What kind of logic is this? For people to reach an informed decision, we need to compile as much evidence as possible. Other users have already called you out for supporting the "evil Russian" narrative, but I'll also call you out for the "ufo/chemtrail bullshit." Show me where people are claiming this.

antipedo ago

For people to reach an informed decision, we need to compile as much evidence as possible.

Compile yes, present no - at least not all at once.

What the visitors must see is a few carefully selected baits. The attention span of a modern homo sapiens is about 20 seconds...

And remember we have been successfully labeled "fake news". We're starting with negative emotions,

micha_ ago

IMo distancing does not help. The forces of evil HAVE TO get it under control, because if Pizzagate is real and the hole as deep, as it seems, then this would be the end of their power, if all comes out (and we have no clue, how deep that hole is and for how long these forces may have been so powerful).

Distance yourself what you want, that is about POWER. Do they have the power to liquidate alternative media, or not?

Therefore IMO it's of utmost importance for Americans, to get in touch with their politicians and tell them, not to pass this bill (Trump supporting politicians at least should delay it, until Trump's team can investigate it).

antipedo ago

This isn't your anime series. This is brutal life. Leave those beautiful words, become cynical. You have to fight like the enemy. Become a cynical asshole, like I am.

Balour ago

Here's 2 of the nicer infographics:

antipedo ago

Nah, man, still not it.

My first though: there's a "pedo dictionary" on the left, but not a single hint on the source. To a skeptic it looks like one may have produced the dictionary bu guessing from context. It would be reverse-engineering, adjusting the proof to the claim. That's a no-no, chemitrail level crap.

We did guess those meanings, but we started with a solid ground. That is not mentioned anywhere.

TLDR: reliable sources needed! ("reliable" doesn't mean common media; it could even be a Reddit post discussing the meaning of those words, - that would convince nonbelievers).

SUMMARY: still weak proof...

srayzie ago

Thank you!

TheAwakening ago

Jesus, even though I have been head deep in this stuff, it still throws me off how easy it ties together... and how disturbing the images are.

Balour ago

Indeed, that infographic is very clean in terms of progression and explanations

darkofthemoon ago

There is some very convincing evidence that Wikileaks was compromised at the time when Julian Assange's Internet was cut. No longer signing anything with pgp keys. No real proof of life for Assange, only increasingly less plausible excuses. Promised earth-shaking leaks not coming. Generally acting out of character. As far as I'm concerned, Wikileaks is currently a honeypot and no one should submit anything to it.

Also, there is no point in distancing ourselves from Russia when there was no connection in the first place. Active distancing would in fact be seen as protesting too much and would make the Russia connection more plausible in the minds of people.

And another thing, uninformative infographics only make it look like there is no real evidence. The research has advanced a lot from the early days. A few Podesta emails + a few Instagram pics doesn't even explain why there's a connection between the emails and the Instagram. Podesta talking about what looks like coded language of some sort + some other guy with a weird Instagram will not convince anyone of a massive pedophile ring involving top politicians.

Hermesthriceborn ago

The oft-overlooked character is Tamera Luzzato, former HRC Chief Of Staff, prior to that served under a rockefeller for 14 years I believe, anyway she is implicated multiple times citing luzzato-palooza's with podesta mentioned including her own Evie's crib fucking disgusting ass shit. Luzzato Palooza Weird Evie's crib shit

Kimcol4st ago

Where is he?

chickyrogue ago

they want wwiii they make alot of $$$ soft kill or hard kill

ababcb ago

I agree. These people intend to start either WW3 or a civil war to distract from their crimes.

chickyrogue ago

we have to be vocal and vigilant and non violent but effective and not let this happen

the vets comin out in dapl is very exciting because they say this is just the beginning we will have some right and some might on our side goin forward

srayzie ago

Oh if Hillary won we sure would be. Let's just hope Obama doesn't cause war before Trump gets in office because he doesn't want war. He also likes alternative news!

chickyrogue ago

we can only hope so yeah cuz the clintoons have schemes they would like to put in place

Meta_Self ago

What strong evidence for Russian intervention?

ababcb ago

Ironically, all talk about "Russian intervention" is literally fake news.

juhos ago

Basically none. Only real reference I have seen was misused fact that Guzzifer used a Russian proxy.

Considering the facts that these people (Hillary, Podesta etc.) used own gmail-emails, secret servers, passwords like "p@ssw0rd" and probably falled for that phising-email with a bitly-fucking-link, the hacker might has been as much 13 year old scriptkiddie from Hillary's neighbor, as some "Russian mega hacker".

There is a real reason why you SHOULDN'T use your own channels. But when you have a lot to hide, I guess you have no choise.

happy_snek ago

"The Russians hacked Hillary's server and leaked emails to the world! That fucked the election!" Nothing but accusations. If Hillary didn't have such shitty security practices, there wouldn't be the problem of the world going through her/USA/world secrets right now. Fault's clearly with her and her team on this one.

SpikyAube ago

I hate that excuse - hackers ruined the election by releasing actual information about the candidate that she didn't want anyone to know because it was illegal and shady!! How do they manage to turn that around to imply that having the truth about candidates in an election is the thing that's damaging to democracy? It's like we are living in a totally upside down world. Do people actually buy into this crap?

chickyrogue ago

agreed completely!

r3dtr1x ago

Nobody seems to care that The Podesta Group is the DC lobbyist form for Russia's largest bank. There are far more documented, concrete ties between Hillary and Russia then the silly Trump-Putin conspiracy theories.

happy_snek ago

Interesting, I haven't heard this angle about the Podesta Group. Got any articles/posts to dig into?

DoughMallet ago

Wait. That article point-blank suggests that Podesta Group are operating as agents of the Russian Governent according to international law, only they aren't registered as such (obviously.) It seems strange to think that, legally speaking, the only thing stopping Podesta Group from being an official agent of Russia is... registration?

thicktail1730947 ago

Link the bill, kayfabe.

Meta_Self ago

HR6368 has nothing to do with the media:

Did I miss something?

Mrs_Ogynist01 ago



(1) ACTIVE MEASURES BY RUSSIA TO EXERT COVERT INFLUENCE.—The term “active measures by Russia to exert covert influence” means activities intended to influence a person or government that are carried out in coordination with, or at the behest of, political leaders or the security services of the Russian Federation and the role of the Russian Federation has been hidden or not acknowledged publicly, including the following:

(A) Establishment or funding of a front group.

(B) Covert broadcasting.

(C) Media manipulation.

(D) Disinformation and forgeries.

(E) Funding agents of influence.

(F) Incitement and offensive counterintelligence.

(G) Assassinations.

(H) Terrorist acts.

Baconmon ago

He typoed the bill number.. He meant 6393