Empire_of_the_mind ago


ravagedblade1588 ago

Remember this isnt about politics.....both sides are implicated.

CrackerJacks ago

'The 1980s Are Calling, They Want Their Foreign Policy Back' https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QS2a44F5TgM

MolochHunter ago

umm... her lawyer has child trafficking convictions himself - so does his wife. And why do the parents of Silsby's children claim she told them a different story about her intentions for the children than she told the Haiti authorities

RageGoddess ago

Glenn Greenwald and The Intercept believe that the CIA and the FBI are engaged in a political battle. The CIA supports Clinton (hence their reports on Russian hacking). The FBI supports Trump (hence their determination a few weeks ago there are no ties to Russia between Trump). Expect the FBI to counter all this CIA "secret assessment" news with some of their own in the next couple weeks.

RageGoddess ago

Nice. I read that exact article just a couple minutes ago.

Truthseeker77 ago

Not only did she try once.. But TWICE!! She was busted on the second attempt. Most of them weren't even orphans! Plus she was in serious financial trouble. She got busted!!

TherealScrable ago

Uhm... No.

Russian media has mostly nothing to do with any of this. They rather focus on demonizing Ukraine and the whole West as well as Georgia, Poland, Baltic States, Finland, Sweden, list goes on... And also on BLM and how "racist" the american police is.

Sentastixc ago

What is more pro-American than the truth?

islandofdelight ago


Time Magazine said in 1996 that Americans influenced the Russian election.

quantokitty ago

I noticed. Even this morning there's more of this propaganda narrative.

So we shouldn't be concerned about the Illuminati globalist NWO pedophiles, we should be concerned about a faux news story designed to bolster The Witch of Endor. You see, The Shrew didn't really lose, the Russians got revenge by allowing Trump to steal the election ... huh? Never mind the fact that it was HRC/Podesta & Co. that got hoisted by their own petard by exchange emails about spirit cooking, pizza-related mapping on handkerchiefs and swimming in heated pools with underage children.

Any thoughts what we can do to counteract this?

smoothassilk ago

tell me what news network is not "propaganda"

smoothassilk ago

if i could downvote you i would.

smoothassilk ago

they blame russsia for everything for years, not only us media german media also. im sick of it

Sentastixc ago

Uhm, what nonsense.

There is truth and there is untruth.

Russia often seems to be on the side of Truth.

Indeed, they often push Truth for it is in their own best interest.

What's wrong with that?

Queen_Puabi ago

Blindjustice ago

It is all good when the Russian's are paying the Clinton's imagine that BOEING Contract with Russia http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/boeing-gave-to-clinton-causes-after-hillary-steered-its-russian-contract/article/2563994

solar_flare ago

These posts need to be tagged as speculation or theory not as factual statements. It hurts the cause to jump to so many conclusions.

tamaman ago

who knew it. the decades of child trafficking by the governement were all a giant plot of the russians to discredit hillary clinton.

mosesapostaticus ago

So you mean they set up their own FOX, CNN, BBC, MSNBC, ABC, Reuters, AP, CBC, etc?

The gall of those commies. We should nuke them immediately.

MolochHunter ago

there's one salient problem with your theory. If Crimea didnt want to go back to Mother Russia, as the 91% vote suggested in democratic weight that leaves every western leader wanting, and Russia took it over without consent: where is the unrest? the counter revolution? the riots? the terrorism? Strangely, NOT A FUCKING PEEP! the Crimeans are GRATEFUL to be back in moscows keeping and the only unrest has been UKRAINIAN TERRORISTS trying to fuck it up, for which the crimeans are rather displeased, thank you very much. The Crimean's are like the Donetsk and Lugansk people - they still remember how the Nazi's murdered them and they despise the West (and Soros, the vampirical Nazi prodigy himself) for resurrecting this evil from the unhallowed grave it always should have stayed in. so dont raise the nazi spectre in your argument because it is actual neo-nazis opposing Russia which are again the problem, not russians who are 'like nazis'.

Go read http://thesaker.is/ - brush up on your shillskills - because even as a lifelong westerner - and a capitalist at that - I have a better grip on the russian theatre than you do

islandofdelight ago

Do you really think the U.S. doesn't have intelligence operations going on worldwide, asserting its influence in every country in the world? The US government legally spreads propaganda to it's own people and spies on them. The same agencies that alleged some kind of Russian involvement without proof are the same ones who have been busted time and time again victimizing US citizens with lies and secret agendas. They do not have any legitimacy, and their word is no good.

How about we move past this ridiculous conspiracy theory and start dealing with our own problems. The threat to free speech is coming from within to protect the establishment from their sick crimes.

CrackerJacks ago

Instead of the NYT writing shit articles on fake news and Russia....Why don't they write articles on this shit that's happening in Chicago https://twitter.com/PrisonPlanet/status/808255734567800832

That's a war zone right there.

Edit: Have your sound up and listen.

Endeffekt ago

Иди на хуи!

YouaremeandIamyou ago

comment on youtube the other day, said: " if you ever get caught committing a serious crime, just pay someone to come to your house with a gun, and then you can say you are a victim, and you will be let off"

OrwellKnew ago

Great observation. Lets watch for WHO pushes this narrative and WHEN and WHY

The breadcrumbs will tell us a great deal

CrackerJacks ago

Did anyone post this article Nyt article - Robertas restaurant threatened , I haven't seen the article posted, but I remember the restaurant being talked about......I think what the Nyt don't understand is we're allowed to talk and research about what we like or dislike for this matter.

Nyt and other MSM don't like Donald Trump, that's why they smear him in shit at every opportunity, which has led to death threats from people who read what they write or watch/listen what they say.

There is no witch hunt going on here, that restaurant was talked about 2 weeks ago because of art, some even gave the place good reports if I can remember correctly.

I think you need to take a good look at yourself nyt journo's, protecting pedos like your CEO did in the UK will not go down well with the American people. We hate them and people who protect them.

Edit: Left out the word "ago"

LookingGlass ago


Current NYTimes CEO Mark Thompson has been linked to the BBC pedophile scandal.

Thompson was the Director-General of the BBC from 2004-2012, during which time BBC DJ and host of The Top Of The Pops Jimmy Savile was on air and his reign of horror on children was still ongoing. Thompson also canceled the documentary on Savile that was set to air on News Night.



A few years ago I had the pleasure of meeting Arthur Sulzberger, Jr. and Bill Keller at The New York Times building on Manhattan. Keller was the long time editor in chief of the newspaper and Sulzberger its proprietor. We met at what must have been the 50th floor of the company headquarters, on 8th Avenue. I write company headquarters, instead of newspaper, because this part of the building was accessible only through a separate elevator-system and was strictly off-limits for the regular New York Times reporters. We spoke for about an hour and a half for the film Mediastan that I was shooting at the time, and now in hindsight, I’m both grateful and surprised by how honestly the administrative and real heads of the enterprise described the nature of their work. Grateful, because the degree of openness they exhibited is a rarity in the backrooms of journalism. Surprised, because what they were doing wasn’t journalism, at least not in the sense that I had been taught in journalism school in Sweden. No, the work that Keller and Sulzberger were describing was something entirely different, and as such it was a shame that this part of the building was off-limits to the journalists of their own newspaper. Because, as I would soon realize, the upper levels of the New York Times building was a place where a variety of important political decisions were negotiated and taken. A space, ironically, very far from scrutiny of the public eye.


LookingGlass ago

Go away, CTR troll.

juhos ago

I think they are preparing false flag from Russia.

LookingGlass ago

Don't come here asking for upvoats for your MSM dumb ass "OMG RUSSIANS DID IT!!!!" narrative, fucking CTR shill.

Don't know how to report this shill post to the mods, if anyone does, please do it for me. This kind of shit needs to be removed.

pizzainvestigator ago

"The 1980s are calling asking for their foreign policy back!" lol you can't make this up. https://youtu.be/QS2a44F5TgM

MolochHunter ago

how does that invalidate the 91% vote by Crimeans not to go with revolutionary ukraine? You must be a globalist. Globalists despise democratic outcomes

TherealScrable ago

It isn't democratic if it is done so at gunpoint. The "referendum" was done AFTER Crimea was invaded. And this is a huge difference. It is as if I came to your house, broke in and than invited some of my friends and than said: "Let's make a democratic vote on who this house belongs to!"

MolochHunter ago

no, dickhead, there was no 'gunpoint' the crimean people regard themselves as russian far more than they identify with ukraine, and speak the russian language far more than ukrainian. Crimea is the Hamptons for wealthy russians and the locals know which side their bread is buttered on. And the russian troops as i said were there under the existing agreement it had with Ukraine. 'Invasion' is a narrative NATO wants to push, just as it broke the deal with Gorbachov and has swallowed up nearly every country that was supposed to be a neutral buffer between russia and the west. Why are we in the west putting our foot on the throat of a nuclear power? perhaps you can go to your boss Soros and let me know what he tells you

TherealScrable ago

And there we go with this twisted reality again. Ugh, people like you are just as bad as Libtards. Anyways, dickhead, what of this justifies Russia invading Crimea?

You are simply repeating Russian propaganda at this point. I guess you watched too much RT. Probably you also believe that MH17 has been shot down by Ukraine, even when there is tons of evidence saying the opposite.

What if I told you that most of these "buffer countries"(Fuck you for that) wanted to join NATO because Russia was precieved as a threat. Please go somewhere else searching for proofs.

mishka ago

I suggest using archived links.

Ho-Chi-Min-Me ago

I agree that people should be aware that governments disseminate disinfo online, but this is just a bizarre sentence:

They are most likely not interested in the investigation itself, but to push their own perspective and propaganda. It's right about time for something to be done about it.

How about we deal with these cabalist pedos that have a huge influence over our country before we deal with the Russians for possibly pushing the pizzagate story to hurt American politicians?

GermanynamreG ago

Bukovsky and the others were investigated in early 2015, after a big child porn ring was exposed in canada, police sent the information to police agencies over the world. Could that be linked? The NYT story would obviously be a lie then. http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/child-pornography-bust-spanning-17-countries-leads-to-41-arrests-1.3063106 https://archive.is/sL2v9

Im pretty sure this guy was arrested in UK because of the information from Canada. http://news.nationalpost.com/news/canada/canadian-soldier-in-england-pleads-guilty-to-making-and-possessing-child-pornography


LongTimeReader ago

I need comment points to PM. Please help!!!

2impendingdoom ago

Please, do your best to clarify.

pizzagatewillnotdie ago

Have you looked through my comment history, or even at my username? Have a good day buddy.

pizzagatewillnotdie ago

Go for it. I'm spreading pizzagate propaganda like wildfire online and real life, and I wouldn't feel comfortable using it as part of my reasoning. I don't personally think it's CP. Anyone else can come to whatever conclusions they want, and use it however they want.

2impendingdoom ago

I don't understand what you wrote. Are you saying that Russia is capitalizing or the NYT? Which part of the government is not corrupt?

pizzagape ago

They've been pushing it since October.

Here's Podesta in October blaming the Russians.

2impendingdoom ago

Right, because a war with russia is better than Trump in office.

pizzagatewillnotdie ago

The picture is on that sli.mg page that you linked, and I still hold my opinion. Looks like normal porn to me.

sleepingbeautycan ago

I think you are right. But I also think they are doing it for CP.

If Hillary doesn't steal the election (and Donald is who I hope he is) a lot of people are going to jail and the whole new world order is tanked for a generation.

MolochHunter ago

Congratulations, you're my first downvoat ever. Let me tell you about Crimea. Crimea has been part of Mosco for 2.5 times longer than Ukraine was even a country. At no point ever in history was Crimea part of the Ukraine except from about 15 years before the USSR broke up in an abitrary internal organisation carve - up. When the CIA spent $5 billion to turn general unrest into an outright revolution in the Ukraine (appointing neo-nazi sympathisers as the 'revolution's leaders) Russia already had 5000 troops in the Crimea - as part of an agreement that russia would defend crimea so Kiev wouldnt have to pick up the tab - a reasonable agreement given Russia and not Kiev has created almost all of Crimea's infrastructure, and Russia still has military bases there. That agreement stated Russia could at its discretion put up to 25 000 troops in Crimea to safeguard against threats - which the revolution was. And how does 'western media' report this increase of troops within an existing agreement? Invasion. Of course. Not to mention the referendum where 91% of crimeans stated they absolutely did not want to be part of revolutionary ukraine. Thank you for that opportunity to straighten out other Voaters who were unaware of that theatre of NWO chicanery

2impendingdoom ago

bamboo is a chinese spy

cosmicmind ago

Yes, and planted a cannibal-like picture on his office wall which they made him keep there. Damn those Russians are powerful.

blind_sypher ago

Seems like the weight of all those lies are finally collapsing on them.

MolochHunter ago

Did the russians make Bill take the Lolita Express? Did the Russians persuade the Haiti authorities to release Silsby? Did the Russians .... oh why the fuck am i even buying into this...

pizzagatewillnotdie ago

I saw the picture, looked like normal porn to me. Just a closeup of an adult penis going into an adult vagina. Hanging on a wall inside what looked like an art gallery. Not sure why people assuming it was CP.

safetythrowaway1234 ago

I wonder how Russia is going to retaliate.

2impendingdoom ago

Judith Miller must be writing these stories.

2impendingdoom ago

You signed up here 31 minutes ago to educate us about Russian propaganda? Please tell me, did Russia put an unsecured server in Hillary Clinton's basement, and, where is Jullian Assange. If Russia is responsible, why is he missing?

Votescam ago

I'm sure Russia also wrote John Podesta's emails for him --- forced Obama to have a WH party with dogs/pizza from Chicago -- $65,000 worth. and forced Hillary to communicate with Silsby's organization --and help with her defense.

Oh -- and probably also decorated Tony Podesta's home for him -- selecting the art work, right?

shortymcbossypants ago

I don't know why but I find it darkly humorous to think about a dialogue with Vladimir Putin tying up Tony Podesta and saying in a thick Russian accent about putting up the art. I think it would go something like this Vladimir Putin: no here here, lets put the headless gold statue up front in center. Tony Podesta: Muffled yell Putin: Ah yes, Now let us eat some borscht and put some Eastern European Child porn art in your guest bedroom, that will really create a stir. Tony Podesta's eye would get really wide and lol, Putin would smack him gently on the face and then have one of his men, cause you know he has a group and probably half the Russian Mob around him at all times, and say something about confiscating Podesta's laptop.

2impendingdoom ago

Podesta has a tunnel straight to russia.

eddyeagle ago

This is exactly what all other countries do. the US is the worst for it.

unbiased_researcher ago

I imagine that this kind of spread of information is the simply the way of the future. Just like an aggressive marketing campaign, pushing propaganda to get you to buy their product. There should be regulations involved, but not outright censorship. The real problem is there is no good place to turn for news. The MSM has turned into trash and the people know it, so they look elsewhere for news, subjecting themselves to all kinds of propaganda, Russian or otherwise. The MSM needs to come clean, and then start over. But we know that won't happen.

Gumbatron ago

I'm not sure there is any effective way to regulate it without the regulation devolving into censorship.

The only effective countermeasure I can see is in education (not in its current state though). We need to educate people to think critically and to consume information with a skeptical mind. Always question the veracity of a story.

Of course, this will take a revolution in education, as the current education system in Western countries is geared towards creating obedient workers and consumers who do not ever question.

pizzaequalspedo ago

The media has zero credibility so whatever they do looks suspicious to the 65% of the country that aren't Blue Koolaid drinkers. This "fake news" narrative will wear out very soon. If they keep playing that card, it loses effectiveness and makes them look even more desperate.

Did anyone catch Chuck Todd's interview with Reince Priebus today? Talk about looking panicked. Would not be surprised if there is a Chuck Todd/pedo angle.

AgV35 ago

It's whether you agree with free speech or you don't, let them say whatever they want.

CJJacobs ago

Yea! So how come our "top post" on Voat right now is an 'article' from Russia?! They are trying to make us look bad.

The info in the top article is legit, but the 'source' will ruin us if it spreads. I believe that article is a trap.

Freemasonsrus ago

Anyone running around screaming about Russia should be considered a suspect.

Empire_of_the_mind ago

Won't work, looks pathetic. Desperation!

Fatsack ago

"Before you search my car officer, just know that a Russian guy planted all that cocaine in my trunk." ~ MSM

OrwellKnew ago


2impendingdoom ago


Kawksnahch ago

seems legit.

TruthTrumps ago

And Russia is to blame for Podesta's pizza and spirit cooking emails too...right?

Empire_of_the_mind ago

This isn't to guard against the whole thing, they've realized they're fucked as a group. At this stage it's all about individuals covering their own asses. Only top level folks can pull strings like this, ie Hillary Clinton. I expect this is about whatever was on Weiner's laptop.

cosmicmind ago

Unless the Russians made Weiner send his naked pic of his weiner to a girl and made him hold on to his laptop rather than doing what the rest of the gang did, which was to hammer the hell out of blackberries and laptops.

and the Clinton Foundation emails, which I suspect contains some Saudi links of god only knows what... and they'd rather have a war with Russia than expose the connected link with Saudi.

pessimisticsteel ago

Thats fake news, remember?

justiceforever ago

Oh yeah! Thanks for the heads up!

OtisFirefly ago

Yet I am reminded of the boy that cried wolf. Perhaps the NYT should be reminded that story ends with the boy being eaten alive while he screams and no one comes to his aide.

2impendingdoom ago

You mean the NYT who is run by the guy who protected Jimmy Savile?

OtisFirefly ago

Of course.

Empire_of_the_mind ago

why remind them?

TheTrigger ago

↑that. Don't interrupt your enemy when they're doing your work for you.

stunknife ago

I really hope they know what they're doing when they blame Russia for something this fucked up. Even if they say Russia hacked them, it's still doesn't save them from getting locked the fuck up

cosmicmind ago

They've had such a fun time fooling the public for so long, using patriotism to sell the public any type of shit, that they thought this could go on forever on a mass scale and the public would go to war for whatever cause they use.
the lies are being exposed and as a person studying the real truth for over 10 years I'm saying it's about time. Maybe this will make the public research the history of ISIS and not fall for this war shit either.

derram ago

https://archive.is/d5sTj :

Foes of Russia Say Child Pornography Is Planted to Ruin Them - The New York Times

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