dickface8 ago

CTR = Correct The Record, just in case you're like me and started going insane seeing that written everywhere and not knowing what it meant.

bnwpizzarelatedmap ago

nice try you fucking shill.

AlbertonFreedman ago

Can't downvote a fucking thing on this site. Not everyone wants to post shit kissing ass for upvotes. And despite all these precautions to keep out shills and brigards it obviously doesn't work. This thread is a case in point - disinfo rising and most of us can't downvote it.

Womb_Raider ago

Feels strangely like this post is just here to make Voat look bad.

dindonufin ago

Oh look another shill trying to distract us from PAJAMA FACTORY and ARUN RAO.

holta73 ago

Lol there are so many DNC trolls in this thread, a lot of the accounts in this thread should be deleted.

Kal ago

If only we could figure out who this shadow government is!

LionParty ago

This account is CTR, we can't let posts like this be on our front page, they'll be used against us @millennial_Falcon

Millennial_Falcon ago

Voat is extremely anti-censorship. If we delete posts based on them being inconvenient, mods will get purged, and mods are the only thing protecting this sub from shills. The best we can do is flair it. In fact, in a way flairing is better, because it outs the shilling for all to see, rather than hiding it.

LionParty ago

I agree, we shouldn't censor it, but people need to mark this account as suspected shill so that we can stop them from being up voted in order to hurt us.

Millennial_Falcon ago

True, but they can just create a new account. It's also hard to tell a shill from a crazy sometimes. We have to be careful about promoting finger-pointing, because FUD (fear, uncertainty and doubt) and DandC (divide and conquer) are major tactics being aimed at us. So what we need to watch for is unsourced claims and fake evidence. But I agree about being aware of specific accounts.

Bumbaclock120 ago

This is shilling. This is a setup to make us seem hateful, or racist against Muslims. The issue is amongst all elite.

reasonedandinformed ago

I usually provide pretty good direction. Thanks.

unfuckitup ago

I've been lurking here for a few weeks, I'd love more voat power to downvoat hate rhetoric from CTR shills.

logjam ago

I just got my downvoat button working. Start making comments - and yours will work too.

justanotherpizza ago

I don't care about trump, and I definitely don't care for any posts pulling pizzagate away from peaceful investigation of objective facts that should concern any parent, or any decent human being for that matter.

DarkMath ago

Shutup Shill.

EyesWideScared ago

Downvoat. This is from a shill!

LostandFound ago

you need to get like 100 upvoats or something. I would suggest going to some other subs and posting funny/WTF etc. or else if you have a contribution here make a post too. Once you get over the 100 mark you can start blasting them :)

Chistock ago

As a regular American I can no longer tell what is Arab propaganda blaming Jews, and what is Jewish propaganda blaming Arabs... I can't fucking tell. They set it up this way. We may have to nuke everyone and then sort out who was who. But what we are going to do is follow every money trail we have. Time for these fuckers to be out of our government, whoever the fuck they are.

Le_Squish ago

This is a CTR controlled opposition, redirection post kids. Please downvoat.

FBI anon told us that Clinton Foundation is the center of this evil. It is impossible for us to chase nameless rich Saudis. They are simply buying what is available while the Clinton Foundation is the supplier.

reasonedandinformed ago

Good summary.

LostandFound ago

Explains the big ass mosque on his island

jhenry922 ago

So the last theory didn't pan out, so on to the next one which is even more tenuous and obscure.

Nana66 ago

A couple months back when wiki leaks threatened the biggie that never dropped, I think it was anonymous, was also talking about a video Israel was threatening to release. If I remember correctly it was recorded at Epstein island and was Bill Clinton raping a 13 yr old girl. I was thinking it would explain why Israel basically owns the US if they have been using it.

LostandFound ago

Yes I recall this, anon said they had a vid but it never surfaced. A lot of things promised didnt seem to surface around that time unfortunately

reasonedandinformed ago

When a post rockets up to 50 points in about an hour, it is very suspect as CTR shill activity. When it mentions the Saudi connection with hate-filled language, it becomes even more questionable. When a reading of the post and "evidence" shows that there is nothing really there to back the inflammatory claims...BINGO...it is a shill operation. This needs to be down voted. Big picture analysis is here: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1484168#submissionTop

terrordactyl ago

zyklon b? really? This one is a shill inciter for sure. This whole thread stinks of shill.

dindonufin ago

Our adversaries transcend borders, race, and religion. That is why they're winning. In order to defeat them, we must, MUST do the same. Once we do, they will no longer have power over us.

reasonedandinformed ago

CTR shills love to place hatred of Arabs/Muslims/Saudis and/or Israel into their posts. They want pizzagate to be associated with this crap. It is coordinated. When you see both, it is a CTR post. See my analysis: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1484168#submissionTop

Baluga ago

Yup we have a Saudi hater and a Jewish hater, and both are shills to discredit us. We know because they spout tons of irrelevant garbage and no relevant proof.

reasonedandinformed ago

You got it. Patterns are very helpful in sorting out what matters. It is important to look at people's history to see if they are a shill are just enthusiastic but uninformed.

redditsuckz ago

Trump + Clinton are on the SAME side and both controlled by Israel/Rothschilds. - Trump and Clinton children are married to Talmudists.

Trump was funded by George Soros (funds democrats + Hilary) AND Sheldon Adelson (Funds Republicans)

George Soros and Sheldon Adelson BOTH get their unlimited money supply from THE ROTHSCHILDS


Did George Soros forgive Trump of a $312 million debt?


Big names back Trump tower Soros, Deutsche Bank said to be in on 90-story building


Trump Defended George Soros During 2011 Tea Party Rally: ‘Leave Him Alone’


Sheldon Adelson pours $25 million into Trump Campaign


Let’s Deal With Reality and Pass Immigration Reform - Sheldon Adelson


Who Controls Donald Trump? Who Controls America?



Baluga ago

Read the article, and found

OP's Title is completely unproven. Article merely says CIA is doing stuff. (We knew this already.) It does not say anywhere what Saudi's are doing. Article also says Saudi's have a history with the CIA, but it's all just conjecture, no evidence no source. Downvote for falsely sensationalizing.

reasonedandinformed ago

Yes, this is a CTR post. They have been trying to plant the "hate the Saudis for doing this theme" for the last 10 days or so, with zero direct connection cited. They then attack those who point out that their claims are not substantiated as being CTR shills. It is an incredibly persistent pattern. Please look at my post as I think it needs to move to the top now: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1484168#submissionTop

oresd ago

This thread should be deleted. The stuff written below is absurd. There isn't a shred of evidence to any of this and it makes us look like complete retards. You guys seems willing to draw connections to absolutely anything.

What is happening with this CIA garbage is separate and apart from any of this stuff.

What you ARE seeing is a result of the patriot act allowing intelligence agencies to turn inward on us. You're seeing a body of elites trying to stay in power. And not because of saudi child fuckers.

reasonedandinformed ago

I agree with you. I am pasting this just to be efficient and not because I am a BOT: This is a CTR post. They have been trying to plant the "hate the Saudis for doing this theme" for the last 10 days or so, with zero direct connection cited. They then attack those who point out that their claims are not substantiated as being CTR shills. It is an incredibly persistent pattern. Please look at my post as I think it needs to move to the top now: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1484168#submissionTop

oresd ago

The Saudi crap started with that FBI Anon claim, whoever that person really is

reasonedandinformed ago

And maybe there is something to it. We want to have claims documented.

oresd ago

Is this thread an example of documenting claims? Seems like a bunch of stupid rumors to me.

reasonedandinformed ago

This had all the markings of a CTR post.

reasonedandinformed ago

Please read my thread about a planned false flag attack: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1484168

WARNING: I think this is a CTR post. I think they are desperately trying to have us show violent rhetoric about Saudis to "plant evidence" that we inspire the next attack (Mosque or Saudi Embassy). This post plays right into this, especially the language in the title. They want this to shoot up the boards, and the speed with which it is rising is classic for a CTR post.

featheredmasks ago

Does anyone here know how to write a title?

oresd ago

Here here.

Blessthemaker ago

Where where?

It's "hear hear." As in listen to what this motherfuckers saying.

brandnewset ago

Shutting down the flow of children to Saudi and Israel would be a start. Their propaganda is wearing thin.

redditsuckz ago

Trump + Clinton are on the SAME side

Trump was funded by George Soros (funds democrats + Hilary) AND Sheldon Adelson (Funds Republicans)

George Soros and Sheldon Adelson BOTH get their unlimited money supply from THE ROTHSCHILDS.

If you REALLY think "Trump will save us" then you should go here;


And post all you want.


bFuddlez ago

Where's your proof that George Soros donated to Trump's campaign?

redditsuckz ago

chelseasPizza ago

PizzaGate this is ALL about Pizzagate

Let’s be clear about what we actually know – and, just as importantly, what we don’tknow — about the WikiLeaks email releases:

1) There is not a lick of evidence that the Russians, or anyone else, “hacked” the DNC/Podesta emails. That is, we don’t know if someone used electronic means to obtain them, or if it was an insider, i.e. a person with access who subsequently turned them over to WikiLeaks

2) It is nearly impossible to trace the source of a hack using “scientific,” i.e. purely technical, means. As cyber-security expert Jeffrey Carr puts it, the methods of the professional cyber-security industry are essentially what he calls “faith-based attribution.” Furthermore, the methodology that firms such as CrowdStrike used in supposedly uncovering the “Russian hackers” in the DNC case are classic examples of confirmation bias and laughably inadequate.

3) Julian Assange denies that the Russians are the source of the emails, and although he refuses to identify the person or persons responsible, someone he has worked closely with and his known to have his confidence, Craig Murray, is now telling us that it wasn’t a hack, it was an insider who leaked the documents. That this is being steadfastly ignored in the American media is hardly surprising: after all, it was WikiLeaks that exposed the “mainstream” media’s active collaboration with the Clinton campaign, and the media was clearly in Clinton’s camp.

4) A key element of the CIA campaign is that the Republican National Committee was also hacked by the same Russian spooks, and yet nothing was posted on WikiLeaks Note how this assumes the premises of the conspiracy theorists: that it was the Russians who hacked the DNC/Podesta emails and that WikiLeaks is merely an extension of the Kremlin. Also note that the Republican National Committee denies it was hacked, and furthermore please note the fact that Colin Powell’s emails were indeed posted by DC Leaks, along with routine emails from various GOP operatives that had no particular significance.

JunOS ago

This is one comment in a long time that i actually wish had some more words.

Keep that shit up. Logic should hurt the brains of the meek.

quantokitty ago

If anyone thought they'd relinquish power without a fight, they don't know the evil we're dealing with.

pontagon ago

I agree, just hard to know what they will do and how far they will take it

quantokitty ago

They're not going to take it that far because this #pizzagate thing is blowing up in their faces. Some of these posts have been devastating. If someone is investigating, and I'll bet someone is, all they need do is look here for what direction to take this.

TheDude2 ago

We know SA cuts heads off of people, so some of us know.

quantokitty ago


But even with the practice, do they get bad press? Can you imagine if Britain did that? Or Russia?

witch_doctor1 ago

This is the same exact thought I have had since Trump won. And I truly believe that a big part of not wanting to relinquish power is staying out of jail. Aside from the pizzagate smoke and recent suspicious deaths (Hastings, Scalia, Rich, Peterson), you have 100% verification of vote fraud, voter intimidation, collusion between PAC's and campaign, inciting violence, etc, etc....

quantokitty ago

Agree. All I can think of is the ending of that movie THE LEGACY where that old, diseased, deformed hand reaches out and pushes that ring on the next in line to receive the power. The diseased hand is this cabal. If you saw that friend of JA's account (was the name Nilay?), Nilay even used toy reptiles to represent the group he's in. Maybe they can turn on each other one day and leave us out of it.

truthvibe ago

As we can see, people have absolutely no idea. The Russians, the Russians, fake news, fake news... it is painful to watch and know the people are so blind. Sad and weird times.

quantokitty ago

Yes, but the HRCites need a scandal to steal news time away from #pizzagate so let's keep this in the news and not let up!

It's all a smokescreen to distract.

fvckh1m_up ago

"child rape. what you're gonna do about it. yap"

chelseasPizza ago

The Saudi Pedophile's, having given millions to the Clinton Foundation, along with their Gulf state allies, were counting on a Clinton victory. The CIA has a longstanding relationship with Riyadh, and together they have been working assiduously to not only overthrow Assad in Syria but to forge a “moderate” Sunni alliance that will effectively police the region while establishing the Saudis as the regional hegemon. This was the Clintonian strategy while Hillary was at the helm of Foggy Bottom: Libya, Syria, the alliance with the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, are all examples of this utterly disastrous “Sunni turn.”

Yep, longstanding for 40+ years the CIA has been kidnapping children and shipping them to Saudi to be FUCKED To Death. If there is a GOD on this fucking earth, then every fucking CIA person worldwide should be skinned alive and put to the block's in public squares all over the USA.