smokratez ago

Another concern trolling post. The msm already dismissed us. Stop crying about it.

n0etics ago

anyone else notice that the ones begging for upvoats are always using half day old accounts...

Gorillion ago

When and if the MSM focuses on us,

Hey fuck yourselves with a chainsaw. You failed at your job. You failed at your purpose. You are fucking scum. You are obsolete.

How about that OP? Who exactly are we supposed to be making ourselves presentable for? The corrupt MSM or other concerned citizens?

And stop calling for Mod interference. THIS ISN'T REDDIT. If you create a Reddit-like culture here you'll just end up with Reddit-style censorship again and a self-appointed politbeaureau of power-users with mod-connections who decide what is and isn't a valid lead.

And all you other newfags:
Earn your downvoat rights, then if you disagree with a certain branch of investigation, either argue your point in a convincing and non-authoritarian manner (or without appeals to authority like "Muh MSM!") or just downvoat and move on. Don't go making whiny posts like this because you're getting your shit kicked in by "conspiracy nuts".

Be a better Voater OP. Stop trying to make everyone else be a fucking Redditor.

Gorillion ago

Earn your upvoats. You've been a member for mere hours, FFS. This is not Reddit.

If your sole purpose here is to start downvoating on your first day, you need to fuck off.

Sentastixc ago

You're an elitist idiot. Voat encourages trolling and sansationalism with this stupid system. It's so obviously destroying the dynamics of a community.

Pawn ago

trump says you have to go back. go on back to cuckitt if you cant play by our rules.

EarlPoncho ago

you have to go back beta

Gorillion ago

You can fuck off too.

JvbJvb ago


SecularPenguinist ago

We need new leaks. Kinda hard to keep coming up with new epiphanies.

2impendingdoom ago

Can people put new information on the pizzagate wiki, and then post their thread, so that all the fact and connections are in one place but threads can allow people to comment and add ideas.

pirawrr ago

Citizens doing research using the internet aren't going to be able to consistently come up with new credible leads. The more we find, the harder it becomes to find new information. At some point, the investigation has to be handed off to people with legal authority.

GoodGodKirk ago

post a couple kitten pics in aww or something funny and irrelavant in whatever. Bam. 100 easily.

Savethekids_pgate ago

Agreed. I also don't have the time to mod a sub. BTW I don't have enough CCP to message you, but I'm noticing that you get downvoated a lot of no reason, so I upvoated you. :)

Savethekids_pgate ago

Agreed. However I agree that it might be possible to filter by post type rather than content.

For example, on a savethekids subverse:

Upvoated (leads) O - BOAT Connection??? major source found!! Need investigators O- Omg, I just found proof of alien cannbalism, major source

Downvoated(discussion) X- Hey its been really eyeopening and its affecting my sleep X-do all jews eat children

So even though i would personally downvoat the alien and jew thread, in the new subverse only the leads would be upvoated.

So we could agree on a new subverse: Upvoat only (quality) leads Downvoats for the rest

I just realized that my method won't work since it's hard to get enough CCP to downvoat.

Any other suggestions?

Cantilever ago

No, we aren't splitting our community. We have the sticky section to refine content and make it more visible.

Savethekids_pgate ago

Instead of splitting the community, maybe cross-posting with links leading to /v/pizzagate? I also don't want to split the community, but it's been frustrating to mentally filter through all the uncontributive posts.

Cantilever ago

No. The sticky section is already an excellent resource and accomplishes this

Savethekids_pgate ago

Whether true or not, this is why reddit-style modding is not the way to go. I'm new to voat from reddit since the spez incident.

Pizzainmyass ago

This should be stickied so even if new people want to shitpost shit they'll at least know its frowned upon

Le_Squish ago

Get out of pizzagate sometime and make thoughtful comments...the upvoats will come easy.

HomeboyChrisBanned ago

Trolls know their time is gettin short. Download page was legit

Heffter ago

The whole cry about fake news is just an attempt to sow doubt.

SlackeryTurnBull ago

There's also less and less credible leads.

heretolearn ago

all distraction. downvote and report it.

DarkMath ago

The problem is FBIAnon said that PizzaGate is just the tip of the Iceberg. If you haven't read what FBIAnon wrote during his interview on 4chan then you need to read that NOW.  

So the point is PizzaGate needs to be the shallow learning curve for people to tackle the much larger Clinton Foundation Cluster ****. Please watch #53 of Where is Eric Braverman:

  The Clinton Foundation Cluster **** == PizzaGate * 1000 == WaterGate * 1000

Baluga ago

This is why there's v/clintogate. There's more following the money and less directly about pedophiles.

zzvoat ago

Thanks for this. I've heard of Webb and saw something today about vids of his disappearing from Youtube. That appears to be the case, reading the comments under this vid. Others are trying to get him to back up the vids he has. If I'm reading this correctly, he says he's too busy and focused on what he's doing even to think about that.

If that's the case, somebody needs to download all his stuff and back it up for him. If you're in a position to contact those in his comments section to get that done, I hope you will. I am not the person to do that. Clearly, his work is too valuable to risk losing. Everybody's work is too valuable to risk losing.

Awhile back David Seaman said a video he had made was taken down form Youtube and was gone forever and could never be recreated. I was shocked, Is no one backing their stuff up or keeping copies on external hard drives?? If not, that's just crazy.

Anyway, those are my thoughts. Thanks, again, for this vid. I was gonna ask how we could get Webb interested in doing some stuff on Pizzagate but from the comments under this vid on Youtube, it looks like others have already been communicating with him about it. I hope so.

** I agree with you 100% on this: "If you haven't read what FBIAnon wrote during his interview on 4chan then you need to read that NOW. "

Maybe you could include a link, start a separate post on it, and/or just copy and paste the info in this v/ somewhere.

sixgorillion ago

When and if the MSM focuses on us, they will dismiss us

Nobody is going to come here hoping to find the truth and go to court with it. Good people however, people working in agencies or people that are honest journalists are lurking these forums. These are the people that are giving the exposure we need on the things that matter, the things that can be proven. It also is a huge resource for these people, trust me. And they have no problem sifting through what can be proven and not.

But I also think that this place is sort of a red-pill place, where people from different parts of the internet has met. People that were somewhat previously unaware of each other, this is due to the fact that Facebook and YouTube are echo-chambers where you only see what you look for or is being served.

pizzaequalspedo ago

Could we divide the board into 1- pizzagate (strictly strong evidence and direct links) and 2- pizzagate conspiracy related?

I get where you're coming from on this. It's important to not go too far off in tangents. On the other hand, if this thing is as deep as a lot of us feel, there is so much info that is worth considering for ties to pizzagate.

zoot3d ago

no. stop posting bullshit threads to muddy the waters, people

Cantilever ago

We aren't splitting our sub. Take your COINTELPRO fuckery elsewhere, please

Fishy-business ago

I actually think it's not a bad idea and there's nothing "cointelpro" about the suggestion.

Cantilever ago

It's in the sticky as a tactic.

Fishy-business ago

Oh fuck

Blacksmith21 ago

Did you see the latest from Pravda? While not MSM, millions of people read it. Posted earlier - too lazy to look up.

JoeBidenIsCreepy ago

It is a conspiracy theory by definition.

Kwijibo ago

Thank you. More of you need to get to 100 CPP so you can downvote this crap. Also upvote other user's comments (if they are really supporting the cause) so that they can get to 100 CPP.

bernitdown ago

K, please upvote me. :P

remedy4reality ago

Mods here are very weak.

dafacts ago

One of the reasons there is less "real investigation" lately is because the subscribers have more than doubled lately, and your average person isn't really capable of offering anything of substance to the sub. So they post crap. And that makes it seem like the real stuff isn't happening, but it's just getting harder to find. Rest assured there are people working on real leads and we do still occasionally get some relevant posts that help us to move forward.

djklbd ago

Great comment, everyone calm down, we're just getting more people on the forum, so you're going to see more posts.

Le_Squish ago

Don't forget, copious amounts of shills posting disinformation.

pocketfulofstones ago

I think it would be a good idea to start a side subreddit(?). Perhaps pizzagatediscussion, or maybe a better idea to move the research somewhere else.

Cantilever ago

No, we aren't splitting our community, you dip shit. Fuck off back to rEddit with your COINTELPRO fuckery

2impendingdoom ago

please go easy on the hostility just because someone has a stupid idea, we are in this together.

Savethekids_pgate ago

How about a subverse savethekids ?

Savethekids_pgate ago

I also agree that there needs to be more organization. Maybe if only investigative posts were upvoated on a savethekids subverse, would that work?

There seems to be several types of posts:

1.) investigative leads/breakthroughs/i just realized..

2.) media/news (the wpo posted this!!)

3.) general discussion/meta/suggestions (does anyone feel...)

4.)opinion/facts (omg this got deleted; i just got censored;i archived this;we did it)


I'm mainly interested in the first type of post. Although types 2-4 also lead to new leads, I'm also a little frusterated at how hard it is to follow up on a topic I found compelling (pajama factory, hawaii) because by the next day the thread/topic is buried.

Any thoughts?


Cantilever ago

No, we aren't splitting up our community. We have a sticky section to refine content. This is the 4th time I've seen you suggesting this on this very same thread.

Savethekids_pgate ago

sorry I see your repetivitive replies too. Should I delete my other suggestions?

Cantilever ago

Nice try, but you fail

justiceforever ago

I was thinking, when someone gets a good lead that needs more collaboration, they should create a private sub with a few interested peeps. Would weed out shills too.

Then they can report back to the main sub when they find something! It's hard to work together on leads within one thread.

Cantilever ago

Why do you fucks keep suggesting splitting up our community. We have a sticky section to make useful content more prominent with many very good guides. Go fuck off with your COUNTELPRO fuckery

justiceforever ago

It's not splitting anything. It's having a nice PRIVATE place to speak freely with some other people and following a lead. That way you can investigate without CTR reading everything you post and getting a step ahead of you.

Savethekids_pgate ago

Hey Cantilever, sorry for the repeated mentions. I'm new to redditing and voating. I didn't realize how spammy it was until you started also replying to each of my suggestions.

I'm not suggesting SPLITTING the community, but for me the sticky section doesn't keep up with my interests. edit: Not sorry anymore, wow thanks for suggesting me on the shill list smh.

bopper ago

That sounds right. I'm fairly new here, and wasn't even at Reddit.

betadynamique ago

Yeah, well, nobody cares what the MSM says, they're too busy with their own conspiracy nuts about Russians. They've got no moral high ground over Pizzagate whatsoever.

trumpisPizza ago

The mods are now deleting any submission that discusses that Podesta is owned by Saui

Jehosefat ago

No, this is a sub dedicated to investigating pizzagate not every fucking conspiracy out there. If it's not pizzagate related, then go post it on another board.

Hazilla ago

This. Fucking annoying people keep bringing up that Adobe Voco shit