wh0care ago

it seems that the .zip files from the DL page are just .pdf Menus, at least one of them... see this https://i.sli.mg/U8Gqmd.png infos from (scroll down) : https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/5bwp6r/4chan_user_finds_password_protected_directory/ i didnt DL it ,iam not a real techie guy so feel free to verify it yourself... please thumbs up for effort :D

SChalice ago

What a coincidence?

What a shot!

KiRa2115 ago

1st off eye witnesses/comet customers say no shots. Then police say 1 shot into floor. Now media saying multiple shots and 1 went into a computer? Also Eyewitnesses report shotgun. Media reports Assault rifle. The gun king of all false flag guns.

Why the computer? Why even show it on TV, No one was aware of a PC death? Why is it deep inside that secure code locked cupboard. Why hasnt that cupboard got a bullet hole in it? The bullet entry level on the pc seems weird too. So many unanswered questions.

Keep looking and researching everyone.

ZalesMcMuffin ago

Oh... re: the files being on the server in Ireland, or w/e... is there any reason to be sure the files themselves weren't being warehoused on that drive in CPP? If I had a bunch of super-sekrit illegal stuff, I might want to keep that sheeit close at hand rather than flung across the world someplace I couldn't get to in time if the heat ever came down.

I'm envisioning a server system which does the main part of their hosting, and then when someone wants into "those" files, their request is handed off to the local machine there in DC.

This is all 100% speculative, obviously. I could be as off as last year's milk.

ZalesMcMuffin ago

This is ridiculous. The bullethole isn't even where it would need to be to hit the HDD. It appears to have punctured the top of the case, then maybe gone through the CD/DVD drive at the top of the drive subsystem, and then probably into the power supply. The HDD appears to have been below the CD/DVD drive. To hit that, the bullet would need to be Arlen-Specter powered. So, they might use this as an excuse to get a new PC, but they wouldn't have to get a new HDD (unless they wanted to...which is possible, both for hypothetical nefarious reasons as well as hypothetical mundane ones).

What's even weirder is that to hit the computer after shooting the lock, the gun would have had to be held near or even over Welch's head and aimed down at the lock. WTF???

ZalesMcMuffin ago

The Force is strong in this one.

Check out "open complicity".

B3nder ago

But this arab guy said there was no shot fired at the incident... wtf

sixgorillion ago

Go fuck yourself.

Not that you're actually Megyn, but you know.. Felt good to say.

OpenSoulOpenMind ago

yea ok, remember the alex jones interview with the "Witness" ?

He said he didn't even hear any shots fired!

HomeboyChrisBanned ago

Why was the gunman in there? What was his motive?
What was the one thing he ended up shooting in the whole place? Besides a lock with the same bullet.
Did anybody shoot any shots or did they just switch the computer out? Was it a cover up of some kind? Where are the exact locations of the servers? Are they secured? Are the police going to act on this? Or are they trying to cover up?
These are all questions we need addressed.

anonymousj ago

Did you see the film shot of the freshly painted walls? No murals or screwed up artwork. Wish the public saw what we have seen. Now THAT interview was FAKE NEWS! Megan Kelly clearly thinks sexy is better than being a true investigative journalist. Hope she's gone from FOX sooner better than later. Item of laughable interest: holiday "special" as she says on ''Amazon for her book. It's $4.00 - embarassing failure........

voatcaesarpizza ago

This is a real good thing to point out. I think it's something to follow up on, because now this is something to compare against the official report.

However... your video is just too long. You're rambling too much in the beginning and people are going to just turn it off because you buried your lead in context. The point of the video literally doesn't start until 2 minutes in.

HomeboyChrisBanned ago

Yeah we'll see about that buddy

voatcaesarpizza ago

I don't see why you wouldn't want to be taken more seriously. You have this potentially important find and you're content with mediocrity?

Drunkenmoba ago

Review: over emotional, repeating things, shoddy camera work, and took too long to make point.

I watched it just to see where you were going. But the video is shit.

HomeboyChrisBanned ago

Do you have any actual input on the actual topic or did you just come here to be a faggot?

Drunkenmoba ago

If I wanted to be gay or a bundle of sticks, I'd hang out on reddit.

Now listen you over emotionalized, hyper excitable, mouth breathing uneducated piece of shit. I gave input; actual input. Fact you cannot process the input means I have to dumb it down for you and get it past your hypersenstive-pussyfart-ridden of a cerebellum so your cerebrum can have a shot on analyzing it.

  • Over Emotional: Voice was going up and down like a daddy issue ridden girl on prom night.

  • Repeating things: You said the same thing several times instead of keeping it straight to the point and followed a classical logical argument pattern. List your statements. State your conclusion. Let the viewer determine based on it whether the argument is Valid and Sound. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Argument

  • Shoddy Camera work: Camera lost focus, moved around, and would likely be frowned upon by even Blair Witch project fans for being shaky. Want to record something on your computer to demonstrate? Try using OBS. https://obsproject.com/ Need to do video editing after the fact before uploading to youtube? Use free shit given out for any windows machine: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/14220/windows-movie-maker-download or bite the bullet and learn a very nice open source editor and 3D modelling program called Blender: https://www.blender.org/

  • Length of Video: Given evidence and point being made the entire video could be < 1 min achieve core argument and be VERY quickly consumable

Now pull your daddy's dick out of your ass and go unfuck that piece of shit video. Once you do, I'll be more than happy to share it around.

HomeboyChrisBanned ago

Omg u just spent how much time writing that dribble? Are u gonna address any of the actual facts faggot? Im not going for an oscar here with this production. Did u just recommend that i use a laptop mic for sound? My God u are a fuckin tard

Drunkenmoba ago

Aww, you have to attack the user because you failed. Keep crying.

Go back to reddit you cuck. Can't even do valid arguments and do ad hominem.

HomeboyChrisBanned ago

You're not supposed to put pearls b4 swine anyways, no point. They dont even understand it anyway.

Atlantean120 ago

sorry guys, but this is par for the course with these events. if you haven't truly investigated other major events like this(Sandy Hooks, Boston Bombing, etc.), the ridiculous/conflicting storylines may be shocking. to those of us who've been at this for years, sadly, it's not.

hafen ago

otoucam ago

YES. I'm dumbfounded that they really, honest-to-goodness, believe they are being clever. Bless their hearts!

So, some customers did not hear a gunshot while others may have? Some people were asked to leave and some not? Gunman in the business but pizza is still served to customers who are largely unfazed by the gravity of possibly getting murdered? Either the gun and bullet were virtually silent and magical or their story is BS.

Frankly, I don't know if I should be insulted or impressed by this next level stupidity.

Peackng74 ago

Unfucking believable..... They must really think we are brain dead! Vile sick monsters...

Gorillion ago

Did i really just see this on the Kelly File just now?

LOL. Can we start calling female pedophiles "Kelliphiles" now?

kekistocrat ago

Magic Bullet theory... The MSM is attacking us head on. Evidence right there with a 'journalist' who is more than capable of doing the job of interviewing with substantial questions but instead we get CUCKLEBERRY FINN. Reinforcing the idea that we take this to them even harder. Bottom line: the ONLY reason why the MSM is covering this is beacause they must. We have forced them to come out and show their artillery... and that they have with slander, misrepresentation, and obfuscation. Turn up the volume, I say.

AreWeSure ago

Hi, Pizzagate's been going on since October. Why do you need a guy in December to shoot your computer?

Is there an easier way to do this? Like buy a new computer, change your hard drive? Something like that?

ZalesMcMuffin ago

It does seem quite counterintuitive to pull this stunt in order to do something which could have been done quietly any night prior -- and do it under sudden, intense scrutiny.

Perhaps that's not what happened. Or perhaps there are additional parameters we aren't aware of.

AreWeSure ago

Also is the implication that this computer is their web server? Wouldn't that be at the hosting company?

ZalesMcMuffin ago

Unknown. Usually, yes (for normal people), but I posited elsewhere that JA might have wanted to keep his "hot stuff" someplace he had control over, like in his own locked closet. (I'm pretty sure requests for downloads could be directed anywhere online.) Then he could destroy it if the need arose.

AreWeSure ago

Why would you put the "hot stuff" in the coat closet at work, rather than say your house? If was doing something illegal, I would probably use a third site.

But we are now on a minor point. You don't need to stage some big news event, to delete files from your computer or switch computers or upgrade your hard drive.

What would you do if you had a hard drive that could put you in jail for years and in October people started speculating you were a criminal? I bet you come up with a dozen ways to remedy that within 5 minutes. None of which involved an armed intruder.

ZalesMcMuffin ago

I've made that very point more than once. A HDD fits inside a coat, a briefcase, or even a large pocket. No need for melodrama.

Godwillwin ago

I can't watch the videos in your post cuz my baby is sleeping on me. I'm so confused though, just reading the comments. What are y'all talking about?

NoRagrets ago

In the screenshot, the site is HTTP, as in, not HTTPS, as in, not encrypted...?

j_m_d ago

The site isn't using https correct, but as soon as your request is made to the server it's done with https, if that's what you were wondering. Also the website for http://bucksfishingandcamping.com Alefannys other restaurant has a protected page too.

NoRagrets ago

but as soon as your request is made to the server it's done with https


On both cometpingpong.com/protected and bucksfishingandcamping.com/protected the code is virtually identical, this code shows that the login button simply reloads the page but expects POST data.
See line 1 below.
The POST data is entered in the Password field.

This could probably quite easily be brute forced by someone more knowledgeable than myself.

<form action="" method="post" class="cc-protected-area">
    Password-protected area

<p class="cc-protected-note">
    This page is accessible with a valid password only.

<p class="cc-protected-note">

    <input name="password" type="password" id="password"/> <input name="do_login" type="hidden" id="login" value="yes"/> <input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Log in" class="submitUser"/>

Commonwombat ago

The can't be serious?!? How the fuck does the media keep a straight face on this shit? Presstitutes!

reasonedandinformed ago

That download page is legit. They got past the first level password on this page: http://www.cometpingpong.com/protected

CPP is atually a transactional location. It is possible they engage in their sick acts there, but my guess is that they do this in other locations, possibly including Buck's or several of the other connected sites on that block. We have also identified a number of other Alfantis-connected properties in the area. Plus there is the place in Williamsport, PA and the farm in Lovettsville, VA...just to name a few. He seems to have hit hard on no basement, so maybe that was a dead idea, which is why he focuses there with confidence. A good question: Why did a restaurant have a padlock on a room with computers? Why such security there...and on the page above??

ZalesMcMuffin ago

ANY business with heavy foot traffic would be wise to lock up their computers. Nothing weird about that, per se.

coincidencesmyass ago

These bastards have thought of everything. It makes me so angry that they are getting away with this!

voatcaesarpizza ago

Anger is a good motivator, just whatever you do, don't go ruining the credibility of the investigation by storming in somewhere with a gun.

coincidencesmyass ago

no worries there!

gerrycan ago

Where's the damage to the door, or the new paint on it? How does he manage to shoot the PC without damaging the door that i think JA said he was "trying to open". Why no damage to the door, and why would the police not sieze the computer. ETA he had to unlock it with a code on the film.

HomeboyChrisBanned ago

Idk but i think this information needs to get out pronto this is some chicanery of the highest degree. Ive been covering this angle on twitter, then now on https://www.gab.ai/HomeboyChris

voatcaesarpizza ago

Allegedly the guy shot into the floor, so if this was in the basement, it sorta makes sense. I'm not saying I buy it; it's a bit tooconvenient, after all.

But then again I heard he didn't fire? Like his gun jammed? And so this means there IS a basement?

j_m_d ago

Somebody on /v/pizzagate said this exact thing was gonna happen shortly after the incident, at the time it seemed far fetched to go thru all that just to destroy evidence but.......

Selnee ago

Maybe they even got the idea from reading on here. lol

NotAnIdiot ago

That wasn't the only reason, but it was probably an easy excuse.

NerdyNoodle ago

That was me. Gee I am SOOO surprised. Not.




I chuckled when I read it the first time. Now I'm pissed -.-

MeatballPizza ago

I remember that post! I thought that would be obviously fake nobody would believe it. Yet here we are....

DarkMath ago

No way. Where did they say that in the interview? What minute mark, mm:ss .

voatcaesarpizza ago

2 minutes in. OP takes forever to get to his point.

Yuser_Manuel ago

how convenient.

ArthurEdens ago

It's legit. I saw it one their site when pizzagate started. Now it's just hidden with a new password layer...


wh0care ago

it seems that the .zip files from the DL page are just .pdf Menus, at least one of them... see this https://i.sli.mg/U8Gqmd.png infos from (scroll down) : https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/5bwp6r/4chan_user_finds_password_protected_directory/ i didnt DL it , iam not a real techie guy so feel free to verify it yourself...

ArthurEdens ago

Most restaurant menus are around 100k in size. Why are Comet's menus so much larger? Why in the world could that be?

wh0care ago

one guy on reddit who say he worked at comet pizza before said those are back-up files for the site, saying its for being able to access site without being at comet (like at the manager home etc) the size are in bytes,not Kb, so i THINK that the back-ups explanation could be real...without being sure of that... i checked his profile on reddit, it not look like a shills profile, like its a old one and he participating on many randoms subs etc.. more for me to think its a wrong lead here, its because , IF it was really incriminating stuff, i believe they would have just take it down instantly after our discovery of it...like they did with their instagram account, or like they changed their logo etc...again this page still can be find with a simple google search, it seems not really secure for ped0-stuff if u want my opinion... obviously all this not proove anything for sure, but for moment i think it's a wrong lead... (edit : typo, sry my english xD )

HomeboyChrisBanned ago

"Backup files"? BULLSHIT

ArthurEdens ago

Thank you for relaying that. And your english is fine. What's interesting to me is that the may have been told they are back up files but if you look at the site (the old one too) there's nothing to it, just photos and text. So other than payroll and staff scheduling, it doesn't make sense to have backup files piecemeal like this and in public view. Plus, if the site went down, so would the download page, so we're in circular logic loop with that explanation.

wh0care ago

agree, i still find it odd too...maybe its not only backup of the site (iam not sure to have understand very well the guy on Reddit), but could be for all their IT works..like for example their future/past advertising campaign , their infographics for menus etc (like it seems to be the case for one) ...I dont know for sure... But the fact that this page have not been simply taken down imply to me that there is not something incriminating for them here...they maybe are part of a pedo-powerfull-network but they are right now "under radar"for sure, and not only by internet investigators...so my logic tell me thats its a wrong lead..even if i keep a little % of doubts..

ArthurEdens ago

You can't assume they think like you and me because they don't. You and I would take it down, but pedos ride the edge of getting caught all the time. Also, if prostituting children and providing a service of child sex and torture is their primary business income then they won't take it down. They also have police and CIA protection. And to even go along with what you are saying and your logic, THEY DID take it down. That download page IS gone from plain sight. The only reason we can see the new password protected page is because we archived the old URL. So by your standards that is an admission of guilt.

HomeboyChrisBanned ago

I've been trying to tell people this, but they didnt wanna believe me. I have a source that witnessed it with their own eyes on that site. And i know they werent the only one who saw it, pretty sure a bunch of people did.

wh0care ago

if a bunch of people saw this download page ,should have some of them who take the balls to try to DL some of the contents i believe... So, if true, some people should know what are this .zip files...(if they have not been "suicided" since lol

Edit: sorry iam stupid if they are well protected maybe no-one success to DL anything... but a question come to my mind, did the protected page was accessible without any kind of protection before ? if yes it seems not really secure for a ped0-sharing site..

HomeboyChrisBanned ago

You cant download the files without the key. Go look at the way its set up

wh0care ago

i find it suspicious too, but i think its a wrong lead, first because, its seems to be really not well hidden, (u can find it with a simple google search) seconde, they seems to have changed their password, but the protected aera page still here...i belive IF it was something incriminating they would have just erased the page..like they changed their logo days after discovery, like they closed or made private their instagram accounts... i could be wrong, and i still hope someone can figure it out clearly showing what is it or what is not but i believe its not ped0-stuff here... A man on reddit (see one link i posted on other comment) who say he have worked at comet pizza before say that this is just protected aera for some back-up of the site, and the codes are for being able to access it from other connections (like the home of the owners/manager etc) i am not saying its true, how can i ? but its could be an explanation relatively possible...i checked his profile on reddit it seemed not a shill profile,like old one and participating in randoms subs etc... but again obviously i cant be sure... i believe with all the good techies/hackers people who have been aware of this some peeps should have been able to crack them...but again i dont know for sure... btw the size files who seems odd are in fact in bytes (not Kb) so the story of the "back-up" files could be a good explanation i believe...

ArthurEdens ago

  1. You needed download keys for each file. No one that anyone knows of had them.
  2. No one is brave enough to download the files and possibly get trapped with CP on their computer. Most of us aren't hackers with the ability to be anonymous. The pedos know this, that's why they haven't gotten caught with a smoking gun yet. Plus, no normal person wants to see the horrifying images that might be in the files.

wh0care ago

1- i understand and yes i find it weird too..but what is this then ? > http://www.cometpingpong.com/app/download/4741080860/0gu0rgihy78uep6a.zip.pdf

2- I believe "many" people are brave enough to risk to DL it especially on this kind of big worldwide investigation...there is many "pedo-hunters" or just simply techies enough to have a decent anonymity for doing it in the whole anon/chan community...

(edit: typo)

ArthurEdens ago

1st off, no way I'm clicking that. 2nd, If they are just menus, why do they have so many menus? 3rd, Oh yeah, also, see in the URL it says "app"? They have an app. It's secret, invite only, runs in the background on your computer. I'm assuming you need it to run through the app to decode it. 4th, seriously if you go on 4chan, they talked about Podesta's mp3's that were big enough to be video files. Only one or two guys were brave enough to download them. No one knew how to decode them from mp3. They have this stuff well encrypted.

ArthurEdens ago

A lot of people saw it. It was a big wtf?

webofslime ago

First people said he had a shotgun, not an assault rifle.

No witnesses heard shots, according to the Twitter history of the event.

HomeboyChrisBanned ago

It was probably a ruse to sit there and pop one well placed shot. Unless its like the craziest coincidence in the history of mankind. Either way i think it means something

webofslime ago

Any legit pizza investigator would, of course, not destroy the computer.

jonnythaiwongy9 ago

And would not talk to the failing NYT's after for fucks sake, so transparent

HomeboyChrisBanned ago

Guaranteed theres no possible way. What angle was he even shooting from to shoot a lock off and go thru the computer? I think they switched out the computer

MeatballPizza ago

LOL! Now they can't get the CP off the computer?

betadynamique ago

Was this a quote from the interview?

HomeboyChrisBanned ago

Yeah and it shows video of the bullet computer hole in the computer. I lost my shit when i saw that.

olive611 ago

But I thought there wasn't a bullet? Oh wait, it went through the floor. Now it's the computer. Get your SHIT together.

Atlantean120 ago

sorry guys, but this is par for the course with these events. if you haven't truly investigated other major events like this(Sandy Hook, Boston Bombing, etc.), the ridiculous/conflicting storylines may be shocking. to those of us who've been at this for years, sadly, it's not.

Cara_C ago

They love gaslighting us. They change the story so people can't keep track of what happened, can't tell what's true from what's false, and fight with others who have heard one version but not the next. "I heard he shot the floor." "No, he shot the computer. You don't know what you're talking about." Psychopaths do this. They keep you so confused about nonsense that you don't have the clarity to realize they're screwing you over.

Galact1c ago

Yeah and now he had a handgun an automatic weapon and a knife....it changes every time i guess?

50hurtz ago

fuck this is turning into that episode of family guy when peter wasnt even a horse, he was a broom