zoltan907 ago

Why would you need the false flag shooter to destroy the evidence? I'm not following the logic here...they're not under investigation to begin with.

How do we know that for a fact? The police aren't investigating them, but who's to say the FBI isn't investigating? The FBI normally doesn't announce when it begins or ends an investigation.

Baluga ago

Interesting idea to destroy bookkeeping. Still, it's much easier to just have your harddrive crash and throw it away. (Happens to every drive eventually.) I agree the shooter is suspect, just think the motive was actually to spin the media into damage control mode.

Baluga ago

Also making a big assumption that the drive had anything incriminating. If it did, rogue gunman is by far the least reliable way to destroy it.

Reggie000 ago

Give me a fucking break. You want to tell me that these people would be dumb enough to keep ANYTHING incriminating in their place of business: where any employee could stumble across it.

Seriously, some of you are so retarded.

anonentity ago

Yeh it would all be in a cloud, with a password.

UglyTruth ago

You don't. It provides an explanation for staff as to why the system was replaced with a clean one.

retreaux ago

All this from one bullet?

Bring_Down_CF ago

You have a sauce for that?

That would be convenient for anyone wanting to investigate CPP, no?

spez_dispenser ago


"We need forensics experts to move in to the restaurant to clean up DNA, finger prints and evidence of a CP ring at CPP, but moving a hazmat team in will cause too much suspicion"


Hire Crisis Actor to shoot up restaurant. Business shuts down for 1-2 days. Nobody suspects that some members of the forensic team might be in there to erase more incriminating evidence.

DuffBeer4Me ago


You dont need a hazmat team to clean up fingerprints and DNA. Or a computer hard drive.

This post is a complete waste of time.

contrarianism ago

A thorough cleanup was the purpose behind smoke screen.

NerdyNoodle ago

Also, does anyone have any proof that the FBI is in possession of the computer? This is not a sarcastic question, I would really like to know the answer. I am asking this because all articles I have read indicated this incident was handled by local law enforcement. In which case the computer is likely in the possession of local law enforcement. This is an important distinction.

seenoevil ago

Theory: maybe the shooter had been a customer, worried about all of the recent publicity, decided to take matters into his own hands and destroy some evidence of his crimes. I.e. CPP's harddrive of him doing dirty things.

Bring_Down_CF ago

If they wanted to destroy the computer, why didn't they just do it themselves? It's in their possession. On their property. It would make zero sense to pull all this off just to get some guy to MAYBE destroy the harddrive when he shot it (he would have to have knowledge of where exactly the HDD was in the tower). It would also be extremely risky for the police to destroy it (tampering with evidence is a serious crime).

No. If they took the computer, they took it to find dirt on CPP. Which means if the shooter was a FF actor, he was an actor for our cause.

Which makes sense seeing has we got signals to "dial it down" soon after the incident.

basil999 ago

Is this shooter in jail now or did they release him?

NerdyNoodle ago


If I thought this was a false flag event, I would like to know the names of the officers involved in the CPP shooter incident. I would like to know the name of the officer in charge of the CPP shooter investigation. Then I'd like to see if he has connections to Alefantis/Podesta/Clinton to ascertain his impartiality.  

Remember at least one witness, supposedly among the last to leave the restaurant, stated early on that he didn't hear any shots fired. Sorry, I know a little about firearms and no one fires a rifle without everyone nearby hearing it. Unless he used a silencer, which has not been alleged.

ravensedgesom ago

yeah you have some point but at the same token don't dismiss that all the available info highly suggest a false flag and could be used in a desperate attempt to cover their tracks as well as a tactic to censor investigation. Just look at how this incident is being played its offensive and should be called into question.

Baluga ago

No, the quickest way is to run software to delete the drive before Edgar even shows up. If Comet were doing stuff and Edgar was part of it, they could easily have done this themself. I bet that computer just had accounting info on it.

lilwagon ago

Accounting info can be very dangerous. Also... assume they're guilty. If they are, they might avoid guilty behavior. Let's say the case breaks, and the computer gets seized. Welllll heeeeyyyy there... why'd you go and BleachBit the HD? Instead... your in-house kook-op can just go in there, and destroy any evidence for you. It TOTALLY fits with the actions of a guilty person.

Baluga ago

You have other angles. Assume they're guilty. Buy a new hard drive and throw the old one in the pizza dumpster. There's no investigation, nobody will ever see it. A lot easier than hoping a gunman will make it to the back (not get tackled by a visiting hero) and accurately shoot a hard drive.

lilwagon ago

agreed to an extent. If I'm a cop, and I see that you changed your HDD for no apparent reason, that's suspicious. I guess you could just say it broke... but think about the underlings at CPP. They likely aren't in on anything (assuming there is nefarious activity), so you sort of need to convince them too...

Just a random thought. Any attempt to modify/remove that hard drive, even if for a legit reason, after pizzagate hit the news might raise suspicion. Of course... the elaborate situation that just happened might be messy too...

I just want to know why that Scotland Yard e-fit looks EXACTLY like the podesta bros... plus the whole handkerchief with a pizza related map... can someone PLEASE make that sound normal for me?

Baluga ago

How would anybody know about a hard drive being replaced? That's routine across the country.

Scot Yard: Somebody posted a theory that the e-fit was actually created years later as a fake in order to pursue investigating the Podestas. But no, these aren't normal and can't be normalized. Interesting factoid about the handkerchief: The realtor wrote that she found a black and white handkerchief. Ms. Sandler forwarded and said "pizza-related map". This was on a tour of vacation rental properties on Martha's vineyard. I suspect "map" means the design or color pattern on the handkerchief, a useful code for sex parties.

NerdyNoodle ago

Accounting info can be highly significant.

Schade ago

Just wipe it with a cloth!

micha_ ago

Can someone explain to me, why Alefantis, if involved in CP, would need the police to get rid of the HD? Makes no sense to me.

UglyTruth ago

Who said anything about the police getting rid of it? It makes for a convenient cover story that Alefantis can give to his staff if he wanted to get rid of incriminating evidence.

micha_ ago

He could change the HD whenever he wants too. What sense does it make, if he would let others get their hands on it, if it would contain incrimating evidence?

DarkMath ago

He'd have to buy or borrow a hard drive and in doing so create a paper trail. This was a text book CIA clean-up operation. Unfortunately for James Alefantis PizzaGate is just the tip of the iceberg.

UglyTruth ago

If he changed the HD he might have to have to explain to the staff why the system was down. Or it might just be a red herring, to put a bullet in the business P.C. to draw attention away from his actual website.

EndThePizza ago

I don't think IP meant that the police themselves helped get rid of the hard drive. But CPP could've used the event as a convenient cover for "we had to destroy our hard drive because it had evidence, now let's say it was damaged in the incident so it doesn't look like we're guilty"

I gotta say, from the eyewitness accounts, it doesn't sound like the scene was all that chaotic, and computer towers are typically placed out of the way, so it does sound unusual that one would've been damaged in the incident.

Schade ago

Most people are just here to fellate each other's wild theories. Between them, and the shills, it's a massive circle jerk.

NotThe77th ago

I've run out of up votes but you deserve a few.

NerdyNoodle ago

    Just like Hillary Clinton furiously deleting thousands of emails before her investigation didn't arouse any suspicion, either. Right?

  They want double/triple legitimacy. And they want to get out ahead of the citizen investigation in case there is ever an official investigation.

  And I never said it was the MAIN reason for the false flag. I am certain that the MAIN reason for the operation was to discredit pizzagate, give a reason for the necessity of massive censorship, to grow their FakeNews narrative, and create an excuse for them to crush pizzagate. Destroying the hard drive (if in fact it has been destroyed) was just the icing on the cake.

  You are intentionally mischaracterizing what I have posted.

  I call shill

  Don't feed the trolls

BestRolledAgent ago

dude dont waste your time trying to argue with this shill. he is working hard on this thread

quantokitty ago

I think the more pertinent question is whether the shot fired was purposely for removing said lock.

Think the nut job/patsy Welch said 'The intel on this wasn't 100 percent." Now they're taking this to mean the children, but it could be the computer was what he was after.

NerdyNoodle ago

Yes they could, but if this investigation ever grew legs it would look suspicious. This gives a plausible explanation for the destruction of evidence even before it gets subpoenaed.

CrackerJacks ago

I'm guessing the computer tower would have been used to do some accounting and to record video from cameras.....To check pizzagate too no doubt.

sometimessage ago

No matter what that computer is now in police custody as evidence. Perhaps this was a secret op to get the computer.

Trumpwon-suckit ago

Could it be possible that JA had flipped and this was a false flag attack but to have a plausible reason to be interacting with the FBI? The computer tower has now become evidence and the whole thing is a ride to give the hard drive too the FBI?

I know it's a long shot but I can see the FBI applying pressure and flipping him if they are indeed investigating this.

EyeOfHorus ago

They didn't shoot the walls to get rid of the murals, why would they shoot the tower to get rid of a hard drive?

ravensedgesom ago

there we have it exactly as predicted use this to cover their tracks how convenient

Jehosefat ago

That's a lot of damage from supposedly a single gunshot

reasonedandinformed ago

Yes. It was not part of the JA tour of investigators. It had a padlock and was referenced in the WAPO article. It is the nexis of their crimes trading CP.

AreWeSure ago

Are you making the claim, the only way to remove computer evidence is to shoot it with a rifle?

Because that is a ridiculous claim.

YouaremeandIamyou ago

Should still be readable memory on there. Will be good to see where it is supposed to have been hit. I feel the repairs they do to the floor, will involve filling in the tunnels and basement. If the fill-in is found, down the track, then we can argue forever about it being recent, or not, like the shroud of turin. But they can not afford to have basements found, in actuality! If someone can get confirmation, this case is solved! There is a quote found that says he has connecting tunnels through bucks, to comet pizza by 99lufttballons...

senpaithatignoresyou ago

Filling in tunnels will not be a short process. It will take a long time, and close down the resturant for a bit.

YouaremeandIamyou ago

it is closed last few days, I hear.

NerdyNoodle ago

I know and you know that information is recoverable even from a small piece of a hard drive, given the right resources to recover it. But the general population will just hear that the computer was shot and therefore the information is unrecoverable. The general population will believe it, and the matter is settled.

  I am suggesting that this was one of the purposes of the false flag. Especially if they claim that the physical drive was destroyed.

YouaremeandIamyou ago

i think you could be right, as it is such a weird place to say he shot. i dont think he fired at all, myself. at some stage, there will need to be a look at that computer. he cant avoid this much longer. they are buying time, to deal with all the evidence. they dont expect to be able to keep people so willing to be quiet for much longer. its a wonder people arent calling fr alefantis to prove if he hasn't done anything by showing, rather than putting concerns down as attacks and harrassment.

SoManyQuestions ago

I thought it was odd when I heard it. Why so heavily armed just to scare some people too? The whole thing reeks like a fish market in the midday sun.

r3dtr1x ago

The police or FBI need a warrant to search the computer.

warrior_of_light ago

They dont need a warrant to search( lol ), they need a warrant to use the evidence against you in court. Get it right!

NerdyNoodle ago

If/when they get a warrant, CPP can say, "Oh sorry, it was damaged by the shooter so we got rid of it."

  I can almost guarantee they will say the hard drive was hit.

  Or else colluding law enforcement officials might say, "We could not retrieve any data because the hard drive was hit by a bullet."

  I am not saying that law enforcement would collude, only that it is a possibility.

NotAnIdiot ago

Won't do much good if it's destroyed.

r3dtr1x ago

As long as the hard drive didn't get hit, that's all they need!

ZalesMcMuffin ago


There. Now it "got hit".