h2d ago

I'm sick and tired of all of this bulshit and infighting - I can't say for sure whether or not any of the moderators are "shills" or are "compromised" and frankly it doesn't much matter. The fact is, huge potential breakthroughs with ACTUAL NEW INFORMATION - like a thread I posted in earlier today (check my post history - ties Besta Pizza with a sketch Ugandan child refugee/AIDS orphan charity + a bunch of other fake ass money-front businesses) are being successfully buried due to oppression tactics and vote sliding, in addition to other, more subtle methodology that works just as well.

Frankly, it's concerning and it should be to anyone however I think it'd be not only accusatory but also somewhat ironically against the very spirit of this investigation to be claiming that any moderators are CTR members or whatnot; it's also quite apparent that this place has become highly compromised, indeed. To that end, I am currently installing and setting up a new instance of a forums software on an extra domain of mine, as soon as the nameservers finish resolving on the site (to help defy any attempted DDoS attacks or hacking) to my more secure setup, I'll post the URL in here and highly recommend that others share it.

Whereas with a singular voat subverse, a reddit subreddit, a forum, a youtube video, someone's twitter feed or an article on any individual site - you are at the mercy of getting that information at that period in time, which can change at any moment - the software that I'm setting up is essentially like an open-access RSS reader in that it auto-feeds content and mirrors it from various sources that I have pre-configured into the system. This way nothing will be deleted as there are no mods, there's no user registration info to tie to anyone specifically and won't be censored.

Phobos_Mothership ago

You are digging yourself in even further.

Platypus43 ago

I had a post removed twice from kingkongwas wrong, the second time was interesting because he states that "a complex way to get around the rules, but still rule 3" which made me laugh because he flat out told me i succeeded in modifying my post to abide by the rule, but he was deleting it anyways. Yeah, this place seems really safe o.O

CJJacobs ago

Yes, he has seemed suspect to me also. Note too, his handle "phobos" which is Greek for "fear" -- 'FEAR MOTHERSHIP"?! Is that really the message you want to put out as you 'moderate'?

stopcensoringpizzag8 ago

Exactly. Thanks for bringing it up. This thought had crossed my mind in the past, but I didn't think anything of it until I noticed how hard he is trying to sway opinions and attention away from important matters. Not only that, but he also keeps passive-aggressively threatening people.

Phobos_Mothership ago

You are so clearly making a bunch of accounts @stopcensoringpizzag8

If your posts are important, people will read them. It's not our fault nobody is.

stopcensoringpizzag8 ago

First of all, @Phobos_Mothership I believe you are the one using an alt - I strongly feel that @OtisFirefly is also you. I can't prove it but I've noted the behavior with these 2 accounts it is very strange.

Secondly, my post with the breaking leads was important, but due to the sheer amount of bullshit that gets posted in New, and the disgusting amount of CTR promoting bullshit posts to get to the Hot page, it's actually completely false that important posts will be read. Part of the job as a Mod is to make sure the important ones are stickied on the front page if they get buried. Then, when I bring up that my post was buried, instead of stickying it so people can see it and dig, you instead say it was not important. Move along, nothing to see here. Straight shilling and you should be ashamed of yourself.

OtisFirefly ago

Which is it deleted, or simply no one liked your click bait bullshit? I wasn't one of several minutes old accounts all made within an hour of each other criticizing mods. You have not conceded that no one deleted the original posts only spam, you are a fucking scumbag and the fact that this post and your account(s) are not banned/deleted should have been an enough to convince you. You did knowingly and willingly break the rules.

stopcensoringpizzag8 ago

Which clickbait bullshit? The only clickbait bullshit I see is at least half of the bullshit that sits on the Hot feed. When someone posts some REAL leads, which obviously were important since that FB page has been pulled now, it doesn't get any visibility?? My subsequent posts were calling out this fact. BTW, really coincidental that you make your reply immediately after @Phobos_Mothership makes his. Really coincidental how immediately after @Phobos_Mothership was censoring my post, that YOU sent me a message directly after it defending his decision (this was before anyone started making noise about it). Really coincidental that you are continuously defending each incorrect thing that @Phobos_Mothership says right after it's posted, and vice versa. I'm not the only one who has noticed strange behavior with @Phobos_Mothership, it's clear in the comments section. The fact that this post has not been deleted is because too many people have seen it, and you don't want more confirmation of your shilling. That's it.

OtisFirefly ago

ALL CAPS FUCKING TITLES FOR SPAM. MY reply was immediate as you called me out fuckface, I replied to your post before it was deleted because you made a false claim which has now verifiable proof of being false. I am defending a Mod because at least in this instance it can be verified without a doubt he/she did nothing wrong. Suspicious, if I was actually a mod I would have banned you for spamming repeatedly and intentionally sowing paranoia with absolutely no supportive evidence, using help from nearly verifiable alternative accounts.

Phobos_Mothership ago

We can only have one sticky post. And you are DELIBERATELY ignoring the fact that your original post was NEVER REMOVED. Neither was the post you linked to in the above post

I removed the SPAM POSTS that you posted afterward because spam is against our rules

@stopcensoringpizzag8 Oh, so you're just going to ignore this post because it proves how full of shit you are?

In that case, I'm just gonna say this outright: Go fuck yourself. I do not give any fucks if you think I'm doing a good job, but I will STILL protect your right to free speech by keeping this post up for everyone to see how stupid you are.

Millennial_Falcon ago

You misspelled my name, but I came across this thread anyway. :)

I can understand OP's perspective here. He is wrong in calling you a shill, though.

Phobos_Mothership ago

damnit I always do that! and yeah... this is fun :/

Phobos_Mothership ago

I said dead link because OP for some reason posted a dead facebook link.

Phobos_Mothership ago

You are a 5 minute old account, why do I feel like you are just @stopcensoringpizzag8 making new accounts?

OtisFirefly ago

Might explain some of the up voats.

kekistocrat ago

Been waiting for someone else to say something about this COINTEL misinformant. He blatantly uses NVC (non-violent communication) and NLP (neuro-linguistic programming) -- if you don't know about it, look it up. It is very important. will compile some things and post proof of my claim as the claimant always has the onus of proof. Keep your eyes on Phobos...

redditsuckz ago

NLP (neuro-linguistic programming)

Well they probably all went to school at Tavistock.

Pizzagate Same mods;


32+ upvotes from SAME COMPUTER;



If you notice the top two posts right now are of users that kiss Kingkongwaswrong ass in the sticky thread...




Thank you, Kong! You are great. Glad I had your back when LegionWill tried to set you up the other day.

220 up votes for thread #1 from top



So proud of you, your doing an amazing job.

122 up votes for thread #2 from top


kekistocrat ago

Excellent, indeed. I hadn't made the correlation with the top posts but I had (as others such as yourself) begun to see that there was a definite pattern with choice of words used and instant upvotes. https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1470365 Definitely in the title we have suggestion and begging the question... ' v/Pizzagate openly rejects and condemns violence in the name of our movement' -- forcing it on us. Then, I commented on the increase prompted by Gorillion https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1470365/7122262 and it kept climbing rapidly. It's up to 366 now. I can understand people not understanding about subversive language and voting it up because it sounds good. After that, I commented on the downvote https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1470365/7123113 to which he replied with more NVC/NLP https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1470365/7130262 and I jumped all over that... which you can see from my comment that he was trying to make it appear as if I rejected the notion of violence. Can't think of the proper fallacy and it sounded more like NVC/NLP. Honestly, so many levels of deception here. It seems that it's in their job description (8 hours a day to put out as many disinfo comments as possible and delete and such) or he's full blown CTR/COINTEL/etc. Who knows, perhaps the elite that stand to fall from this are merely hiring hitman/hacker/newbreeds on their own on an individual basis... Good catch though. Have an upvote on me.

redditsuckz ago

Its the JIDF and people who refer to themselves as "illuminati Prince/Actual illuminati 33";


The only one around here I have a little faith in is Crensch...at least he allows free speech in the comment section. I dont think Crensch wants to even be a mod here but is forced to because of all this bullshit.

kekistocrat ago

Thanks for that, I had no clue there was a JIDF (although I know damn well they have their fingers in most pies). Don't know about Crensch -- for me, they're on an innocent basis until I notice a pattern that makes them questionable. I love using the echoes just to bring 'em out though. :)

Phobos_Mothership ago

https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1476730 The original post, which OP began spamming. I left this one up, and deleted all the others because spam violates the rules.

I also left THIS post up, even though I have a suspicion that OP @VoatCTRondeck is @stopcensoringpizzag8 because I can't really prove it.

Le_Squish ago

Accusations but no proof?

Everyday you guys try to get a different mod removed. What I did see was a few comments that shill post and comments won't be deleted so you guys can get rained with downvoats.

GoHeadBeGoneWithIt ago

I agree. We need to get rid of @Phobos_Mothership!!!!

Phobos_Mothership ago

Thank you for sharing, your opinion has been logged.

varialus ago

If you're not happy with the moderation, first post your content to /v/pizzagateuncensored and subscribe to that subverse.

As to what to do about a moderator you're not happy with, I'm not taking sides, but I think people would take you more seriously if you don't post something over and over again in a short period of time. I know it's important to you, but we're all* people, so any additional courtesy will go a long way, even if you feel disrespected.

* with the exception of bots

betadynamique ago

Cry bullies much anyone?

connornm777 ago

Shills shills go away, come back another day

Pwner1775 ago

shills shills go away, DON'T come back another day

Htaed ago

Infighting. Ignore. Keep eyes on all parties involved.

Le_Squish ago

This isn't infighting. This a paid shill. It's important to be able to recognize the difference.

Htaed ago

Which one?

Le_Squish ago


Htaed ago

That is still to be seen.

stopcensoringpizzag8 ago

100% true everyone. Here are the contents of the post that @Phobos_Mothership kept on deleting... meanwhile you guys let multiple posts about the NYT taking down Norway article and pedo advertisement stay up floating around.

Well folks, I am seeing the downfall of this investigation happening before our eyes if we don't make some serious changes.

First of all - I made a very important post with information and new leads yesterday that was buried here. It had great information for us all to collaborate in dig into. Today, the Facebook page that was the prime source of this new information has been taken down. DELETED. Kaput. Fortunately I archived it, unfortunately the archive does not allow us to dig through the entire Facebook page anymore. We lost a wealth of good information and the opportunity to collectively investigate important information due to my post not even making it to the hot list for visibility.

Now, why did it not make the hot list? Because it didn't get enough upvotes. Why didn't it get enough upvotes? Because we have CTR shills mass upvoting bullshit, unimportant posts while the posts with information and leads get buried. Mods could be helping to solve this problem by stickying posts that require collaborative research (isn't that why we are here?) however they do not seem to be doing their job on this matter.

Due to the fact that the good informational posts with leads are getting buried, the opposition spies who lurk here are given plenty of time to see what we discover and scrub clean any evidence. As I mentioned, a strong lead that I posted yesterday has now been DELETED/scrubbed by the criminals. I guarantee you this is not the first time this happened with important information we need, and it will not be the last.

There was another post earlier from a guy asking for help with a script he's working on to backup all of the Voat data in case a shutdown or strong censorship occurs on this platform. It was immediately downvoted into oblivion. https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1476782

This is a warning to all of you who are seriously investigating. The investigation is reaching some scary and unfortunate obstacles that we need to overcome if we are to make any meaningful progress. UPVOTE this for visibility. We need to have a serious discussion about this, and we need everyone's involvement with ideas and suggestions.

nnfx ago

It was immediately downvoted into oblivion.

6 upvotes, 2 downvotes (75% upvoted it)

stopcensoringpizzag8 ago

Yes, these are the current stats. When it was first posted, there were 2 downvotes on it almost immediately after that user posted it. Something that is downvoted immediately will have no chance to make it on the primary list to get visibility throughout all the noise.

Millennial_Falcon ago

Nobody has censored you. Removing duplicate posts in not censoring. I can understand your perspective, but it's irresponsible to go attacking mods who are just enforcing the rules, which exist for good reasons.

safetythrowaway1234 ago

Mods could be helping to solve this problem by stickying posts that require collaborative research (isn't that why we are here?)

To my knowledge, can only have one sticky at a time.

First of all - I made a very important post with information and new leads yesterday that was buried here. It had great information for us all to collaborate in dig into. Today, the Facebook page that was the prime source of this new information has been taken down. DELETED. Kaput. Fortunately I archived it, unfortunately the archive does not allow us to dig through the entire Facebook page anymore. We lost a wealth of good information and the opportunity to collectively investigate important information due to my post not even making it to the hot list for visibility.

Due to the fact that the good informational posts with leads are getting buried, the opposition spies who lurk here are given plenty of time to see what we discover and scrub clean any evidence. As I mentioned, a strong lead that I posted yesterday has now been DELETED/scrubbed by the criminals. I guarantee you this is not the first time this happened with important information we need, and it will not be the last.

You lost a wealth of information because you posted it here for everyone to see before you were ready. You failed to properly backed everything up and research it for yourself. You can easily fix your problem by following these steps in order:

Step 1: Research for information
Step 2: Archive and Backup offline EVERY source/web page you think might be important
Step 3: Collect and synthesize information from saved sources
Step 4: Share your information and saved sources for everyone to look at

You can't control the shills but you can control your actions to minimize their impact.

There was another post earlier from a guy asking for help with a script he's working on to backup all of the Voat data in case a shutdown or strong censorship occurs on this platform. It was immediately downvoted into oblivion. https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1476782

It has 2 downvotes. He got his problem/question answered by someone from Voat and now there's nothing to help with.

stopcensoringpizzag8 ago

Look, this forum is a forum for collaborative investigation. The idea is that WE ALL DIG INTO LEADS. 100s of eyes at a time. Be fucking thankful that you have people like me still who are finding important information amongst all of the bullshit being spread around. THIS IS NOT MY JOB. It's not my job to search through every little detail of every lead - it's ALL OF OURS. If it were the responsibility of one person, we'd never get anything done. It's not ME that lost it. It's ALL OF US who lost it due to the inefficiency of the platform, the idiocy of some of the mods, and the blindness that people like you have to not see reality.

safetythrowaway1234 ago

Look, this forum is a forum for collaborative investigation.

Thank you captain obvious.

Be fucking thankful that you have people like me still who are finding important information amongst all of the bullshit being spread around.

Yes so thankful for your whiney bullshit and the important information you shared in this thread /s

THIS IS NOT MY JOB. It's not my job to search through every little detail of every lead - it's ALL OF OURS.

You misinterpreted what I said. I never said you had to go through ALL information, just back everything up you think is important before sharing. By conducting some initial research before sharing you can focus those "100's of eyes" in a particular direction for more efficient digging.

It's not ME that lost it. It's ALL OF US who lost it due to the inefficiency of the platform, the idiocy of some of the mods, and the blindness that people like you have to not see reality.

Lmao, You literally said you posted this information, and then after you posted it, everything was scrubbed everything. It is 100% your fault. If you took the time to save everything you thought was important you would still have this information.

Phobos_Mothership ago

NOBODY LOST IT, it's still fucking there! Fucking hell...

connornm777 ago

OMG you're right! The investigation is falling apart! Quick @stopcensoringpizzag8, leave and go find another platform before it's too late!

stopcensoringpizzag8 ago

As I posted above, be thankful that you have people like me still who are still searching and finding important information amongst all of the bullshit being spread around. And be thankful for people like me who are making others aware of the kind of bullshit that is happening on Voat as of late. I've been investigating Pizzagate since the fucking beginning. Since the thread on reddit only had ~ 2000 subs. Take your shitty sarcasm elsewhere.

connornm777 ago

Ok, my apologies. If you have been contributing and finding important information, I sincerely thank you for doing so. It's just you come off as another alarmist trying to create division and problems where there aren't any.

Don't we have a bot archiving posts now? They can't scrub ahead of us. And anyone seriously investigating is going to dig past all the upvoted shill posts for actual info, so it doesn't seem like as big of a problem as your making it.

Phobos_Mothership ago


Proof that the original post which OP mentions is still up, not deleted.

stopcensoringpizzag8 ago

Yes, this is my original post, but this is not the post that you keep deleting. I made a new post to describe how crucial information was lost due to the post being buried, and due to mods not stickying information that we need eyes on to dig.

Phobos_Mothership ago

I kept deleting it because you kept spamming, and even then, I left the first "OUR MODS ARE SHILLS!!!!" post up (because you're entitled to your opinion and technically it's pizzagate related), but apparently that one didn't get enough attention because you posted it AGAIN, which I deleted.

I'm enforcing the rules.

OtisFirefly ago

Are you confirming that you are OP, as in using an alt account?

stopcensoringpizzag8 ago

I'm confirming that I am the OP of the post you linked to, @Phobos_Mothership (as is obvious by the fact that you can see my username next to it). I am also confirming that this is not the post that is brought to attention - the one that You wouldn't even allow to be posted for more than 5 seconds. I've posted the contents of the post you were censoring so that everyone here can see what you kept hiding. After all, you and @OtisFirefly are working together to discredit everything - I'm just simply shifting the narrative back to the truth.

Phobos_Mothership ago

https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1476730 Oh wait, you mean THIS post, OP?

Because all the posts I deleted were versions of that (which is the first one, before you started spamming it).

I kept this one up because you're entitled to your opinion. The rest were deleted because it's spam. I feel like you are deliberately ignoring this.

Phobos_Mothership ago


SinGunChaser ago

I gotta say, CTR is really pulling out all the stops these days. Why is it you do what you do?

Le_Squish ago

CTR supports child rape, isn't it obvious?

OtisFirefly ago

No he has just been deleting spam you keep posting in various alt accounts, member for 14 minutes.

Empire_of_the_mind ago

It's like level 2 technique to try and get a mod removed. Pathetic, up your game, twats.

OtisFirefly ago

That is exactly what a shill would say. Member for 9 minutes. Take a deep breath and go fuck yourself.

stopcensoringpizzag8 ago

Just so everyone knows, @OtisFirefly is a shill apologist. He had sent this (below) to me after @phobos_mothership kept deleting my post calling for discussion on the state of this platform. Here is what @OtisFirefly sent me:

Quote OtisFirefly: It's marked as spam because you are spamming this same post (IE this post multiple times). What you are doing, spamming, is burying other posts with valuable information under clones of this shit. So I hope and expect this too will be removed. Everyone spending so much time complaining about mods are part of the problem, see all the shit that Platypus43 was posting as well for evidence of idiots unable to understand the rules. May God have mercy on your soul.

Note: What I was posting IS IMPORTANT INFORMATION. I was spamming the same post because @Phobos_Mothership kept DELETING IT. So of course I kept reposting to try and get people to see it. Everyone can see the post that @Phobos_Mothership did not want to be seen up above.

cakeoflightylight ago

OtisFirefly searches for posts calling out shills and harasses people, including me. He's a shill alt.

Le_Squish ago

Screen shots or didn't happen.

OtisFirefly ago

You're trying to convince people you are not spamming by spamming?

stopcensoringpizzag8 ago

Um, it's not SPAM. Hardly anyone had the chance to see the post since it kept being deleted. How the fuck should I get people to read the post if they can't see it in the first place due to compromised mods censoring it? Stop being a shill apologist.

OtisFirefly ago

Also see @Phobos_Mothership response for proof that you have been spamming and wasting everyone's time.

OtisFirefly ago

The fact that there are CTR's here is well known and so when the only people supporting these posts are minutes old accounts you are going to raise suspicion. You may have had a point with your original post, but every action by you after that seems to have been a violation of the rules. PM other moderators, post about it in the concern thread, do everything except what you have been doing to address the concerns in a profession way.

Phobos_Mothership ago

Did you happen to notice that his Original thread is still up?

redditfuckingsucksyo ago

LMFAO this is funny. Being a good researcher is no excuse for him acting like an asshole and claiming censorship because one of his posts didn't get the attention he felt it deserved.