OrwellKnew ago

Vigilantism is certainly to be abhorred and discouraged. However, there have been many leakers, researchers and investigative journalists who have met an untimely demise...Breitbart, Hastings, Seth Rich, just to name a few.

Sometimes violence comes to us. We must be prepared to answer such acts in kind. I think you do your members a disservice to act as if we should be passive wallflowers in the face of depraved psychopaths. No.

We must be armed, trained, fearless and READY to respond in kind to any violent acts against us. You didn't really make that clear so, I'm doing it now, for you

Phobos_Mothership ago

Thank you for your opinion. You done?

KosmosErdem ago


KosmosErdem ago

the pedophile ring is child ritual-murder and is jewish. Don't act surprised. Epstein - Jewish Podesta - Jewish Weiner - Jewish. Alefantis - Jewish Why do people keep pretending not to see they are all jewish? WHy do you think jews have been thrown out of hundreds of countries in the last two millennia?

Jewish Kabbalistic Occult Ritual Child Murder throughout history.

Phobos_Mothership ago

have fun trying and wasting your time. Cheers.

ThinPerson ago

As much as we all want it to be, Pizzagate isn't a real thing

Phobos_Mothership ago

Your opinion has been noted and cataloged.

ThinPerson ago

Reddit had a similar thing with the Boston bombers. "Investigators" accused innocent people. If you think Reddit is full of retards and Voaters are brilliant human beings you're wrong. Both sites are full of retards.

KosmosErdem ago

What innocent people? I studied the boston bombings. It was staged and those two guys were framed.

I think you are missing the point. There is spam, like selling web-cam whores in political forums, then there is opinion. The jews have gangs going around all the forums and anyone who is exposing jewish crime they flag. They have a separate app that broadcasts to all the members around the world, "Go to this post and flag it". They been doing it for ten years now. And wikileaks they have totally cabalised with jews. Facebook, Reddit, Twitter..youtube. And so now our policy should be that as SOON as we are censored for our opinion then its OUT OF HERE ON MASS to a new server.

ThinPerson ago

I honestly think you might be going crazy

Phobos_Mothership ago

You misunderstood me. There was a line about EM Welch on that IMDB that mentioned 'secret pizza'. That line was verifiably removed the day after the gunman event. That movie 'Something about Pizza" was edited in to that IMDB page VERY recently, AFTER the removal of the 'secret pizza' line (because we have no archives containing 'something about pizza' AND 'secret pizza')

Through continuity, we can see that someone added the 'Something about Pizza' movie well after the event took place, and also after the removal of the 'secret pizza' line.

pgthrowaway ago

Sticky this!

Phobos_Mothership ago

I was thinking maybe add it to the sidebar or something

Phobos_Mothership ago

Edgar Maddison Welch played a gunman in the movie "Something about Pizza" in 2005:

This is verifiably false, the IMDB page shows that the words 'secret pizza' have already been deleted, ad we know that that was deleted within the past 3-4 days.

angular_planes ago

Roberta's wasn't even implicated by the community. They are so desperate to frame us.

Niggertown ago

Yea, like the mediakikes are going to see this and give a shit.

BuffersMckyle ago

I fear that all of their desperate efforts are backfiring. They may eventually just lose their rag and go full totalitarian, attacking all enemies of globalism with no sense of guilt nor shame. By this, I don't mean libel, I mean real war stuff.

Phobos_Mothership ago

Then go back to ()eddit.

goatboy ago

Why? Do you not understand how much violence the enemy will use against you for daring to point out his crimes? Do you not know the level of complicity that exists between the enemy and senior members of the government? We're not just dealing with murders and kiddie diddlers. We are dealing with treason and rich terrorists with global tentacles.

When the tools of justice have been corrupted and co-opted by the enemy, then violence is a natural consequence. When the enemy uses the institutions of government to abuse and murder children, then violence and destruction of those institutions becomes a near inevitability.

YouaremeandIamyou ago

thats why i am deleting this now

Phobos_Mothership ago

no worries, I was just confused.

speckledcat ago

!00% agree. When can use what we are and the system against them. There is no need for violence at all.

speepsie ago

While i will not condemn armed (for safety) investigations of public locations, don't do it openly to attract attention, and at this point, avoid trying to enter Comet ping pong....

Ronnilynn31 ago

MSM and their pimps started the whole "fake news" campaign about a week before the Podesta Wikileaks dump. These people are not new to this. We are in a bubble here because we are in groups of likeminded believers, but it's an underground movement. The average folks are going about their day, Facebooking and laughing at how silly this is. And how dangerous we all are for believing in such nonsense. Then you have the complacent ones who will say yeah, who knows what all corrupt shit goes on in Washington but what could anyone do about it?
So they stay complacent.

UtherPendragan ago

When fighting a war it is never a good idea to give ammo to the enemy. The shooter at Comet did bring attention to the issue but at a very high price.

momojaja ago

MSM has been against this investigation the moment they realised the traction it was gaining. Nobody believes or have any faith in the so called media nowadays. The real news comes from the average citizen and what they capture on their phone. Anything that comes from MSM has an agenda, it has an angle and it is always edited.

momojaja ago

We must not tolerate anyone here who advocates for violence. This is not what we are after! We are after justice for those abused children. We are after elite criminals being accountable for their past transgressions. We are after ending corruption at the highest level. Violence only begets violence. We want to show the world that citizens have the power to bring their superiors to justice. There is no gain in doing something stupid like that so called gunman. That is just terrorism! That is not in our directive or intention. Please discourage anyone here that suggests violence or any criminal act commited against others. We are here to collect evidence, analyse it and share it so that we may get justice done.

dindonufin ago

Maybe some sort of disclaimer/TOS/EULA in the sidebar will help protect us from being shut down?

djklbd ago

Agreed, AND we are a non-partisan invesitgation. This issue is beyond party boundaries.

dookiehowzer ago

We will combat these forces of evil with peaceful facts indeed

YouaremeandIamyou ago

While it was a staged event, that was reported by Benajamin Freed before it had even occured, I am still happy to reject violence in the name of this movement. This movement is about ensuring that children are safe. Acts of violence, will more likely that not, only make it harder for us to get anywhere. we can hit a lot harder, with facts.

BlackSwordsman ago

I fully endorse this message. We must prove this through research, not violence. This shooter fired rounds in a restaurant where he axiomatically knew children frequent. There is no forgiveness from me to him for this act. This is what differentiates this group from those who would endanger children. The full extent of this MUST be discovered to bring ALL parties (if any) to justice. We are investigators. Running up to suspects with literal guns blazing won't accomplish anything for anyone.

gopluckyourself ago

Early eyewitness accounts were saying there were no shots fired please stop saying this.

BlackSwordsman ago

Doesn't matter if he shot or not. He forced police to arrive on scene, exposing children to high tension and many guns drawn. Dangerous and stupid. Also, back up your claims with proof. To think he would find an open door where kids were being injured, or that kids would STILL be being hurt while this news story is so big is stupid and ridiculous, and so are you for defending this moron.

kekistocrat ago

Here's the proof I believe you requested from gopluckyourself https://web.archive.org/web/20161205044956/https://mobile.twitter.com/bayreef/status/805593857744310272. Sharif Simli, the guy who took some of the photos, etc. Not definitive, but try not to go around attacking people with ad hominem fallacies, circumstantial or direct. It does nothing to promote pizzagate or your own credibility. Learn the trivium http://www.triviumeducation.com/ so you can see through the very logical fallacies that are spellibinding you into thinking that it's a realistic notion to call someone names as a valid response instead of directly confronting the argument at hand. Clearly, the 'gunman' was a patsy. Nobody in their right mind would self-investigate by bringing guns into the restaurant and pointing them at an employee. Think about it.

BlackSwordsman ago

I like to remain skeptical, but ONE person who says they simply didn't hear it isn't enough to sway me. He may have, he may not have.

Gorillion ago

I've downvoated you, and here's why:

There was no way in fuck that guy was part of pizzagate.

Also, there has been no validation on the gun being fired.

Stop spreading anti-pizzagate propaganda.

BlackSwordsman ago

Semantics. He wore our badge. He used our name. We must disavow him. I did just that. "Part of Pizzagate" is a stupid description to use for his use of our name in his crimes. It's subjective beyond recognition. He became part of the story, like it or not. This potential conspiracy will take many people, many hours of research, and we need all the eyes on this that we can get. We must draw people in to help us with this. Doing damage control on this, disavowing him, and saying he's NOT part of us, is what I did, and what we need to do as a group so everyone knows he's not endorsed by us ( or "a part of pizzagate", in the sense you're describing). Like it or not, he's associated with the story. This is politics, bud. I honestly don't care if he fired bullets or not TBH. Bringing the gun in endangered the kids because police have to come with their guns drawn, and that's a fucking stupid environment to knowingly subject kids to. Once I get my 100 voats I'll be back to repay the favor.

Hey_Sunshine ago

Badges?! we don't need no stinking badges. Since when were y'all issuing badges like frilly faggots up for decoration?

BlackSwordsman ago

It's a metaphor, fuck face. Jesus Christ this place is like youtube with morons like you.

Hey_Sunshine ago

You still fail to realize what voat is. This is a place where anyone can have their say. So dont claim you speak for any one other than youself. You don't represent me nor I, you. So stfu with your virtue signaling and get with the program.

BlackSwordsman ago

I'm having my say, I'm getting upvoated, and we have to disavow violence or we look like insane BLM terrorists. This is the problem with any group of people. The morons among them fail to collectively attempt to disown the really shitty parts.

Hey_Sunshine ago

And an upvoat for your thoughts, let's hope justice prevails

BlackSwordsman ago

The amount of power in the hands of lunatics is what's important. It'll be hard enough to expose them without us turning on each other. Cheers

Gorillion ago

Unfortunately I think we need a rebranding & serious leadership.

STFU with this stupid shit. This is called "splitting" and is designed to divide and conquer. Any "leadership" that emerges would never have 100% support, never be satisfactorily vetted in any real sense and create a vulnerable attack point for the "cause". They can't kill a cloud, but they can certainly chop off a head.

Contribute or don't. But stop trying to change what is clearly working. You're just being bossy and not helping. The MSM calling us Right Wing or Fake News isn't anything that should bother you. All of us here have been called much worse over the past few years. Toughen up.

Votescam ago

Certainly human trafficking isn't "fake news" and no one should allow them to suggest it. Certainly, kidnappings of children aren't fake and no one should allow them to suggest that, either. Certainly, we have investigations in the UK/Hamstead case, in Norway, in Belgium, in Australia. We have long time sexual abuse of children by the Vatican/RCC in just about every nation I'm aware of. They forced young girls who were sometimes pregnant to give up their babies to adoption, made it impossible for them to leave the "laundries" and they used them as slave labor to profit the church. In Canada, they branded young children without parents in institutions as "retarded" so that they could collect even more money from the state. Neither is "Satan" a stranger to them. Read something of the practices of this church. This is like being surprised to hear reports of the Inquisition in the year 2016.

Votescam ago

Please tell me .... just who in the heck could still be watching MSM otherwise known as our CIA/corporate media? Could there really be anyone left actually watching it?

Ronnilynn31 ago

Pretty much everyone I personally know. They all Facebook and get fed an onslaught of daily MSM news. I used to turn on the news every morning while getting ready for work. No more. I trust no one. My 40 years of government sponsored brainwashing through public education, entertainment, and media has been a slow process, but the day I saw this could actually be true, was the day I saw literally everything with new eyes. Sadly, the majority are still asleep.

kekistocrat ago

They live, We sleep...

tamaman ago

the majority of people

CrackerJacks ago

MSM news is the same ole crap days after day......I have completely stopped watching it....I used to turn the MSM news on first thing in the morning, now I just look non MSM videos on YT. We're constantly being lied to and they constantly try to bring race into most news stories, it's disgusting.

HarveyKlinger ago

When that asshole posted the contact info to every Comet employee, I hope none of you were the ones saying how right it was and how the employees deserved it. In fact, I don't recall too many people requesting it be removed. If you truly want to discourage unnecessary violence, condemning that kind of shit would be a damn good start.

FormerBaltimoreRes ago

Stop worrying about what the main stream media thinks. No matter what you say or do they are going to accuse you of violence. If you aren't violent, they will create a false flag like they just did at Comet Pizza.

Research and spread the message relentlessly. Don't water it down. Name the pedophiles. Trump didn't win by backpedaling and playing the media game, learn from him.

jml1201 ago

It's good to hear this. We're all on the same page.

Aysemari ago

So it begins folks, they are pushing this fake news agenda like crazy, this Pizza place must have friends in high places, riiiiighhht, I almost forgot the owner of this little pizza place with no political background whatsoever was voted as one of the most important people in Washington. So they just passed this bill through the house and check out this little section HR6393 (Sec. 501) This title establishes an executive branch interagency committee to counter active measures by the Russian Federation to exert covert influence over peoples and governments (with the role of the Russian Federation hidden or not acknowledged publicly) through front groups, covert broadcasting, media manipulation, disinformation or forgeries, funding agents of influence, incitement, offensive counterintelligence, assassinations, or terrorist acts. The committee shall expose falsehoods, agents of influence, corruption, human rights abuses, terrorism, and assassinations carried out by the security services or political elites of the Russian Federation or their proxies.

The committee must report annually on the steps it is taking to counter Russia's active covert influence measures.

Remember, it was Russia who manipulated the election oh and gave the emails to Assange. It's a slippery slope from here

YouaremeandIamyou ago

we can pay attention, and watch as they continue to expose themselves. the more against life something is, the more it will be revealed. they will keep making mistakes, and the veneer of respectability will peel away.

CeepsNo ago

Putting up a sign and virtue signaling will do nothing. Even if most people realize this, it wont stop the media from spinning a narrative against you. Some people might think extrajudicial action is the only way to be effective, and maybe they're right, but of course they want to wait and see if a new administration goes the peaceful lawful route.

It's also partially bullshit. "No one has any inclination to visit any places?" His name was 34a66c

bobiel ago

What is pizza gate? j/k

dFrog ago


kekistocrat ago

I will not give acknowledgement or validity or any sense of legitimacy to the 'armed vigilante.' He is a patsy and the ordeal was a setup to smear the investigation. Anyone doing the investigating here knows this and it is folly to give any credibility to that event other than it being staged. The guy did no 'self-investigating.' It was a smear. Agreed, we do not condone violence. However, we do not need NVC (non-violent communication) or NLP (neuro-linguistic programming.)

KosmosErdem ago

Comet Pizza was not open to public at the time of the shooter - It was private event. CHECK. Comet Pizza receiving hundreds of death threats for month leading and was under full police security and surveillance . CHECK. Not one CCTV released of the incident. CHECK Shooter could not be so stupid to think they STILL holding children captive there or ever did: CHECK Shooter could not be so stupid to think they are STILL holding pedophile nights there amidst this scrutiny. CHECK Probability whole incident was staged: 100%

kekistocrat ago

All we need now is to find out there was an fbi active shooter drill 2 blocks away and they were conveniently 'ready to go.' If OP is not tavistock/SRI/CTR/MoveOn/etc. then the depth of thought from this one is amazing. As if somebody's going to go in there and Alefantis all the sudden gets scared (Oh no, there onto me!) and grabs the closest child, punches a lady next to him, starts to run away with child in hand screaming, "AAAaaaaarrrrrrggggghhhhhh, You'll never get me copper!!!!"

KosmosErdem ago

Yeh, to the seasoned of us the whole thing is so obvious fake. But then you sit there watching them, you feel like you want to call anyone who believes it, just to hear them for real explain how Santa is so fat but still fits down the chimney, let alone how he has flying-reindeers

kekistocrat ago

Perhaps some of the moderators are CTR. After the 'transition,' some of the posts by some of the mods, and repeatedly seeing a circle of positive reinforcement from the same moderator names for each others' posts attempt to negate valid claims, I have no other choice but to question. This is not discordian. This is relevant. I will not post anything of this nature in the future, just know this; moderators are on notice.

Gorillion ago

Yeah, this is a very backhanded posting. It's a weird mix of back patting and back stabbing.

His post history seems legit, but this feels like the work of a counter-agent. Phrased like a "When did you stop hitting your wife?" type of self-incrimination move. The 70 upvoats is a worry also.

We don't have to "reject violence" because we haven't committed any. OP is just dignifying it with an unnecessary response.

OP, stop being a shill, or stop proliferating enemy propaganda.

kekistocrat ago

OP's latest post (Do you think this is NVC/NLP?):

I have no obligation to like the fact that someone disliked a post about not being violent, that's democracy. Free speech all around.

permalink parent save source reply report spam 

[–] kekistocrat 0 points (+0|-0) 4 minutes ago

'disliked a post about not being violent' -- That is not what I disliked. I stated quite clearly that I agree about no violence but disagree with acknowledgement of gunman. Your choice of words does only adds credibility to my assertion that you're using NLP or NVC. A concerned voater asks you formally to edit your statement.

Phobos_Mothership ago

found the downvoter

kekistocrat ago

Downvote. Why do you feel the need to point out the downvoters as a moderator? Shouldn't you be applauding the quasi-democratic voating process here? This needs to be pointed out since you're a moderator.

Phobos_Mothership ago

I have no obligation to like the fact that someone disliked a post about not being violent, that's democracy. Free speech all around.

kekistocrat ago

'disliked a post about not being violent' -- That is not what I disliked. I stated quite clearly that I agree about no violence but disagree with acknowledgement of gunman. Your choice of words does only adds credibility to my assertion that you're using NLP or NVC. A concerned voater asks you formally to edit your statement.

kekistocrat ago

I can't downvote. Don't have enough 'points.'

numbchuck1 ago

Ask @numbchuck to downvote for you. Its his job anyways. Paid to downvote anyone who doesn't have points.

kekistocrat ago

Up to 100 since you've posted... Curious. Trending currently.

Ziggystrife ago

You two get an upvote from me. Fuck them and their false flag.

sandernista_4_TRUMP ago

Yeah I have never seen anyone here with any inclination to actually visit these pizza places (and certainly no inclination to "try to be a hero" or whatever the hell that guy was doing). This forum seems more like a way to collaborate on connecting any new dots we find from leaked emails and published articles.

AboveAverageJoe ago

It's important to be emphatic about this, not just for reinforcement, but for documentation. I believe that violence may indeed occur, and be blamed on this investigation as part of a disinformation campaign.

argosciv ago

This has already happened, twice now. Violence and aggression is indeed being used to discredit the investigation, quite overtly.

Votescam ago

This is the right wing at work projecting its own violence and aggressions onto others -- in fake news.

argosciv ago


Violence will not solve this, it will do no service.

Understandably, many want to see pedophiles of any caliber, suffer their just desserts. However, at the very least, this will be counter productive during investigatory phases. Hold your tongues(not to be confused with shutting up entirely), remain objective and above all, be more civil than those we condemn. Remember that the goal is to oust and capture the perpetrators alive, so that they may stand trial and be held accountable for their actions - not given a quick way out via wanton vigilantism and untimely death.

Kiwi_Slave ago

Understand all of the above, but allow a moment to appreciate that the USA, for better or worse, has condoned "enhanced interrogation" for over 15 years. What is sauce for the goose ...
The other point, which is lost on atheists, is that breaking the laws of "men" (if they are indeed men any more, and not apprentice demons) to enforce divine law is no sin.
Perhaps vengeance is for the lord's domain, but if so, and we allow these disgusting filthy swine to continue their abominable crimes, the capitals of the West will burn like Sodom

argosciv ago

I don't disagree, but, consider their fate should they be caught and imprisoned alive... ;)

Votescam ago

What of the children who are being caught and imprisoned alive ... ? Forced to live lives in service to abusers, never knowing whether they will be murdered, as well. Who has been doing all of this enslaving and torturing throughout history but violent males often in the service of organized patriarchal religions. Or in service of psychopathic "nuke 'em" generals. How many of them would walk off of the battlefields if they could to peace and sanity? Our soldiers are enslaved to madness on these battlefields where they fear every second for their own lives but are taught to not hesitate for a second to shoot to kill anything that moves.

argosciv ago

I'm not sure exactly what you're trying to infer, but, I certainly am not disregarding the victimized children in all of this. I would expect that the process of shutting down this ring and arresting those responsible, would also involve an unwavering effort to save as many childrens' lives as possible and offer closure for the families of those who are no longer alive.

kingkongwaswrong ago

@millennial_falcon (only the first 5 get pinged, plus he has two n in millennial)

Nice post.

Phobos_Mothership ago

thank you good sir

Pwner1775 ago

appears you've been targeted by the amalek himself! just watch your back... http://archive.is/eBqDq

Pwner1775 ago

owait you banned him lol