seekingtruth2016 ago

I'm with you on this. For a forum with so many mods, it's sad how much sifting of posts you have to get through to find relevant information. I also think that people don't seem to understand the meaning of "leads." Leads are pieces of information that potentially link this puzzle together, but for some reason people are expecting every topic to include full details. Almost everything I've read needs much more research before it can be considered relevant and many times those are stuck in the abyss of New topics since the trend here seems to be inane and redundant information getting upvoted. Some of us aren't able to sit around researching all day and it would be nice if more people who have that ability would help each other out when someone finds a lead that needs more research. That is the point of this whole forum, right?

Thanks for bringing this up @stopcensoringpizzag8.

stopcensoringpizzag8 ago

And in the meantime while the leads get buried, "they" have spies who are actively reading every lead and subsequently scrub clean any evidence that we could use. In my post that I linked to here, the original facebook link to the PeoplesPing Pong Party page has been DELETED! This is becoming a severe issue for all who want justice.

CJJacobs ago

Mods have seemed sketch on a number of occasions. I'm sure it is not easy being a mod. But at the same time, yes, what happened to those stickies to help sort.

And the original post you are referencing here certainly seems like a good lead. I'm finding it to upvoat and research.


stopcensoringpizzag8 ago

Thanks, glad someone here is actually digging further. As you mentioned in the other thread I posted, the original FB link has been taken down. Looks like they have indeed caught onto it and deleted the page now.

RainingPiss ago

You gotta live on the new list.

stopcensoringpizzag8 ago

Sorry, last time I checked this wasn't a popularity contest for best post. In fact, last time I checked this was an investigation to find clues, leads, and evidence, and to dig. But that was before this site became so fucking compromised with CTR and shills.

RainingPiss ago

All that aside, we only get one sticky.

DuffBeer4Me ago

Looks like it's 'attack the mods' day.... Obvious much CTR..

DuffBeer4Me ago

I read again, maybe I misunderstood you.

Do you realise the mods don't control the 'hot' page? Upvoats control the hot page. And shills upvoat their crap like crazy, it's not easy to get through the noise. If you really have something worthwhile to share you might have to reframe it, try to explain yourself better and try again.

stopcensoringpizzag8 ago

This is exactly why the mods need to make an active effort to sticky leads that require digging. It's the best way to get pertinent information in the spotlight so people can focus on digging instead of making all these buzzfeed type posts which then get upvoted by shills into prominence.

ghost_marauder ago

I disagree, although CTR is creating an artificial boom with crap posts I've seen the repercussions of allowing mods to control the counter artificial boom on T_D. It ends up tone setting the board, then shills start working more posts in that direction because of popularity.

We have a very good system called the search function. Putting your research out there then placing it in comments that are relevant is the cleanest way to handle the situation without it turning into a cluster F*.

DuffBeer4Me ago

Right hand window is a link to Pertinent threads.

I think the mods are just swamped and I don't think even they realise how infiltrated the sub is. I think we are outnumbered 3 to 1.

Phobos_Mothership ago

That post is full of dead-links, how exactly was any of that supposed to be 'new leads'? you're just combing through his facebook friends looking for references to ping pong or pizza.

stopcensoringpizzag8 ago

Wrong. Did you even read the post and the comment replies? This ping pong group from NYC has direct connections to Alefantis, Sasha Lord, etc. They also makes strange trips for "Pongress" conventions in the UK, apparently made possible by Alefantis and co. Some other users made further strange findings if you actually bothered to read anything instead of typing out this bullshit response to my post trying to make people think it's irrelevant. And even if nothing is there to be found, HOW DO WE KNOW SINCE WE NEED PEOPLE TO DIG FURTHER? This isn't a fucking forum for gossiping about Pizzagate, it's a forum for investigating and finding evidence. Shill much?

Phobos_Mothership ago

Please post direct links to those connections to Alefantis and Sasha lorde and EXPLAIN WHAT THEY ARE. I can't find anything about that, all I see is a boring facebook page about people who like ping pong with less than 500 followers.

stopcensoringpizzag8 ago

The connections are posted with images. I guess some of you are too lazy to actually read and dig for yourselves (probably the same people who are making the BS posts with nothing but unrelated info). This isn't buzzfeed. Sorry if you find potential leads and evidence BORING but this has nothing to do with your entertainment.