DeckoGecko ago

I keep noticing the Comet Ping Pong event ad's disclaimer - All Ages on what is clearly and adult oriented show from the 'art work' to the showtimes. Is this another indicator it's a pedo friendly event? I think it would be worth looking out for in other dubious listings...

DeckoGecko ago

Yeah ok this is deffo weird!

did anyone notice the Dr. Pong refernce on this one I'm pretty sure people on this board picked apart the Alefantis connection to Dr. Pong. Don't want to comment from memory so will dig into it again for details but I get the feeling there's a 'Ping Pong' community that enjoy sharing 'Pizza'.

ps. I also live in the UK and can corroborate the forced use of the term Ping Pong is jarring to the average stands out as strange. I think I might use the fact that I sound american to the English and go check out some of these Ping Pong joints, I'll ask them if they sell Cheese Pizza lol :)

AnUnconcernedCitizen ago

Look at that "About Us" in the sidebar on the right!

Increase the number of people playing ping pong Work to develop a stronger positive image for the game Support an inclusive game and engage new players and fans, especially the young, vulnerable and under-privileged Develop a network that supports and connects the efforts of otherwise isolated groups and individuals

Support an inclusive game and engage new players and fans, especially the young, vulnerable and under-privileged

young, vulnerable and under-privileged

What. The. FUCK.

CJJacobs ago

You may have noted it somewhere and I just missed it, but Comet Pizza has 'liked' this PPPP facebook page.

CJJacobs ago

First fb link you provided has been deleted already. Perhaps they caught on?

stopcensoringpizzag8 ago

Yep, deleted now. :/

doubletake ago

must've been a Happy Halloween the next day?

amCassandraAMA ago

a heart in a heart is the girl lovers symbol

umpteenth ago

lol papa johns ad!

RexAxisMundi ago

How many creative things can be done with a table tennis bat. With underprivileged kids. So gross.

mrjdouble ago

Gotta be kidding me with that name!

Also, could that place look any more seedy with that beater pick up parked out front when the Google maps car went by?

DirtyDancingRedShoes ago

Is October 30th Samhain ?

setter ago

Links to their site, / - Pongress – An international gathering of ping pong party people.

From Friday 18 October – 26 October 2013 the third ever Pongress was held in Bristol, UK.

First run in Berlin in 2010, it went to Newcastle in 2012 and in autumn of 2013 Bristol hosted this table tennis festival with a difference.

The week long programme saw pongressmen and women from all over the world descending on Bristol – to drink, ping and be merry.

So … time to start saving for Pongress 2014 in Washington DC.


2010 was at Dr Pong - Link 1: / Link 2: /

2013 was at All Hallows Hall, Easton, Bristol. /

A few names on the above link of organisers that I haven't looked into yet.

SherlockMcGyver ago

Dr. Pong site is weird, look it up.

CrackerJacks ago

I live in the UK, I've NEVER seen a "ping pong table" as you's call it inside any restaurant, pub/bar or a pizza place.....That alone I find weird......We call it table tennis in the UK

I know the countries to the east (Japan/China) are big on ping pong, but I would have never thought America was......To have groups pages dedicated to it is weird......Well, I think it's weird.

In the UK we only go to Newcastle to get hammered (drink wise).....As to why they went there, I honestly have no idea....

mrjdouble ago

Good point, pretty sure it's known around the world as "table tennis", just as "soccer" is to "american football"

They can't go around calling it that though, right? I mean that wouldn't fit the code and it's got to be that way because it's long been established as the way, within these circles.

quantokitty ago

The thing is that these pages look so innocuous that you wouldn't even look twice. Then you notice Sasha Lord is a friend and it becomes a blip on the radar screen.

mrjdouble ago

It's kind of entertaining they are now getting burned by this, because it's long been theorized that social media was mainly started by the American gov't for data collecting and tracking purposes. The idea is that people will use the service and in the process willingly out their connections and give up sensitive information. Perhaps it's a double-edged sword, though? If they can collect data on us, then we can also collect data on those stupid enough to make all of their shit publicly available.

RexAxisMundi ago

That's the internet in general right. Double edge sword. It's a beast they have no idea on how to tame. It's beautiful.

quantokitty ago

Great point! Yes, the little unimportant people have the temerity to be looking into things.

They probably view us like ants.

mrjdouble ago

I fear it's worse that that. If we were ants in their eyes, i'd be surprised. When I picture them and us in relation to them, I see that scene in the first "Matrix" flick. Right after Neo wakes up, and he see the farm where they harvest humans to power their whole operation. All we do is produce what they need to apparently get out of bed everyday and continue to put one foot in front of the other.


quantokitty ago

You're probably right.

derram ago

stopcensoringpizzag8 ago

Thank you. There was a mistake in the url. Fixed now.