popezandy ago

Can we archive this video? I don't want to lose it after it's in the Master List.

darthveddit ago

This whole thing is very interesting and has huge implications, involving it seems, every villain the world has seen, the FBI will have no problem gathering this same information. I really hope the United States government decides to prosecute who they can. Until then I'll be waiting with my popcorn.

Millennial_Falcon ago


Flairing as "debunked" until at least the part about Kline is removed. We have proof they are two different Andrew Klines.



ki-yoshi ago

Whoever wrote the text learned the technique but he's not competent enough to make it work. Text is so autistic it looks like it has been written by an A.I.

You need to read more fiction, nerd.


anonentity ago

It seems the Saudis have an insatiable appetite for children, http://www.awdnews.com/top-news/video-saudi-pedophiles-are-buying-syrian-children-in-jordan-border But they like the blonds best.

reasonedandinformed ago

He changed the thread post...still mentions Kline. They keep writing text walls without any documentation. I think the Saudis tie into it but we need the evidence linked.

dookiehowzer ago

Lol member when besta pizza owner was saying woe is me, if this blow to my business keeps up i wont have a pizza shop!

But ill still have my other international shipping companies i guess

PrideOfOshtekk ago

Another "coincidence".

concernedcitizen36 ago



Ronnilynn31 ago

I posted this a few days ago in another thread.

Besta Pizza at 5029 Connecticut Ave, Washington DC owned by Hdbul Hdmmhd http://www.manta.com/c/mr0426h/besta-pizza

Besta Pizza at 4707 Chase Ave, Bethesda, MD owned by Abdoul Hammad http://www.manta.com/c/mm8jd0d/besta-pizza

Abdoul Hammad - didn't find much on him, but I saw in a Washington Post article his name spelled as Abdel Hammad. Public search on Abdel brings up a number of aliases








Doing a deeper search on ABDELRAHMAN MOHAMED HAMMAD shows him the owner of Besta Pizza and Universal Trade Inc. I can't link the page because it requires a login and I've tried to archive it twice. However, the address for that company is 1412 Mayflower Dr, Mc Lean VA, 22101. http://www.buzzfile.com/business/Universal-Trade-Inc-703-790-1141 www.universaltradeinc.com. If you go to that page...it shows nothing but a password to get in.

concernedcitizen36 ago


Everything you need to know is right on this thread it keeps getting ignored!

Millennial_Falcon ago

Flairing "accuracy in question." We have already proven the Andrew Kline in DOJ is a completely different Andrew Kline.

Also, I have never seen proof Besta is Saudi-owned. LegionWill never showed sources.

remedy4reality ago

You have proven nothing. Sorry MF, but a Twitter page and a pic on a website is not proof of anything. You gotta bring a lot more game than that.

Millennial_Falcon ago



Also, where is OP's proof/evidence? That's all I'm asking.

remedy4reality ago

Your proof is literally like showing someone a fake ID. Please tell me you know what a 'cutout' is, as it relates to intelligence. It will be a very tough dig in exposing this guy as ONE person, but you are not going to keep posting that an proof of anything. It's nothing.

MeatballPizza ago

Nice find. He got a visa to the U.S. in TWO WEEKS for someone? That takes months normally.

YouaremeandIamyou ago

that most likely was him on the phone, in the call besta post i put up the other day. i figured it had to be, because anyone lower down in the staff, would not have spoken like he does. he has a huge reaction, to a pretty reasonable call, where the caller, basically just asks, why he changed the sign. He refuses to answer, which is guilty behavior, IMO. He also goes on a tirade, and says the caller must be a pedophile, for noticing the symbol! and says "f your mother and some other overreactions. The caller did not get heated, rude, or threatening once. He managed to stay light hearted; which just got the Besta guy more furious. when the caller points out, that he had not even mentioned pedophilia yet, the caller freaks, and says he is going to send the police to him, because there have been "threats made to shoot". He seemed pretty confident in being helped by law... I feel, the confidence shown by Alfantis as well, indicates they have been told, they are going to be protected, because of the links to political figures. Rather than root out these pedophiles, there appears to an absurd situation, where they are being protected, as though it is national security. Surely is only a matter of time, before some of the good people, there must be some, that are getting embroiled into this, will break free from it, and distinguish themselves, by telling the truth.

GoatMeat4Sale ago

65 comments and not one single person has addressed the subject line content, or the video link?


I think 99% of voat must be iPhone users suffering from attention deficit.

The amount of effort exerted by TEAM-VOAT-PIZZAGATE to say "This is not the Andew Kline, DOJ you are looking for is amazing"

Of course DOJ is running the PIzzagate biz of supply children to Saudi to fuck & murder.

remedy4reality ago

Two days on the site and you're an authority? Listen, it is EXTREMELY EASY for intelligence ( like the CIA ) to produce brass plate companies and double identities. Your links are nothing more than proof of that. What are the chances that the Andrew J. Kline who is at the very center of the child trafficking ring of Pizzagate has an exact double ( in name only ) in the DC area? Astronomical. You and other dismissing this 'coincidence' demonstrate just how little you know about intelligence practices.

JeremiahSinclair ago

It may be easy for them to produce double identities, but where's the evidence that that is the case with Kline? You can't just say that it being easy to do = evidence that it was done.

remedy4reality ago

I'll tell you what, when CNN starts mentioning the TWO Andrew J. Kline's as proof that the Pizzagate investigation is bullshit, then I will begin to believe it. Because the Kline associated with Besta and the Kline associated with the DOJ, BOTH look like plotters, at this point.

JeremiahSinclair ago

To each their own. I personally just don't see it as a strong connection, but don't let that stop ya.

reasonedandinformed ago

Please remove the reference to the DOJ, that part has been specifically debunked, to give more credibility to this. The video and links to the actual owner are interesting, but please show these direct links...from Besta Pizza...to owner (claimed to be Abdel Hammad, but I have not personally seen that link)...to international/Saudis. We want the truth and need to remove pieces that are wrong so that the story is not discredited from the pieces that are known to be factually incorrect.

Notmeagain ago

"Besta" means "Beast" in Portuguese. Beast Pizza.

Forgetmenot ago

Thank you CTR SCUM for showing this to be thread to be on to something, your tactics are transparent and you are only confirming that this is a hot lead. Keep up the good work CTR you just know exactly how to point the investigators in the right direction.

reasonedandinformed ago

It is interesting that the international trade company http://www.universaltradeinc.com/ has password protected the front of its website. I am going off reports that this is a new change. Why would a business do this on their FRONT PAGE?

ejd4500 ago

How'd you connect to that domain?

Login is not a new change, archive.org is showing this all the way back to the start it was archived.

Feb 9, 2013:


reasonedandinformed ago

There was a claim by someone investigating it. It may have been bad info, but the guy indicated that it had been changed. Regardless, it seems odd that a commercial business has a login requirement just to know about them.

nomorepizza ago

I feel like I'm starting to get a nose for this stuff. Is it me or are red and yellow pedo colors? Might also explain the whole pepperoni pizza theme that we keep seeing everywhere. It's always pepperoni pizza, they rarely seem to choose plain cheese or other toppings. I'm just saying, maybe red and yellow is another code. Which does not bode well for McDonalds :X

reasonedandinformed ago

Yellow seems to code to boy from the yellow necklace...also there is an obvious yellow pedo triangle image for an organization down there (Dupont area), with the page showing ping pong tables in the background. I remember coming across this last week and cannot seem to find it anymore. I recall it being some sort of non-profit (I think) focused either on economic development, support, or maybe the arts, based down in that are of NW. The imagery was heavy-duty pedo right on the front of their site. I hope somebody reading this can help us find it again as I think it is relevant. That might imply red is for girls. Just some thoughts.

reasonedandinformed ago

BlueBerryPie is either CTR or extremely ignorant. He just joined this investigation 6 hours ago to once again throw up disinformation. You know at this point that someone is either CTR or stupid when the lead is: "Andrew Kline, owner of Besta Pizza and with the DOJ..."

This has been fully debunked. There are two Andrew Kline's that are attorneys in DC, with the first one being the person tied to Besta Pizza: http://theveritaslawfirm.com/our-team/ https://twitter.com/kliner?lang=en

Either try to argue and prove that this information is incorrect, with documentation, or stop with something that has been disproved. It does NOT mean that there is not a Saudi connection, but leading with a "false fact" tarnishes anything that follows. If there is a Saudi connection, make it with accurate documentation.

wecanhelp ago

Take a break. It's heavy, and we all need a little away-time from it occasionally. It's better to take a break once in a while than to burn out and never come back.

Concernedcitizen2 ago

But the alleged child trafficking needs to happen some how right? I mean, how are they moving the supposed children? Most of the children would have to come from overseas and move somehow.

flyingcuttlefish ago

The video has this - Hammad's businesses: https://www.bizapedia.com/people/hammad-abdelrahman.html

MeatballPizza ago

The Arab man who was interviewed after the 'shooter' episode is a lawyer specializing in the 'international movement of goods and people.'


quantokitty ago

If this is true, he certainly misrepresented him in his television interviews. He alleged he was just some poor immigrant who relied on the one pizza shop to feed his family and put his children through school. Meanwhile, he's filthy rich and owns multiple sources of income, plus being associated with huge real estate dealings.

pedos4trump ago

Andrew Kline (DOJ) created "Veritas Law Firm" as a false front to isolate him from direct contact of the PEDO-PHILE OPERATION.

DOJ cover for Saudi assets

The most perceptive insights on VOAT are focused on Arab-Saudi ownership of the entire city block underneath Comet Pizza and a nearby pizzeria called Besta (not Basta, the Italian word for enough or too much), operated by Abdul Hamade (Abdel Rahmann Hammad), who is also owner of the Boli pizza chain) and Samir Sbitan. Besta, as in bestiality, has for its logo the “Boy Lovers” symbol, a triangular spiral. Are there any sheep out back?

The entire lot under Besta and Comet is owned, on paper at least, by attorney Andrew J. Kline, a graduate of the Kennedy School at Harvard. To disguise his government work at the Department of Justice, Kline hides behind a front business, the “Veritas” law office located on Dupont Circle and with a field office in Chevy Chase, near Comet Pizza. Further pursuit by online researchers showed the same curly-haired lawyer Kline to be a Bill Clinton appointee in the Department of Justice (DOJ) Human Trafficking Prosecution Unit, when Janet Reno was Attorney General.

The junior partner at Veritas is Stephen J. Whelan, who worked previously at Metro (the D.C. Transport Agency), an interesting coincidence with the controversy over the old Red Line Tunnel under Connecticut Avenue, mentioned in a John Podesta email.

Kline’s employment with Justice causes some befuddlement among Pizzagate hunters, as it raises the question of whether Comet Pizza is an FBI honey trap to nab international child-smugglers. My educated guess is no, based on my work in an undercover journalistic probe into the secret activities of the human-trafficking bureau at Justice and the State Department.

Despite its pretense of stopping people smugglers, the human trafficking program does the exact opposite, organizing and facilitating the transport of, say, North Koreans and Chinese Uyghurs into Thailand and onto the US territory of Saipan. U.S. consular officers provide money and fake passports to “snakeheads” from China and, more recently, Turkish traffickers who transported Mideast and African migrants by boat to Greece and onto Germany since the summer of 2015. The human trafficking officers aid and abet the flow of illegals, and often prevent immigration and Border Patrol from detaining their live cargo.

Certainly, the Podesta brothers would not be assigned to a honey trap, as that would compromise their intelligence roles. The large property in Chevy Chase has to be part of a political bribery deal between the Arabs and the Clintons, now being protected by the Obama administration.

IOUs from the UAE

It is a common practice for foreign-owned properties to be administered by a proxy registered “owner”, like Kline, on behalf of a foreign company like Dhs.CON.N.E.B. Let’s examine this curious company name, with a little help from my past experience in the Gulf States. First, Dhs in this case does not refer to Department of Homeland Security. It stands for Dirhams, the currency of the United Arab Emirates (UAE). CON is short for Construction and N.E.B. stands for National Engineering Bureau LLC (limited liability company).

This Dubai-owned property group, likely to be financed by the Saudis, has owned the lot for longer than a decade. The primary motive for the property does not appear to be rental income but instead is a vehicle to provide funds to the Clintons. The blog Lux E Tenebris has been so kind as to provide a map of the Dubai-owned lot on either side of Connecticut Avenue.

The storefronts are occupied by Comet Pizza; Bucks Fishing and Camping restaurant (also owned by Alefantes); Besta Pizza run by Arabs; Politics and Prose bookstore owned by Lissa Muscatine, a senior speechwriter for then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, and her husband Bradley Graham with The Washington Post. Across the street is Beyond Borders, a Clinton Foundation-funded NGO involved with promoting the European refugee crisis; and Terasol Bistro, whose website is decorated with the pedophile trapped heart symbol.

By now, with so many facts vetted and verified, Pizzagate is clearly not fake news, Congressmen, and you’re going to have to face the facts and nothing but the facts.

High-class Brothels for Small Vices

Next question: What do the rich Arab investors get in return? As this question spun around in my brain, the image that popped up out of the memory banks was of a naked prostitute standing inside an upright steel coffin, that image being from the cover of of the second edition of Len Deighton’s 1967 potboiler “An Expensive Place to Die”. Here’s the jacket blurb:

“A 'clinic' on Paris's Avenue Foch designed to cater lavishly for multiple perversions, staffed by a group of sexually and intellectually high-powered girls and equipped with devices ranging from an Iron Maiden to psychedelic truth-drugs that's the set-up operated by the enigmatic Monsieur Daft. “Naturally, it has a hidden purpose: to compile dossiers of tape and film on influential political clients from East and West. Into this twilight world of decadence and hidden motives come the agents of four world powers. Are they after Datt's pornographic blackmail dossiers? Or is their purpose, altogether more deadly than a trip to the blue movies?”

Fact being stranger than fiction is something I can attest to after 30 years of investigative journalism. What if your wealthy and powerful target has already tried everything, including Vegas hookers, Dallas lap dancers, Asian massage, Castro Street bath houses, Thai transvestites and foxy Euros on Avenue Foch, what else is new? What about sex with a 10-month-old blonde German girl, like the one advertised by Alefantes? Or a boisterous white American boy of 7 who’s just now learning about the wonders of erectile tissue? In a decadent world of cosmetic surgery and boob jobs, innocent children are caviar to the connoisseur.

For the jaded sheikh or defense minister, who’s seen and done everything, it’s no great thrill to watch naked lads sliding down the handrail of a staircase, a scene of degraded commercialized sex in the male brothel scene from Marcel Proust’s Remembrance of Things Past. Instead of overt sexuality, what if your guests were invited to an informal pizza dinner at your home and discovered “the neighbor’s kids” skinny dipping in the heated pool? What more could you offer as a token of friendship than an invitation to a master bedroom with its own jacuzzi for each of the guests to share with a little companion?

Welcome to the family, make yourself at home. Help yourself to wine and the pantry and the kids. Oh, phone. Darn, there’s noise from the human rights crowd about Yemen, but another few million on top of the F-18 contract should be enough to handle Congress. We’ll deal with it in the morning. Ain’t she as cute as a doll? Wish I had a daughter like that. Enjoy the late night show, buddy.

Would the foreign dignitaries spot the hidden camera and microphone? Or are they too tantalized to notice? And that’s why intelligence services are pressing Congress crack down on fake news to protect their dirty little secret. Meanwhile, Hillary Clinton agitates for children’s rights. It would be a comedy of hypocrisy if little kids were not being traumatized and dumped into landfills.

JeremiahSinclair ago

Why do you keep re-posting the same text? If it didn't convince someone the first time, four more instances of it isn't going to change their minds.

AdVict0riam ago

Because he's a known shill using multiple accounts to spread as much disinfo as he can.

Known examples: @pizza4trump @pedos4trump @trumpisaPEDOPHILE @GoatMeat4Sale @voatmeat4sale

JeremiahSinclair ago

Oh I agree, I was actually trying to defend the people disagreeing with him. Hahah his post looks like utter BS.

pedos4trump ago

Right Andrew Kline, there is only ONE Andrew Kline that is DOJ Andrew Kline,

The entire baby's to fuck 4 saudi's program has been ran by DOJ for 20+ years.

DOJ cover for Saudi assets

The most perceptive insights on VOAT are focused on Arab-Saudi ownership of the entire city block underneath Comet Pizza and a nearby pizzeria called Besta (not Basta, the Italian word for enough or too much), operated by Abdul Hamade (Abdel Rahmann Hammad), who is also owner of the Boli pizza chain) and Samir Sbitan. Besta, as in bestiality, has for its logo the “Boy Lovers” symbol, a triangular spiral. Are there any sheep out back?

The entire lot under Besta and Comet is owned, on paper at least, by attorney Andrew J. Kline, a graduate of the Kennedy School at Harvard. To disguise his government work at the Department of Justice, Kline hides behind a front business, the “Veritas” law office located on Dupont Circle and with a field office in Chevy Chase, near Comet Pizza. Further pursuit by online researchers showed the same curly-haired lawyer Kline to be a Bill Clinton appointee in the Department of Justice (DOJ) Human Trafficking Prosecution Unit, when Janet Reno was Attorney General.

The junior partner at Veritas is Stephen J. Whelan, who worked previously at Metro (the D.C. Transport Agency), an interesting coincidence with the controversy over the old Red Line Tunnel under Connecticut Avenue, mentioned in a John Podesta email.

Kline’s employment with Justice causes some befuddlement among Pizzagate hunters, as it raises the question of whether Comet Pizza is an FBI honey trap to nab international child-smugglers. My educated guess is no, based on my work in an undercover journalistic probe into the secret activities of the human-trafficking bureau at Justice and the State Department.

Despite its pretense of stopping people smugglers, the human trafficking program does the exact opposite, organizing and facilitating the transport of, say, North Koreans and Chinese Uyghurs into Thailand and onto the US territory of Saipan. U.S. consular officers provide money and fake passports to “snakeheads” from China and, more recently, Turkish traffickers who transported Mideast and African migrants by boat to Greece and onto Germany since the summer of 2015. The human trafficking officers aid and abet the flow of illegals, and often prevent immigration and Border Patrol from detaining their live cargo.

Certainly, the Podesta brothers would not be assigned to a honey trap, as that would compromise their intelligence roles. The large property in Chevy Chase has to be part of a political bribery deal between the Arabs and the Clintons, now being protected by the Obama administration.

IOUs from the UAE

It is a common practice for foreign-owned properties to be administered by a proxy registered “owner”, like Kline, on behalf of a foreign company like Dhs.CON.N.E.B. Let’s examine this curious company name, with a little help from my past experience in the Gulf States. First, Dhs in this case does not refer to Department of Homeland Security. It stands for Dirhams, the currency of the United Arab Emirates (UAE). CON is short for Construction and N.E.B. stands for National Engineering Bureau LLC (limited liability company).

This Dubai-owned property group, likely to be financed by the Saudis, has owned the lot for longer than a decade. The primary motive for the property does not appear to be rental income but instead is a vehicle to provide funds to the Clintons. The blog Lux E Tenebris has been so kind as to provide a map of the Dubai-owned lot on either side of Connecticut Avenue.

The storefronts are occupied by Comet Pizza; Bucks Fishing and Camping restaurant (also owned by Alefantes); Besta Pizza run by Arabs; Politics and Prose bookstore owned by Lissa Muscatine, a senior speechwriter for then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, and her husband Bradley Graham with The Washington Post. Across the street is Beyond Borders, a Clinton Foundation-funded NGO involved with promoting the European refugee crisis; and Terasol Bistro, whose website is decorated with the pedophile trapped heart symbol.

By now, with so many facts vetted and verified, Pizzagate is clearly not fake news, Congressmen, and you’re going to have to face the facts and nothing but the facts.

High-class Brothels for Small Vices

Next question: What do the rich Arab investors get in return? As this question spun around in my brain, the image that popped up out of the memory banks was of a naked prostitute standing inside an upright steel coffin, that image being from the cover of of the second edition of Len Deighton’s 1967 potboiler “An Expensive Place to Die”. Here’s the jacket blurb:

“A 'clinic' on Paris's Avenue Foch designed to cater lavishly for multiple perversions, staffed by a group of sexually and intellectually high-powered girls and equipped with devices ranging from an Iron Maiden to psychedelic truth-drugs that's the set-up operated by the enigmatic Monsieur Daft. “Naturally, it has a hidden purpose: to compile dossiers of tape and film on influential political clients from East and West. Into this twilight world of decadence and hidden motives come the agents of four world powers. Are they after Datt's pornographic blackmail dossiers? Or is their purpose, altogether more deadly than a trip to the blue movies?”

Fact being stranger than fiction is something I can attest to after 30 years of investigative journalism. What if your wealthy and powerful target has already tried everything, including Vegas hookers, Dallas lap dancers, Asian massage, Castro Street bath houses, Thai transvestites and foxy Euros on Avenue Foch, what else is new? What about sex with a 10-month-old blonde German girl, like the one advertised by Alefantes? Or a boisterous white American boy of 7 who’s just now learning about the wonders of erectile tissue? In a decadent world of cosmetic surgery and boob jobs, innocent children are caviar to the connoisseur.

For the jaded sheikh or defense minister, who’s seen and done everything, it’s no great thrill to watch naked lads sliding down the handrail of a staircase, a scene of degraded commercialized sex in the male brothel scene from Marcel Proust’s Remembrance of Things Past. Instead of overt sexuality, what if your guests were invited to an informal pizza dinner at your home and discovered “the neighbor’s kids” skinny dipping in the heated pool? What more could you offer as a token of friendship than an invitation to a master bedroom with its own jacuzzi for each of the guests to share with a little companion?

Welcome to the family, make yourself at home. Help yourself to wine and the pantry and the kids. Oh, phone. Darn, there’s noise from the human rights crowd about Yemen, but another few million on top of the F-18 contract should be enough to handle Congress. We’ll deal with it in the morning. Ain’t she as cute as a doll? Wish I had a daughter like that. Enjoy the late night show, buddy.

Would the foreign dignitaries spot the hidden camera and microphone? Or are they too tantalized to notice? And that’s why intelligence services are pressing Congress crack down on fake news to protect their dirty little secret. Meanwhile, Hillary Clinton agitates for children’s rights. It would be a comedy of hypocrisy if little kids were not being traumatized and dumped into landfills.

AdVict0riam ago

Please stop intentionally spreading disinfo, you fucking shill.

pedos4trump ago

Exact SAME Andrew Kline, DOJ owns the Saudi PEDO Network in DC.

DOJ cover for Saudi assets

The most perceptive insights on VOAT are focused on Arab-Saudi ownership of the entire city block underneath Comet Pizza and a nearby pizzeria called Besta (not Basta, the Italian word for enough or too much), operated by Abdul Hamade (Abdel Rahmann Hammad), who is also owner of the Boli pizza chain) and Samir Sbitan. Besta, as in bestiality, has for its logo the “Boy Lovers” symbol, a triangular spiral. Are there any sheep out back?

The entire lot under Besta and Comet is owned, on paper at least, by attorney Andrew J. Kline, a graduate of the Kennedy School at Harvard. To disguise his government work at the Department of Justice, Kline hides behind a front business, the “Veritas” law office located on Dupont Circle and with a field office in Chevy Chase, near Comet Pizza. Further pursuit by online researchers showed the same curly-haired lawyer Kline to be a Bill Clinton appointee in the Department of Justice (DOJ) Human Trafficking Prosecution Unit, when Janet Reno was Attorney General.

The junior partner at Veritas is Stephen J. Whelan, who worked previously at Metro (the D.C. Transport Agency), an interesting coincidence with the controversy over the old Red Line Tunnel under Connecticut Avenue, mentioned in a John Podesta email.

Kline’s employment with Justice causes some befuddlement among Pizzagate hunters, as it raises the question of whether Comet Pizza is an FBI honey trap to nab international child-smugglers. My educated guess is no, based on my work in an undercover journalistic probe into the secret activities of the human-trafficking bureau at Justice and the State Department.

Despite its pretense of stopping people smugglers, the human trafficking program does the exact opposite, organizing and facilitating the transport of, say, North Koreans and Chinese Uyghurs into Thailand and onto the US territory of Saipan. U.S. consular officers provide money and fake passports to “snakeheads” from China and, more recently, Turkish traffickers who transported Mideast and African migrants by boat to Greece and onto Germany since the summer of 2015. The human trafficking officers aid and abet the flow of illegals, and often prevent immigration and Border Patrol from detaining their live cargo.

Certainly, the Podesta brothers would not be assigned to a honey trap, as that would compromise their intelligence roles. The large property in Chevy Chase has to be part of a political bribery deal between the Arabs and the Clintons, now being protected by the Obama administration.

IOUs from the UAE

It is a common practice for foreign-owned properties to be administered by a proxy registered “owner”, like Kline, on behalf of a foreign company like Dhs.CON.N.E.B. Let’s examine this curious company name, with a little help from my past experience in the Gulf States. First, Dhs in this case does not refer to Department of Homeland Security. It stands for Dirhams, the currency of the United Arab Emirates (UAE). CON is short for Construction and N.E.B. stands for National Engineering Bureau LLC (limited liability company).

This Dubai-owned property group, likely to be financed by the Saudis, has owned the lot for longer than a decade. The primary motive for the property does not appear to be rental income but instead is a vehicle to provide funds to the Clintons. The blog Lux E Tenebris has been so kind as to provide a map of the Dubai-owned lot on either side of Connecticut Avenue.

The storefronts are occupied by Comet Pizza; Bucks Fishing and Camping restaurant (also owned by Alefantes); Besta Pizza run by Arabs; Politics and Prose bookstore owned by Lissa Muscatine, a senior speechwriter for then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, and her husband Bradley Graham with The Washington Post. Across the street is Beyond Borders, a Clinton Foundation-funded NGO involved with promoting the European refugee crisis; and Terasol Bistro, whose website is decorated with the pedophile trapped heart symbol.

By now, with so many facts vetted and verified, Pizzagate is clearly not fake news, Congressmen, and you’re going to have to face the facts and nothing but the facts.

High-class Brothels for Small Vices

Next question: What do the rich Arab investors get in return? As this question spun around in my brain, the image that popped up out of the memory banks was of a naked prostitute standing inside an upright steel coffin, that image being from the cover of of the second edition of Len Deighton’s 1967 potboiler “An Expensive Place to Die”. Here’s the jacket blurb:

“A 'clinic' on Paris's Avenue Foch designed to cater lavishly for multiple perversions, staffed by a group of sexually and intellectually high-powered girls and equipped with devices ranging from an Iron Maiden to psychedelic truth-drugs that's the set-up operated by the enigmatic Monsieur Daft. “Naturally, it has a hidden purpose: to compile dossiers of tape and film on influential political clients from East and West. Into this twilight world of decadence and hidden motives come the agents of four world powers. Are they after Datt's pornographic blackmail dossiers? Or is their purpose, altogether more deadly than a trip to the blue movies?”

Fact being stranger than fiction is something I can attest to after 30 years of investigative journalism. What if your wealthy and powerful target has already tried everything, including Vegas hookers, Dallas lap dancers, Asian massage, Castro Street bath houses, Thai transvestites and foxy Euros on Avenue Foch, what else is new? What about sex with a 10-month-old blonde German girl, like the one advertised by Alefantes? Or a boisterous white American boy of 7 who’s just now learning about the wonders of erectile tissue? In a decadent world of cosmetic surgery and boob jobs, innocent children are caviar to the connoisseur.

For the jaded sheikh or defense minister, who’s seen and done everything, it’s no great thrill to watch naked lads sliding down the handrail of a staircase, a scene of degraded commercialized sex in the male brothel scene from Marcel Proust’s Remembrance of Things Past. Instead of overt sexuality, what if your guests were invited to an informal pizza dinner at your home and discovered “the neighbor’s kids” skinny dipping in the heated pool? What more could you offer as a token of friendship than an invitation to a master bedroom with its own jacuzzi for each of the guests to share with a little companion?

Welcome to the family, make yourself at home. Help yourself to wine and the pantry and the kids. Oh, phone. Darn, there’s noise from the human rights crowd about Yemen, but another few million on top of the F-18 contract should be enough to handle Congress. We’ll deal with it in the morning. Ain’t she as cute as a doll? Wish I had a daughter like that. Enjoy the late night show, buddy.

Would the foreign dignitaries spot the hidden camera and microphone? Or are they too tantalized to notice? And that’s why intelligence services are pressing Congress crack down on fake news to protect their dirty little secret. Meanwhile, Hillary Clinton agitates for children’s rights. It would be a comedy of hypocrisy if little kids were not being traumatized and dumped into landfills.

thezodiac ago

"pedos4trump" - shill detected. Also: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5GgflscOmW8

AdVict0riam ago


This user is a suspected shill who has created at least 5 throwaway accounts this morning ALONE from which to spam disinfo.

Known examples so far: @pizza4trump @pedos4trump @trumpisaPEDOPHILE @GoatMeat4Sale @voatmeat4sale

concernedcitizen36 ago


Here is that other dude's video Random Rants. He does screen shots and captures the connections via video

bdmthrfkr ago

Did you see what that sneaky little fucker did with the second Andrew J. Kline?

He is a different guy but he doesn't FUCKING WORK FOR THE DOJ, HE WORKS FOR THE FCC!!!

He just found some different guy that works for the Gov't and has the same name. What a weasel!!

remedy4reality ago

You are 100% on the right track with Andrew J. Kline. Creating brass plate companies and double identities is child's play for intelligence experts. There is something also very similar ( not identical ) about the features of both pictures of Kline(s). Image morphing is very advance at this point, and barring a comprehensive debunking ( more than a twitter page, folks ) that these are not the same guy, I will continue to believe they are. Andrew J. Kline is a central and key player in this ring.

YouaremeandIamyou ago

kline is also mentioned as Alefantis' lawyer, which would explain him having some holdings for Alefantis perhaps. it figures, someone from doj would be qualified as a lawyer..

Millennial_Falcon ago

YouaremeandIamyou ago

wrong again. your source, andew kline himself. you do not think, he can assume two, or more identities if he wants to? if it was not him, he would have spoke up weeks ago. use your logic!

shortymcbossypants ago

You do realize that a lot of us just scroll past your text walls?

remedy4reality ago

That is a big mistake. This guy, in my opinion is coming to the same conclusions about Pizzagate that I am. He displays an understanding of the complex nature of intelligence operations and the way brass plate companies are used to hide layer upon layer of illegal activities. How could anyone possible believe individuals tied through legal documents to these business are not part of the conspiracy? Why don't you prove, without a doubt, that Andrew J. Kline is two different people?

shortymcbossypants ago

Honestly, I think that this Andrew Kline and the other Andrew Kline are one and the same person, but in all reality, if you are going to post walls and walls of text, not everybody is going to read it especially when we might be strained for time. In the entire time that I read half that wall of text of this one person, my 3 year old went into the kitchen, finished up their juice, then dragged a chair into the pantry and opened up a whole large Costco pack of Kings Hawaiian rolls, took their clothes off and was eating dinner rolls at 10 am naked on my kitchen table. I got halfway through before having to leave to tend the wild squirrel pants toddler that I have! Never got to the second half, but I imagine it is a good tie in but I know I can't be the exception but there are plenty of us that are housewives, or at a job, and if a person can write up a good bit about something, do it in an efficient manner that we can all read for busy people.

darkofthemoon ago

The main differences are that the Vertitas picture is older, fatter, and has a slightly different haircut than the twitter picture. I could easily see that being the same person ten years later.

Look at the hair: the color, the texture, the hairline. The hairline in the Veritas picture seems to have receded a little bit, but that is only normal because the person is older.

Look at the cheeks. The cheeks look very distinctive and are the same in both pictures.

Look at the eyes. They are the same dark color in both pictures and have the same shape.

Look at the mouth. Both pictures have the same smile with the same thin lips.

I think these two Andrew J. Klines from Washington D.C. are absolutely the same person, and claiming they don't look "remotely" similar is just not true.

redditsuckz ago

Whats in the "coffee"?...need more eyes on it;

Coffeegate - Starbucks mentioned 109 times and "Coffee" mentioned over 650 times


VictorDaniels777 ago

Maybe some sugar

Fatsack ago

They think they're wizards, and they think we're muggles.

darkofthemoon ago

Really? The Andrew J. Kline from Washington D.C in the first link looks a lot like the Andrew J. Kline from Washington D.C. in the second link. It looks like a same person to me, only the law firm picture is several years newer.

quantokitty ago

I thought it was stated that the middle initial "J" doesn't appear in the business forms. It's just "Andrew Kline". The preponderance of the evidence seems to suggest it's not Andrew Kline of the DOJ since the other Andrew Kline specializes in business consoldation.

altpizza ago

It's all right here, but Bot's can't and don't read or comprehend, they just respond to keywords and judge sentiment analysis and generate canned response.

Read the Fucking Report on Andrew Kline Mother Fucker

DOJ cover for Saudi assets

The most perceptive insights on VOAT are focused on Arab-Saudi ownership of the entire city block underneath Comet Pizza and a nearby pizzeria called Besta (not Basta, the Italian word for enough or too much), operated by Abdul Hamade (Abdel Rahmann Hammad), who is also owner of the Boli pizza chain) and Samir Sbitan. Besta, as in bestiality, has for its logo the “Boy Lovers” symbol, a triangular spiral. Are there any sheep out back?

The entire lot under Besta and Comet is owned, on paper at least, by attorney Andrew J. Kline, a graduate of the Kennedy School at Harvard. To disguise his government work at the Department of Justice, Kline hides behind a front business, the “Veritas” law office located on Dupont Circle and with a field office in Chevy Chase, near Comet Pizza. Further pursuit by online researchers showed the same curly-haired lawyer Kline to be a Bill Clinton appointee in the Department of Justice (DOJ) Human Trafficking Prosecution Unit, when Janet Reno was Attorney General.

The junior partner at Veritas is Stephen J. Whelan, who worked previously at Metro (the D.C. Transport Agency), an interesting coincidence with the controversy over the old Red Line Tunnel under Connecticut Avenue, mentioned in a John Podesta email.

Kline’s employment with Justice causes some befuddlement among Pizzagate hunters, as it raises the question of whether Comet Pizza is an FBI honey trap to nab international child-smugglers. My educated guess is no, based on my work in an undercover journalistic probe into the secret activities of the human-trafficking bureau at Justice and the State Department.

Despite its pretense of stopping people smugglers, the human trafficking program does the exact opposite, organizing and facilitating the transport of, say, North Koreans and Chinese Uyghurs into Thailand and onto the US territory of Saipan. U.S. consular officers provide money and fake passports to “snakeheads” from China and, more recently, Turkish traffickers who transported Mideast and African migrants by boat to Greece and onto Germany since the summer of 2015. The human trafficking officers aid and abet the flow of illegals, and often prevent immigration and Border Patrol from detaining their live cargo.

Certainly, the Podesta brothers would not be assigned to a honey trap, as that would compromise their intelligence roles. The large property in Chevy Chase has to be part of a political bribery deal between the Arabs and the Clintons, now being protected by the Obama administration.

IOUs from the UAE

It is a common practice for foreign-owned properties to be administered by a proxy registered “owner”, like Kline, on behalf of a foreign company like Dhs.CON.N.E.B. Let’s examine this curious company name, with a little help from my past experience in the Gulf States. First, Dhs in this case does not refer to Department of Homeland Security. It stands for Dirhams, the currency of the United Arab Emirates (UAE). CON is short for Construction and N.E.B. stands for National Engineering Bureau LLC (limited liability company).

This Dubai-owned property group, likely to be financed by the Saudis, has owned the lot for longer than a decade. The primary motive for the property does not appear to be rental income but instead is a vehicle to provide funds to the Clintons. The blog Lux E Tenebris has been so kind as to provide a map of the Dubai-owned lot on either side of Connecticut Avenue.

The storefronts are occupied by Comet Pizza; Bucks Fishing and Camping restaurant (also owned by Alefantes); Besta Pizza run by Arabs; Politics and Prose bookstore owned by Lissa Muscatine, a senior speechwriter for then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, and her husband Bradley Graham with The Washington Post. Across the street is Beyond Borders, a Clinton Foundation-funded NGO involved with promoting the European refugee crisis; and Terasol Bistro, whose website is decorated with the pedophile trapped heart symbol.

By now, with so many facts vetted and verified, Pizzagate is clearly not fake news, Congressmen, and you’re going to have to face the facts and nothing but the facts.

High-class Brothels for Small Vices

Next question: What do the rich Arab investors get in return? As this question spun around in my brain, the image that popped up out of the memory banks was of a naked prostitute standing inside an upright steel coffin, that image being from the cover of of the second edition of Len Deighton’s 1967 potboiler “An Expensive Place to Die”. Here’s the jacket blurb:

“A 'clinic' on Paris's Avenue Foch designed to cater lavishly for multiple perversions, staffed by a group of sexually and intellectually high-powered girls and equipped with devices ranging from an Iron Maiden to psychedelic truth-drugs that's the set-up operated by the enigmatic Monsieur Daft. “Naturally, it has a hidden purpose: to compile dossiers of tape and film on influential political clients from East and West. Into this twilight world of decadence and hidden motives come the agents of four world powers. Are they after Datt's pornographic blackmail dossiers? Or is their purpose, altogether more deadly than a trip to the blue movies?”

Fact being stranger than fiction is something I can attest to after 30 years of investigative journalism. What if your wealthy and powerful target has already tried everything, including Vegas hookers, Dallas lap dancers, Asian massage, Castro Street bath houses, Thai transvestites and foxy Euros on Avenue Foch, what else is new? What about sex with a 10-month-old blonde German girl, like the one advertised by Alefantes? Or a boisterous white American boy of 7 who’s just now learning about the wonders of erectile tissue? In a decadent world of cosmetic surgery and boob jobs, innocent children are caviar to the connoisseur.

For the jaded sheikh or defense minister, who’s seen and done everything, it’s no great thrill to watch naked lads sliding down the handrail of a staircase, a scene of degraded commercialized sex in the male brothel scene from Marcel Proust’s Remembrance of Things Past. Instead of overt sexuality, what if your guests were invited to an informal pizza dinner at your home and discovered “the neighbor’s kids” skinny dipping in the heated pool? What more could you offer as a token of friendship than an invitation to a master bedroom with its own jacuzzi for each of the guests to share with a little companion?

Welcome to the family, make yourself at home. Help yourself to wine and the pantry and the kids. Oh, phone. Darn, there’s noise from the human rights crowd about Yemen, but another few million on top of the F-18 contract should be enough to handle Congress. We’ll deal with it in the morning. Ain’t she as cute as a doll? Wish I had a daughter like that. Enjoy the late night show, buddy.

Would the foreign dignitaries spot the hidden camera and microphone? Or are they too tantalized to notice? And that’s why intelligence services are pressing Congress crack down on fake news to protect their dirty little secret. Meanwhile, Hillary Clinton agitates for children’s rights. It would be a comedy of hypocrisy if little kids were not being traumatized and dumped into landfills.


quantokitty ago

But Andrew J. Kline is not on the paperwork. This presupposes a lot. Where is the proof of Andrew J. Kline being the Kline that signed the registration and how did Andrew Kline of the DOJ get into this. This tells me nothing ... well, not nothing, but there are a lot of connections that are being assumed and not proven. Kline could have simply been hired to do a job.

CrackerJacks ago

The Andrew Kline part isn't the interesting part here, it's the pizza shop owners businesses....Why people are stuck on this Andrew Kline crap I don't know.

NumbCuck ago

U Know why.

Did a single person here watch the video link?

To learn about all the assets that the current pizza operator at besta-pizza has under his control? Remember when interviewed on youtube, he said he was a poor pizza guy with just one shop??

Now we learn that he owns an empire with direct connections to Saudi.

CrackerJacks ago

I watched one video interview with him....He was making pizza whilst being interviewed taking about how he's been there 26yrs or some shit and his business has been going down. Is that the one?

blind_sypher ago

Misdirection, look at the putz's name.

ki-yoshi ago

You're right, interesting.

CrackerJacks ago

Huh? Sorry, I don't get you.

blind_sypher ago

Too many lies, people dont trust the system anymore and as a result its imploding in on itself.

Rigg5 ago

Andrew Kline or not, how are we debunking that he is part of two transportation services? I just read an article that trafficking is done via train and boat primarily. Anyone?

VieBleu ago

The Besta owner talks about himself as just an immigrant working man pizza joint owner who is going to have to close down because of pizzagate publicity - is this true, or is this so not true?

CrackerJacks ago

There was an interview with him on one of the MSM networks.....Said something along those lines.

Selnee ago

Yes I've read that also and that he also voted for Trump.

ababcb ago

Aside from the Andrew Kline aspect, what has been debunked about this?

darkofthemoon ago

Nothing. And I'm not sure Andrew Kline has been genuinely debunked either.

EDIT: Now I'm sure Andre J. Kline wasn't actually debunked. It's just that CTR is using the same denial technique as MSM does with the Pizzagate in general. Also, just like the MSM ignores James Alefantis's Instagram pictures because they are too damaging, CTR here ignores the Saudi Arabia connection that is the actual substance of the submission.

JeremiahSinclair ago

I don't know that the issue is that it's been debunked, I think the issue is that evidence hasn't really supported it and yet it's being regurgitated as a fact that is then cited to support a further list of findings. I think we're being too quick to denounce as "shills" anyone who believes differently based on what research they've seen personally. Someone is clearly wrong, but that doens't mean that person is shilling or being intentionally misleading.

EndThePizza ago

Yeah I'd really like to know for certain. If it's true, it would be HUGE, but we have to be certain, because we don't want to make claims that can be discredited, and we also don't want to be accusing innocent people.

DC is a big place, but it's still an odd coincidence that there would be two Andrew Kline's that are both lawyers. Two people with the same name and the same profession is uncommon, multiplied by the chance that it happens to be one of the few people we're investigating. Not only that, but what are the chances that the supposedly unrelated Kline would work specifically with the same issue that we're investigating?

It seems like an awful lot of coincidences, but we need solid proof.

concernedcitizen36 ago

https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1476211 I have all my sources right here! This is not debunked at all!!

MAGAphobia ago

This isn't how human trafficking works.

Whizwit21 ago

Please enlighten us.

CrackerJacks ago

Business links for HAMMAD ABDELRAHMAN https://www.bizapedia.com/people/hammad-abdelrahman.html

reasonedandinformed ago

Looks like another CTR SHILL. Brand new account regurgitating a debunked story.

darkofthemoon ago

I seem to remember somebody earlier making a case that YOU @reasonedandinformed are a CTR shill...

I also seem to remember that somebody disproved the argument that it being the same Andrew Kline was disproved... The name Andrew Kline keeps popping up, and I think it's entirely possible that CTR really, really, really wants to keep the connection hidden because it's so damning.

Sorry for this being a vague post, but the parent doesn't provide any evidence either.

EDIT: It's interesting that you talk about Andrew Kline here and completely ignore all the other stuff. Shill confirmed.

knowthyselfmore ago

Can we we not slide the OP just once??


This just keeps getting weirder, why would a guy that has two pizza places near CPP have one across the street, another down the street. He has ties to the Saudi firm that owns the entire block.

He owns TWO INTERNATIONAL shipping company's that ship 'live animals' to Arab Countrys.

Remember 'besta pizza' [ with logo "I fuck little boys" ] was created by Andrew Kline, DOJ

Millennial_Falcon ago

The person accusing him had no real evidence, which raises the question of what his motive was.

reasonedandinformed ago

The OP of that post (@BlueBerryPie) is either CTR or extremely ignorant. He just joined this investigation 6 hours ago to once again throw up disinformation. You know at this point that someone is either CTR or stupid when the lead is: "Andrew Kline, owner of Besta Pizza and with the DOJ..."

This has been fully debunked. There are two Andrew Kline's that are attorneys in DC, with the first one being the person tied to Besta Pizza: http://theveritaslawfirm.com/our-team/ and https://twitter.com/kliner?lang=en

Either try to argue and prove that this information is incorrect, with documentation, or stop with something that has been disproved. It does NOT mean that there is not a Saudi connection, but leading with a "false fact" tarnishes anything that follows. If there is a Saudi connection, make it with accurate documentation. BlueberryPie shows all the signs as they keep creating new accounts to lead with this proven "fact" that has been debunked. If they could make the link without starting with or including a lie, let's see us. Look at my history before calling me a shill. It shows your lack of effort to even dig into my history and that of the poster.

popezandy ago

There are three Andrew Klines interestingly, apparently, and it all does seem pretty coincidental. I've never met an Andrew Kline, but 3 of them are in DC skirting around these issues. Furthermore, this post has nothing to do with Kline, though does mention him and may point to some level of ignorance on the part of the author. The point of the article was the connection of Besta Pizza to international live animal shipping companies. It's a good fucking connection and must be investigated.

reasonedandinformed ago

I agree. Initially, he had written it very differently, leading with Kline. He altered the post after some feedback, toning it down. I wanted him to clean it up, and include documentation, as mixing bad info with good leads things to be muddied and discredited. There have been shills in here regurgitating entire arguments that are a mix of half truths intended to waste our time and to be the source to support MSM's claim of "fake news."

reasonedandinformed ago

Provide your definitive proof that this Andrew Kline is the same one from the DOJ. We have pictures that match the Besta Pizza person to the other attorney.

popezandy ago


reasonedandinformed ago

That is a joke. Look into my actual history to become informed. The post yesterday was by CTR.

darthveddit ago

Yup! These are what we need to focus on. These are the nerves. You can see the response when you poke them. Kline, DuPont circle, Saudi Arabia, Podesta. I think the smoking gun lies either with Podesta, or DuPont. As we all know the Dupont family has notoriously been considered a highly psychotic esoteric family. (Think Foxcatcher).

YouaremeandIamyou ago

yes, that besta guy, is very nervous about something.

altpizza ago

BINGO we have a winner

Back 29 days ago when REDDIT kicked Pizzagate off of REDDIT, a CTR MOD from /reddit/The_DONALD name king-kong created the sub here called /v/pizzagate, the goal here all along was to keep people focussed on James Alefantis per the NYT strategy that CPP HQ, and CLINTON was a witch and kept her broom at CPP.

Along the way "REAL INVESTIGATORS" grew wary weeks ago of the asshole MODS & SHILLS here at voat, and did their own work.

What was found is that the Pizza Blocks are ARAB OWNED, that "BESTA PIZZA" ( LOGO I fuck children ) is ARAB owned that the ARAB in question owns Two INTL shipping COMPANY'S that DELIVERS "FRESH PIZZA" ANYWHERE on the planet.

In summary the ASSHOLES that created the SUB are the FUCKING CTR here from day one.

DOJ cover for Saudi assets

The most perceptive insights on VOAT are focused on Arab-Saudi ownership of the entire city block underneath Comet Pizza and a nearby pizzeria called Besta (not Basta, the Italian word for enough or too much), operated by Abdul Hamade (Abdel Rahmann Hammad), who is also owner of the Boli pizza chain) and Samir Sbitan. Besta, as in bestiality, has for its logo the “Boy Lovers” symbol, a triangular spiral. Are there any sheep out back?

The entire lot under Besta and Comet is owned, on paper at least, by attorney Andrew J. Kline, a graduate of the Kennedy School at Harvard. To disguise his government work at the Department of Justice, Kline hides behind a front business, the “Veritas” law office located on Dupont Circle and with a field office in Chevy Chase, near Comet Pizza. Further pursuit by online researchers showed the same curly-haired lawyer Kline to be a Bill Clinton appointee in the Department of Justice (DOJ) Human Trafficking Prosecution Unit, when Janet Reno was Attorney General.

The junior partner at Veritas is Stephen J. Whelan, who worked previously at Metro (the D.C. Transport Agency), an interesting coincidence with the controversy over the old Red Line Tunnel under Connecticut Avenue, mentioned in a John Podesta email.

Kline’s employment with Justice causes some befuddlement among Pizzagate hunters, as it raises the question of whether Comet Pizza is an FBI honey trap to nab international child-smugglers. My educated guess is no, based on my work in an undercover journalistic probe into the secret activities of the human-trafficking bureau at Justice and the State Department.

Despite its pretense of stopping people smugglers, the human trafficking program does the exact opposite, organizing and facilitating the transport of, say, North Koreans and Chinese Uyghurs into Thailand and onto the US territory of Saipan. U.S. consular officers provide money and fake passports to “snakeheads” from China and, more recently, Turkish traffickers who transported Mideast and African migrants by boat to Greece and onto Germany since the summer of 2015. The human trafficking officers aid and abet the flow of illegals, and often prevent immigration and Border Patrol from detaining their live cargo.

Certainly, the Podesta brothers would not be assigned to a honey trap, as that would compromise their intelligence roles. The large property in Chevy Chase has to be part of a political bribery deal between the Arabs and the Clintons, now being protected by the Obama administration.

IOUs from the UAE

It is a common practice for foreign-owned properties to be administered by a proxy registered “owner”, like Kline, on behalf of a foreign company like Dhs.CON.N.E.B. Let’s examine this curious company name, with a little help from my past experience in the Gulf States. First, Dhs in this case does not refer to Department of Homeland Security. It stands for Dirhams, the currency of the United Arab Emirates (UAE). CON is short for Construction and N.E.B. stands for National Engineering Bureau LLC (limited liability company).

This Dubai-owned property group, likely to be financed by the Saudis, has owned the lot for longer than a decade. The primary motive for the property does not appear to be rental income but instead is a vehicle to provide funds to the Clintons. The blog Lux E Tenebris has been so kind as to provide a map of the Dubai-owned lot on either side of Connecticut Avenue.

The storefronts are occupied by Comet Pizza; Bucks Fishing and Camping restaurant (also owned by Alefantes); Besta Pizza run by Arabs; Politics and Prose bookstore owned by Lissa Muscatine, a senior speechwriter for then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, and her husband Bradley Graham with The Washington Post. Across the street is Beyond Borders, a Clinton Foundation-funded NGO involved with promoting the European refugee crisis; and Terasol Bistro, whose website is decorated with the pedophile trapped heart symbol.

By now, with so many facts vetted and verified, Pizzagate is clearly not fake news, Congressmen, and you’re going to have to face the facts and nothing but the facts.

High-class Brothels for Small Vices

Next question: What do the rich Arab investors get in return? As this question spun around in my brain, the image that popped up out of the memory banks was of a naked prostitute standing inside an upright steel coffin, that image being from the cover of of the second edition of Len Deighton’s 1967 potboiler “An Expensive Place to Die”. Here’s the jacket blurb:

“A 'clinic' on Paris's Avenue Foch designed to cater lavishly for multiple perversions, staffed by a group of sexually and intellectually high-powered girls and equipped with devices ranging from an Iron Maiden to psychedelic truth-drugs that's the set-up operated by the enigmatic Monsieur Daft. “Naturally, it has a hidden purpose: to compile dossiers of tape and film on influential political clients from East and West. Into this twilight world of decadence and hidden motives come the agents of four world powers. Are they after Datt's pornographic blackmail dossiers? Or is their purpose, altogether more deadly than a trip to the blue movies?”

Fact being stranger than fiction is something I can attest to after 30 years of investigative journalism. What if your wealthy and powerful target has already tried everything, including Vegas hookers, Dallas lap dancers, Asian massage, Castro Street bath houses, Thai transvestites and foxy Euros on Avenue Foch, what else is new? What about sex with a 10-month-old blonde German girl, like the one advertised by Alefantes? Or a boisterous white American boy of 7 who’s just now learning about the wonders of erectile tissue? In a decadent world of cosmetic surgery and boob jobs, innocent children are caviar to the connoisseur.

For the jaded sheikh or defense minister, who’s seen and done everything, it’s no great thrill to watch naked lads sliding down the handrail of a staircase, a scene of degraded commercialized sex in the male brothel scene from Marcel Proust’s Remembrance of Things Past. Instead of overt sexuality, what if your guests were invited to an informal pizza dinner at your home and discovered “the neighbor’s kids” skinny dipping in the heated pool? What more could you offer as a token of friendship than an invitation to a master bedroom with its own jacuzzi for each of the guests to share with a little companion?

Welcome to the family, make yourself at home. Help yourself to wine and the pantry and the kids. Oh, phone. Darn, there’s noise from the human rights crowd about Yemen, but another few million on top of the F-18 contract should be enough to handle Congress. We’ll deal with it in the morning. Ain’t she as cute as a doll? Wish I had a daughter like that. Enjoy the late night show, buddy.

Would the foreign dignitaries spot the hidden camera and microphone? Or are they too tantalized to notice? And that’s why intelligence services are pressing Congress crack down on fake news to protect their dirty little secret. Meanwhile, Hillary Clinton agitates for children’s rights. It would be a comedy of hypocrisy if little kids were not being traumatized and dumped into landfills.


darthveddit ago

Just do what they do. Start poking everyone around them. Hahahaha!!!

darthveddit ago

You know what's even worse? The msm must of not ate their wheaties the day they ran with Comet Ping Pong. That first word looks an awful lot like come at. And if know anything about Jimmy, he likes word play.

pedos4trump ago

It's the same Andrew Kline.

/v/pizzagate was compromised since birth 29 days ago, its OWNED BY CTR, fuck the bastards We know its THEIR Andrew Kline and he will be sodomized in prison by 72 very large angry black men.

DOJ cover for Saudi assets

The most perceptive insights on VOAT are focused on Arab-Saudi ownership of the entire city block underneath Comet Pizza and a nearby pizzeria called Besta (not Basta, the Italian word for enough or too much), operated by Abdul Hamade (Abdel Rahmann Hammad), who is also owner of the Boli pizza chain) and Samir Sbitan. Besta, as in bestiality, has for its logo the “Boy Lovers” symbol, a triangular spiral. Are there any sheep out back?

The entire lot under Besta and Comet is owned, on paper at least, by attorney Andrew J. Kline, a graduate of the Kennedy School at Harvard. To disguise his government work at the Department of Justice, Kline hides behind a front business, the “Veritas” law office located on Dupont Circle and with a field office in Chevy Chase, near Comet Pizza. Further pursuit by online researchers showed the same curly-haired lawyer Kline to be a Bill Clinton appointee in the Department of Justice (DOJ) Human Trafficking Prosecution Unit, when Janet Reno was Attorney General.

The junior partner at Veritas is Stephen J. Whelan, who worked previously at Metro (the D.C. Transport Agency), an interesting coincidence with the controversy over the old Red Line Tunnel under Connecticut Avenue, mentioned in a John Podesta email.

Kline’s employment with Justice causes some befuddlement among Pizzagate hunters, as it raises the question of whether Comet Pizza is an FBI honey trap to nab international child-smugglers. My educated guess is no, based on my work in an undercover journalistic probe into the secret activities of the human-trafficking bureau at Justice and the State Department.

Despite its pretense of stopping people smugglers, the human trafficking program does the exact opposite, organizing and facilitating the transport of, say, North Koreans and Chinese Uyghurs into Thailand and onto the US territory of Saipan. U.S. consular officers provide money and fake passports to “snakeheads” from China and, more recently, Turkish traffickers who transported Mideast and African migrants by boat to Greece and onto Germany since the summer of 2015. The human trafficking officers aid and abet the flow of illegals, and often prevent immigration and Border Patrol from detaining their live cargo.

Certainly, the Podesta brothers would not be assigned to a honey trap, as that would compromise their intelligence roles. The large property in Chevy Chase has to be part of a political bribery deal between the Arabs and the Clintons, now being protected by the Obama administration.

IOUs from the UAE

It is a common practice for foreign-owned properties to be administered by a proxy registered “owner”, like Kline, on behalf of a foreign company like Dhs.CON.N.E.B. Let’s examine this curious company name, with a little help from my past experience in the Gulf States. First, Dhs in this case does not refer to Department of Homeland Security. It stands for Dirhams, the currency of the United Arab Emirates (UAE). CON is short for Construction and N.E.B. stands for National Engineering Bureau LLC (limited liability company).

This Dubai-owned property group, likely to be financed by the Saudis, has owned the lot for longer than a decade. The primary motive for the property does not appear to be rental income but instead is a vehicle to provide funds to the Clintons. The blog Lux E Tenebris has been so kind as to provide a map of the Dubai-owned lot on either side of Connecticut Avenue.

The storefronts are occupied by Comet Pizza; Bucks Fishing and Camping restaurant (also owned by Alefantes); Besta Pizza run by Arabs; Politics and Prose bookstore owned by Lissa Muscatine, a senior speechwriter for then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, and her husband Bradley Graham with The Washington Post. Across the street is Beyond Borders, a Clinton Foundation-funded NGO involved with promoting the European refugee crisis; and Terasol Bistro, whose website is decorated with the pedophile trapped heart symbol.

By now, with so many facts vetted and verified, Pizzagate is clearly not fake news, Congressmen, and you’re going to have to face the facts and nothing but the facts.

High-class Brothels for Small Vices

Next question: What do the rich Arab investors get in return? As this question spun around in my brain, the image that popped up out of the memory banks was of a naked prostitute standing inside an upright steel coffin, that image being from the cover of of the second edition of Len Deighton’s 1967 potboiler “An Expensive Place to Die”. Here’s the jacket blurb:

“A 'clinic' on Paris's Avenue Foch designed to cater lavishly for multiple perversions, staffed by a group of sexually and intellectually high-powered girls and equipped with devices ranging from an Iron Maiden to psychedelic truth-drugs that's the set-up operated by the enigmatic Monsieur Daft. “Naturally, it has a hidden purpose: to compile dossiers of tape and film on influential political clients from East and West. Into this twilight world of decadence and hidden motives come the agents of four world powers. Are they after Datt's pornographic blackmail dossiers? Or is their purpose, altogether more deadly than a trip to the blue movies?”

Fact being stranger than fiction is something I can attest to after 30 years of investigative journalism. What if your wealthy and powerful target has already tried everything, including Vegas hookers, Dallas lap dancers, Asian massage, Castro Street bath houses, Thai transvestites and foxy Euros on Avenue Foch, what else is new? What about sex with a 10-month-old blonde German girl, like the one advertised by Alefantes? Or a boisterous white American boy of 7 who’s just now learning about the wonders of erectile tissue? In a decadent world of cosmetic surgery and boob jobs, innocent children are caviar to the connoisseur.

For the jaded sheikh or defense minister, who’s seen and done everything, it’s no great thrill to watch naked lads sliding down the handrail of a staircase, a scene of degraded commercialized sex in the male brothel scene from Marcel Proust’s Remembrance of Things Past. Instead of overt sexuality, what if your guests were invited to an informal pizza dinner at your home and discovered “the neighbor’s kids” skinny dipping in the heated pool? What more could you offer as a token of friendship than an invitation to a master bedroom with its own jacuzzi for each of the guests to share with a little companion?

Welcome to the family, make yourself at home. Help yourself to wine and the pantry and the kids. Oh, phone. Darn, there’s noise from the human rights crowd about Yemen, but another few million on top of the F-18 contract should be enough to handle Congress. We’ll deal with it in the morning. Ain’t she as cute as a doll? Wish I had a daughter like that. Enjoy the late night show, buddy.

Would the foreign dignitaries spot the hidden camera and microphone? Or are they too tantalized to notice? And that’s why intelligence services are pressing Congress crack down on fake news to protect their dirty little secret. Meanwhile, Hillary Clinton agitates for children’s rights. It would be a comedy of hypocrisy if little kids were not being traumatized and dumped into landfills.

AdVict0riam ago

Dude. We know you're making throwaway accounts to spread disinfo.

Known examples thus far: @pizza4trump @pedos4trump @trumpisaPEDOPHILE @GoatMeat4Sale @voatmeat4sale

reasonedandinformed ago

Wrong Andrew Kline...debunked earlier

jlx ago

I wanted this whole thing to not be true. I really did. I'm losing sleep over it now.

These people are fucking monsters.

juhos ago

Not a big fan of pedophile protectors


Rigg5 ago

To the top!!

reasonedandinformed ago


pedos4trump ago

Debunked by KINGKONG-MOD, Debunked by Saudi owned Voat/Twitter.

Fuck PEDO Protectors

Just like NYT debunked Pizzagate, on what basis? Because they said so.

/Voat/Pizzagate from day one came from /reddit/The-Donald, TRUMP is a fucking pedophile, these assholes running /v/pizzagate, don't give a fuck about kids, they just care about trumps cock between their thighs

AdVict0riam ago

Dude. Give it up. We know you're a shill.

ArthurChance ago

Debunked on full and half chan.

You won't get far calling people the things that you call them.

reasonedandinformed ago

Please find links to Saudi Arabia if they exist. Just make sure they're based on facts. It is a fact that the Andrew kline that owns Besta pizza is not the same one from DOJ. That was my point. Any threads that start with Andrew kline of the DOJ owmning besta pizza and then link to Saudi Arabia lose credibility.