Disciple7 ago

Going to post this here, possible connection. *The time of OP and the time of the comments in link, one month ago.

mysecretidentity ago

photobucket is no good for me I can't view can you/someone mirror on sli.mg

p.s. imgur also sucks so if everyone could use sli.mg or embed

dindonufin ago

Where did you find the owner of besta pizza?

Edit: searched Google for his name and it returned a slew of msm sites confirming that he is the owner. Keep digging.

Millennial_Falcon ago

How do you know it's the same person? The original name connected to Besta's location is Abdel Rahman Hammad, not Abdelrahman Hammad.

(1) These names are very common. Google "abdel rahman hammad." First three results are three separate Facebook links, one for people named Abdel Rahman Hammad, one for people named Abdelrahman Hammad, and one for people named Hammad Abdelrahman. All of three facebook links include many people with each different name. Note that Abdelrahman Hammad is technically different from Abdel Rahman Hammad, which was the name connected to Besta's location.

So how do we know who the "Abdel Rahman Hammad" linked to the property Besta is?

(2) What is meant by "governor" in this context? He was listed as "governor", not owner. The owner of the actual business (Besta) renting the location is Uptown Pizza, INC, as far as I'm aware. If this Abdel Hammad is simply a landlord, what reason is there to believe he is involved? He would not have been the one to design Besta's logo.

Any answers are appreciated. I am not trying to shut down legitimate investigation. BUT I'm flairing this "Accuracy in question" for now.

concernedcitizen36 ago

It's the same person, just put the link above.

Millennial_Falcon ago

Which link?

Commonwombat ago

Can I be devil's advocate and ask why you think Abdel Hammad is Hammad Abdelrahmen? Genuine question, OP. I haven't read through all of the links so I might have missed it?

concernedcitizen36 ago

Because it is the same person, new link above. He has 3 aliases on Intellius.

golly ago

Great work! A lot of good stuff gets snowed under.

travistea ago

Just saw this post for first time. Gonna put some time in this lead. Thanks OP

concernedcitizen36 ago

(EDIT) SO I SWEAR I HAD THIS INOVCORP.COM WEBSITE LINKED BUT AS I GO THROUGH I CAN'T FIND HOW I GOT THE LINK... THIS COULD BE A MISTAKE OR I'VE OVERLOOKED THE SITE I FOUND THE CONNECTION ON. IF YOU GUYS COULD DO A SEARCH TO FIND THE LINK. IF WE CAN'T WILL BE TAKING THIS OFF THE POST..... This website is listed for them... Looks like it might be the company that built website? But Utrade doesn't have one, sketchy..... http://www.inovcorp.com/en/home


home Offices in Portland, Portugal, U.K. Angola, Mozambique Staff- Tiago Caetano, Pedro Conceição,

travistea ago

Did you find the link?

concernedcitizen36 ago

No, might have typed in wrong address or something.... I know Inavcorp is linked, but Inovcorp is same spelling minus the a/o. Maybe I just misspelled when typing or something.

concernedcitizen36 ago

Exaclty! These were probably just Pedo friendly biz's where people marketed and or networked to find product/services......

concernedcitizen36 ago

So been looking into Victoria Shiao- President. Currently listed as working for Xylem. HUGE Corporation, Water, infrastructure, MIDDLE EASTERN CONNECTIONS.

Also Toria International linked with Utrade International inc. Looks like same address. Must be the same company???


Has same damn Japanese/Chinese fake ass website as official site. WTF is going on here?? Strange Biz arrangements!!!!
So Utrade International Inc. = Toria International Inc. Which has 2 very well connected CEO's with big time Corporate experience but can't afford decent websites????? Am I missing something here??? http://www.inavcorp.com



Used to work for this company: http://web.archive.org/web/20161211182421/http://www.inav.ph/index.html

So FBI informants have been telling Anon's that Saudi's are connected to Child Sex Trafficking. Here we have a Utrade is in a website called https://web.archive.org/web/20161211183702/http://gulfbusiness.tradeholding.com/default.cgi/action/viewcompanies/companyid/663151/

concernedcitizen36 ago

Look at all links carefully. Victor Sayegh has on his intellius that he works for both companies..

YouaremeandIamyou ago

I have had a feeling about him. he has been freaking out, like he has something he really does not want to be found out...

h2d ago

HELLO - what do you know? This chick WORKED IN THE BUSH ADMINISTRATION - ties to Washington DC all over this shit!


The Johnsons' daughter, Melissa, met Robbins in Washington D.C., where they both worked. Melissa Johnson worked in the Bush Administration and Robbins worked in corporate public affairs in the wireless industry. They met while they both attended a weekly women's Bible study at the White House.

Robbins created her own non-profit organization, "Tukutana," which means "working together with hope" in Swahili. She said Tukutana is a "Christian organization that serves orphans and vulnerable children and their caregivers."

h2d ago

HOLY FUCKING SHIT -- THIS NEEDS TO GET SEEN NOW!!! http://www.usabizdir.com/utrade-international-inc-irvine-ca-92618-1.html

so I was searching thru some other businesses that used the same address and were linked to this other one -- what are the fucking odds that one of them just so happens to be a charity for 'abandoned and abused children in uganda?'


ITS A NON PROFIT FOR ORPHANED LITTLE BLACK KIDS IN UGANDA -- maybe it's just me but WTF is with all of these "charities" for vulnerable children and their tangible connections to every fucking thing in this whole sick web?

This is their board of directors. Doing more research now. NEED HELP!

Roxanne Robbins, Founder | Director

Roger Morton, Administrator

Sunday Morris, Program Manager

Kenneth Nyanzi, Program Manager | Technology Supervisor

Silver Kakozi, Art Instructor | Mentor

Okay, also weird -- their link "for kids" goes to a URL that's clearly a bunch of jibberish typing, who the fuck takes the time to make this directory as a web developer and also link to the URL and code it, etc.? Fucking WEIRD! : http://tukutana.org/lkdaksjfalksjdkasdf/

This place is tied in with a shitload of other shady charities. Wanna see what the ties this Roxanna woman has -- she lives in Newport Beach and that's literally right a town over from Irvine.

concernedcitizen36 ago

THANK YOU SO MUCH for looking into this with me! These are some EXTREMELY bizarre business arrangements! Especially Utrade's CEO Ammar Lbrahim Pasha's Linked-in account. https://www.linkedin.com/in/ammar-ibrahim-pasha-48b95965

It says Utrade ships concrete internationally! But they have not warehouse or receiving yard listed WTF??

We are def onto something here! And its all thanks to this Washington Post Article. The Stupid MSM is helping us by ousting these guys!! https://www.washingtonpost.com/local/were-going-to-put-a-bullet-in-your-head-pizzagate-threats-terrorize-dc-shop-owners/2016/12/05/39469a82-bb2e-11e6-94ac-3d324840106c_story.html?utm_term=.b7ab50285709

Utrade's CEO Ammar Lbrahim Pasha's Linked-in account. https://www.linkedin.com/in/ammar-ibrahim-pasha-48b95965

It says Utrade ships concrete internationally! But they have no warehouse or receiving yard listed WTF??

Blacksmith21 ago

Have you ever heard of shipping concrete internationally?

lukynumbrkevin ago

You can't ship concrete more than 1.5 hours max once it is "Ready-mixed" as the industry calls it. Before that it is just the basic parts of concrete (water, aggregate (rock, sand, or gravel) and Portland cement) that the plant mixes and puts in the concrete trucks you see driving down the road to deliver to job-sites.

See ASTM C94 - https://www.ascconline.org/Portals/0/docs/POSITION-STATEMENTS/PS-32-concrete-discharge-time-requirements.pdf

Granted, these are american standards which tend to be more strict than other parts of the world.

h2d ago

I gotta ask though, where is it that you're getting this info to start from? Like, where are you getting the info that this guy is actually the owner of Besta Pizza? Anything that can confirm it?

h2d ago

Interesting. Portuguese links...Mccann case. Digging in.

EDIT: On the Utrade company - checked into some of the phone numbers, as I used to live in the 949 area code area myself as well as the city they're listed in (Irvine, CA) - led me to this:

Royale Gift Card, Inc 17595 Harvard Ave C305 Irvine, CA 92614

This is weird because according to DNS/whois records - their "website" royalegiftcards.com - has never been registered before, ever.

Royale Gift Card, Inc Phone: (949) 394-2898 Email: [email protected] Web: www.royalegiftcards.com Ammar Pasha CEO Phone | (949) 394-2898 Email | [email protected]

Location Type Branch (huh?) Year Established 2008 Employees 2 to 4 SIC Code 5162, Plastics Materials and Basic Forms and Shapes Business Categories Credit Card Distributors in Irvine, CA

About Royale Gift Card, Inc We specialize in customized Reward,Rebate and Gift Card program solutions for businesses.

Royale Gift Card is a full-service promotion and incentive company offering Bundled Stored-Value Solutions. Specializing in customized Reward & Rebate GiftCard programs. We provide businesses the alternative to "Mail-in" Rebate paper Checks. Reward your customers and replace your old paper bank checks with Visa, MasterCard??, and Discover?? Reward, Rebate GiftCards.

Experience a HUGE Savings on "Mail-In" bank paper checks and increase your customer response and repeat business. Contact us today to see how our Stored-Value Card Programs outperform a Check Program.

This is bizarre - royal.net - not a real website (it's a domain parking site -- the only places that list this specific email address anywhere online -- "[email protected]" which is clearly incorrect, are on this manta.com page: http://www.manta.com/c/mtcc11m/royale-gift-card-inc and this page http://caackle.com/Address-Contact-Number-of-Royale-Gift-Card-Inc-in-Irvine-CA/udhgku/S5/A45/ (another similar type site caackle.com):

Both contain similar information but somewhat different wording. What's utterly weird and giving me that "feeling" I get where something just feels OFF about this - a feeling many of you will be familiar with yourselves if you are reading this you know what I'm talking about -- this information is all way too wrong, and seems purposely spread with the express intent of existing as misinformation/data flooding to obfuscate other shit going on. Like, these companies are clearly shell companies for something else going on. That address in Irvine is an area I'm quite familiar with...I had a friend who used the SAME EXACT address -- it's a place called "Pacific Mail" which has notary services and mail boxes. You'll find a shitload of different businesses, some of them sketchy and possibly related to this guy, if you search for the address - anything that's listed as "Suite CXXX" or "Unit CXXX" "#CXXX" is in fact a rented mailbox within pacific mail - the numbers after the C being the box number. Everything else in this shopping center (it's a strip mall with a coffee bean and other shit) so fyi any other addresses at that street number will be Ste A, Ste F etc. Not a number. Making it even more strange that this page says it's a "branch" and to "stop on by"

According to the Manta.com page Anmar Pasha has been a member of their site since Sept 2010 - doesn't seem like it's an active profile at all and likely was just set up once. But why go through the trouble to use a deliberately fake email for your "business"? Not to mention a non-existent website. Here's his "profile" page for reference: http://www.manta.com/p/t0m1hj4cs/ammar-pasha

concernedcitizen36 ago

THANK YOU SO MUCH for looking into this with me! These are some EXTREMELY bizarre business arrangements! Especially Utrade's CEO Ammar Lbrahim Pasha's Linked-in account. https://www.linkedin.com/in/ammar-ibrahim-pasha-48b95965

It says Utrade ships concrete internationally! But they have not warehouse or receiving yard listed WTF??

coincidencesmyass ago

Who ships concrete? It would me so much cheaper & efficient to make in place.

VieBleu ago

it could be possible to ship to developing nations and islands - places without a lot of equipment or money to mine. However I don't think that negates looking into this line of inquirey at all.

Blacksmith21 ago

LOL...I made the same comment before seeing yours.