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I_Am_Spartacus ago

Sorry, but Pizzagate has been thoroughly debunked as fake news. The story was a hoax:-

The saga of 'Pizzagate': The fake story that shows how conspiracy theories spread

Fake News Onslaught Targets Pizzeria as Nest of Child-Trafficking

By giving this shit exposure what you are actually doing is detracting from the genuine conspiracies which do happen and that there is evidence to support. Dare I say perhaps that is even the intended purpose for some of you.

JunOS ago

Go back to reddit, thet shit doesnt work here.

darnforgotmypassword ago

I hope you enjoy defending child rapists.

Htaed ago

Burn motherfucker burn. Be nice to have a docx of this spartacus shill.

Royce_of_Veason ago

I'm new to this kind of thing, so I must ask --- is this the bot-upvoted shill-post of legend?!? And I'm glad Brock (or his emissary, w/e) mentions "genuine conspiracies" if there weren't hundreds of proximal rabbit holes in this warren, regardless of its title...

swaglord123 ago


+0,02$ have been added to your account

t. David Brock

Bill_Murrays_Sandals ago

Fuck you and all your Cuck the Record shill buddies. Bastard.

TheCoonlol ago

The point of this forum is to look at the facts and the articles you have sourced do nothing "claim" this is all fake news. Look, regardless of what you think of the situation, nothing is going to change and none of this is going to stop until we get some answers, so.. FUCK OFF!

NotAnIdiot ago

No substance in either article plus they misunderstood the conspiracy completely. Sounds like fake news to me.

The_Awakened_One ago

Go back to Reddit, shill.

Somebody give me some mother fuckin' upvotes

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

*Beep Boop* Upvote bot detected

momojaja ago

Show us any legitimate evidence that points to it being debunked? There is none.. But there is so much archived evidence we citizens of the world have that weight heavily in support of pedos abusing and stealing children in Washington DC and this is also global.

MadMonkey ago

I fucking saw the camera change. Their are pictures of the camera facing its own poll looking at literally nothing. Shill.

tehlolman ago

CTR shill spotted.

elgindelta ago

Sorry shilltard, there is no debunking truth. If it was fake, a brigading one day old account helmed by a average class douche with mediocre persuasive grammatical prowess wouldn't be peddling this tard class counter Intel. What you making on this? 100$? PayPal paid? Can your people maybe send a more capable representative next time? Cuz your shits weak. Lemme know

skeetskeet ago

link to msm news bullshit? check.

1 day old account? check.


CTR Shill detected!

stickittotheman ago

You are fake, shill

fugshillzbruh ago

Man get the fuck out of here you Shill Bitch

Black_Phillip ago

Shill shill shill, you're a shill!

SpikyAube ago

Where's the debunking though? A debunking involves going through all the claims and the evidence presented for those claims, and showing how each one is either false or has been interpreted incorrectly, and a debunking provides proof and evidence to show that. I haven't seen a single article anywhere that has done this. They just say it's fake, and that's it. Not only that, but the get the claims of pizza gate wrong as well. No one said that they thought Clinton and Pedestal were selling/abusing kids out back at the pizza place! The fact that the media is completely misrepresenting what the claims are as well as failing to even address any of the genuine concerns raised by pizza gate research and the evidence found, is very very disturbing. It is not a 'thorough debunking' by any stretch of the imagination. This is not what a free press should be doing, at all.

Surely you can see that? I don't know if you're a shill like everyone's saying or if you're just so desperate for this not to be true (as are we all) that you are experiencing cognitive dissonance so strong it's crossed into the realm of the delusional. Either way, please think for a moment, about what you're doing. Look at the research that's been done and what's been found and ask yourself honestly if you've seen that all debunked and explained anywhere. If not, ask yourself why not. If there is any chance of child abuse/torture/rape/trafficking going on, surely it is crucial to officially investigate to make 100% sure that it's not happening? Wouldn't you agree?

So why are you doing this? And if you are being paid or otherwise induced to post this stuff, then ask yourself if this is the kind of person you really want to be. The kind of person that would subvert and betray their own species on behalf of the most vacant and cruellest of sociopaths. That is an incredibly lonely place to be, out there on the wrong side of history, on the wrong side of truth, on the wrong side of all that is good. I would pity you, but it's never too late to grab back control of your own brain and turn it around !

So please would you take a hold of yourself, realise what is happening here and what's at stake, and join your fellow citizens in their noble efforts to root out unimaginable crimes, or just go away . If you can't or won't help, then the very least you could do is just go away.

banusaur ago

Tell your boss that justice is coming for him - courtesy of the internet hive-mind crazies. Welcome to the post-privacy world, motherfucker. You're all going down. Your money can't save you. We know who you are, and we know what you've done ;p. We're all over you. Right now. Your vulnerabilities are so easily exploited it's retarded. Have fun dealing with all the fallout from this as we expose your sick enterprise bit by bit every single day. Hmm... you might be questioning some life choices at this point.

whorsquini ago

How about the fact that Laura Silsby was caught trafficking in Haiti? How about how Monica Petersen died while looking into Clinton in Haiti? How about Breitbart and his coroner getting killed after openly calling Podesta a pedo and a trafficker and threatening to release the Obama college tapes? How about the only thing said against any of this is the "fake news" mantra?

VieBleu ago

@kingkongwaswrong Can mods find out who upvoted this from I_Am_Spartacus - that will lead directly to all your shills and there are apparently 40+ active

Alex_A97 ago

40? Try 200 lmao.

Think about it. 200 accounts cultivated for the exact purpose of thumbing up a single comment and a select few others, and squandering tens of thousands worth of CCP on thoroughly downvoting every reply in order to create a false consensus, for just one thread. The dedication involved for something so inconsequential it boggles the mind.

SaveTheChildren ago

How much do you get paid to spew your bullshit faggot?

noreturn4me ago

When you can post something that's not MSM (bought and paid for media) and post something substantial then maybe you will get some respect (hopefully from yourself) until then get bent!

Phobos_Mothership ago

Neither article addresses any of the main concerns of pizzagate, it is painting a demonizing caricature of the movement.

thousands of people are convinced that a paedophilia ring involving people at the highest levels of the Democratic Party is operating out of a Washington pizza restaurant.

This is politicizing, first of all. It isn't just democrats, it just happens that John Podesta's Emails released by wikileaks had known codewords used on the internet to mask pedophile conversation which lead to people investigating the context of those emails.

that Comet Ping Pong was the home base of a child abuse ring led by Hillary Clinton and her campaign chief, John D. Podesta.

This is well-poisoning. At no point do we claim that Comet Ping Pong is 'home base' of the pedophile ring. And at no point do we claim that Hillary Clinton OR John Podesta LEAD the pedophile ring.

He found dozens of made-up articles about Mrs. Clinton kidnapping, molesting and trafficking children in the restaurant’s back rooms

Again, well-poisoning. Publishing information about our movement that is not true. We never claim that Hillary Clinton kidnaps anyone, or (again) that she leads this pedophile ring in any way. Connections to the Clintons are purely based off Bill's bromance with Jeffrey Epstein, John Podesta being Clinton's campaign cheif and Clinton foundation contributions to known and convicted pedophiles.

If you are going to say that "Pizzagate has been debunked", you are going to have to address Pizzagate, not what the media prints in their hack-jobs.

ThorTheWonderful ago

We need to have a way of deleting known propagandists here!

Posting fake NYtimes and BBC propaganda to deny pizzagate is also denying what pizzagate means which is the human trafficking and pedophile trade network that IS A KNOWN FACT and something we have been working on for many decades fighting to stop. But the elites and their constituents in MSM, governments and other infiltrated organizations and infrastructure, are fighting back hard using their most powerful weapon. PROPAGANDA while innocent children are brutalized, raped, murdered and other..

senpaithatignoresyou ago


the through debunking of this guys post, followed by the lack of evidence and lack of defending the claims is more damning than deleting the post or the user.

this is not reddit, when you fuck up here, we will fuck with you for a very, very, very long time. We will take what you have said, and we will not forget, and when we need evidence of shill activity, and proof that they are trying to hide their actions, we will have it.

ThorTheWonderful ago

Great point! I like it.

LibertyAndJustice ago

Oh fuck you you shill. Everyone on here is onto you and your fake account. Burn in hell for protecting these monsters. YOU"RE argument is baseless. This debunks nothing.

in4theLongRun ago

totally understand your sentiment, agreed.

superesper ago

Do you feel like spending your time on this earth protecting pedophiles in exchange for minimum wage might be a bad move? Might, kinda, y'know, make you a really sick, sad, piece of shit? Please commit suicide.

pizzaequalspedo ago

Honest question.... Where is the evidence that debunked it? All I've seen are some articles declaring it wasn't true, with a few quotes from the people the allegations are aimed at (duh).

Both of your links look like "fake news", IMO.

looking4truth ago

Oh you idiots. BBC said it's fake. MSM said it's fake so it must be fake . amirite

Gorillion ago

Yep, gotta say I_AM_Faggartacus really sold me.

I mean, look at all those totally legit upvotes! Who could argue with that? Everyone knows top comment = most truthful statement in a thread. That's why we're all still at our beloved Reddit...oh wait...

acesneights ago

Yup, confirmed pedophile enabling media states there are no pedophile child trafficking rings and it's all "fake news".

Case closed guys, let's go home! Back to our Ministry of Truth approved Propaganda and Xanax.

jangles ago

Hoax? Have you looked at any of the infographics?

lawfag123 ago

No discussion of the emails from wikileaks.

No discussion of the FBI recognized pedo logos on the establishments.

No pictures from Instagram.

No discussion of the proximity of these establishments to each other.

What other essential evidence did the article fail to address?

LargePepperoni ago

Alefantis did hire that crisis management group. Might be them. Or CTR.

VieBleu ago


Phobos_Mothership ago

You just came to our forum, made an account 1.2 days ago and dumped two well-poisoning hack-pieces. And you have 45 upvotes? Something is fishy here.

Ocelot ago

What the hell is up with your points? And the points of the replies to you? Are there actually that many fake accounts here downvoting? Are you seeing this, Mr. Mod? Go fuck yourselves CTR. Your piles of downvotes are MUCH more apparent here than they are on reddit.

rail606 ago

Yeah less people on the site actually works to our advantage haha.

OpenSoulOpenMind ago

Ban the shills bro..

VieBleu ago

45 upvotes - either he has a lot of shill friends here, or they can rig the vote count. ""sigh""

Banned4Truth ago

I concur

Wage_Slave217 ago

I agree.

randolf ago

so the camera gets turned in another direction. the day after there is this false flag. the following day it gets turned back.


DarkMath ago

"has been thoroughly debunked".....Great! I've been waiting for an explanation of what the heck a "Haitian Special with extra cheese" is.........Please explain yourself or paste in a real news source explaining it. Thank You!

justiceforever ago

I believe pizzagate is real!

But I think I can debunk that particular comment. It was by MrNWO and the date is more recent than the other comments. I think that comment was someone trolling CPP after pizzagate already started. Can anyone confirm?

DarkMath ago

"by MrNWO and the date is more recent than the other comments"........Where did you find the date of that comment? I looked for a time stamp on it but couldn't find it anywhere.

justiceforever ago

Tbh it was a long time ago. Someone explained it on reddit but then the sub was taken down. I wish I still had a good source.

chrimony ago

Sorry, but Pizzagate has been thoroughly debunked as fake news. The story was a hoax:-

Neither article demonstrates it was a hoax. For instance, the BBC article you linked to says, "began posting speculation and supposed connections gleaned from internet searches". Speculation is not a hoax. Neither article lays out all the evidence claimed and "debunks" it.

Now it's true that all the evidence found so far is just suggestive and circumstantial. And as the BBC article says, "No victim has come forward." So at this point it is still just speculation.

I'll at least give the BBC article credit for voicing why people are legitimately concerned:

"Despite the complete lack of physical evidence or victim testimony, there are reasons why the hardcore conspiracy theorists are particularly sensitive to allegations of child sex abuse.

It's known, for instance that Bill Clinton and Donald Trump flew on the private plane of convicted child abuser Jeffery Epstein. Tony Podesta, the brother of the Clinton aide whose emails were hacked, was a friend of Dennis Hastert, a Republican politician who earlier this year was sentenced to 15 months in prison, and has admitted abusing boys. The Jimmy Savile scandal in the UK has featured in speculation as an example of a serial child abuser getting away with his crimes."

I_Am_Spartacus ago

Neither article demonstrates it was a hoax. For instance, the BBC article you linked to says, "began posting speculation and supposed connections gleaned from internet searches"

I'm not sure that you understand how burden of proof works, mate. When you make up a bunch of slander, it isn't de facto real until someone disproves it.

chrimony ago

I'm not sure that you understand how burden of proof works, mate. When you make up a bunch of slander, it isn't de facto real until someone disproves it.

I'm not sure you know how definitions work, mate. Speculation is not the same as a hoax, ergo your initial claim was "fake news". And you can't "debunk" speculation by ignoring the circumstantial evidence, ergo your claim that Pizzagate is "fake news" is itself "fake news". What you are essentially saying is to stop all investigation because it is all a hoax, while ignoring the documented circumstantial evidence, and ignoring the historical context of past pedophile scandals being covered up and ignored despite the smoke.

something_went_wrong ago

Neither article demonstrates it was a hoax

"It demonstrates it's a hoax because Alefantis told reporters it was a hoax." That's the only contrary evidence I_Am_Sparticus is basing his entire argument on by citing those articles. That's why at first I thought I_Am_Sparticus was just being sarcastic, but now I think that account owner might actually believe it.

gopluckyourself ago

let the shilling begin!

pizzahthrowaway ago

K shill, the mountain of circumstantial evidence on this one disagrees as well as how it ties in to other well evidenced conspiracies (franklin incident)

Whoevers paying you to shill should ask for their money back

ArchonFall4All ago

Wow, they're vote-brigading in force now. The more they fight us, the more desperate it makes them look. Luckily the average user here can see through their BS, even if they're skewing the votes.

I_Am_Spartacus ago

K shill

If I am the shill, then why are you the one posting fake news?

DarkMath ago

You_Are_Shill, what's a "Haitian Special with extra cheese"?