RexAxisMundi ago

I've only heard John Pedoesta speak, he's just the creepiest, his tongue kind of flickers.

Manlikebearpig ago

Lisssssten to how he pronounces his esses, LIZARD PEOPLE!!!

RexAxisMundi ago

He has lizard facial features as well. Its weird hey.


That is the most shilled statement I have ever read. This is exactly why you have gone nowhere with this sub because of that either autistic or purposefully shilled comment. You don't have to hide any more you are a confirmed shill. I honestly could care less what you have to say the fact that you don't think we're a team and just a bunch of rogue individuals gave me a shill chill to my core. You are the reason why this investigation is slower than shit and not producing bomb threads. If I dedicated my time like I did before I would be pumping out smoking gun bombs every hour and the elites would have me killed. just like all the other autists who have dissapeared because of their discoveries.

BertieMcDuffy ago

why is that creepy kidfucker putting "fake news" within quotes?

Not even he believes it is really fake news LOL

Kwijibo ago

Interesting, but not really a confirmation.

retired ago

they are desperate. we can do something with this—

rooting4redpillers ago

NOPE — Neighbors Organizing for Power and Equality. Doesn't exist as far as I can tell. I take back what I said about the writing and editing. If intended to be a creepy joke, it got the job done.

thezodiac ago

didn't see that either, lol

think_whatif ago

Reeks of trying too hard.

And this reads as a veiled threat: "Last Sunday’s assault on Comet ended peacefully. The next attack may not.".

Creepy as hell.

rooting4redpillers ago

"We a terrific, close-knit community" No doubt. You are a large network of elite small business owners. You have a unique taste in human torture art, and never mind your strangly-secretive language, you're a creative crowd. Creatively expressing your deepest and darkest feelings about "family, faith, and freedom" all the fucking time. You obviously have hopes for children, to the point of obsession. Integrating the Pences into your neighborhood won't be easy. A simple dinner invitation to CPP is a stomach-turning thought.

comeonpeople ago

This invitation is not from Comet. It is from the homeowners in the neighborhood that Pence is moving into.


Lol prolly the neighborhood pedophile watch

rooting4redpillers ago

If related to my sentence "A simple dinner invitation to CPP is a stomach-turning thought." Point taken, I could have said it better, but my sentence is true so I'll leave it. Should have said, "Breathing the air in that neighborhood is a stomach turning thought."

comeonpeople ago

It's hilarious watching you guys from other parts of the country think you know anything at all about Comet or Chevy Chase or DC, or about the people who live there.

beepinboopin ago

For what this is worth, NYT thinks the invitation part is true.

CrackerJacks ago

I do like the fact that they've asked him to do this wanting a response, yet the name of the neighbors group spells out NOPE! (Neighbors Organizing for Power & Equality)

rooting4redpillers ago

Coming from a group that is ORGANIZING for POWER and Equality ... "Last Sunday’s assault on Comet ended peacefully. The next attack may not." WTF? That's not just creepy and weird, that's clearly a threat, or these people aren't as smartly-artsy as they think they are.

"The next attack / may not." Confidence in a next attack / they control how THE next attack might play out. Or, is this just horrifyingly poor writing with seriously inept editing? Which one is it?

rooting4redpillers ago

Based on the militant and threatening nature of this shit, Pence's first response should be to report this "invitation" to law enforcement, and never respond directly.

blind_sypher ago

The power has went completely to their head, no worries though, we are dealing with people who like to touch kids. Pussies cant handle pressure.

GrislyAddams ago

I hope he goes. Maybe has a look around...

Commonwombat ago

I love it how they use the quotation marks around fake news. Don't they understand irony punctuation? So it's not really fake news, it's "fake news", wink wink.

YouaremeandIamyou ago

the letter claims the place was filled with children and strollers, when a "radicalised gunman came in and started firing" I doubt that anyone was there, myself, let alone any children. This sounds like another made up aspect of an already staged event. I also doubt any shots were fired. All of the reports at the time, said nothing of hearing any shots. Surely it is only a matter of time, before they are called out on this fakery. On top of all the evidence already stacked against them, this is guilty behavior, in the extreme. Instead of trying to discredit the concerns, they would be answering them, if they could. This is just getting plainer to see, each day. Even the people, like Whoopi on the view, claiming to not believe it, are obviously acting. I would actually be fascinated if there is anyone who really thinks they are innocent...

YouaremeandIamyou ago

It does not take much, to become an eternal hero, as he has become. All one needs to do, is be objective. Such as objectively seeing these people have had some very serious concerns leveled against them. They have failed to answer them. Even the simplest questions, still go unanswered. I hope Mr pence, has had the good taste, not to become part of this transparent attempt, to avoid having to answer these concerns. It should be a simple matter to answer them. It would be, if they were innocent. I for one, still do not even know who these children were, that Alefantis claims to be godfather to, and know the parents of. Instead of trying to get protection, from people in Washington, why don't they just ask their friends to stand up and say what they are like? I can promise you, that if anyone knew those children, who was not an offender themselves, they would have said something as soon as those photos went up. he says hotard and chickenlover and cuteness is a business, and so many other things, that are miles past bad taste. They are textbook cases, of what should be reported. They have been guiltily taken down, signs have been changed, profiles moved to private, yet not one statement has been made, about any of the children in the photos.

UglyTruth ago

Tell us about the chickenlovers, jimmycomet.

Scruffy_Nerfherder ago

He knows they will feed him parts of little children.

Cantilever ago

this is completely fake. GTFO!

happy_snek ago

How so?

Cantilever ago

There's no proof that pence denied this invitation, that it was delivered in the first place, or that it is authentic. Anyone could have written this.

Gorillion ago

Well, then maybe you should STFU and Get The Fuck To Work then?


NOPE! (Neighbors Organizing for Power & Equality) seeks to raise the volume of local opposition to unacceptable practices & policies in the Trump administration

Go research these guys. See if they're real.

Otherwise shut your cunt mouth. Useless snark fuck. If you have a doubt or a hunch, get fucking digging. Support your own position.

Cantilever ago

Burden of proof lies with the accuser. As presented, the content of the OP is both unsupported and misleading, at best.

Gorillion ago

You're the accuser in this context. Get to work.

Did you go look into NOPE! yet?

Cantilever ago

Questioning the authenticity or evidentiary support of a claim such as the OP is an accusation? Has this become the MSM, where we accept what we are told and asking for proof is not allowed?


GTFO shill

elgindelta ago

I don't see any evidence he denied the invite.


Denial by no response.

sixgorillion ago

No, and you're a fucking shill judging by your previous comments.

All you do is shit up threads.

MolochHunter ago

dude you need a higher standard of evidence. A 'yet to respond' is a 'yet to respond' Our credibility is tied to our clinical objectivity with regards to evidence

SpikyAube ago

That invitation just comes off as completely creepy and weird. They are trying too hard and have no idea how to act 'normal'.

Guy_with_the_face ago

These sick people couldn't say "Hello" normal, or without someone realizing something isn't right.

SpikyAube ago

Yep - if I was a cop I'd arrest Alefantis just for having such a creepy face.

retired ago

the meme effort must continue.

WindowsInJudgement ago

This! Where is the meme stash?

The_Periodic_Fable ago

It's gotta be a joke. It's beyond ridiculous.

Plus, forever the VP has resided in the Naval Observatory grounds, which is miles away from Chevy Chase, MD (and not very close to CPP, either). Did I miss something? Did Pence say he's going to be breaking tradition and living near Chevy Chase?

el_lobo1776 ago

Doing a better job at acting normal than the Podesta bros. They can't help but act creepy as hell.

Thakiddds ago

They are snakes

Naalu ago

Where do you see he denied it?


Hasn't and will never respond or even acknowledge he got an invite. Fucking based silver fox American legend.

CrackerJacks ago

So part of your OP is fake?


No. Denial by no reply. Sorry I'm not politically perfectly correct like my cousin libtards are. I can miss one word sometimes like "denial".

sixgorillion ago


You're not politically incorrect, you're factually incorrect.

And you look like a fucking shill.

Do not reply to shill posts


You upvoted it 50 times must have something interesting in it lol. Thought You were smart. Sorry you spent all your energy debunking a ten word title. You don't have to upvote it that's ur fuckn choice. Shill me out if you want I at least get you info. This shit has been out for 24 hours I honestly thought u guys were asleep an apparently you were cuz it wasn't posted here when I came on voat for a casual read. I rarely contribute so you can't call me shill but if you have to then fine I don't give a fuck usually the ones calling out shills are shills. Any SMART person would just be able to do their work and not be distracted by shill comments. Just another psyop by the Pepe sucking Jewish Mossad on here to divide us. your mad at me because u upvoted a click bait title even after you read the story gtfo shills so tired of your bullshit and upvote bots. Do not believe u/molochhunter and his Jewish Mossad upvote brigade they are trying to discredit me.

CrackerJacks ago

Where would you expect to see a reply though? He wouldn't reply on the site, he would contact Comet pizza direct, so you will never see if he has or hasn't replied.......These people phone other world leaders, they don't have their phone numbers in the phone book, if they wanted Alefanis's mobile number they'll get it.