reasonedandinformed ago

@Amalek_Horla is another CTR troll spamming Jewish hate.

jackthyme ago

Before you go profiling "jews", it might be prudent to recognize that most religions employ some kind of left hand path to accommodate those who have a desire to make evil. While we CANNOT, MUST NOT vilify entire races and groups of people, one certainly cannot deny the pure evil that is the left hand path of the Jewish faith.

"Although Lilith has become a demonized representation of promiscuity and disobedience, she should instead be seen as a positive figure, a symbol of autonomy, sexual equality, and control of a one’s own destiny. Often associated with the Serpent in the Garden of Eden, in this incarnation Lilith symbolically freed humankind from the tyrannical rule of a trickster god. The expulsion from the Garden should not be looked at a curse, but as the beginnings of a destined journey to consciousness. Lilith is the supreme representation of the left-hand path woman, independent, having discarded the patriarchal yoke, and not afraid to use all the tools available to her, including her sexuality, to gain the most out of existence."

Amalek_Horla ago

Ya, it's a good album.

Well as an Italian let me be the first to say that my ancestors expelled you from Palestine.

And ya, I know all about that, but Coven was the first Satanic band to be marketed mainstream and Jews are the people responsible for that.

History will repeat and the next Holocaust will be a global phenomenon. The Samson option won't save your people either.

tjarco ago

Wouldn't the majority of Satanists be Satanists? no matter what believe they had previous?

Amalek_Horla ago

Satanism is a wing of Judaism.

tjarco ago

So what really is the point you are making? (realise this questions comes from an agnost, so I don't accept or deny any religion) People who do bad things, do bad things, they can't claim religion as a reason for breaking the law (not in this day and age I hope)

So either come up with some the list of people of interest, you found though this interview and research how it's connected to PG. We are on a child-abuse hunt here, if you want to keep mixing in religion you come across as biased. Let's try not to be, be neutral. Let's find the bastards involved in this scheme regardless of what their believes are.

Amalek_Horla ago

" they can't claim religion as a reason for breaking the law (not in this day and age I hope)"

They're following their religion. They read a book that tells them what to do.

Just like saying terrorism has nothing to do with Islam..

tjarco ago

I mean claim as a reason for misbehaviour, whenever they will be caught & judged religion should not make any difference...

DeckoGecko ago

just to save yourself a world of shill pain just say followers of Sabbatai Zevi or Sabbataen Zionists or something...

Means you won't whip up the ire of the antisemitism machine or paint the common non Talmudic Jew with the same brush...

Semantics I know but you know yourself you're gonna get no where saying it's the 'jews'

Amalek_Horla ago

I am however anti-semantic lol

Amalek_Horla ago

I'll further explain how the majority of common Torah Jews are either oblivious, compartmentalized, or misguided.

DeckoGecko ago


man if I didn't really really need my internet to do my job i'd have so much more to say on the matter.

What I will say is that anyone who strictly follows the Talmud think that the rest of us are put on this earth just to serve them. We are Goyem plain and simple.

But like I said i'm gonna tread lightly here. I know and love plenty of Jews who have little to no real understanding of the Talmud.

Personally I think that any religion that believes there is only one RACE of humans who are loved by god and the rest are born to be their slaves is out and out disgusting... just sayin ;)

Amalek_Horla ago

Jews basically wrote a book that says they own everybody lol.. That's Judaism.

DeckoGecko ago

lol,, you're much braver than me mate...

I'm just gonna say that I believe that when you get to the tippy top of the pyramid of control you start to notice a lot of Talmudic Sabbataen Zionists ;) make of that what you will :)

Amalek_Horla ago

I'm already being monitored and I've been followed leaving the house, and I've also had some other strange occurrences that I won't even mention because nobody will believe me. I'm not sure if you've heard of me, but basically I've been exposing the Jews for a while now. I'm prepared to die or be imprisoned for my cause. I'm not a sitting duck either and used to be an intelligence asset.

DeckoGecko ago

D'you know if this was a few years ago i'd be writing you off and saying you'd be suicided or something.... but since Savile bit the dust and now that so many secrets have bubbled up I actually don't think you've got anything to worry about anymore.

The problem with having a global secret network of power is that it relies on compartmentalization of knowledge and information and 'whoever' is at the helm has not been able to stay ahead of the technology curve. I know they'd like to think that they will be able to 'control' things but the simple fact is we're moving into a world were technology has allowed the spread of information and enabled global communication instantly.... secrets can't stay secret in a world like that!!

I even think all the effort they're putting into using Pizzagate to lock down this technology is working against them.... mass migration off twitter to Gab,, off Reddit to Voat,,, off Gmail to BitMessage,,, etc etc. that's the beauty of tech and the fact of the matter is the generations coming up born into this world are going to expect a level of transparency that any Cabal of power cannot manage.

It's why I loved Trump getting caught out saying stupid shit [which he will be prone to do because he's not a trained politician]. And even better the way the world accepts it,,, the people born into this tech enabled world are different. We know that if you're human then you're gonna have posted/said/been photographed doing some embarrassing or stupid shit. That's all forgivable. What's not forgivable is pretending you are a perfect human being while hiding despicable deeds [if that makes sense].

Best of luck my friend!!

Amalek_Horla ago

You're spot on.

Jews say they're " the chosen people of God" , which means they are God's master race, and Judaism instructs the Jews to control us. They think they own us through divine right.

I'm a zio-analyst. I know all about the Jews. From their religion, to their history, to their genetic composition, politics, everything.