nmtd1005 ago

Anti semitism is totally inappropriate here. You MUST LEARN to distinguish between good jews around the world, many of whom particularly in russia and the eastern block have been poor as dirt for generations. The people trafficking in children for occult purposes are NOT legitimate jews. They are occultists embedded within jewish culture. They are satanic. These are a tiny minority of world jewry. But they are pernicious, indeed.

SmokingGunProof ago

@eagleshigh @xeemee @theodorekent

Corrected typos.

B3nder ago

why are you posting usernames, and why are you making new comments, and don`t edit the first one?

SmokingGunProof ago

What do you mean don't edit first one? The first what?

B3nder ago

your first comment i mean...

SmokingGunProof ago

Those user names are pings notifying people I want to see this information.

You couldn't figure that out yourself?

B3nder ago

no, i did not know that, thanks for the info