Waterburger ago

N-n-no goy you see we were both sides, we were financing it all, don't rebel goy it just helps us, see.

jealoushe ago

LOL busted!!

CROM_God_of_Shitkind ago

Lmfao so all the Kike/Trump/Distractionary shit is for sure shills. Thanks for making it even more obvious you fucking retards.

So anything OT not Pizzagate related is shilling. Oh they are so fucked now...

Kawksnahch ago

I assume by "Kike" you mean "jew smearing"

CROM_God_of_Shitkind ago

Jew Smearing/Reverse ismist tactics, seen them all used to shut discussions down. I could use many words, but I figured make it as offensive as possible to trigger, being voat and all. ;)

edit: besides, this is somehow related to the russian hacker called trump, so that makes us rayciss white males regardless. May as well run with it.

Kawksnahch ago

what's a reverse is mist?

Edit: Is the Hacker Trump working with Putin and the infamous Hacker 9Gag?

CROM_God_of_Shitkind ago

Yes Trump is the undercover 400lb hacker according to r/FPH! Him and Comey did it with Putin together and 4chan!!!

A reverse 'ismist = calling people rayyciss, bigoted, sexissss, islamophobiccczzz, xenophobiczzzz identity politics labelling bullshit we saw being thrown out with the recent election in USA.

Kawksnahch ago

ah, the fun stuff :D

Kayzza ago

A reasonable way to address a so-called 'witch hunt' would be to disprove it. Not to spam it with antisemitic bullshit. They're getting more and more desperate. Keep digging!

DeathToMasons ago

This is not jew-gate. It is Pizzagate. Your attempts to derail the conversation and start anti-Semitic back and forth banter is an obvious attempt to derail. Your comment history reveals your nonsense.

redditsuckz ago

This looks like a "dry run" to see how long they can keep a shit post at the top...

Over 480 shill votes?...lulz...

ZalesMcMuffin ago

I agree with not going out of one's way. But if PC is in my way, I'm stepping on/over it and continuing on.

George_Carlin ago

Their old tricks used to work and now they scramble to get back in the game! Hilarious to see the fail army at work. I would recommend any agents/shills to consider looking for a new line of work because this gigs up! Might I suggest some humanitarian volunteer work for a start.

EllenPaosEgo ago

So you are saying they are self hating jews? CTR has been doxed several times, they almost exclusively hire jews and all the management positions are all jews. Brock himself is jewish from his mothers side.

unfuckitup ago

I'm outside US, I would've voted for Bernie in the primary and Jill in the general. One of my best friends is Jewish. Pizzagate is real. #SaveTheKids.

unbiased_researcher ago

Exactly. Time is better spent investigating. Dig and archive. Don't panic, this is a war that we will win. But we have to stay focused.

Diogenes_The_Cynic ago

I still don't understand why these groups use api interfaces to write on websites when they could just write stuff down themselves.

ZalesMcMuffin ago

I agree with this.

  • Bots are annoying.

  • Bots indicate we're making somebody nervous.

  • Politically incorrect speech/ideas isn't why we're here.

  • Ending the pedo corruption is why we're here.

I think all sincere pizzagators would agree with the above points. There's one more point though:

  • I'm not willing to defer to political correctness in discussing and pursuing a solution.

Ladyele ago

This should be our mission statement.

Ladyele ago

This needs more upvoats.

xbryn ago

Those aren't bots, those are Amalek alts.

militant ago

I don't know that guy, who is apparently a known voat troll I heard, but yeah no bots here.

Why the hell this topic got 500 upvotes in 24 hours? There are many recent interesting threads with +20 or so...

Kawksnahch ago

Brock and his minions? The little yellow ones? :D I LOVE THOSE!

ThePuppetShow ago

Says the random nazi on the internet..

Kawksnahch ago

you lost me at "jews lurk behind most bad things in the world".

Please go fuck yourself.

Millennial_Falcon ago

I know he is supposedly one person with multiple accounts who pushes "IT'S ZE JEWS!" Anything else to know?

Crensch ago

Not sure exactly to what @kevdude is referring, but I've been on both Amalek and Antiracist's shitlists at some time or another, and both use the same kinds of tactics to flood/spam Voat.

Englandisrising ago

This has JIDF written all over it.

Kawksnahch ago

To be fair, it's probably written in hebrew. However that looks. (it's on the site. lol)

CantWaitToGetAPizzaU ago


RedGreenAlliance ago

I am going to try to start a new trend on Twitter by need help. #IfPizzaGateWasFake

The idea is we then present info that makes people question the MSM narrative. Eg

.#IfPizzaGateWasFake why would #CorrectTheRecord spambot #PizzaGate forums w/ antisemitic rants? Wasn't their money 4 #CrookedHillary election?


Tweet already working well. Need to hijack trending hashtags and keep making new ones up; they are already censoring #AskAlefantis and #PizzaGate

Kawksnahch ago

yer doin' god's work son. Aloha snackbar, Salami and Bacon, Bacon an' Salam'

Kawksnahch ago

What gloriousness are you going on about? Should this be its own post with sawces?

zzvoat ago

Is_r_ael also has a HUGE army of people who - voluntarily - spend countless hours online tracking, reading, and up or downvoting anything related to anything that is not 1000% positive about I_sra_el, etc. I have encountered this for years working for Pal_es_tin_ian Human Rights.

As a result, any word that could even CONCEIVABLY be related, I switch up. I'm not sure that works either, but it's all I can do.

It's a very sad situation which is gradually changing. Jāˆ‘ ws I work with understand that it increases anti- sem_Ļ€ ism, it doesn't decrease it.

Unfortunately, the actual history of the lead-in to pizzagate heads directly down that path.

Thank you for your post, OP.


CRITICAL distinction. Z_i on i_sm is made up of both Christians and J * w*s. Not every Christian is a Z_i oni_ n i st and not every J e W is a Z_i 0 n i s t.

The enemy is Z_i on i_sm.

redditsuckz ago

Isra3l loves "pasta";

An American senator raised hell when he found out that pasta was considered a security risk and not allowed in.


Kawksnahch ago

Jesus, it's like you're fully aware of Hasbara and the JIDF ;)

VieBleu ago

Baziiiinga! This IS the bot you are looking for.

Kawksnahch ago


have an upvoat

VieBleu ago


samhara ago

"ABot" - not too creative. It's either a deliberate flub-up ["mistake" by a person who doesn't like pulling their "hoaxes"] or they are really nervous and can't see straight. Either way The Snake Has Shown It's Head.

Kawksnahch ago

it was really really late and they were pumping them out in a hurry. I think they just got caught up.

reasonedandinformed ago

For context , CTR stands for Correct The Record, a coordinated disinfo campaign run by Alefantis " boyfriend David Brock of Media Matters:


Craic_Cocaine ago

While I do believe the Jews play a far greater role than their actual presence in the global sex slave trade, They're just trying to turn this forum into an anti-semitic one so it's easier to dismiss this as an 'anti-semitic canard'

fuckmyreddit ago

Jews play a far greater role than their presence in a lot of things. Check out the doctors names the next time your kid gets sick and you rush him to the hospital. The next time a good but overacheieving Jew saves someone's life you'll change your tune.

Craic_Cocaine ago

I would NEVER take my kid to a Jew doctor.

Kawksnahch ago

I remember a video of some israeli or mossad guy saying they deliberately use anti-semitism as a shield for their actions... i'll post it if i can find it again but it's been buried hardcore.

cosmicmind ago

I remember articles about that a long time ago, but they got deleted or buried. The zionists deliberately threw all jews under the bus for their anti-Semitic coverup. Jesuits are the Catholics link to the Zionists with the sub-group linked to masons, and the more modern theosophy groups using Crowley/Thelema and Lucis Trust. Lucis Trust is UN's spiritual link, and it's protected by heavy-hitter big names.
There is a religion core, but it's not the common jews, it's Zionists and that's the group who always throws the jews under the bus for their coverup of anti-semiticism.

If we are ever to get to the wider connections we'd have to be allowed to investigate all information, but the msm and elite will do all they can to turn anything into a propaganda war attack, allowing them to discount or shutdown the investigation of pedo-crime pizzagate pedogate.

They did the same thing with the focus on Alefantis CPP, using that info focus into a fake news propaganda and discount pizzagate investigation, because the connection does run deep into a wider picture.

Why do they think that Amos Luzzatto was included in the WikiLeaks? No, they don't want to open that connection because everyone will cry Jesuit/Catholic war. And the shitstain that is msm elite will use anything to stop pizzagate pedogate from getting to the top connections and educate the world in a protest.

Kawksnahch ago

thank god someone else caught it :D

Though, the Masons and the Jesuits are at each other's throats. Always have been. Jesuits started off as the secret police of the Catholic Church, who said that no Jesuit (basically CIA) should ever be pope (President) or they will destroy the church. Well... the current guy is a Jesuit who said you don't even need to believe in jesus to get to heaven so... they were right.

cosmicmind ago

Yes, your connection to cia, etc is right on the mark. Shadow government for sure. The further it goes back the further it pisses off the religious factions, as Roman Vatican (actually Babylon infiltrators who hijacked a messiah so it could continue under the radar) connects people's religion with Rome. Sad but true. So there's that problem. During 70ad Jewish war all the jews were cast out or slaughtered and the ones remaining, under Rabbi Yachonan, had to make new deals with Roman Emperor to keep them alive. Then again in the 130ce war of Bar Kosbah.

But it really all goes back to Babylon, which is why you'll see the egg symbol and shite like that hidden in pingpong pictures (London pingpong had a number of egg pics, as does old French aristocracy in their so-called "art".) Egg goes back to symbolism with Babylon religion. Egg - chick,,, that's why they refer to chicken today.
These symbols are so old, and part of their original belief religion, that it's going to be hard for them to part with symbols and bring in new ones.

But yeah, the people screaming to nail the jews are again the ones who distract using this old propaganda, but the ones who don't want to get to the root are still the same for shutting down investigation to the core connection.

That's what the elite group at the very top want to protect and those fuckers have all kinds of strategies from all sides to stop people from learning the truth about their religion platform and their government platform.... and how at its core the elite at the top of the system uses adults as war killing rituals (trauma/blood/death) and children as rituals (sex/trauma/blood/death).

So they recently hid under the Vatican coverup when pedo-Francis came out and claimed it's fake news... to support his cause and shut down investigation.

Jews have always been the scapegoat, but not in the way these voat forum users think, and in a way this type of thread is part of the very problem to shut down further investigation.

Glad to see you get this.

So sad we're living in this though. #SaveThe Kids

I think this thing has imploded internally with what you've mentioned The masons and Jesuits at each others throats, like the Catholics and protestants have been at each others throats, but when the rubber met the road the pope came to USA recently and the protestant leaders all got to acknowledge that they'd back him. They may have their fights, but at the core it's like fighting siblings who will align against the greater enemy if and when they need to.
They need people, adults and children, for their life blood rituals.

Kawksnahch ago

Look at us talkin' about jews without being shitmongers. :D

I think you'll like this: Have you ever heard of the Flavian Dynasty? https://youtu.be/HS0WSEuousE

This literally talks about why the jews were set up as the scapegoat. It's fuckin' nuts if true and... I'm leaning toward this making more sense than the usual story. This being that the new testament was written in conjunction with Josephus and the Flavian Dynasty as a tool. The stories in it are fantasy versions of real events because it's supposedly a war journal of this guy Serpentus (sp?).

This was planned thousands of years ago, sadly. Still trying to undo the effects.

Edit: Also, the jewish messiah is supposed to be a warlord, not a hippy, and technically the jews aren't supposed to even fucking have a homeland before god returns to earth anyway so... there's that.

cosmicmind ago

You are rare friend.

Yes, I first researched the Flavian Dynasty in 2010 and noticed exactly what you're saying. After researching I discovered that a lot of others have noticed the same thing and written about it.

Josephus was abducted by Vespasian and his son Titus (both would be emperors) .... Josephus wrote for them in their Roman villa long after he was abducted by them.
The first Roman pope/bishop (records vary) was Clement, a cousin of Vespasian. He was infatuated with Jewish tradition, as Vespasian was infatuated with the role of Messiah. Even the Jewish Egyptian Philo, who worked for Rome and Greece to Hellenize/Romanize the Jews, would tolerate the Romanization of the Jews, but drew the line with anyone of them wanting to take on the role of Messiah.... the Romans wanted that role and they kind of got it while also dispersing the original jews.

The ones who created it and worked with Rome would have been known as the sadduccee/Pharisee groups, which Jesus was against. They might be what we'd call the Zionists today.

Interesting thing is that Rome completely hijacked the role of Messiah and turned it around in typical Babylonian tradition, by having the people who honor the Messiah eat his body and drink his blood (the eucharist) cannibalism rituals go way back in that group, stemming back to Molech/Ba'al. They blended it all with pagan ritual and gave it back to the people in the form of the Jewish Messiah. The real Jews would not have done that, they were against blood rituals like that of Ba'al Molech. But those who weren't slaughtered or dispersed joined the group who lined with Rome. That's where the 2 groups are at war, the Jesuit/Vatican - Masons, yet they have always worked together.

They're playing a script and it involves a lot of blood, fear, wars and at various levels of ritual sacrifice -- for those who aren't into the religious element it's just sexual pedo and adult death. Look today we have this spilled over into the public for those who don't do it for religious reasons, but are interest in pedo and cannibalism and death for addictive reasons.

Oh yeah, this has been going on since before the modern words were invented. It was a project of (Roman and Grecian) Hellenization for a very long time... then it just became a project of Hell. Maybe people can notice the similar lying and schemes in todays pizzagate and recognize how they've done this for thousands of years. The crucifiction of Christians during the 130ce was actually a crucifiction of the jews in the war of Simon Bar Kosibah, or the crucifiction of anyone who protested Roman governance, along with their beliefs. if they converted they got tax cuts and more perks... it's all been twisted by propaganda just as it is today. Same story different era, with slightly different focus of information.

Kawksnahch ago

So i looked up the alternative pedo code idea (i think i looked for japanese), and this came up, from 2010


Kawksnahch ago

You as well!

Ironically, all this talk about jews is making me curious about the rest of asia. Like... Thailand... Japan... places known for being into kids. Has anyone searched through the leaks for any references to places like that? Granted, then we'd have to look into non-english/western pedi-codes.

Edit: I mean... we don't think we've found the top layer of code, do we? The grand international unified pedo-code? It's gotta change at some point... like... depending on which mafia you're talking to.

redditsuckz ago

They forgot to name 6 bots?...



And they dont delete their accounts and leave the evidence up...

And notice there are barely any upvotes for their submissions...



So with all their bot accounts they never used them to upvote their submissions?...

It looks more like something is being buried and hidden in the deleted submissions.


A common tactic for criminals (especially murderers) is to plant false clues at the scene of their crime: either to deliberately frame someone else or merely to throw suspicion away from themselves. Sometimes, however, they take things too far and the sheer amount of clues they plant has the opposite effect. No detective will believe that any criminal could be so careless as to leave that much incriminating evidence behind.

samhara ago

But often they do.

Runaway-White-Slave ago

OMFG Internet NAZIS everywhere, help us!!!

Angstromsdelight ago

Smells like bullshit to try to shut down discussion of the real perps.

Kawksnahch ago

And who might that be? :) Mr. 22 hours

sixgorillion ago

Why don't you take the time and debunk my thread on this topic?


Kawksnahch ago

already did. Check one of your other accounts.

sixgorillion ago

I have one account.

Please visit the thread I linked and debunk it, it's not a copy/paste and you're acting intellectually dishonest.

Kawksnahch ago

plus, you're pushing that blood libel crap just like the others. Is this the new copy pasta? Am I getting a preview? :D

sixgorillion ago

How about using an argument? You just follow Jewpedia's narrative and also insinuating that I'm a spammer(Ad hominem). I simply want people to debunk my post or admit that Jews run the world and the Talmud is satanic.

Kawksnahch ago

The page I linked you to is a pretty good starting breakdown.

sixgorillion ago

some jew-site claim that the evil jews aren't jews

no shit, still doesn't explain why they refuse to write God. Most of them reject the creator as a literal being and they all laugh about killing Jesus who used their own scripture against them. He was the one who exposed the reality of two-faced Judaism that is the old testament on one hand and the fucking pure evil talmud on the other hand.

Kawksnahch ago

You're clearly not a jew lol

I'm guessing you're Muslim? Maybe a Southern Baptist? Hindu? Definitely not Sikh or Buddhist... Hmmmmm...

Edit: You're not a Freemason either... might a Knights of Christ guy... still doesn't really make sense to have all the vitriol... so... either JIDF or Muslim, or just a troll and neither.

sixgorillion ago

Still, here you keep going with the Ad hominem. You just keep throwing them out there hoping that one of them will stick.

Can you use arguments? I know it's hard when you're wrong, but you could at least try?

Kawksnahch ago

Nah ;) Have fun, fucko

sixgorillion ago

You hereby concede the discussion and you don't have the ability to respond with arguments.

I can only conclude that my thread is accurate in every way. None of you dare try and debunk it.

Kawksnahch ago

-rolls eyes-

sixgorillion ago

And now you're just showing off your lack of intelligence. This is a discussion forum and you don't understand how a discussion works.

Kawksnahch ago

-keeps rollin' them eyes while you keep increasing the comment count, drawing attention to the topic-

-thanks, bro-

Kawksnahch ago

Easily. You don't refer to the Zionists once. Have a good day.

sixgorillion ago

That's just a political movement that's orchestrated by Jewish interests.

Kawksnahch ago

-rolls eyes-

If you're claiming that the so-called Zionists are a sub-sect of Judaism. then you're fucking delusional.

lol, omg.

sixgorillion ago

Again, Ad hominem and no arguments.

TAThatBoomerang ago

You should have archived instead, even though it would have been harder to pull off.

It's very easy to just photoshop this and proudly present this as your proof. Needless to say that the skeptics will remain skeptics.

Kawksnahch ago

hey, run an edit check then. You'll see that only the arrows were thrown in for emphasis ;)

SaneGoatiSwear ago

wow!who said anything about ovens, you fucking moron nigger.

reasonedandinformed ago

My bigger concern is i am driving people here to join and do not want them to get the wrong idea about us because of CTR crap.

TAThatBoomerang ago

I mean, this could be a tactic to do exactly what they want you to do. Be scared of being called Nazis and ignore all ties this has to Zionists.

If they wouldn't do this, Pizzagate would presumably eventually realize that the ties to Zionists is very strong, but by shouting and screaming extremely loud, they've got Pizzagate all scared of being.. well, what I said in the beginning.

Godwillwin ago

I think it's pretty safe to say that All religions are involved as well as all political parties and races and sexes.

notoriousfox ago

Got 'em! Great work. I don't know about you guys, but the effort to discredit this basically removes whatever doubt I had. Why would they fight this hard to discredit it behind the scenes if it isn't true?

Vastator ago

Well done bot buster.

goatsandbros ago

ABot & Cuckstello

Nightbringer ago

lel... weak sauce. Even if the names don't give them away, the stupid shit they post will.

mooteensy ago

Can't wait to show this to all my friends who are having trouble getting the red pill down.

Alois_sticklgruber ago



Pizzagatethroaway499 ago

Hey! I just got on and see this...what's going on?

SaneGoatiSwear ago

oh nothing pizzagate is on track and the shills and bots are failing hard.

Blacksmith21 ago

This seems like the right place to ask this question:

I know a "bot" is like a spider which looks for comment submissions and then essentially drops in a canned message on a discussion thread. Given the layers to post here, are there actually programs sophisticated enough to auto post new threads and/or comments? Or is a "bot" actually just a nickname for some leftie sitting in a cube farm at CTR getting 13.50/hr? Fill me in...

Kawksnahch ago

I dunno, considering the frequency they were trying to slide, I think they're just using a bot template and got carried away.

Fateswebb ago

Bot as in robot. A program that you configure a few things on like name and password and target, load with bullshit, and it goes on its own as your little info warrior. You could run countless bots at the same time and flood the site with your point of view.

resurgence ago

The Shilling: Dawn of the Planet of The Shills

vacvape ago

This sometimes happens when you open a new box of hackers.

red_pill_stefbot ago

They're getting desperate. Keep digging and spread the truth!

SaneGoatiSwear ago

yeah!!!! you stupid nigger, no one's spreading the truth here. it's 99% misdirection static on the line and lies. the whole attack on pizzagate has been a huge success and you're too stupid to see it.

cdglow ago

For what it's worth, there were allegedly some past Twitter bots that also all repeated a bunch of the same anti-pizzagate quotes.


There's nothing conclusive in either case as we can't tell who ran the bots for what purpose. It could hypothetically be a normal reputation management or PR company that's been hired to manage public opinion for Pedosta and some of these players, and they could genuinely be innocent. (doubtful, but hypothetically possible). It could hypothetically be an online troll who is trying to muddy the waters and cause chaos. It could hypothetically be a pizzagate researcher that cares a little too much and is manufacturing evidence to try and prove his case. Maybe it's CTR shills who are awake and who aren't being careless, but are trying to expose the public manipulation by pretending to be careless and accidentally making a mistake once in a while. It's tough to know anything for a fact.

But somebody is going to an awful lot of trouble to try and manipulate public opinion here. I think we can agree on that

SaneGoatiSwear ago

yeah there are many more bots than this, i'm sure. pr or rep management? nah it's much more insidious than that. ctr was here before you even joined. they were soooo obvious. we wrecked them.

redditsuckz ago


A common tactic for criminals (especially murderers) is to plant false clues at the scene of their crime: either to deliberately frame someone else or merely to throw suspicion away from themselves. Sometimes, however, they take things too far and the sheer amount of clues they plant has the opposite effect. No detective will believe that any criminal could be so careless as to leave that much incriminating evidence behind.

They forgot to name 6 bots?...


And they dont delete their accounts and leave the evidence up...

And notice there are barely any upvotes for their submissions...



So with all their bot accounts they never used them to upvote their submissions?...

It looks more like something is being buried and hidden in the deleted submissions....

pray_the_gay_away ago

Redo with sli.mg you Reddit pleb. The fat fucks at imgur will delete this.

hyderflare ago

Excellent work!

Gorillion ago

They're not trying to spread antisemitism, they're trying to use it to call pizzagate "Rayciss!!!".

LostandFound ago

Your game IS strong, keep up the good fight there's plenty more fights to win in the great pasta wars

Kawksnahch ago

I feel like that's a story straight out of the renaissance :D

SaneGoatiSwear ago

so true! but you're dead wrong about the game. he posted to imgur a censoring site. i wouldn't be surprised if this got deleted. he's gonna have to repost with the proper link (which he already commented here on slimg) yay, so yes, AFTER you commented this he got his game back, but when you commented this he was fucking weeeeaksauce.

pizzaequalspedo ago

BOOM! Nice work on pointing out what we've all been suspecting...

safetythrowaway1234 ago

yeah I'm not sure if there's a way to display the entire album within the post.

freeagent37 ago

Awesome work!

waxdino ago

This is so funny. Good work!

happy_snek ago

The quality of the sockpuppeting is getting worse with time. This bodes well for us all.

Guy_with_the_face ago

Could they be more obvious? Are they trying to get caught? I think they are, which makes me suspicious.

sixgorillion ago

Honestly, who the fuck believes that any "anti-semitic" poster is simply a shill? I don't think anyone would forget to name his bots.

We all know that the shills are the ones trying to divert the conversation from the fact that pedophilia is accepted in the Talmud.

Still waiting for you to debunk this

SaneGoatiSwear ago

totallya misdirection tactic, know what i mean? no one can debunk that because fucking true. zionists are fully attacking this site right now.

ThePuppetShow ago

Again, most Jews(the ones you know) has no idea about all of this. They wouldn't even believe it.

Then why frame them into your argument by saying "it's the Jews"? Especially when there's plenty of people involved who aren't Jews. You've also already framed anyone who doesn't roll with your theory as a shill. Interesting.

reasonedandinformed ago

Yes. @sixgorillion is either a CTR shill or brain dead when it comes to critical thinking.

bikergang_accountant ago

When people want to call Amalek a bot just for being Amalek so they make some accounts with bot in the name a screenshot it.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

haaaahahahahyou are a funny motherfucker you know that. underappreciated meta joke right here all the way at the bottom. who dv'd this funny shit?!

reasonedandinformed ago

Great documentation. I knew I had seen some of the CTR hatred from a CTR bot yesterday, but it showed account creation minutes earlier today. Your screen cap does a great job exposing this.

reasonedandinformed ago

CTR is SO stupid. Just identify, call them out, downvote, and report. Then repeat. The fact that they have ramped up should encourage us all that they are running scared.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

yeah!it's not ctr you fucking moron. they came and left. this is worse. this is i believe pedo-ring interests against pizzagate/voat.

Millennial_Falcon ago

Check banned users list. They did this with SIX accounts in a row.

VieBleu ago


SaneGoatiSwear ago

wow!that's insane! thank you for being on top of it. any way i can help?

reasonedandinformed ago

I was reporting them as fast as I could. Thanks for the diligence.

lamGod ago


Nana66 ago

I am not a bot :-)

Kawksnahch ago



SaneGoatiSwear ago

of course you're not! stinky nigger faggot. i hope you die in a fire.

IAmYourDad ago

That's something a bot would say...

Nana66 ago

That's something a bot would say....;-)

Fateswebb ago

What if two (or three or four) bots get caught in a reply loop. Maybe we could keep the boys going in a circle jerk so they can leave us alone.

militant ago


jonnythaiwongy9 ago

We need to meme the shit out of thus. Why would David Brock's propaganda corp be spending money directing his troll army to a pizzagate forum to spew anti-semitic themes. Obviously they have no answer to the real questions, this willl help turn peoples opinion

DeathToMasons ago

You know exactly why Brock would do such a thing. To make it look like Pizzagate investigators are simply anti-Semitic bigots, and make those being investigated look like victims. Same with the fake Alt-right movement. Ever see the bad acting by that group? "Hail Trump! Hail Our people, Hail victory!" https://youtu.be/EBdKzrFrEl0 Or the way the news reported that a burned down "black church" had "vote Trump" written on it? Or how KKK marched for Trump? This is not even clever.

jonnythaiwongy9 ago

I meant to say 'why else would Brock ' as in this CTR op is evidence of their guilt

redditsuckz ago

We need to meme the shit out of thus. Why would David Brock's propaganda corp be spending money directing his troll army to a pizzagate forum to spew anti-semitic themes. Obviously they have no answer to the real questions, this willl help turn peoples opinion

mememed'd it;


Englandisrising ago

That's right fellow White person lets down vote anything antisemetic, evil CTR shills am I right? Haha #MAGA #FELLOW WHITE PEOPLE # I AM TOTALLY NOT JEWISH #ISRAEL OUR GREATEST ALLY #ONLY DEMOCRCY IN MIDDLE EAST # GOOD GOYIM

jonnythaiwongy9 ago

Down vote stupid things.

Rydal ago

How do we know it was David Brock? I mean... only voat could tell us where they originate from, right?

jonnythaiwongy9 ago

I would assume, given it involves Hillary associates, he's her chief propagandist and this is right out of his and CTR's playbook.

Rydal ago

Bots dont involve people except the installer.

Runaway-White-Slave ago

Unfortunately the the post form imgur proves nothing except far too many people have far too much time on their hands. For all we know the damn "ABot#" collection could be the online equivalent to a false flag, expect there is no flag, and it's all meant to smear a group with a particular set of beliefs.

For all we know the ADL, SPLC, JDF, Hasbara, any number of special interests groups did that to further their message.........

Weak sauce is weak, and sheeple aren't too smart.

Blacksmith21 ago


HolyMoly0 ago

Maybe I'm a little behind on this... but do we know for a fact that these are CTR bots? (If so, how?)

ZalesMcMuffin ago

See image in OP.

Clearly bots are at work. The only question is whose.

ich1baN ago

That's the point of disinformation agents.... that is the job description of probably 50% of agents that work for spooks and of course those that have something to hide such as CGI.

They want to misinform those that are hot on their trails and try to cast doubt in those who might join our efforts. It's one of the easiest tactics that disinformation agents do b/c it takes little effort and it looks harmless.

That was the whole purpose of the #FakeNews meme in the first place that the MSM went psycho with after the election.

Don't you guys find it interesting that they didn't create the #FakeNews meme before the election, only after people started making the connections?

RedGreenAlliance ago

Did a variation on that please check it out and retweet #IfPizzaGateWasFake why would #CorrectTheRecord spambot #PizzaGate forums w/ antisemitic rants? Wasn't their šŸ’µ 4 #CrookedHillary election?šŸ¤” https://twitter.com/momeetsaisha/status/810230488757633025

squidicuz ago

I guess it struck a nerve.

unfuckitup ago

Great messaging Blacksmith21, It says so much on one short sentence.

reasonedandinformed ago

Very scared and trying to plant their made-up lie that we are Nazi fascists. The MSM needs CTR to plant false evidence in our platform...to dissuade new arrivals and for the narrative that they have written ("inspired by hate-filled pizzagate bigots") for their next false flag op, which I think will happen imminently.

fuckmyreddit ago


Half my family is Jewish and half is Catholic. It sounds like a setup for a joke, but even though some priests diddle kids, not all Catholics do that. I've done some research about weird cults of judaism. I was shocked by some things I read about certain rabbis, but just like all priests don't rape little kids, all rabbis don't rape little kids. All scout masters don't rape little kids. And are all you whacks trying to say all the people in DC are jews? Come on. I think there's a good chance obama is not a Jew. Seriosly, I've never heard of a jew with a middle name Hussein. So I don't know if pizzagate is real. But I'm getting more and more suspicious when I see people intentionally planting posts to paint everyone on voat as bigots. Just like all blacks aren't drug dealers, I can tell you not all jews are Woody Allen or wackos who follow creepy obscure texts from thousands of years ago. Most Jews are regular Americans and you evil people should take your bots and crawl back into your hole. There are good people on here from all backgrounds.

Nigredo ago

It's completely fucking retarded for people to blame shit all on the Jews, but my assumption is that constructing some all powerful "Other" capable of controlling the world is the only recourse among right-wingers who, for their entire lives, have done nothing but sing the praises of Holy Capitalism and are left lost when confronted with the material effects of unrestrained capitalism on their lives. They are ruled by unaccountable political elites who are bought and sold and moved by a tier of the wealthy whose power they will never, ever equal short of rising up together in armed rebellion. Capitalism is "good" so therefore there must be some sort of other cause for our society's ailing ways. So they invent the Jew as some Super-capitalist, who has "real wealth" because gold is apparently the only thing worth anything, and I guess the Jews have it all, and then throw in a little blame for The Mexican stealing our jobs and The Muslim threatening us with violence at every turn and then boom! Like magic, it's possible for one to forget the hand of Wells-Fargo/TEVA/Aetna/CIGNA/Time Warner/Comcast/JPMorganChase/Citigroup in your pocket rifling through your wallet to see what else they can fucking take from you. Or the police who can, with increasing impunity, manufacture reasons to harass and potentially kill you. In fact, they deride even discussing police violence as propaganda against the poor old police! Even though these self-proclaimed (most I've spoken with) libertarian leaning conservatives say that they're against government overreach! But I guess it's easy to see past police flashbanging infants in their cribs when you believe this constructed reality that they are all that stands between you and a wave of brown people flooding into your neighborhood to rape and murder you at the behest of the Omniscient Omnipotent Talmudic Jew.

Fuck I am so sick of talking to these people.

reasonedandinformed ago

Most hate-filled invective against Jews or other groups is disinfo planted by CTR. Just downvote and report to mods.

fr33europe ago


We're not Nazi's?

I'm on the wrong train. Bring on the anti semitism.

Waterburger ago

I am a Nazi, Hitler did good things for germany. Let them do it. Then the Nazis will be seen as responsible for bringing down an international pedo ring.

terrordactyl ago


Waterburger ago

What the fuck do you mean? Because I want the NSDAP to be seen as they should be, I am a shill? Your next post will be b-b-but muh PEE ARR

blind_sypher ago

I had the sneaking suspicion this jew shit was the work of provocateurs. It had absolutely nothing to do with anything we were finding. At least now we know and we can just blast the shit out of it with downvotes whenever we encounter it.

Nigredo ago

Ughhhh man Voat is just full of natural racist reactionary idiots who can't be fucked to think critically for once in their miserable lives. Everything wrong in the world is the work of Talmudic Jews. Nothing bad ever comes from a rich white man unless he's serving the Jews. I haven't asked about rich Asian/Black/Middle Eastern/Muslims, but I assume they're all servants of the terrible and all powerful Jew as well. Capitalism is great, there's no reason to think otherwise, who cares that the richest men on earth and the most tyrannical robber barons have been white, it's all the Jews. Jew jew jews. Jews. The Jews say in the Talmud that it's okay to marry and rape children, so therefore the Jews are the only rich child murdering rapists in the world. It's Jews all the way up, all the way down.

What do you expect among people who think Marx is a dirty word, who think the USSR/China are or ever were worker states and actually socialist, and who think every benefit won from capitalism by workers fighting against their employers was just given to us- technology happened and all of a sudden we had an 8 hour workday! Nobody had to fight and die for it! Hurray capitalism!

Englandisrising ago

That's right fellow White person lets down vote anything antisemetic, evil CTR shills am I right? Haha #MAGA #FELLOW WHITE PEOPLE # I AM TOTALLY NOT JEWISH #ISRAEL OUR GREATEST ALLY #ONLY DEMOCRCY IN MIDDLE EAST # GOOD GOYIM

Englandisrising ago

^^^JIDF detected ^^^

reasonedandinformed ago

Yep. More proof of how real this is as they fight hard to distract and discredit.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

yeah you keep confusing bigotry/hate speech which is protected legal speech, with violent/illegal speech. try again nigger retard faggot!

molehairz ago

This is some pretty lame reverse psychology they're trying to pull..

Mossad always likes to think they're 1 step ahead, and in attempt to dissuade discussion about jews they're trying to make it appear that anyone talking about jews is a shill so no one will listen to it and just downvote.

You 15 day old accounts think you're clever, but you're not.

Sloppy_Joe ago

I completely agree with you that the JIDF is behind these Bots and OP of this post is probably JIDF as well. Funny how these bots just HAPPENED to FORGET they labeled themselves "Bots" How convenient.

This is just another attempt at them trying to get us away from the fact the Israel has the largest European Children Pedophile ring on Earth....

redditsuckz ago

Israel loves "pasta";

"An American senator raised hell when he found out that pasta was considered a security risk and not allowed in."


fuckmyreddit ago

You think the Saudis are all Jews too?

SaneGoatiSwear ago

yeah!!reasonedandinformed is a bot

ThePuppetShow ago

Why would anyone call them Jews when they aren't all Jews? They're luciferian occultists. Why exclude the Jews who don't want to be a part of that and lump them in with this these sick fuckers? Your theory is flawed.

molehairz ago

Judaism/zionism is the root of this occultism. They even practice pedophile acts as their religious rituals out in the open.

There's a reason they've been banished from over 100 different countries, they're the root of so much evil in this world.

ThePuppetShow ago

Lucifer is the root of occultism. You found the Jewish clique (Talmud), congrats. There's a bunch of other cliques that aren't Jewish. They aren't all Jews and all Jews aren't involved. Why is this so hard for you?

SaneGoatiSwear ago

how some people have never researched zionism. it astounds me, right?goddamn fucking bots

molehairz ago

Just because someone is born jewish doesn't inherently make them a bad person, but their belief system itself is a cancer to humanity.

I mean when their goal is to enslave all non-jews, and they see' goyim' as beasts in human form created to serve them, while simultaneously owning the world banks and the media outlets and running worldwide child trafficking pedo rings, you start to have a problem

ThePuppetShow ago

Not all Jews read the Torah, so not all Jews think of us a goyim. You're lumping everyone in again.

Kawksnahch ago

geeeeee.... i wonder... lol

Kawksnahch ago


sli.mg version. Thanks safety!

SaneGoatiSwear ago

nice. now post that shit as slimg or imgtc next time :) imgur censors. you wouldn't give money to your loved ones' rapist, would you? don't drive traffic to imgur. stupid nigger bot. are you a bot? you're a bot.

safetythrowaway1234 ago

another tip: you can display individual photos within your post by adding .png the original file type (ex: .png, .jpeg/.jpeg) to the end of the url. The easiest thing to do is copy the "Direct URL" and use that for your link when you first upload your image(s).

Kawksnahch ago

these are actually .jpg

Should I not do jpgs?

safetythrowaway1234 ago

I believe you should use .jpg since that is the file type you uploaded. The easiest thing to do is copy paste what is listed under "Direct URL" when you first upload the images.

Voatharder ago

Thanks! I was wondering how to do that.

safetythrowaway1234 ago

your image hosting game is weak. use sli.mg

lamGod ago

When a genius appears in the world, you will know him by this sign, all of the dunces with be in confederation against him.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

omg this AHAHAHAHAH this surely you're not a bot!

Kawksnahch ago

oh that's what that is? k k

Kawksnahch ago

Updated for deliciousness