Rewards ago


VieBleu ago

the worm has just started to turn for you.

Rewards ago

That whole speech made me think of it coming out of the mouth of some neckbeard with a fedora on for some reason... Some neck beard in the basement of his mother's house pounding away on a keyboard half-eaten plate Tostitos pizza rolls on the floor a couple of ginger cats licking them on the wall behind him he has a couple of Marilyn Manson posters with anonymous mask hanging from the rubber band on the tax in the corner the ceiling fans slowly clicking away causing a slight breeze making the mass kind of shake back and forth a little bit in rhythm with the breeze empty box of tissues under the bed next to the box set of the complete Buffy the Vampire Slayer DVDs maybe the first season of Charmed next to it somewhere on the wall he probably has a replica Lord of the Rings sword there's a couple of milk jugs on the floor that he's been urinating into because he can't get himself to get out of his chair to go piss in the toilet

VieBleu ago

clearly a direct hit. consider yourself exposed pedo protector. : D

Reallyldeal ago


VieBleu ago

They called it an "Information War".

Well in every war, the soldiers on the other side need to hear certain things to help them make the right decisions. I do not promote violence in any way, but I have no problem properly channeling rage to appropriate targets.

And I am very intuitive. I know what the small voices in the back of the head of these pedos, traffickers and pedo protectors say - and I am here to amplify those voices. There will be a series of these, targeted tastes of their own psychological warfare.