hopeforall ago

I have a question

Do you think I’ll do better playing dominos on cheese than on pasta?

DarkMath ago

What was your major in college?

RedGreenAlliance ago

The purpose of this losers post is to make everyone waste time asking dumb questions while he laughs at diverting people on a fools errand

DarkMath ago

First the Shills and now the LARPer's. Pizzathehut69 you're going to need to proof it because you have LARP written all over this post.

RedGreenAlliance ago

Do you prefer to play dominoes on pizza or pasta?

carmencita ago

I don't know how some people that do these things and pretty much sell their souls, sleep nights. If you are telling the truth, and sleep nights with a clear conscience, then I pity you. Your next step could be something even more nefarious. I would not want you near any minors. Because you know that you have been compromised. You have been hired to do whatever you can to hide the life of a possible pedophile. If he is ever charged and convicted you may be blackmailed into lying for him. The CIA and other Govt. agencies have been doing this for decades so do not think that this is the end of the road.


So tell us what you supposedly did do to discredit pg. Names, dates, email addresses, physical addresses, you name it. Then we can all check it up.

Thank you for either the leads, or the entertainment value of your stupid trolling.

pizzathehut69 ago

I just have so much love to give

betadynamique ago

Ask you anything? But I already know.

pizzathehut69 ago

doubt it

organic1 ago

You're going to have to upload a copy of your paystub, so we can see what account it's written from, what bank he uses, and verify that it's his signature. Feel free to black out just your name. Thanks.

pizzathehut69 ago

I got paid in bitcoins

knight222 ago

Bitcoin transactions are public matter. What's your wallet #?

organic1 ago

Where did you see the job posting and what qualifications were they asking for? Do you go to work at a central location, or do you work from home? Are they having a Christmas party, or rather a Minerva party?

DontTreadOnMemes ago

You are the most irritating user on this forum. Bravo.

abortionburger ago

his name is robert paulsen

DontTreadOnMemes ago

Let me ask you this, how are you able to successfully detach yourself from the subject matter (child trafficking, child abuse and rape) when spamming forums like this one and mocking the subject of child abuse and human trafficking?

pizzathehut69 ago

it's really easy. They don't even make you use an email to verify who you are on here. It's fuckin great

DontTreadOnMemes ago

No, I don't mean detach from your true identity when you're trolling. I mean how do you detach your emotions from the subject, the torture, abuse and international sale of children. This isn't like trolling Justin Bieber because his music sucks or mailing 2 tons of salt to the NYT because their favorite candidate lost the USA election and they can't let it go... When you troll and spam forums dedicated to investigation and exposure of a human trafficking syndicate you are effectively making a mockery of child abuse, rape and slavery. So my question is, how do you do it? Like, what's your trick for separating yourself from your humanity when you go and troll forums like this one? And just so you know I don't for one second believe you're being paid to do it, you're just doing it for "fun", so I want to know how you are able to do that. Thanks.

0xFFF ago

he doesn't...

pizzathehut69 ago

I sleep great. My Podesta money has enabled me to buy a really nice mattress and a golden bed.

HarveyKlinger ago

How many kids do you fit on there at a time?

wizlord ago

Does it pay a lot? How did you get to know these people? How did it began?

pizzathehut69 ago

I was at an art party talking about how much I hate white trash and John Podesta's assistant summoned me to join him on his white couch. I sat there and he asked me if I liked to write, and I said yes. So then he offered me $6000 a post to help him "with a little problem he had."

I need to pay off some huge student loans so I said yes