abortionburger ago

Excellent find, really solidifies us/FBI vs press/CIA. Strange times we live in.

magason ago

Please check out the story line of a book by Chris Pavone called The Accident - in which Wolf Media is working alongside/for the CIA. It is the follow up book to Ex-Pats, also by Chis Pavone.

Pizzagaters ago


Soros is Jewish. Epstein is Jewish. Roman Polanski is Jewish. Jimmy Seville is Jewish. Corey Feldman is Jewish. The Hollywood paedophile rings are Jewish. And many many more.

Here's the first Satanic band called Coven.


They're also the band that started using the devil horn hand gesture.


Well guess what, their producer Bill Traut was Jewish, as were at least two of the band members.

Bill Traut Jewish


Guess what else? He wrote songs for them including a 13 min black mass.

"The album concluded with a 13-minute track of chanting and Satanic prayers called "Satanic Mass" (written by their producer, Bill Traut, of Dunwich Productions, and described as "the first Black Mass to be recorded, either in written words or in audio")."


So now I've just proven that Jews started the Satanic music scene, which isn't surprising considering the fact that Satanic occultists are primarily Jews.

I'm still going to do more research into all this, but I already know what's up. Jews are Satanists. Jews worship the devil. The Torah Jews are the common Jews which listen to the Rabbis that study the Talmud (Rabbinical Judaism) and the top Rabbis are selected to study Khaballism, which is Satanism.

The Torah Jews are puppets to the Talmudists who are puppets to the Khaballists. Jews are Satanic.

I'm not religious, but look what Jesus said, who was a Jew btw.

" You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father's desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies."


Ignoring all this religious stuff, the fact still remains that Jews invented Satanic music and the majority of Satanists are Jews.

Now here's a lead for you guys to investigate. The singer of Coven Jinx Dawson gave an interview where she admits her family is involved in the occult and politics and even names them.


She ultimately says that her Grandfather was a Free Mason and it's common knowledge that Free Masonry is a front for Judaism. I can show you statements made by both Rabbis and Masons where they admit that Free Masonry is based upon Judaism.

Let's take a look at their lyrics now.

" Infants' flesh they did offer For the prince to devour. Covens join, all combine, Powers strong, thoughts align. "

" The cheif of the circle, Known as Malchius drank the blood of a young baby Offered unto him. "

Malchus is a servant to a Jewish high priest.

https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Malchus http://lyrics.wikia.com/wiki/Coven:Witchcraft_Destroys_Minds_And_Reaps_Souls_(1969)

Too tired to go through them all right now... Will do tonight and update and repost.

zoot3d ago

you're defending pedophiles.

reasonedandinformed ago

Just joined, spamming hateful rhetoric of Jews, a classic CTR tactic. Downvote and ignore. I am notifying Mods.

shooglenifty ago

You can also report spam.

reasonedandinformed ago

Thanks. I actually did not know. Appreciate the reply as I just did it.

PepperoniBoni ago

I want to virtually punch this guy in the face for reposting this in every comment section, as if it's his job...

hedy ago

LOL let him wear himself out. they usually do.

jealoushe ago

seriously!! Get the hell out of here

derram ago

https://archive.is/7yVhh :

Amazon, ‘The Washington Post’ and That $600 MIllion CIA Contract | The Nation

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