Cbradio ago

Satanism was infiltrated first in that area, but it is infiltrated in all, including elite to populace.

In fact, I just found where different African countries are being initiated..Its all over, and streetsmarts is to be aware of that. Really does not matter what religion or race, now, as its in all of them. For history and how infiltration began, but even early rabhis spoke up and tried to outcaste the deviation. Denial in every race, group, religion, income class has enabled "it" to be so prevalent, widespread, bold and rapidly escalating.

It should be in finding ALL that are involved and doing it, if intent is to stop it and save lives of kids, all ages, any trying to help in any way.

Ones have already been harmed in historical cases and in this current scenario. We should be having 360 degrees concerns of safety and investigating all that do these crimes, or will not come close to solving it, like every other case has failed due to such much corruption and so many involved.

They want population numbers to join. Surely have a pecking order, but they work like a team, adding in as many initiates as they can.

Just found a bunch of initiates and iniators from multi Africa countries, connected to USa and specific fix states.

These creeps are joining, for desperate for a red hot penny. In fact, the initiation presentation is playingnon their poverty, desperado, no ethics, will sell their soul for nothing ..

herbsmoke ago

Don't you mean channukah?

imkhan ago

I just want to be clear that anti zionism is not the same as anti-semitism.

The Zionists are behind everything evil and vile in the world. And Jews don't have a monopoly on Zionism. There are Christian Zionists and Muslim Zionists (Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and GCC for example).

The Bible warns against the synagogue of Satan, and the Quran also warns against those jews and those christians who do nothing other than back each other up. Strange the reconciliation between christian and jews who one claim killed their son of God. How do you EVER bridge that gap???

PrideOfOshtekk ago

Definitely. In Afghanistan, Pakistan, and places like that for sure. Just not in Gaza or the West Bank. Pretty sure that's Israeli nonsense.

winegrapes ago

No, not everyone's mossad just people who insist on ad hominem attacking anybody who speaks truth about the ashkenazi khazar synagogue of Satan. I never claimed to represent anyone. Your shilling here to try and sway public opinion is obvious and pathetic.

nomorepepperoni ago

Whether you suspect Jews are somehow to blame or not, you might want to take a step back and ask yourself why so many threads have popped up at once about the same topic?

ghost_marauder ago

Very nice, and at this point I don't think it would take much to bounce our knowledge back into the dark ages. Most societies aren't even prepared for an emp, much less mass extinction even like a bio weapon. Still feels totally ridiculous. But, after the fall of Rome it took us almost 1500 years to catch up with their medicinal technology. Not to mention I've seen more than enough evidence that they're attempting to use agenda 21 to gather people into cities, lot easier to glass a city then an entire continent.

Chinada3 ago

(+Nicolas Tesla account & +SocietyOfTheSpectacl) are TROLL ACCOUNTS he is a PEDO PROTECTOR so i made him famous on Youtube Story...
Majestic Ape- Do you recognize these HANDS part2 (Chinada3 TROLLED) by t... https://youtu.be/RRHlcw8m7Fk

PrideOfOshtekk ago

Is Pope Francis a Jew? Is Hillary Clinton a Jew? Is Queen Elizabeth a Jew?

No. Retard.

PrideOfOshtekk ago

In Palestine they don't have child brides. Zionist shill nonsense.

truth-uk ago

Hi guys, this could be an important part of this world wide paedophile ring. Just noticed this sign near my home, with the international paedophiles symbol (like a triangle) YWCA Jesmond House, in Newcastle Upon Tyne, England (Clayton Road, Newcastle Upon Tyne NE2 1UJ ) This building is in an affluent part of the city, and is a hostel that caters for vulnerable single people and recently released prisoners. Check out the symbol at the top of their web site http://www.neywca.co.uk/jesmond-house.php

Interestingly this place was opened by H.R.H. Princess Alexandrea on 27 sept 1984. This is the sign I seen from the street https://www.google.co.uk/maps/@54.9859876,-1.6029612,3a,15y,356.35h,85.75t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sG5E6OjeUozpTNMc2DP0TOg!2e0!7i13312!8i6656 I Pray and Hope someone with more know-how then me be able to dig some more, little children could be at risk now.Thank you.

I would also like to thank Victurus Libertas VL, for recently making this video about this matter https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UBiYgRARH1g  Amen.

AaronDover ago

Antisemitism arises from becomIng more aware of Jewish crimes. “Islamic terror” is a Jewish hoax. Video PROOF the WTC never had any floors! #NeverSayNeverAgain https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bOfmNa4UcFc

ababcb ago

It's not effective in very many places any more.

ababcb ago

We can't just ignore the blatant Jewish component here.

Chance903 ago

This is just not a fact as a retired Law Enforcement officer of 22 years working off and on in the sex crimes unit (290) program this is disinformation. Average ag 30 white Christain.

Mini-spare ago

also flooding with off-topic threads

blackfyre_rebel ago

Agreed. Do some research on Khazarians and look up Ben Fulford...they aren't jews they are Khazars.

madmanpg ago

In the battle between Israel and the bunch of countries around them who have literally been trying to destroy them since the day Israel was announced as a country, I'll take the ones that don't openly advocate child sex slavery and brutal culling of all non-believers. The Israelis aren't perfect, but they're dealing with savages.

herbsmoke ago


winegrapes ago

You are showing your mossad colors. I don't hate Jews, i pray for them. I wish they would turn their back on the devil and come to Jesus. I don't need to brush up on Satan or satanism I need to keep reading my Bible.

momojaja ago

Most elites are Jews but only very small Jews are the elites. The same power is behind all the pedo shit going down.

jbj ago

"blood libel" oh shut up. look man, Jews usually ARE the online troll army You are right about them posting antijews crap in order to get something shut down, but everyone who says anything about Jews is not one of them. We live in a JEW WORLD ORDER, that is the damned core problem in this country and western nations in general and if you dont know that you are either new, or willfully ignorant, or one of them - Period.

*Regardless of all that - you screaming "blood libel" seems highly suspicious to me.

algernon4peace ago

Despite the horror that we are investigating, you all are still the funniest people on the planet! :)

sixgorillion ago

Who said Nazi's aren't fun to hang around?

hanknut42 ago

just reply to all shills and say his name was seth rich and they killed him for whistlingblowing on these cabal loving pedos!

3GGGforce ago

Sin and depravity has gone on through all time....The book of Enoch is worth a look. We are at war....every second, every minute, every day. To what end? Accumulation of Souls.

hopeforall ago

Ban those shills.

8_billion_eaters ago

Anyone that would blame Jewish people for anything like that has to be insane. It's anti-Semitic and evil. They are probably redneck hillbillies that have sex with their sisters and cousins. I for one won't tolerate those disgusting christians any more. They are the real problem on this planet and something needs to be done about them.

Mageza ago

Can we just agree that if we're going to be talking about Jews, just call them "Satanist Jews"? Not all Jews are responsible for this pedo ring, and we're going to sounds like hateful idiots if we go around raving about "the Jews." If Jews have something to do with this Satanism and occultism, let's called this subset what they are: Satanist/occult Jews. That makes it clearer what we're talking about and doesn't needlessly plant us right into the trap of anti-Semitism.

Mageza ago

I predicted this last week. Hate to say I told you so ;)


LostandFound ago

Actually hate to admit it but you have put forth a highly compelling set of arguments.

stickittotheman ago


Cantilever ago

Ok, fair point. I'll add clarity. The vast majority of the people who control money and MSM in the US are Jewish men.

hanknut42 ago

this happens every week they try to sway us thats when you know weve found something good if they start spamming

Joe_McCarthy ago

Judeo-obsessives are like evangelists. They're preaching a religion they believe in very strongly. Don't expect to get rid of them - not completely anyway.

Joe_McCarthy ago

Though I should add that Jewspiracists and pizzatards adhere to the same paranoid style and mindset - so naturally there will be a lot of overlap.

Angstromsdelight ago

Marina Abromovich "spirit cooking" is based on Crowley's "cake of light", ingredients of which are traced back to The Book of Abramelin to Rabbi Yaakov Moelin (Hebrew יעקב בן משה מולין; ca. 1365–1427), a German Jewish Talmudist. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Book_of_Abramelin

For MUCH MORE on German Talmudist blood ritual activities in Germany and Europe


HighFlyingRambo ago

DELETE THIS THREAD OBVIOUSLY there are Shill/Plants/Agents in this website This PIZZAGATE is the tip of a larger WORLDWIDE child trafficking Ring. JEWS are involved muslims hell even the asians, the vatican USA Canada Mexico Its a WORLD WIDE PEDO RING TRAFFICKING RING !!! maybe the Jewish faction has more sway than the other families either way who cares about race !

birthdaysuit11 ago

NOT ONLY THAT BUT MOST OF THE posts aren't even pizzagate related and they're getting voted to the top! Literally, just crap disinfo about Saudi arabia, Andrew Kline, and Assange. Basically, CTR took this place over and we need to get it back. WHERE THE HELL is the research on James Alefantis and his construction companies? We had autists researching the hell out of this uncovering new info and now all I see is news articles and misinformation.

salinaslayer ago

I agree, the bulk of the real evidence we found up to November 15. We need to go back to the encryption/steganography we found in their emails and break it.

markrod420 ago

You maybe don't know voat so well. No need to spam anti-semitism here. Every time reddit has another exodus I get excited that more non-nazis will be coming to voat. Voat is a truly open platform at the moment. It therefor attracts those that have no open platform. Such as nazis. I would NEVER suggest that we do anything to get rid of the nazis however as their presence is one sign that I can still truly and freely express myself here. The nazis are our canaries. When they stop spewing anti-semitic hate then you will know it's time to find a new place to share ideas because this one is censored.

jbnunez ago

Im glad someone sees this. They are doing this on Reddit as well. They hate the fact that the people are now able to act as gatekeepers and citizen journalists. Whenever you see anything extremely racist downvote it, they are trying to discredit serious discussion that critiques the left.

Hermesthriceborn ago

You sound like a whiny SJW, If you don't like it just ignore it. This is a free speech platform, that means anti-semitism just might exist, yo. Deal with it. Just because the jewish cabal may or may not be implicated in ANYTHING at all does not mean we should cease investigations due to their jewish heritage.

Its the same logic as if I were to complain about "anti-elitism" in this thread. I mean come on...

We don't have time for any whiny little bitches playing the victim card...

mrjdouble ago

The republic is dead. Unfortunately, has been for some time. Condolences.

EngelbertHumperdinck ago

Asking for upvoats earns downvoats.

EngelbertHumperdinck ago

Their strategy is flawed. "Anti-semitism", aka, criticizing jews only adds credibility to one's argument, here on voat.

Runaway-White-Slave ago

Jews took my foreskin, it's not like God gave me much to begin with, this means war, a ceaseless war where no quarter will be asked or given...

Oh and I am an antisemite too, can't stand their Arab cousins {also Semites} who had to one-up them by cutting clits off, sick desert dwelling camel humping Semites....

shortymcbossypants ago

I have made no bones that I'm Jewish and get attacked by it almost on a daily basis. I've noticed one thing though, that it seems we might be pouring through a lead, and going through something that if we are pretty close to solving a piece of the puzzle, these CTR shills and ne'erd do wells always start with the Anti-Jewish, OMG OMG OMG IT's the Jooos blood libel!!!I!!!!1!11! All Jews are Ebil!!!!! bullshit. Look man I'll say it once and I'll say it again, we are here to protect kids, and if any of you fuckers even think about trying to attack me, my family or my children when we are trying to help save these babies as much as any regular Joe on the street, I will fuck you up period. I am part Scottish, French and Indian on my dad's side, and my mom's side Israeli, Sephardic Jew, Chinese and Native American. I will argue for months if need be. I started out in the mindfuck that is Paltalk chat rooms, this shit is a drop in the bucket.

Instead of pissing and moaning what all of us are let's just pull our heads out of our ass, work on leads and hopefully shut these assholes, no matter if they are WASPS, Jews, Muslims, Satan worshipers or Leroy fucking Brown down the street, completely and utterly down. I know for myself I will be happy to see the shitstain that is Hillary Rodham Clinton and John Podesta being hauled away in handcuffs then sentenced to death for crimes against flipping humanity.

salinaslayer ago

That's the spirit!

redditsuckz ago

I'm Jewish

What does that mean your Jewish?...

Do you practice teachings from the Talmud?

Are your ancestors from Khazaria?

Why are the Protocols of Zion true today and do you follow them?

Why do Jews control 100% of the Mainstream media and 80-95% of the Alternative media?

Do you feel that you are overrepresented when you see 5 talking heads on CNN and that they are all Jewish?

shortymcbossypants ago

Oh fuck off, I'm a Sephardic Jewish Housewife and that is all you need to know. Open up your damn beady little eyes and read some of my posts.

winegrapes ago

Yes Satanism has infiltrated many groups. The term Crypto-Jew exists because of the Jewish tendency to infiltrate their host culture with their Satanism. You are witnessing the effects of it happening in North America and Europe in real time. If the Mayans (or any ancient pagan civilisation) had a different name for it but were still committing sacrifices to demonic entities for supernatural and temporal gain, then tomato potato buddy, it's still satanism. When it comes to conspiracies if you research enough and are honest you will encounter satanism and jews at the deepest levels. What is harder to determine is if jews run the vatican or vice versa. Thats where the lines become blurred and harder to define.

seanhurray ago

Jehovah in the old testament taught a materialistic philosophy. All his blessings were of power and money. There is a scary lack of spiritual knowledge on old testament. (Truths about the soul, God, material and espiritual existence and so on.). So jews who have not accepted Jesus (teachings) are prone to become evil and materialistic.

There is a Girl on youtube 9nania that has studied deeply the bible and concluded that Jehova is the Beast...


Headstart ago

Shit like this gets pizzagate labeled as fakenews. Dumbass.

Alex_A97 ago

And false flag attacks, co-ordinated media assaults and scripted, biased interviews don't?

Headstart ago

Of course not, but why help the enemy?

sixgorillion ago


TAThatBoomerang ago

The problem with Jews isn't how they treat themselves, they excel at that part. The problem is, and has always been, how they treat all non-Jews.

EDIT: I made a mistake, I should have typed Zionist and not Jews. A vast majority of Jews are not problematic in the same way Zionists are, which is the group of people I was referring to.

TAThatBoomerang ago

Because that would mean people might actually start to resist destructive practices performed by people of the J-race. And we can't have that.

ghost_marauder ago

Agreed, but seriously. Project blue beam is funny! I mean like really funny. Very cool concept though, but even though I love sci-fi, that's a bit far out man.

Amino69 ago

My friend, if you're in need of convincing then you have yet to journey that far down. The Jews ARE the Gatekeepers to our entire temporal existence, not to get too heavy or nuffin!

WindowsInJudgement ago

This is a waste of energy. The investigation focuses on the deeds not the religions of those committing. Even when the shills post something intelligent they are still distracting us from the main goal

TheGreatAustralian ago

Osama bin Laden categorically denies involvement in 9/11.

AntiSemitism began for me upon learning the 911 attacks were the work of Jews, the loathing became more intense after being appraised of Adolf Hitler's Jewish roots.

Thereafter finding the Holocaust and the Holodomor in the Ukraine and in Russia, no less than the outrages carried under the banner of Communism were the work of Jews, it extends to all Palestinian and Lebanese Semites, who similarly turn from exposing Jew culpability.

Amplified upon finding Jews have infiltrated the political and social order world wide, whence all decisions at government level, all political appointments and all news reporting is at their behest!

Just as the null response to evidence there were no enemy airplanes at Pearl Harbor, December 7, 1941, shames the entire Japanese nation, tribe and race ..

So does the null response to evidence of Jew culpability and the War on Terror, waged in alleged response to Moslem guilt shame the American ppl.

Thus "good" Jews will demand the politicos and police in Australia, answer charges stemming from the null response to the December 2006, killing of Katherine Schweitzer in Sydney, she claimed Jews sent her family to Auschwitz where after only she survived out of fourteen.

And the July 2000 Brisbane disappearance of Steven Goldsmith, who was in the company of a local policeman one night early in the same week he was reported missing.

Whose fate appears to be ground work for future charges Jews have been "disappeared," while nobody gave a good G-d damn because they were Jews!

Picture the WTC complex .. trials and executions are underway, in response to the 911 attacks and the subsequent cover up.

Gallows are straining under the weight of US citizens who conspired with traitor Jews in carrying out the attacks, GWB's body is swinging beside Barak Obama's, Rummy is there dangling by his neck.

Giuliani is hangin' alongside, Condi has been beheaded in deference to good taste and human dignity, since oft times when a woman is hanged her guts pops out from you-know-where!

Now we have come to the Jews, who were warned and saved themselves to the tune of so many thousands, in response to which I have decided mass gassing is the most humane way of exing that many.

Forty bulldozers and a hundred Mack trucks are waiting their engines idling, a glass walled gas chamber has been built .. investors in put option schemes that made millions, those who received warnings from NY synagogues, and the ones who distributed warnings are led inside.

Family groups have not been separated, there a few sporadic attempts at jocularity and some small amount of singing as they shuffle in, then I seal the exits like the doors to the roofs on the WTC Towers were sealed..

The exhaust from the diesel engines in the trucks and bulldozers has been diverted into a header, I activate the mechanism that causes the engines to roar to life then flick the switch that diverts the lethal fumes into the glass walled chamber, and I gas the Jews!

SaneGoatiSwear ago

yeah and concern trolling isn't distracting from data dumps and lines of inquiry posts, actual discussions abut this

AT THE VERY LEAST it should be tagged "meta" not fucking "important."

mods are not gods on voat, they're our bitches. mod cancer get out of v/pizzagate!

garlicbulb ago

not even that if this is a free speech forum - just post what he wants in one group not across the whole lot

PizzaPoop ago

Lol member for 5 months. U aint even 2 years kiddo. I bet u still browse redit like the cuck u are

sixgorillion ago

Nobody gives a shit about the history of your account.

Until you sound like a shill.

PizzaPoop ago

BRO It's a fucking satire comment

anonymousgate ago

This is basically a shortened version of what I wrote a few days ago. Here is the thread. At first the thread was at the top of this subverse, and marked 'important.'

First, I got over 100 upvoats on my submission. Then kingkongwaswrong defended me in the comments. 5 people started dissemenating hate, photos of dead children, and tons of antisemetic remarks. Suddenly, I got over 100 comment downvoats on all my previous comments to the point where I couldn't send messages. Then I edited my post alerting people of the downvoat brigade, so 5 people went and started upvoating all of my comments, bringing me back up to 27 points.

THEN, kingkongwaswrong took down my post. AFTER MY POST WAS TAKEN DOWN, I RECEIVED 300 DOWNVOATS ON ALL OF MY PREVIOUS COMMENTS. This means the mods were surely involved in the brigade.

Please look at my comment history and tell me if you think that this is normal voat behavior

I'm currently at -250 comment points ant 917 submission points. Clearly they want to censor me for condemning those who use unnecessary racist language in order to discredit us.

The voat mods ARE corrupt. Voat is IS compromised. Kevdude, I'm looking at you. You are unfit to be a mod, you are a fucking joke.

oldchangling ago

I'd gladly downvote any racists-- not because I'm PC, but because racism is stupid -- but I can't, because you need 100 comment points! Very frustrating!


If you don't like what some people are posting about the Jews, just ignore those threads. It's an open forum - who knows which leads may prove significant?

superesper ago


There's one post on the first two pages containing the word "jew" and it's not anti-semitic and does not implicate all jews in pedophilia, it merely notes that some leads implicate jews. There is no "flood" of "anti-semitism". This is a concern trolling shill post and the fact that the mods have marked it "important" reveals a major problem with this sub. OP is a shill faggot.

superesper ago

Who can't? Can anyone post links to some of these posts calling out every single jew, that are apparently so numerous popular on the sub that they're causing a problem? Stop concern trolling, or better yet, just leave.

superesper ago

Why is this tagged "important"? We need to get rid of these shit mods.

TAThatBoomerang ago

Because they're on the same side as the one posting. How much more proof do you need that the mods are pro-Zionists?

nowimonvoattoo ago

Shills!!!!!!! says the shill. Chutzpah.

SuperHappyFunBall ago

"The Shills"

It couldn't be that people are getting a little fed up with Jewish influence over our lives. With Jewish propaganda in our media. With Jewish pedophiles abusing our children. And Jewish establishment covering it all up. Jews in our society have done much which deserves criticism and critique. Unless we talk about these issues they will continue to grow worse. If you see Jews doing bad things, and you point out that it seems to be predominantly Jews doing these bad things, that somehow makes you a shill or a racist? Privilege does exist in America and it is called Jewish Privilege.

I think you, like most people, are afraid to discuss these things because you have been conditioned to believe criticizing Jews is akin to racism. It is not.

Cantilever ago

Uhhhh because Jews control the media and the money in the US. It's not a mystery.

winegrapes ago

What your not understanding is that every group you mentioned had one thing in common, a belief in luciferianism and satanism, and the lineage of satanism was passed down from ancient times to the present by the Khazars the decendents of todays Ashkenazi Jews.

These very same jews have carried this belief system into our present day. The Ashkenazi's make up like 90% of world Jewry. The Sephardim and other semetic Jews like the Ethiopian Jews and Palestinian Jews, make up a very small minority. These are the Jews that are actually semites (not khazar imposters) and many of the sephardim are decendent from the biblical pharisees Jesus always went up against (the evil Jews in the bible) so they have sided with the Ashkenazi Jews to practice Satanism. The true Semetic Jews are like 5% of the world Jewish population.

The rest are as the bible puts it:

Rev 2:9: “I know your works, tribulation, and poverty (but you are rich); and I know the blasphemy of those who say they are Jews and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan.”

Rev 3:9: “Indeed I will make those of the synagogue of Satan, who say they are Jews and are not, but lie–indeed I will make them come and worship before your feet, and to know that I have loved you.”

These Ashkenazi False Jews, and Sephardim Pharisees make the foundation of world Satanism and all it's tentacles. They have brought these beliefs into modern times via Sabbatai Zevi and Yakob Frank, who were the leaders of two spiritual movements out of which the Rothschild's emerged out of.

These are the same people who run the banks, media, governments, multinationals, etc.

They are also the Jews who have been expelled from so many countries historically and have been associated with child sacrifice through out the ages. They have had an international criminal syndacate for a long, long time due to their population being distributed via the Diaspora.

People forget that as long as Christianity has existed, there has been a sect of Satanism that has existed in the shadows alongside it, and the Jews are the core of this group. (Zionists, Sabbateans,Frankists, etc)

Most normal Jewish people are like people of any religion, raised in it and mostly unaware of what their books actually say, and what their leadership really does.

wecanhelp ago

Congratulations everyone who couldn't resist sharing their personal opinion on the matter, you have just walked right into a shill trap, spent precious time and energy on something they wanted you to chew on, and let the community be divided. Anytime we let them distract us with this shit, they will. Ignore the noise, focus on the investigation they don't want us to focus on.

shortymcbossypants ago

I've been nice to people even when they are hateful to me, no more. Mother Shortymcbossypants is pissed off and the f-bombs are flying.

smoothassilk ago

voat is like pol. antisemitism was here before pizzagate.

retreaux ago

This is a shill thread. You are amplifying what you want hidden to everyone. CTR just comes in here and upvoats everything you don't want them to.

Cantilever ago

"Anti-semitism" is a thought-terminating cliche

yabbadoody ago

neo-nazi variety, yes.

nutflix ago

Jews did this

yabbadoody ago

the Catholic church aids and abetts alter boy diddlers, too... but that's not a particularly CATHOLIC problem, it's an ESTABLISHMENT problem in the Church. And in fact, to try and say that the majority of Catholics do NOT somehow have a problem with this "practice", is to discredit one's self as a shill.

Same for "Jews" - often the only "proof" offered is a name. So then, if I marry a Jew, or someone with a Jewish-sounding name, does that make me a Jew?

It's really that stupid. It's anti-Semitic bait, and DON'T FALL FOR IT. Stick to the issue - this is not an "Atl Right" neo nazi forum. Mods may want to consider bans to repeat offenders.

MolochHunter ago

I stand with the good and decent Jewish people, and those that are corrupted are no different to me than the Celtic Anglo/Saxons of my creed that also participate in the devouring of innocence

Edit: ANYONE who does not treat the ethnicity of a paedophile as INCIDENTAL is playing right into Hillary's waiting trap. She knows, she sees, and she is ready to pounce on anti - semitism as readily as homophobia and we know the media HAS HER BACK Do NOT for the love of god give her that ammunition. If it is your private conviction let it remain unspoken, for otherwise you place your ego before the deliverence of the children

yabbadoody ago


since they are mainly doing a "copy and paste" job, you can report them as SPAM with a clear conscience.

vonbacon ago

I don't give a fuck what the mainstream media thinks we're the media now. and there is every reason to be antisemitic because behind every problem is a dirty jew in the shadows.

TAThatBoomerang ago

This is a bit too far for me. I am well aware of the dominant members of globalism, but to state that every problem has a "dirty" jew behind it is crossing the line from informed to lazy and crazy.

vonbacon ago

I haven't found a problem the jews aren't behind.

shortymcbossypants ago

Hey here's one flatulent cows asshole!

vonbacon ago

But goy we gotta cut dem CO2 emmisions. don't you believe in global warming like a good goy.

Gib me shekels

Cantilever ago

How does anti-semitism discredit anything? And more importantly, why do people let Jews hijack this phrase? Arabs are also Semitic people, so anti-Semitic is also anti-Arab.

herbsmoke ago

85% of all jews are eastern european mongol khazar converts that have no semetic blood andno claim to israel

Cantilever ago

Genetic DNA studies have attempted to refute this, but the results are inconclusive. The only definitive conclusion that was drawn from the study is that Jews across Europe and the Middle East share certain DNA traits with Jews in Europe and the Middle East. We didn't need a DNA study to tell us that Jews in Europe and the Middle East share genetics with Jews in Europe and the Middle East. Interestingly, this DNA study is cited by the Literature as proof that Jews have a common origin in the modern-day geographical location of Palestine and Israeli-occupied Palestine, in order to lend credibility to their false claim that Palestine is the ancestral home of the Jewish race. http://www.cell.com/AJHG/abstract/S0002-9297(10)00246-6

herbsmoke ago

here is an israeli historian saying ashkenazi's are khazars and not semites: https://rehmat1.com/2013/09/21/israeli-historian-jews-are-not-semitic-people/

aleeum ago

Absurd jumps in logic won't help us. Dot to dot people.

NoBS ago

Funny how if we mention that Soros is a self-admitted Atheist, the fools still blame his actions on the Jews. Bigotry requires narrow minds filled with emotional turmoil over reasoned thought and logic. Socialized media is the catalyst of hatred.

Hobgobbin ago

Here here!

Long_Knife ago

It's "hear,hear" as in "hear him".

zlomsocz ago

https://isgp-studies.com/scare child abuse study network

Vypir500 ago

This is gonna sound like "think of the children" type post ... but the old saying "follow every lead" should be implemented... The burden of proof is on the accuser, and if people believe a lead is pointing to a revelation, they now have to be able to accept criticism of those poking holes in their evidence. If OPs can overcome that, it will only strengthen their case. People need to stop getting defensive over their posts being criticized and at the same time, the community needs to respect all angles of attack...as of right now we do not know what will stick, but its worth going through all of it, if it stops this cruel mess.

contrarianism ago

They are prepping the FALSE FLAG

bdmthrfkr ago

Shut up Jew. Voat has always been a bastion of logic and reason not like you mind-washed reddfugies.

Just do the numbers, 2% of the American population, ~60% of the powerful positions. Even the fucking Podestas are Jews! Open your eyes fag and welcome to Voat.

BrooklynZOGHQ ago

Voat is now invite only, well done JIDF spammers ;)


TL:DR this is a D&C thread designed to quell any enquiry into the fact that this is blood libel carried out by jews for hundreds of years.

ToFat2Fish ago

No that's just voat. GAS THE KIKES, RACE WAR NOW!!!!!. You Faggot Nigger Cuck.

kekistocrat ago

If the shoe fits, where it... Do more research. Some groups are more morally culpable than others for the mess we're in.

fetuspizza ago

I suggest mods work double time on all new posts. Maybe even limit posting to subscribed folks, and have to manually accept subscribers.

winegrapes ago

You forgot to put the "This post was brought to you by the Mossad," part at the end of your post OP.

EllenPaosEgo ago

Even if you do you get accused of antisemetism by jewish run CTR and JIDF. Seems stupid to stop digging only when you run into a jew.

NiggerJusticeWarrior ago

Voat has hated niggers and kikes long before pizzagate was even a subverse.

PrideOfOshtekk ago

Well the new cunts like me are here to stay so sit your ass down.

NiggerJusticeWarrior ago

Welcome to voat, niggerfaggot.

PrideOfOshtekk ago

ty goyim

ill be reporting back to lord Rothschild on your comments

yabbadoody ago

"voat"? so now someone is claiming a RELATIONAL DATABASE SERVER has a racial preference?

you must be demented or off your meds - last time I checked, keyboards don't care who is typing on them. USERS/LURKERS at various threads? sure, I'll give you that. But hardware? No way. You're obviously not as smart as you think you are, or you could have made a distinction.

Gorillion ago

Don't be obtuse, you cunt.

superesper ago

Reddit faggot: the comment. Leave.

NiggerJusticeWarrior ago

Are you some kind of retarded nigger?

reasonedandinformed ago

Thank you for posting this as you are 100% correct. CTR does this to distract, discredit, and deter (new arrivals to our platform). We need to downvote, report, and move on...but expose it when we see it as many on the platform just do not know how CTR works.

Kawksnahch ago

^^^ Pretty much. Keep that shit in a conspiracy sub. :D

sixgorillion ago

This is the kind of thread that should be deleted.

There is no problem with anti-semitism, because nobody is going to credit or discredit this forum. I think the users here are able to sift through information themselves and judge what is accurate and what is not. What OP is attempting to do now is to censor "anti-semitism". Anti-semitism is basically just a trick for Jews to avoid criticism. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uW3a1bw5XlE))

Judaism is the source of satanism. Or more specifically, the Talmud is the source of this occult shit. Most Jews don't know what's in the Talmud and they only read the Torah(The old Testament). Therefor it's very difficult to have a normal discussion about this, because no Jew will ever recognize that this is true. Whether they believe it or not.

Any Jew is forbidden to reveal to non-jews, what is written in the Talmud. Under punishment by death.





There is plenty of evidence out there. Including the witch-trials, "blood libel" and so on.

But always keep in mind that a large portion of Jews don't even know about this shit.

Read this shit: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1495129

AaronDover ago

But they WERE PROVABLY all in on this shit... “Islamic terror” is a Jewish hoax. Video PROOF the WTC never had any floors! #NeverSayNeverAgain https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bOfmNa4UcFc

passwordsonvoatrbad ago

Wouldn't you agree that this scares off newcomers though? And gives the media another strawman to push

sixgorillion ago

Who the fuck cares what the media says?

The truth is all that matters to me. If it doesn't matter to you, you should kill yourself.

Melitica ago

As long as the media can point to a bunch of spastic infighting, normies will never hear. All this bullshit is turning people away which does nothing to further the truth.

passwordsonvoatrbad ago

if the truth really did matter to you, you would want it to be shared with everyone

sixgorillion ago

Exactly, and that's what I'm trying to do.

VieBleu ago

@crensch @VictorSteinerDavion @knowthyself @millenial_falcon @numbchuck, @phobos_mothership @rktyp @dafacts - @justiceforever - @heygeorge @kevdude @melitica

MODS PLEASE BAN THIS POSTER - there is no place on this forum for arguing about racial control of the world or pedophilia. You can exercise that free speech elsewhere.

sixgorillion ago

You ain't seen nothing yet, JIDF.

kemiri ago

Yeah some people said the talmud is very different from the torah and the talmud is full of crazy shit even crazier than koran

redditsuckz ago

Whats going on here? @Crensch

Comments Deleted;



Any mod removing comments from this point forward will have to be removed as moderator. Mistakes on the submissions are still likely to happen and can be worked through, but comments are not to be touched.

Thanks for your cooperation.


Kiwi_Slave ago

Yep, I had a comment deleted by a mod for pointing out the maternal background and political affiliations of Rupert Murdoch, owner of Fox news - obviously an inconvenient truth

VieBleu ago

Comments ARE deleted but they are moved to a DELETED COMMENTS thread.
MAGA whatever is a known shill

abortionburger ago

This is so FRUSTRATING. How can we do legitimate digging when we can't sneeze without getting anti semitism all over us?

abortionburger ago

Theory: CTR is starting to panic. They're flooding it at a level I haven't seen before, making it almost impossible to have a discussion about anything else. KEEP DIGGING.


only heard Khazarian, Sabbatist, Frankist and Zionist jews mentioned, they are small portion of the enitre Jewish society - they aren't blaming ALL jews

winegrapes ago

spot on!

reasonedandinformed ago

The issue is that CTR is very actively in here, more right now than I have seen, trying to spam vitriolic hatred (Jews today, Saudis for the last few). They do this to distract, discredit, and deter (new arrivals to our platform). It is very easy to spot if you know what to look for (pasting of these kinds of posts and spamming, usually right after account creation). Some CTR are lurkers that have managed to stay here for a while, but a review of their history usually reveals the truth.

crystalclearme ago

Yes- Definitely feel a battle is going on and we are making headway. Keep it up and although I try to not participate on threads like that I can't downvoat yet. There are a ton of them right now. Try to not be distracted

winegrapes ago

To deny the involvement of jews in both pedophilia and in organized satanism is to be cognitively dissonant to the realities of the situation

stickittotheman ago

True, but mostly exclusively a jewish past time.

WellSetTable ago

They are doing a lot more than that. But this comes with freedom of speech.

PIZZAGATE is the .. I don't even know the word, craziest things to ever hit American politics. If people are going to openly discuss it their going to get a shit load of trolls, shills, what ever else.

Comes with the territory.

You're going to get trolls, spam, ect.

Just vote down, if you know where a post is going as far as trolling stop reading it.

Move on.

reasonedandinformed ago

The reason that it is important is explained here (copied from another reply I just typed):

The issue is that CTR is very actively in here, more right now than I have seen, trying to spam vitriolic hatred (Jews today, Saudis for the last few). They do this to distract, discredit, and deter (new arrivals to our platform). It is very easy to spot if you know what to look for (pasting of these kinds of posts and spamming, usually right after account creation). Some CTR are lurkers that have managed to stay here for a while, but a review of their history usually reveals the truth.

WellSetTable ago

I know. But focus on what is important to YOU. Don't let these assholes take that away from you. Like I said Free Speech comes with pros and cons, over come the cons. Fuck them.

reasonedandinformed ago

I get you entirely. My point is that CTR does these ops, in part, to affect the new people arriving here every day to help. Their goal is to keep a lid on the investigation, so posting things that will cause people to immediately leaves is a key objective. Many new arrivals and those here for some time are unaware of how they operate and can become distracted/discouraged when they run into the CTR bigotry.

Cantilever ago

It's not our job to filter and refine content to be more "welcoming" to newcomers. Let newcomers decide and refine for themselves. This type of "welcoming" line of thinking is a shoe-in for censorship.

reasonedandinformed ago

I get your point. I am not looking to censor but will call out obvious CTR activity that is intended to hurt our investigation (discredit, distract, or deter). My goal is to try to get as many people working on this at once (regardless of religion, politics). For me, it is about saving kids. Identifying real links and patterns to actual people and groups helps, but the bigoted rhetoric hurts in that effort.

Cantilever ago

I see your point, too, but they don't need "bigots" to discredit us. They've been discrediting us anyway by ignoring and misrepresenting facts that we have uncovered. What we need to do is focus on facts and stop infighting - it plays into their plan

reasonedandinformed ago

When they create an account and immediately spam the same drivel...it is a CTR campaign. Look at account histories to sort out the CTR operators...it is easy.

Gorillion ago

Yep. If it's a single user, downvoat and report the user. Let the mods decide if it's spam or not. Or has sketchy upvoating happening.

And again with this "Descredit" nonsense from OP. We already are "discredited" in the eyes of the mainstream media. We're "fake news" remember? If PG can't take a single ass-level troll's attack, WTF you think our chances are of taking on real power players?

Voat is surviving the shit that destroyed Reddit because the userbase doesn't give a shit about appearing "legitimate" to the MSM, and happily and aggressively engages in full free speech, which the admins stand behind.

Stop it with these "freak out" threads. We have a report function and we have downvoats. If you don't have downvoat permissions yet, fucking earn them. In earning them, you'll learn about the community here and why it's so robust and maybe, just maybe, stop pissing your panties every 5 seconds like the faggot redditors you clearly still are in your hearts and crying out for some higher authority to "fix" things you don't like.

Vladimir_Komarov ago

Don't confuse CTR with Amalek. He was here spamming this stuff on various new and old accts well before the election cycle, and stays pretty much on message regardless of the wavering CTR talking points. Spam? Probably. CTR? Probably not.

TAThatBoomerang ago

You guys give Amalek way too much credit.

reasonedandinformed ago

OK. Fair point. I am trying to police it a bit as I have been on a mission to direct new people to the platform with a Twitter campaign:

New hashtag strategy to explode this for us (avoiding the pizzagate bans/censorship):

#SaveTheKids Please help: https://voat.co/v/humanrights/1490856 #RealNews

SlackeryTurnBull ago

Hasn't it been determined that most of the virulent anti-Semitism online is often done by Jews themselves? It helps the Zionist narrative. Tellingly, the same shills will switch in a few days back to calling Arabs child-fuckers.

PizzaClinton ago

Of course everybody knows that ZIONIST & WAHABIST's never met a white child cock they didn't want lick, why do you think they call it 'ice cream'?

Remember this was supposed to be about pedophilia exposing, well we did that we exposed and the mods ( GOV ) pedo's didn't like what we said, so they banned us and destroyed the investigation.

All leads went to KLINE-DOJ, and saudi owed pizza blocks, the mother load of all was H. GIll & Son, which is who gave the blocks to the arabl, H. Gill is a JDC, a development retirement trust that steals palestine beachfront property and builds retirement for USA dual-citizens.

We followed the rabbit-hole and now we're all going be be banned for find what they were hiding.

sixgorillion ago

If you wanna blame the Jews for everything and have people believe you, go make a real case

Challenge accepted.

edit: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1495129

yabbadoody ago

shill. so what are your neo-nazi creds, or have you always been closet anti-Semitic?

just saying, because THIS IS NOT THE GROUP FOR THAT.

Havengul ago

Calm down Hitler calm down.

Edit: well this is interesting. Does anyone here feel kind enough to explain to me why my joke is being downvoated? Did people not catch my joke? Is it just a shitty joke?

reasonedandinformed ago

Absolutely. CTR has a major tactic of flooding/spamming with either nonsense...too paint us as whackos and waste time...or hate-filled invective (pick the target - Saudis, jews) to depict us as violence-inspired bigots. This is meant to provide their false narrative about the people doing the investigation and to deter new arrivals to our platform as they are exposed to "fake hate." I just reported @Pizzagaters as CTR to the Mods. Please do the same for others you find: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1443740

TAThatBoomerang ago

What if an overwhelming majority of the offenders are Jewish? Does that make any difference what-so-ever for you?

pizzaTrump ago

mods & shills are same person, numbchuck is amalek, whenever they need to shift a topic they come in with the jew shit

reasonedandinformed ago

@pizzaTrump is a known CTR shill.

abortionburger ago

Aren't you the guy posting all the Jew stuff?

Blacksmith21 ago

I love how they start with the basis of the argument - "Bill Traut was Jewish". Show me one thing which says he is Jewish. He may or may not be. I cannot find anything to indicate it. Which pretty much discredits everything else.

Regardless, Jews have been targets for millennia for several reasons:

1) Jewish dietary guidelines (kosher) go a long way to helping to prevent food poisoning by poor handling techniques and diseases (trichinosis, etc.). So when the non-Jews would get sick in a village, and the Jews didn't, well, there you go....Jews' fault;

2) Innate to the Jewish culture is education, academia, and skill at business. When you have an educated demographic, you produce successful people. Jews have always been drawn to music, entertainment, academia, and business. Of course you are going to see a disproportionate number in successful positions. Just like you see disproportionate numbers of Asians in the best universities - their culture embraces education.

3) I know shittons of Jews of every persuasion. Not once, EVER, have I seen anything which would remotely indicate involvement in pedo.

I get the conspiracy theory thing. Some people just flat out don't like Jews. It's fine. There are other ethnicities I am not fond of either. We all have our own prejudice and bias. The "It's the Jews, stupid" argument keeps getting floated about because there is no way to prove or disprove it. It's a Mobius strip of an argument which continuously feeds itself but has no end.

I agree that it is not relevant to the investigation, anymore than any other ethnic group involved in this case. In fact, everyone we have discovered is WHITE. Maybe this is a problem with white people?

reasonedandinformed ago

You are responding, rationally, but that is actually what they want. The want to produce wasted discussion of this rather than have us focus where leads take us. A new arrival to the site is easily deterred when the see full-blown conversations directed by the CTR trolls.

lipids ago

Never seen anything pedo related in Jewish culture? Do you know what a bar mitzvah is?

Englandisrising ago

Oy vey, jews never did anything, shut it down before there is another Shoah!!!

redditsuckz ago

They ALL support Comet Ping Pong and Besta Pizza from Temple SINAI Synagogue?


Why would a ALL the Jews in a Jewish Synagogue care about Comet Pizza and Besta Pizza so much?...they are NOT "neighbors"...


Kiwi_Slave ago

bloodpassover.com somehow won't show as a link, type it in your browser

Angstromsdelight ago

Treasonous Clinton handler Sandy Berger's funeral was held at the same Synagogue


Angstromsdelight ago

Alefantis may be their blood supplier

redditsuckz ago

Together with the Smith Brothers;

Alefantis Kill Room Found - The Pajama Factory Same Brick Walls as Instagram Photos - Womans Body was found 2013


zoot3d ago

FUCK OFF!!!!!!

this is the fucking fifth time i have seen this same fucking post, from different accounts

youhavetogoback123 ago

Why is it everytime anyone posts anything about Jews the "dogooders" come out and want to silence them. Jesus himself criticized the Jews. The apolstle Paul and all the early Christians criticized them. Their Babylonian Talmud condones pedophilia why is it not okay to talk about it here. Let there be a wide discussion on every group, including Jews on the practice of Pedophilia.

iceboob ago

well now you know why hitler did nothing wrong.

lamGod ago

It's not just jews just like it's not just catholics, like it's not just muslims.

pizzamate ago

I have four words for you:

Jewish Internet Defence Force

Chance903 ago

Most child molesters ‘religious,’ often target church members

October 22, 2015 in NEWS, REPORTER By Paula Schlueter Ross ([email protected])

ST. LOUIS — It’s not unusual for “hard-core” child molesters — with more sexual-offense convictions, more victims and younger victims — to be well-respected members of Christian congregations, and to be actively involved as church leaders, warns Victor Vieth, executive director emeritus of the Gundersen National Child Protection Training Center in Winona, Minn.

In one study, 93 percent of convicted sex offenders described themselves as “religious.” Perhaps surprisingly, many sexual predators consider churches as “safe havens,” Vieth said, with trusting, forgiving adults and easy access to children.

Victor Vieth, executive director emeritus of the Gundersen National Child Protection Training Center in Winona, Minn., addresses the Synod's first Workshop on Domestic Violence and Child Abuse, Sept. 30 in St. Louis. (LCMS/Frank Kohn) Victor Vieth, executive director emeritus of the Gundersen National Child Protection Training Center in Winona, Minn., addresses the Synod’s first Workshop on Domestic Violence and Child Abuse, Sept. 30 in St. Louis. (LCMS/Frank Kohn)

Religious people can be “easier to fool” than most people, say researchers, and, even when an accusation of child sexual abuse is made, will often stand with the offender, vouching for his good character and even showing up in courtrooms for support.

Sadly, congregation members seldom show up in courtrooms for the young victims, noted Vieth, a child-protection attorney for 26 years and lead speaker at The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod’s first Workshop on Domestic Violence and Child Abuse, held Sept. 30 at Concordia Seminary here. https://blogs.lcms.org/2015/most-child-molesters-religious http://yellodyno.com/Statistics/statistics_child_molester.html

Marthvedderette ago

Jews do suck, but we have bigger things to tackle here people. Like a human trafficking/pedo network, which suck a lot harder than Israeli Jews.

3GGGforce ago

I Agree. There is a lot to be discovered and uncovered about all of this. It goes on through time. In this day and age with the internet we can access all kinds of research and knowledge. It is all playing out...the book of Enoch explains a lot.

shortymcbossypants ago

Oh this makes me excited! I wanted to post about the Book of Enoch but didn't want to look bat guano crazy. That is my favorite book of all time.

3GGGforce ago

I know right? ....totally amazing and explains so much. fascinating...you are not bat shit crazy!

shortymcbossypants ago

My favorite part to read in it is about the birth of Noah.

VictorDaniels777 ago

The problem with "Jew" and "Saudi" is the same with Italian, Democrat, or any other LABLE. A label completely fails to deliver responsibility. Jew who? Which Jew? My neighbor or the other one. We need names. Names can be responsible not LABELS.

stickittotheman ago

trudat, downvoted this pedo jew apologist

90210 ago

"Jews have been an easy scapegoat throughout history so let's continue scapegoating them." You have to be so out-of-touch with any Jewish people or Judaism as a whole to think that any part of this scandal has a relation to the Jewish religion and not just some assholes involved in it who happen to be Jewish.

olinneserpona ago

Jesus was a Jew who didn't like all the aspects of Judaism. He changed this doctrine and that doctrine so those who agreed with him where called followers of Christ. Christ was just another surname until Jesus came along. Christianity is basically a critique of Judaism that led to a modern, humane version of Judaism. I am not a historian so this might all be wrong, but I don't see how it can be wrong.

shortymcbossypants ago

You are actually spot on, he spelled out the actions that were wrong of the Jews of his day but as far as the Law went he said himself he "did not come to abolish the law but to fulfill it." Jesus was the dude man, did you know that the 7th Buddha is supposed to be a ruddy haired man from the West preaching to love one another as they would love themselves? My grandmother on my mom's side was Buddhist and she taught us grandkids this. He's also what they call a Ascended Master in Sikhism and Hinduism.

olinneserpona ago

I don't know if you are fucking with me or not, but I like what you're saying.

shortymcbossypants ago

I am not shitting you at all. I put Jesus in the same category as Nikola Tesla. Both dudes came on the scene in a pretty significant way, and had their followers. They were both pretty real dudes saying some real shit and this made some people lose their shit in return. They were done wrong by people whom they were close to, Judas for Jesus and Thomas Edison for Tesla, and then people all over the world know who they are.

yabbadoody ago

nobody is "do gooding", we're just not going to play that "anti-Semite" game with you. Go find another sandbox or else get to some real research:

• Pedo rings at synogogues • Pedo rings / organ trafficking at Jewish businesses, by Jewish doctors

now THOSE MIGHT be a starting point, yet still INCONCLUSIVE as per the racial/Jewish element. We're dealing with a cash cow business here in human sex trafficking, and that's going to attract the worst of EVERY persuasion. Period. Get a grip.

MolochHunter ago

look at the extent of this paedophile mafia. Is that all from corrupted jews? or do you think maybe the willingness of people from all over the world contributes to this sickness - our weakness for the influence of the financiers - and that would be the same were they jews or eskimos

zlomsocz ago

https://isgp-studies.com/scare jews, christians, and satanists, luiferians, and the egotists are all guilty, of course one group is not souly responsible, but the evidence supports a strong jewish element, the country of israel being one of the only developed nations without a nation sex abuse registry https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1482726 "countries with no sex abuse registries"

Hobgobbin ago

"the country of israel being one of the only developed nations without a nation sex abuse registry"

I guess that proves it then.

zlomsocz ago

the link is most helpful

LostandFound ago

Jesus was a Jew, therfore he has a perspective to make a criticism. As were nearly all coverts. Your point has no basis

EarlPoncho ago

jesus wasn't a jew

you fell for jewish propaganda like many before you. try to research things instead of regurgitating what others have told you

EllenPaosEgo ago

So you only have the privelege of criticizing (((gods chosen people))) if you are also a jew? Even if you read the explicitly pro pedo stuff from the Talmud saying tou can rape a 3 year old female goy, you can't criticize it unless you convert? Your logic is absurd. Why should we cut pedos any slack just because some of them are jewish.

LostandFound ago

To use the statement 'Jesus himself criticized the Jews.' as part of your argument here as to why we should be critical of the Jews is a mute point. The rest of the argument has merit but its a terrible analogy as to why we now should be critical of the Jews. Trust me they aint no saints I understand high level finances and it aint pretty, just a bad argument here.

salinaslayer ago

I repeat:

If you're suggesting millions of jews worldwide are waging a pedophilic conspiracy together, you are delusional or plain retarded.

What we do know about Jews is that they make an easy scapegoat if you're looking to deflect responsibility for your own doings.

Aderville ago

It isn't your average Jew, it's not your neighbor. They're kabbalists and frankly have nothing to do with what we think of when you say Jewish.

Prepper_Jack ago

Well, it's a bit of a misnomer, as many of these so-called "Jews" are actually Satanists. If you look at Kaballah, you'll find that it's Satanism. If you look at Aleister Crowley's work (which basically founded the OTO), it's based on Kaballah. Examine the Qlipoth, and you'll see who heads the evil pantheon - Thaumiel, a spirit consisting of Satan and Moloch. Who is his wife? Lilith, who is represented by an owl, and who's name literally means "screech owl" in Hebrew. What references do we see everywhere? Moloch and owls. Kim Noble, a victim of these people, has created artwork with Hebrew writing and the Qlipoth.

The interesting thing is that Jesus warned against these people in Revelations:

Look at those who belong to the synagogue of Satan, who claim to be Jews but are liars instead. I will make them come and bow down at your feet, and they will know that I love you.

That said, I'm sure most Jews have nothing to do with any of this nonsense. It has nothing to do with "anti-semitism", though I do find that charge quite interesting. As Voltaire said:

To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.

But, too bad for them - we'll keep criticizing both Jew and Goy alike if they are engaging in Satanic practices - particularly if they're hurting people. And, no - we're not going to overlook the roots of this cult.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

anyone following that shit = zionist.

jews included.

great 'us quote bro.

where in rev?

Prepper_Jack ago

Revelation 3:9

superesper ago


There's one post on the first two pages containing the word "jew" and it's not anti-semitic and does not implicate all jews in pedophilia, it merely notes that some leads implicate jews. There is no "flood" of "anti-semitism". This is a concern trolling shill post and the fact that the mods have marked it "important" reveals a major problem with this sub. OP is a shill faggot.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

lol refuting bots posting concern trolling with reason and logic will not work.

do not be distracted.

i am not an investigator, just a goat, so it doesn't work on me.

but just commenting here has taken your time, if you're an investigator.

do not be divided. do not be distracted.

go forth and seek and find truth.

bring it here and post it well, with reason and sources.

SaneGoatiSwear ago















AstroTibs ago

I wonder how much spittle is on your keyboard

SaneGoatiSwear ago

protip: my keyboard is a spitoon.

Gorillion ago


Cantilever ago

Nobody is saying "millions of Jews." All it takes is a few prominent Jews with influence to push a narriative for it to be accepted, just like in the US with the MSM

NoBS ago

Victims of slavery do not care what your religion, skin color or political ideology. They do care if you have power with the "local" authority. As too many cases have proved, the children become institutionalized due to enslavement of the most evil kind. Human power trips.

banusaur ago

This message is a literal copy/paste of some shit from another thread.

Shill-bot or shill, go fuck yourself. With a cactus.

EllenPaosEgo ago

What did they say?

banusaur ago

They said we should blame the jews and magic.

EllenPaosEgo ago

So mods deleted their post for pointing out that the majority of the people we are investigating are jewish by blood? I want to know exactly what theybsaid that got their message censored.

reasonedandinformed ago

Yep. CTR. Reported.

banusaur ago

Excellent. Let's be vigilant.

salinaslayer ago

If you're suggesting millions of jews worldwide are waging a pedophilic conspiracy together, you are delusional or plain retarded.

What we do know about Jews is that they make an easy scapegoat if you're looking to deflect responsibility for your own doings.

theblackblood ago

They're not helping themselves by being the most transparent, blatant shills going. Keep the down votes coming in.

jealoushe ago

and then they legit comment on this post. Please upvote my comment so I can downvoat these idiots!!

SheSaidDestroy ago

These 'people' put child porn on Bernie Sanders webpages, so there is absolutely no low to which they won't stoop.

stickittotheman ago

daily business for these types, in fact it is their MAIN business

heretolearn ago

and they conveniently had cp waiting to be used.

reasonedandinformed ago

Yep. They will stop at nothing to protect themselves and their crimes from being revealed.

Kawksnahch ago


I assume they're all still asleep or at their jobs or like... adulting otherwise at the moment.