betadynamique ago

I thought that was understood already, though.

SocratesOP ago

We're good brother - we all chew on life's gristle sometimes

Edit: phone spelling

SocratesOP ago

The burden of clarity in your statements isn't on me - and it's not me dv you (Ha!!!) but I think it's funny you consider that censorship.

webofslime ago

Life is a dream and we are the imagination of ourselves.

militant ago

Don't worry, OP, we're anything but naive. Well done on exposing tens of shills accounts with a single thread.

kingkongwaswrong ago


I should delete it

kingkongwaswrong ago

i know, i thought about deleting this thread but then I wondered if it would be demoralising for some people... but you're right. if there are any more threads like this I will delete them if I'm around, just cause we HAVE had a few come through

grlldcheese ago

Then why continue to follow at all

grlldcheese ago

Hmmmmm. I think i like you. You just new and weak. 3 weeks. Follow for 3 weeks and you will agree with me. That's not even inauguration. Shits so hot that the shills are maxing out. When it got worse after the election i was shocked.

This conversation exists only in places that think like I'm describing. There's a reason for that. Refuge in absurdity. But we're known, so the absurdity prevents manipulation.

SocratesOP ago

Your post shows an extreme lack of awareness for what I do or do not post or use the site for. Implying that I'm the one searching for a safe space is blatant projection - but like I said you're free to keep exposing your own ignorance.

Bring_Down_CF ago

Why take the risk of having to make an embarrassing retraction after they get caught lying when they can just screen cap comments by established members?

Bring_Down_CF ago

Sorry, i should have said "muh queer nigger faggot cocks".

Seriously dude, you need to grow up if you want to be taken seriously.

SocratesOP ago

I'm willing to listen to your interpretation of the phrase zero tolerance.

I don't personally know any turds, nor have I seen a thread or any evidence indicating a brigade. It could be that OPs opinions are not popular on voat even if he feels like he has a sizable pizzagate following.

I don't ever support naming an entire group dumb based on their personal opinions but you are free to reveal your ignorance at your own disclosure.

grlldcheese ago


grlldcheese ago

I'm pretty sure this is the controlled opposition endgame. And it's weak as fuck. Watching it go down in T_D, the desperation, it was great.

They were brigading us while the world changed right under their noses. It's beautiful man.

baphometsrage ago

it's so weird i've seen your /u a bunch of times but never up or downvoated you apparently, but you nailed it calling this fucker out big time

justanotherpizza ago

I fully support your PSA. thank you for stating what needs to be said.

baphometsrage ago

fuck off faggot don't tell us what we can't say then cry censorship, i hope civil war breaks out and you're the first fag waving a dildo to get shot with a gun

VictorSteinerDavion ago

Mods can't silent delete, comment removals by mods are all in the modlogs

Admins might be able to silent delete, but I have no way of knowing about that

VictorSteinerDavion ago

Keep it up all this is fully documented

If this is true, share it.

Let us all combat the shills

Mickgoestojail ago

Not on the OP


I would take a hard look at this:

It is the even bigger picture imho :)

I have studied the elite for 20 years. Pizzagate isn't wholly new to me, but the scale took me aback. The elite sacrifice children for a reason. I think it is modern worship of Saturn/Isis.

Here is the whole story of Pizzagate for anyone interested. The truth is stranger than fiction. The Scottish Masonic Order and their affiliates rule our planet. They are a direct continuation of the Brotherhood of Amon Ra that existed in Egypt 3500 years ago. Knights Templar, Medici's, Pheonicians were just a couple of the links in between. Our leaders are obsessed with Egyptian symbolism, specifically the story of Isis and Osiris. It's basically pretty cool math/geometry, but they have perverted it and made it into an esoteric movement. These people literally invented creationism and our religions. The Star of David is a mathematical symbol.

Many people mistakenly appropriate the 6660 inches on the Washington Monument to the Devil/Satanic worship. It is actually a reference to 6/5th's. 6660 inches in feet is 555. This is a not a mistake. The foot was literally defined with this in mind. To these crazy ass mother fuckers, 6 and 5 represented the macrocosm and the microcosm.

Here you go (explore the Egyptian/mathematical symbolism through art and architecture of the past 2 thousand years):

This guy is really funny. He sucks as a speaker, and looks insane, but info checks out. It'll make a man go insane.

and here is the mouthpiece for the IMF mentioning it (numerology) casually:

Please refrain from calling me a shill because that sounds so fucking crazy. I know what it sounds like. Downvote me if you think it is a coincidence the the latitude of the King's Chamber at the pyramids at Giza is the speed of light (in m/s), accurate to at least 6 digits. You would have to think Pizzagate is a coincidence too. Meter was defined in 1800, but it was merely rediscovered. It is a length ingrained into the architecture of our solar system, as any student of Masonry would learn. Here is the King's chamber when measured in meters:

Maybe the meter isn't so arbitrary after all, if it is being used to encode the golden ratio in Egypt, thousands of years before the System International. By the way, the perimeter of the chamber's base is 10 pi meters. They squared the circle at the same time.

Numerology and mythology seem pretty fucking retarded, and they are, but our leaders fucking love it. You have to understand it, in order to understand our current situation, and them. It goes back thousands of years. If there is anything that you guys should be learning through Pizzagate, it is that many of the men and the women with the tin foil hats on, were preaching reality in your face (to a limit- I think that limit is aliens, but I am open minded). I think that it can be easy to try to explain this Egyptian symbolism as artistic influence, but major historic figures have gone out of their fucking way to make a point of it - including the Pope and Napoleon (as you will see in the first video).

Last thing, FUCK THE BROTHERHOOD OF AMON RA. They sacrifice children like sheep.

Just remember that at heart, humans are good. These videos will make you question reality, but we have each others' backs.

We have found the tippy tip of the iceberg with Pizzagate.




@Crensch @kingkongwaswrong

Photos of dead people okay? Idc. I am just asking.


I am trying to combat the shills. I am sorry that you got fucked over by them. Don't get pissed that you lost this account and give up. Just make a new one and keep contributing.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

screen capped saved on voat, saved to hard drive, made my background and tattood on my first child's fucking face.


my fooookn sides, mate!


AWW aww Aw awwwwwww mah sieeeedes.

goddamn whole extended family on vibr are just fucking laughing so hard the MOUSEGATE FAIL it's being called around the world

right here on this comment chain

mother fucking wrecked

@anonymousegate kevdude just made a video and posted it to pornhub. it's properly labeled under "@anonymousegate gets blacked by @kevdude deep and hard"


Kevdude. You are the fucking man. Just know that after this is all over, some of us should hang out if we can find a safe way to do that. I don't think we will :/

SaneGoatiSwear ago

notice the lack of responses to intelligent comments by dissenters?

SaneGoatiSwear ago

@homersimpson can answer that for you

HomerSimpson ago

Why am I being used in this argument?

SaneGoatiSwear ago

somethign something mentioned fph and figured you might want to jump into voat's current shillfest. there are shills and bots all the fuck over this shit.

now you're covered in it.

with all the <3 in my heart for no answer on googleapi on fphl. :(

HomerSimpson ago

with all the <3 in my heart for no answer on googleapi on fphl. :(

Sorry. Completely forgot. Can you remind me the exact thing you want asked and I will pass it along now to be answered in the morning?

SaneGoatiSwear ago

yeah, is there a way to do what he needs done without using google or other censorship-pro evil corps?

shmuklidooha ago

Is there another metrics service that you can suggest? That's what we're using Google for, so any suggestions for alternatives are welcome.

newworldahead ago

You seem stressed out, are you foaming at the mouth? You should try doing so Yoga or Qi Gon, it would calm you down.

anonymousgate ago

So what you're telling me is that we should be giving them even more ammo? I don't understand your point.

Trabidius ago

Fuck anti-hostility or any kind of censorship of that kind. That's pussy shit, we're on Voat, deal with it.

BUT, the clickbait shit, I'll agree with you there.

Kal ago


newworldahead ago

MightyYetGentle... might as well call you MouthyYetBoring.

anonymousgate ago


Wow. Thanks for ruining my day and proving my point at the same time.

Now I hope you get banned.

newworldahead ago

Very intelligent comment, OP! The harsh reactions you have received for posting it validates your point even more. Being overly rude, using a juvenile language and swearing every two words make us all look like buffoons.

SaneGoatiSwear ago


(((is this (shit) full (0f) shills, (b0+s) and (c0ncern tr0ls) or is it just me?!?)))

LookingGlass ago

One question for OP, who exactly decides what is "unintelligent" language? And what motives does the OP really have for trying to stifle discussion by discouraging people who may have very valuable information to share, but are afraid they won't be able to do it in an "intelligent" enough way? Or imagine, how shocking, use words that are perfectly normal among "juveniles"?! Or God forbid, committ the BIGGEST SIN OF ALL, they use words that are offensive to OP - ONE OF THE BIGGEST FUCKING FUCKWIT CONCERN TROLLS I HAVE SEEN HERE?

I have down voted this FUCKING FUCKWIT CONCERN TROLL POST and I would also like an explanation why this FUCKING CONCERN CTR FUCKWIT TROLL POST has been labeled "important".

Fuck the hell off with this censorship douchebaggery, fuckwit CTR shill. You sound like a CTR fuckwit and lay out stifling rules like a CTR fuckwit, so I will outright call you a DAMN CTR FUCKWIT. And I do not give a flying rats ass if you think my language is offensive, FUCKING CTR FUCKWIT.

anonymousgate ago

To answer your question, "who exactly decides what is "unintelligent" language?"

Fuck the hell off with this censorship douchebaggery, fuckwit CTR shill. You sound like a CTR fuckwit and lay out stifling rules like a CTR fuckwit, so I will outright call you a DAMN CTR FUCKWIT. And I do not give a flying rats ass if you think my language is offensive, FUCKING CTR FUCKWIT.

In my opinion this is unintelligent language, and I have every right to feel that way, just like everyone else. The users decide that by upvoating and downvoating. I told people to voat and communicate more sensibly. That is not censorship.

LookingGlass ago

I don't give a shit if a CONCERN TROLL like you who are trying to create diversion and in-fighting in this sub because of damn LANGUAGE, is offended. .

RecycledUser ago

I agree. And shills and MSM would like nothing more than to claim people on here are promoting violence; they would love to see violence on the streets, to bring about Martial Law.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

[([it's all downhill from here goats, they've taken the (((sub))).])]

mark them words.

aleeum ago

This post sounds pretty fucking pretentious. There is a need to find solid and logical evidence but I can't help to cringe at this post.

Bring_Down_CF ago

You are though, with your actions. You are setting an example every time you write degenerate insults. You are telling people "it's ok to speak like this here. This is what we are about."

That's the image you are projecting. And it only makes our mission more difficult.

You should ask yourself how serious you are about this investigation. Serious enough to delete a few "muh nigger faggots" from your comments? That's not a huge price to pay to save hundreds of thousands of lives.

Cantilever ago


im_at_a_desk ago

"we may differ on many things but what we respect is free inquiry, open mindedness and the pursuit of ideas for their own sake. we do not hold our convictions dogmatically...but we shall resolve it by evidence and reasoning not by mutual ex-communication." Christopher Hitchens

zoot3d ago

User reasonedandinformed stated:

A big chunk of what you described is part of the CTR strategy to try to control the narrative for the mainstream media. In some cases it involves people with inherent bigotry who are outraged, but there is no place for the bigotry on this platform.

followed by attempting to control peoples' speech


wild_injun ago

like anonymousgate?

Nigredo ago

See my recent comment history to learn why this is a pipe dream

Bring_Down_CF ago

If your goal is to get Voat to hate pizzagate and lose interest then this is how you do it.

You're talking about yourself right? If the legacy media was going to make a hit piece about v/pizzagate who do you think they will be quote-mining from? OP or you?

cosmicmind ago

You have to understand that this topic can bring up a lot of emotion for a long of reasons. When a person realizes that this is happening they can go into all kinds of reaction. When they discover the full level of what's happening it might bring out even more stuff. I know it did for me. By saying that you're not allowing people to be real with their emotion on such a sensitive topic -- I can't support that at all. I think a person generally knows when someone is genuine or not.

You also have to understand that the stats of sexual abuse is very high, and there may be people on board who feel a personal connection on some level of past experience of abuse.

I purposely wrote the words, "you have to understand". How did it make you feel when I said you have to do something?
Isn't that the same censorship here on a small scale as what's being exerpeinced to alt-media from mainstream legacy media?

Why you wanna drone and zombie the emotions of genuine people on a real emotional topic?

anonymousgate ago

I do understand that statement. You telling me "you have to understand" didn't put me off at all, because I don't actually have to do anything, even if you tell me to. I'm not telling people to have zero emotional input. I'm telling people to learn how to have a grown-up and thoughtful discussion on the issues rather than spewing the hate you see in this comments section, which I personally find unproductive. The trolls that are trying to throw off this conversation know who they are. They have every right to say stupid things, the point that I'm trying to make is that these people are making us look like idiots.

A good example of a well thought out response is the one you wrote here. We can have disagreements and still have a fair conversation at the same time.

Faustian ago

You have a right to say what you think; it's the beauty of a free speech forum. However, telling people how to use their speech is arrogant. You're not the God of users. The beauty of pizzagate is that you have people from all different backgrounds and political affiliations participating in an online investigation to protect children. We all have different world views, but what is legitimate is what we bring to the investigation regardless of rhetoric. At this point, worrying about what msm thinks is a fucking fruitless endeavor. They've painted this investigation, and it doesn't matter how many pretty words you use, they dismissed it long ago. Ask yourself what is the merit in censoring rhetoric if a post uses language that you don't agree with but it also exposes evidence that leads to a breakthrough. Appearances don't equate to worth.

cosmicmind ago

Thanks for the explanation.

I have been known to write a one sentence rant including the words "those f'ers", but I narrowly escaped abduction as a child, so when I start to recognize a little too much internal emotion I log off and take a walk.

I get your point now.

Nigredo ago

It would probably help if people would cut down on comments like "BUT IT'S THE TALMUDIC JEWS DOING EVERYTHING" which is literally all over this site. It would be great to have a less corporate alternative to Reddit, less prone to censorship, but jesus fucking christ the people here are ridiculously racist at a disturbing degree of frequency.

I'm not advocating banning people or censoring or editing comments, but we need to have an actual discussion on this. But the people spewing the hate filled vitriol are, apparently, for the most part not willing to discuss anything. I try to educate people about class and the actual people who are running this show and who deserve our hatred, and I get replies like "Go back to being a furfag on leftiepol(?????? What the fuck)" and "Nigger you don't speak for the white race" and shit. Motherfucker, it's not the Jew destroying your healthcare, it's rich insurance company fucks looking to get even richer. Same for fucking everything.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

8) muh goat!

anonymousgate ago

How am I advocating censorship? I'm simply making the point that if we want to be taken seriously we have to talk like big boys. I never called for bans or rule changes. All i'm doing is exactly what you just said. "USE YOUR UPGOATS AND DOWNGOATS" ...except use them more wisely, please.

iwasthey ago


Watcher_Down ago

Phrases that alienate groups, like "liberal scum" or vague threats like "finish them" should not be tolerated

I like what you did there...

Princeofcats ago

Agreed 100%. The methodology will determine victory or defeat.

Guy_with_the_face ago

You raise some very good points, I have been trying to point this out in a few of my comments on other topics. I think its apparent to any serious researchers who the shills are on this subverse. I suggest we organize a Citizens Bureau of Investigation (C.B.I), a brick a mortar building where people can organize a coherent, uninterrupted investigation. This of course would have to be crowd-funded, in addition private investigators could be hired to dig deeper, outside of public domain.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

veiled threats are still threats bro.

i hope you mean you'd play them in an angry game of chess and win hard.

grlldcheese ago

Ok this has become my favorite happening since pizzagate first broke.

It's actually really nice to see old voaters i recognize jumping into this.

Thanks faggots.

smokratez ago

Stop concern trolling yourself. Everyone you are trying to impress by not cussing already thinks pizzagate is fake.

anonymousgate ago

I don't have a problem with cussing, I just think using racial slurs and hateful speech hurt our chances of being considered credible. If you think i'm trying to impress people by not using words like "faggot" and "nigger" in my posts, I feel sorry for you.

smokratez ago

I just think using racial slurs and hateful speech hurt our chances of being considered credible

No one thinks you are credible. You are pariahs. Accept it instead of pretending. As soon as you embrace it, you will become stronger. Until then all you are doing is lying to yourself.

I feel sorry for you.

You don't have to feel sorry for me babby. I am not the one who can't accept reality. Save all your sorries for yourself.

anonymousgate ago

If you admittedly aren't part of this community, why are you even interested in this discussion?

smokratez ago

If you admittedly aren't part of this community

I didn't do that. You are in my house and asking me what I am doing here? To kill satanic pedos of course.

anonymousgate ago

No one thinks you are credible. You are pariahs.

No thanks to you.

smokratez ago

You can't blame me for knowing what the majority of people think. Although it's amazing that you are trying to. Are you a jew? Because you appear to think like one.

kingkongwaswrong ago

that's too bad

kingkongwaswrong ago

but what if I like sucking a lot of dicks?

Also good luck digging, we need all hands on board, even if you don't want to be community minded and bring good positive vibes to this discussion. Kek has a plan for you too

featheredmasks ago

Yes! Feel the hate flow through you. 😘😘😘😘

micha_ ago

Great suggestion, but the level of civility is something that can ONLY be enforced by the mods.

featheredmasks ago

Okay sweetheart thanks for the advice! 😘

MolochHunter ago

Crucial post and everyone should get it line with its message I would hope this forum has such integrity with regards to investigative standards that if a journalist disinclined to believe pizzagate visited, that instead of finding a confirmation bias of fake news they have a nearly immediate epiphany that this is or should be the biggest news story in our lifetimes barring the potential start of WW3 - which this paedophile mafia seem utterly intent on provoking to divert attention

SaneGoatiSwear ago

lol (the bots are told not to respond to me) .. reasond(and) 1nformed (bot) lol

yeah so many it's silly.

silently remove as in the comments are deleted and they don't appear in the 'deleted comments' bin? fuck no.

shills ought be curated with downvoats. lots and lots of downvoats

aw looool the shill op is quoting the shill commenter!

comes to voat

no bigotry here, stahp it!


gentle knows...

webofslime ago

Shill script starts with insult. If people are overly civil, it eliminates most of their strategy.

baphometsrage ago

I don't bother with shills, but for others a little reframing and questions that directly expose their hypocrisy for others to see work wonders

SaneGoatiSwear ago

what are you saying? i want maor from you.

featheredmasks ago

All this because I value the integrity of pizzagate?

I don't even get what I said that caused you to think I was gay. I would think you mean faggot as a general insult but your post history says otherwise.

kingkongwaswrong ago

@sanegoatiswear @grlldcheese @darthveddit @mightyyetgentle7 @crensch

I understand voat's culture of throwing off censorship and tone policing, and yes everyone has a right to say whatever they want, and we should be careful of blanket rules on tone, words, subjects.

But I really think it's pretty lame to kneejerk apply that to every situation ever by swearing, throwing obscenities and slurs, and being downright mean. It's not constructive and it actually serves to make people ignore you.

No one is trying to control your freedom - we're just looking at the outcome we're trying to drive to, and looking at the parameters required to get there.

From our perspective, 'old goats' coming here and trying to tell us what to do is a form of control. OP isn't calling for a rule change, or comment censorship or anything like that. He's just asking the community to change their titles, and consider what they post and how they use their upvotes and downvotes. This is 100% fair, and if he's being upvoted then the community agrees (unless in the case of bot buys, but why would shills support this argument?). You guys can bitch about it, but telling OP that he can't ask for this and that he's not allowed to say this is a form of control and censorship - and if you guys were moderators and ENFORCING this by say, deleting OPs post that would be a form of control and censorship. Remember that fascism exists in every extreme.

Like it or not, this is a different sub to a normal conversation sub. It's an investigation, but it's also one of the public faces of pizzagate. And sure you can selfishly drive your voat culture agenda, but does that serve the purposes of this particular sub? I don't think so. Could it actively sabotage this sub? Yeah it could.

Imagine if the top post of the sub was 'A CALL TO ARMS' - and then the media got a hold of that and corresponded it to the comet pizza shooting? Not nice.

baphometsrage ago

don't tell people they can't be mean to fuckin child rapists or try to tone-police. you don't like it, go back to reddit where they defend that shit

birthdaysuit11 ago

Well, there's been a flux of posts that have been nothing about pizzagate and in literally 20min have 50 upvoats. Hence, CTR is present; here at the moment and they will use many different tactics to try to lure us away from the fall men. KEEP RESEARCHING James Alefantis and his 15 different properties, as well as his construction LLC's and his renovation museum which has direct view of a playground. His friend even took a picture from within the house with the #Peeking. These people are obvious pedophiles, so keep on James and his suspicious friends. They're the easiest to target. RULE OF THUMB, when links and documents are deleted a few hours to a day after Voat Pizzagate breaks them, such as Jame's friends Instagram with the #kill-room and murder and his LINKEDIN pages being deleted, as well as current places he sets up shop, you know that they are watching and will desperately delete anything that is incriminating or leads us down the domino avenue.

RebeccaSugar ago

I love you so much for saying this! Yes.

Cantilever ago

Is it possible to make voats public for this sub only? It would be pretty easy for the collective to identify bot armies

SaneGoatiSwear ago

well i tend to "kneejerk" react to this kind of shit.

why is this tagged "important" tell me. it's not important.

you all came to VOAT the last bastion of free speech on the net.

you didn't go to imzy to have a "pizzagate" safe space.

op directly calls for the end to protected free speech in the us in v/pizzagate, which is FINE right because it's a private sub and you can do what you want. see: v/fatpeoplehate and it's dissent rule (waaay over 1000 bans and growing! :)

We need to have absolutely zero tolerance for violent or hateful speech here.

but this is an attempt to rope legally protected free speech in with absolutely not legal speech. so don't even get me started.

maybe you're not referring to me, but i never said anything like

trying to tell us what to do

i explained that there's a fucking difference between hate speech and violent speech, and it's well known to be a tactic of shills to rope them in together while concern trolling that we police our own language.

i didn't fucking demand anything.

i asked why this is tagged. you didn't answer.

selfishly drive your voat culture agenda

free speech is not just the voat culture. lol agenda. free speech is a human right. goddamn it man, now you sound like one.

do you want the investigation to lead to arrests and consequences like jailtime for pedophile elites?

because becoming a place of (self)censorship in the name of the search for truth is fucking ridiculous.

kingkongwaswrong ago

free speech is not just the voat culture. lol agenda. free speech is a human right. goddamn it man, now you sound like one.

Um no one said anything about censoring anyone. OP made a post with his thoughts and some suggestions. There are no rule changes. OP is allowed to say whatever he wants. Voat culture isn't 'free speech', voat culture is 'prove that I'm allowed to say whatever I want by spouting vitriol and expletives'. If it was free speech, you would realise OP is allowed to say whatever he wants. You can get mad etc but 2 bad for you.

Also yeah label me as 'one of them' when I don't agree with you. Or maybe.. you could try to understand our POV instead of implicitly calling for OP to not say what he's saying.

And you do have an agenda - if you think you don't, you're deluded. Any extreme is fascism.

I didn't tag it so I don't know, but I'm not against the tag, esp the points on post quality and title sensationalism. Pretty good points imo.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

Voat culture isn't 'free speech', voat culture is 'prove that I'm allowed to say whatever I want by spouting vitriol and expletives'.

lurk maor, faggot.

get mad


assuming you can butthurt the sane goat is assuming you can walk barefoot on the sun

good points are great cover for shilling.

darthveddit ago

I'm proving a point. Point being is it doesn't matter what people say. We have a singleness of purpose here it doesn't matter how we expose this, it's that we do. Your discouraging people by saying they must be "professional". Do they also need a permit?

jonnythaiwongy9 ago

It does matter how its exposed. Do you want to expose it, and have people say look, some mongoloid fuck who is a member of the neo-nazi's and wants a new holocaust says theres child rape going on. Or do you want the best chance of swaying public opinion, because thats what we need. We need people to work with us tow\rds demanding an investigation. Thats why we should keep all politics out, let alone such extremist, alienating politics. Just have a bit of restraint if you don't mind to help the cause, it is the most efficient way. I fyou want to be a hindrance, thats ur right, but its selfish.

kingkongwaswrong ago

I'm not saying 'professional', but it does help to have posts titled correctly, and in a non sensational way. No one is calling for rules implementation, OP is just appealing to the community, as is his right, and his suggestions are good imo.

We have a singleness of purpose here it doesn't matter how we expose this, it's that we do.

yes you're right. But we also have to remember the MSM narratives and be kinda careful not to fall into any of the traps theyre setting.

darthveddit ago

How do you know it's a he? I was thinking it was girl this whole time.

kingkongwaswrong ago

I don't, I just assume dude for most people on the internet

featheredmasks ago


shakethetree ago

I strongly suspect at the end of the day this thread is going to have a silver lining. From the sidebar:

Dealing with Shills

Shills are pretty obvious. Response is to downvote - use them people! Downvote anything that looks like COINTEL.

On Shills, paid actors, Cointelpro, forum spies - extended cut

Ongoing list of suspected shills -

im_at_a_desk ago

glad this thread made it to the top. statements and addresses like this are so important and prevent us from falling into sensationalism. please lets all stay critical of all posts. hastily upvoating without reading and evaluating has a terrible effect on us. before upvoating remember that all posts have the potential to discredit EVERYTHING we've worked so hard for if its blatant disinfo.

mooteensy ago

Two downvotes for a well-said & IMPORTANT comment? I'd give you two upvotes if I could @im_at_a_desk! Great message.

im_at_a_desk ago

thanks! i think it came across as somewhat pompous and arrogant so i dont disagree with the downvoats if thats the message theyre trying to send.

EnragedSnail ago

Came across perfectly reasonably to me, sorry for the negative responses to both of you. Thank you for your comments I appreciated it!

darthveddit ago

As anybody going to tell this gay fucking bitch homo pussy faggot to shut his cock holster... or should I? You know who uses the aforementioned format you so valiantly suggested? The ctr. This is grassroots buddy. Now bugger back to the swamp.

Bring_Down_CF ago

Nobody thinks you're tough, little guy.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

99% chance these votes were paid for.

anonymousgate ago

Comments like this contribute to the idea that this community is bigoted and hateful. I'm not trying to censor people like you, I'm trying to help evolve the discussion beyond "Shut the fuck up bitch faggot." You can say that people who are opposed to that kind of language are trying to ruin pizzagate, but I think you're displaying for everyone in this thread how untrue that really is. I think your comments speak for themselves, and don't align with the core principles of this movement.

CeepsNo ago

This. Language police faggots can go back to reddit.

featheredmasks ago

Are you saying I'm helping to divide the community by pointing out that we are going to attract some nutters?

reasonedandinformed ago

Agreed. A big chunk of what you described is part of the CTR strategy to try to control the narrative for the lmainstream media. In some cases it involves people with inherent bigotry who are outraged, but there is no place for the bigotry on this platform.

zoot3d ago

you've got to be bricking shitting me

SaneGoatiSwear ago

hey everyone downvoating: guess what? i want pizzagate to lead to the arrest and prosecution of any and all criminals involved in these pedo rings! but you're listening to a concern troll language policing you! it's straight out of the reddit sjw handbook! note the very clear specific tethering of legally protected free speech (hate speech) with illegal speech (violent speech) this is a concern troll

@reasonedandinformed (IS A B0T) a very nice guy who knows what it's talking about.

anonymousgate ago

Listen. I'm not trying to police you. I literally have no ability to. If I did, you wouldn't be spamming this thread with tons of hostile comments. I literally used the quote "The answer to bad speech is not censorship" in my original post. You're making the point I was trying illustrate, which is that you make us all look like idiots when you make baseless accusations which have no foundation in reality. I believe that the only way pizzagate will lead to the arrest and prosecution of the criminals involved is if we speak like adults. Is that so wrong?

VictorSteinerDavion ago

Making people talk about tone is taking away time and effort from investigating.

you make us all look like idiots

False inclusiveness implies that everyone here agrees with everyone.

The only person that can make me look like an idiot is me

@SaneGoatiSwear may have a way with words that you don't like, but they always crack me up with the coarse and unfiltered perspective they have, even when I don't agree with the message.

If you don't like something, lead by example instead of shouting from the back.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

(i am not spamming, i'm not hostile)

(you have opinions and you're free to share, but so am i, and i think you're c o n c e r n t r o l l i n g)

(baseless accusations)

(yeah really did i now? you roped in protected speech with illegal speech, one which gets you banned on voat, and the other that's protected and upheld here, a clear shill tactic)

(you are now suggesting that types of free speech are not adult. do you mean going "GOO GOO GAAA GGAAA" or do you mean calling people stupid niggers when you post crap like this instead of leads and data? does saying the word retard turn a page of evidence magically blank? aww it makes MSM not wike us. o noes! bow to the MSM standards and practices, you bastardos! fuck that and fuck you.)

shakethetree ago

Thanks, I agree with the need to hold each other to high standards and ethical behavior. I have a specific gripe around the use of the slur 'faggot.' Name calling is the poorest form of speech when attempting to make a point . Hence - juvenile. It may be a cultural holdover from Reddit, but that doesn't mean anything to me. Not sure how other people feel about it. Bro talk is fine, but seems out of place in an anonymous group with so many diverse backgrounds. This one has me scratching my head.

grlldcheese ago

Language Nazism doesn't work here.

And that's giving you the HUGE benefit of the doubt that this isn't just some slide bullshit tactic that goes hand in hand with the derailing tactic you're whining about.

Here's the logic.

You're mad about crazy stuff and meanie words distracting from the truth.

So you've made a thread to bitch about the crazy stuff and meanie words.

So now this thread is on the front page, diluting the content of this site. That's one thread of possible investigation that isn't on the front page now.

And it will not work. Because the shills are here specifically to do what you're whining about.

So now there's them derailing AND you diluting.

Which begs the question, are you such a fucking newb that you don't understand this or are you collaborating with the shills to stir outrage because nobody here gives a fuck about meanie words and crazies and the derailing hasn't been working?

Either way you're being unproductive, distracting, and a moron. And there's always the chance you're actually being paid to cover for kiddie diddlers by David Brock.

Suck a fucking dick.

Edit: tfw the fire rises.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

why in the fuck is this tagged important, though?

@kingkongwaswrong op is concern trolling why the living nigger fuck is this tagged "IMPORTANT"?!?!

there's a big fucking difference between hate speech (protected in the u.s as free speech) and violent speech (like threats, not protected, crimes)

because having a feeling (i hate fat people/niggers/people who jaywalk) is not a fucking crime, but threatening their lives/livelihoods for whatever reason IS a crime (on the net as well).

roping them in together is a known tactic of disinformation agents / shills.


We need to have absolutely zero tolerance for violent or hateful speech here.

Pizzagatethroaway499 ago

You're clearly an idiot! I certainly hope you're getting paid by Brock and you haven't sustained about 14 concussions in the last month. Take up another hobby like knitting...

kingkongwaswrong ago


We need to have absolutely zero tolerance for violent or hateful speech here.

Is he not allowed to say that? O_O who's censoring who?

Did you even read his post? or just saw that comment and went spacko?

SaneGoatiSwear ago

he can say it all he wants

and i'll continue to call it concern shilling because that's what it is, paid for or not.

if he said

"we need to have absolutely zero tolerance for violent speech"


because threatening people and calling for violence against people (or orgs, etc) is illegal!

i think it goes without saying, but hey some may say it bears repeating.

but he's - again, now pay attention here, because this is the trick - he's ROPING IN LEGALLY PROTECTED FREE SPEECH (HATE SPEECH) WITH ILLEGAL SPEECH.

and suggesting that

We need to have absolutely zero tolerance for violent or hateful speech here.

did you even read my comment?

anonymousgate ago

I said nothing about illegally protected speech or legal speech. Illegal or legal bigotry is still bigotry. Am I calling for an end to bigotry? No. I'm simply reaching out to this subverse to re-evaluate the importance of the image we are presenting to the world. I said nothing about bans, or deleting comments/posts, or what is hate speech and what isn't. If you want to fight for your right to call people "nigger" when no one is even trying to take that right away from you, go ahead, but just know that you ARE making us all look stupid. If MSM wanted to report on how irrational and hateful we are, they would probably use the comments you and 3 others have posted as an example, not mine.

EDIT: changed subreddit to subverse (oops, habit) and corrected wording.

SocratesOP ago

No. I'm simply reaching out to this subreddit to re-evaluate the importance of the image we are presenting to the world on this subreddit.

Kek. I don't think you are where you think you are.

You might need to go back. Hate speech is a consequence of free speech - please (as others have mentioned) consider that you were recently subject to the same philosophy that you preach and it has ended pizzagate up on voat.

I agree that bigotry and racism - even race realism - can shine a "negative light" on us to the public but if you were trying to add credibility to your name you already fucked up by choosing voat. The people spouting hate in your threads does nothing to our tarnished reputation. People know there is /v/niggers and /v/fatpeoplehate etc - the public already discredits voat.

What we stand for is free speech - and from what I've read you should probably look for a new platform that you can control the narrative of more tightly if this freedom is too much for you.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

fucking comment from voat's Epic Vault.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

We need to have absolutely zero tolerance for violent or hateful speech here.

violent speech (like threats or calls to violence) are not legal in the u.s.

hateful speech (like man i hate fat people and clowns) is legal, and protected speech.

you are roping them into one

while enveloping it in some nice let's stay focused on the purpose rhetoric to make it seem nice.

i see right through this bullshit.

this isn't about saying that you're a shilly cuntbag niggerfaggot

this is about you and this gay little message you squeaked by.

if you had said exactly the same thing but not tried to rope in perfectly legal speech

i'd be somewhere else right now.

but you didn't..

answer me this: what's (bot) the first thing i talked about in this comment?

and this: why the fuck do we care what paid peddlers of propoganda think/do? investigate. find the truth. fuck the haters and the (shilly) concern trolls like you.

Fahrvergnaked ago

Yo Sane! It's me.
I think you're missing the point of this post. OP is not calling for censorship of voat, or even of this subverse, he's calling for a voluntary effort by the people who post here to remain as professional as possible so as to not give the media a freebie to hit us with. I personally think it is a very logical and sensible request, there's also the added benefit of making the shills far more visible when we aren't just running off at the mouth all the time. If we're being calm, rational, and logical the shills will stand out like a sore thumb.

The nature of this investigation and the forces we are up against, coupled with the "crowdsourced" and hive nature of this thing demand as much of an ordered format as possible. The current media tack is that this is a crazy "alt-right" "white supremacist" "conspiracy theory". the best way to combat this image is not to play into it. I'm not saying you can't call me a nigger, and neither is OP, he's asking for a concerted effort by the people involved in THIS subverse to be more organized, less sensational, and less inflammatory simply for the sake of free speech.

OP cannot enforce these suggestions, nor does he want to, he is trying to organize and direct the community in a better, more productive direction. He's got a very good point that every single unproductive post submitted helps to drown the important posts just by the noise factor, he's asking the people involved to slow down and try to be more coherent, and with that comes less of the name-calling and sensationalizing.

Just leave him alone dude.
If the idea of not calling someone a nigger jew really bothers you there's always SBBH.

Honestly, you're one of the best guard dogs on voat, but I think you need to calm down on this a bit.
We all want the same thing here, and if we work together there is no force that can stop us.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

who are you?

calling for censorship

did i fucking stutter? i never said all this shit you're saying i said.

he called for self-censorship swaddled in concern troll lightly dusted with a tiny little bit of truth. fucking shill tactic.

who are you?

some how you want to make this pizzagate vs. msm

it's not.

i am voat. i breathe voat. when you're at work, i'm living voat, when you're watching tv, i'm shitting voat, when you're off jackin' it, i'm making sweet sweet love to v/all/new..

i'd list all the fallacies and disinfo in this

but (you're just a b0t) i need to be on my merry way to sbbh, where i never fucking go (except that once to post only nickelback lyrics to get banned forever because fuck sbbh).

Fahrvergnaked ago

Not a bot bro, we've had conversations before. Look at my history instead of accusing me of shilling because you disagree with me.
Once again, self-moderation is not censorship, you are allowed to say whatever you want, even calling me a shill and a bot, but what OP is calling for is simply more thought given to content of submitted posts.
Nothing, and I do mean nothing, but good can come of reducing the more inflammatory language in this subverse. Instead of post titles in all caps and exclamation points we can have a calmer atmosphere and neater format. Mostly what I took his post to mean is to put more thought into posts, focusing on quality and transmission of information rather than panicked fluff.

If I haven't made my point by now then I doubt I am capable of doing so. Just trying to put in my two cents as someone who's been here a while. I can understand that anything from a new account is suspect, but in this case I see a point being made. In the end, nothing is actually gonna change as far as the way the information is disseminated here, so this is a tempest in a teapot anyway.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

so many disinfo tactics

self-moderation is not censorship

kek that requires another, the correct term for is self-censorship.

what OP is calling for is simply more thought given to content of submitted posts

OP: We need to have absolutely zero tolerance for violent or hateful speech here.


tempest in a teapot

AHAHAh no.

v/pizzagate is a tempest in a fucking abyss of infinite shit storm.

kingkongwaswrong ago

come on man, do you really think OP is that sinister? Maybe Im naive but I think that he's just conflating two things that are pretty similar in most peoples minds.

If you want him to change it to just violent speech, why dont you just ask him nicely in a direct response, and outline your arguement. I get what you're saying now, but you're getting lost in the retarded voatgoat response of 'faggot cocksucker nigger' etc

SaneGoatiSwear ago

lol welcome to voat

we had hillary clinton's CTR here for a while.

paid shills, en masse. organized and shilling for the parkinson's riddled treasonus cunt.

clear as day

if you want him to change

yeah again he can say whatever he wants

i just said what i wanted to say.

lost in the voatgoat response of 'faggot cocksucker nigger'

that's a horrible way to say it, it's: 'you cocksucking niggerfaggot!'

anonymousgate ago

And now you're slinging hateful language, names, and accusations at me for trying to help hone discussion. What do you think that reflects on you, and this movement for that matter? If you think you are being helpful, I'd have to disagree with you, especially since you seem to think it's normal to call others "faggot," "goatfuckers," and "retards," according to your other submissions.

grlldcheese ago

Show me where i called anyone a goatfucker you lying sack of shit.

Why do you have to make shit up. I actually said all kinds of fucked up stuff. You're lying to destroy my credibility because my other hateful stuff was way way sweeter.

Fuck yourself for marginalizing my shitposting. Plus the part where you're just wrong and a shill. And this has been a hilarious blowup of the situation.

anonymousgate ago

Idiots do this everywhere. I live in Hawaii.

At least twice a year i get into confrontations over some fuck trying to tell me how or where to do my fishing. Paddlers think you're the dick if they paddle into your line that's been there for 20 minutes. Boaters think they can tell you to fish 50ft away from where they wanted to go.

I love how this is news because the punks were goatfuckers.

I think you misinterpreted when I said "other submissions." "Past submissions" would have made more sense.

grlldcheese ago

Oh shit, i didn't remember that. I was probably drunk. I stand corrected. You're still a faggot.

Fuck your mother.

AnonymousAgnostic ago

It's almost too intentional to be believed. Maybe that's just my hope, that there aren't people so mean, and so ignorant of how counterproductive what they're doing is. It makes the 'conspiracy/shill' instinct kick in, but I guess we do have to consider that there really are people this this hateful, this rude, and frankly, this DUMB here just becaue they feel empowered to 'go after those dems.' Personally, I want to bring the corruption on all sides, all secret societies, all intelligence agencies etc to the light of day, but I suppose it's not too much of a leap to just accept that there are redneck haters of 'the dems' who are just riding the wave of Trump's election. <sigh>

The irony is that it's almost a certainty that THAT guy's got a ton of skeletons in his closet too, but never mind that likelyhood..Either idiot trolls have gone full on pro, or the counter-counter propagandist war is just that insurmountable to overcome..

Frankly, this is the reason I"m here, semi-lurking. Half of it is to watch this witchhunt from the sidelines, and half is to watch the social/propaganda/manipulation experiment. (When I say witchhunt, I mean that more literally than perjoratively, if you go back and read my previous comments)

I'm so worried for this convergence of a lack of shared reality, trustworthy news sources, and a nearly weaponized propaganda conflict.

It's a fascinating moment in history to watch in realtime.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

ahhahahaha you're not

trying to help

fucking LAWLZ

and for good goat measure:

you're a faggoty goatfucking retardogiganigga.

welcome to voat, 11 day old account.

next you're going to tell me that bringing in account age is.. blah blah. donkey dick.

CeepsNo ago

You are not helping.

featheredmasks ago


Funny thing is some people here will think I'm being hostile when I just play devil's advocate. :')

Chance903 ago

I have also said the same thing time and again. It falls on deaf ears.This is as we speak becoming part of history, books will be written , History books and movies will be made. I inderstand the serious matter at hand, but some do not as evidneced in the way they interact within the community . Just like pizzaget falls upon deaf ears to the vast majority so do our voices on this issue fall on deaf ears. This is why pizzagate is not taken seriously. People need to understand that but I have my doubts they will.

CeepsNo ago

Then make propaganda posters and spread them IRL

Chance903 ago

I am sorry I just do not have the resources to do that, maybe you do? I will be only too happy to receive and distribute.

EllenPaosEgo ago

Take an infograph from here, go print out a stack of them for under $5 and post them around. You just made the point that you only care about controlling the sub, and not spreading information about pizzagate. This PR cucking is what killed GG and split us in half. Half of us thought that you could try and get good PR from the corrupt media so they stopped following leads to MSM and the types of people behind it. GG was leaft dead in the water and no matter how much good PR was tried the MSM will always craft the narrative they want to push. Nothing is stopping them from making an account and making a false flag post then reporting on it. It happened many times with GG. We won't have good PR all we have is leads and facts. Stop trying to stifle discussion and actually do something for the cause you lazy nigger. PR cuckery never works when the same group you are investigating is inherently tied to the MSM.

Orange_Circle ago


betadynamique ago

There are dark occult forces gone into this pizza oven, so to speak.

anonymousgate ago

See this is is the kind of thing i'm talking about. Can you tell me how this comment contributes to discussion?

betadynamique ago

No, that's not what you're talking about.

featheredmasks ago

Unfortunately the mentally ill love conspiracies which do not help our cases. I deal with it at work all the time where people think their products have been hacked into. 😴