poly ago

Revelation 2:9

Revelation 3:9

fartyshorts ago

Keep in mind too:

Satan (Hebrew: שָּׂטָן‎‎ satan, meaning "enemy" or "adversary"; Arabic: شيطان‎‎ shaitan, meaning; "astray", "distant", or sometimes "devil")

salinaslayer ago

I'm open to some of the possibilities you laid out here, and I'm satisfied that you pointed out most jewish people would have nothing to do with this. I cannot fathom the possibility that any of the ones I know would be involved in something this detestable. Especially the Trump supporters.

sixgorillion ago

I even have a few Jewish relatives. They are pretty normal fucking people.

It also explains why Jesus(a Jew) freaked out over what his fellow Israelites were doing. And he called them out, saying "Those who call themselves Jews, but are the worshipers of the synagogue of satan". That explains why they really hate him, they rejected him as their messiah.

The only Jews that can be saved however, are those that completely reject the Talmud. And I guess accepting Jesus Christ as their messiah would be fun to demand, this isn't because I believe that Jesus was all that. This is simply because satanic Jews cannot ever accept Christ, that goes against every bone in their body, they would rather die than to embrace Christ. Even if it's all bullshit.

Sloppy_Joe ago

Here's something I think you would like, an animated version of Exodus 32. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=clHQWqH09FM

When Moses came down from the mountain the Israelites were not worshiping God but a Golden Calf of Moloch which they were sacrificing their children to. Moses then destroyed the Idol and banished the false Gods, of Moloch and Athena and her Owls. But to this day the false Gods are being worshiped. The Illuminati (Free Masons) use the owl of athena as their symbol, and an Golden Bull sits on Wall Street to this very day...

rail606 ago

Dayumm bro. Dropped some knowledge on me a very woke person lol.

totesgoats908234 ago

Abrahamic religion is parasitic in its nature.

When it comes to stuff like this, just remember that it is not so much what you say but how you say it.

I don't think you can discard the fact that Israelis get caught spying on the US all the time,

Yes and they own US telecom interests as well - http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/WRHARTICLES/blackmail.html

sixgorillion ago

Well, a lot of the original teachings was very good. That's why it spread so incredibly fast in Europe among good people. But even good people get corrupted and today almost all organized religion is bullshit. It is however still a poison if you practice it blindly, and take everything literally and applying it in real life. But I doubt that it's all false.

I believe there is a God, but there are probably more lies about God than anything else.

skylamer ago

this shit should be pinned, but u know it wouldnt be..

Warnos44 ago

Unfortunately the part about sex with kids less than three is taken greatly out of context and makes the rest of the stuff questionable.

sixgorillion ago

I tried to post to maximize exposure, don't know if it worked.

Last Friday, there was twice as many online and we had half the subs.

darkofthemoon ago

This sub is working like it was meant to...

sixgorillion ago

Thank you @Auzeil for asking me to create this thread.


Also this is quite weird.

They ALL support Comet Ping Pong and Besta Pizza from Temple SINAI Synagogue?


Why would a ALL the Jews in a Jewish Synagogue care about Comet Pizza and Besta Pizza so much?...they are NOT "neighbors"...
