Mageza ago

haha :)

Mageza ago

You make some good points, and I do think that the ideology of Jewish supremacy needs to be talked about and opposed publicly. But I think there is a fine line between saying that Jews are among the powerful group that make up the elite powers that be, and saying that Jews literally control everything. I believe they have undue influenced in media, banking, etc. I want to be able to steadfastly oppose racism and ethnic supremacy in all it's forms, including Jewish supremacy, but I'm afraid that there are no brakes and people will just go straight to neo-nazism like Richard Spencer. It's too easy to fall for the explanation that Jews literally control everything. The fact is that there are competing factions in the elite, its more like Game of Thrones. If people can be measured in their rhetoric, I support calling out Jews, but I don't think that's possible in the current political climate.

Mageza ago

I won't deny that there may be a lot of Jews involved, especially in the media cover-up side of things. But are they the bad guys because they're part of the elite or because they're Jews? I don't see any advantage to pointing out their Jewishness, the only thing you gain by that is getting tarred as an anti-Semite. Pedophilia and child abuse is not limited to Jews, just look at the Roman Catholic Church. I say we oppose and expose the elite pedophiles, I don't care whether they're Jewish or some other religion. It's the child abuse that makes it wrong, not their religion.

carlofusilier ago

No point to add the 'Jewish' accolade to this conspiracy. All it does it make it sound less believable. Adding that 'jew' tag to does not even benefit the investigation, as we are up to our necks in leads anyway, true or not.

dindonufin ago

Right, but do facts even matter to brainwashed zombies?

stickittotheman ago

The words he speaks are true, we are all humanary stew, if we dont pledge alliegance to... the eternal joo

smoothassilk ago

sieg heil! ... no rly pls slit your veins open and die faggot.

smoothassilk ago

voat is a mix of /pol faggots in a reddit setup. best thing is to just ignore that obvious trolling. ofc there are those deranged personalities who actually rly believe that the holocaust was a hoax, just feel sry for them and go ahead..

Headstart ago

The sad part is all this Jew conspiracy shit takes away from REAL investigations.

If you want to talk about a Jewish pedophile, start with Stephen Spielberg.

If you shills dropped the world conspiracy shit, we could actually focus on Jews that are involved in pedophilia...

hookednosedjoooo ago

I'll tone down the jew talk but im not changing my name

AllDancingCrap ago

@Mageza 0.7 hours after your post, this Newsweek article came out.

Contingency plans for this?

Guy_with_the_face ago

Its likely the shills that are posting the racial comments, my personal solution to these sneaky bastards is 0 contact, just like how you treat a narcissist. The more they can't get out of you what they came at you for, the more their agenda backfires. These people rely on our negative reactions in order to gain any leverage. If we suspect someone is a shill or troll, make their efforts a waste of money.

stickittotheman ago

The list is literally endless, i could start one now and wouldnt finish for years.

FormerBaltimoreRes ago

You're newer here so let me get you up to speed, this website is heavily white nationalist. Voat grew in the Alpha stages because of coontown being banned on reddit. By choosing to be here you are going to be associated with white nationalism. I understand you may feel that is undesirable, but contrary to what you may think the safest place to engage in free speech is under this wing.

Now, as far as pizzagate, I'm not going to go out of my way to push any narrative not associated with finding and naming the pedophiles, however, you are going to need to get comfortable very quickly with the jewish element. And for the record, I don't believe you are a shill, nor am I, so let's agree to discuss things rationally.

The media as we know it today is censoring all coverage of pizzagate, who do you think controls the media? Why are the power brokers disproportionately jewish? And why are the new members here so keen to try to stop "anti semetism". That doesn't mean we stop investigations with the Jews, as certainly there are goys and arabs involved, but the names that have come up over and over again are disproportionately Hebew. I've been to the middle east and eastern europe, we know about the trafficking that occurs over there, I want all of this to stop. I have seen too many "pure coincidences" to stay silent when accounts no older than a few hours start with the "hey guise chill with the jew talk".

Respectfully, let's work together to connect the dots and please keep an open mind.

mouserr ago

anti-semitic is used like conspiracy theorist, as a means of dismissing any valid legitimate statement or topic without actually addressing the topic. when used against something like this it clearly signifies that there is something to the investigation and that there is a vested interest in keeping it under wraps

stickittotheman ago

Yea i heard that as well. To anyone else even murder is ok as stated in the Talmud

DoughMallet ago

I like the "White Nationalist" approach. Considering I'm Metis and Canadian...

bdmthrfkr ago

They can say whatever they want, just stick to the facts and if a bunch of Jews are involved (or not) then the facts will speak for themselves.

FormerBaltimoreRes ago

Oy vey! Fake News? Come on schlomo, you can do better.

FormerBaltimoreRes ago

Oh vey, BAD GOY! Aren't you worried about looking anti-semetic? How will anyone take us seriously if you start naming the jew!? Let's focus on child trafficking but don't get hateful otherwise the jewish owned mainstream media won't give us the front page story we want!!!

FormerBaltimoreRes ago

Khast: Member for Four Days

You have three posts, two of which are telling everyone to be worried about looking like nationalists. If you start contributing serious content I will take your concern more seriously. The people who care about stopping child-trafficking aren't going to be driven away by association.

GoGowdy ago

Yes all of them at the top.

R34p_Th3_Wh0r1w1nd ago

My theory, if this site starts to make head way. It suddenly come down with a severe case of DDoS.

redditsuckz ago

George Soros will buy this site for 6 gorillian dollars then dismantle it.

R34p_Th3_Wh0r1w1nd ago

Lol if that's the case (which may very well be) we are an asset to the economy. Start ups will line up to let us contribute to their site, in hopes of being bought out.

redditsuckz ago

Anti-semitic, Its a Trick, We Always Use it

FormerBaltimoreRes ago

No matter what you do, no matter how nice you talk, you are going to be called a NAZI. You will NEVER be covered fairly. No lightbulb is going to go off in the heads of reporters to make them cover you fairly, because they are the ones who have been covering up this filth.

So don't worry about being politically correct and get comfortable with being called a white nationalist. Jews literally suck the blood out of babies penises, they push almost all the pornography in America, they shelter pedophiles in Israel. You better believe they are at the center of this. If you pretend like they are "just like us" you're going to miss the mark.

GoGowdy ago

The mod team are actively working against the community.

FormerBaltimoreRes ago

GoGowdy: Member for 2 hours and already posting how we shouldn't name the Jew in multiple posts. Also demoralizing and trying to turn us against the mods.

SlackeryTurnBull ago

Shills are gonna shill.

Kawksnahch ago

Aight so... wasn't 4chan spreading around a renaming of hateful terms? I think jews were Skypes. I loved the idea of turning things like Google and Microsoft into hate speech a la Pepe.

But wait.. I thought the jews were more into butt stuff than kids? Lemme go ask my rabbi. He never diddled me and I'm started to feel like i got Jewed. Christian kids get diddled AND christmas. Poor jewish kids get like... 7 days of bullshit, 1 day even more bullshit, and no diddling.

apparatchik1488 ago

Back to tel aviv, kike shill.

Headstart ago

Someone ban this idiot.

Go back to your shit posting chan, crunt.

ArchonFall4All ago

Your honor, I submit exhibit A for consideration ^