ZalesMcMuffin ago

A legitimate concern, in the abstract. Maybe we need a separate area on voat, perhaps under pizzagate, for chasing [apparent] tangents? Or maybe there already is... I find this site's interface rather confusing, thus far.

"You gotta keep 'em separated!"

banusaur ago

Thank you, OP. Needed to be said. These Shills have a sense of humor. It won't save them though >:D

betadynamique ago

Does ring a bell ring a bell?

JoeJoe ago

We can go all day on this. Once again your opinion.

JoeJoe ago

Did you look at all the other information I have posted here? The only research you've done to support your argument is to research my profile and pull out something you think you can use to attack. I see right through you.

JoeJoe ago

Now, your opinion of your opinion.


Are you retarded? [Yes]

JoeJoe ago

Once again. Your opinion.


There you both go. Watch it. Freemasons control our fucking world. Watch the whole fucking thing.

Satanic Nominal "Jew" who Worships Isis = 33rd Tier Freemason


Explain this:

The latitude of the Pyramid at Giza is the speed of light in digits (accurate to 9 digits) in meters per second. This means that either the meter was defined by the Pyramids (MASONS CONTROL OUR WORLD AND SCIENCE) or it is a coincidence. The chance of that happening by chance is (1/10) to the 9th, or 1 in a billion.

JoeJoe ago

You keep stating your opinion as if it were fact.

BedAndRektfast ago

That's not what the poster is saying happens ¯_(ツ)_/¯

JoeJoe ago

It's because there is so much. It may be that they are not research based and can't pull out refs. Just start with Project Paper Clip, look at UCLA and Dr Louis Jolyon West and that is the start. There's ex CIA, Albert Stubblebine. That's just two off the top of my head.

Like I said, this is not the place to discuss this, it could be considered sliding. But if you're serious and look at these things, please feel free to contact me again here on this thread and I'd be happy to give you more to look at.

SoManyQuestions ago

You can't just throw the term "shill" around willy nilly. It'll be the new "conspiracy theorist".

JoeJoe ago

Please do some research, just to prove yourself right.

JoeJoe ago

This isn't the place to discuss this with you. But if you are outing this Poster as crazy..... well they did write "it's a hard concept to grasp" and this is obviously the case.

It's ok that you haven't seen it yet, but don't down grade another truth seeker who is trying to impart some information.

If you keep researching you will uncover that we have all been f'd with.

Stoned ago

I just hope something actually comes of it. it would make me a proud citizen of western civilization to have this sort of corruption brought to light and dismantled.


Watch the whole thing. Mind blown more than Pizzagate.

Stoned ago

at the very least you could have provided the link to the original playlist -



Stoned ago

I've met plenty of people who legitimately believe this shit. It's not surprising that something like pizzagate might attract them. They may be shills, or they may just be new age idiots - it's near impossible to tell.