ThePuppetShow ago

Your submission /v/pizzagate/2020298 has been deleted by: Millennial_Falcon on 7/26/2017 9:01:59 PM

Reason given: ThePuppetShow: Rule 1. the IG account doesn't seem sketchy at all, as top comment in the thread points out. you still haven't bothered to build a case connecting Rothschilds to pizzagate, so this banking stuff is off-topic

GeorgeHodelDidit ago

Investigate Crypto Jews.....they intermarry into elite families the same way the American daughters did in the 1800ś which was shown on the TV show Doubton Abbey. They bring the money and you have the title. The Jewish religion allows for the children of a Jewish woman to be Jewish. So marrying a Jew woman is a great way to be infiltrated.

Investigate who started the Jesuits and what their back ground was.....hint hint it was Jewish Portugese and Spanish. Investigate Fidel Castro and Crypto Jew....investigate the PM of Canada and love child of Fidel Castro. This is how they do things....they leave Cuckooś eggs all over the place. They dont mind they cant take their family fact they prefer they dont. It hides the patterns from the Goyim out there.

Investigate Attaturk and Crypto Jew......investigate Saudi Arabia and Crypto Jew......investigate the 1960ś interview with the King of Saudi Arabia where he said the Jews of Israel and the Saudiś were Cousins.......

Investigate the Frankist and the original Illuminati....

Sure it would suck to be one of the honest Jews out there.....thinking a doom was coming your way.....and like usual the regular Jews are gonna pay for the sins of the Luciferian Elite. But if they know what is good for them they need to start pointing fingers and leaking information like crazy....because they will want a powerful patron before to long.

Mossad was the main acting agent behind 9/ even if Luciferianś are ultimately behind many Jews are caught up in this crime against humanity that they will have to some way. It has been coming a long time. It is ying and push hard enough in one direction and the universe starts pushing back. They thought they could cheat the laws of the universe.....surprise surprise bitches....

Shillaxe ago

Aren't the Rothschilds Jewish ?

ThePuppetShow ago

They have no real record of being Jewish, only Roman Catholic. Even the red shield has Roman eagle. They just claim to be Jews?

Shillaxe ago

I see the BAbenbUrgeRs rulled Austria from 955 to 1278 , same time Kazarians converted, the name Bauer can be found in BAdenbUrgeR and Rothschild comes from Bauer.

ThePuppetShow ago

Yeah.. The thread I shared with you talks all about Bauer.

Bauer- "Origins Available: Danish, German

The historical and enchanting region of Austria is the birthplace of the distinguished family name Bauer. Austria, which was originally home to a Celtic people, was conquered by the Roman Empire in about 15 BC. Following the fall of Rome, Austria was repeatedly invaded by barbarian tribes, such as the Vandals, Visigoths, and Huns, who swept in from the east. During the 5th and 6th centuries, the Alemanni, Avars and Slavs settled Austria. The Avars were defeated in 785 by the Frankish emperor Charlemagne, who set up the East Mark, which later became known as the Österreich. Otto I defeated the Magyars in 955. Austria was ruled by the Babenburger dynasty until 1278, when they were succeeded by the Hapsburg dynasty, which ruled Austria until the 20th century.

Bauer Early Origins

The surname Bauer was first found in Austria and Bavaria, where the name contributed greatly to the development of an emerging nation which would later play a large role in the tribal and national conflicts of the area. In later years the name branched into many houses, each playing a significant role in the local social and political affairs.

Bauer Early Notables (pre 1700)

During this period prominent bearers of the name Bauer were Bruno Bauer (1809-1882), who was a controversial German theologian, historian, and student of Hegel. Ludwig Amandus Bauer (1803-1846)..."

The Anglo-Saxtons have owned the Jews since 1066..

If you look at ‘The George Town Law Journal, Vol 71: pages 1179-1200’ you will see its stated the Norman and Anglo-Saxon Kings own the Jews. It states that Jews are controlled by Gt Britain. It also states the Talmud is now law of the land as of 1066 and its enforced by the Popes and Kings. This is what you would call the Uniform Commerical Code.”

Shillaxe ago

This kinda turns th Khazarian Bankster story around.

Shillaxe ago

My vague understanding is that they descended fron Khazarians , whos kings converted to Judaism in the 1300's, the common understanding anyways.

DonKeyhote ago

Why does the Templar building, where UK lawyers are trained, offer the Pegasus Scholarship? Which unassimilated social group is associated with law and banking? All explained here if you would just read it. Or ask George Webb to read it aloud while you tickle his balls.

ThePuppetShow ago

Pegasus is Greek mythology.

Which unassimilated social group is associated with law and banking?

Easy, the Luciferian sect of the Jesuits/Roman Catholics. That's proven in this thread you're commenting in and these threads..

For the 100th time.. I don't follow George Webb. I watched about 3 of his videos that were posted here. The thread I made has absolutely nothing to do with George Webb other than him saying, in one of those videos, that the Waco "ratline" had moved to a neighboring state. There's some mysterious shit going on at DIA, so that popped into my head.