VieBleu ago

good work coming back with this puppetshow - keep pushing.

The Jesuits have always functioned as the "spy apparatus" of the Vatican state, like a CIA for the pope. They were banned from becoming Pope for that reason what, 150 years ago or so? not sure on that date but 100-150 years or so, and have worked to reverse that relentlessly ever since The current pope of course represents their achievement.

Having a Jesuit Pope is kind of like having a former CIA director as President - oh, we made that mistake already, no wonder he was called "Poppy", right?

ThePuppetShow ago

good work coming back with this puppetshow - keep pushing.

Thanks VieBleu, the blatant censorship of the last threads should speak volumes to the people who really care about getting to the bottom of who's controlling the pedo blackmail game. I appreciate honest opinions and you've never failed to give me yours. We've had our difference of opinion, but in the long run I believe we're both here to help kids and end this bullshit.

VieBleu ago

I wanted to add, I listened to Catherine Austin Fitts the other day talking to black Congresswoman Maxine Waters - they both discussed how those who work behind the scenes do so in their own "tribes" In effect they said the Jewish cabal for historical reasons is the tool of both the Wasp Cabal and the Catholic Cabal. Very interesting stuff from two top level commenters with respect from wide audiences.

VieBleu ago

ditto here

My thread is getting major long spam comments, and there are a bunch of fake posts in "new" to displace the good sauce we serve. I am downvoating anything New that looks dodgy .

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

This is why the spotlight needs to be on Racine, WI. We know the real secret, and the world needs to know the real truth.

Racine is a main "Root" and hub for secret societies, most notably Pilgrims Society and Knights of Pythias, but it has extended to include service groups and foundations. Racine is the birthplace and model of Sustainable Development, Community Policing and other parts of Agenda 2030. Racine companies were instrumental in beginning the Art in Embassies program and are linked with the Clinton Foundation, McCain Foundation, and other groups involved in trafficking circles. Their real agenda is Global Enslavement, and the Pilgrims Society is closely linked to the Committee of 300, Black Nobility and the Council of 13.

Almost all Racine officials have resigned in recent years as those involved became too brazen and began exposing themselves. The most recent is the corrupt criminal mayor who is a low level player in secret societies with mafia ties. He resigned last week amid allegations of racketeering and corruption, and was rewarded with an appointment to control the Great Lakes fresh water supply for his masters.

The area is also close to Marquette University (see the Great 28 Jesuit Universities), and the state is widely known to be run by "The Marquette Mafia" such as Scott Walker and most of the area judges and attorneys that include freemasons, Knights of Malta, Knights of Pythias, and members of other secret societies.

Racine is also closely linked with the Rockefellers, Rothschilds, and many others in the Committee of 300 and related groups. Racine is one of 13 Bellwether districts in the U.S. and is a main hub for the real collaboration between both Republican and Democrat establishment leaders (Ryan, Priebus, Johnson, McCain, etc and Clinton, Schumer, Aspin, Byrd, etc.). Players such as Podestas, Emanuels, and Ashton Kutcher (see Kabbalah and Freemasonry) serve as middle men to the elite involved linking networks on both sides through DC, NY, Miami, Chicago, and LA.

The key to exposing the real truth and the real agenda of secret societies is exposing the "Root" in Racine, Wisconsin.

VieBleu ago

Your arguments sound good but you have no back up links. It's an online convention you must abide by or be ignored.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

We can back everything we say up, but we also don't have all day for citations and footnotes for those who won't bother to look anything up for themselves. You can verify most of what we say with any number of sources. What links do you need VieBleu - what is it that you doubt exactly? This is a complex network and everything we say is true and can be substantiated.

We also know it all to be true from experience, multiple private investigations, witnesses, and other direct sources. We question whether you really want to know the truth.

What is it that you need to know to prove we are speaking truthfully? Do you not know about the Marquette Mafia, or do you think the Pilgrims Society is made up?

Is VieBleu related to ActBlue? We hope not.

VieBleu ago

This is how I back up what I have to say - EVERYTHING is sourced, because what I have to say is too important to leave any doubt. So you are telling me that what you are saying isn't important enough for you to back up.

I get it, you are a distraction and nothing more.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

If what you have to say is so important - why do you have to source someone else already saying it?


Racine, Wisconsin is the Root and Model for the Real Agenda of Total Global Enslavement.

Deny it if you wish, or open your eyes to the real truth and help.

VieBleu ago

I haven't denied anything, Ive asked for sources of your opinion, because what you are saying is just your opinion.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

It is not opinion. It is the truth.

Again, there is not one link that summarizes the truth that we know. We have listed many components, or you can go through our entire comment history and find any particular item that you need more information on or a link to verify. Please pick something, and we can show you the truth that you refuse to see.

VieBleu ago

I don't disbelieve you, I believe you, but I have to have proof to show it to others. that is the problem.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

Thank you that is good to hear. We understand why people may be skeptical. This is an enormous discovery and hard to believe truth, but we assure you it is not conjecture.

There is not one concise link that proves the entire chain of connections. It is a complex network. We have something bigger in the works that will explain everything, but until then, please pick ANY PARTICULAR PARTS that you need to know more about and we will provide you with more information or links to prove it.

Anyone that does not want Total Global Enslavement should be involved and interested in this. This could be the one truth that can unite us all and reverse the model.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

What do you know about Racine, Wisconsin? To claim it is a distraction without knowing anything about it and being too lazy to research any part of it shows your real agenda.

Again, what is it exactly that you need a link on? Again tell us - what do you know about Racine? Maybe you should start listening and researching.

Do you know what Sustainable Development is? Do you know what Community Policing is? Do you know who the Knights of Pythias are? Do you know anything about The Fight to End Exploitation? Have you met Timothy Dolan? Did you know Senator Paul Wellstone? Do you know about Agenda 2030?

Tell us - what do you know about any of these things?

ronnyCPI ago

Read the fourth degree oath of extreme induction for Jesuit priests. It explains a lot.


Here's a sample if you're too busy to read the whole thing: "I will hang, waste, boil, flay, strangle and bury alive these infamous heretics, rip up the stomachs and wombs of their women and crush their infants’ heads against the walls, in order to annihilate forever their execrable race. That when the same cannot be done openly, I will secretly use the poisoned cup, the strangulating cord, the steel of the poniard or the leaden bullet, regardless of the honor, rank, dignity, or authority of the person or persons, whatever may be their condition in life, either public or private, as I at any time may be directed so to do by any agent of the Pope or Superior of the Brotherhood of the Holy Faith, of the Society of Jesus."

By the way, the American and Sicilian mafias have Roman Catholic sources and similar oaths for made members.

VieBleu ago

and we know that the American mafias at least have deep ties into the CIA and national security apparatus starting with Lucky Luciano and it never stopped.