carmencita ago

Before 1400 it was rare for anyone to be persecuted for witchcraft, but the increasingly common persecution of heresy and failure to fully defeat those heretics paved the way for later criminal prosecution of witchcraft.[38] By the 15th century belief in witches was widely accepted in European society. Previously, those convicted of witchcraft typically suffered penalties no more harsh than public penances such as a day in the stocks,[31] but their persecution became more brutal following the publication of the Malleus Maleficarum, as witchcraft became widely accepted as a real and dangerous phenomenon.[39] The most vigorous persecutions took place between years 1560 and 1630 ending in Europe around 1780.Particularly in 16th and 17th centuries an intense discourse on the nature of witches preoccupied demonologists across Europe and they published many printed sermons, books and tracts. The Catholic Church played an important role in shaping of debate on demonology, but the discourse wasn't much affected by the Reformation. Martin Luther was also convinced about the reality and evil of witches, and facilitated development of Protestant demonology.[41] Catholic and Protestant demonologies were similar in their basic beliefs about witches [42] and most writers agreed on the severity of the crime of witchcraft.[43][d] It was accepted by both Catholic and Protestant legislatures[44] and witch-hunting was undeniably sponsored by both Protestant and Catholic governments.[45][e][f] Witches became heretics to Christianity and witchcraft became the greatest of crimes and sins.[48] Within continental and Roman Law witchcraft was the crimen exceptum, a crime so foul that all normal legal procedures were superseded. During the Age of Enlightenment, belief in the powers of witches to harm began to die out in the West. But the reasons for disbelief differed from those of early Christians. For the early Christians the reason was theological — that Christ had already defeated the powers of evil. For the post-Enlightenment Christians, the disbelief was based on a belief in rationalism and empiricism.[50] Hayes urges "Past sins need to be acknowledged and confessed — so some kind of 'truth and reconciliation' commission is needed — not as a witch hunt, to accuse and punish the guilty, but to avoid the kind of denial that the Enlightenment imposed on the Great Witch Hunt in Europe — a denial that allowed the Great Witch Hunt to reincarnate itself in the horrors of Auschwitz [Holocaust] and the GULAG." THAT LAST sentence is so important. A denial. To deny allowed history to repeat itself. Another punishment of horror. They do this over and over. I also believe the Burning of Witches was invented to possibly hide pedophelia. Burning those that they defiled to Silence Them.
Hypatia was a philosopher in Alexandria in Egypt. Her knowledge of astronomy and mathematics led to suspicion of sorcery and she was flayed alive by a mob of monks. She is considered by scholars such as Soldan and Heppe to have been the first famous woman to be persecuted for witchcraft by the Christians. Were the monks trying to cover something else? IDK, but they deserve the suspicion this may garner for they have been abusing for centuries. They must own it.

VieBleu ago

Interesting to take a look at this history with a fresh eye Carmencita. Children were often the accusers, or used as accusers of the adults of all kinds of things like "laying with Satan" out in fields at night and participating in Satanic rituals, beastiality with goats, sex orgies with adults and the kids, working magic, etc... No doubt some innocent were swept up in the accusations, but is it possible some were actually doing these things? Maybe the participants accused the innocent to save their own skins, and the church or the accusers could take the land of those "convicted" by the prosecution. It seems in those days the system was weighted in favor of any accuser. Now the system seems weighted in favor of the accused.

Hypatia is quite a story. From the little I remember of what I've read, she taught serious studies of math and other emerging sciences - killed by a male church establishment that hated her secular teachings and her power. I'd love to read a biography on her. thanks for this perspective Carmencita.

carmencita ago

I know the tables have turned on the innocent. Hypatia's story really stood out for me. There is so much that it could mean. They never wanted women to have the power they had and also they wanted to use their power over them both Educationally and Sexually. They wanted to keep us down and also be able to rape and destroy us while hiding behind their robes. The end must come.

SturdyGal ago

There are 109 comments at the moment but on the Hot list front page it says only 1 comment!?

VieBleu ago

So much buggery around here. On the hot list, you notice the ones above this post have much fewer upvoats and comments - like 1/10th- but they somehow have stayed up there for hours ahead of this thread like unmoveable boulders even while the comments and upvoats on this thread have steadily climbed. An earlier posting of this article about a day ago fell off the front hot page into oblivion again like the other two did before.

SturdyGal ago

Great post - the list of events reads like a Standard Operating Procedure. Unbelievable the resources used to free these two losers.

DeathTooMasons ago

Yeah, now we know that the tunnels under McMartin were filled in years later. If they were revealed during the trial, it would have been very very bad for the defendants. Oopsy!

VieBleu ago

Not much seems to get revealed at trial, turns out.

Votescam ago

It's embarrassing to even reply to you, but try reading something that doesn't contain posts that look like yours.

Takeitslow ago

All the demonetization of many YouTube truther channels is a huge sign of censorship. The whole thing in the Bible about not being able to buy or sell without the mark. Now I see truth channels asking for money to continue to post videos. The Banks that control processing are putting pressure on companies to cut funding to truth channels. This is a sign that the PG info is hurting. This also ties back into the "follow the money" and "those who you can't criticize are the ones who rule" statements. There are more media outlets than in the 80s but controlled by fewer corporations hence heavier handed tactics to silence.

VieBleu ago

I like your hopeful take on it that PG info is making some impact. Let's play that hope forward.

Takeitslow ago

These people never give up in their quest for new kids to fuxk and rape so why should we give up?

darkknight111 ago

My thread ananlyzing the DDoS attack and mentioning Jesuits and Black Nobility got shadow banned within 48 hours.

Those leads must be important.

-Edit: Comment is in support of OP's claims of censorship via shadow bans.

VieBleu ago

it was proving a distraction downthread so I edited to pull focus. I still talk about it at the end of the article. thx for your observation.

21yearsofdigging ago

"Where the hand of propaganda is heaviest, the pressure of an agenda is most easily detected." Love this!! Very well written article and now let's see if this gets 'lost' or pushed to the back of the closet, behind shoes I never wear anymore and under the piles of paperwork and old tax returns

VieBleu ago

lol yeah behind the laundry never done and the pictures never framed. thank you for noticing that last sentence : )

21yearsofdigging ago

Just amazing that they are still pushing that Satanic Panic lie. No one even noticed back in the 1980's much about Satanic panic yet they still push it as being such a huge Witch Hunt. I met the Canadian psychiatrist Lawrence Pazder, who wrote the book titled 'Michelle Remembers' about a woman in Victoria BC, recalling her memories of Ritual Abuse. He was on the board at several hospitals and then, after the book came out, a smear against him and Michelle. He seemed very legit to me (back in early 1996) and he had stumbled onto the truth regarding ritual abuse. I mention him because much of this false narrative about Satanic Panic is based on that book he wrote and how 'alarmed' everyone was. Was the book 100 % accurate??I don't know

VieBleu ago

thanks for bringing him up - there are so many tentacles that come from this topic. What I've seen is that professionals who dare to support survivors are excoriated No big surprise that Dr. Mouw recanted.

Alois_sticklgruber ago

Can someone sum it up?

At work and dont have 1hr to read.....

VieBleu ago

If you read just the very top of the linked article, you get a summary of part one and a short summary of part two. Hope that helps I totally understand the time factor, it is what criminals rely on. good people are just too busy surviving

I can also suggest you can skim through and just look at the bold headlines and read bold text in a few places. You'll get the gist. The Keller Effect is basically the effect the overturning of this trial under the name "Satanic Panic" will have on survivors being believed and SRA and regular child trafficking getting prosecuted.

xdfgsgsgw ago

Podesta's sculpture is representing the ritual injection of tetanus into children so they can watch the child suffer;

FeLpZ187 ago

I remember screaming so much telling them no before those God Damned vaccines. Fucking psychopaths.

GoodGodKirk ago

well, putitout did give up the reigns... shills took over.

VieBleu ago

Great name you have-

catch me up - I didn't know puttitout had finally totally sold out

Rememer Victor Steiner Davion? he also stepped down

Before him it was KingKongWasWrong

This place is simply passed between handlers

GoodGodKirk ago

Happened on Friday i think? during some kind of ddos after posting a pizzagate thread. guess he gave it up to kevdude and someone else.

i don't remember the names, just some of the nicks... and badly at that. But guess that means we are on a beta reddit replacement suite of tools.

soon the sub channels will start getting banned again. lol

VieBleu ago

So it turns out Kevdude was lying larping and it's not true Puttitout still there

GoodGodKirk ago

is there a way to tell for sure?

VieBleu ago

there was something called the puttitout canary - guess it shows he is active or coding or something. KevDude said he was trolling as well.

GoodGodKirk ago

that bastard got me! thanks for the update though, great news with today's releases.

VieBleu ago

Meanwhile we see that the Feds just set up sites and wait for darknetizens to migrate and capture them there like so many birds in a net. I'm all for true justice and the law enforcement that serves that cause and who knows they may be captureing child and organ traffickers so more power to them. But it clearly illustrates the folly of a community "migration" from here to some comfy pad set up somewhere soon...

GoodGodKirk ago

They're not setting up sites, they're acting like malware owners who buy up established chrome plugins to serve ads through. except they're swerving up warrants.

It used to be that datacenters would have people employed who would warn of raids on server farms (usually torrent sites). Those holes have seemed to close up...

really though, there should be some kind of canary system on these sites which disappear if an admin isn't present for a number of days to warn people of the issuses at hand... and if there isn't one, to avoid and assume it's monitored.

angry_mob ago

interesting read. my final interpretation? for a supposedly spiritual philosophy(s), they sure devolve into the carnal arena often if not constantly! i think they just all suffer from sex addiction! now, i'm not a prude myself, and one of my big problems with organized religion is the great amount of guilt associated with anything sexual. however, i'm also not addicted or obsessed the way they are. pretty sad, and we all know what crimes they use this flowery language to justify!

SturdyGal ago

A lot of what you say is true at thelower levels, but esoterically the magic power, the crackling electrical juice is between the male and the female. Practitioners attempt to gather this and redirect it to their task. The male female thing powers the organic world which is why the LowLifes in charge are turning men into whimps and women into Shrill man-hating harpies. The natural attraction between men and women is under attack from every angle.

FeLpZ187 ago

Probably all speed addicts.

Dressage2 ago

This is an absolutely amazing, well-written article. I have saved this post and it is going to be my forward research. I have been extremely busy moving, but I will turn my attention to this once I catch my breath.

I call bullshit and I truly am leaning towards your supposition of future Keller Effect Syndrome cases. If I was litigating this type of case, and a defense attorney or prosecutor tried to use this Keller theory, I would be investigating and dissecting your story you have written piece by piece, name by name to see if this truly was a case that should never had been exonerated.

If this unravels with further research as you have suggested, i.e., donors, connections, affiliations, etc. this could be used legitimately to fight against these future attorneys. As it stands, I think you are correct, others will try to use this as a defense in the US. I also believe they could try to use this theory worldwide especially, with these child abuse arrests these days. This Keller Effect could chill future child sexual abuse/Satanic Abuse cases coming forward as you suggested.

Peeps, get in here and start the dissection process. Maybe bad choice of words. Start a citizen investigation that could potentially tear this case apart. Again, nice work @VieBleu

21yearsofdigging ago

Agree completely. Yup, well The False Memory Syndrome Foundation has certainly played it's part to kill the truth getting out

VieBleu ago

They need an article written just on them alone. Jordan Smith talks about 30 or so psychologist/psychiatrists that all said the Kellers were just victims - it has been pointed out these were prob all part of the Texas FMSF but I haven't looked further into it.

Takeitslow ago

Something just came to me, we need to learn from satanic panic 1. Psychopaths use the same methods. It's part of their diagnoses to keep doing the same thing till caught, they can't help themselves. So yea, removing the satanic panic false memory bullet from their chamber will be of great help.

VieBleu ago

"No Panic, Just Satanic"

should be our new bumpersticker T-shirt slogan

Takeitslow ago

So good

VieBleu ago

wanted to mention as well, that part about the Lawyers Of The Year both getting pedos out of jail. Are they admired by their collegues so much because they got wrongly convicted people freed, or because they did the more impossible task of getting rightly convicted people freed? Makes you wonder....

Dressage2 ago

I think that is possible either way. Sickening this was possible.

VieBleu ago

so much appreciated - means everything to hear that feedback.

VieBleu ago

Please ignore the thread spammer. I guess the opps don't know what to do with long, intelligent arguments, so they try to copycat.

Northern_Soul ago



Satanists have always equated the flaming torch as a symbol of Lucifer.

"Lucifer, having regained his star and his diadem, will assemble his legions for new works of creation. Attracted by his flaming torch, celestial spirits will descend ... and he will send these messengers from unknown spheres to earth. Then, the torch of Lucifer will signal 'From Heaven to Earth!' -- and the (New Age) Christ will answer, 'From Earth to Heaven'." [Edourd Schure, quoted by Texe Marrs, Mystery Mark of the New Age, p. 240]

This explanation of the symbolism of the torch is the Luciferian belief that, at the Battle of Armageddon, Lucifer and his forces will defeat Jesus Christ and then conquer Heaven. Thus, the Torch signifies the belief that Lucifer will ultimately defeat Jesus Christ.

Masonic author, Manley P. Hall, 33 Degree Mason, states that,

"the torches represent the occult arts and sciences, the doctrines and dogmas by the light of which Truth is made visible." [Hall, Freemasonry of the Ancient Egyptians to Which Is Added an Interpretation of the Crata Repoa Initiation Rite, The Philosophers Press, 1937]

We also find it highly interesting that one of the Masonic publishing houses is called The Torch Press. We also know from history that the Statue of Liberty was given to the US by Illuminist French Freemasons in 1876.

"Towering above the shimmering but polluted waters, she holds in her outreached arm and hand a torch of fire and light. A gift of the Masonic Order, the modern inheritors of the Illuminati heritage, the Statue of Liberty was sculptured by Frederic Bartholdi, a member of the Masonic Lodge of Alsace-Lorraine in Paris, France. The statue is significant to the secret societies plotting the New World order." [Texe Marrs, Dark Majesty: The Secret Brotherhood and the Magic of a Thousand Points of Light, p. 212]

Note that the US symbol of the Statue of Liberty was the actual terra cota model constructed in 1870 by the Masonic sculptor.

In Satanism, virtually any perpendicular symbol is the phallus, so the torch certainly qualifies; indeed, one might wonder, from the explanation given, above, that the torch is Lucifer's phallus, if the occultist really believes the torch is a symbol of the god. The goddess holding the torch would provide a good female symbol, thus, the Freemason depicts the sex act every single day of every year, in New York harbor.


"The gavel is an important Masonic and Eastern Star symbol." [Dr. C. Burns, Masonic and Occult Symbols , p326]

The first thing I noticed about the symbol of the gavels is that they were always depicted upside down. I would have thought they would have been depicted with the head of the gavel at the top. However, we are not thinking like a pagan, who worships sex in all forms, and never lets an opportunity slip by him to depict the great sex act.

Masonic author, George Oliver, says that in ancient times, the gavel referred to the hammer of the God Thor. [Oliver, Signs and Symbols, 1906]. We know that Thor is an ancient pagan god, one whom Freemasons worship. In fact, Thor is part of the pagan Trinity in Scandinavia [Pike, Morals and Dogma; also W.L. Wilmshurst, The Masonic Initiation, 1980]

However, Albert Pike makes identification of Thor very easy for us, as he states, on page 15 of Morals and Dogma, that Thor is another name for Sirius, the Blazing Star or the Pentagram. However, on page 381, Pike also tells us that Thor WAS the Sun, the Egyptian Osiris, and Kneph, the Phoenician Bel or Baal. The Bible tells us that worshipping Baal is identical to worshipping the Devil. God condemned Baal worship, slaughtered the priests of Baal, and finally abolished it altogether in Israel. Yet, here, Freemasonry boldly states that they revere him. But, let us get back to the subject at hand, i.e., sexual connotations of Masonic symbols. Masonic author, J.S.M. Ward states,

"Thus we see that the hammer or gavel, and the Tau, were originally the same, and this is a natural evolution of symbols, for the Tau Cross is evolved from the Phallus, and that is the symbol of God the Creator ..." [Ward, Freemasonry and the Ancient Gods, 1921]

"But this is not the only place where the tau cross occurs. The ... gavels are all T-crosses, and combine in one symbol the hammer, the sign of the rule, and the T-cross, the symbol of the male or creative side of the Deity; and, lest there should be any mistake, the T is placed on the apron of the Master of the Lodge, though placed upside down so as to give the symbol of the square, and also to emphasize its phallic meaning." [Ibid.]

When we were discussing the Triangle and the Hexagram, above, we displayed a Tau Cross [T-Cross] within a triangle and circle. The Tau-Cross was originally created to worship the Babylonian god, Tammuz.


Masonic author, George Oliver states,

"It is remarkable that in all the ancient systems of mythology, the Great Father, or the Male Generative Principle [Phallus] was uniformly symbolized by a point within a circle. This emblem was placed by the Scandinavian priests and poets on the central summit of a rainbow, which was fabled to be a bridge leading from earth [Female Vulva] to heaven [Great Father's Phallus]." [Oliver, Signs and Symbols; also R. Swinburne, The Mysteries of Osiris or Ancient Egyptian Initiation]

"In the ancient Jewish Kabbala... mystical rabbis taught that the rainbow symbolized a sexual rite. The bow of the rainbow was supposedly the phallus of the male god which descended into the kingdom of the womb, the queen or goddess. The union was said to create immense divine powers." [Texe Marrs, Mystery Mark of the New Age]


Most Christians would have no trouble accepting the Cross and the Crown symbol here. However, Freemasons have just a little bit more on their minds than this; they have a whole lot of sex on their brains.

In the Masonic Report, we make this discovery: Question: What does Masonry's emblem of the 'Cross and Crown' actually symbolize?" Answer:

"The 'Cross' of Freemasonry is a philosophical cross, according to Albert Pike, 'Morals and Dogma', p. 771. It is philosophical in the sense that it represents the generating fecundating principle by the perpendicular shaft [Phallus], and the matrix of womb of nature, the female producing principle [Female Vulva], by the horizontal shaft. The philosophy of the Masonic cross is totally phallic. The 'Crown' of this Masonic emblem is also phallic, it being the first emanation of the Cabalistic Sephiroth ..." [C.F. McQuaig, The Masonic Report, 1976]

Masons have taken the Christian Cross of Jesus and turned it into a phallic symbol.

"In fact, the respect paid by Freemasons to this number [#3] goes far to suggest that our mysteries have affinities not only with the Egyptian rites and ceremonies, but with those of a good many other nations." [John T. Lawrence, The Perfect Ashlar, 1912]

VieBleu ago

Why are you spamming this thread?

Oh yeah, I know why. Nevermind.

Northern_Soul ago

People like you are the reason we have middle fingers.

Spoilt child!

VieBleu ago

I have to admit, as far as spam goes, yours is the most palatable! You are a spam chef with flair and that is a compliment. And don't forget, it's people like me that keep you gainfully occupied. But what did you secretly think of the article? Did Dr. Meow had his tail stepped on for letting the cat out of the bag?

SturdyGal ago

Did Dr. Meow had his tail stepped on for letting the cat out of the bag?>

Can I give you all my upvotes?

VieBleu ago

lol - it is GOOD to see you

Northern_Soul ago


Yin and Yang is one of the most commonly used symbols today, including logos of many organizations and companies.

"Yin and yang are considered to be opposites. Yin represents eternity, dark, feminine, left side of the body, etc. Yang is its opposite, and represents history, light, masculine, right side of the body, etc." [Philip G. Zimbardo and Floyd L. Ruch, Psychology and Life, 1977]

"Yang is male, positive, and represented by the Sun. Yin is female, negative, and represented by the moon." [Paul E. Desautels, The Gem Kingdom , p. 237.]

Does Freemasonry adopt and use the symbolism of Yin/Yang? Indeed, they do, but in a way as to hide the meaning form the "profane." Listen to Albert Pike.

The black and white pavement symbolizes,

"the Good and Evil, principles of the Egyptian and Persian creed. It is the warfare of Michael and Satan ... light and shadow, which is darkness; Day and Night, Freedom and Despotism ... [Morals and Dogma , p. 14]

"Masons also use the two triangles to represent this idea of opposites. In Short Talk Bulletin, a pamphlet which is to be read in the Lodges, we are told that the triangles are symbolic of good and evil, day and night, the Chinese Yang and Yin ..." [Dr. C. Burns, Masonic and Occult Symbols Illustrated, quoting Masonic publication, Short Talk Bulletin, "The Significant Numbers," September, 1956, Vol. 34, No. 9, p. 5; also Wes Cook, Did You Know? Vignettes In Masonry from the Royal Arch Mason Magazine, Missouri Lodge of Research, 1965, p. 34]

I had always wondered about the distinctive black and white squares on Masonic floors, as depicted on Washington's apron, above. Now we know they represent the concept of Yin and Yang, the "favorite of sorcerers." Masons also use two triangles joined together to represent Yin and Yang. Therefore, their depiction of the Hexagram also depicts Yin and Yang. We have described the sexual connotation to the Mason of the Hexagram, above.

However, Masonry also teaches about the Yin and Yang symbol.

"Thus the monad [#1] and the duad [#2] were the phallus and kteis of the Greeks, the lingam and yoni of the Hindoos (sic) ... and the Yang and Yin of the Chinese ..." [George Oliver, The Historical Landmarks and Other Evidences of Freemasonry, 1855]

The Yin and Yang symbol is also used to represent bisexuality and homosexuality within today's New Age Movement. It is also used to depict Divination. [Dr. C. Burns, Masonic and Occult Symbols Illustrated, p. 19-22]Do not be deceived: Freemasonry depicts Yin and Yang a little differently than a traditional New Age, or occultist, or Satanist. They use the hexagram and the black and white tile floors; but, their belief in Yin and Yang is identical to the Satanist Mysteries. But, why should we be surprised, for Albert Pike told us that Freemasonry is "identical to the Mysteries."


Masonic authors boldly state that the symbolism of the traditional square and compass of Freemasonry represents the heterosexual sex act. Listen to Albert Pike explaining this fact to members of the 32nd Degree.

"The Compass, therefore, is the Hermetic Symbol of the Creative Deity, and the Square of the productive Earth or Universe." [Morals and Dogma , p. 850-1]

Therefore, the Masons look at the compass as the male phallus and the square as the female vulva. As you look at the Masonic Emblem here, you can see the obvious penetration of the female square point by the points of the Compass. One point of difference here is that the Satanist generally reverses the sex roles of the Compass and the Square.

However, whichever way you look at it, the Compass and the Square are thought of as depicting the heterosexual sex act.


Before we leave the subject of the Masonic Emblem of the Square and Compass, I want to show you a particularly evil symbol depicting the Square and Compass.

This scene depicts several unmistakable Satanic images, tied in with the Masonic Emblem, also known as the Square and Compass. First, note the hexagram to the far left of the picture. Remember, the hexagram is the most evil of all Black Magick symbols. Witches have used it for years to cast curses on people; many people in the past few thousand years have died by having a hex placed on them. Second, notice the Sun over head in this picture. Just as the Egyptians did in the days when God cursed them and their religion, Freemasons worship the Sun in general and the Egyptian Sun God, Ra, particularly.

Finally, note that the sharp end of the square is driving deeply into the Holy Bible beneath. As Christian author, Ralph Epperson proves in his book, Masonry: Conspiracy Against Christianity, the #1 top secret of Masonry is not that they worship Satan/Lucifer; rather, the #1 secret of Freemasonry is that they plan to eradicate Christianity in complete fulfillment of End Time prophecies! This symbol captures this goal perfectly.


"The lodge is a representation of King Solomon's Temple and the Temple was calculated to symbolize the maternal human body, wherein the candidate must enter to be born again . The uterus and vagina represent the porch of the Temple, the pillars of the porch represent the fallopian tubes, the network, the broad ligament with its accompanying blood vessels ... and the pomegranate, the ovary and its exuberant seeds, the ova cells." [Rollin C. Blackmer, The Lodge and the Craft: A Practical Explanation of the Work of Freemasonry, 1923]

carmencita ago

Why do they never have sympathy for the children anymore? It is for the criminal pedos. They got off because there would have been the exposure of the elites that partook in this disgusting vile defiling of these poor little children. Sweep it under the rug and fill their pockets with money. It is happening too often. Upvoat4U for sticking your neck out and reporting this. Thank you.

VieBleu ago

Have to work a second shift to keep it from dropping off the page into oblivion, so very much appreciated.

Northern_Soul ago


The nitty gritty



The letter "G" is displayed quite often in Masonic symbols. The initiate is told that this letter stands for "God" and for "Geometry," which the Supreme Architect of the Universe used to design the universe.

However, Arthur Waite, Occultist and 33rd Degree Mason quotes Eliphas Levi who is also a 33rd Degree, tells us that the letter "G" stands for Venus, and that Venus' symbol is a lingam, a stylized phallis. [Arthur Edward Waite, The Mysteries of Magic: A Digest of the Writings of Eliphas Levi, 1909]

Albert Pike states within Morals and Dogma [page 631-32] that the Monad [#1] is male, and the Duad [#2] is female. Their sexual union produces the Triad [#3], which is "represented by the letter 'G', the generative principle."


The broken column is utilized by the Eastern Star and Freemasonry. It contains many levels of meanings. The initiate is told that the broken column signifies an early death.

The Mason learns later on that columns represent gods. [Joseph Fort Newton, The Builders: A Story and Study of Masonry,1914]

A different hidden meaning for the broken column is learned later on by the Mason.

"In Egyptian Mythology, Isis is sometimes pictured weeping over the broken column, which conceals the body of her husband, Osiris, while behind her stands Horus, or Time, pouring ambrosia over her hair."

Isis was both virgin and mother, so the 'beautiful virgin is Isis weeping. The broken column is the missing member of Osiris, the Phallus. [Short Talk Bulletin, "The Broken Column," Feb, 1956, p. 6-7; also Edmond Ronayne, The Master's Carpet 1879]

Horus is another name for Satan. Isis is the consort of Lucifer. Isis just lost her husband (Osiris), that is the reason why she is weeping. Osiris' body was dismembered, including his penis, which had been cut into many sections. Isis and Osiris were wrote about by Albert Pike, saying they were,

"the Active and Passive Principles of the Universe ... commonly symbolized by the generative parts of man and woman ..." [Morals and Dogma, p. 401]

You must focus on the bottom of the broken column and not the top. The bottom of the column shows the phallic upright column inserted into the circular base, which is the symbol of the female vulva. The column is broken, of course, to symbolize the belief that Osiris' penis had been cut into many sections.

But Albert Mackey, 33 Degree Masonic author, states that the regular column is a phallus symbol.

"The Phallus was an imitation of the male generative organ. It was represented usually by a column, was was surrounded by a circle at the base." [Mackey, A Manual of the Lodge, 1870. Mackey also stated this in The Symbolism of Freemasonry]


The point and the circle carries a sexual connotation. Another Masonic author states that this symbol is used in Sun Worship, and then says:

"The female principle, symbolized by the moon, assumed the form of a lunette [small circular opening], or crescent, while the male principle, symbolized by the sun, assumed the form of the lingam [Phallus] and placed himself erect in the center of the lunette, like the mast of a ship." ["Point Within A Circle," Short Talk Bulletin , August, 1931, Masonic Bulletin designed to read within the Lodges, p. 4]


The circle is commonly used to depict the female sexual organ, in which Satanists love to use the "Eight-Step Path of Enlightenment." (left) They believe a person needs to go through eight separate steps to become fully enlightened spiritually. The final step which is the eighth step, is the Sex Act. Notice that the very center of this symbol is a very small circle. This symbol is the ultimate female sexual representation. Probably the most famous of all obelisks in the world, is the Washington Monument. It is believed that the spirit of the Egyptian Sun God, Ra, resides within the obelisk, and they pray to it three times daily, if possible, and facing East. The obelisk is the most recognized of all phallic symbols.

The sex act between male and female is represented by an obelisk within a circle. The Washington Monument sits within a circle. Freemasonry planned, designed, and created the Washington Monument. The obelisk is greatly revered in Masonry, as a quick tour of any cemetery in New England will tell you. You can tell which graves are Masonic by the obelisks as their headstone.


Masonic author, R.H. MacKenzie, states that,

"among Egyptians, the base [of the triangle] represented Osiris, or the Male Principle; the perpendicular, Isis, or the Female Principle; and the hypotenuse, Horus, their son ..." [Kenneth R.H. MacKenzie, The Royal Masonic Cyclopaedia of History, Rites, Symbolism, and Biography, 1877]

Thus, you can see that the hypotenuse was conceived as a result of the sexual union of the base and the perpendicular. Within Masonic symbolism, the sex act is portrayed as the union of the perpendicular and the base.

We have pictured the triangle, above, with the symbol of the Tau within. Masonic author, R. Swinburne Clymer typifies Masonic symbolism of the Tau when he states,

"The Phallus, or Lingam, and the Yoni, the male and female emblems of generation, are found in the triangle and the tau." [Clymer, The Mysteries of Osiris or Ancient Egyptian Initiation,1951]

Masonic author, Albert Mackey, tells us of the sexual connotation of this hexagram

"The triangle pointing downward is a female symbol corresponding to the yoni and the upward pointing triangle is the male, the lingam ... When the two triangles are interlaced, it represents the union of the active and passive forces in nature; it represents the male and female elements." [Mackey, The Symbolism of Freemasonry, 1869; also Albert Pike, Morals and Dogma, 1871; also Wes Cook, Editor, Did You Know? Vignettes in Masonry from the Royal Arch Mason Magazine, Missouri Lodge For Research, 1965, p. 132]

To the Mason, the interlacing triangles of the hexagram depict sexual intercourse.

SluggishJ ago

This brings something to mind. Donald Trump's talk at CIA headquarters:


"I will tell you, final time -- although I will say it, when you let in your thousands of other people that have been trying to come in -- because I am coming back -- we're going to have to get you a larger room. (Applause.) We may have to get you a larger room. You know? And maybe, maybe, it will be built by somebody that knows how to build, and we won't have columns. (Laughter.) You understand that? (Applause.) We get rid of the columns."

Factfinder2 ago

Are you the author of this information? I see an exact copy of it on this website:

remedy4reality ago

great information... only a small percentage of people have the intellect and patience to review what you have posted here. Small attention spans are not only exploited by the Elite cult, they are cultivated through intentionally failed education systems and a perverted and grotesque mass media.

Narcissism ago

You get a better response when you call them what they are a bunch of Malignant Narcissists. Yes, they have been there throughout history but that doesn't help us identify & neutralize them now. There is a deliberate muddying of the waters by the psychology profession in ignoring narcissism, while shills push everything from aliens to reptiles to the esoteric.

SturdyGal ago

You are so right. Narcissism is the central trait of every pedo who imagines him or herself more important than the child they destroy. I think narcissism is ignored by the establishment because why help people understand when a psychopathic narcissist is going to victimize them? A low estimate would be 90 per cent of people in power are narcissists. They always hide behind the righteous wolve's clothing of "you asked for it" , "it's best for you", "I'll protect you".

Narcissism ago

Agree. I think thats why there has been almost no research into Narcissism since the 70s according to Sam Vaknin where as even the most obscure psychiatric condition has received funding.

Amino69 ago

Absolutely and those attention spans are getting shorter! I often try to engage with friends and family on esoteric subject matter as I feel it's one of the most fascinating and fundamentally important aspects to understanding THE conspiracy but seldom get more than a raised highbrow and 'oh' as a response. It's equally frustrating, concerning and baffling.

eyeVoated ago

The path to enlightenment is a personal journey. Freemasons know this, and the independently enlightened get to know this fact quickly after we begin our journeys. It's in the Tarot as well (Fool's card). Probably every mystery tradition.

VieBleu ago

I'd also like to point out that today as of this comment, there are SEVEN STORIES 4 TO 5 MONTHS OLD coming up on the default front page as HOT - they can't even be commented on anymore! C'mon folks running Voat, you really think that looks reasonable?

5 month old stories are not HOT. Clearly manipulation is involved, or the coders at Voat are the worst coders in the forum world without even remedial skills. I don't think that is the case.

CeepsNo ago

Screenshot? Everything I see when sorting by "hot" even on default front page is recent.

What the hell are you talking about?

Takeitslow ago

The old stories in the HOT page thing does happen once in a while. I've def seen it just in the past 48 hrs alone.

VieBleu ago

What the hell I am talking about was what the HOT page looked like at the time I commented and for an hour before and after Not my main point so if you don't believe me without a screenshot no problem.

CeepsNo ago

With public modlogs can you substantiate anything?

VieBleu ago

huh? why do you care? go read something longer than a comic strip.

CeepsNo ago

Why do I care someone accusing voat of being compromised, insane shadowban conspiracies, bad mod etc? Because simple evidence can prove your claims but you have none. That calls into question your entire post.

VieBleu ago

not blaming the mods.

HA RIGHT as to the rest of it I would say nice try but it's not really that good. anyone here for real information will look at the article I have well sourced and written vs. your two Voat defenses and decide for themselves. I make note of the phenomena I see on the HOT page for those here who know me and who I know so we can compare notes. That's it.

CeepsNo ago

Would you chill out? This isn't my only account. You've posted good content before but if you cant take a simple criticism of one aspect... jeez.

Edit also anyone who has been around voat for awhile knows why they stopped allowing votes on old content. It was specifically to stop shills from making a ton of alts and downvoting one persons old submissions

VieBleu ago

Also calling the entire 20 page article into question because I note in a sentence or two some problems on the front page of voat is worthy of scorn, so if you are going to throw that nonsense around, expect pushback

CeepsNo ago

Ok sorry for that.Bad assumption on my part. It was front you were talking about? I thought you meant "default" hot of /v/pizzagate not of the frontpage

Even sorting by that, oldest post on first 2 pages is 16hrs. So I still dont understand what you saw. Were you looking at "hot" including subverses you have subscribed to (and possibly unsubbed from default subverses?)

VieBleu ago

again at the time of this comment there are 4 threads at the bottom of HOT on pizzagate subverse that are 4 and 5 months old. These are not hot topics.

VieBleu ago

What I was looking at is a phenomenon that has been noted before by myself and others. First time I saw it was probably 2 months ago now. It happens intermitently but not infrequently.

I do not subscribe to anything but pizzagate. When I look at the default page when landing on pizzagate it is the HOT page.for this subverse. Since that first time (2 months might not be exact-I left a comment about it somewhere in pizzagate whatever because when I first saw it I tried to ping mods about it) what happens is that the normal procession of hot posts seems to be interrupted and suddenly very old posts will come up at the bottom of the hot section. Months old posts with even just a few upvoats and few comments - like 3 - will be on the HOT page somehow. Some of us have also noticed that our hot posts will fall off the frtont page of hot but not proceed to the second, 3rd, 4th etc page or even the 10th page etc but actually completely disappear. If you don't know about them and search for them by title you can't find them browsing through hot. They will have already fallen off new and may or may not be found in top.

All of these phenomena seem like anomalies because the front page never did that for the first many months of this subverse. This also first happened at a time when it seemed like archived stuff was disappearing from .is, the search bar wouldn't work, etc...

The speculation is that posts are shadowbanned, or old posts are being removed, thus changing the queuing pattern of the posts. this subverse has a notoriously hostile relationship with voat leadership and it is suspected the subverse is groomed. some of it may be glitches as well. however the glitch argument only works so much for so long - It is very hard for me to believe that the coders at voat are not skilled enough to be able to apply a search engine to the subverse, as one example.

Hope that clears up my position a little.

I spent a ridiclulous amount of time writing the post on The Keller Effect. So far I haven't wasted my precious and valuable time screenshoting the shenanigans at voat instead of researching and writing - I consider these things to be more like mosquito bites - inevitable here and little that can be done about them. This subverse wears like a slime overcoat, just never fits well or feels right.

CeepsNo ago

Thank you. I can now use an alt account to unsub from every subverse but pizzagate and see if i can reproduce it, see if its a bug.

When you said default, I thought you meant clicking the thing in the top left to see things as if you didnt have an account (where you are subscribed to all the default subverses)

VieBleu ago

Once again right now there are 6 threads months old and marked "archived" at the bottom of the hot page.

CeepsNo ago

Ok, only speculating here, but I wonder if it has something to do with people who have upvoted or downvoted those posts deleting their account, this "refreshes" whatever math gets done to determine if something is "hot" (Upvote - downvote weighted against time of last vote change)

But yeah I'm finally seeing that. Screenshotted it. I'll ask about it.

VieBleu ago

well it was an inauspicious start but turned into something pretty positive. thx. However the real concern is why a hot post will fall off the front page into oblivion, instead of just make it's way down the line onto the second page and so on.

Judgejewdy ago

Noticed this yesterday when Joseph's bistro was getting traction.

VieBleu ago

You started your very rude post with WHAT THE that's the attitude you get Usually I am known for my patience but something about your approach set me off. No apologies but yes, I will now chill at your request. I also edited my last comment slightly to be more accurate.

remedy4reality ago

That is because @Millennial_Falcon is a child raper.

SturdyGal ago

I love you remedy, but that is a serious thing to say. Is it your theory, do you have proof or are you just testing moderator response time? Ps not my downvote.

remedy4reality ago

I'm working to help this investigation and MF routinely deletes my submissions and yet allows shit from obvious shills to linger for hours and even days. He has clearly been working against the spirit of the investigation and uses his moderator status to push his own stupid ideas and control the message. He has given up on offering any explanation for deletions and will suspend accounts for reposting submissions that satisfy all his arbitrary and unevenly applied rules. Just the other day I posted the Podesta/Benninton side by side photos and it was deleted in less than 5 minutes, after going right to the top of the hot section. Meanwhile, about 8 shit shill posts had been up for as long as 10 hours. He claimed he was just then in the process of deleting those submissions, and then like the shitbag he is, complained about lack of help and asked me to moderate. He is a manipulator and a liar. Only a pedo apologist or a child raper would act like he has.

nameof ago

I am starting to feel the same, but the uncertainty is annoying. Am I breaking rules? I didn't think so, but yesterday both Pizzagate posts deleted by MF and I got censored from Twitter for talking incessantly about missing American kids and where is the out rage? What Russia, where is the outrage? I posted about that on voat boat and delete. I. Worried MF might ban me. Us.

SturdyGal ago

Thanks remedy, I havent been here for a while and really appreciate the explanation.

JesusRules ago

"False Memory Syndrome"

FeLpZ187 ago

Some of them just have simply 0 memory of their childhood.

JesusRules ago

the CIA invented False Memory Syndrome to cover up for MKULTRA and SRA. Most of the serial killers from the 1960's and 70's were MK and SRA,

FeLpZ187 ago

I would wager most, if not all, serial killers (over the past 2,000 years) had something to do with secret socities.

remedy4reality ago

When the PEDO CULT is exposed, it will look EXACTLY like a Witch Hunt because of the massive number of people involved.

We are ruled and controlled by Satanic mother fuckers, Goats.

Don't lose faith and do not back down !!

VieBleu ago

Interesting point - "witch hunt" is being given exactly the same Thought-Crime Orwellian language treatment as "conspiracy", "conspiracy theorist", "fake news", "pizzagate" and etc

If you'll notice, the lawyer states he is preparing for another "moral panic", as if you can panic over having morals.

whitehand ago

This is exactly what happened when all those truthful satanic pedo cases in the 80's were exposed.

remedy4reality ago

I believe the Salem Witch Trials were actually the cover up of a pedo cult and the elimination of witnesses and victims.

DeathTooMasons ago

I was thinking about that. What if they were actually Satanic witches? Now that we see how the system covers it's tracks, things are in a different light. Like how Freemason Benjamin Franklin had over 17 bodies burried under his basement. The Smithsonian site went in damage control mode and said he had a guest staying at his house that was likely doing experments on bodies stolen from the morgue. And then it said Franklin might have took a peek from time to time. I couldn't beleive their narrative. So they could easily steal bodies from the morgue, why couldn't they get them out of the house the same way? Who the hell would keep piles of corpses under their house instead of disposing of them? Rediculous.

VieBleu ago

17 bodies? I've never heard of this - wtf? Is there source material on this?

Votescam ago

Rather this was a major patriarchal assault on women as their enemy .... which continues even today.

The Salem "Witch trials" were about the most violent persecution of women, especially women who were involved in knowledge of plants which are our natural medicines/drugs. Women at that time were also mid-wives. Nature had put her trust and everything to do with childbirth in the care of women.

The "Burning of Women at the Stake" was the result of the Catholic Church's "Hammer of Witches" which you should actually read something about.

This "Burning of women at the stake" denied them any rights over their own children -- barred them from the right to inherit their family or husband's property which forced them into poverty -- and was the beginning of moving women out of medicine and childbirth.

THAT was the purpose of the "Salem Witch Trials" as they are called.

WICCA simply means women's wisdom and their wisdom about plants as medicines was used to destroy them and to eventually move medicine and childbirth into the hands of males .... males who have never experienced pregnancy nor carried a pregnancy to term, nor ever experienced labor or childbirth.

Another part of the motivation for this extreme violence against women by patriarchy was the fact that so many males had died in the Crusades. Naturally their property and wealth was inherited by their wives and children which gave women increased financial independence at that time.

UnicornAndSparkles ago

Please be my friend and come and tell me all you know as bedtime stories!

I must look more into the unwritten history. It fascinates me! Where/when/how did you begin?

Votescam ago

Ok ... Here's the first bedtime story -- our Constitution.

With that instrument, our Founders basically created an Elite patriarchy.

SturdyGal ago

That's what I always thought, too, but I think both ideas can be true. Of course I can't remember where I saw it, but I read that the esteemed early settlers were not fleeing religious persecution of their brand of Christianity but of Luciferianism. I have no idea if this is true or not, but the viciousness with which 'witches' were prosecuted makes me think they were not RightThinkers - they saw truth and told truth and these guys had something to hide. Reminds me of honor killing the only person who witnessed the rape besides the rapists - the inconvenient victim. In a male dominated society it would make sense they would kill the intuitives who provided an unpleasant mirror to their guilt,

Votescam ago

See: The Crucible by Arthur Miller

The Catholic Church's "Hammer of Witches" was only one small part of the viciousness of the Catholic Church/Vatican versus women.

Still today the Vatican does not recognize the full personhood of females as it recognizes the full personhood of males. Women are still barred from participating in ritual and authority within the RCC with the suggestion that they are "inferior" to males and unqualified spiritually.

From it's first days, the Vatican was carrying out a campaign of intolerance and hatred for women (much as they have done with Native Americans, Africans enslaved here, Jews and Homosexuals, as well) and the "Hammer of Witches" was one of the most serious and vicious campaigns against women.

When we look at the long list of victims of the RCC and its preachings and campaigns we see where the true evil is and that is with the RCC.

PS: These RCC campaigns of propaganda as we've seen before encourage violence against those being demeaned and demonized, as the RCC did in encouraging violence against women by their husbands.

In the Mormon Church, as well, we see this same suggestion that only a husband can deliver his wife to "Heaven" or save her spiritually -- i.e., she is so spiritually "inferior" that she cannot save herself.

SturdyGal ago

Absolutely agree. Plain to see how much they hate women. Upping the fringe stakes a little, they seem to be destroying everything that is natural and everything that is free. They seem from conception (pardon the pun) to be a homosexual outfit having allegience only to a distinctly non-Christian entity and agenda. They seem to despise actual women, yet want to take their place. I am thinking of the prissy, entitled, feminine Jesuits I have personally encountered and the over the top finery and gowns cardinals and above wear. Their grasping material hoarding. "Mother Church" seems an evil, soul-killing, spiteful mother. There is a feminine origin here that hates real women.

Votescam ago

Sturdy Gal --

When we add up all of the enemies of the RCC Church, women are at the top of the list; probably only directly behind Nature. Mary Shelley in her "Frankenstein" confirms the belief that male resentment against Nature and Females is related to the fact that Nature gave the power of creation/childbirth to females and not males.

But, disagree here ---

They seem from conception (pardon the pun) to be a homosexual outfit having allegience only to a distinctly non-Christian entity and agenda.

I don't know if anyone knows just how many heterosexual or homosexual males there are in the RCC but it has been tradition within the RCC to suggest that it is homosexual males who are responsible for the sexual abuse of children. But that is untrue: Homosexual males are 100X LESS likely to sexually abuse a child than a heterosexual male.

First -- even our right wing women's organizations agree that MALES are our sexual abusers of children. And studies confirm that, but they also confirm that it is heterosexual males who sexually abuse children. It is thought that pedophiles actually have no sexual orientation. But that heterosexual males who prefer sexual relations with females will actually sexually abuse a child if an adult female is not available. This is called "situational" pedophilia.

Women are not our sexual abusers though it does happen when they are under the influence of a heterosexual male. Catholic Nuns have also sexually abused children, undeniably. And 40% of Catholic Nuns have also been abused -- beaten, sexually abused -- by Catholic priests. When the nuns became pregnant, the babies were murdered. And

The Catholic Church HAD to adopt the customs of the pagan religions which came thousands and thousands of years before them and which were based in Nature and Goddesses who wore dresses, as well as having to take on their "gods" and "goddesses" as Catholic SAINTS.

Just as the Catholic Church HAD to build its church on runs of these older pagan religions because they were built on the knowledge of the power of ley lines which crisscross the earth. In other words, in order to be on the ley lines, they had to build on top of the older churches/temples and their prominent "gods" and "goddesses" had to be turned into RCC's "saints."

The RCC mostly made its way by violence by its armies -- "Introducing the cross with the sword."

I'd suggest that a lot of this FEAR comes about when REINCARNATION is no longer taught as a theory of spiritual beliefs -- actually it was taught by the major world's religions .... "until it because inconvenient for Elites."

And -- UGH! -- I think you are expected to come back as the opposite sex. We may not be talking about 100's of lives before reaching a state of Nirvana ... but possibly 1000's of lives !!!!!

If you want more info on the studies of heterosexual males as 100X more likely to sexually abuse a child, let me know. :)

Also, in reading something today I came upon this about the misogynistic beliefs of "" posters ...

Was really surprised to see that ... !!

SturdyGal ago

I am sorry if I wasn't clear - I am not saying they are homosexual therefor child rapists. They are not all actual homosexuals, either. I think they are child killers because some of them are Satanists. I was trying to describe a kind of etheric vibe which troubles me; it is kind of prissy and venal, almost feminine, not in a good way.
Also, as you say, I believe men are being trained to hate women and vice versa; there are many forces at work to break up happy couples and families. Thanks for your interesting comments ;O)

Votescam ago

Trusting that we are two feminists here, for equality and against violence.

Just wanted to be sure that you knew about the studies and who our sexual abusers of children actually are. Also, I always hope that someone else other than the intended recipient might read a post and find info that is new to them. Many people do believe the RCC's preachings about homosexuals and still believe that it is homosexual priests who sexually abuse children. You'll find posts like that quite often here.

I'm always concerned about propaganda, especially when it has a long trail. And I consider the pornography industry as it exists today via cable TV to be a propaganda campaign against females. Especially in the very violent sexual acts featured in pornography and the violence enacted upon the females performing in these films. From what I've read, it seems clear that boys as young as 11 years old are viewing this porn on cable TV and are very much being taught to disrespect females. It's that old story: "Get 'em while they're young."

You sent me to the dictionary to find "etheric" and I'm not quite sure that I understand it even after reading the definition.

I'm a recovering Catholic and being female didn't have much exposure to priests. The boys in our school did as only they could volunteer as altar boys at that time. But we did hear the stories of the priests being drunk, cursing, etc.. Then, 7th/8th grade boys and girls were separated at that time and the boys were taught by "Brothers" who were very physically rough with the boys.
I recall seeing some of that roughness a few times in hallways. The sister who taught the girls was quite large and heavy and found it very easy to embarrass students who didn't have answers and maybe knock their heads into blackboards. What I'm saying is that I've always found the Church itself, its priests and its nuns to mainly project masculine behavior and attitudes. But it was all hidden behind very gentle and reassuring names like: Sisters of Charity, Sisters and Brothers, Mother Superior, Father, and my favorite "The Reverend" Father or Mother. The starched white collars of the priests and the starched bibs of the nuns suggested control and orderliness which belied the reality of what the church was all about. These pretenses have worked for a very long time, but there were always a few (and often many hidden away) who knew the truth of their behavior.

The Conference of Catholic Bishops unashamedly continue to suggest that they have the right to preach "morality" to members and all of society, yet the history of the RCC and its priests makes clear the reality is otherwise. Recently, I read this line about the RCC and "Confession" which you probably have no personal experience with, but possibly have heard about .... "Confession was only about church espionage, spying on Catholics."

Thank you for your reply and I'll work on catching up with etheric. :)

DeathTooMasons ago

That's the official story and we always accepted it. However, everything has to be reexamined now. Our entire history is riddled with lies.

Votescam ago

You are suggesting that the Catholic Church which burned women at the stake is the innocent party and that those who are historically shown to have done nothing wrong are the guilty?

You should also notice that it was largely "men of the cloth" who investigated those charges which required a lot of undressing of the women and children accused.

History has made clear the farce of those charges and the many reasons behind them -- largely having to do with the corruption of church officials seeking to confiscate the assets of females and their reputations as healers and caregivers.

Nothing new there.

What you should be "re-examining" is the involvement of the Catholic Church in sexual abuse of children and human trafficking as we see all over the world in every scandal which unfolds. The evidence of that couldn't be clearer unless you're in denial.

VieBleu ago

It actually does make you rethink the Salem trials backstory and wonder...was there a lot more to it that we missed?

duhiki ago

Historians looked at the diaries and logs of the Salem folk. It was an unusally rainy year and the rye harvest got hit hard. Started growing a fungus called ergot. It's like LSD when someone is poisoned with it. Happened in the 40's in a French village; the townspeople ate bread tainted with the ergot fungus and all hell broke out.

Sometimes weird as fuck things happen by happenstance, like the weather. And sometimes, like MKUltra, it's deliberate.

VieBleu ago

Hi duhiki -

Have you ever seen the movie called "The Devils" by Ken Russell? Great movie on a fake Satanic Panic which allowed Cardinal Richelieu to break down the walls of the last city resisting his unification of France under the monarchy. based on a true story.

Votescam ago

Here's what you've missed .....

The "Burning of Women at the Stake" was the result of the Catholic Church's "Hammer of Witches" which you should actually read something about.

FeLpZ187 ago

Yep. Like the fact that witches and magick really exist.

VieBleu ago

define witch,

define magic

This respected "titan" of industry and space, a scientist, does seem to speak of summoning demonic primicples through technology -

FeLpZ187 ago

witch "someone who performs magick"

magick "the use of paranormal unseen forces for good and or evil purposes."

magic "stage tricks"

VieBleu ago

FeLpZ187 ago

Possibly(I think he would prefer the term Wizard), and yes it sounds like it.

VieBleu ago

that's why I think magic is actually hard to define, as technology can appear to be magical even on the micro level, as can biological processes. Just because we can tear the processes apart or experiement with them doesn't mean they aren't magial, it could mean we are magical. Then you get into philosophy and energy exchanges.

FeLpZ187 ago


that's why I think magic is actually hard to define,

That is the whole point of magick and what separates it from technology.

VieBleu ago

hm good point, but Musk isnn't defining how the demon is invoked through the machine

FeLpZ187 ago

Musk isn't a very micro kind of dude.

maybe the machine is a demon?

Lol as I typed this my keyboard is spazzing out.

VieBleu ago

watch those fingers! ; )

FeLpZ187 ago

I have heard some people say that demons are actually aliens... and if computer pcb is really alien technology 2+2=?

remedy4reality ago

The entire legend of Salem is a lie. Read the Wiki page that provides a good synopsis of the historical and hysterical tale and see if you can detect the parallels in Pizzagate. They re-deployed Salem EXACTLY after the Manson Murders exposed a number of other cults around the country involved in the same LSD/CIA/MKULTRA bullshit, and again during the Son of Sam Murders and once again, in the McMartin Preschool cover up. THIS IS THE METHOD of combating real accusations and evidence of widespread sexual abuse, ritual sacrifice and Satanism.

bopper ago

The book Mary's Mosaic is incredible, and well-written, though I haven't finished it. The author is great. It gets into Mary Pinchot Meyer (wife of Cord Meyer and mistress of JFK) and Timothy Leary turning Kennedy on to LSD plus peacenik ideas that helped get him killed. Then they killed Mary.

pizzaequalspedo ago

Quite possible. Once you've mainstreamed the terms "conspiracy theory" and "witch hunt", you have the perfect cover.

In fact, the more outlandish and depraved it sounds, the easier it is to cast down on the accusations as conspiracies and witch hunts.

remedy4reality ago

very good... this is exactly why rituals are outrageous and ghoulish, all at once. The public sees these freaks in their best light, the media, and when they have to fathom the debauchery and evil, it does not compute in their idealistic and addled consciousness'.

VieBleu ago

and now to really go out on a limb I'm going to add this - I see patterns of what you are saying. A new version? Elon Musk just warned everybody that building AI was like "summoning The Demon" literally This was widely made fun of. What better way to unleash AI than to denounce it as satanic and then let everybody laugh at the idea.

remedy4reality ago

you're getting it @VieBleu

They openly and widely ridicule the masses and inform them that any suggestion of conspiracy makes one a paranoid schizophrenic, an outcast.. Ironic, because millions of 'outcasts' eat it up with a spoon.

When the MAJORITY sees the truth it should never listen to the minority, regardless of the power that the minority wields.

whitehand ago

That is one theory I had not heard. Probably impossible to prove either way nowadays.

remedy4reality ago

When PG broke, I immediately knew what it was and I remembered the 'Satanic Panic' and the cover up at McMartin Pre-school, and of course, Franklin. My thoughts went back to Salem and nothing about the legend made sense to me. But when you review the people who were executed, it looks like a mop up operation. The most striking thing about Salem, was the victims were all young girls and the town did not talk about it for at least 100 years.