Vindicator ago

@DonKeyhote: Rule 1.

I hope this is a parody of the recent rash of shill posts involving off-topic, esoteric New Age BS.

ThePuppetShow ago

Connecting some dots?

AncientJibberish ago

This is not new age by any means. It's the order of the Illuminati's most innermost secret and none of you get it. Mostly because you are not willing to put in the work, to achieve illumination.

ThePuppetShow ago

WTF is this? LOL At least put some context with this bullshit. I see unicorns, where are the dragons and elves?

AncientJibberish ago

We need a picture with gloved elves returning a case of unicorn shit and the case should have a sticker which says, property of Caesar.

AncientJibberish ago

Listen, the unicorn is the covering of the tabernacle. The Dragon gives with to the Pheonix, who is the Devil you know and the elves live in the coding of plants.

I happen to be an inter-dimensional being who has come to show you how to transcend matter. I run the illuminati, have done for a long time but just rightfully reclaimed my place, after solving the God's Axis Mundi Babel Renard Putzel. Anyway, that's not for the concern of mortals like you. Would you like to become immortal or not?

DonKeyhote ago

Obviously we are meant to answer "no, i am as god made me and so must i remain" or something. I just want $50k. Not a lot of money. o_o

AncientJibberish ago

Anyway. The Kingdom Of Heaven Is Within, didn't Jesus say that? I thought heaven was everlasting.

Silverlining ago

At hand?

AncientJibberish ago

Money? You want Money?

What are you, cheap?

DonKeyhote ago

Dude i specifically kept it to single screenshots because i know how much you guys hate reading and stuff. Suck my balls.

ThePuppetShow ago

Funny Haha.. I figured you took a bunch of screen shots so people wouldn't find out who your source was.

Suck my balls

Talk to your "boys" at Media Matters

AncientJibberish ago

“When in the puppet-show of dreams we hold in hand the strings of quite a number of actors, controlling their actions and their speech, we are not aware of this being so. Only one of them is myself, the dreamer. In him I act and speak immediately, while I may be awaiting eagerly and anxiously what another one will reply”

"The World Is A Stage"

AncientJibberish ago

We need all the conspiracy theorists to declare love for the Rothschild family. That would please the aliens.

ArrowsFly ago

What other guidance could you give us?

UpperEchelon ago


UpperEchelon ago

“When in the puppet-show of dreams we hold in hand the strings of quite a number of actors, controlling their actions and their speech, we are not aware of this being so. Only one of them is myself, the dreamer. In him I act and speak immediately, while I may be awaiting eagerly and anxiously what another one will reply”

"The World Is A Stage"

You know an equation is true, if it's beautiful.

UpperEchelon ago

I would tell you to find the form of God within.

AncientJibberish ago

This will not do.