pnwpatriot97 ago

Holy shills batman.

ThePuppetShow ago

Seriously, if you have something real to say, say it. Can you dispute anything in this thread?

pnwpatriot97 ago

Not against you or this thread you moron. It's directed towards all the shills downvoating this.

ThePuppetShow ago

My appoligies, I've been getting shilled really hard for.posting this stuff. I should waited before I attacked you.

pnwpatriot97 ago

All good in the pedo hunting hood.

ThePuppetShow ago


Narcissism ago

The dancing Israeli/ art student clown show on 9/11 while the real perps hid is another example.


I've been doing this for a fucking long time. 12,600 years ago a meteor struck the Earth and killed 90-some percent of people on it, advanced peoples. The Brotherhood/Priesthood of Amun Ra is the "Jew behind the curtain". They are the original lineage coming out of that extinction event. It's basically a religious occult. These people believe in magic, literal mind control, Old Testament Gods, etc. You name it. They own the world. The Catholic Order was founded to "clean up" the knowledge of mankind's complete history as an advanced civilization (which goes back anywhere from 50,000 to 10 million years old).

Pretty much everything we were taught in school was a story, except most STEM stuff.

Jobew1 ago

the rothschild fortune is estimated in mainstream sources at 2 trillion dolllars or 5x the combined wealth of the 'world's top 8 billionaires" and they are tools of jesuits? the vatican's wealth is estimated in the billions yet the rothschilds are their puppets? ok several chairmen of the bilderberg group have been gone to catholic schools, what about the makeup of the 30 to 40 'sterling members' of the bilderbergs?
these jesuits and catholics are influencing world events and politics to do what swell and protect the coffers of the catholic church? protect and grow the individual fortunes of the chairmen you mention? idk...

Jem777 ago

If you trace the Rothscchulds name back you will find its true meaning and that the family was in fact of Germany heritage Baur.

Northern_Soul ago

It's actually Mayer Bauer.

Bauer changed the name to "Rothschild" (meaning "red shield") for a reason not generally known. Yes, he had hung a red-shield sign/symbol above the door of his shop while still a poor/common family man, but what did it mean? Apparently, the protection and/or advancement of something red...and I don't think it had anything to do with red potatoes. Probably a red people. It just so happens that he was an Ashkenazi Jew, and that Ashkenaz was a region in Magog where the so-called "red Jews" of Khazaria had ruled an empire on the north shores of the Black and Caspian seas. Several voices are now proclaiming that the Rothschilds, and most other Ashkenazi Jews, are descended from the Khazars.

While the Jews of Khazaria had been the small minority among both Christian and Muslim citizens, they ruled the empire absolutely; it had been the law of the land that only Jews could rule! There were two kings, an invisible one called a "khagan," and a visible one called a "beg." Interesting, isn't it, that the invisible Rothschilds are now a few Jews ruling the world.

Jem777 ago

Yes. In 2013 DNA studies proved the Rothschilds and the remaining illuminati families were not Jewish at all. They were from the Khazarian region and had interbred trying to keep their bloodline intact?

Theyvpractisedjewish mysticism (Satanism) in from the beginning calling it the Talmud from thhe beginning. Mmmm

ActivatedCorn ago

Could someone explain this weirdness?

DarkMath ago

"hiding behind the Jews"

One of the greatest examples of that is found in the person of Larry Silverstein. He owned the smallest stake of the World Trade Center complex yet he's the owner on record. See item 8 and 9.

So few people know "The Jews(tm)" are just the hired help. And in the case of Larry Silverstein they're the bag men.

The Rockefeller's had been trying to build the World Trade Center for years before construction started. When the opportunity came David Rockefeller jumped at the chance. Now the really bizarre part is David Rockefeller

built the towers

just so he could blow them up.

No Jew could ever be that mean. Only a Pagan of Germanic Extraction could make a sport of killing human beings.


Narcissism ago

The buildings were designed with Atomic Demolition in mind which is why they were built with a steel core.

Northern_Soul ago


The Jewish Encyclopedia (Vol. 2, p. 497) admits that…

“A number of Catholics undertook to organize a competitor bank to rival the Rothschild power… sometime about 1820. The Rothschild’s crushed it.”

It says further:

“It is a somewhat curious sequel to the attempt to set up a Catholic competitor to the Rothschilds that at the present time (1905) the latter are the guardians of the papal treasure.” (#)

So the Jewish Rothschild banking dynasty controls the Vatican treasure.

They Cannot Explain Away Bishop Williamson

Truth Hero....

Bishop Williamson – Truth Hero

If the Jesuits are so bad and evil than how do you explain Bishop Richard Williamson? Catholic Bishop (Jesuit) Richard Williamson is a great man who has valiantly publicly stated that 9/11 was a fraud, a lie, and that the holocaust was also a lie. Many of these Black Popers will shy away from any reference of Bishop Williamson and nary a mention of one of his excellent sermons exposing 9/11 among other crimes. I have even heard some pathetic cretins say he is “controlled opposition” like stoppering little maggots. These cowards won’t hesitate to defame a person who has more courage in his fingernail than they have in their entire bodies. Bishop Williamson puts his very livelihood and safety on the line when he speaks out about these subjects. Soulless cockroaches who attack him because he puts to shame this “Jesuit Conspiracy” claim are a complete waste of oxygen.


Do Jesuits control the Media, own Hollywood, the Federal Reserve, and constantly inhabit high positions in government? Nope. Have Jesuits been expelled from 109 locations since 250 AD? Nope. Did Jesuits run the African Slave trade, instigate WWI & WWII, invent Communism & Neo-Conservatism, perpetrate the 9/11 attacks, attack the U.S.S. Liberty, assassinate JFK, run the Diamond District, Porn Industry, run the Drug Trade? Nope. Are you called “anti-Catholic” for blaming Jesuits for everything under the sun that they don’t even do? Nope, but we’re called anti-Semitic for blaming the people which ALL of the evidence shows are the ones responsible.

DarkMath ago

"A number of Catholics undertook to organize a competitor"

Catholics are not Jesuits and Jesuits are not Catholics. That equivalency has only occurred over hundreds of years. Ignatius of Loyola was for lack of a better term a Catholic Mystic. Given his military background he bullied his way into the Catholic church who at the time was run by peaceful Benedictines.

It was the Protestant Reformation that drove the Jesuits into power via the Counter Reformation. The Jesuits finally took over the whole show in the 1960s in reaction to the Communist threat to Western Europe. The Jesuit run Catholic Church is an entirely new church based much more on Mysticism and Free Masonry. The Catholic Church today had no trouble merging with the Mafia and the CIA. There is a very good reason every head of the CIA has been a Jesuit trained Catholic. John Brennan would be the ultimate example of a Power Jesuit. Brennan is no Muslim, Jesuit's have faked membership in countless of the world's religions over the years. And John Brennan the Muslim has disemboweled Islam. Is the Islam of today the threat it appeared on 9/11? Of course not. The Jesuits and "The Jews(tm)" recognized a common enemy and the rest is History.

And it is very telling that today's CIA director, Mike Pompeo, is the first director who was NOT Jesuit trained. The reason is the Jesuit run Catholic church just like the W.A.S.P. Mafia Skull & Bonesmen who run the Deep State are on their last legs for obvious reasons. We all know their crimes now. They just busted a massive gay orgy in the Vatican for Christ's sake.

"Did Jesuits run the African Slave trade"

No. That was controlled by a different branch within The House of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha and Rothschild-Jesuiette


DonKeyhote ago

Youtube videos by little girls vs. THOUSANDS of years of scholarship about jews from all over the globe...LOL!

DarkMath ago

Donkey for some reason you refuse to accept the W.A.S.P. as being far deadlier than "The Jew(tm)".

Why is that?

DonKeyhote ago

LOL thats the easiest answer ever, besides when your mom asked to blow me (NO), it is revealed in the way Jew media tries to instill shame and guilt in whites so that any sense of group solidarity/cooperation cedes to whites' inherent empathy and altruism.

DarkMath ago

Let me know when you're ready to answer the question.

Take your time. I'll wait.

DonKeyhote ago


WASPs would otherwise be more dangerous BUT for their lack of appetite control; Jews are universally regarded as the most dangerous because they exploit the weaknesses of the host society until making debt slaves of them. For example a Jewish barkeep will inflate the bill of a drunk who passed out and cant remember. This breeds resentment until theyre expelled.

DarkMath ago


Mr. T,

Rome easily brushed aside "The Jews(tm)" and around 70AD they killed every Jew in Jerusalem and sent the rest packing.

Rome and the Germans was a different story. Rome never conquered The Germanic Peoples and they spent 500 years trying. In fact it was the Germans who conquered Rome not the other way around. Rome was sacked several times by Germanic Tribes who kept giving the Roman Empire such an ass kicking it had to move its capital to what became Constantinople, present day Istanbul.

"The Germans!(tm)" then spent the next 1500 years terrorizing the rest of Europe killing everything in their path. They even famously tried to kill every Jew on planet Earth but were stopped only barely not by any external force but due to the stupidity of a half breed German Jew named Adolph Hitler who delayed a German victory which they are very close to completing.

The number one rule of Fight Club Fascism is never talk about Fight Club Fascism. Instead use the verbal aptitude of hired Jews to convince the world everything's going to be A-OK. You took the bait Hook, Line and Sinker and I think that's funny as fuck.


DonKeyhote ago

You purport to have a degree in history and apparently you assumed you never had to read again after graduating LOL.

Why is it ILLEGAL to question the holocaust in Europe? Because its obviously an INCREDIBLY weak story built on FAKE HOLLYWOOD KIKE MOVIES even the very first guys they sent to "document" (stage) the horrors.

Hitler had better shit to do than send hit squads all over the world to kil every single Jew, you fucking MORONIC LIAR, EVEN A CHILD WOULDNT BELIEVE SUCH FOOLISHNESH

Nor would he believe they are "hired jews" for thousands of years LMAO YOU DONT KNOW SHIT ABOUT JEWISH HISTORY BECAUSE YOU NEVER LOOKED


DarkMath ago

Mr T.,

"Why is it ILLEGAL to question the holocaust in Europe?"

So Germany can fool people into thinking they're still not trying to take over Europe.

"Hitler had better shit to do than send hit squads all over the world to kil every single Jew"

Hitler's plan was always to take over Europe first and then the world. That applies to killing Jews as well. He planned on killing every Jew in Europe first and then going international once the Soviets were killed off.

You're implying my argument is that Hitler sent out death squads internationally to hunt down and kill Jews. That's absurd and not my point at all.

"Nor would he believe they are "hired jews" for thousands of years"

Thousands of years? No fool, we're only talking since WWII. And yes, they've got you fooled.

"The Jews(tm)" didn't choreograph the Goddard Tunnel Opening Ceremony. The descendants of Alpine Pagans did and they'd very much like to take Europe back from Christianity. "The Pagans!(tm)" not the Jews are running the show in Europe today


DonKeyhote ago

Hitler's plan was always to take over Europe first and then the world. That applies to killing Jews as well. He planned on killing every Jew in Europe first and then going international once the Soviets were killed off.

You have less historical sophistication than my little sister, who does not exist. As if YOU KNOW "Hitlers plans", faggot! Wasnt it the SOVIETS who went on to take big parts of the world? LEBENSRAUM FAGGIT

You're implying my argument is that Hitler sent out death squads internationally to hunt down and kill Jews. That's absurd and not my point at all.


WW2 is not a clean break in history from which we can start you FAGGOT LIAR, we all know thats crucial to this brainwashing.

DarkMath ago


My point exactly. He should have stuck with bombing airfields and radar installations. Hitler had an uncanny ability to always snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.


DonKeyhote ago

As soon as theyre given real info people notice the only victors are always JEWS even in european civil wars 1 and 2. Because they provoked those wars for a reason, not cuz anyone gave a fuck about Franz Ferdinand

DarkMath ago

Again you've been fooled with partial facts. World War I was Germany's Debutante Ball. It was their official "coming out party". It was Kaiser Wilhelm putting his cousins on notice their exclusive colonial rights were no longer valid.

It's not worth responding any more than that. Your knowledge of European History seems to be limited to the 20th Century. The secret's in the other 19 centuries. I'll leave it at that.

If I had to guess you've got a relative who's a Muslim or a close friend or maybe you are a Muslim. You've got all the talking points on Judaism covered. Hitler is a hero to Muslims. After all Muhammad famously killed 900 Jews in one day. Islam even says all the Jews on planet Earth need to be killed before Salvation.

DonKeyhote ago

Bingo, bitch! The only countries without Jewish dominated media and historiography like Hitler for standing up to Jewish abuse and supremacism. Might as well be a confession signed in Hebrew, also you admitted the Holocaust is BUNK and that's literally the cornerstone of our education. LITERALLY. IT IS A PHYSICAL STONE

DarkMath ago

I'm glad we cleared that up. I personally have no trouble with Islam. In fact it pisses me off that Bush, Rockefeller and THE MOSSAD pulled off 9/11 not any Muslim terrorist. Did you catch that? I AGREE WITH YOU: ISRAEL HELPED CARRY OUT 9/11. Would a "Jew shill" tell you that? My only point is they weren't running the show for like the 100th time.

What I don't understand is how you can limit your anger to just the Jews. Bush and Cheney have murdered MILLIONS of Muslims but I never hear a peep out of you about them. It's only Jews, Jews, Jews and more Jews.

Why is that?

DonKeyhote ago

You're wrong about the Muslim thing first of all, and you fool NO ONE as you make blatantly clear that your m.o. is to CONFINE THE JEW PRESENCE as much as possible, even postulating a FICTIONAL WHITE HAT MOSSAD FORCE WITHIN MOSSAD ITSELF WHEN WEBB GOT EXPOSED LOL

Jews as a political force would be despicable even WITHOUT Pizzagate, so your job is to run cover as much as possible and make it appear there can be a few Jewish fall guys and the rest are fine. NOPE there will certainly never be another Jew on the supreme Court for example, they've done quite enough damage.

DarkMath ago

Wrong about the Muslim thing. Whatever. It sounds like you said I was on the right track. Whatever.

Pizzagate? We were just talking about 9/11 and my inability to understand your lack of outrage towards Dick Cheney and George Bush. Remember?

Why do you never mentioned Bush or Cheney or any other non-Jews involved in 9/11?

DonKeyhote ago

I don't mention 9/11 ever period. Bush and Cheney aren't even in office and my research is PROACTIVE

DarkMath ago

"I don't mention 9/11 ever period."

I thought you were a fan of History?

"Bush and Cheney aren't even in office"

Discussion of the players involved in historical events must be limited to the time they are in office?

What the fuck is wrong with you Mr. T?

DonKeyhote ago


DarkMath ago

The only thing that makes sense to me right now is YOU'RE the only shill here.

The gig's up Donkey. You've clearly got things you are not allowed to talk about. Only a shill would have boundaries like that.


DonKeyhote ago

Only a shill would refuse proactive steps, and the expression is the JIG is up, DIPSHIT

DarkMath ago

Refuse proactive steps?

What the fuck is that? Speak normally and I'll respond.

DonKeyhote ago




DarkMath ago

Yeah you're a shill. You won't even answer the fucking question.

You're a lost soul too. A Black Hitler. Do you know what Hitler would have done to black people when he was done killing all the Jews?

Don't ask.


DonKeyhote ago

I have way more brains AND balls than you, here's an interview I did

DarkMath ago

I don't care. Any black man who's a fan of Adolf Hitler is a fucking lost soul.

No further explanation required.


DonKeyhote ago

You're a racist who wants to tell blacks what to think. Maybe Jews should try that tactic! Oh wait!

DarkMath ago

I'm a racist for thinking you should NOT be killed for being black.

Epic. I'm going take a screen shot of that one just to remember the insanity.

Done. I literally just took a screen shot for posterity.


DonKeyhote ago

Nobody ever wanted to kill a black for being black -- they all wanted them gone back to Africa. Lincoln, Jefferson, ALL OF THEM. DONT YOU KNOE ANYTNING PRE 20TH CENT LOLOLLOLOL

DarkMath ago

"Nobody ever wanted to kill a black for being black"

Nobody until Hitler. Minor detail. And technically he couldn't have been bothered with the details. You'd have been killed by one of these bad asses

If I had to guess I'd say Reinhard Heydrich. Here he is with Bilderberg founder Prince Bernhard and your favorite German. Reinhard is the handsome devil on the right. No pun intended.



DarkMath ago

Fascinating. You need to start alerting Historians they got it all wrong about Nazi Eugenics.

You could be famous!


DonKeyhote ago


DarkMath ago

Me: "You need to start alerting Historians they got it all wrong about Nazi Eugenics."


Would it be too much to ask you to be rational or are black Nazis above that?


DonKeyhote ago

Every society has eugenic policies whether theyre astute enough to promote them or not. Jews just want to break white Christian europe once and for all. It is nefarious.

DarkMath ago

"Jews just want to break white Christian europe once and for all."

Like everything else you've only got half the picture. Ready?

1) "white Christian europe" - Christianity has died in Europe. We've been over this before. The Nazis Fascist EU hates Christianity. European Paganism is the new thing.

2) Israel would like to get all the Jews in Europe to move to Israel. They'd also like all the Arabs in Syria and Iraq to move to Europe.

3) For the real reason behind the Syrian Civil War and the creation of a Greater-Israel see 2).

4) I hate Europe. And I hate Nazis.

5) I'm rooting for the Muslim Immigrants. They're the only ones in Europe that believe in God.


DonKeyhote ago

LOL european pagans! Nazis! Youre a fucking retard, and a liar, and a shill, and i hope you fucking choke.

DarkMath ago

You've never been to Europe.

Don't go. It's a fucking Godless Socialist nightmare.

I'm rooting for the Muslim Immigrants. I secretly cheer when I see them burn down another hostel they've been put in. I hope they burn the whole fucking Continent down.


BlissNarwhal ago

DonKeyhote ago

More proof all the symbolism and spiritual basis for Pizzagate is from Jewish Kabbalah

ThePuppetShow ago

Yet the Jesuit priests are the ones getting caught fucking kids all the time. Fuck off shill boy, you have nothing but a bunch of bullshit propaganda. That's why you don't source shit. Isn't that right Don Quixote - the crazy Jesuit crusader.

Edit: BTW Pegasus is Greek mysticism, not Jewish.

DonKeyhote ago

Dude your "research" literally consists of pasting from geoegetowns alumni list. Mine uncovers hundreds of obvious fronts and gives me new connections to the clintons in every industry.

If you stick to the codewords youll find them, WHICH of course is why you avoid doing so.

It is obvious that the job of you kikeshills like @DarkMath is to slow walk the productive leads and distract with minor stuff, or flat out stage entire episodes like George "the Kike" Webb's Fantastic Faggotry Hour

ThePuppetShow ago

The thread you brag about is screen shots with no explabation. LOL You're a desperate exposed joke, Don Quixote.

DonKeyhote ago

I expected you to read them and not need cliffsnotes RETARD! also i drop breadcrumbs everywhere, youve discredited me among the idiot masses with your bullshit about NAZIs and more kids will be abused, so cut your wrists vertically

ThePuppetShow ago

Nazis? Do you even read the threads?

DonKeyhote ago

Calling anyone who names the jew nazi is literally all you got, and its a pussy copout

ThePuppetShow ago

I supplied more facts than you can deal with. So, you resort to ad hominem bullshit. Where's your facts?

DonKeyhote ago

  1. Pegasus is cia codeword.
  2. Pegasus is Israeli codeword related to jewish mysticism

Conclusion: cia takes cues from israelis. Im afraid i cant make it more retard-friendly sorry

ThePuppetShow ago

Pegasus is Greek mysticism. Medusa was not Jewish. Taking pictures of someone elses opinion is not presenting facts.

DonKeyhote ago

Nice try you FAGGOT: those arent pictures of other opinions theyre JEWISH ORGANIZATIONS LIKE THE PEGASUS ACADEMY OF KABBALAH SO FUCK OFF LOSER

ThePuppetShow ago

So your point is "Jewish mysticism" isn't really Jewish at all. It comes from Greek mysticism. Got it. You've lost every argument you've presented, everyone can see that you're a Jesuit shill, Don Quixote the crazy crusader.

DonKeyhote ago

I dont need to explain WHY they use the symbolism they do, faggot. You couldnt connect two dots if they were BEADS ON A STRING FAGGOT

ThePuppetShow ago

You sure act like William Donohue and once again, you have nothing.

Commoner ago

So What is JA Pegasus museum for

DonKeyhote ago

To smuggle white phosphorus, which is ordered using the Comet Ping Pong pizza menu. Don't you watch "Gorgeous George the Kike" Webb LMAO

VincentRothschild ago

It relates to Lilith. The 616 outside of the museum is the original number of the beast in the dead sea scrolls.

DonKeyhote ago

We knew that long ago. Give something new jagoff. Why do these jooz use greek mythology so much in public

ThePuppetShow ago

Because they aren't Jews, idiot.

DonKeyhote ago


ThePuppetShow ago

Proof? Or is this just another "trust me" moment form Don Quoxote?

VincentRothschild ago

I'm sorry but this is outrageous.

There is only ONE Rothschild who is a problem.

Guess what, she's a peasant.

GeorgeHodelDidit ago

Yeah maybe the Vatican used the Jew to do their banking interest at one time....but the Jews in Portugal and Spain were forced to change to Catholic or move by force....the ones who converted under force faked it. They moved into the Church and began the Jesuit Order....the Jews hijacked the whole damn I think you misunderstand who runs things now. The Pope is now a Jesuit....which is nothing but a Crypto Jewish Order. But really this is not a Jewish thing. It is a Sabbetean Frankist Luciferian thing.....they hide amongst the Jews....keep the Jew clannish and scared of others because the Pogroms the Sabbeteans do under the name of the Jew and raise the hatred of the normies.....

ThePuppetShow ago

I'm afraid it's you who has been brainwashed with propaganda, or you're just a shill like DonkeyHote. The Jews were bought into positions of power within Banking back in 1066 by the Norman Anglo-Saxon Monarchs. All you "Jew rule everything" shills always claim that the Jews created banking and for this reason they were expelled from countries for financial manipulation. The truth of the matter is the Knights Templar created credit and banking during the crusades. Here's a good article about it, learn you something..

The Knights Templar were warrior monks. A religious order, with a theologically inspired hierarchy, mission statement, and code of ethics, but also heavily armed and dedicated to holy war.

How did they get into the banking game?

GeorgeHodelDidit ago

We have enough love for the Mason Templars.....they will get what is coming also.....

By the way why are you taking it upon yourself to propagandize against the Templars and for the Jews? Who are you to speak for the Jews?

ThePuppetShow ago

I'm not speaking fo anybody, I'm looking for the truth through all the lies the Jew blaming shills are spreading.

DonKeyhote ago

Fuck you, a shill would be the uncontroversial guy who makes zero progress.


ThePuppetShow ago

Zero progress? lol Have you looked in the mirror?

It's MUCH more than Georgetown, Don Quixote. Desperate much?

VincentRothschild ago

@JesusRules Do you know the significance of the original emblem of The Knights Templar, with two riders?

JesusRules ago

Sex Magic, rising Kunalini

KnightsTemplarApp ago

No they were different coloured Knights.

JesusRules ago


JesusRules ago

KnightsTemplarApp ago

Do good people need government of any form?

JesusRules ago

The Bible

KnightsTemplarApp ago

Yes but what if certain elements of the bible are untrue?

Such as the image of the crucifixion?

JesusRules ago

so far Revelation is on track, I am aware that some of the Gnostic gospels are suppressed. I am aware the story of the Father and the Sun have been borrowed. and I am aware of the lineage of Cain. and I am aware of the "Great Plan", the rebuilding of Babylon Tower (EU Parliament). The one thing that the Brotherhood of the Snake did not anticipate, was the internet. New World Order is a failure.

KnightsTemplarApp ago

What about the human clones?

JesusRules ago

The first Jusuit was a Marrano.

JesusRules ago

Great research.

ThePuppetShow ago

Thank you.