Jem777 ago

Thought I would post on this thread @ThePuppetShow since they are deleting truth elsewhere. Realize you must know that it was proven through DNA studies in 2013 this truth regarding the Rothschilds (Baur). These alleged Jewish bankers are not Jewish at all. what was known as the Khazarian region. They practiced mysticism and were involved in the oral Talmudic practices but are really just Luceferian Jesuits. That is the great deception as you stated.

Many people do not know the Vatican supported, funded, & were part of Hitler's SS. I know this not by just reading history but know an eye witness whose father was in Hitler's inner circle and family were German Royalty. Stood on stage with Hitler in Berlin at age 8 during his German Youth speech to millions. She survived the war by never told the story until age 80 years when she told it to me in person. The Catholic Church was used to help indoctrinate children inside her school and inside her Fathers Movie Theaters he owned all over Germany in Munich.

She also witnessed Hitler & SS in her home involved in unspeakable evil.

She did not know the truth until after the war when American soldiers rescued her and brought her at 17 years old along as the death camps were opened. She could not forgive herself until age 80 after releasing the burden and speaking the truth which she did to me on her deathbed. She was a very famous artist and I promised her I would tell the truth and her story in due time if it would benefit others.

ThePuppetShow ago

I had no idea about the DNA studies, but I know that most of the Nazis were trained at Jesuit schools. Including the propaganda master Joseph Goebbels.

That's some awesome first hand knowledge. Please think about writing that up, keeping you anonymous for now. Personally, I would love to read the whole story, reguardless of what the shills say.

Jem777 ago

Yes it is truely an amazing story. This person was/is world famous. She never trusted anyone with the truth but for reasons I can't explain right now she trusted me and over a year long period of time she told me everything. She was a close advisor to Dr. Carl Jung as well, I am not sure if everyone knows was a double agent working directly with Allen Dulles. She named names as well and lived in the US for the last decades of her life.

She left hidden partial manuscripts and told me secret information that confirmed it all. She died on my Birthday at age 80 in my arms, old enough to be my grandmother in 2010. The last thing she ever did was sing Happy Birthday to me in her strong German accent.

The story is hearwrenching and beautiful at the same time. She had never cried since she was eight years old until that final year. She cried in my arms for 3 days straight at the end.

I promised if I ever told the story or wrote it I would only do so if it would help others know the truth. She said before she died it was now with me and she trusted me with it all and released me to share.

sore_ass_losers ago

A follow-up to my M. A. Rothschild family lineage post:

Oh fuck, a couple of the Rothschild family headstones have an odd symbol on them, which could be a rose on a cross. Except the cross is X-shaped within a circle, and the rosey-looking blob is not centered but towards the top of the symbol.


sore_ass_losers ago

Found a larger version of one of these:

So, judge for yourself on the rose idea. My roommate thinks it's a bird. Also we only see the lower legs of what I call a cross. The circle might be some kind of wreath. There's some interesting detail at the top I don't understand.


sore_ass_losers ago

In the link I gave Springmeier thinks the red sign symbol was a six-pointed Seal of Solomon. It's not clear why he thinks so. However if this indeed was the family symbol wouldn't it show up on the gravestones?

Great, now I'm even more paranoid than Fritz Springmeier. :)

sore_ass_losers ago

Here is Mayer Amschel Rothschild's paternal lineage, from

Uri Feibesch (Fajsch) zu Bacharach born 1475

Elchanan zur roten Rose aka "Elchanan ben Uri", "Han", "Hon", "Hane", "Elkan", "Elchanan Bauer?" born circa 1496

Isaac (Isaak) Elchanan Bacharach, zum Hahn, zum rot. Schild aka "Isaac Elchanan Rothschild", "Isak Bauer?" born circa 1528

Moses Isaac Rothschild aka "Mosche Rotschild", "Mose zum rot.Schild" born estimated between 1533 and 1591

Herz Moses Rothschild, zur hinteren Pfanne aka "Hirz Rothschild zur Pfanne", "Herts", "Hersz", "Naftali ben Mosche", "Hirsch", "Hertz" born estimated between 1540 and 1660

Kalman Herz Rothschild, zur Hinter Pfann aka "Calmann" born estimated between 1569 and 1689

Moses Kalmann Rothschild aka "Moses Bauer", "Mosche ben Kalman Rothschild" born estimated between 1634 and 1688

Amschel Moses Rothschild aka "Anschel ben Mosche Rothschild" born 1710 banker and goldsmith

Mayer Amschel Rothschild aka "Mosche Meir" born 1744

So we see a big variation in surnames, in fact all the 'zur', 'zum', 'zu' stuff means 'from' or 'of' I believe and predates surnames. However the surname "Rothschild" has been kicking around a long time before Mayer Amschel, "Bauer" is in there too. Seems like changing your name and picking a new surname was no big deal. All of these guys lived in Frankfurt-am-Main and all but the first buried in the same cemetary, includes photos of headstones. Note also that Mayer Amschel's dad was already a banker and goldsmith.

It makes me wonder why the whole Rothschild name story is so bandied about. So what? The really interesting ancestral name to me is Elchenan zur Roten Rose. Does 'shild' merely mean 'plaque' or 'sign' and the original sign was a red rose? I think of Rosicrucians, they didn't start till 1616 officially. Their symbol is a red rose on a crucifix type cross (generally Jewish people don't like such crosses).

The fringe conspiracy theorist Fritz Springmeier writes in his discussion of the Rothschilds:

"The origins of the Masonic and Rosicrucian movements lie with the medieval alchemists. Manly P. Hall, Freemasonry’s greatest philosopher writes, ,,During the Middle Ages, alchemy was not only a philosophy and a science but also a religion. Those who rebelled against the religious limitations of their day concealed their philosophic teachings under the allegory of gold-making. In this way they preserved their personal liberty and were ridiculed rather than persecuted. ... The oxide produced using quicksilver was considered magical and mystically identified with the god Osiris. As the reader may have already figured out, alchemy practiced Hermetic magic from ancient Egypt. Alchemy was really a front for the mystery religion of Satanic witchcraft. The leading alchemist was a german Richard Bauer who was alive sometime in the 14 or 15 hundreds. Richard Bauer is said to have been the only alchemist who was successful in transforming lead to gold. Whether that report is meant in an allegorical way, or some other way I do not know What I am trying to communicate is that the Bauer family was a leading alchemical family which secretly practiced Hermetic magic during the late Middle Ages."


ThePuppetShow ago

Good work! I'm sure the premise of the Rosicrucians was around long before they were officially named Rosicrucians.

Blacksmith21 ago

Shut up limey cockholster. I wore braces while you were still being taught how to use a cock as a pacifier. You're nothing more than the rest of the like - repressed 3.5 Reich/DNC/Brock dicksuckers.

I bet you haven't even retired your first pair of Docs yet. Boy.

We use little pasty Nazi cocksuckers like you as gator bait.

Jesus...I hate UK pussymouthed rimjobbers after they've had 3 or 4 pints of shitty ale.

Blacksmith21 ago

I see the Stormfront/NA dimwits are in the house. Party on, Adolph.

Blacksmith21 ago

Cut and paste. I wouldn't expect any greater creativity from someone who can't do any better than naming themselves after an old Skrewdriver album. Their music sucked, FYI.

At least go Black Flag or Dead Kennedys.

ASolo ago

You are exactly right, certain ruling elite are re-serving the largest Jewish families up as scapegoats, to use them as examples and a sacrifice, just as they did to institute the original state of Israel through the first two world wars. It is their opus dei, the grand design and plan for their nephilim egregore.

ASolo ago


Lurking behind the “Democratic Facade” (the so-called “democratic” governments that the public sees as the guiding hands in our world), are the Occulted Powers (OPs). The OPs are a criminal conglomerate of the local royal families throughout the world who are intermarried and/or interoperating with the global network of Jewish bankster families. Under this worldwide royal/Jew “elite,” there are a variety of secret societies (such as the Freemasons) and criminal gangs (such as the Triads) who recruit useful “commoners” into their conspiracy and run societies at the street level.

As with any large gang of criminals, there is some degree of competition amongst the families as they compete for power, position and wealth within the syndicate, but they are all united in furthering their collective control and exploitation of the human race. They are the ones who have been pushing for ever more centralized control of humanity; they are the “globalists.”

An interesting thing about these OPs is that they have their own system of spirituality, which can most accurately be called “the Mystery School.” Whether the gang leaders at the very top actually believe in the spiritual mumbo jumbo of the Mystery School, though, is unclear. There may be some sort of “spiritual” force feeding them their religion, or they may have simply made it up as a control mechanism for their underlings. Whether it’s real or made up, though, it plays a central role in everything they do.

With this in mind, have a look at the Masonic art outside of the New Carrollton Federal Building in Lanham, Maryland…


…This sculpture depicts the Left Hand Path and the Right Hand Path of the OPs’ occultic spirituality. As you can see, the Left Hand (which sits on a black base) is pointing over to the open Right Hand (which sits upon a white base). This reflects the OPs’ practice of using the Left Hand (the “dark side,” which brings about destruction and chaos( FREEMASONS; 'JEWS' Chabad-lubavitch kabbalists ) to scare people into the open, welcoming Right Hand (the “light side,” which brings about construction and order (ie, THE GREEK ORTHODOX (RUSSIAN) CHURCH, THE CATHOLIC CHURCH = JESUITS).

If you look upon the world situation now, you can see that the Anglo-American branch of the OPs are acting as the Left Hand (bringing terror, war, and theft that is destroying the existing world order and scaring humanity towards something new), and the BRICS branch of the OPs are acting as the Right Hand (“opposing” the actions of the Anglo-American axis and welcoming humanity into a “peaceful, fair” new world order that they are constructing THE REAL NWO; microchips, hi tech slavery). Once you understand this basic idea of how the Two Hands work together to control the world, everything you see around you starts making sense.

ASolo ago

If you understand the depth at which these people have been working real alchemical magical spells over long periods of time, such as the Hegelian dialectic, through generations of their rich families, you can begin to get a grasp of what it took to orchestrate WWI and WWII, as PURE CATALYSTS or empathy engines, for the institution of the original state of Israel in 1948. Millions of lives sacrificed to moloch, satan, lucifer, enki, enlil, whatever name it chooses, with concentration camps set up on a pentagonal grid, feeding the worlds ley lines while propaganda does the rest of the work.

We all know ISIS is a western created terrorist organization to scare people from their homelands to wreak havoc on western values, saving Israel for last, Isis will stage a massacre of non-involved 'true' jews and muslims, bringing about in self fulfilling prophecy the word of the bible and koran, serupticiously convincing billions of the validity of the bible and koran and a 'unification' of religions, and finance, for the entire world...

The rebuilt temple (to satan) in Jerusalem.

Imagine the sacrifices it is going to take to rebuild this one.

ThePuppetShow ago

@quantokitty @Mghorning @BLOODandHONOUR @RebelSkum

Am I crazy or has this thread been completly removed from the "hot" algorithm?

ThePuppetShow ago

@DarkMath What do you think about this? See the comment I replied to.

ThePuppetShow ago

ASolo ago

Beautiful thread, whoever you are.

ThePuppetShow ago

Thank you.

ThePuppetShow ago

My appoligies. I'm debating people on 2 different sites about this. It's difficult to keep track of.

ThePuppetShow ago

The problem with calling them "Jews" is most Jews don't have a clue about the globalists evil ways. The people pushing to have them called Jews are the same people who push to have every gun owner labeled as a lunatic and every constitutionalist a right wing racist.

Anyways, I supplied enough proof to show that the richest family in the world, who everyone claims is Jewish, isn't answering to Isreal they are answering to Rome.

Jobew1 ago

Most are ashkenazi js from the kazars

Jobew1 ago

don't fall for this op b.s. listen to this: about 24 min talk about the cryptos that co-opted the jesuits

ThePuppetShow ago

Why do you call them what they've obvioulsy worked so hard to get you to call them?

Jobew1 ago

Geez the "jews themselves" say rithschilds arent jews. Cant think of a more reliable You do know theres a street named for them in israel right?

ThePuppetShow ago

I do know they played a large part in the state of Isreal. This thread proves that's their cover, synagogue of satan style. The people of Isreal don't deserve to be blamed for the doing of the Jesuits. Look at what the plan is for those people...

The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the 'agentur' of the 'Illuminati' between the political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World. The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the Moslem Arabic World) and political Zionism (the State of Israel) mutually destroy each other. Meanwhile the other nations, once more divided on this issue will be constrained to fight to the point of complete physical, moral, spiritual and economical exhaustion. We shall unleash the Nihilists and the atheists, and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to the nations the effect of absolute atheism, origin of savagery and of the most bloody turmoil. Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilization, and the multitude, disillusioned with Christianity, whose deistic spirits will from that moment be without compass or direction, anxious for an ideal, but without knowing where to render its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out in the public view. This manifestation will result from the general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the same time.

Jobew1 ago

Cmon man....keep it real. Yes these zionists are hurting the jews and israelis (as well as mankind). But no its not the jesuits as the main prob and no zionistd arent "cover" for them

ThePuppetShow ago

I'm keeping it very real. You on the other hand have only provided opinion.

Jobew1 ago

And youre pointing to others' opinions. Of which i could easily cut and paste many more saying the opposite. In fact i put in a link vid with that info in this very thread- with 2 good researchers. Ill try n keep an open mind tho

ThePuppetShow ago

There's historical facts in my post, like the Rothschild church records from Germany and the excerpt from the Jewish encyclopedia.

Jobew1 ago

Jewish encyclopedia is fact? U know what cryptos are right (assuming ur tellin me german church records say theyre jesuits)? By the way are they the actual records or an author telling u so? Also if it was a jesuit master plan to wipe out israel n the mid east, y protect israel so much (in the press, with us n other countries aid) so that 75% of the western populations dont even realize israel is at least as to blame as palestinians?

ThePuppetShow ago

German Church records prove they're Catholic. The Jewish encyclopedia inadvertently admits they are the keepers of the Papal treasure.

The people who claim the Jews are behind everything always say to look at who you can't criticize. The Jews are openly criticized every day. The Jesuits, not so much. You can't talk about the black pope. Take this thread for instance.. Im pretty sure it's been completly removed from the "hot" algorythm on this site.

Cigarette5mokingman ago

"Has ties?" I'm not on here as often as I probably should be, but is there any actual clout to this claim, or is it just like most claims here? Source please.

pbvrocks ago

Nice work! But riddle me this...jesuits have been in existence for what, 2000 years or less? How long have the talmudist been around? Like 6000+? Probably more as they tend to hide our history? Just sayin'

ThePuppetShow ago

I'm not trying to prove that the Jesuits are older than the Talmud. I'm trying to show you that the black pope and his crew are the ones hiding behind the Jews. You know, the Synagogue of satan.

DeathTooMasons ago

This video tells you everything you need to know about the Rothschilds creating the Illuminati. This is from a 50 year old recording. Outstanding.

ThePuppetShow ago

I'll check it out.

EyeOfHorus ago

What do it out of think of gov jerry brown, California?

ThePuppetShow ago

He's with them.. He did go to Santa Clara University.

Santa Clara University - The Jesuit University in Silicon Valley

EyeOfHorus ago

I asked because he nearly became a Jesuit priest.

star_boi ago

i'm sorry, i forgot paranoid. i am as "white" American and gentile as it gets. baptist raised. non-religious. humanist. as if it matters. thanks, but i don't interrogate the racial and ethnic identities of people i meet based on my own theories and assumptions, in order to harass or intimidate them.

redditsuckz ago

To label ‘the Jews’ as running banking, Hollywood, etc, is to throw out the proverbial ‘red herring’ designed to throw us off the scent of the ‘real controllers’.” - Darryl Eberhart

Darryl Eberhart gets pwned?...

Who Controls the United States of America ? - Darryl Eberhart

ThePuppetShow ago

Half of the people you stormfront guys/gals claim are Jews or "crypto jews" aren't even Jews. So, the numbers are skewed. Not to mention, if you're the richest people in the world and you control everything, you hire who you want. Who better to hire than the people you're hiding behind? Chess not checkers.

star_boi ago

you're obviously insane. most people know nothing about this crap, and most 'jewish' people i know aren't religious and aren't evil, they're normal americans. your lack of semantic discernment is troubling and yet not surprising. what do i hold onto? humanity, ethics, compassion and love.

star_boi ago

nope, it takes your power away. bash satanism, elites, evil, war, organized religion, pedophiles, etc.... stop giving idiots ammo to hurt their fellow citizens who are simply living their lives as part of the masses.

sore_ass_losers ago

Some say Loyola was an Illumbrado/Allumbrado. Even the crappy Wikipedia says: "Ignatius of Loyola, while studying at Salamanca in 1527, was brought before an ecclesiastical commission on a charge of sympathy with the alumbrados, but escaped with an admonition."

Weishaupt also had ties to the Alumbrados. Hey Alumbadros, Illuminati, it's the same meaning, the illuminated ones.

Here's an interesting article by researcher Juri Lina. He claims the Spanish Conversos (I prefer this term because 'Marranos' means 'pigs'!) founded the Alumbrados.

It's interesting Lina gives Rothschilds original name as Meyer Amschel (not Bauer). What's with that?

ASolo ago

Is Keanu part Maranno AND Hawaiian nobility? Perplexing material, eye opening at which the depths these ppl go to keep even the most untalented and idiotic of their kind in the biz.

star_boi ago

therefore, they are not jews.... and jew bashing is simply a misdirection that confuses many good people who will take no part in this type of rhetoric.... call out zionism on its face when required... not a people, not a whole religion.... one could as easily argue that catholics and various christian sects are evil and satanic as well.... yet it is "jews" who are consistently referenced in forums like these, with all manner of vile rhetoric and ((special)) attention. Just as your material referenced, the elites sow division within the masses to prevent unity....blacks, muslims, gays, abortion rights and right on down the line.... we the people are more alike than different.

ThePuppetShow ago

You are correct. These are the peoole of our forum with an agenda. Take note.

sore_ass_losers ago

It's interesting that in later years the Frankists moved to (Rothschild home town) Frankfurt, became sort of a paramilitary organization (followers spent their time drilling), and were rumored to be supported periodically by barrels of (Rothschild?) gold.

DonKeyhote ago

TLDR: guy who thinks jews didnt build from the ground up and always control both Hollywood and the biggest investment banks wants to tell you about Jewish names

ThePuppetShow ago

Actually, I'm telling you about the people hiding behind the Jewish names. I knew you Stormfront idiots would disagree, your job is to blame the Jews.

DonKeyhote ago

You are aptly named kikeshill

ThePuppetShow ago

You're aptly named ShariaBlue.

DonKeyhote ago

White Sharia is my thing actually. And it's gonna happen buddy.

ThePuppetShow ago

You are a trained SJW, even if you don't realize it. You have the same train of thought as BLM except they're negative images of each other. Not only are you getting cucked, but you're a major part of the problem with the world. You eat uo the glovalist divide and conquer technique because 1) you're a useful idiot or 2) you're a paid shill.

DonKeyhote ago

? Whites are the race actually in decline, so a more accurate characterization is Jewish orgs like SPLC and all mass media FOMENTED FAKE MOVEMENTS WHICH IS THEIR M.O. EVEN THE NAACP WAS JEWISH SO KEEP EUPHEMIZING WITH INFOWARS TERMS LIKE GLOBALIST YOU CUCKED FAGGOT

ThePuppetShow ago

Get to making some babies then. Nobody is keeping you from having sex with a white girl. Your whole argument is retarded. You have to be a Shariablue shill. CTR pulled this nazi bullshit during the election and you're here to make us look like retards.

DonKeyhote ago

Ahem what part is retarded SIR, or will u just keep SJW Nazi crying. Nazi is a historical term, might as well call me luddite or something, NOBODY CARES ANYMORE

DonKeyhote ago

Your opinion means dick. Holocaust is red pill 101

star_boi ago

great info!! thank you! so tired of the trite anti-semitism thrown into pizzagate and other conspiracy forums.... they divide us to conquer us!

equineluvr ago

Weishaupt was JEWISH.

Jewsuits are JEWISH.

The Vatican is JEWISH.

Freemasons are JEWISH.

ThePuppetShow ago

You must be Jewish too. You claim everything and everyone is Jewish, enen with the proof in your face. Agenda much?

Cigarette5mokingman ago

The Vatican is not made up of exclusively jews, and neither are the freemasons. Take your kooky shit to a conspiracy forum.

equineluvr ago

"The Rothschilds aren't at the top of the food chain,"

NO, they are not. The families at the TOP of the food chain you have never heard of. They are not in newspapers, and their photos aren't on FB and Twitter.

“International finance and banking are NOT primarily ‘Jewish’. Many of the most powerful banking interests in the world are run by ‘Gentiles’.

You are repeating Phelps' and Unhived Mind DISINFO. They are ALL JEWS because of interbreeding/intermarriage (see below). Jews CREATED Catholicism and Christianity to mind-enslave the goyim and conquer the West.


The "Gentiles" in the Vatican are Tribe of Dan de facto Jews, cousins to Judah and their partners in crime. The Danites/Aryans have been interbreeding with Judah for MILLENNIA. That's why I call them de facto Jews.

DeathTooMasons ago

What are you going on about? The Rothschilds are one of the thriteen families. They ARE at the top of the food chain. Where are you getting this angle? "NO, they are not. The families at the TOP of the food chain you have never heard of. They are not in newspapers, and their photos aren't on FB and Twitter."...Then how do you know who they are or that THEY exist? Name them, or present your source that the Rothschilds and other 12 families ansewer to them. Interesting you are quick to shoo people away from Rothschilds. Look no further, they own all the central banks.

Shillaxe ago

Own the Banks, print the money & spends billions a year just so people don't figure it out.

fogdryer ago

I heard that also

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Google an image of Baron David René James de Rothschild! JA looks very similar to him!

Also to Eric Rothschild! Freaking vomit!

sore_ass_losers ago

"Sabbatian Frankist (named after the Black Pope’s baptized Jacob Frank),"

Whoa! Anyone know anything more about this? 'BP baptized JF"?

fogdryer ago

from our friend "Wisconsin is corrupt"

Sabbatian Frankist It is all connected, and we will dig into this further, but here are quite a few things that we do know if you can help connect more dots with the bigger Sabbatean Frankist illuminati picture. We know for certain that the Clintons have deep rooted connections to Racine, Wisconsin. We can expand in any number of ways on that if needed, but they are tied through Chuck Schumer and Knights of Pythias as well as John Podesta and Pilgrims Society, and many other connections. Racine is also tied to the RNC and John McCain (who we know through a close contact) through Paul Ryan and others This are just a few reasons why Racine is a main "Root". We also know for certain the Clintons aligned with Bruce Willis and Demi Moore along with others in Hollywood circles awhile ago, and they aligned with Ashton Kutcher who we know personally (his real name is Chris). The art, music, movie, media and tech industries are aligned through many of the same groups. We know they use Art in Embassies and other programs to assist in smuggling, and they create front groups to control both sides of every issue. The most recent is Ashton Kutcher, John McCain, the Clintons, the corrupt church, corrupt 'foundations', and corrupt law enforcement joining forces to create The Fight to End Exploitation. We also know Timothy Dolan personally, and know that he was groomed in another cesspool of St. Louis and moved to Milwaukee to cover up pedogate in the church. He is the real Black Pope. We have deep, well-founded concerns about Trump and our own government. Trump's campaign was given information well before Pizzagate ever started (as was Sanders campaign). Jill Stein was the only one to show a genuine level of concern, however she failed to fully comprehend the bigger picture and is misguided in her efforts which we can explain later. Loretta Lynch personally stopped RICO investigations in Racine that were connected to local, state, national and global racketeering networks that included the Clinton Foundation, Clinton Global Initiatives and other significant groups. The feds worked with corrupt law firms to kill local cases, and refused to investigate other overlapping cases that were clear cut cases of brazen criminal corruption among officials at all levels. We know with absolute certainty that Racine, Wisconsin enforcement is controlled and complicit to extreme levels of trafficking, abuse, murder, stalking, racketeering, and other nefarious activities among those involved. They use the mafia and gangs openly. Nothing is printed without consent of the handlers. What is happening in Racine is not only criminal corruption, but something much more evil and sinister that is linked to population control, mind control, open slavery, education and religious reform, industrial reform, community policing, racketeering, blackballing, extortion, blackmail, embezzlement, murder, trafficking, pedo and sexual deviation, and satanic ritual abuse. There are so many connections it is scary. Open pizza ovens at Bohemian camps, corrupt pedo Boy Scouts, freemasons, Knights of Pythias, Knights of Malta, Pilgrims Society, DHS connections, Rotary, Vaccine programs, Zika virus and mosquito test labs, some of this stuff may seem ridiculous on its own, but after seeing what these people are capable of and who is involved, you begin to understand how it is all connected. It is much too complex to summarize for most people, and we have something bigger in the works along with protection mechanisms, however when you know your own government is involved, there may be nothing that can be done. Here is an excerpt from a blog that we are concerned may be true about Trump. No one will investigate Racine, Wisconsin. Not the local, state or federal authorities. Not the media. No one. It is the most taboo subject in the world. We never wanted to have to tell everyone about Racine. We don't want a YouTube channel. We only want to be safe, and we are concerned that may not be possible when no one will understand how deep this goes. Demons, pedos and secret societies run Racine, they run Wisconsin, they run Pennsylvania, they run Arizona, they run Denver, DC and other hubs, they run Hollywood, and it appears they run America. Everyone ignores it, and the only option is to tell people the truth about little Racine hoping they will some day understand what a big role it plays in this global nightmare. Rabbi Marvin Antelman (193?-2014) deserves credit for exposing the origin of the modern Illuminati in a "heretical" Cabalist Jewish movement named after its progenitors Sabbatai Zvi (1626-1676) and Jacob Frank (1726-1791.) This mostly Jewish movement which includes Freemasons assumes the identity of the target population and subverts it from within. A Jewish authority, Gershom Scholem, describes them as "demonically possessed." They are the satanists behind Terror, Communism and the NWO. Trump is one. - See more at:

fogdryer ago


super smart guy. knows a lot we can ask him. he will answer

sore_ass_losers ago

The Jewish Encyclopedia (Vol. 2, p. 497) admits that: “It is a somewhat curious sequel to the attempt to set up a Catholic competitor to the Rothschilds that at the present time (1905) the latter are the guardians of the papal treasure.”<<

Just for emphasis!

ThePuppetShow ago

This is the admission the "blame all Jews" crew can't comprehend.

sore_ass_losers ago

Cool stuff. Many people think the Jesuits are the villains in the play. Others think its a deflection.

spacewitch ago

Who do you think are the true villains then?

sore_ass_losers ago

Sorry about the late reply. I haven't come to a conclusion yet.

Jobew1 ago

equineluvr ago

It's bullshit because the trail goes back much further. They have chosen to stop prematurely and deflect from the JEWISH perpetrators.

The Jews created the Vatican.

ThePuppetShow ago

Jews created the Vatican.

Got some proof for this bullshit deflection?

sore_ass_losers ago

"the trail goes back much further" - good argument.

ThePuppetShow ago

I find it hard to believe that molesting children and hogging wealth while lots of people are starving is a deflection.

shachalnur ago

Here some translation and background:

Me'ir Amshel Bauer changed his name twice.

First from "Bauer' to "Rothschild" around 1750,and later he changed his first name from "Me'ir" to "Mayer". in around 1802.

Symbolism and meaning of these words in German and Hebrew are important.

Bauer in German means Farmer or Builder,

Rothschild means Red Shield in Old German,and translates into Hebrew as "Magen Adom',and that means "Shield/protector of Adom/Edom/Red " Adom /Edom means 'Red"

Me'ír means Bright ,Enlightened in Hebrew.

Mayer means Leadsman or Mayor in German.

Amshel means "People of" in Hebrew.

So let's see what changed:

Me'ir Amshel Bauer-----"Bright/Enlightend one (of the People) of the Farmer/Builder."

Mayer Amshel Rothschild------"Leadsman of ( the People of ) the Shield/Protector of Edom"

So "Bright Farmer/Builder " became "Protector of Edom".

In Judaism the Edomites are very bad news,so Rothschild is hiding behind names and activities ,but are the real enemy of all Jews.

sore_ass_losers ago

Didn't realize you were the original poster. Thought you were arguing blame the Jesuits for everything, when in fact your OP blames the Rothschilds.

ThePuppetShow ago

It's actually blaming the Jesuits and showing that the Rothschilds work for them.

sore_ass_losers ago

Oh, are you saying all child molesters are Jesuits? In fact, is there any specific link between Jesuits and child molesting? Sounds like you have made up your mind.

Perhaps you misunderstood my comment. There are many people blame Jewish leaders, Zionists, Sabbatean/Frankists, OTO, royals, bankers, etc. etc. So if it's not actually the Jesuits (and I am not a fan of them), promoting that the Jesuits could be behind it could actually be a deflection. Frankly I don't know. Perhaps it's all of them. I posted on this thread because I wasn't aware of a Rothschild/Jesuit link.

What about any responsible person who 'hogs wealth' to provide for themselves in old age? Oh, gosh, people are starving. I think you are some kind of Marxist, very young person, Mr. Puppet.

spacewitch ago

What I know is a lot of politicians went to a jesuit school. I think it would be a good idea to make a list of all the elite people we know that went to a jesuit school. Some of those elite schools have been having rape or pedophilia scandals.

I know new french president Macron went to one, and started dating his teacher when he was officially 16, but probably 14 or less. They're married now but the persisting rumour says he's actually gay. One of the man linked to him, Matthieu Gallet, got the job of director of the n•1 public radio at 40, and was before that the "protégé" of several big media persons and politicians (all of them gay, one involved in pedophilia scandals as well) in France. I have sources for all of this, I need to make an article but it's all in french.

ThePuppetShow ago

What about any responsible person who 'hogs wealth' to provide for themselves in old age? Oh, gosh, people are starving. I think you are some kind of Marxist, very young person, Mr. Puppet.

They are supposed to be a house of God. Did Jesus approve of Romes money? Or, did he give it back to Ceaser?

"Give back to Caesar the things of Caesar, and to God the things of God."

BTW I'm a constitutionalist and was born in tge 70's

sore_ass_losers ago

Okay, I took your remark the wrong way then, sorry.

Mghorning ago

The Jesuits are death to civilization. See; liberation theology.

kestrel9 ago

You've nailed it.

fogdryer ago

Couldn't you have summarized that !

sore_ass_losers ago


equineluvr ago

Here's your summary:



ThePuppetShow ago

Bullshit with no proof once again from the shill and his multi accounts.

sore_ass_losers ago

He could have, but then we would have lost the finer points.

ThePuppetShow ago

I thought I did that in the title. Haha