pimpinainteasy ago

Some other useful articles on the educate-yourself website:

British Israel: The Hidden Hand Behind the 'The Kingdom of God on Earth' Deception http://educate-yourself.org/cn/britishisraelhiddenhand10jul05.shtml

Born Again Brainwashing http://educate-yourself.org/cn/fundamentalistbrainwashing06jun05.shtml

I'm sure that is going to piss off alot of the Religious Right posters here lol!

ThePuppetShow ago

None of it seems useful at all. Between the two articles we posted I would conclude it's a cluster fuck of a source.

pimpinainteasy ago

Seems like there is definitely a concerted effort by the Religious Right posters here to move the conversation from "Zionist" involvement to "Jesuits". There is a certainly a logical reason behind this.

Because if Zionism and Israel's role in Pedogate is exposed, then the Religious Right's involvement would be exposed as well, like I mentioned before in one of my own threads:


Which is not to say that "Jesuits" don't have any power.

But to ignore Zionist element (both Jews and "Christians") is a complete disservice and ultimately harmful to this investigation/research.

ThePuppetShow ago

Zion is a scam and you're getting hustled. How many alts do you have DonkeyHote?

pimpinainteasy ago

Lol I am certainly not DonkeyHote

ThePuppetShow ago

Well you came up with a retarded ass statement like he would so...

Seems like there is definitely a concerted effort by the Religious Right posters here to move the conversation from "Zionist" involvement to "Jesuits". There is a certainly a logical reason behind this.

So you think Christians would rather blame people who are supposed to be Christians than the Jews? Don't you see how retarded that sounds?

pimpinainteasy ago

What it comes to the Religious Right (or at least many in that movement), that is exactly what I think they would rather do. You might not, but it is most certainly true of some others.

The whole pro-Israel philosophy kinda hinges on it.

Although to those on the Left, they think you're all crazy and evil lol...

ThePuppetShow ago

Maybe Westboro Babtist, but that's probably just a CIA MK Ultra front. Like CNN.

I don't political gang bang. The left/right game is nothing but a divide and conquer technique.

pimpinainteasy ago

Eric Jon Phelps Exposed, Part 1

Smear Artist, Israeli Diamond Trader and "Jesuit" Expert


Eric Jon Phelps Exposed, Part 2 Putting Israel First, Promoting the Zionist Agenda


ThePuppetShow ago

Seems like a great source. The way they're playing both sides and all. Do you feel like you proved something?

new4now ago

I thought the same, makes you wonder though

pimpinainteasy ago

Here's Ken Adachi's (from http://educate-yourself.org website which is used authoritatively here) take on the whole "Jesuit" conspiracy thing. Even he, as a hardcore Christian, thinks it is full of horseshit lol...


Ken Adachi said (June 29, 2017):

I haven't read this book and I'm not a scholar or historian, but anyone can put anything to print in a book. It doesn't mean it's true. You can color a story in any direction desired to fit your intentions. The biggest problem here is accusation without substantiation. Where is the PROOF that the last 4 or 5 or 6 Popes were Freemasons? A photo of the man to become the current Pope is seen in a bus (or subway train) in Argentina reaching into his jacket when the picture was snapped and THAT proves he's a Freemason? A cropped photo (which excludes the husband standing nearby) of a beach scene showing Bishop Woytyla with a woman and a child being playful and affectionate with Woytyla does not prove, imply, or even HINT of anything illicit. We find out Malachi Martin was a Zionist plant AFTER he dies, not when he was bad mouthing the Vatican and Papacy during his many lurid interviews with Art Bell 10 or 15 years ago. Nowadays, you'll find that in practically every anti-NWO article or Youtube videos (or Youtube comment) the word "Jesuit" is linked to the names of Rothchild, Illuminati, the "Black Pope" etc., and characterized as top architects and planners of the NWO world takeover scheme without even a SMIDGEN of proof of ANY nefarious involvement whatsoever. Are we expected to accept the imaginary fantasies of a Zionist-hired gun like novelist Dan Brown, or that Zionist-hired stonemason-come-"scholar" Eric Jon Phelps as proof of anything?

The Catholic church is not the Pope, the Vatican, the College of Cardinals, or even the Bishops or Archbishops. It's the PEOPLE who go to church on Sunday and call themselves Catholics. It's the people who get married by a Catholic priest, have their kids baptized in church, go to confession and take communion on Sunday. Some are still able to send their kids to the rapidly-dwindling-in-number Catholic schools where they will receive an education that is FAR superior to the garbage that kids are fed in public schools. I don't know what is left of Catholic Charities today, but there was a time when the Catholic church aided and rescued millions of poor people in distress in America and around the world without fanfare or acclaim. THIS is the Catholic Church that is the foundation of Catholicism; the people who believe in the moral lessons explained in the catechism of their youth and carry that morality - and charity - forward into adult life.

The last time I checked, the Jesuit Order was involved in the profession of TEACHING in high schools and universities in America and abroad. If anyone has substantiated PROOF that they are training assassins, or were responsible for the planning and assassination of JFK, or are killing babies in Satanic rituals, or are raping children under the Vatican, or were behind the Bolshevik Revolution and the planned starvation of Ukrainian peasants in the 1930s, etc., etc., etc., then I'd love to see it and judge for myself of their guilt - according to the merits of their PROVEN transgressions.

Although many Progressives don't have any love for ANY kind of Christian denomination whatsoever, just FYI...

ThePuppetShow ago

This is from the same source...

Eric Jon Phelps ID's a "Roman Catholic Jesuit Temporal Coadjutor

Dear Brethren and Friends,

Ken Adachi, the Roman Catholic Jesuit Temporal Coadjutor, attacks both Greg Szymanski and myself as being "anti-Catholic." Adachi rightly attacks Zeitgeist and the denial that Jesus of Nazareth was in fact a bona fide person of history as per the works of Tacitus and Josephus. But he then claims to be a "Christian" which is totally false as no Roman Catholic who believes the Canon Law of the papacy can be considered a Christian in the Biblical Reformation New Testament sense of the word.

Edit: http://educate-yourself.org/cn/ericjonphelpsjesuittemporalcoadjutor26mar08.shtml

pimpinainteasy ago

And from that same link:

From: Ken Adachi pitari@peoplepc.com To: Eric Phelps eric@vaticanassassins.org Cc: Greg Szmanski arcticbeacon@earthlink.net; [email protected] Sent: Wednesday, March 26, 2008 2:03 PM Subject: Fw: KEN ADACHI ATTACKS PHELPS and SZYMANSKI..exposes HIMSELF AS a LIAR

Dear Brother Eric,

I don't know what a "Roman Catholic Jesuit Temporal Coadjutor" is , but I do know what a liar is. I also know that people who defame and slander other people in public can get sued for defamation of character.

I hope you got your facts straight my friend. We can talk about each other's work without going into overdrive. Perhaps you want to reconsider your choice of words.

Sincerely, Ken Adachi

Nice try though lol...

ThePuppetShow ago

So when JA threatened a lawsuit, you belived he was innocent at that point. Got it. I wasn't trying. LOL

Mbailey63 ago

Jews know they will have trouble in political office so they choose to move the dial with the media. All forms of media.

GeorgeHodelDidit ago

Jesuits are Jews....crypto Jews....but really they are just Satanist.......like the Pope......https://www.henrymakow.com/marranos_--_the_original_crypt.html by Henry Makow Ph.D.

After Christians took back Spain from the Moors in the 14th Century, they wanted "to root out all non-Catholic elements in the country and unite it under Catholic rule." (Prinz, The Secret Jews, p.25)

Jews had lived in Spain since the 4th Century BC and had prospered under the Moors. The Church demanded that the more than 400,000 Jews convert or leave. Because thousands had been massacred in anti-Jews riots of 1391, more than 250,000 Jews agreed to convert and became known as "conversos."

However, the Church soon realized it had made a fatal blunder. As you would expect, the majority of these converts were not sincere. These were called "Marranos" (pigs.) But now that they could pass as Christians, they were exempt from the taxes and restrictions that governed Jews. They were more influential and powerful than ever.

They intermarried with the nobility and rose to the highest ranks in government and the Church. The founder of the Jesuits, Ignatius of Loyola , was a converso, and so was his successor Diego Lainex. Most conversos practiced Judaism in secret and were considered "Judaizers."

The "Jews had invaded Spain from within...Judaism was not only incurable; it seemed to be invincible....rather than solving the "Jewish question" the mass conversions had created a new problem: a powerful middle class made up of secret Jews." (42)

The Marranos are the original model for the Freemasons and Communists. They pretended to belong to the target group. But, like Masons, they had handshakes to recognize each other and they met in secret at night to rehearse their subversive dogmas.

new4now ago

Benjamin Franklin

(This prophecy, by Benjamin Franklin, was made in a "CHIT CHAT AROUND THE TABLE DURING INTERMISSION," at the Philadelphia Constitutional Convention of 1787. This statement was recorded in the dairy of Charles Cotesworth Pinckney, a delegate from South Carolina.)

"I fully agree with General Washington, that we must protect this young nation from an insidious influence and impenetration. The menace, gentlemen, is the Jews. In whatever country Jews have settled in any great number, they have lowered its moral tone; depreciated its commercial integrity; have segregated themselves and have not been assimilated; have sneered at and tried to undermine the Christian religion upon which that nation is founded, by objecting to its restrictions; have built up a state within the state; and when opposed have tried to strangle that country to death financially, as in the case of Spain and Portugal. For over 1,700 years, the Jews have been bewailing their sad fate in that they have been exiled from their homeland, as they call Palestine. But gentlemen, did the world give it to them in fee simple, they would at once find some reason for not returning. Why? Because they are vampires, and vampires do not live on vampires. They cannot live only among themselves. They must subsist on Christians and other people not of their race. If you do not exclude them from these United States, in their Constitution, in less than 200 years they will have swarmed here in such great numbers that they will dominate and devour the land and change our form of government, for which we Americans have shed our blood, given our lives our substance and jeopardized our liberty. If you do not exclude them, in less than 200 years our descendants will be working in the fields to furnish them substance, while they will be in the counting houses rubbing their hands. I warn you, gentlemen, if you do not exclude Jews for all time, your children will curse you in your graves. Jews, gentlemen, are Asiatics, let them be born where they will nor how many generations they are away from Asia, they will never be otherwise. Their ideas do not conform to an American's, and will not even thou they live among us ten generations. A leopard cannot change its spots. Jews are Asiatics, are a menace to this country if permitted entrance, and should be excluded by this Constitutional Convention."

Benjamin Franklin

GeorgeHodelDidit ago

So you see......the Jesuits are fake Christians.....the Jew is a creature of stealth....they infiltrate everything.....the evil we all face....is not the Jesuits....or the Masons....it is the Sabbetean Frankist Jew......the other organizations are controlled at the top by.........jews.

Narcissism ago

Aviv Nevo was the old majority shareholder in Time Warner. He used to pay a PR agency millions a year to make sure he got NO publicity.

9874957? ago

Where does ABC fit in?

Jobew1 ago

seems odd these jesuits would allow so much coverage of the catholic pedo scandals over the past 15 to 20 years. also odd that attendance at jesuit universities like georgetown for 4 years would make one a jesuit despite ethnicity and or religion. . im not trying to be a 'shill', but i think blaming all the media suppression of p/g on jesuits is almost as over simplistic as what you claim the shills are doing

pimpinainteasy ago

Exactly what I was thinking, lol.

If the Jesuits were in control, they are doing a PISS-POOR job of it lmao!

Especially considering you don't see anywhere near the amount of media attention paid to scandals in Jewish and Protestant communities. Or any other religion for that matter.

Jobew1 ago

Arguably there has been coverage of non catholic christian scandals such as faldwell, jim bakker, ted haggard etc. Islam villified in every way too

ThePuppetShow ago

Same story...

National Amusements Inc - Owner - Sumner Redstone

Claims they changed their name from a Jewish name and attended Georgetown law a Jesuit school.

Redstone attended the Boston Latin School, from which he graduated first in his class. In 1944, he graduated from Harvard College,[3] where he completed the studies for his baccalaureate in three years. Later, Redstone served as First Lieutenant in the United States Army during World War II[3] with a team that decoded Japanese messages.[7] After his military service, he worked in Washington, D.C., and attended Georgetown University Law Center. He transferred to Harvard Law School and received his law degree in 1947.


Jobew1 ago

? Even wiki says Sumner changed his name. Sumner owns viacom by the way. Also the disney you mention died in 09 and only owned 1%. Theres also several key players in several companies you left out. But anyway again hard to buy its a all a jesuit conspiracy n they "own" the media from this though some good info is posted for further research

ThePuppetShow ago

Of course Wikipedia says what they want you to hear. Are you certain they weren't part of operation paperclip?

Blacksmith21 ago


This post warrants a flair for more work. This is some good stuff here. It could use all the eyeballs available.

Vindicator ago

I'm sorry, Blacksmith, I can't in good conscience give a positive flair to this post at this time; it contains WAY too many factual errors. I will give it an "Accuracy in Question" flair, though, for the time being. Someone can ping me to remove it if the original post is edited.

Also, every major claim needs to be linked to supporting source material; saying something was proven in a previous thread is not adequate.

Finally, there doesn't seem to be a clear understanding of what the term "Jesuit" actually means. This needs to be clearly defined, with supporting links. It is currently being used in a similar way as "crypto Jews" -- in a loosey goosey shilly willy manner that will just continue to debunk Pizzagate for the 11 million alumni of Jesuit schools worldwide.

ThePuppetShow ago

@Vindicator I took out stanford and linked everything I could, out of characters. Can you remove that BS now? It's all accurate and I didn't make any statements about a Jesuit conspiracy in the OP.

Vindicator ago

PuppetShow, your entire post is designed to paint a picture of a Jesuit conspiracy. The vast majority of your claims have NO linked support whatsoever. You still list all of the other non-Jesuit schools as Jesuit that were pointed out to you by @2Impendingdoom. Then, there are the numerous false claims I documented in my other comment.

So no, I will not remove the flair. In fact, I am going to leave it up and upvoat you so that everyone can see the narrative you are pushing.

ThePuppetShow ago

I was trying to find a more solid connection than just a conspiracy theory for the discrepancies @2Impendingdoom *brought up. I've been busy IRL and haven't had time until a few hours ago. I failed and now they're removed, as I said I would do in my reply to 2Impendingdoom. I also removed all the stuff you requested. You trying to label me a shill is interesting.


2impendingdoom ago

I wasn't trying to label you as a shill, not at all. I do think there is super shady business at Georgetown. I have family members and many acquaintances that have attended other jesuit schools so its not a clear connection that Jesuit education automatically equals pedophile, these colleges graduate many thousand students every year, so its unreasonable to assume that all those people are pedophile elite. This doesn't mean that the people running the media are not culpable. I think that the media is cia (opereation mockingbird) , and that's a connection or corrupt path and that maybe Georgetown is both cia and jesuit, it definitely needs to be looked into further. I was out most of today so I haven't been keeping up on today's issues or here calling you shill, Its a good post, maybe just needs more research to refine the parameters.

ThePuppetShow ago

Vindicator is, not you.

Edit: I honestly appreciated your comment.

2impendingdoom ago

I've been out and haven't read the other comments yet. but I think you raise interesting points. The jesuit issue may be part of the catholic church pedo business, and the media cabal is cia business and you are highlighting where those paths have crossed.

ThePuppetShow ago

Can you please point out the "WAY too many factual errors"? I would like to fix it to have the flair removed.

Stanford is definately in question. Other than that...??

Vindicator ago

  • Skull and Bones/Yale is not Jesuit, or even Catholic.
  • St. John's University is not Jesuit.
  • The Knights of Malta are not a "Vatican military order that has been called 'the Pope's militia', since it's founding". They were founded in the 11th century as a hospital for pilgrims on the way to see the places where Jesus lived and died and only became a military order when Muslims overran the traditionally Christian Holy Land, to protect religious travelers from being captured and enslaved. These days...

The order employs about 25,000 doctors, nurses, auxiliaries and paramedics assisted by 80,000 volunteers in more than 120 countries,[3] assisting children, homeless, handicapped, refugeed, elders, terminally ill and lepers around the world without distinction of ethnicity or religion.[3] Through its worldwide relief corps, Malteser International, the order aids victims of natural disasters, epidemics and war. In several countries, including France, Germany and Ireland, local associations of the order are important providers of medical emergency services and training.

  • Your embedded link about Schwartzman does not accurately represent the linked content.
  • The State University of New York at Stony Brook is not a Jesuit school; it's a state college.

I'm sure if I combed through every line of this I would find many more false claims. Just the amount of vetting I've done so far has led me to believe this is part of a larger disinfo scapegoating campaign, there is so much bullshit and unsourced smearing and innuendo throughout this post.

ThePuppetShow ago

@Vindicator Ok.. I removed everything conspiracy theory related.

I'm sure if I combed through every line of this I would find many more false claims. Just the amount of vetting I've done so far has led me to believe this is part of a larger disinfo scapegoating campaign, there is so much bullshit and unsourced smearing and innuendo throughout this post.

Seriously? I'm not here to spread any kind of disinformation. This is a very interesting comment.

Vindicator ago

I'm glad to hear you are not, PuppetShow. I was surprised to see this amount of unsourced, error-riddled stuff from you.

Blacksmith21 ago

Don't forget this morsel:

The scientific brain trust involved in the founding of the CIA, post-OSS, included a whole mess of Nazis.

But yet, look at who ran the CIA during the last administration...not Jews:

Michael Hayden, May 30, 2006 – February 12, 2009 - Catholic, Duquesne (Jesuit sect founded)

Leon Panetta, February 13, 2009 – June 30, 2011 - Catholic, Santa Clara University

Michael Morell, July 1, 2011 – September 6, 2011 - Catholic, Georgetown

David Petraeus, September 6, 2011 – November 9, 2012 - Religion unknown, USMA, fired by Obama after being setup for sharing his notes and screwing his biographer.

Michael Morell, November 9, 2012 – March 8, 2013 - Catholic (as above)

John Brennan, March 8, 2013 – January 20, 2017 - Catholic convert to Islam, Fordham (Jesuit)

Mike Pompeo, January 20, 2017 - Religion unknown, USMA, first D/CIA appointed by POTUS.

Blacksmith21 ago

Get your facts straight. Petraeus did NOT got to Georgetown:

For his past and ongoing intellectual and practical contributions to society, and his lifetime of public service to the United States as both a citizen and a soldier – General Petraeus has received the prestigious Princeton University Madison Medal, the American Enterprise Institute Irving Kristol Award, the National Committee on Foreign Policy George Kennan Award, the Royal United Services Institute Chesney Gold Medal, the OSS Society William Donovan Award, the Hudson Institute James Doolittle Award, and numerous others.


Mad_As_Hell ago

"[Petraeus] later served as Assistant Professor of International Relations at the United States Military Academy and also completed a fellowship at Georgetown University." https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Petraeus


Blacksmith21 ago

I stand corrected on that issue. I generally do not use Wiki as a source. His bio from Washington Speakers Bureau makes no mention, nor do other primary sources.

That being said, keep in mind, these schools DO produce normal people. Petraeus attended the school well into adulthood and long past any age you would want to indoctrinate someone. And, if he were "on the inside", he wouldn't have been set up and left in shame.

Mad_As_Hell ago

Sure, just noting the connection, not casting aspersions on his character.

ThePuppetShow ago

Definately will not forget this! Great work!

2impendingdoom ago

whoa, didn't know that Brennan converted to islam, interesting.

Blacksmith21 ago

It's a debated subject, but I have word from a couple of folks on the inside that the rumor is true. Sounds a bit like Homeland, huh?

2impendingdoom ago

yes, I find people who convert religions as adult curious. I mean if your first religion wasn't okay, how do you expect a second one to be better? except buddhism which focuses on behavior over deity, but at that point, why even bother? I think it was weird that Tony Blair converted to Catholic too.

Blacksmith21 ago

Excellent work. Donkeyhole is going to need some preparation H. Master is breaking out the big boy tonight formletting this one slip past he goalie.

Between my review of recent D/CIA and now this post on heads of media, it's becoming pretty clear, especially through Occam's Razor, what we are looking at here.

There seems to be a preponderance of Jesuits everywhere kid touching and bad why goes on. Plus a few useful Jews to boot. And useful Christians, etc.

ThePuppetShow ago

@Jem777 has been killing it too.

Blacksmith21 ago

Yes she has. There have been some solid breakthroughs in the last several days.

Mad_As_Hell ago

Excellent post. It would be interesting to look at Jesuit connections in politics and lower tier journalism also, not just in the US but globally e.g. Macron met his wife (🤢) while attending a Jesuit highschool. Georgetown seems to be a hotbed for some reason.

DonKeyhote ago



20Justice4All17 ago

You reveal yourself and your motives more and more every day. You sound like a man close to death.

DonKeyhote ago

Shut your fucking mouth you slob cunt. Anyone who hasnt contributed original research should STFU YOU ARE NOT MY EQUAL

20Justice4All17 ago

You have done no original research. I have heard the drivel you type for over 15 years. You are the herpes of this board. You are the shill of all shills. You sound like John Podesta and his boyfriend James Alefantis

Blacksmith21 ago

Not a man. Manchild. A puppet. DonkeyHole knows the jig is almost up.

seekingpeace ago

In the US, most of the media are owned by corporations and are strictly commercial entities. Is that problematic? Yes but it's not as important as the lack of media regulation. Although the FCC is tasked with the regulation and control of traditional broadcasters, the reality is it has relatively little power to control the media.

This is not the case in Britain and Australia where there are more detailed guidelines on public ethos, journalistic guidelines and public oversight.

Judgejewdy ago

Ha. They're all the same.

2impendingdoom ago

Many of the schools you cite are not Jesuit.

Here is a list of the 28 Jesuit colleges in the US. I took the list from wikipedia but it is also on their own website. So Stanford, U Penn, Stoneybrook, Stoneyhurst, Rutgers (public NJ college), Yale, Harvard, even St John's is not Jesuit. I think Brigham Young is a mormon school.

But Georgetown, there is definitely something going on there with pedos, especially Georgetown Law.

  • Boston College, Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts
  • Boston College School of Theology and Ministry, Brighton, Massachusetts
  • Canisius College, Buffalo, New York
  • College of the Holy Cross, Worcester, Massachusetts
  • Creighton University, Omaha, Nebraska
  • Fairfield University, Fairfield, Connecticut
  • Fordham University, New York City
  • Georgetown University, Washington, D.C.
  • Gonzaga University, Spokane, Washington
  • Jesuit School of Theology of Santa Clara University, Berkeley, California
  • John Carroll University, University Heights, Ohio
  • Le Moyne College, Syracuse, New York
  • Loyola Marymount University, Los Angeles, California
  • Loyola University Chicago, Chicago, Illinois
  • Loyola University Maryland, Baltimore, Maryland
  • Loyola University New Orleans, New Orleans, Louisiana
  • Marquette University, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
  • Regis University, Denver, Colorado
  • Rockhurst University, Kansas City, Missouri
  • Saint Joseph's University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
  • Saint Louis University, St. Louis, Missouri
  • Saint Peter's University, Jersey City, New Jersey
  • Santa Clara University, Santa Clara, California
  • Seattle University, Seattle, Washington
  • Spring Hill College, Mobile, Alabama
  • University of Detroit Mercy, Detroit, Michigan
  • University of San Francisco, San Francisco, California
  • University of Scranton, Scranton, Pennsylvania
  • Wheeling Jesuit University, Wheeling, West Virginia
  • Xavier University, Cincinnati, Ohio

Jobew1 ago

Because this article is getting much positive feedback, i'd like to put forth the below information for consideration. I'll say though that there are some descent connections mentioned in the OP that warrants further investigation and which weighs against simply saying that one faction is controlling the media. I apologize to the post i'm responding to because this isn't really responsive-- i just clicked on it to hopefully be placed up on the list so people can see.

The first link is to a long time and imo very good researcher who died relatively pretty young (and there are some questions about his death) and his podcast on the very question of who owns/controls mass media (mostly in the us) - note it's about 5 years or so old: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O4AQ9wE8bz4&t=3315s

The next link is the following story reported in the mainstream press and to me it raises the questions of a) why would the cnn insider make the joke/implied statement in the first place if there weren't truth to it? and b) why was he immediately fired for the statement? http://www.newsweek.com/cnns-rick-sanchez-fired-after-implying-jews-run-media-calling-jon-stewart-bigot-214528

I don't really care if i get downvoated or called out. I'm also not really looking to debate the topic too much. I just want to get another perspective since the op is trying to make pretty definitive statements on some 'ok' info (couple probs i can mention off the top of my head: key players at various co's aren't mentioned maybe cuz they don't fit the narrative and it defies some logic to think that going to a 4 yr college somehow makes even non-catholics part of a jesuit conspiracy to control all us media). the truth may be somewhere in the middle or maybe more likely both are just part of a larger 'powres that be' structure. btw, this info is calling out zionists and those that hide behind Judaism, not Jewish people as a whole

huhu11 ago

Very good illustration of Who controls media? http://imgur.com/a/DDoad

Blacksmith21 ago

I've found multiple errors on spot checking the chart. Very, very suspect claims.

Dressage2 ago

Georgetown Law definitely seems suspect of something nefarious. I almost laugh when researching some evil person and bam! They went to Georgetown!

2impendingdoom ago

yes, yes, and yes. There must be a major in Pedophila with classes in how to groom children, how to hide crimes, and how to find a corrupt banker to hide your stash of stolen cash.

Mad_As_Hell ago

Comprehensive list of Georgetown alumni here, amazing the number of PG/globalist connections https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Georgetown_University_alumni

2impendingdoom ago

yikes, that list!!! OMFG.

ThePuppetShow ago

So Stanford, U Penn, Stoneybrook, Stoneyhurst, Rutgers (public NJ college), Yale, Harvard, even St John's is not Jesuit.

With Stanford I went off memory of.it.being established by Jesuits, if I can't find a reasonable source I'll change it.

Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. is the one we need to hope isn't, so that's good news. Trump went there too.

Stonyhurst College is a coeducational Roman Catholic independent school, adhering to the Jesuit tradition. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stonyhurst_College

St. John's is a Catholic and Vincentian university that prepares students for personal and professional success in today's global society. http://www.stjohns.edu/

Skull & Bones at Yale is a Jesuit org.

With Rutgers I was more trying to prove there's no Jew connection.

DonKeyhote ago


FuckNazis ago

Aw, poor little Nazi can't compete with mean Jews. Grow a pair, bitch.

ThePuppetShow ago

Now you know who their bosses are.

DonKeyhote ago


ThePuppetShow ago


ThePuppetShow ago

I learned much from the Order of the Jesuits", said Hitler... "Until now, there has never been anything more grandiose, on the earth, than the hierarchical organization of the Catholic Church. I transferred much of this organization into my own party... I am going to let you in on a secret... I am founding an Order... In my "Burgs" of the Order, we will raise up a youth which will make the world tremble... Hitler then stopped, saying that he couldn't say any more..

Manfred Barthel, "The Jesuits: History and Legend of the Society of Jesus (New York, 1984), Adolf Hitler, p.266.

DonKeyhote ago

So hitler wanted to exterminate the jews, who are Jesuit puppets like he was? Huh?

ThePuppetShow ago

... I am founding an Order... In my "Burgs" of the Order, we will raise up a youth which will make the world tremble... Hitler then stopped, saying that he couldn't say any more..

DonKeyhote ago

Sounds awesome.

Blacksmith21 ago

Hitler was a Jew dumbass.

2impendingdoom ago

cool, I was just going by the Jesuit's own website. Obviously there are a lot of other Catholic colleges that aren't Jesuit based.

The important thing is that the people in power are using ritual sex, pedo and child abuse for blackmail or other bondingprotection/promotion of their own elite class for their own self interests. Not everyone who goes to these schools are pedos and clearly you are going to have pedos from other non-jesuit schools.

ThePuppetShow ago

I'm looking for facts too, thanks for questioning it.

9873579? ago

Do not have anything to add but:

I had to I had to

Comment: What an Outstanding Post. So many thanks to you.

bopper ago

A&E is owned by Hearst, which we've already seen is run by the Vatican's Knights of Malta.

There's a neat clip (interview) of an old mobster who tells about meeting w/ Hearst who wanted him to kill Patty. It's very interesting. He said no and stole Hearst's money anyway.

2impendingdoom ago

are you saying that Hearst wanted his own daughter wacked?

bopper ago

are you saying that Hearst wanted his own daughter wacked?


Joe10jo ago

@bopper, interesting! Thanks for sharing cause I'll def read up on it.

bopper ago

Sure, it's on youtube. It's a great story and I believe the guy.

SoldierofLight ago

I'd like to see it to, but am not finding it. If you have a link, would you please post it? TIA

bopper ago


Part one (short), poor volume


Part two (short), poor volume, from beginning to about three minutes in


Hearst had hired a psychic who told him Patty was in Cuba.

There's another one of his meeting Ruby at Ruby's club to obtain fake ID's from Ruby. They were associates.

SoldierofLight ago

Thanks, bopper!

bopper ago

You're welcome : )

2impendingdoom ago

thanks, I will check these out.

darkknight111 ago

I just made a thread looking at last night's attack saying we should look at the Jesuits and the Knights of Malta.

Requesting Important flaring. Upvoat for you.

Everyone, get in here.

Jimmycog ago

If the congress had any chonies they would break up the media.

Raz0r_ ago

Unfortunately most congressmen and senators are probably owned by said media companies