garouwarrior ago

A thread that desperately needed to be made. Too bad there aren't more liberals/leftists on the Pizzagate subverse, or even Voat for that matter. Thread would get more traffic.

pizzagate3456 ago

Progressives and liberals are the people covering up pizzagate and the seth rich conspiracy. Screw them

pimpinainteasy ago

Leftists are more likely to care for ALL children, not just White European Christian ones.

If the Pizzagate scandal had started with Republican officials, this would be a totally different story.

pizzagate3456 ago

not true, most of us here talk about and expose the franklin coverup, which involved republicans

pimpinainteasy ago

As I mentioned before, I am definitely in the minority among Progressives in liking religion and believing in the existence of Satanic abuse.

From the comments I read from on a left-wing website regarding the "After School Satan" program, many liberals consider Christians (particularly right-wing) as evil as the Satanists!

Many even think that Roman emperors feeding Christians to the lions back in the day was not such a bad idea!!!

To many of them, it is a debate on who they think is a bigger threat to the nation: the Religious Right or the Alt-right (white nationalists/Nazis).

10000-20000 ago

really we will need the religious right and the white nationalists to save this country

HollandDrive ago

What's a "progressive" anymore?

pimpinainteasy ago

Someone who is:

*Against war *Promotes the needs of poor and downtrodden *Advocates for all peoples (not just White European Protestants)

Basically the opposite of many American conservatives nowadays

kestrel9 ago

Globalist Progressives are hard core communists and hate anything that stands in their way of controlling people.

pimpinainteasy ago

Better a communist than a fascist, IMHO.

10000-20000 ago

good, when the left hates something your probably doing it right