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Blacksmith21 ago


This post warrants a flair for more work. This is some good stuff here. It could use all the eyeballs available.

Vindicator ago

I'm sorry, Blacksmith, I can't in good conscience give a positive flair to this post at this time; it contains WAY too many factual errors. I will give it an "Accuracy in Question" flair, though, for the time being. Someone can ping me to remove it if the original post is edited.

Also, every major claim needs to be linked to supporting source material; saying something was proven in a previous thread is not adequate.

Finally, there doesn't seem to be a clear understanding of what the term "Jesuit" actually means. This needs to be clearly defined, with supporting links. It is currently being used in a similar way as "crypto Jews" -- in a loosey goosey shilly willy manner that will just continue to debunk Pizzagate for the 11 million alumni of Jesuit schools worldwide.

ThePuppetShow ago

Can you please point out the "WAY too many factual errors"? I would like to fix it to have the flair removed.

Stanford is definately in question. Other than that...??

Vindicator ago

  • Skull and Bones/Yale is not Jesuit, or even Catholic.
  • St. John's University is not Jesuit.
  • The Knights of Malta are not a "Vatican military order that has been called 'the Pope's militia', since it's founding". They were founded in the 11th century as a hospital for pilgrims on the way to see the places where Jesus lived and died and only became a military order when Muslims overran the traditionally Christian Holy Land, to protect religious travelers from being captured and enslaved. These days...

The order employs about 25,000 doctors, nurses, auxiliaries and paramedics assisted by 80,000 volunteers in more than 120 countries,[3] assisting children, homeless, handicapped, refugeed, elders, terminally ill and lepers around the world without distinction of ethnicity or religion.[3] Through its worldwide relief corps, Malteser International, the order aids victims of natural disasters, epidemics and war. In several countries, including France, Germany and Ireland, local associations of the order are important providers of medical emergency services and training.

  • Your embedded link about Schwartzman does not accurately represent the linked content.
  • The State University of New York at Stony Brook is not a Jesuit school; it's a state college.

I'm sure if I combed through every line of this I would find many more false claims. Just the amount of vetting I've done so far has led me to believe this is part of a larger disinfo scapegoating campaign, there is so much bullshit and unsourced smearing and innuendo throughout this post.

ThePuppetShow ago

@Vindicator Ok.. I removed everything conspiracy theory related.

I'm sure if I combed through every line of this I would find many more false claims. Just the amount of vetting I've done so far has led me to believe this is part of a larger disinfo scapegoating campaign, there is so much bullshit and unsourced smearing and innuendo throughout this post.

Seriously? I'm not here to spread any kind of disinformation. This is a very interesting comment.

Vindicator ago

I'm glad to hear you are not, PuppetShow. I was surprised to see this amount of unsourced, error-riddled stuff from you.