Crensch ago

As with above, I'm more than happy to discuss this with anyone over on /v/pizzagatemods

srayzie ago

Aaaaannnnddd Deleted. This was posted by Equineluvr. He's trying to turn people off to this sub. Be aware.

equineluvr ago

Can you even read, retard? I didn't utter the statements -- a MOD did.

So take it up with that MOD.

srayzie ago

You went and posted to the mods how me and a bunch of others are shills. Just because you are going down, you don't need to try to ruin this sub.

srayzie ago

You're the one who made this damn post! Do you want me to share that screenshot too?!

Vindicator ago

@equineluvr: This BS is exactly why we have v/pizzagatmods for these non research, deliberately misinformative posts. You know our submission rules. Yet you posted this anyway. So in addition to removing this, I am giving you one and only one warning. I will ban you from submitting here if you cant respect the guidelines. Removing per Rule 4.

equineluvr ago

"So in addition to removing this, I am giving you one and only one warning. I will ban you from submitting here if you cant respect the guidelines."

You act as though I'm a frequent offender, which you know is not the case.

No, it is obvious you didn't like the content of this post. Again, I didn't utter the statements. If the mods here don't want everyone to see what they really think of us here, then maybe they shouldn't post those kinds of comments in a STICKY.

srayzie ago

You act as though I'm a frequent offender, which you know is not the case

Wow. He's not an idiot. He see's it like everyone else has. 🤣

Vindicator ago

If I thought you were a frequent offender, I would have banned you already. Many are eager for that. Post it in the proper sub and set a good example.

srayzie ago

Thank you! He's obviously taking his shilling to the next level. He's trying to turn people off from even being here now. I'm new to forums and all. This is just tripping me out.

Tanngrisnir ago

If so we go to Steemit. If you are trying to scare us you are doing a shitty job.

equineluvr ago

"Scare" you? Are you that big of a pussy?

I didn't make the statements, retard. They were POSTED IN A STICKY FOR ALL TO SEE. So, direct your stupid message to the perp, Crensch.

srayzie ago

equineluvr ago

Yes, summon your army of sheep retards for support. :)

srayzie ago

I proved yesterday that you and DONKEYHOTE are the same person

Now that you have been caught, you want to try to bring this whole sub down. If you don't like it here, LEAVE. THE ONLY REASON that you are making this post, is to turn people away from Pizzagate. You would only be this desperate if you were a paid shill. All "keyhote" alts are yours too. You are a danger to this sub.

@carmencita @Jem777 @dressage2 @2impendingdoom @vindicator

carmencita ago

I said in the comments that someone told me that a member had down voated 9032 comments. Mind you I never said who that was. I immediately received a reply from guess who. Hmm. Wonder who that could be. S/he outed themselves to me. So while we are here to try and save our children 👶 some are here to voat us down. Mind you I did not mention any names.

srayzie ago

How does someone downvoted 9032 comments? I'm not really sure what you mean. Feel free to DM me.

equineluvr ago

Lame-assed try, Crayzie. You haven't confirmed SHIT because you lack the cognitive ability to connect dots. (That function requires brain cells.)

Yes, by all means summon your support system of fellow retarded sheep. You need all the help you can get! LMAO!!

srayzie ago

I think the dots are connected you sick freak. It's not difficult to see.

Now you are Amino69 too? My goodness, you are a weird little man.

Dressage2 ago

Wow! 💥💥👍🏻

10325159? ago

lmao it was really obvious yesterday when both of them were commenting the usual caps locks and "U FAGGIT" at me, but never at the same time, always took his dumbass a minute to switch back and forth

equineluvr ago

Anyone with BRAINS who has studied our posting styles KNOWS we are two different people, two different generations, etc.


10328988? ago

we are two different people, two different generations

lmao why, just cause you say so? it doesn't even matter how true that is because you have no ethos around here and no one likes you or cares what either of you have to say.

srayzie ago

lol he's messed up a lot lately! I've caught him a few times this week. He must be losing it! He's working overtime too much. He's a freak!

10325200? ago

he's really, really not good at this. says too much and makes it easy to recognize his linguistic patterns. keeps posting replies under the wrong alts. must be going senile.

srayzie ago

Right?! All his alts have severe anger issues too 🙄

PearlescentPod ago

EquineLuvr is MF, is that ethical? @DeathTooMasons

equineluvr ago


My god, with "stellar" intellect like that NO WONDER this research hasn't gone anywhere!!

kazza64 ago

shill party

argosciv ago

get back to work, nothing to see here! let others handle it


VersaillesAustro ago

EquineLuvr and Amino69 are the same person talking to themselves... Is this normal?

Amino69 ago

Oh dear oh dear, so I have now been swept up in this paranoia tornado?! I may happen to share some opinions with some of the less palatable voaters but I can assure you I am very much a separate entity and an honest one at that.

srayzie ago

Looks like it.

equineluvr ago

You are retarded, ergo your opinion is MOOT.

srayzie ago

Amino69 too? Wow. Look at what I posted. He's much more than that. He's weird!

equineluvr ago

Yes, Crayzie -- According to you, EVERYONE here with a different opinion is a "shill." Some of us WITNESSED FIRSTHAND your "shill" accusation hurled at innocent posters -- which is WHY and HOW you got your "Crayzie" label to begin with. :)

argosciv ago

Crensch ago

Thank you for the ping!

DeathTooMasons ago

The mods need to go bye bye. Pull the sweeper and gut the entire compromised pedo mod crew. Start with Vindicator and MF and sweep sweep sweep um out the door. We broke abrotionburger, now we need to clean up the rest of the trash.

equineluvr ago

I can't believe MF has been a mod here as long as he has. He should have been canned ages ago.

Crensch ago

So far the best you've all come up with is "MF didn't tell me why my shit was deleted". Fucking sissy clowns.


gamepwn ago

Something is wrong with Crensch. He's a piece of shit

Crensch ago

By all means, make a post in /v/pizzagatemods about me or something. I'll be happy to discuss this with you to your heart's desire.

equineluvr ago

Wow! That's a helluva way for a mod to address a poster!!! Thanks for posting that.

As noted below, at least one poster here believes that Crensch = MF. It IS interesting that Crensch vigorously defended MF in the sticky thread, so there's evidence that Crensch is perhaps an MF sock. The jury is still out for me; I don't even know HOW that poster arrived at that conclusion. If I learn something interesting I'll come back and post it here.

Narcissism ago

Crensch > Narcissism | Sent: 8 months ago

Narcissism: The reason #Pizzagate will go NOWHERE (like the 9/11 truth movement) is precisely because of the outlook you display. Instead of including others - regardless of whether you may agree with them or not - you seek to EXCLUDE.

Crensch > I reject the assertion that you have any idea of why something like this will fail or will not. Yes, of course, let's just open the flood gates to any stupid idea that is X degrees of separation from both PG and reality because YOU say so. /s

Narcissism: Its this Neurotypical inflexibility of mind that is always the seed of the movements disintegration. All the Elite need to do is sit back and ride out the storm, simple as that.... :)

Crensch > Right, because flooding the place with disinformation like your bullshit wouldn't be one of their tactics. At least get paid for your bullshit.

gamepwn ago

Right? That was one of the most inappropriate, immature, and disgusting ways of response I have ever seen on any forum. This guy who opened a new thread grossed out about the more vile content on Voat I told him about the mods and linked to that response and he's not even going to return to the site. They are driving people away.

equineluvr ago

Pedo(s) is my #1 suspicion.

Who else would be more motivated to perform this inside job?

Amino69 ago

Not 'going', GONE! This place has been fubar'd for a good while and the investigation is in stasis. The main issue is the schism between those who still believe the narrative of Pizzagate and those who now see it as a grand psy-op. This discrepancy among the already cynical community has contributed hugely to the drop in motivation to research the existing leads and any new related lines of enquiry. On top of that we have a daily barrage of celebrity gos effluent and other tenuous entries that the now quite blatant mod shill MF chooses to permit. I am of the opinion that something is only worth sharing if it genuinely requires the attention of the community and can progress the efforts in bringing about an arrest or forced acknowledgement by the MSM and authorities. If not then wtf is the point in all this TMZ crap? It only serves to humiliate and trivialise the subverse and those who contribute to it.

It's patently clear to any objective observer that there will be no action taken by TPTB (inc Drumpf) to investigate and prosecute itself. The sentiment that we're riding a dead horse might be an over reaction for now but it's sure beginning to feel that way.

srayzie ago


equineluvr ago

Superb summary, Amino69. Thanks for sharing your thoughts, many of which I have echoed here in the past.

"It's patently clear to any objective observer that there will be no action taken by TPTB (inc Drumpf) to investigate and prosecute itself."

Yes, that is the BOTTOM LINE and should have been obvious from the gitgo -- OF COURSE the "elites" aren't going to charge themselves! There are still shills (e.g., LALA Trump) here insisting otherwise and instilling FALSE HOPE in people, however. Some of us had already been through the "shock" of having our idealistic views shattered; for me it was during Franklin in the late 1980s.

All that said, it IS interesting to see the spiteful comments straight from a mod's mouth. Even without the schism and degradation of quality you cited, this place was doomed anyway. What a shame.

srayzie ago

Wow, you are talking to yourself again. But to another profile?! You are either one of the weirdest people I know, or you are getting paid by Soros!

PearlescentPod ago

I prefer your other personalities better.

equineluvr ago

This is my only personality, you idiot.

DeathTooMasons ago

If you are red pilled, you wouldn't think for a second that they would arrest themselves. They didn't jail themselves for 9/11 treason and they won't start now. With that said, keep sharing PG info be it Pizzagate or Pedogate and whatever happens happens. Once again, close your bank account, cancel your cable and don't buy movie tickets. Defund the beast.

equineluvr ago

It's advisable to begin ARCHIVING important info from here if you haven't already done so.

PearlescentPod ago

Google archives in cache even when deleted but yeah back it up.

DeanKeyhote ago

Thats fucking awesome. If we are the most hated sub then i am the most hated member OF THE SITE LOL, and I'm still 100% right about PG

DeathTooMasons ago

Well no, you are working for "them". So they apreciate you. We wouldn't notice or care if you were never heard from again.

EyeOfHorus ago

My favorite jew hating part jew pizzagater knows how to make lemonade out of lemons. I love you man .... no gay.

Speaking of which, is President Trump a George Soros shill?

PearlescentPod ago

You are disgusting and don't deserve Eye Of Horus which is Jewish.

EyeOfHorus ago

Only a masonic or Illuminati "Jew" would be brainwashed into thinking Horus is jewish. You've unmasked yourself. If your cult steals religious symbols... so can eye.

equineluvr ago

^^ J alert!!

equineluvr ago

Received this PM from a PG-baned poster whose ID I shall not divulge -

"The mod you mentioned used to be Millennial_Falcon, he is a fraud!"

I have no idea whether the above is true or not, so take it however you wish.

dickface88888 ago

I've been banned a few times, I just add an 8 to my name and go again.

equineluvr ago

I hear ya.

At this point I'm not sure what to make of it. The poster and I are in contact; we shall see.

equineluvr ago

Not convinced that Crensch = MF.

Crensch exposed the holohaux to his credit. MF appears to be a J or J apologist.

Crensch ago

Well, that's about the most reasonable thing I've seen you post, so I'll respond here.

What the fuck is your game? So far, I haven't found MF to be in any serious violation of anything. He's made a few questionable moves and been hammered for them, but I've not seen a serious breach of conduct or moderation powers.