shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Until someone figures out a way to separate 'freedom of speech' and the written word from images and photographs all of this crap will always be protected 'speech'.

gamepwn ago

You don't know the half of it. I had made a post about this with 95 upvotes and 100 comments about it and they deleted it.

others got angry and even tried to make their own posts about it

look at what one of the moderators rude ass response was (

was banned to for making a post about it afterwords saying it was "spam" and had to personally request to unban me saying I was upset due to the thread being deleted. If you go on the last link and the my original one you'll see not just that their is subverses for cartoon and hentai pedo porn their is such subverses with real children such as (real rape videos of people of all ages) (toddler and infant cartoon rape with such titles such as "Preschool party" and "the benefits of changing" ) (more real rape videos of people being watched like a fucking tv show) (pictures of little boys and girls in lingerie/bathing suits/panties/underware) (Voats pedo subverse) (more sexual and provocative pictures of children) (I don't know what the fuck this is didn't even go on it) (same with this) (more children/infant cartoon porn)

all sick as hell and here on Voat

speakoutforamerica ago

Wow. I had no clue and if it wasn't for clicking through random I wouldn't. I am all for free speech but come on, how is that legal? Is the moderator who responded like that a mod of Voat as a whole or one of those subverses? If that is truly a Voat official's response I am done with this site. I want no part of something that is going to look the other way about that.

Le_Squish ago

As distasteful as it is, creepshots of kids stolen from people's Facebook's and most illustrations are legal in the united states. Not so in Canada.

gamepwn ago

That is truly a mod thats Crensch. Go look at the moderators here on the Pizzagate fourm he's on there. In fact another moderator named vindicator called me a concern troll and said we were part of an organized force to destroy Voat. Not even kidding. The only mod who didn't full on attack me and said at least a respectable opinion was PutItOut

speakoutforamerica ago

Wow yes I see that and now I can already predict the fate of this post - it is going to be deleted. Whatever if this mentality isn't even shared against others here in this subverse than Voat itself won't stand up to it. Sorry gamepwn, you seem like a cool dude but I am gone. Won't voluntarily associate myself with this place anymore.

gamepwn ago

I completely understand. It's like the book 1984 it's a thought crime to oppose it here and it gets deleted even though 95 people agreed and upvoted it here. The way Crensch responded was disgusting. It's not the community who decides the fate of this investigation and what stays or goes here on Voat it's a single person who at a push of a button can delete your post and/or ban you.