submitted 7.5 years ago by [deleted]
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SurfinMindWaves 7.5 years ago
@PuttItOut - Can you tell us what the admin's position is on allowing these types of subs here on Voat?
PuttItOut 7.5 years ago
My personal position is I absolutely hate it and would love to see it gone. I think it provides no value and only makes Voat an easy target.
My commitment to Freedom of Speech over rides my personal position.
From what I've been told this content is legal.
Thank you for responding. So I can conclude that anything that is not deemed illegal is welcome here.
This is the only metric we can use to not judge subjectively.
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SurfinMindWaves ago
@PuttItOut - Can you tell us what the admin's position is on allowing these types of subs here on Voat?
PuttItOut ago
My personal position is I absolutely hate it and would love to see it gone. I think it provides no value and only makes Voat an easy target.
My commitment to Freedom of Speech over rides my personal position.
From what I've been told this content is legal.
SurfinMindWaves ago
Thank you for responding. So I can conclude that anything that is not deemed illegal is welcome here.
PuttItOut ago
This is the only metric we can use to not judge subjectively.