Lag-wagon ago


srayzie ago


gamepwn ago

They leave up pedo content but delete this thread.

AngB23 ago

This thread got deleted?!?! WTF is up with that?? Any reason? If not, maybe it needs to be REPOSTED in Pizzagatewhatever threads.

Crensch ago

1) If they're cartoons, I'm pretty sure they're not illegal in the US

2) If they are illegal, notify law enforcement, because mods can't do shit about this.

3) Deleting this because it has fuck-all to do with PG.

gamepwn ago

Your sick people here are bothered by it or it wouldn't have 80 upvotes. This has everything to go with Pizzagate and I'm going to bring it to attention as it should. You deleting my thread just shows the lengths to censor people who point it out. This is a sub fighting pedophilia. Elite pedophilia, and the pedophilia compromising and censoring the hundreds of social fourms and websites out there.This is what Im talking about you leave up pedo subverses but delete this what the fuck?

Crensch ago

1) Mods can't do shit outside their own subverses

2) It's not ILLEGAL

3) It has FUCK-ALL to do with PG, read the goddamn sidebar you fucking dweeb.

4) EVEN IF a mod could use their mod tools to DELETE the submission, do you know where it goes? DO YOU EVEN UNDERSTAND THE SMALLEST THING ABOUT HOW VOAT WORKS?

It goes to the fucking permanent modlog, you utter fucking retard.

So, IF you have a problem with the content, find something ILLEGAL, and notify the authorities. Anything legal in system and personal subs stays. That's Voat.

Now shut the fuck up and thank me and Voat for hosting PG here when we didn't have to.

FuriousYT ago

Wow. You are a weapons grade asshole. Good thing you are not the gatekeeper to information and Truth that you apparently think you are. Don't quit your day job.

Crensch ago

You really don't know the history of PG here on Voat, apparently.

You also don't understand that my being an asshole doesn't mean you're automatically right with anything you want to disagree with me on.

sunajAeon ago

Unbelievable-I don't understand why Voat doesn't have basic standards? What does this have to do with free speech?

4_InquiringMinds ago

Sitting here in absolute shock...also cked preteen. Can't believe this is legal. Had no idea how pervasive this pedo fixation is. These are not even sra...just sick sick deviants. I just don't know what to say. Deepest sighs~and they are trying to normalize this.Times like this having an Atlantis moment doesn't seem like such a bad idea. Just devastated~

gamepwn ago

I feel the same way. They deleted this thread but leave pedo content up and say its not pizzagate related. Voat is beyond compromised.

MightyYetGentle1488 ago

he is Voat's canary for the pedophile leftists on here

Banki ago

Wtf !!!!!!

darkknight111 ago

@karenrussell63, we need your "special talents". Much like that supremely good job making that last CP ring squirm, we're sure you'll make this CP ring squirm.

thebazman1998 ago

We're not Eddit, as long as they aren't breaking any laws or site rules, we won't ban them. Banning things because you find them disgusting is exactly what voat is against.

gamepwn ago

Like I said monsters like you are the reason there is a demand for sick fucks to indulge themselves in because nobody will love them. Somewhere along the line your tiny neanderthal head got fucked up and I actually feel bad about that. I wonder who fucked you up. Karamas a real bitch and it's going to bite you in your sick ass.

gamepwn ago

Such a big man running rape and pedophile subverses. I bet you woulden't tell anyone in real life you did because you know they would fuck you up. Monsters like you are the reason we have Pizzagate, and why this world is so fucked up. Piece of shit

RatmanThomas ago

Da fuq

gamepwn ago

I hope you die in a car acident you sick fuck

SurfinMindWaves ago

I forgot to say also that the images in that particular sub may just be cartoons, but other subs here are utilizing real people. If someone draws a picture of someone raping a child it is still supporting such activities even if a real live human wasn't used in the image.

SurfinMindWaves ago

Ok, I see what you are saying. When I am confronted with content that I don't agree with I hit the "ban subverse" button and don't see it any more, but this does nothing to alleviate the problem. What kind of shaming will make any difference? I recall a conversation I had with someone on rEdit and their opinion was they weren't the ones that took the photos and had never assaulted a child so there was nothing to be ashamed about when viewing photographs. I tried to explain that just because he didn't rape a child or take the picture, the fact that he helps make a demand for such things encourages these things to happen. He refused to acknowledge this fact so he felt no shame in doing so.

Is there some way as a community that we can gain ground on this issue without becoming the rEdit that we hate?

Blacksmith21 ago

Shame them publicly. Ridicule is the choice weapon of the pedoleft. Throw it back at them.

altro87 ago

Wtf..... OK do you guys think there doing this to discredit the site?!

darkknight111 ago

Probably. Deep State MO of projection and planting evidence in order to discredit truthers.

cussingaintfunny ago

Perhaps M_F could be persuaded to give up his wonderful work on this subverse and start deleting some of this filth on other subs. A sort of promotion for him.

SexMachine ago

You're retarded. Drawn images aren't illegal in most places. Are they violating the rights of fictional characters?

AngB23 ago

WTF?!?!? Sick fucking pedo perverts allowed here, YT, Twatter, Reddit, GoOg Le.....bunch of fucked up assholes everywhere. How can anyone with a SOUL not see this is wrong on so many levels. I hope they all burn

ElderflowerJam ago

Mods deleting good posts...

Child porn on the site.


gamepwn ago

They delete this and leave child porn up. Exactly. Fucking sick

Vindicator ago

We absolutely do not leave child porn, hentai or any other adult material up here. These are against v/pizzagate submission rules and we remove it as soon as we find out about it. If actual CP is posted, we email PuttItOut directly to have it permanently removed from the Removed Submissions area (which is all mods have the power to do. We can't make a post disappear).

I have spent more than one night deleting wave after wave of hentai shitposts from Hecho et al...all night long until I had to ice my arms from tendonitis. Voat is not compromised. Voat is Voat. Anyone can make a sub and post whatever they want to it and if it's legal, Voat anti-censorship rules require it be left up.

The very same rules, I might add, that allow us to document so much of the corrupt bullshit committed by people with actual power in the real world that gets removed and repressed everywhere else, including Twitter, Fakebook, Reddit, Wikipedia, and even Google search!

Concern trolling posts about how everyone should leave v/pizzagate because it's "compromised" are against our submission rules because they are a major source of forum-sliding and disruption. They have their own subverse: v/pizzagatemods. The fact you chose to ignore those rules and make this post here, instead of where it belongs, which you knew would be removed so you could then cry about how mods are pedos speaks volumes about your intentions.

gamepwn ago

Thing is I wasn't trying to concern troll. I found it revolting that the website dedicated to fighting all this shit has that content on it. I'm allowed to my opinion. Also, no I didn't think it would be removed I thought it had every right to be here my post.

Vindicator ago

@srayzie @Esotericshade @SurfinMindWaves @EricKaliberhall

Please read the full comments of this thread, notice the ages of the accounts and who is saying what. This was an orchestrated attempt to discourage you. Don't fall for it. You'll notice PuttItOut himself replied when pinged; a rarity. My response to the OP:

srayzie ago

Who is PutItOut?

Vindicator ago

Head of Voat and only Admin

srayzie ago

Oh wow

srayzie ago

Thank you @Vindicator. But, I think the OP was referring to a different sub. Not Pizzagate. We were discussing different subs on voat and reddit. When I mentioned some people coming over here to defend themselves, that was just them arguing with us. I've never seen child porn or anything on Pizzagate. From my understanding, we were talking about a different sub. Or, am I missing something?

SurfinMindWaves ago

Thanks for the heads-up on this. I tend to avoid all the drama that goes on around here. I appreciate your efforts to keep CP off the site.

Vindicator ago

Yeah, it's a weird conundrum, isn't it? We've become so accustomed to censorship that we don't even realize the implications of wild-west speech. They say politics makes strange bedfellows and that has never been truer than here on Voat. I despise the subs that have been mentioned, but if they are not violating Voat's user agreement, not a lot can be done. One thing I will say: I've never heard of shills trying to infiltrate and undermine them to get them banned, as happened to both r/pizzagate and damn near happened to v/pizzagate. If that doesn't tell you something about the odds our investigation is on the money, I don't know what does. We regularly have our best investigators witchhunted, smeared, intimidated, etc.

Mencomot ago

Oh my fucking god. How is that even legal?

Paranoiaattack ago

Shut this shit down

SurfinMindWaves ago

@PuttItOut - Can you tell us what the admin's position is on allowing these types of subs here on Voat?

PuttItOut ago

My personal position is I absolutely hate it and would love to see it gone. I think it provides no value and only makes Voat an easy target.

My commitment to Freedom of Speech over rides my personal position.

From what I've been told this content is legal.

SurfinMindWaves ago

Thank you for responding. So I can conclude that anything that is not deemed illegal is welcome here.

PuttItOut ago

This is the only metric we can use to not judge subjectively.

Rotteuxx ago

E-mail him, don't ping because you'll never get an answer

SurfinMindWaves ago

Ok, thanks. I would think that with this topic being discussed before that the admin would have already stated what their position is on which types of subs are allowed to stay.

Rotteuxx ago

It has been discussed in the past, a lot of it comes down to there being only 1 volunteer admin.

Report it as illegal content if you feel it is.

Maybe @PeaceSeeker or @FuzzyWords would have more insight to offer on this subject matter.

10257479? ago

@SurfinMindWaves best thing to do for now is to report and downvote. The focus is on the Port right now; there will be greater efficiency with regard to issues like these after the Port, I am sure.

SurfinMindWaves ago

Well, we can certainly downvote, but that means going to those subs which I think none of us really want to do. PuttItOut has already said they are within legal parameters so there is no purpose to report them since they are welcome to use the site.

10257678? ago

If that is the case then I suspect nothing will be done. I advise blocking the subverse.

Lag-wagon ago

So... You guys don't know about @hecho? ... This is rich. LOL. You are all so naive.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Some of us know all about that reprobate piece of excrement, others just don't have the time to explore VOAT. So maybe some of you 'old' goats could take pity on us poor naive PGers and drop by once in awhile and maybe.... LEND A FUCKING HAND... or not.

Lag-wagon ago

Lol I've tried and was told to pound sand.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

I'm sorry that happened to you.

gamepwn ago

Adding this to my post...fucking SICK!

Cheesebooger ago

Bet money jews run it

Mustard_of_puppets ago

Can someone make a bot that remembers who posts there and then calls them out publically when they post in other subs, freedom of speech doesn't mean freedom from shame.

EricKaliberhall ago

This is disgusting. Remove that shit from VOAT.

gamepwn ago

Instead they decided to delete this. Voat is compromised.

MightyYetGentle1488 ago

but muh free speech.

Seriously it's not going anywhere and the admins made that clear for over 2 years. Instead of taking a moral stand they allow Hecho to work through legal loopholes that obviously are temporary. This is why i hate tech nerds, just because they found a loophole on the unregulated internet and now all of a sudden pedophilia is okay.

This site has lost a lot of users because of Hecho. He even used to spam legitimate childporn to certain users which resulted in entire communities leaving.

FYI the 2 posters beneath me are pedophiles and are pretending they hate pedos when they have defended them on this site forever Gabara and expert and the pedo they pinged Shroomcloud also known as the recently banned @BeatlejuiceX3

ElderflowerJam ago


srayzie ago

Is it ALL cartoons? Any real pictures at all? I would be careful even going there. That could be a trap. If there is anything illegal posted there, it would be the perfect scenario to use against us. Just sayin.

NSFW_LeeLee ago

some laws are changed now to even cover cartoon depictions. Because it infers a minor. Smart folks leave that shit the fuck alone.

srayzie ago


gamepwn ago

From what I can tell they are all cartoons... I'm not going through them. They erased the other guys thread who made attention to it. This is appalling. Voat home of the Pizzagate community has this sick shit on it. It's simply appalling

srayzie ago

Disgusting. They allow the sickest subs here and on Reddit.

SurfinMindWaves ago

Yesterday saw people posting images of young girls in bathing suits in "Preteens".

srayzie ago

Omg these people are sick

SurfinMindWaves ago

It seems kind of futile when this sub is fighting against CP out in the world and we can't even keep it out of our home. And if VOAT is for free speech they probably aren't going to remove any of it. I am discouraged and saddened.

hypercat ago

The problem with anime is that many of them have teens in relationships, flashing underwear etc. It has stories about school kids and their love life, so there should be a line drawn, but where is it? Like "Your Name" could be a good example.

SurfinMindWaves ago

Like "Your Name" could be a good example.

Not sure what you meant here. My user name or a reference to something else? I posted a question for @PuttItOut asking where the admin has determined this line should be drawn.

hypercat ago

The name of the film is called "Your Name". It's about 2 youths who switch bodies over time and location and there a bit of bath scenes where the guy in the girls body grabs her boobs. Because adolescent boy would grab boobs if he had them. So it's a fine line with stuff like that. Anime has always been hypersexualized. I mean look at "La Blue Girl" that's straight up Hentai.

I think there should be a line but it's hard where that line should be placed.

Aged ago

"Your Name" is the name of anime movie

SurfinMindWaves ago

Thanks. Out of the loop on that one.

10255358? ago

When it comes to the kids. Fuck free speech.

ElderflowerJam ago

It's not free speech!!!! It's exploitation of minors which has NOTHING to do with free speech!

SoldierofLight ago

This! YES! Thank you.

srayzie ago

Right? Innocence in general. It pisses me off that some subs would share animal abuse videos. What the hell? Damn, if they are into some sick fetish and their grown adults, go for it. I don't have to see it. But, leave innocent kids and animals out of it!

SurfinMindWaves ago

This is my feeling as well, but what can be done? I didn't want to check out that sub but I was thinking that if they are, for example, filled with photos of preteen girls in bathing suits that really isn't illegal, even though we know who would want to gather those types of images.

50hurtz ago

Free speech is one thing but committing or encouraging/ grooming for a crime like pedophilia is another. Doesn't matter if there's no real nudity or pornography. That shit is still obviously wrong either way and breeds pedos/ gives them content and encourages them to view that sick shit.

Even something like that one subreddit that was sympathizing with pedophiles was wrong, and they didn't post images from my what others have said. But that subreddit still had no fucking place for the internet because it still sympathized and encouraged that shit.

SurfinMindWaves ago

I agree with you but I don't know how to change it. Has the administration of this website stated what their position is on this subject?

50hurtz ago

I'm not sure to be honest with you. Don't know if they are even aware. How do we find out?

srayzie ago

Exactly. We had people fighting in Pizzagate a couple of weeks ago because it got leaked that there was a sub showing videos of people getting killed. Even a little boy being shot and a baby falling out of a high window. I didn't go look. You can't unsee things. I know these things happen. But, I don't need the visual.

Well people from that sub came over here defending themselves using Free Speech! I'm all for free speech, but my gosh. Where does one draw the line?

Between voat and reddit, there are some shocking subs. There's even beastiality and animal abuse subs. Just evil things!

UgTr2 ago

Where does one draw the line?

"Free speech" is a type of bait and switch, it can mean the freedom to express an opinion or it can mean the freedom to incite hatred and defame people.

srayzie ago

Great description.

gamepwn ago

I posted that. I'm pointing out the sick corruption that goes unnoticed. I'm getting turned off from Voat and I've been here a long time. How do you fight CP when it's on here as well fucking sick!!!!

srayzie ago

Oh that's great you posted that!

It amazed me how many people defended it the day that was exposed here. I was so pissed off.

gamepwn ago

Same...people defend murder, rape, beastiality, pedophilia under the guise of "Freedom of Speech" That's not freedom of speech. These are sick psychopaths who get a thrill from depravity. We can't fight this if it's on our doorstep. Voat needs to do something or we are going nowhere fighting this.

srayzie ago

You explain it so well! But, we can't let them run us out of here. That's what Soros, David Brock and all those other sick asses in the Illuminati would like us to do. We have to be like a light in the darkness. Try to stay strong.

gamepwn ago

Trying to I just can't wrap my head around some of these things. The other guy who pointed this out got his submission removed. Why? Is this going to get removed to? I really am starting to think we are compromised.

srayzie ago

I hear you. I can't either.

Oh we are definitely compromised. One person here gets hateful messages in her inbox with no username. Now how does that happen?! A lot of great people here have been getting banned lately. Luckily, most have been allowed back.