crashing_this_thread ago

Snuff films and gore videos aren't the same. Snuff films are films made by the perpetrators to be sold/distributed and are hard to find online. Videos of deaths that just happened to be captured on tape are not the same as snuff films and are very easy to find.

DoomMantia ago

You're talking like /v/WatchPeopleDie doesn't exist. BUT MUH REDDIT. Voat isn't any better in that regard. Shut up.

angry_mob ago

gee that sounds like a link i should click on?? (not)

CheeseOrPasta ago

I used to frequent morbid reality and wpd. There's nothing weird happening over there. Most people these days are morbidly curious on some level. Every once in a while someone post a child's death which has nothing to do with pizzagate. It's there to show that death can happen to anyone at anytime.

10008927? ago

The whole site is really messed up.

10008874? ago

Why that boy was walking alone in snow at night? It's the fault of his parents for not taking care of him properly.

Lobotomy ago

I love watchpeopledie!

10007837? ago

Not sure why 70+ people upvoated this.. this is typical shit you would see on a rekt thread there's nothing "pedo" or "pizza" about it, I normally support your guy's cause but this is fucking stupid.

thomccc ago

People always got excuses and rationales for their shit. Anybody who will sat there and watch people die when they don't have to is automatically a degenerate lunatic. And these are same kind of people who are quick to call somebody else crazy if they fall in line with something the system wants them to believe or think

GoodGodKirk ago

I was always watching over my kids, but after looking at WPD, I'm more aware of whats going on in the environment around my kids.

Its not a channel that focuses on kids dying, those are usually caught on cctv and then shown. China is a dangerous place for kids.

Criticalthinker615 ago

they wouldnt allow pizzagate though. think about that for a moment.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

And I am called a pussy cuz I can't stomach this sick shit!

conspiracyprincess ago

I know everyone is going ape over this whether this is snuff blah blah blah. All I can say is it's snuff like, or at least a gateway to it. Really to be fascinated with watching people die? WHERE IS THE RESPECT FOR THE FAMILIES OR LOVED ONES OF THE PEOPLE DYING YOU SICK FUCKS. MATTER OF FACT WHERE IS THE RESPECT FOR THE DEAD.

srayzie ago

If it were them or their loved ones, I bet they wouldn't like people watching.

conspiracyprincess ago

Exactly!!! As another voater stated, this is sociopathic. 100%

SayWhatNOWAY ago

I agree! I can not wrap my mind around why anyone would want to watch a violent death in any form for shits & giggles!

conspiracyprincess ago

I have seen one of these saddening videos accidently and once as a teen out of curiosity because everyone was talking about it and I didn't believe such a thing could exist. But I'm pretty sure there better things to do in this world to pass time and people shouldn't have to waste their lives watching people's lives be taken naturally or purposely.

conspiracyprincess ago

Agreed. The liking of anything as morbid as that is sociopathic.

Cheesebooger ago

I will not watch vids where kids get hurt or killed. Only a sick kike would like such things

Bacchus_GodOfWine ago

It should be noted that a moderator of this sub is deliberately lying to you to attack random users.

I think the pedophile shill mods are still butt hurt for being called out

target_blank ago

Snuff videos is made for commercial purposes to be made for demand and sold to buyers(shit you can't buy on TV). Videos of people being murdered, suicide, accidents (what you can find anywhere on the internet) by whoever etc are not snuff. Don't confuse the two.

senpaithatignoresyou ago

there is also r/picsofdeadkids.

There are some real issues with that site.

DeltaBravoTango ago

Snuff means porn with death. That sub is just regular death. I think it is important for people to see just how fragile human life really is.

Schlomo_Kikenburger ago

@heygeorge is a lying cunt. I use the sub but im not anti pizzagate and i've been showing people the pedophile agenda on reddit and twitter before pizzagate became a term.

The sub itself is fine and used to be much better but since 2016 the mods changed and it started getting political and the mods are pro-israel and like to sexualize death videos. People have been going there for 5 years without seeing that, now it's a recent phenomenon.

MightyYetGentle1488 ago

WPD is a fine sub and one of the only few i use, but the moderators are employees of reddit and are jewish and use the sub to push anti-police, anti-russian, pro-israel propaganda. Children die too, it's not snuff film although im sure some of the users view it that way

BiscuitFever ago

What is this shit? Watch people die isn't a snuff subverse you fucking retard. It's not a fetish thing anymore than any other gore sub. It's there because people have a morbid curiosity. And you wonder why people call you idiots insane.

Schlomo_Kikenburger ago

If you notice this post seems to be very out of place for voat, even for pizzagate. And I also notice /v/SoapBoxBanHammer shills in all the posts including this one spreading disinformation. I think they are just trying to drive a wedge between any and all communities that are slightly red-pilled.

gamepwn ago

What a surprise someone disagrees with the fact that murders should be posted for everyone to indulge in! A huge chunk of these videos are murders and many are torture videos. One video is called "baby thrown out of a building and dies, slams on ground" "five year old crushed under tires of truck" "Beheading of child in Middle East" or the one I posted of the murder of a 10 year old. Fuck this sick subverse and everyone defending it. This is the sickest shit in the world and people like you make me sick trying to be edgy and defend it. Murders of people are mixed in with accident videos of all ages. Fuck that. Only a sick fuck watches these videos

srayzie ago


SayWhatNOWAY ago

Totally AGREE!

Bacchus_GodOfWine ago

you and your moral high horse can fuck right off. Mature people are going to see this post and think pizzagaters are even more retarded then previous. I would say this isn't even an appropriate sub to post this. Maybe MeanwhileOnReddit or Whatever. Reality isn't pretty and this sub you are in is related to investigating murdering and banging children. You are concern trolling

Otherwise you look like a tool and might need to take a trip to funky-town

gamepwn ago

There should never be a time where the murder of people should be shared and indulged like your watching a fucking tv show. Its sick, theyre sick, and the fact that Reddit allows it is even more sick

Bacchus_GodOfWine ago

That SJW mentality of yours is why evil people get away with what they do. You are too much of a pussy to even see it happen and you think you are on some moral quest to get rid of it.

Maybe you should have remained quiet and lurked before you had an outrage over things you falsely perceive

gamepwn ago

Keep justifying murder videos. Only shows your fucking character

Bacchus_GodOfWine ago

Hah. I will buddy. My life and safety has increased exponentially better since I began seeing how the world actually woks. I think you might be on the wrong website nigger

eucalyptus_spearmint ago

Shame on you.

You_are_a_bitch ago

Nah fuck you. Being aware of how fragile life is and how so many people have been possessed by evil is nothing to be ashamed of. Shame on you for trying to be the moral police when your perspective on life is limited by your own admission

eucalyptus_spearmint ago

I think on some level you understand this, else you would not be fighting srayzie and the rest so much. What they are saying is true, you know this deep down. You aren't trying to convince them, not really. You're trying to convince yourself.

Gutta_Child ago

Wrong. I'm not trying to convince anyone anything. This is simply my reaction to fellow Christians who are so far behind the curve it pisses me off. Desecration of life and observing it doesn't mean I'm enjoying it but it's part of life and the Lord knew that and commanded us to defend ourselves. For every Christian I see crucified in Syria the flame grows stronger.

Don't worry, when shit hits the fan guys like me will keep you safe.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

None of are blind to this sick ass shit! Fuck some of us work in the medical field and witness death nearly every fucking day! So calling us pussies and shit is your own guilt shining through! Go call one of those victim's family members a pussy, for not wanting this sick ass shit to be displayed! How about if one of your kids or "pussy" loved ones happen to watch this sick shit and needs fucking years of therapy? Have you ever had a loved one be traumatized by anything? Let me tell you "Almighty nothing scares me" it's one of the most painful nightmares you can watch, is the inability of your loved one to cope with life! So go pound sand!

Gutta_Child ago

You are the one implying i find pleasure in it and that's because you are a reactionary troll. I don't condone death but I'm not afraid to see it. I've already dealt with the rationalization i could see my family member on a reddit sub where they make fun of it. It's morbid but I'm not going to change what I do because people want to ruin the aspect of observing fatalities.

You either sit there and die or you prepare yourself for any circumstance you can

SayWhatNOWAY ago

You are right! Curiosity killed the cat! So, go for it! I just hope that my hard earned tax dollars never has to go to pay for any of your counseling or treatment!

eucalyptus_spearmint ago

How does watching videos of people dying, being killed, or tortured make you stronger, and if you are a Christian, why do you represent yourself with a nickname like Gutta_Child? It's rather laughable that you expect me to believe you're going to keep me or anyone safe by engaging in depravity. I have faith in the Lord; He is sufficient for my safety, thank you.

Gutta_Child ago

How does watching videos of people dying, being killed, or tortured make you stronger,

Since you aren't able to comprehend why then i will disregard your outrage.

and if you are a Christian, why do you represent yourself with a nickname like Gutta_Child?

It's just a nickname. Unlike you I have seen the best and worst of both worlds and I understand Jesus' message more accurately than most it seems.

It's rather laughable that you expect me to believe you're going to keep me or anyone safe by engaging in depravity. I have faith in the Lord; He is sufficient for my safety, thank you.

Good. You keep telling yourself that while real Christians die to protect you from physical enemies and subversion from Islam and Judaism.

eucalyptus_spearmint ago

Philippians 4:8 - Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things [are] honest, whatsoever things [are] just, whatsoever things [are] pure, whatsoever things [are] lovely, whatsoever things [are] of good report; if [there be] any virtue, and if [there be] any praise, think on these things.

Romans 12:2 - And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what [is] that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.

Gutta_Child ago

take your own advice

eucalyptus_spearmint ago

2 Corinthians 7:1 Having therefore these promises, dearly beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God.

1 Thessalonians 4:7 For God hath not called us unto uncleanness, but unto holiness.

Hebrews 12:14 Follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord

This isn't MY advice. I'm not the author of the Bible. ;)

eucalyptus_spearmint ago

You are the one entertaining demonic activity by watching the desecration of life of your own free will. I urge you not to take this matter lightly. It is a sign of a healthy psyche to be horrified by another's pain and suffering. Do not let yourself become desensitized.

forgivedontforget ago

"What a surprise someone disagrees with the fact that murders should be posted for everyone to indulge in!" lol username says it all.

gamepwn ago

Right, because a silly name like "gamepwn" as in the word "pwn" in the gaming world is related to murder. Try harder

OoLaLaFrenchGirl ago

Sickening. I can't imagine what looking at stuff like this does to ones psyche.

Gutta_Child ago

well it makes you a lot more careful

forgivedontforget ago


carmencita ago I remember this from Reddit and we researched some on here too.

Ocelot ago

WPD has all kinds of death footage on it. Typically when a child's death is posted, the child tag is there because so many users find it difficult to watch the children die and want a warning first. This is why the child tag first developed. It is morbid fascination, which I suppose one could argue is a type of perversion, but it is not sexual perversion.

If you would actually read the comments, you'd see that the users do not "get off" on the videos or anything. There might be some perverts lurking there but I have never seen them comment once, and I'm pretty sure the moderators would remove that sort of thing.

And I can't believe you started your post with pearl-clutching "How is this legal?". You want laws against these types of videos which aren't even sexual in nature? What about police training videos? Med students? Many people use videos like these for different, legitimate purposes. Investigate this if you want, but it's not what you think it is.

target_blank ago

Exactly. Common-fuckin-sense people.

10000-20000 ago

did you reply to the wrong comment, perhaps?

carmencita ago

Could be. I woke up with 15 messages this morning. Pleas disregard. Thank you.

lazyhammer ago

That was a subreddit along with r/morbidreality (that subreddit was way more fucked up) I actively browsed when still on the site, vast majority of the videos are horrific deaths and not actual fetish related content. Seeing people die may be horrifying, but don't lump those who are curious to see the more horrific side of reality with the same fuckers that want to bend over and rape children.

logjam ago

This is complete bullshit. Morbidreality is a pretty gross subreddit, but it does put life into perspective with regards fragility. Snuff films and r/morbidreality are not near the be compared.

lazyhammer ago

The nature of r/morbidreality is in its own way worse, you get to often see the emotional fallout from the family and friends on top of the horrific death itself. That combo will hit you harder then any single death video.

logjam ago

That combo will hit you harder then any single death video.

target_blank ago

Hence the point morbid

target_blank ago

Agree with this guy. I use to frequent these subs just for morbid curiousity, watchppldie was just the go to raw videos of death, full off endless death gifs. Morbid reality was more to the story.

carmencita ago

This is the start of our Downfall. It mirrors The Fall of Rome. We are on a Spiral Downward. This is so sad reading this. No one should be surprised at Reddit, for we have read many times on here how the top of the co. is compromised as well. People watching this and enjoying it are in the same cesspool as the owner.

srayzie ago

We live in a modern day Sodom and Gomorrah.

carmencita ago

Throw Them All To The Lions! Every last one of them.

srayzie ago

RECORD IT! That way we can share it with their sub for them all to enjoy.

carmencita ago

Great Idea! They can enjoy the demise of their own.

heygeorge ago

If they aren't allowed to be quarantined on rebbit, where do you think they will go?

Unfortunately, one of "them", at least, is already here, @mightyyetgentle1488 and his countless other alts. This would explain in part why he's recently on an anti-pizzagate push.

Schlomo_Kikenburger ago

I'm banned from WPD and i only use it to see how many kikes there push anti-palestinian, pro-israel, and videos of them executing Christians claiming it's someone else. The mods in watchpeopledie are just like you and your jewish mods in all your actual pedophile subs here on voat!

Besides, who doesn't like to see videos of actual pedophiles being killed?

Keep spreading your lies, the more you push the more Ill push back. Pizzagate sub actually listens to me when i make a post so if you want me to point out you actual pedophiles here on voat again I can and will

heygeorge ago

lol, which alts are your pizzagate alts? Go ahead, throw out baseless accusations all day if you like. At least you recently openly admitted that you are out to destroy Voat. Users are catching on to your game.

Schlomo_Kikenburger ago

That link says other people are destroying Voat, you being one of the people im referring to.

Go ahead, throw out baseless accusations all day if you like

You mean like your comment in this post? lmao. I know you are just pissed because I've shown pizzagaters how you and SBBH have association to actual pedophiles. Anything to take the spot light off the actual pedos is all you are interested in and it won't work.

heygeorge ago

More baseless claims

You get emotional over this stuff?

I'm sure if it were an effective smear here you would attempt to label me as a Nazi instead.

I don't pay much mind to what you say, because just as the shills before you, you crumple under scrutiny.

Schlomo_Kikenburger ago

I welcome scrutiny and when lurkers actually do just that they tend to agree with me when it becomes obvious how much of a shill you are trying to drive narratives on this website.

PrideOfOshtekk ago

Yeah he posted a weird disgusting photo on a PizzaGate thread a few days back.

MightyYetGentle1488 ago

It was a picture helping prove you guys are right, what the fuck. If the rabbit hole is too deep for you then cry about it somewhere else.

PrideOfOshtekk ago

Its not too deep. I know what happens: I neither want nor need to see it however.

Schlomo_Kikenburger ago

Then don't click it faggot, i put a warning on it anyways. Avoiding reality won't help you cope with solving pizzagate

PrideOfOshtekk ago

Why do you have a 2nd account?

Schlomo_Kikenburger ago

Comments are limited to 10 comments if you are in the negative CCP. There is a group on this site (/v/SoapBoxBanHammer) that is SRS redditors and downvote brigade anyone who calls out their manipulation on voat. At this point on the site, anytime someone brings it up they are all accused of being the same person and instantly hit with downvoats because they post the link in their SRS discord. Voat admins have made it clear they don't care about vote brigading. I don't even think it's against the ToS.

So Voat has a very soft-censorship built into it that provides malicious folks an easier means of controlling what people think.

PrideOfOshtekk ago

Ah I see.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

I will not watch this! How & who do we report this Evil shit to? Someone plz tweet this to President Trump & AG Sessions ASAP! Anyone that can be identified or associated with these videos let's get these murderers exposed!

Judgejewdy ago

Local news.

R34p_Th3_Wh0r1w1nd ago

Those aren't snuff. That is death. Snuff is murder during a sexual act. WatchPeopleDie was one of my favorite subs when I was on that shit site. I'm actually suprised it's still there and not censored like the rest of reddit. Videos of bulls getting their horns in a matador or a stupid person gives me a warm fuzzy feeling. And if you watch someone die at the beginning of the day, no matter how bad your day is, it wasn't as bad as that sorry fucker.

Joe10jo ago

@, bwaaaa "your day isn't as bad as someone else's!" Also, I haven't watched any of these but, agreed, this isn't snuff.

PrideOfOshtekk ago

Snuff films are literally just films where people get killed by some murderer. I suppose these videos aren't exactly the same, but I gotta question the people that watch this stuff.

I went on for a few days, and couldn't handle it. Its terrible to see that shit. You can put your psyche to the test, but if you enjoy watching it, you are messed up.

Bacchus_GodOfWine ago

lots of sites like bestgore, theync, ogrish, etc are psy-ops. They push incest porn and stuff right next to death videos and I can see the impact that has had for the last 3-4 years. Websites that are even palatable like have all these people who jack off to gore etc.

The videos themselves aren't bad to observe but the people most interested in them are evil demons. I notice a lot of jewish people on these places too

anotherdream ago

This may be used as an excuse to shut these, and other forums down. I'm sure this goes without saying but it should probably be archived.

knije_tahou ago has one too

Bacchus_GodOfWine ago

Voat has @Hecho and /v/SoapBoxBanHammer. Those users are SRS and all circlejerk eachother.

Here is a post where the most infamous pedophile on the site was bragging about keeping Voat running:

The top comment in that post is by CANCEL-CAT-FACTS who openly admits to being a jew and it's a joke about pedophilia.

Users like /u/Heygeorge /u/ExpertShitposter /u/schroomcloud /u/Empress /u/greycloud are all pedophiles and pedo sympathizers yet are some of the most popular posters on the site.

I don't know the reason for this post because it is a distraction and misinformation. Lots of users in WPD are redpilled so it could just be an attempt to drive a wedge between communities preemptively.

**Also take note how one of the SRS pedo users is a moderator of this sub along with Crensch and Kevdude's alt Mellinial_Falcon

dooob ago

Nice to see Voat's own CNN

10004621? ago

Shut up, Sanegoat. Please provide proof- any proof at all that @Heygeorge @ExpertShitposter @schroomcloud or myself are pedos or pedo sympathizers. We are some of the most vocal anti-pedophilia members of Voat and you know it.

eucalyptus_spearmint ago

Don't worry, Empress. Nobody of any intelligence believes this asshole.

You_are_a_bitch ago

You are white-knighting for a gay man who pretends to be a woman. Just like in this sub with HeyGeorge, Crensch, and Kevdude, the homosexual shills are always grabbing good subs early to steer narratives. If you were intelligent you would be able to admit how that is at least a possibility and without bias you can see how it makes total sense.

eucalyptus_spearmint ago

You need Jesus. Have a blessed day.

You_are_a_bitch ago

Jesus carried a sword and told the truth regardless of who's feelings it hurt. You need Jesus, not me. Even entertaining people like Empress and their delusional lies is giving power to the demon that possess them.

ExpertShitposter ago

@Bacchus_GodOfWine aka @MightyYetGentle1488 is pissed off because i've proven that he is a non white posing as 1488 so that's why he is always angry.

10004825? ago

Makes sense. Do you the @Bacchus_GodOFWine will willingly go in the oven or am I going to have to shove him in?

ExpertShitposter ago

You're gonna need a bigger oven because @Bacchus_GodOFWine is a morbidly obese basement dweller.

10004863? ago

Eww, of course he is. Only extremely fat people are that miserable.

You_are_a_bitch ago

I think both of your Shill comments indicate where your maturity lies.

10012787? ago

Shut up, fatty.

arnalek ago

If im a fatty then you are actually a woman lmao

10013126? ago

Salad swerver.

arnalek ago


Bacchus_GodOfWine ago

Nice try autist, not even a week ago you were posting my picture calling my sister a tranny.

Your shill tactics won't work with me yet everyday I wake up and see you still trying. You are just mad that i called you and SRS out for taking over this sub to make pizzagate look retarded.

And it's no wonder that you also snagged the reserve sub pizzagatewhatever to make sure no one is outside of your control so you can protect pedophiles on voat.

10004885? ago

Your sister looks like a chamber maid.

You_are_a_bitch ago

She is pretty cool and doesn't larp as a woman all day on a website created by baphomet worshipers like you and your tranny friends

ExpertShitposter ago

I didn't post that picture, i don't use anon. No timestamp on proof. You are mexican nigger trash. Not even gonna read your other shit. All i ever had to do with anything pizza gate is try and get my self banned from here for the lulz.

You_are_a_bitch ago


Bacchus_GodOfWine ago

We are some of the most vocal anti-pedophilia members of Voat and you know it.

Those who constantly find themselves denying it and accusing others of it are usually guilty themselves, just sayin. And it's not hard to trick people on the internet into thinking you are someone you are not. Just like Kurt Eichenwald, your public persona is just a facade that exists until proof becomes available. And sanegoat is a dead meme.

ExpertShitposter ago

Those who constantly find themselves denying it and accusing others of it are usually guilty themselves

And that is exactly what you always do.

Bacchus_GodOfWine ago

Except i'm not directly associated to actual pedophiles and reddit trannies who desperately do damage control every day on Voat.

ExpertShitposter ago

Hahaha, dude, your lies are fooling 0 people on this site. Eve the pzzagate redditors know who you are. Jjust end your sad life already or become happy, everything in between is pointless.

Bacchus_GodOfWine ago

you sound triggered

ExpertShitposter ago

Well you suck at detecting but hurt then, you haven't made me mad in over 5 months, other than just the general purpose desire to see subhuman trash eliminated from the planet. I'm giving you sound advice regarding how to proceed with your life...end it.

You_are_a_bitch ago

It's funny when a kike like yourself has been larping in RidersOfTheReich for enough time where you actually believe people buy your schlomo tactics.

Your time is running out pedo.

ExpertShitposter ago

What sad lif it must be to be a nigger, or a mudbaby who likes the most degenerate of the nigger culture, but hangs an a 1488 website and constantly has to make new accounts because everybody sees through bullshit. How manny account i went through? 0 How bout you? about 50 of them with -100.

Nobody likes a nigger, and everybody sees what a nigger you are.

You_are_a_bitch ago

So your angle when you get cornered is to call me a nigger , and you are using the fact people can be censored by your vote brigades as an insult? The Chutz-pah!

ExpertShitposter ago

You didn't corner me in any imaginable way because I've done nothing wrong and all your proof is pure autism. There was never any organized brigade, everybody just hates you.

You_are_a_bitch ago

"everybody" being like 4 people who always ping eachother to come downvote me anytime you find me talking meta. I'm willing to bet more people believe me than you. All people have to do is use their eyes.

ExpertShitposter ago

Yeah, and we gave you 6 000 000 downvoats you got on all your accounts combined? Nigga please. Half of the original SBBH bois don't even post anymore, and none of us give a shit about you anymore. Ever sense the sanegoat bot era ended, and your shit was banned, nobody gave a shit about you anymore except for using you as butt-end of a joke here and there when there s s nobody else to mess around with.

I probably haven downvoted you in over 5 months. People on voat just dont like you because they understand your a basement dwelling NEET nigger that is full of shit.

Gutta_Child ago

Nice back-peddling. Kill yourself you lying faggot.

ExpertShitposter ago

Nice back-peddling.

You don't know what that even means. Enjoy your sad life loser.

10003268? ago

I don't see anything? All I see are the typical Chinese kids getting hit because of fucked up traffic laws or accidental deaths. Did they get removed or?

srayzie ago

Omg I won't even open one. You can't unsee things you guys. That could stay with you. I couldn't handle seeing that.

Did they look real? I don't really know how Reddit works. But, wouldn't that be a sub they would keep on the down low and invite only? I don't see how they get away with it.

I saw this youtube video. It's really eye opening and it was shocking to me.

5 Most Disturbing Quarantined Subreddits

sunajAeon ago

It also may put you in the position of acting as a child predator by LOOKING at these videos-a real catch-22

BIGLY17 ago

Real group, subreddit, video, etc.

Clearly not focused on children but death in general; I think this was originally sourced from liveleak. Fucked up how a 34 yr old maliciously stabs a 10 yr old no matter how the info/video content is disseminated tho.

srayzie ago

So it's showing a real video of a man stabbing a 10 year old?? The man isn't arrested? It's not against the law to share videos like this? Nobody is afraid of getting into trouble? This is shocking.

I saw some videos like 10 years ago. I think it was Faces of Death. A man committed suicide. It showed one inmate getting executed by electric chair. I cant remember the others. But, I couldn't handle it. I felt sick afterwards. I especially couldn't watch one with a kid. I wouldn't even watch that Skippy video because I didn't even want to hear it. My mind just can't comprehend how people could enjoy these things.

Schlomo_Kikenburger ago

Videos of people dying isn't illegal. There is entire YouTube channels dedicated to it, including PoliceActivity. I suppose first responders are sick people too because they have to witness gruesome things? Associating WPD with pizzagate is about the dumbest thing people in this sub have suggested and it makes you guys look like you are concern trolling instead of actually caring about tackling pedophilia. If you can't enjoy a video of a pedophile being killed then you might want to be quiet and leave it up to the big boys.

If people dying is too much for you, then why are you investigating exactly that but with children?

srayzie ago

You sound like a crazy person and there is no use wasting my time with you.

You_are_a_bitch ago

you sound like a shill so ditto

srayzie ago

Your username gives you away lol. Bye Felicia ✋đŸģ

Gutta_Child ago

Nice reddit meme, and nice deflection. I don't think we are enemies, i just think you are not willing to accept reality or fate of our religion.

srayzie ago

My gosh. I just noticed your username. Gut a child. If that is supposed to be funny, then you are more twisted than I originally thought.

Gutta_Child ago

its the name of a rapper...

srayzie ago

Oh well that makes it even better

Gutta_Child ago

gutter, like from the streets. Said in ebonics.

srayzie ago

Or, if you're into a sub where you all are watching videos of people murdered, including children, it makes more sense that it's gut-a-child

srayzie ago

What deflection? Read thru this thread. I've said all that needs to be said. There is no use arguing with you people that are into this sick shit. I know reality. That's why I'm here everyday because I know what's happening to these children. I don't need to see a video to accept that this is reality and I'm sure you people don't go watch these videos for any other purpose than getting a kick out of it.

Now what do you mean the reality and fate of our religion? What religion are you talking about?

10000-20000 ago

here,pussy, get a load of this

and no, it is not illegal to share/watch save whatever you want with shit like this. and this is the shit I meant when I said "nigger accidents".

srayzie ago

I'm not stupid asswipe. You think I would open that link? You're a fool.

CognitiveDissident5 ago

I can't look because I don't want to fill my mind with nightmares. How do we report it, as in who would actually give a shit?

Judgejewdy ago

Local news. I think it's the only way to get word out on a large scale.

Cigarette5mokingman ago

Pizzagate reddit gets banned, yet this is allowed to exist. Go figure.

Schlomo_Kikenburger ago

That sub isn't snuff related in the slightest. The commentors and mods have definitely been pushing that 4cham atmosphere because they are jewish but people who have browsed that sub are not pedophiles. That's an absurd accusation to make.

Cigarette5mokingman ago

I see. I honestly didn't even check the link, but it wouldn't surpruse me in the least. The intelligence level and critical thinking skills are very low.

o0shad0o ago

When I saw this, I first thought it was a shitpost. Then I realized it wasn't talking about /r/PeopleFuckingDying .

srayzie ago

My gosh. People are disgusting!

QueenAlt ago

I agree that this is stomach turning and I will definitely not click any of those links.

Doesn't your profile say "If freedom of speech is taken away then dumb and silent we will be led to slaughter"?

The problem with free speech is that people tend to say objectionable things. Things that are offensive to others. Being offended, even disgusted is the price we pay for that freedom.

Judgejewdy ago

I would argue freedom to what end? If we've decided to throw out the Bible as our standard (which we as a society most definitely have), it stands to reason there must be SOME standard in civilized (not anarchical) society. to that end I'd argue that the determining factor is what if any redeeming qualities that thing in question has and how its existence affects society as a whole. Having zero redeemable qualities but not harming anyone is one thing (struggling to come up with an example here bc when you drill it down most things affect people/society- it's just to what about.....biting fingernails???? Lame, I know). But having no redeeming value and harming society (and others) is quite another. Your freedom ends where mine begins. And this shit (I use that term purposefully) is of zero value to anyone. You know, there's a reason Jesus said that thinking things was just as sinful as committing the act (eg :lust -adultery, anger - murder), bc the sin starts in the heart and mind until it expresses itself in action. Watching this putrid shit is just toying with it in your mind. Not healthy. For anyone. The battle starts in the mind.

QueenAlt ago

I mostly agree with everything you're saying. My fear lies in the slippery slope of who gets to determine where your freedom ends and mine begins; it's just so vulnerable to abuse.
Look what's happening in Europe right now. Complaining about being victimized and raped has been determined to encroach on the freedoms of the invaders.

I think we as a society should have the opportunity to call out and turn our backs on certain behaviors, but not to censor them.

Sharing these videos after the fact by persons who had nothing to do with the criminal activity portrayed in them is not criminal in and of itself and shouldn't be. If we censor a video because a child died in it then where do we draw the line? How long before we go after children falling down videos? The problem lies in the fact that I no longer trust the powers that make those decisions.

Sexualizing children is a whole different subject and should not be tolerated at any level-ever. But the videos in question aren't of a sexual nature. They're over the top violent and I think they should be called out, if only so people can avoid them. But censorship, especially in the free speech bastion that is Voat, should not be so easily called on.

10000-20000 ago

you don't have to believe me, but /r/peoplefuckingdying is the polar opposite of what it's called. think a kid being knocked on their butt by an excited pup

srayzie ago

Murder is too far. It's against the law as well. If that is your way of thinking, then child porn and beastiality should be accepted right? What about the right for an adult to have sex with a minor? How about activists that fight for lowering the age of consent? Or let's go for Nambla.

My point is that, people can talk about all the sick and twisted crap they want. That doesn't mean these people aren't sick and twisted themselves. But, there is a limit. They are sharing videos and probably pictures. They ARE showing children. How far does something have to go to you before you consider it too far? Free speech doesn't mean you're allowed to break the law or be apart of spreading videos of it.

QueenAlt ago

I agree that committing those acts is criminal. Showing them and sharing them is not.

Nothing in my argument had any connection to child porn. You're obviously too upset to have a calm discussion about this subject. Then again I admittedly did not watch any of those videos.

srayzie ago

A sub that shows videos of children being murdered falls under "free speech" to you? Is sharing pictures and videos or child pornography too far to be considered free speech to you? They both fall under the harming a child.

So in your eyes, is there a limit? Yes or no?

I'm too upset to have a calm discussion after finding out there is a sub on voat that shows videos of children being murdered? How are you not outraged? How can you defend this in any way shape or form?

I have been calm to you. I haven't called you names. I haven't done the usual thing people do and call you a faggot or a pussy or a cunt. I'm standing for what's right. Free speech is not a good excuse. Try again.

QueenAlt ago

I'm not saying these videos are ok.
I'm saying outright censorship is a dangerous and slippery slope. Censorship is currently being used in the takeover of Europe and the UK.

Voat is one of the last places IN THE WORLD where we can openly discuss offensive content that has nothing to do with these horrendous videos.

Call them out, shame the posters of this disgusting content. I'll personally pray for them. Posting a video of a violent crime after the fact is not illegal and should not be censored here until it is.

The sexualazion of children is a whole different subject and cannot be tolerated at any time. It is also illegal for good reason. That is where I draw the line.

Showing a spontaneous violent act is very different from the sexualized fetishism of children.

My point is that censorship is a dangerous course of action that can easily be turned against you, me, and society as a whole.

Thank you for not calling me names. As a mother and survivor of child sexual abuse I do not make my argument lightly. I am as repulsed as you are.

srayzie ago

I am those things and a survivor too. I believe in free speech as well. I don't want the real news and information out there being taken away from us and just end up mind controlled by the mainstream media. I agree with openly discussing things, but viewing the pictures and videos of children murdered is just sick to me. I'm not going to any link. I can't stand the thought. We can agree to disagree. Peace

10003249? ago

Don't forget r/beastality

10000-20000 ago

whaaaat? don't be stupid. the sub is not for the murder of kids, if some sick fucks posted it, it should go. but that place has way more than that and most of it is suicides or nigger accidents

srayzie ago

You're sick

AceToMouth ago

They're not celebrating people dying, especially not kids. Some people have a morbid fascination with death. They're not snuff films.

I can't believe people on Voat of all places are calling for things to be banned.

Schlomo_Kikenburger ago

it's Sunday, this is the shills most active day. up in the thread one of the SRS user's of Voat is already spreading fugazi.

srayzie ago

Well it's a sick fascination. Why can't you believe that people on voat of all places are calling for things to be banned? Just because we are in voat, doesn't mean we are subscribed to sick morbid subs. That comment makes no sense.

AceToMouth ago

Because Voat is meant to be a bastion of free speech. Watching kids get stabbed is not my cup of tea either, but it's not illegal and I will defend their right to watch it.

Judgejewdy ago

Ha. Well you obv haven't been around the PG sub if you think it's about free speech. I'm starting to feel like I want to begin calling out shills again, like in the "old days."

lazyhammer ago

This, and I will defend it as well. We have seen in Europe where they hide the crimes of the immigrants and have put people in jail for sharing the damn security cam footage, simply viewing video or imagery should NEVER be illegal and is attest to thought crime.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Jesus! Go fuck yourself! It is illegal to do physical harm to human or animal, it's called abuse & assault!

10000-20000 ago

wow, are you actually retarded? of course it is illegal to hurt a human or animal, as it should be. eye for an eye and all that. but if someone or something catches a violent crime on video, what harm is there in watching said video?

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Seriously disgusting!

10000-20000 ago

if the thought of a video of violence disturbs you, what the fuck are you doing on a board dedicated to stopping child abusers? a much more sickening crime?

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Really? A thought? For fucks sake I am taking about why the fuck would anyone watch those Evil videos just for shits and giggles! So, if someone posted on voat that here is a video of someone diddling a kid, you would watch it? WTF!

U R a shit 4 brains shill! Go back to sucking Soros's wrinkled up dick!

10000-20000 ago

you're last sentence is the reason I have seen said videos. until you have seen someone die, you will never be able to truly comprehend the end of life. maybe it is just me. but again, the point of watching isn't for the death, it is to hammer in your head how you could die any second. I think it is very easy to forget we are all fragile bags of meat, where a simple punch or fall could be the end. those helped me keep that in

a previous comment explaining why I watched them. and no, I haven't seen one with children as I could not watch.

srayzie ago

It just seems like that's something you would find on the darknet. Either way, the ARE showing kids. What about the animals being abused and the beastiality? Would that be under your free speech category that you defend? Watching kids may not be your cup of tea, but it's there. You still defend it? Do you defend child porn? Maybe a poster or seller of child porn is someone that never hurt children, but just likes to watch the videos or their pictures? Should they be allowed?

Where does free speech cross the line for you?

10000-20000 ago

thank you! it's not about who's dying, it's about how and why

10000-20000 ago

for what exactly? i don't like people posting kids dying, but it is called watch people die. and children are people.

srayzie ago

Because you said it should go if it were kids. But, you seem ok with it being suicides or black people. That is SICK. It's not normal.

10000-20000 ago

if you're dumb enough to kill yourself, you did the world a favor. niggers gonna nig, so when they get caught or cant use any common sense and die, that's doing the world another favor. call it sick if you want, but the world is better because of it

PrideOfOshtekk ago

You're a subhuman and you're the nigger. I don't see blacks jerking it to snuff films unlike you. Clearly they have a superior moral compass to your faggot ass.

10000-20000 ago

nice projection. it wasn't too long ago criminals were executed in public for the whole town to see. what is really so different?

PrideOfOshtekk ago

Ah the age old projection excuse. Typical response from a sicko with no defense for his actions.

10000-20000 ago

I need no defense as I have committed no crimes. solid deflection skills you got there though. how is watching a criminal being put to death on video different than watching it in the town square?

PrideOfOshtekk ago

It isn't. Both are messed up man. I'm telling you: it will fuck you up in ways you don't realize. Death is not something to take lightly.

10000-20000 ago

you're last sentence is the reason I have seen said videos. until you have seen someone die, you will never be able to truly comprehend the end of life. maybe it is just me. but again, the point of watching isn't for the death, it is to hammer in your head how you could die any second. I think it is very easy to forget we are all fragile bags of meat, where a simple punch or fall could be the end. those helped me keep that in perspective.

PrideOfOshtekk ago

Fair enough. I respect that.

srayzie ago

Ok. Cool. If they choose that it was there choice. But wanting to watch it and every other sick murder on there isn't disgusting to you? I really don't get why some of you guys are on this sub when you have depraved minds like that.

eucalyptus_spearmint ago

Because they are human garbage. Trash. The lowest of the low. Evil. Disgusting. Pray for them. Pity them. They are wallowing in filth.

srayzie ago

i agree

carmencita ago

You Go Srayzie! I followed your defense of the human race no matter who they are. Can you imagine what is happening to this world when someone has such a bad day that watching someone get killed makes their day seem better? Sick. If we had help for these people we would not be having these murders of adults or children. I am still involved with helping the Mom that lives next door to children that are being pimped by their Mom. Cc is involved too. These are harrowing times for all of us. Finding out what our world is really like has been Shocking.

srayzie ago

srayzie ago

Thank you. I just replied another long reply to that comment.

I know! How does looking at that make someone feel empathy? That's why we live in such a sick world. Animals kill because it's natural and they are hungry. It's HUMANS that have free will and choose to be bad and evil.

carmencita ago

Some people just will never get it. I know what you mean and agree with everything you just said. I am proud that we have people like you on here and know that mostly all of them on here are like you and not like those that just do not get it. Thank God.

srayzie ago

Thank you Carmencita ❤ī¸

carmencita ago

:) I am going back and forth between 3 posts right now, but Ione is extremely hot to me. A possible CP factory posing as a daycare. I could be on here 24 hrs a day and it would not be enough. I thankful every day for the people on here.

srayzie ago

I am thankful too. You're great. Can I have a link to the one you are talking about? The possible CP factory one?

carmencita ago

I am saying this all the time now. Also there is such an over abundance of meat for those that can afford it and none for those that can't. We kill animals for gorging ourselves, not for just survival. Animals do not gorge, they eat what they need that is all. We are becoming beyond sick and hope. I am being shocked almost every day at what people do not find shocking anymore or what they just think we should leave alone for we can do nothing. That is why these people have been allowed to continue with this sick stuff.

10000-20000 ago

watching videos like the one I linked to you really give you a sense of empathy believe it or not. when you see someone beheaded by a chainsaw, you realize, that your problems really aren't that big of a deal. it also reminds me to appreciate being a white american. also, just because I am curious about how fucked people are towards each other, does not mean that I want the same sick shit done to innocent kids.

srayzie ago

I don't know if you're joking or just a sick ass. But, I already have empathy. That's why I would never want to see someone in pain or in fear. Well, maybe Hillary and some of them freaks 😜

When I realize how lucky I am to be an American, that I was able to be educated, I don't have to cover my face if I am in public, that I'm not living in the Middle East with the constant fear of being bombed, feeling afraid that Isis is going to come rape me or my loved ones, that I'm not being used for human trafficking, that I'm not sacrificed by these Satanist, that I'm not brainwashed by the lying government and media and that I'm not someone who needs power or money to the point that I would sale my soul to the devil for it....

THAT gives me empathy. It makes me appreciate what I do have. It makes me realize that the hard things I may go thru is no way compared to what so many other people go thru. These are things I think about daily. That's why I am here.

10000-20000 ago

the hustle and bustle of life is a little distracting to me a majority of the time. watching Isis blow up a boat full of al Qaeda just really gets the American blood a pumping. but none of this has anything to do with the original point I was trying to make. the watchpeopledie sub has nothing to do with pizzagate, and I find it quite ridiculous that a goat would think it was.

srayzie ago

Ok well we are getting nowhere, we'll never agree so I would rather use my time doing something else now

darkknight111 ago

Time to start spreading a new hashtag on twitter and social media. #redditgate or #snuffonreddit.

bibigirl_ ago
