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Eualos ago

Who gives a fuck about reddit. Stop browsing it. If you want to talk about reddit there's a already a place for that here.

Dangus ago

First off don't tell people what to do you fuckin faggot. This post brings attention to an alarming issue. Reddit is incorporated with many sites that directly have links to their site from chilldren's videos, gmaing videos, and 100% of youtube videos have a link to their website. Without a logged in account this is what you see when you browse new.

This is what kids are seeing daily by the tens of thousands. I will not take your shitty advice and "stop going" because then they fester and grow. It's a daily fight to bring awareness to what reddit is doing, and i would have posted it on meanwhileonreddit but this place gets more views.

I bet you are one of the faggots in the picture

srgmpdns ago

v/meanwhileonreddit is a much better place for this:

But you might want to give OP some credit.

Dangus ago

i am both OP's, the other account cant comment

Eualos ago

Fuck your alts

Dangus ago

Fuck you bitch, they have limited comments so they can censor people who bring attention to the people fucking witht his site

Eualos ago
