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Bacchus_GodOfWine ago

Thanks Kevdude you fucking pedo harboring SRS faggot. The users in this sub need to move to a sub and repost important stuff that is outside of your control, and heygeorge, and the rest of you SoapBoxBanHammer faggots

Pizzagaters, do not put up with this shit. They are making unnecessary rules to dissuade people from being comfortable and speaking their mind.

dooob ago

You are an idiot, the rules are simple, only a nigger cant follow simple rules.

PedoStomper ago

simple rules

Everything gets deleted.

dooob ago

After watching through the submission removals log, first page all rules are enforced like they are imposed. No clickbait titles, detail what you are posting in the fucking title, thats why the link submissions are getting rid. People are not even reading the sidebar.

Plus, you really believe Mossad boy and his brother solved Seth Rich's murder? Why not call Hannity, ping him over twitter or something, go on air? That is why the rewards were offered...

You_are_a_bitch ago

People are not even reading the sidebar.

Then maybe you should take a fucking hint you kike censorship faggot

dooob ago

U idiot, people were spamming (and still are, look at posts with clickbait titles) there. It is not censorship if u follow the fucking rules. They arent even SJW rules, wtf is wrong with you, the rules are made to leech out newbie posts and to incise post quality.

Rules are broken by newbies and shills.

All subverses have the right to enforce their rules, rules like "no hate speech" and "no spam" are usually disliked because they can be abused.

You_are_a_bitch ago

keep trying, im willign to wager the majority of this sub knows the mods are pedo shills and you cannot hide behind alts

Bacchus_GodOfWine ago

This sub was vibrant and had better discussion before SRS and ProtectVoat trolls spammed stupid shit making it unusable, which led to those same people now moderating this sub.

I have a frame of reference and anyone who has been here before pizzagate got here does too so it's obvious when you 5 day old shills come out of no where and try to proclaim rule-fagging is necessary to catch pedophiles. It stifles discussion and gives incentive for mods to constantly patrol the sub getting rid of meta discussion or dissent against them

dooob ago

Sigh, i am gonna catch a lot of shit for being a new account... I deleted my main after the DDoS, 7 month old account + 1month of lurking before making it.

Bacchus_GodOfWine ago

That's nice. Care to address the point I made?

dooob ago

Its the same repeated sbbh is srs? allegations backed by no proof.

Bacchus_GodOfWine ago

lmao. Clearly you have no idea where the fuck you are or what is going on, you are a distraction. Anyone who has followed the pedogate, censorship and shills knows SBBH is SRS.

dooob ago

Based on what? Am i asking for too much?

Bacchus_GodOfWine ago

They all overlap with each other and they even used the same names on reddit until people called them out for it. If you have questions ask me, but there is no honest person making an argument for SBBH not being SRS that isn't a total shill.

dooob ago

This is where ur narratives falls apart.

Link 1:

He uses this shitpost as a proof of their shady behavior? Reddit chat CCP limit was made because of SaneGoat's spamming. quoting him??? Bahahahah what does this prove? Maybe that it was a bad joke?

Your whole post is circulating around the fact that they called out using discord is a bad idea.

Using discord IS a bad idea, voat has its own chat... You spout same bullshit but no actual proof to back it up, now that i FINALLY got you to post something, your first link looks like something CNN would do.

Beetlejuice is a an autistic troll that is provoking you.

SBBH doesnt care that u and your alts call them SRS. If users fall for your shit, then they are sheep and not goats.

Link 2: some real CNN material, your second proof is another baseless accusation.

Link 3: So they start spamming you because you keep spreading ridiculous conspiracy theories without any proof, no grounds whatsoever, even the Russian meddling has a tiny bit more legitimacy.

Every goat should read what this faggot posted and see why the whole SBBH is SRS story is a lie spread by real SRS members who are angry they cant spread censorship and spam here so they spread crazy conspiracy theories.

You_are_a_bitch ago

He uses this shitpost as a proof of their shady behavior? Reddit chat CCP limit was made because of SaneGoat's spamming.

Wrong. The actual SaneGoat never spammed a single time. It was this account @SaneGoatsISwear, which is not sane. In fact, it was a recently banned user @BeatlejuiceX3 and his alt @Zyklon-B that was imitating sane and spamming scat porn and copy pasta, which he immediately tried to do in our new chat but there is more optimization in the Voat discord. This narrative that SaneGoat is responsible for the censorship is an outright lie (not trying to defend the faggot blindly).

what does this prove? Maybe that it was a bad joke?

The most blatant and obvious pedo was bot brigaded and the top commentors are all SRS users, top being a picture of a child. Posted to a pedo.

Your whole post is circulating around the fact that they called out using discord is a bad idea.

These are 3 i found on the fly. there are plenty of documented instances showing the manipulation. Outright proof is difficult to provide for those curious because it's behind lock and key and SRS has the key. They frantically and desperately made false claims about the most widely used voice and chat service in the world to keep the people who were censored in the Voat IRC from communicating. They wanted to trick the site so people can't find real information that isn't curated in their subs or with their vote brigades. It's a big issue because the admins sided with SBBH and banned the entire discord domain site-wide because the admins don't want people talking freely either.

Using discord IS a bad idea, voat has its own chat... You spout same bullshit but no actual proof to back it up, now that i FINALLY got you to post something, your first link looks like something CNN would do.

Voat's chat is dead, only SBBH shows up there, and all the people who were put below the restrictions have left that shitty chat and now uses Voat discord, which by the way the discord is completely free of SRS influence which is exactly what we wanted and exactly why they are pissed. We talk about the important things.

Beetlejuice is a an autistic troll that is provoking you.

He has done so much more shit than i bet you are even willing to admit judging from you biased opinions. Him and a handful of his buddies are gaming every major sub on this site. TraditionalWives, Idenitarian, Politics, OccidentalEnclave, and many many others. His mains are banned for manipulation but he still uses alts which i have noted.

SBBH doesnt care that u and your alts call them SRS. If users fall for your shit, then they are sheep and not goats.

Now we are down to the reason you are shilling. You are part of the SBBH demographic. You are a fucking faggot.

Link 2: some real CNN material, your second proof is another baseless accusation.

#34: "Demand impossible levels of proof. Find one thing your opponent could not possibly prove - even if it's totally irrelevant to their core argument."

So they start spamming you because you keep spreading ridiculous conspiracy theories without any proof, no grounds whatsoever, even the Russian meddling has a tiny bit more legitimacy.

I simply observe then relay what i see. Nothing I say can be proved to be a lie. Also noted the JIDF conspiracy theory shill line.

Every goat should read what this faggot posted and see why the whole SBBH is SRS story is a lie spread by real SRS members who are angry they cant spread censorship and spam here so they spread crazy conspiracy theories.

If you want to get down to it, SRS created this site in anticipation for the purges of users they didnt want to lose traffic from those former redditors. They used this site to study and the admins are ghosts and the whois for this site shows nothing. Everything you believe about this site cannot be verified technically without legal action.

dooob ago

The hecho thing is the only smear that has any grounds. You think everyone who uses voat knows who that pedo is? People saw someone donated a shitton of money and upvoted, the guy made a stupid joke that they consider shitposting and because of that one comment SBBH is a pedophilic SRS club? Where to they operate, on secret chats? Who are the users who are getting downvoted to hell because i went by 7 months of commenting and submitting without reaching the zero, you are just angry your alts are blocked and restricted.

Your last text alludes to the SaneGoat's theory that Puttit is conspiring with sbbh and putting restrictions on users with a negative amount of upvotes. That rule angers nobody except shills.

You are selling us Die große Lüge.

edit: and please, dont insult me, if i was srs, surely i would call my sbbh "buddies" to come and downvote brigade you. I didnt downvote you intentionally because i want other users who are not informed on the topic to read through all of this and decide for themselves what the truth is.

You_are_a_bitch ago

Yeah this isn't going anywhere. Good luck defending SBBH, SRS, and all the pedos involved.

Your last text alludes to the SaneGoat's theory that Puttit is conspiring with sbbh and putting restrictions on users with a negative amount of upvotes. That rule angers nobody except shills.

Despite the fact none of the shills have been affected and in fact benefited from regular users having their voice silenced. This site is supposed to be anti-censorship yet some of the best and genuine users have been silenced and harassed off the site by SRS, including /v/OffTheGrid community, @Elegon (Evalion also known for these videos and none of them have came back. It's been a successful tactic and efficient censorship while keeping the community oblivious to how blatant it is.

I'm done having an exchange with you, shill. Let lurkers decide for themselves.